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本文选取多个臭氧总量观测站点,采用"三重制约法"分别对下列3组仪器观测臭氧总量数据进行统计分析,解算出不同观测资料的误差标准差,进而对比研究各种仪器的精度特征:1)1996~2003年期间地基WOUDC(World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre)观测网络仪器(包括Brewer、Dobson和Filter臭氧测量仪)与星载TOMS(Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer)和GOME(The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment)仪器;2)2004~2013年期间WOUDC与星载OMI(ozone monitoring instrument)和SCIAMACHY(scanning imaging absorption spectrometer for atmospheric chartography)仪器;3)2004~2013年期间地基SAOZ(Système D’Analyse par Observations Zénithales)与星载OMI和SCIAMACHY仪器。结果表明,1996~2003年期间TOMS V8和GOME观测精度相当,分别为7.6±2.8 DU/46(其中,7.6±2.8 DU为所分析站点观测资料的平均精度及其标准差,46为站点数目)和7.6±1.5 DU/46。TOMS V8观测精度优于TOMS V7(8.5±3.0 DU/46),验证了前者对后者有所改进。2004~2013年期间OMI和SCIAMACHY在WOUDC地基站点观测精度接近,分别为6.6±1.4 DU/21和6.0±1.6 DU/21。SAOZ地基仪器精度为8.4±3.6 DU/8。对于3类WOUDC地基仪器,Brewer站点观测资料的平均精度最优(7.9±3.3 DU/12),Dobson次之(8.7±2.3 DU/19),Filter最差(14.7±4.0 DU/15)。相比于卫星,3种地面仪器观测平均精度较差(10.5±4.3 DU/46),这主要是由于Filter精度较差引起。中国境内的瓦里关(Brewer)、香河(Dobson)和昆明(Dobson)3个地基站点仪器观测精度均较优,分别为7.8 DU、6.7 DU和6.6 DU。尽管不同站点之间存在一定差异,但整体来说,地基与卫星仪器在中国境内3个站点观测臭氧总量吻合较好。  相似文献   

云对中国区域卫星观测臭氧总量精度影响的检验分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑向东 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1431-1444
根据卫星和地基观测, 比较了我国香河、 昆明、 瓦里关和龙凤山四个站点臭氧总量自1979年以来的变化。卫星与地基观测的臭氧总量长期趋势比较一致, 表明臭氧总量均有下降趋势, 但是卫星与地基各自观测的结果仍存在着显著的差别。为研究卫星与地基臭氧总量的差别, 以地基观测臭氧总量为参考, 检验云对历史TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) 和GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) 臭氧总量精度的影响。结果显示: 云 (云量或云顶高度) 增加了卫星臭氧总量误差, 降低数据精度。随着地面云量的增加, TOMS、 GOME臭氧总量相对误差在上述四个地点呈现明显的上升趋势 (瓦里关最为明显), 但最大变化幅度没有超过2.0%。TOMS臭氧总量相对误差随地面云量变化呈现区域性特点, 香河与龙凤山 (代表着中纬度高臭氧总量区域)、 昆明与瓦里关 (代表中、 低纬度高原低臭氧总量区域) 分别为两个变化特点接近的区域。GOME臭氧总量相对误差与云之间关系的区域特征不明显。利用卫星遥测FRESCO (Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from the Oxygen A\|band) 云信息检验GOME卫星臭氧总量精度的表明, 只有当云量大于5成后GOME臭氧总量才显示出相对误差增加的现象, 但无明显趋势; 随着FRESCO云顶高度的增加, GOME臭氧相对误差在香河、 瓦里关均呈现明显的上升趋势并有3%左右幅度的变化。TOMS臭氧总量相对误差随着地面有效反射率的增加而增大, 且误差幅度超过2%; TOMS\|N7臭氧总量比TOMS\|EP约高2.0%~3.0%。分析还表明, 云内和云以下臭氧柱浓度在反演的卫星臭氧总量中的贡献很可能被高估了。  相似文献   

大气臭氧变化在全球气候和环境中具有重要作用,是当今大气科学领域的重要研究对象之一。对比分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所河北香河大气综合观测试验站2014~2016年Dobson和Brewer两种臭氧总量观测仪器探测结果的一致性,并使用1979~2016年Dobson观测数据分析了香河地区臭氧总量的长期变化趋势。结果表明:进行有效温度修正后,两种臭氧总量仪器观测结果一致性较好,平均偏差仅为-0.14DU(多布森单位),平均绝对偏差为8.00 DU,标准差为36.09 DU,相关系数达0.964。整体来说,两类仪器观测臭氧总量吻合较好。SO2浓度对Dobson仪器数据精度有一定影响,两组仪器数据在SO2浓度为0~0.2DU、0.2~0.4DU和0.4DU大气条件情况下的平均偏差分别为4.8 DU、7.0 DU和8.0 DU,平均偏差随SO2浓度升高而增大。过去38年香河地区的臭氧总量季节差异性强,春、冬两季臭氧总量高,夏、秋两季臭氧总量相对低,季节变化趋势差异明显。从长期变化上看,臭氧总量变化波动有不同的周期,在4个大的时间段变化趋势不同,2000~2010年臭氧层有显著恢复,但最近几年又有变薄的趋势。  相似文献   

已经研究了日本五个站的1979年1月到1993年4月期间臭氧总量与标准等压面高度、气温的相关系数。统计上已经证实,在Sapporo,Tateno和Nemuro等站5年期间冬季(1-3月),在Kagoshima和Haha等站的1980年9月到1981年8月期间,臭氧总量随着高度降低而增加,在250毫巴以上的高度,臭氧总量随着温度升高而增加,在300毫巴以下的高度,臭氧总量是随着温度降低而增加。通常观测到在槽线周围,特别是在槽线西侧是臭氧总量高值区。此外,根据Sapporo站1971年到1983年期间1月份资料推测,月平均臭氧总量与10年平均值相比,这大的正距平值是与平流层里阿留申反气旋加强有关。  相似文献   

拉萨地区1998年夏季臭氧总量及垂直廓线的观测研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
该文根据1998年6~10月上旬在拉萨地区进行的臭氧总量及臭氧垂直廓线的观测结果, 并结合同期同纬度其他两个臭氧站数据资料, 证实了以拉萨地区为代表的青藏高原在夏季存在“臭氧低谷”的现象.分析表明, 地基和卫星观测的臭氧总量有一定误差. Umkehr观测反演结果表明夏季拉萨地区平流层臭氧分布和同纬度其他地区相比略有不同; 在对流层, 探空资料显示了该地区对流层臭氧有低值分布的特征.  相似文献   

利用卫星资料计算得到的对流层臭氧柱总量数据分析了近20年来全球对流层臭氧柱总量的全球分布特征,并对我国对流层臭氧的季节变化做了研究。利用对流层污染测量仪(MOPITT)的CO和全球臭氧监测仪(GOME)和大气制图扫描成像吸收光谱仪(SCIAMACHY)的NO2数据分析了关于对流层臭氧的分布特征及其原因。得出中高纬度地区对流层臭氧浓度存在规律的年内变化,对流层臭氧高浓度值的分布及变化与人类活动有密切关切。  相似文献   

利用Brewer臭氧分光光谱仪对青藏高原东北部瓦里关地区的大气臭氧柱总量及太阳紫外B生物有效辐射剂量进行了连续的观测。通过对1996-1996年的资料分析表明:该地区的臭氧柱总量具有明显的年季变化特征,并存在着减少的趋势,与TOMS卫星的观测结果相一致;臭氧垂直廓线的Umkehr反演得出这一地区的臭氧数密度最大值出现在20-30km处,冬春季的高度低于夏季;太阳紫外B生物有效辐射剂量夏季最高可达0.4W/m^2。  相似文献   

为检验臭氧卫星资料同化对臭氧分析场和预报场的影响,基于集合平方根滤波(ENSRF)理论,结合通用地球系统模式(CESM),构建了CESM-ENSRF同化预报系统。系统构建过程考虑了卡尔曼滤波同化中的关键问题:利用全场随机扰动对初始场加扰,结合一般协方差膨胀和松弛协方差膨胀方法实现协方差膨胀,使用五阶距离相关函数进行协方差局地化。将构建的系统用于微波临边探测器(MLS)臭氧廓线数据的同化,分析臭氧卫星资料同化对模式预报的影响。结果表明:构建的CESM-ENSRF同化系统有效实现了臭氧资料同化,臭氧卫星资料同化对臭氧分析场和预报场精度有较大改进。  相似文献   

南极春季臭氧的TOVS反演及其与BREWER观测的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过改进臭氧的统计反演算法,从NOAA卫星的TOVS资料中提取了1993年南极臭氧洞期间中山站上空大气臭氧含量的资料。本文的结果与NOAA的TOVS臭氧产品以及中山站的Brewer观测进行了比较。尽管3种资料对在臭氧洞期间臭氧含量的显著减少这一特征上相当一致,但此项结果相对于Brewer观测,其均方根误差29 DU,优于NOAA的业务反演产品。此外,还初步讨论了这两种反演的误差特征。  相似文献   

长期系统的气溶胶辐射特性观测资料是定量研究气溶胶辐射和气候效应的重要基础.本文综合介绍中国大气气溶胶辐射特性观测与研究现状和成果,重点包括以下内容:地面太阳光度计联网观测气溶胶光学厚度、单次散射反照率、尺度谱;从全波段太阳辐射反演气溶胶光学厚度、单次散射反照率;浊度计和黑碳仪测量地面气溶胶散射系数和吸收系数;地基/星载激光雷达观测气溶胶(后向散射系数)垂直分布;极轨/静止卫星遥感反演气溶胶光学特性.  相似文献   

A prototype space-based cloud radar has been developed and was installed on an airplane to observe a precipitation system over Tianjin,China in July 2010.Ground-based S-band and Ka-band radars were used to examine the observational capability of the prototype.A cross-comparison algorithm between different wavelengths,spatial resolutions and platform radars is presented.The reflectivity biases,correlation coefficients and standard deviations between the radars are analyzed.The equivalent reflectivity bias between the S-and Ka-band radars were simulated with a given raindrop size distribution.The results indicated that reflectivity bias between the S-and Ka-band radars due to scattering properties was less than 5 dB,and for weak precipitation the bias was negligible.The prototype space-based cloud radar was able to measure a reasonable vertical profile of reflectivity,but the reflectivity below an altitude of 1.5 km above ground level was obscured by ground clutter.The measured reflectivity by the prototype space-based cloud radar was approximately 10.9 dB stronger than that by the S-band Doppler radar(SA radar),and 13.7 dB stronger than that by the ground-based cloud radar.The reflectivity measured by the SA radar was 0.4 dB stronger than that by the ground-based cloud radar.This study could provide a method for the quantitative examination of the observation ability for space-based radars.  相似文献   

The new version (version 8) TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) ozone and noontime erythemal ultraviolet (UV) irradiance products are used to analyze their long-term changes in this paper. It is shown that the summer UV irradiance has increased significantly from Central China to the northern and western parts of China, especially in Central China near Chongqing, Shaanxi, and Hubei provinces; whereas the UV irradiance has decreased significantly in the southern part of China, especially in South China. In July, when UV irradiance is at its maximum and hence when the most serious potential damage may happen, the results indicate an increase in the UV irradiance in Central China and the Yangtze River- Huaihe River valley and a decrease in South China and the eastern part of North China. At the same time, the total ozone amount is lower over China in summer with the most serious depletion occurring in Northeast China and Northwest China. It is found that the thinning of the ozone layer is not the main reason for the UV irradiance trend in the eastern and southern parts of China, but that the rainfall and the related cloud variations may dominate the long-term changes of the UV irradiance there. In addition, the future UV irradiance trend in China is also estimated.  相似文献   

洪盛茂 《气象》1997,23(5):44-46
分析了1993年12月至1994年11月的大气臭氧总量资料并与同纬度全球平均值进行比较,分析了大气臭氧总量的年变化、日变化和季节变化。结果表明,臭氧总量的年变化中有双峰特征,它的日变化则以中午时较高,早晚较低;季节变化以春季高,冬季低,与大气透明度的关系较为密切  相似文献   

Record high near-surface ozone concentrations at two elevated sites (Chaumont, 1140 m asl, and Rigi, 1030 m asl) in Switzerland were observed simultaneously with extremely low total ozone during a fair weather period in mid-February 1993. An analysis of ozone, temperature, humidity, and wind profiles suggests that the surface ozone peaks were most possibly generated within the region in a layer between about 1000 and 1500 m asl. Mean diurnal cycles of ozone concentration during the period shows a strong increase from late morning to late afternoon at Chaumont and at the same time a decrease at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch (3580 m asl). The different diurnal ozone cycles can both be explained photochemically by taking into account the large difference in NOx concentrations (about two orders of magnitude) between the sites. Photochemical processes are also indicated by the diurnal cycles of NO2 and NO concentration. As a strong photochemical activity is not expected in mid-February at 47°N, we hypothesize that the extremely low total ozone played a role. Total ozone controls the amount of UV-B radiation reaching the troposphere and thus influences photochemical processes. Using a radiation model, we calculated an increase in ozone photolysis at Chaumont and Jungfraujoch of 73% and 83%, respectively, on the day with the lowest total ozone (243 DU) compared to average February conditions (335 DU). It is suggested that total ozone changes have the potential to stimulate photochemistry sufficiently to produce the observed surface ozone peaks at Chaumont and Rigi of 61 and 64 ppbv, respectively. A fog layer just below Chaumont during these days probably also influenced photochemistry, but on a smaller spatial scale. Our empirical results on the influence of changing UV radiation on tropospheric photochemistry are in close agreement with model studies of other groups. Although this case study represents unique conditions, a distinct anticorrelation between near-surface ozone at Chaumont and total ozone also appears in other years (1992–1997) when selecting fair weather days in mid-February. However, other influences cannot be excluded. The selected days provide evidence of a significant photochemical source of ozone in the mid-latitude lower troposphere in late winter.  相似文献   

胡玥明  闫欢欢  张兴赢  孟晓阳 《气象》2019,45(3):362-370
臭氧是十分重要的痕量气体,它具有活跃的化学反应特性和较强的辐射特性,直接影响全球气候变化和人类的生活环境,因此,获得准确的臭氧柱浓度信息十分重要。搭载在AURA上的OMI探测仪可以测量大气中的臭氧含量,其获得的臭氧产品有两种,一个是基于TOMS V8算法反演得到的OMI-TOMS产品,另一个是由DOAS算法得到的OMI-DOAS产品。本文首先分析了两种算法产品的统计特征,结果表明两者具有较好的一致性;其次,分别分析了两种算法与像元位置的关系,在不受行异常现象影响的像元处,两种算法均不受像元位置的影响;此外,本文还研究了云和太阳天顶角对两种算法的影响,有云时两者的差异更大,云量在70%时两者的差异最大,而且,当有云存在时,两者的偏差随着太阳天顶角的增加而增加。平流层SO_2和吸收性气溶胶对两种算法没有显著影响。  相似文献   

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder(AIRS) provides twice-daily global observations of brightness temperature, which can be used to retrieve the total column ozone with high spatial and temporal resolution.In order to apply the AIRS ozone data to numerical prediction of tropical cyclones, a four-dimensional variational(4DVAR) assimilation scheme on selected model levels is adopted and implemented in the mesoscale non-hydrostatic model MM5. Based on the correlation between total column ozone and potential vorticity(PV), the observation operator of each level is established and five levels with highest correlation coefficients are selected for the 4DVAR assimilation of the AIRS total column ozone observations. The results from the numerical experiments using the proposed assimilation scheme for Hurricane Earl show that the ozone data assimilation affects the PV distributions with more mesoscale information at high levels first and then influences those at middle and low levels through the so-called asymmetric penetration of PV anomalies.With the AIRS ozone data being assimilated, the warm core of Hurricane Earl is intensified, resulting in the improvement of other fields near the hurricane center. The track prediction is improved mainly due to adjustment of the steering flows in the assimilation experiment.  相似文献   

利用卫星资料分析我国北方东西部臭氧分布差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用SAGE Ⅱ和HALOE臭氧垂直分布资料和TOMS臭氧总量资料, 研究我国北方(45°~55°N和35°~45°N范围), 东部(105°~135°E) 和西部(75°~105°E) 大气臭氧总量和垂直分布特征和差异。结果表明:我国北方东部冬季、春季和秋季臭氧总量明显大于西部, 主要表现在平流层臭氧极大值附近及其以下高度臭氧含量东部比西部明显偏大, 这种差异在冬、春季尤为明显; 随着纬度的降低, 冬季和秋季臭氧总量东、西部差异减小, 但春季臭氧总量东、西部差异没有明显改变; 夏季, 在45°~55°N范围, 东、西部臭氧分布没有明显差异, 但在35°~45°N范围, 臭氧分布东、西部差异较明显, 臭氧总量东、西部差异达到20.6 DU, 16 km以下臭氧柱总量东、西部差异达到12.8 DU。该文还对导致我国东、西部臭氧分布差异的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

FY-3卫星上搭载的紫外臭氧总量探测仪(Total Ozone Unit,TOU)是我国首台自主研制的用于全球臭氧总量监测的仪器,自2008年5月至今已有3台仪器搭载在气象卫星(FY-3A/FY-3B/FY-3C)上成功发射并在轨运行。TOU利用紫外波段进行臭氧总量反演,以获得全球臭氧的分布及其变化。2013年,针对我国灰霾、沙尘等气溶胶污染事件频发的环境问题,TOU紫外探测数据被成功用于吸收性气溶胶指数(AAI)的反演,之后TOU被用于我国吸收性气溶胶污染事件的监测,为沙尘、灰霾等的预报提供监测数据。对TOU的数据和产品的质量和应用进行了介绍,包括L1B数据、臭氧总量产品及AAI指数。在此基础上,根据现有仪器的不足,对后续仪器的发展方向进行了阐述。  相似文献   

60~70oS臭氧总量的QBO和ENSO信号   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用Nimbus-7上搭载的臭氧总量观测光谱仪(TOMS)得到的60~70oS纬圈中臭氧总量资料,分析研究了该地区臭氧总量准两年振荡(QBO)和ENSO信号的纬向分布,指出在该纬圈臭氧总量的长期变化中包含着的QBO和ENSO信号。同时,本文还分析研究了沿纬圈分布的大气臭氧总量季节变化和长期变化趋势,指出在该纬圈各个季节中臭氧总量呈下降趋势,以60~100oW十月份的下降最大,达到-9.3DU/a。研究同时表明:臭氧总量季节变化、长期变化趋势、以及QBO信号的纬向分布都在西南极上空出现异常。本文对此进行了讨论,认为这是西南极海陆分布调整大气环流及大气波动造成对臭氧总量分布和变化的影响  相似文献   

1993年春季南极中山站上空大气臭氧的观测分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
利用球载电化学O3探空仪于1993年南半球春季在南极中山站测量了O3和温度垂直廓线,三次观测到O3 柱总量< 220 Du的低值,O3浓度减少从9月开始,9月中旬~10月中旬达到最大。典型O3垂直廓线表明,O3量损失最大区域在高度13~23 km之间,此高度与PSCs和火山气溶胶的存在高度有很好的对应关系。本文给出观测结果及初步分析。  相似文献   

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