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We derive the governing equations for the dynamic response of unsaturated poroelastic solids at finite strain. We obtain simplified governing equations from the complete coupled formulation by neglecting the material time derivative of the relative velocities and the advection terms of the pore fluids relative to the solid skeleton, leading to a so‐called us ? pw ? pa formulation. We impose the weak forms of the momentum and mass balance equations at the current configuration and implement the framework numerically using a mixed finite element formulation. We verify the proposed method through comparison with analytical solutions and experiments of quasi‐static processes. We use a neo‐Hookean hyperelastic constitutive model for the solid matrix and demonstrate, through numerical examples, the impact of large deformation on the dynamic response of unsaturated poroelastic solids under a variety of loading conditions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method is devised for measuring soil thermal diffusivity in situ. It is based on direct experimental simulation of the finite difference approximation to the one-dimensional heat conduction equation. The method does not require the soil to be homogeneous except between the three thermometers that are used, at depths z + d, z and z ? d. Nor need the energy input curve be sinusoidal. However, it must be fairly smooth for the finite difference approximation to be accurate. Experimental results for London Clay are presented, obtained using thermometers at depths of 1, 6 and 11 cm to give a mean thermal diffusivity of 0.0074 cm2/s at a depth of 6 cm. This value is consistent with other estimates of diffusivity for clay soils. The method is capable of automation, and should be suitable for use on engineering sites, at low cost. The method is capable of generalization to other linear diffusion equations containing one independent parameter. The same limitation also applies to its application to constitutive or geometrical non-linear one dimensional diffusion equations, and each equation requires individual study to assess feasibility of use of the method. The method in effect uses the usual finite difference approximation, not to prepare a numerical solution, but to design an experiment carried out essentially within the finite difference ‘molecule’. The measured parameter of the diffusion equation is the usable product of the method.  相似文献   

基于有限差分法的抗滑桩计算机辅助设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于地基系数“m-m”法、“m-k”法、“k-k”法的原理,考虑桩顶和桩底边界条件以及桩在滑动面处位移、转角、弯矩和剪力的连续条件,可解得桩身各节点的位移和内力,提出了进行抗滑桩全桩内力计算的有限差分法。根据差分方程并用VB6.0编制了实用的计算程序,既可避免繁琐的查表计算,提高计算速度,又可提高计算精度,直观生动,真正实现了人机交互,在界面的引导下,设计人员可完成全部计算,并绘出内力图形和抗滑桩截面配筋图,使设计更方便快捷,该软件可以极大地提高生产效率,降低工程造价,从而实现抗滑桩的优化设计。最后采用上述方法对某滑坡的悬臂抗滑桩进行了设计与计算。  相似文献   

The coupled diffusion and deformation phenomena induced by the opening of a hydraulic fracture in a poroelastic medium are modelled using an extension of the displacement discontinuity method. This method consists in distributing fluid source and poroelastic displacement discontinuity singularities along the locus of the fracture, and over time. As an illustration, the problem of a suddenly pressurized crack in an infinite formation is examined.  相似文献   

地-井瞬变电磁法是利用地表发射、井中接收瞬变场响应来实现查找深部矿产资源的一种方法.在时间域有限差分算法的基础上,以回线源为激发源,采用非均匀网格剖分技术,对均匀半空间和倾斜板状体、含有低阻覆盖层的倾斜板状体进行了数值模拟.通过对比分析表明:均匀半空间中,响应极大值随观测时间延迟而减小;早期主要反映围岩响应特征,异常体响应特征在晚期表现出来;场源位于中心位置激发时,异常体响应可以很好地体现出来,当场源位于右侧位置,则要选取较长的观测时间降低周围围岩的影响,使异常体的响应特征显示出来;低阻覆盖层对异常响应的影响在整个观测时间范围内都存在,削弱了异常体的响应特征.研究工作为定性分析地-井TEM响应特征和资料解释提供了参考.  相似文献   

New mimetic discretizations of diffusion-type equations (for instance, equations modeling single phase Darcy flow in porous media) on unstructured polygonal meshes are derived. The first order convergence rate for the fluid velocity and the second-order convergence rate for the pressure on polygonal, locally refined and non-matching meshes are demonstrated with numerical experiments. The work was partly performed at Los Alamos National Laboratory operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-36. The U.S. Government’s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged. The research of the first author was supported by a grant from the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute (LACSI).  相似文献   

Solution of Laplace’s equation can be done by iteration methods likes Jacobi, Gauss–Seidel, and successive over-relaxation (SOR). There is no new knowledge about the relaxation coefficient (ω) in SOR method. In this paper, we used SOR for solving Laplace’s differential equation with emphasis to obtaining the optimum (minimum) number of iterations with variations of the relaxation coefficient (ω). For this purpose, a code in FORTRAN language has been written to show the solution of a set of equations and its number of iterations. The results demonstrate that the optimum value of ω with minimum iterations is achieved between 1.7 and 1.9. Also, with increasing β?=??x/?y from 0.25 to 10, the number of iterations reduced and the optimum value is obtained for β?=?2.  相似文献   

We construct a new class of locally conservative numerical methods for two-phase immiscible flow in heterogeneous poroelastic media. Within the framework of the so-called iteratively coupled methods and fixed-stress split algorithm we develop mixed finite element methods for the flow and geomechanics subsystems which furnish locally conservative Darcy velocity and transient porosity input fields for the transport problem for the water saturation. Such hyperbolic equation is decomposed within an operator splitting technique based on a predictor–corrector scheme with the predictor step discretized by a higher-order non-oscillatory finite volume central scheme. The proposed scheme adopts an inhomogeneous dual mesh with variable cell size ruled by the local wave speed of propagation to compute numerical fluxes at cell edges. In the limit of small time steps the central scheme gives rise to a semidiscrete formulation for the water saturation capable of incorporating heterogeneous porosity fields and generalized flux functions including the water transport due to the solid phase velocity. Numerical simulations of a water-flooding problem in secondary oil recovery are presented for different realizations of the input random fields (permeability, Young modulus and initial porosity). Comparison between the accuracies of the proposed approach and the traditional one-way coupled hydro-geomechanical formulation are presented. The effects of the cross-correlation between the input random fields and compaction drive mechanism upon finger growth and breakthrough curves are also analyzed. A notable feature of the formulation proposed herein is the accurate prediction of the influence of geomechanical effects upon the unstable movement of the water front, whose evolution is dictated by rock heterogeneity and unfavorable viscosity ratio, without deteriorating the local conservative character of the numerical schemes.  相似文献   

首先从电磁场所满足的麦克斯韦方程组出发,介绍了大地电磁测深正演的基本理论,并针对一维大地电磁模型加以讨论.运用有限单元法及有限差分法分别推导了大地电磁测深一维正演算法,并运用Matlab 7.0软件编写了相应的程序.为了检验这两种一维正演算法的准确性,设计了均匀半空间模型和层状介质模型,并给出了由本文程序、解析解得到的相应结果和图件,从而对正演结果进行对比分析.结果表明:两种方法的正演结果均真实地反映了模型的地电参数.  相似文献   

双相介质瑞雷面波有限差分正演模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究双相介质瑞雷面波的形成机制及传播规律,促进瑞雷面波资料处理方法的发展。文章根据弹性波动方程,采用交错网格有限差分算法,对二维各向同性弹性介质做解析解与数值解的对比,在此基础上,将PML吸收边界条件,改进的镜像法应用于双相介质波动方程中,并作了稳定性分析,对双相介质水平层状、起伏分界面等典型模型瑞雷面波及体波在内的全波场进行研究。结果表明:基于弹性介质解析解与数值解的对比,在误差接受范围内,研究双相介质是可行的;把稍作改进的镜像法应用于双相介质中,能够有效地处理瑞雷面波自由边界问题;通过详细分析双相介质瑞雷面波及体波在内的全波场的信息,对以双相介质为基础的地震波勘探有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Rocks are naturally filled with cracks and pores that are saturated with one or more fluid phases. Many problems in rock mechanics, petroleum engineering, geophysics, etc. deal with cracks and discontinuities in rock formations. These problems should consider effects of a porous medium. Displacement discontinuity method (DDM) as an indirect boundary element method is particularly ideal for problems involving fractures and discontinuities. However, the DDM in its original form is limited to elastic problems. The paper uses a fundamental solution of a point displacement discontinuity in poroelastic medium to obtain the solution for a poroelastic DDM. Then it introduces a numerical formulation and implementation for the poroelastic DDM in a code named CEP-DDM (Constant Element Poroelastic DDM). The accuracy and validity of the proposed solution and the newly developed code are verified by two analytical solutions, another numerical solution, and some field measurements. These results showed good agreement between CEP-DDM and other methods’ results. The verifications prove the accuracy and applicability of the proposed numerical model in a wide range of real-world problems.  相似文献   

In the technology of oil recovery, oil production rate can be increased by generation of a vertical conductive fracture adjacent to the well-bore. In this paper the seepage flow and isothermal deformation in both the oil formation and the fracture are studied by modelling the formation as a two-dimensional infinite poroelastic medium and the conductive fracture as a one-dimensional poroelastic material, saturated by a one-phase compressible fluid. The plane strain condition is employed. Solutions for a growing conductive fracture and a stationary conductive fracture in the infinite medium are obtained by means of the finite element method based on a variational principle for the formation which can impose the governing equations of the fracture. Infinite elements are used outside the finite element domain. Numerical results indicate that the injection rate, the applied pressure and the crack mouth opening displacement at the well-bore oscillate during the propagation of the conductive fracture. The production rate of a well with the conductive fracture is compared with that of a well without the conductive fracture. Finally, a new definition of the conductivity coefficient for the conductive fracture is presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wei Shen  Tonglu Li  Ping Li  Jian Guo 《Landslides》2018,15(8):1577-1593
In this paper, a modified finite difference model is proposed to simulate the propagation of flowslides. Modifications of the new model are conducted by calculating the lateral pressure coefficient k in the sliding mass and the entrainment and centrifugal effect during the transport process. The strength parameters are modified based on the size of the entrainment to consider the change in the landslide strength due to material mixing. Two dam break problems are simulated to test the accuracy and stability of the numerical scheme, and the results show good agreement with the analytical solutions and the measured data. Then, the model is used to analyze a typical flowslide: the Dagou landslide in Gansu Province, China. The model can accurately predict the details of the motion of the landslide, especially behaviors such as turning along the meandering gully and thrusting on the gully slopes due to centrifugal force.  相似文献   

频率域电磁剖面有限差分法2.5维正演数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于实际生产中遇到的2.5维问题,从麦克斯韦方程组出发,把地电参数变化小的走向方向转化到波数域,用一系列波数模拟三维源的特征,并在波数域中,得到2组关于Hx (kx,y,z)和Ex (kx,y,z)的偏微分方程。选取适当的kx值,用有限差分法在y-z平面的网格中求解,再通过反傅里叶变换得到空间域中的电磁场。在验证了算法的正确性之后,对不同埋深的直立异常体、倾斜异常体及断陷模型进行了数值模拟,其结果直观地显示了异常体磁异常的形态,同时研究了程序对低阻异常体的横向分辨率。对层状大地模型,用井间收发方式进行了模拟研究,并取得了较好的结果,这对今后实际勘探应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The distribution of waiting times between time-neighbouring events for a time series obeying the Omori law is examined theoretically and numerically with the aim of understanding the characteristics of these distributions, how these characteristics change (e.g. scale) with the parameters of the Omori series, and thus how empirical waiting time data may be correctly interpreted. It is found that the waiting time distribution, for a single Omori aftershock sequence, consists in general of two power law segments followed by a rapid decay at larger waiting times. The analyses are illustrated using real data from the SIL network on Iceland. This data often shows characteristics predominantly consistent with the Omori law, but there are significant exceptions. We conclude that waiting time distributions and related statistical analysis has meaningful potential for the analysis of earthquake data sets, as a step towards developing physical models of the earthquake process.  相似文献   

研究了电法测井不同测量方式(井—地,地—井,井—井)下点源场井中电法的三维有限差分数值模拟。采用六面体网格剖分方式来对模型进行剖分,运用一维非零元素行压缩存储模式来存储系数矩阵,减少了内存需求和计算量;采用不完全 Cholesky 共轭梯度(ICCG)方法来求解线性方程组,提高了求解效率;编制了相应的程序实现了井—地、地—井、井—井、倾斜井条件下的电法测井三维有限差分数值模拟。设计的算例结果验证了该算法的正确性和效率性,并且分析了各种情形下的异常特征,为进一步的反演工作打下了基础。  相似文献   

正交曲线坐标系二维浅水方程ELADI有限差分方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
N-S方程数值模拟的精度和效率一直是计算流体力学的重要研究课题.结合欧拉-拉格朗日方法(ELM)和交替方向隐式方法( ADI)建立正交曲线坐标系二维浅水方程的ELADI (Eulerian-Lagrangian alternating direction implicit method)有限差分方法,详细阐述了基本原理...  相似文献   

For non-linear dynamic problems, it has been recognized that an explicit time-integration method of approach is a very efficient way of solving the dynamic equations of motion. The numerical formulation and computation for such problems fall into the two general categories of finite elements and finite differences. Over the years, there have been many arguments between schools which adopt the finite element approach and those which adopt the finite difference approach. At one extreme, arguments areconcerned with the superiority of each approach and at the other end of the spectrum the arguments are about which approach is a subset of the other. The most common of these arguments are concerned with efficiency and accuracy. This publication addresses the accuracy issue with specific reference to explicit calculations in which the analysis domain is discretized into triangular or quadrilateral plane-strain elements. It concludes that if the same basic assumptions are made in the two approaches, they, will give identical answers for problems in this category.  相似文献   

非饱和粘土孔隙弹性压力理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非饱和粘土因存在气体、液体和固体相, 使非饱和土孔隙压力问题变得复杂。一般来说,气体压缩性大,体积变化对土体变形的贡献起主要作用。在简单介绍现在常用的孔隙压力理论后,基于非饱和粘土孔隙压力平衡关系,由混合物理论导出Bishop公式系数X的表达式;以弹性理论为基础,由质量守恒导出非饱和粘土孔隙压力的一般公式,由此得出Skempton公式A,B系数的表达式;还将其各向同性压缩和侧向约束压缩两种情况作了试验证实。  相似文献   

China Metropolitan area around Beijing is one of the earthquake test sites in Continental China. Through more than 20 years of hard work, abundant seismic, geological, geophysical and geochemical data have been obtained, and the variation of seismic, geophysical and geochemical parameters was recorded before several strong earthquakes and some moderate earthquakes in this area. In this paper, we chose 19 high qualified observatory parameters in this area to establish a multidisciplinary system for earthquake forecast, including apparent resistivity, ground water level, ground-level, tilt, radon content in groundwater, volumetric strain, Hg content in groundwater, low frequency electric signal. We calculate the synthetic information by a simple algorithm. The procedure is: firstly, we detect the abnormal intervals of the observatory data by some data analysis methods such as filtering, differencing, etc.; secondly, we endow the value of 1 to the abnormal intervals and 0 to other intervals and produce a new time series of data set of the ith parameter; thirdly, we compose the value of the new time series of 19 observatory parameters and obtain the normalized value as called synthetic information. The result shows that there are high correlations between the high synthetic information and the earthquakes with M ≥ 5.0 in this area. The earthquakes almost occurred several days to several months after the peak value of the synthetic information. This synthetic method might be taken for a short-term prediction method for M ≥ 5.0 earthquakes in this area.  相似文献   

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