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Resources Conditions of Coalbed Methane Districts in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The China National Administration of Coal Geology accomplished an assessment of coalbed methaneresources of China in 1988. The total amount of coalbed methane resources in China is 14336.944 billion m , occurring in recoverable coal seams and beneath weathering zones, with coalbed methane content equal to or higher than 4 m3 per ton and buried depths smaller than 2000 m, among which there are 967.51 billion m of predicted reserves and 13369.434 billion m of future reserves. The resources in coal reservoirs with methane content of more than 8 m per ton are 12444.087 billion m , and those with methane content between 4 to 8 m per ton are 1892.856 billion m . There are 35 districts in which the resources abundance is higher than 150 million m3 /km2 , 49 districts with the abundance between 50 million and 150 million m 3/km2 , and 31 districts with the abundance less than 50 million m3 /km2 . There is 9256.078 billion m3 of methane occurring in coal seams with buried depths less than 1500 m, and 5080.866 bi  相似文献   

Graphite is one of the most essential non-metallic minerals with a wide variety of uses, and is an important commodity used in the emerging industry of China. Graphite is sourced from 170 mine areas in China from 25 provinces. This contribution is on a study of 15 regions in China with known graphite resources based on the spatial and temporal analyses of the regional metamorphic, contact metamorphic, and hydrothermal types of graphite. The knowledge gained on the metallogenesis of graphite in China is used to develop a model for choosing prospective regions for graphite, and to target areas for detailed exploration. It outlined 28 prediction areas with predicted graphite resources of about 1.63 billion tonnes to a maximum depth of 500 m in the Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, Inner Mongolia and Hunan provinces. And of these, the predicted flake graphite resources in the Heilongjiang Province has been totalling almost a billion tonnes representing almost 60% of China’s graphite resource. As a result of this study, it is concluded that graphite has been formed during restricted periods of time, with the regional metamorphic type being the main style present in China.  相似文献   

Gl obal recoverable resources of heavy oil and oil sands have been assessed by CNPC using a geology-based assessment method combined with the traditional volumetric method, spatial interpolation method, parametric-probability method etc. The most favourable areas for exploration have been selected in accordance with a comprehensive scoring system. The results show: (1) For geological resources, CNPC estimate 991.18 billion tonnes of heavy oil and 501.26 billion tonnes of oil sands globally, of which technically recoverable resources of heavy oil and oil sands comprise 126.74 billion tonnes and 64.13 billion tonnes respectively. More than 80% of the resources occur within Tertiary and Cretaceous reservoirs distributed across 69 heavy-oil basins and 32 oil-sands basins. 99% of recoverable resources of heavy oil and oil sands occur within foreland basins, passive continental-margin basins and cratonic basins. (2) Since residual hydrocarbon resources remain following large-scale hydrocarbon migration and destruction, heavy oil and oil sands are characterized most commonly by late hydrocarbon accumulation, the same basin types and source-reservoir conditions as for conventional hydrocarbon resources, shallow burial depth and stratabound reservoirs. (3) Three accumulation models are recognised, depending on basin type: degradation along slope; destruction by uplift; and migration along faults. (4) In addition to mature exploration regions such as Canada and Venezuela, the Volga-Ural Basin and the Pre-Caspian Basin are less well-explored and have good potential for oil-sand discoveries, and it is predicted that the Middle East will be an important region for heavy-oil development.  相似文献   

Global recoverable resources of heavy oil and oil sands have been assessed by CNPC using a geology-based assessment method combined with the traditional volumetric method, spatial interpolation method, parametric-probability method etc. The most favourable areas for exploration have been selected in accordance with a comprehensive scoring system. The results show:(1) For geological resources, CNPC estimate 991.18 billion tonnes of heavy oil and 501.26 billion tonnes of oil sands globally, of which technically recoverable resources of heavy oil and oil sands comprise 126.74 billion tonnes and 64.13 billion tonnes respectively. More than 80% of the resources occur within Tertiary and Cretaceous reservoirs distributed across 69 heavy oil basins and 32 oil sands basins. 99% of recoverable resources of heavy oil and oil sands occur within foreland basins, passive continental-margin basins and cratonic basins.(2) Since residual hydrocarbon resources remain following large-scale hydrocarbon migration and destruction, heavy oil and oil sands are characterized most commonly by late hydrocarbon accumulation, the same basin types and source-reservoir conditions as for conventional hydrocarbon resources, shallow burial depth and stratabound reservoirs.(3) Three accumulation models are recognised, depending on basin type: degradation along slope; destruction by uplift; and migration along faults.(4) In addition to mature exploration regions such as Canada and Venezuela, the Volga-Ural Basin and the Pre-Caspian Basin are less well-explored and have good potential for oil-sand discoveries, and it is predicted that the Middle East will be an important region for heavy oil development.  相似文献   

安徽省是煤炭资源大省,含煤面积约1.79万km^2,煤炭赋存量居华东第一。自上个世纪50年代以来,安徽省煤田地质局共提交各类地质报告和资料694件,累计查明资源储量约300亿t,保有资源储量约260亿t。目前,两淮煤田勘查深度一般为-1000~-1200m,埋深-1200~-1500m的煤田勘探多属空白。针对安徽省当前煤炭勘探形势,安徽省煤田地质局以新增煤炭资源储量为目标,利用现代地学理论为指导,加大科研和装备投入,实现了深部矿床勘探中的重大突破。随着深部勘探程度的提高,预计可为安徽新增煤炭资源储量近200亿t,这将大大缓解安徽省的煤炭供需矛盾。安徽省煤田地质局深部找煤的重大突破,对于提高煤炭供应能力具有重要的找矿指导意义。  相似文献   

中国可供性煤炭资源潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以全国第三次煤田预测数据为基础,通过对查明煤炭资源量和未查明煤炭资源量的分布、埋藏深度和煤类的系统分析,指出中国查明尚未占用的煤炭储量2282.97亿t,经济可采储量仅684.89亿t。未查明的预测煤炭资源量45521.04亿t,潜力巨大,但在近期可供找煤普查的埋深小于1000m的预测可靠级煤炭资源量只有9169.10亿t。因此,必须科学地、客观地再认识中国煤炭资源优势,合理地制定国家能源政策,以确保中国能源安全。  相似文献   

煤炭资源是我国的优势矿产资源。正确认识我国煤炭资源现状,实现煤炭资源清洁高效开发利用,攸关我国能源可持续发展。定义绿色煤炭资源为在当前先进技术条件下,资源禀赋条件适宜,能够实现安全高效开采、生态环境友好,适宜清洁高效利用,且具有经济竞争力的煤炭资源。从新的角度重新审视我国煤炭资源状况,详细阐述了绿色煤炭资源的概念内涵,构建了绿色煤炭资源评价技术框架,并对我国绿色煤炭资源进行了总体评价。结果表明,我国绿色煤炭资源总量较大,其中已探明资源量为9 733.65亿t,且集中分布于“井”字形区划下的晋陕蒙(西)宁地区和新疆北疆地区,但绿色煤炭资源基础储量约为855.77亿t,经济可采的绿色煤炭资源储量仅为445.34亿t,资源保障程度仍有待加强。全面确立基于绿色煤炭资源评价的煤炭资源开发利用模式,将有助于系统规划我国煤炭地质工作,明确区域资源开发战略与产能布局,实现煤炭资源可持续发展。   相似文献   

内蒙古是我国非常重要的后备煤炭资源基地,煤层大多聚集在白垩纪断陷盆地中,其中,五间房含煤盆地煤炭资源丰富。通过对该盆地东南部3个钻孔57件煤样的煤岩学和煤化学分析,探讨了煤层的煤质特征、煤相类型及其演化规律。研究结果表明:本区煤层以低—中高灰、高挥发分产率和低—特低硫为特征;具有较高的镜/惰比和结构保存指数;煤相类型主要为潮湿森林沼泽相,自下而上,成煤泥炭沼泽覆水程度总体有所加深,上部泥炭沼泽具有水体逐渐加深的水进型特征,下部泥炭沼泽具有水体逐渐变浅的水退型特征。   相似文献   

“西气东输”探明天然气的地球化学特征及资源潜势   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
徐永昌  沈平  刘全有 《沉积学报》2002,20(3):447-455
"西气东输"是西部大开发宏伟工程之一.第一期输气目标为120×108m3.供气基地主要为西部四大盆地, 特别是其中的塔里木盆地.塔里木盆地剩余可采储量3397×108m3,基本满足了第一期工程对资源储备的要求.但随着西气东输工程的完善和全国对天然气需求的增大,提供更充分的资源保证是地学工作者光荣而艰巨的任务.研究四大盆地主要大中型气田地球化学特征,对此有积极意义.研究表明:塔里木盆地以几个前陆盆地的煤型气为主,四川盆地以川东为过成熟油型为主,鄂尔多斯盆地以台盆型煤型气和高-过熟油型与煤型复合气为主,柴达木盆地则以低演化煤型气为主.特别是前三个盆地,其资源潜势很大,都可能在短期内成为探明储量突破万亿立方米的大气区.它们不仅会为西气东输,而且将我国在今后5至15年间,天然气产能达500×108m3和1000×108m3作出重大贡献。  相似文献   

An Analysis of the Recent Severe Storm Surge Disaster Events in China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Kentang  Le 《Natural Hazards》2000,21(2-3):215-223
The economic loss caused by the storm surgedisasters is much higher than that caused by anyother marine disaster in China, the loss from the severestorm surge disaster being the highest. Statistics showthat there were 62 typhoon landings over the east-southeastcoast of China since 1990, three of which,occurring in 1992, 1994 and 1997, respectively, caused themost severe damage. The direct economic lossesdue to these events are 9.3, 17.0 and 30 billion yuan(RMB, or about 1.7, 2.6 and 3.8 billion USD,respectively), which is much greater than the loss of 5.5billion yuan (RMB) on an average every year duringthe 1989–1991 period. This paper makes a comparativeanalysis of the damage caused by the three events andpresents an overview of progress of precautions againststorm surge disaster in China. The suggestedcounter measures to mitigate the loss from the severe stormsurge disasters in China is as follows: (1) Raisethe whole society awareness of precaution against severestorm surge disaster; (2) Work out a new plan forbuilding sea walls; (3) Improve and perfect the availablewarning and disaster relief command system; (4)Develop the insurance service in order to promptly mitigatethe loss caused by severe storm surge disaster event.  相似文献   

徐发 《矿产与地质》2010,24(5):440-444
诺门罕煤田是我国近几年发现和勘查的特大型煤田之一,资源储量达200亿吨。本文通过阐述诺门罕盆地的成煤地质背景,包括构造、地层、煤层特征,分析研究盆地的沉积环境,聚煤规律,提出区域成煤模式的认识,旨在指导今后海拉尔坳陷次级诸盆地煤炭勘查评价工作。  相似文献   

As hydrogeological conditions of coal field in North China are complicated, coal mine water hazards have been occurring frequently. Nearly 80% of coal mines are affected by Ordovician and Permo-Carboniferous Karst water. According to rough statistics, 200 incidents of water inrush have occurred since 1950, 1,500 persons have died, and there is an economic loss of 3 billion Yuan (RMB). The climate of North China belongs to drought or semi-drought zone. So the recharge amount of ground water by infiltration of precipitation is limited. Stronger coal mine water drainage has brought a series of environmental problems, such as water resource and lots of famous Karst springs exhausted, surface collapse emerged, mine water contaminated. Coal mine water hazards are so serious that the economic benefit of coal mines is dropping. Sustainable development of coal mines is affected. So, preventing coal mine water hazards and protecting geological environment are essential. This thesis focuses on preventing coal mine water hazards technologies. The technologies include four aspects: exploration of hydrogeological conditions; prediction and forecast of water inrush; mining under safe water pressure; and sealing off groundwater by grouting.  相似文献   

[研究目的]本文主要对中国高岭土矿开展资源潜力定量评价,指导后期勘查找矿与开发.[研究方法]首先是对中国高岭土矿成矿规律进行研究,按地质成因中国高岭土矿可以分为3种类型:风化型、热液蚀变型和沉积型.然后对中国高岭土矿划分预测类型、总结成矿模式、归纳预测要素,最后对高岭土矿远景区进行划分并估算资源潜力.[研究结果]风化型...  相似文献   

开发煤田地热不仅可以改善煤田开采的温度环境,还可以通过地热能的清洁利用变“害”为“利”,尤其是在目前“双碳”目标下利用煤田采空区储能大有前景。评估获得我国主要赋煤区地热资源热储量为1.12×1019 kJ,折合标煤3 795.39亿t,可采热储量1.71×1018 kJ,折合标煤569.31亿t。其中,华北赋煤区的可采热储量约占74.7%,特别西区(晋陕蒙宁分区)拥有神东、晋北、晋东、晋中、陕北、黄陇(华亭)、宁东7大煤炭基地,资源最为丰富,占近48.7%。进一步指出“煤-热共采”是煤田区地热开发利用的主要形式,包括充填埋管取热、采空区矿井水取热和深部煤矿含水层取热等。此外,提出将采空区以及排水后腾出来的空间作为“储层”加以利用是下一步的工作方向,并对回填(相变)材料储热、废弃煤田抽水蓄能和废弃煤田压缩空气蓄能做了详细评述。最后,对煤田热害防治技术进行了简要评述。总之,煤田规模化储能与热害防治和地热利用将成为煤田地热研究和开发利用的主要方向,是实现煤矿绿色转型和国家“双碳”目标的重要抓手。  相似文献   

中国中西部前陆盆地的地质特征及油气聚集   总被引:92,自引:1,他引:92  
油页岩是一种重要的替代能源资源,中国油页岩主要分布于中国15个省份(区),总查明资源储量329.89亿t,居世界第四位。其中,吉林省、广东省、辽宁省分别为174.27亿t、55.15亿t和45.05亿t,并分别占全国油页岩探明资源储量的52.83%、16.72%和13.65%。中国油页岩具有沉积时代以新生代为主,沉积环境以陆相为主的特征。中国高含油率的油页岩主要分布在新生代小型聚煤断陷盆地,而低含油率油页岩主要分布在晚白垩纪大型含油气坳陷盆地,且资源量巨大。中国小型断陷盆地油页岩,如桦甸油页岩的形成主要受构造、气候作用影响;而大型坳陷盆地,如松辽盆地油页岩的形成与全球缺氧事件有关,而缺氧事件常与海平面变化关系密切。新的评价体系把油页岩边界品位-含油率(ω)定为3.5%,并按不同品级、不同埋藏深度进行油页岩资源系统评价。坚持综合开发和利用,走炼油-化工-发电-多金属提取-建材一条龙联合生产是最佳开发利用途径。中国油页岩工业在中长期内将可实现油页岩工业化,具有广阔前景。  相似文献   

织纳煤田含煤地层上二叠统为海陆交互相沉积,含煤层数多,厚度大,煤质较好。通过区内含煤性、煤层煤质及聚煤规律研究,对煤炭资源潜力及勘查开发前景做出综合评价。以向斜构造为基本单元划分了15个赋煤单元和2个赋煤小区,共圈定了81个预测区,预测2000m以浅潜在资源量334.325 6亿t,探获资源储量191.646 0亿t,总资源量525.971 6亿t,并提出煤炭资源勘查开发利用建议:6个近期部署区优先安排普查,10个中期部署区考虑安排预查,9个远期部署区目前暂不宜开展勘查工作。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘的彬长矿区开采侏罗系4号煤层,大地构造位置处于华北板块鄂尔多斯盆地渭北隆起带西部的彬长坳褶带内,矿区内瓦斯含量总体偏低,但褶皱地带及断层附近存在高瓦斯区域。研究结果显示,该区瓦斯含量主要受断层和褶曲构造的控制,瓦斯涌出量基本与煤层底板标高为负相关,与煤层厚度为正相关,与煤层埋藏深度和上覆基岩厚度呈正相关,总体上彬长矿区瓦斯涌出量从矿区周边向中部有明显增大的趋势,瓦斯绝对涌出量将随着煤矿生产能力的增大而增大。矿区瓦斯资源总量约44.91亿m3,可开发量约12.94亿m3,具有较好的开发前景,应尽早开展总体规划,统筹考虑,科学开发利用。  相似文献   

碳达峰、碳中和目标要求下,陕西作为煤炭资源大省,煤炭资源的低碳开发与利用势在必行。基于陕西五大煤田的5 000余组煤质数据,研究陕西省煤炭资源中煤焦油产率的变化规律为:陕北三叠纪煤田>陕北侏罗纪煤田>陕北石炭–二叠纪煤田≈黄陇侏罗纪煤田>渭北石炭–二叠纪煤田,划分出3种富油煤类型:富油煤型、富油煤–高油煤型、富油煤–含油煤型。按照煤炭资源量计算办法,全省已经查明的煤炭资源中富油煤+高油煤资源量为1 550.33亿t,内蕴焦油资源量144.5亿t;预测出陕西省2 000 m以浅煤炭资源总量中富油煤+高油煤资源量为3 845亿t,内蕴焦油资源325亿t;并对富油煤资源控制程度进行划分。分析富油煤的成因机理,指出变质程度、沉积相及物质组成和埋藏条件等为富油煤形成的主要影响因素。针对目前煤炭开发中存在的资源浪费问题,提出一种富油煤原位地下热解多煤层协同开采的资源开发新思路。   相似文献   

煤矸石固废无害化处置与资源化综合利用现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤炭生产和加工过程产生的大量煤矸石堆放地表,不仅造成土地压占、水土流失,而且还会引发山体滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害,给矿区生态环境造成严重影响。我国煤矸石累计堆存量已超过60亿t,压占土地1.3万hm2。2020年,我国煤矸石产量7.29亿t,综合利用量5.26亿t,综合利用率为72.2%。当前我国煤矸石综合利用具有存量和排放量大、产量高度集中、综合利用率不高,区域发展极不平衡,高附加值利用占比小等特点,现有煤矸石的无害化处置与资源化综合利用的规模和能力明显不能满足国家对生态环境保护及“双碳”目标下煤炭综合利用的相关要求。对此,提出煤矸石在采空区充填、地面筑基、塌陷坑回填与土地复垦等方面的规模化无害处置技术和方法,指出井下“采选充处”一体化固体充填开采和采空区地面膏体与浆体充填是控制煤矸石增量、规模化降低煤矸石堆存量的最有效方法。详细阐述煤矸石在发电、建材、资源回收、化工产品制备及农业等方面的综合资源化利用途径,提出构建“煤炭—固废发电—有价元素提取—化工产品—建材材料—井下充填—地面回填—农业应用”的闭合循环产业链模式,建立“多途径、多组分、多层次+梯级回收+生态修复+封存保护+井下高效自动化充填”规模化处置与综合利用体系的煤矸石未来产业化发展方向。   相似文献   

The kaolinite rocks are very abundant in China coal mea-sures,most of which are very pure,excellent and in goodquality for industrial use.The geological feature,occurrence,origin and processing techniques are largely different fromthose of the traditional kaolins.The kaolinite rocks in Chinacoal measures are marvelous,but a large-scale kaolinite de-posit is rare in the world.The origin of kaolinite rocks in thecoal measures is under debate for a long time(Liu and Zhang,1 997;Liang,1 995;Boho…  相似文献   

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