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The Baltic Sea has experienced a complex geological history, with notable swings in salinity driven by changes to its connection with the Atlantic and glacio‐isostatic rebound. Sediments obtained during International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 allow the study of the effects of these changes on the ecology of the Baltic in high resolution through the Holocene in areas where continuous records had not always been available. Sites M0061 and M0062, drilled in the Ångermanälven Estuary (northern Baltic Sea), contain records of Holocene‐aged sediments and microfossils. Here we present detailed records of palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental changes to the Ångermanälven Estuary inferred from diatom, palynomorph and organic‐geochemical data. Based on diatom assemblages, the record is divided into four zones that comprise the Ancylus Lake, Littorina Sea, Post‐Littorina Sea and Recent Baltic Sea stages. The Ancylus Lake phase is initially characterized as oligotrophic, with the majority of primary productivity in the upper water column. This transition to a eutrophic state continues into the Initial Littorina Sea stage. The Initial Littorina Sea stage contains the most marine phase recorded here, as well as low surface water temperatures. These conditions end before the Littorina Sea stage, which is marked by a return to oligotrophic conditions and warmer waters of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Glacio‐isostatic rebound leads to a shallowing of the water column, allowing for increased benthic primary productivity and stratification of the water column. The Medieval Climate Anomaly is also identified within Post‐Littorina Sea sediments. Modern Baltic sediments and evidence of human‐induced eutrophication are seen. Human influence upon the Baltic Sea begins c. 1700 cal. a BP and becomes more intense c. 215 cal. a BP.  相似文献   

To detect climatic linkages between the Baltic Sea, the Skagerrak and the Nordic Seas, we present multi‐proxy reconstructions covering the last 4500 years from three sediment cores taken in the Skagerrak and along the SW Norwegian margin. Foraminiferal assemblages at all three sites show a distinct change at c. 1700 years BP, associated with a transition from absence and rare occurrence of Brizalina skagerrakensis during c. 4500–2300 years BP to its subsequent abundance increase, suggesting a stronger influence of nutrient‐rich water‐masses during the last c. 1700 years. Increased nutrient availability, which probably stimulated higher primary productivity, is further supported by an increase in diatoms, total organic carbon and benthic foraminiferal species indicative of high productivity and carbon fluxes during the last c. 1700 years as compared to c. 4500–2300 years BP. The amplitude of the B. skagerrakensis signal is largest in the central Skagerrak and gradually becomes smaller towards the Norwegian Sea suggesting that the dominant source of the nutrient‐rich water was the brackish outflow from the Baltic Sea. The generally lower abundances of planktonic foraminifera since c. 1700 years BP support the hypothesis of less saline surface water conditions in the Skagerrak. These results agree with other studies, which suggest a stronger Baltic outflow over the last 1700 years coinciding with a general cooling, increased wintertime westerlies bringing more winter precipitation to northern Europe, increased river runoff and higher frequency of floods. The increase in outflow also occurs during deposition of laminated sediments in the deep Baltic Sea. Leakage of dissolved inorganic phosphorus from anoxic sediments, as well as enhanced erosion due to deforestation in combination with higher runoff from Norway, coastal upwelling and more vigorous frontal dynamics may all have contributed to higher nutrient availability within the adjacent Skagerrak during the last 1700 years BP as compared to c. 4500–2300 years BP, when low productivity prevailed in the study area.  相似文献   

This paper presents two dinoflagellate cyst records from the south‐western shelf of the Black Sea. A new site, MAR05‐13, from the Sakarya shelf is described and placed into context with site MAR02‐45, ~250 km distant on the Thracian shelf. The records provide a centennial resolution of surface water conditions in the Holocene. Analysis of the data suggests that the surface salinity of the south‐western shelf increased in a gradual and progressive manner. In the period ~11 000–9000 cal a BP the assemblages suggest surface‐water salinities between 7–13 psu. The initial arrival of euryhaline species, ~8100 cal a BP, is linked to the reconnection of the Black Sea and Marmara Sea. The suggested surface water changes related to the reconnection took approximately 1000 years. Following this initial change in assemblages, a further increase in the number of euryhaline species is noted between 5000 and 4000 cal a BP. This is linked to the establishment of more saline surface‐water conditions, close to present‐day values. The record for MAR05‐13 highlights the complexity of the changes in cyst assemblages during the mid‐Holocene. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hypoxic zone in the Baltic Sea has increased in area about four times since 1960 and widespread oxygen deficiency has severely reduced macro benthic communities below the halocline in the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Finland, which in turn has affected food chain dynamics, fish habitats and fisheries in the entire Baltic Sea. The cause of increased hypoxia is believed to be enhanced eutrophication through increased anthropogenic input of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. However, the spatial variability of hypoxia on long time-scales is poorly known: and so are the driving mechanisms. We review the occurrence of hypoxia in modern time (last c. 50 years), modern historical time (AD 1950–1800) and during the more distant past (the last c. 10 000 years) and explore the role of climate variability, environmental change and human impact. We present a compilation of proxy records of hypoxia (laminated sediments) based on long sediment cores from the Baltic Sea. The cumulated results show that the deeper depressions of the Baltic Sea have experienced intermittent hypoxia during most of the Holocene and that regular laminations started to form c. 8500–7800 cal. yr BP ago, in association with the formation of a permanent halocline at the transition between the Early Littorina Sea and the Littorina Sea s. str. Laminated sediments were deposited during three main periods (i.e. between c. 8000–4000, 2000–800 cal. yr BP and subsequent to AD 1800) which overlap the Holocene Thermal Maximum (c. 9000–5000 cal. yr BP), the Medieval Warm Period (c. AD 750–1200) and the modern historical period (AD 1800 to present) and coincide with intervals of high surface salinity (at least during the Littorina s. str.) and high total organic carbon content. This study implies that there may be a correlation between climate variability in the past and the state of the marine environment, where milder and dryer periods with less freshwater run-off correspond to increased salinities and higher accumulation of organic carbon resulting in amplified hypoxia and enlarged distribution of laminated sediments. We suggest that hydrology changes in the drainage area on long time-scales have, as well as the inflow of saltier North Sea waters, controlled the deep oxic conditions in the Baltic Sea and that such changes have followed the general Holocene climate development in Northwest Europe. Increased hypoxia during the Medieval Warm Period also correlates with large-scale changes in land use that occurred in much of the Baltic Sea watershed during the early-medieval expansion. We suggest that hypoxia during this period in the Baltic Sea was not only caused by climate, but increased human impact was most likely an additional trigger. Large areas of the Baltic Sea have experienced intermittent hypoxic from at least AD 1900 with laminated sediments present in the Gotland Basin in the Baltic Proper since then and up to present time. This period coincides with the industrial revolution in Northwestern Europe which started around AD 1850, when population grew, cutting of drainage ditches intensified, and agricultural and forest industry expanded extensively.  相似文献   

Selected geochemical parameters and siliceous microfossil assemblages in Baltic Sea sediments are presented which reflect past variations in redox conditions, salinity and primary production. The sediments were deposited during the freshwater Ancylus Lake (9500-8000 14C BP) and brackish Litorina Sea (8000-3000 BP) stages of the Baltic. The diatom record shows that surface-water salinity increased further at c . 7000-6500 BP, although smaller amounts of brackish water entered the basin from c . 8000 BP onwards. Attempts to use exchangeable Mg as a palaeosalinity indictor were not applicable. Gross primary productivity increased along with salinity, which has been interpreted as an effect of nutrient enrichment in the photic zone. This led between c . 6500 and 4500 BP to a high accumulation of organic carbon, anoxic or nearly anoxic bottom conditions and formation of laminated deposits. Certain laminae consist of alternating layers of organic and minerogenic material and were probably formed annually, i.e. in the manner of varves. The laminated successions are distinguished by enrichments of V, Cu and especially Mo. The highest Mo content occurs in the core from the greatest water depth, an effect of anoxic conditions during deposition. The Fe/Mn ratio was shown to be ambiguous as an indicator of past redox conditions. Since biogenic silica shows large variablity in contemporaneously deposited sediments, this parameter cannot be used as a proxy for the past production of siliceous algae in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Diverse and well‐preserved palynomorph assemblages recovered from the Deurne Sands, a local member of the Upper Miocene Diest Formation near Antwerp, allow the recognition of dinoflagellate cyst biozones defined in the North Atlantic realm (East Coast, USA) and the North Sea region (Nieder Ochtenhausen well, northern Germany). Based on the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and the calcareous microfossils, the deposition of the Deurne Sands took place at some time during middle to late Tortonian (Late Miocene). These sands can be correlated biostratigraphically with the Dessel Sands in the Campine area of northern Belgium. This correlation demonstrates the existence of two separate and contemporary depositional areas in northern Belgium during early Late Miocene times. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Twenty-two samples from two locations at the Foss-Eigeland clay and gravel pit, Jæren, southwestern Norway were analysed for dinoflagellate cysts. Cyst recovery was generally poor and cyst assemblages indicate a cold temperate to arctic glacimarine environment. The percentage composition of a total of 19 cyst species identified allowed the recognition of five assemblage zones. These are thought to reflect fluctuating minor climatic changes during an interstadial period preceding the last glacial advance in the region. Cyst assemblages from these supposedly Middle Weichselian sediments at Foss-Eigeland are similar to those found in the northern North Sea and the Norwegian Sea in probably similarly aged sediments. This suggests a potential for using dinoflagellate cysts to correlate land-based Quaternary sequences with the deep sea record.  相似文献   

Knudsen, K. L., Jiang, H., Kristensen, P., Gibbard, P. L. & Haila, H. 2011: Early Last Interglacial palaeoenvironments in the western Baltic Sea: benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00206.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Stable isotopes from benthic foraminifera, combined with diatom assemblage analysis and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity reconstructions, are used for the interpretation of changes in bottom‐ and surface‐water conditions through the early Eemian at Ristinge Klint in the western Baltic Sea. Correlation of the sediments with the Eemian Stage is based on a previously published pollen analysis that indicates that they represent pollen zones E2–E5 and span ~3400 years. An initial brackish‐water phase, initiated c. 300 years after the beginning of the interglacial, is characterized by a rapid increase in sea‐surface and sea‐bottom salinity, followed by a major increase at c. 650 years, which is related to the opening of the Danish Straits to the western Baltic. The diatoms allow estimation of the maximum sea‐surface salinity in the time interval of c. 650–1250 years. After that, slightly reduced salinity is estimated for the interval of c. 1250–2600 years (with minimum values at c. 1600–2200 years). This may be related to a period of high precipitation/humidity and thus increased freshwater run‐off from land. Together with a continuous increase in the water depth, this may have contributed to the gradual development of a stratified water column after c. 1600 years. The stratification was, however, particularly pronounced between c. 2600 and 3400 years, a period with particularly high sea‐surface temperature, as well as bottom‐water salinity, and thus a maximum influence of Atlantic water masses. The freshwater run‐off from land may have been reduced as a result of particularly high summer temperatures during the climatic optimum.  相似文献   

Mertens, K. N., Dale, B., Ellegaard, M., Jansson, I.‐M., Godhe, A., Kremp, A. & Louwye, S. 2010: Process length variation in cysts of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum, from surface sediments of the Baltic–Kattegat–Skagerrak estuarine system: a regional salinity proxy. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00193.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Results are presented from a regional comparison of average process length variation in cysts of Protoceratium reticulatum and Lingulodinium polyedrum, extracted from surface sediments in the Skagerrak–Kattegat–Baltic estuarine system, with the environmental variables of seawater temperature and salinity. Although too few cysts of Lingulodinium polyedrum were recovered from the sediments to make reliable correlations, cysts of Protoceratium reticulatum were well represented, and average process length was correlated significantly with both salinity and temperature. Owing to dominant summer surface production, and regional covariation between salinity and density, we propose the use of the significant correlation with summer sea surface salinity (SSSsummer) by the equation SSSsummer=3.16 × average process length ?0.84 (R2=0.8). Application of this equation down‐core in Limfjord (northern Denmark) shows its usefulness as a regional palaeosalinity proxy.  相似文献   

Rößler, D., Moros, M. & Lemke, W. 2010: The Littorina transgression in the southwestern Baltic Sea: new insights based on proxy methods and radiocarbon dating of sediment cores. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00180.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The Littorina transgression is one of the most pronounced environmental events in the Holocene history of the Baltic Sea. It changed the hydrographic system from the freshwater Ancylus Lake into the brackish‐marine Littorina Sea. Here, 18 cores from two western Baltic basins, Mecklenburg Bay and the Arkona Basin, were analysed. We show that, besides biological indicators, sedimentary organic carbon, C/N ratio, bulk δ13C isotope values and carbonate content display clearly the transition from Ancylus Lake to the Littorina Sea. The first appearances of benthic foraminifers, marine molluscs and ostracods represent the onset of brackish‐marine conditions in the bottom waters. Central Arkona Basin sediments display more abrupt shifts in geochemical parameters and microfossil records at the transition from Ancylus Lake to the Littorina Sea than those from Mecklenburg Bay. Mixing of reworked Ancylus material with Littorina Sea stage material was stronger in Mecklenburg Bay, resulting in less pronounced proxy parameter changes and older bulk material dates. Radiocarbon dating of both calcareous material (benthic foraminifers, mollusc shells) and bulk fractions at the transgression horizon shows large age discrepancies. Based on calcareous fossil dates it appears that marine waters began to enter Mecklenburg Bay c. 8000 cal. a BP. In the Arkona Basin the first marine signals are recorded approximately 800 years later, c. 7200 cal. a BP. This indicates a transgression pathway via the Great Belt into Mecklenburg Bay and then into the Arkona Basin.  相似文献   

During and after deglaciation, Lake Vättern developed from a proglacial lake situated at the westernmost rim of the Baltic Ice Lake (BIL), into a brackish water body connecting the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, and finally into an isolated freshwater lake. Here we present geochemical and mineralogical data from a 70‐m composite sediment core recovered in southern Lake Vättern. Together with a radiocarbon age model of this core, we are able to delineate the character and timing of the different lake stages. In addition to a common mineralogical background signature seen throughout the sediment core, the proglacial sediments bear a calcite imprint representing ice‐sheet transported material from the limestone bedrock that borders the lake basin in the northeast. The proglacial fresh to brackish water transition is dated to 11 480±290 cal. a BP and is in close agreement with other regional chronologies. The brackish period lasted c. 300 years and was followed by a c. 1600 year freshwater period before the Vättern basin became isolated from the Initial Littorina Sea. Decreasing detrital input, increasing δ13C values and the appearance of diatoms in the upper 15 m of the sediment succession are interpreted as an overall increase in biological productivity. This mode of sedimentation continues until the present and is interpreted to mark the final isolation of the lake at 9530±50 cal. a BP. Consequently, the isolation of Lake Vättern was not an outcome of the Ancylus Lake regression, but rather because of ongoing continental uplift in the early Littorina period.  相似文献   

A high-resolution, well-dated dinoflagellate cyst record from a lagoon of the southeastern Swedish Baltic Sea reveals climate and hydrological changes during the Holocene. Marine dinoflagellate cysts occurred initially at about 8600 cal yr BP, indicating the onset of the Littorina transgression in the southeastern Swedish lowland associated with global sea level rise, and thus the opening of the Danish straits. Both the species diversity and the total accumulation rates of dinoflagellate cysts continued to increase by 7000 cal yr BP and then decreased progressively. This pattern reveals the first-order change in local sea level as a function of ice-volume-equivalent sea level rise versus isostatic land uplift. Superimposed upon this local sea level trend, well-defined fluctuations of the total accumulation rates of dinoflagellate cysts occurred on quasi-1000- and 500-yr frequency bands particularly between 7500 and 4000 cal yr BP, when the connection between the Baltic basin and the North Atlantic was broader. A close correlation of the total accumulation rates of dinoflagellate cysts with GISP2 ice core sea-salt ions suggests that fluctuations of Baltic surface conditions during the middle Holocene might have been regulated by quasi-periodic variations of the prevailing southwesterly winds, most likely through a system similar to the dipole oscillation of the modern North Atlantic atmosphere.  相似文献   

High‐resolution marine palynological data have been obtained from two very long sediment cores (MD952009 and MD952010) retrieved from the southern Norwegian Sea. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages show pronounced fluctuations in composition, which correlate strongly with magnetic susceptibility records and also mimic the δ18O signal of the GISP2 Greenland ice‐core. If focusing on the period from 48 to 30 cal. kyr BP, this correlation suggests a paradoxical response of the sea‐surface environments to the atmospheric conditions over Greenland: when the Greenland δ18O signal reflects warm interstadial conditions, the Norwegian Sea depicts cold sea‐surface temperatures with quasi‐perennial sea‐ice cover (based on dinoflagellate cysts). In contrast, when the Greenland δ18O records cold stadial periods, the Norwegian Sea‐surface temperatures are warm (based on dinoflagellate cysts), probably linked to inflow of the North Atlantic Drift. These results, similar in both cores, are contrary to those of previous studies and shed light on a possible decoupling of Norwegian sea surface‐water conditions and atmospheric conditions over Greenland. This decoupling could be linked to an atmosphere–ocean system behaving similar to that which the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing at present, i.e. strongly variable owing to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of sea‐surface conditions during the Holocene were achieved on two sediment cores from the northwest Greenland margin (AMD14‐204) and Kane Basin (AMD14‐Kane2B) based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. On the northwest Greenland margin, sea‐surface conditions were cold with an extended sea ice cover prior to 7750 cal a bp associated with the end of the deglaciation. A major change occurred around ca. 7750 cal a bp with enhanced influence of warmer water from the West Greenland Current, and optimal sea‐surface conditions were observed around 6000 cal a bp . After 3350 cal a bp , results reflect the establishment of the modern assemblages. In the Kane Basin, sea‐surface conditions were not favourable for dinocyst productivity prior to 7880 cal a bp , as the basin was still largely covered by ice. The presence of warmer water is recorded between 7880 and 7200 cal a bp and the highest primary productivity between 5200 and 2100 cal a bp , but sea‐surface conditions remained cold with an extended sea ice cover throughout the Holocene. Overall, the results from this study revealed the strong influence of meltwater discharges and oceanic current variability on the sea‐surface conditions. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To investigate the distributions of dinoflagellate cysts in relation to environmental conditions from southern coast of Korea, surface sediment samples collected from 11 stations in Gamak Bay, Yeoja Bay and the offshore area of Yeoja Bay were analyzed. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages observed in the study area included many species commonly reported from other temperate regions. Among them, Polykrikos cysts were dominant, together with Brigantedinium spp. and Spiniferites spp. Based on cluster analysis, dinoflagellate cyst assemblages were divided into two main groups; group I, located in Yeoja Bay and group II, located in Gamak Bay and the offshore area of Yeoja Bay. Principal component analysis identified differences in salinity levels as the main environmental factors affecting the distributional characteristics of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the study area. Gamak Bay is a typical eutrophied area as result of extensive human activities around the bay, and heterotrophic cysts, including Polykrikos cysts, are remarkably abundant and likely to be a useful indicator for eutrophication in Gamak Bay.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea (~393 000 km2) is the largest brackish sea in the world and its hydrographic and environmental conditions are strongly dependent on the frequency of saline water inflows from the North Sea. To improve our understanding of the natural variability of the Baltic Sea ecosystem detailed reconstructions of past saline water inflow changes based on palaeoecological archives are needed. Here we present a high‐resolution study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages accompanied by sediment geochemistry (loss on ignition, total organic carbon) and other microfossil data (ostracods and cladocerans) from a well‐dated 8‐m‐long gravity core taken in the Bornholm Basin. The foraminiferal diversity in the core is low and dominated by species of Elphidium. The benthic foraminiferal faunas in the central Baltic require oxic bottom water conditions and salinities >11–12 PSU. Consequently, shell abundance peaks in the record reflect frequent saline water inflow phases. The first appearance of foraminiferal tests and ostracods in the investigated sediment core is dated to c. 6.9 cal. ka BP and attributed to the first inflows of saline and oxygenated bottom waters into the Bornholm Basin during the Littorina Sea transgression. The transgression terminated the Ancylus Lake phase, reflected in the studied record by abundant cladocerans. High absolute foraminiferal abundances are found within two time intervals: (i) c. 5.5–4.0 cal. ka BP (Holocene Thermal Maximum) and (ii) c. 1.3–0.75 cal. ka BP (Medieval Climate Anomaly). Our data also show three intervals of absent or low saline water inflows: (i) c. 6.5–6.0 cal. ka BP, (ii) c. 3.0–2.3 cal. ka BP and (iii) c. 0.5–0.1 cal. ka BP (Little Ice Age). Our study demonstrates a strong effect of saline and well‐oxygenated water inflows from the Atlantic Ocean on the Baltic Sea ecosystem over millennial time scales, which is linked to the major climate transitions over the last 7 ka.  相似文献   

At the end of the Pleistocene, environmental conditions in the Baltic Basin were affected by the melting glaciers and the resultant freshwater bodies. In contrast to various seal species, there is no subfossil evidence of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from the early Holocene stages of the Baltic Basin. This article is an attempt to clarify the colonization of the harbour porpoise into the Baltic Sea and to reveal the ecological background of this process. All published Holocene subfossil records from the porpoise in the Baltic region were sought and supplemented with those from museums and zoological collections; 148 records document the porpoise's occurrence. The earliest records of the harbour porpoise date from the time between 9600 and 7000 cal. yr BP and originate from the early and middle Mesolithic coastal settlements of the Maglemose and Kongemose culture during the early Littorina stage. Around 7500–5700 cal. yr BP, the porpoise is recorded frequently at many localities from late Mesolithic (Ertebølle culture) and Neolithic in the coastal areas of the western Baltic Sea, as well as for the first time in the Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland. Since 4000 cal. yr BP, P. phocoena has only been recorded in the western Baltic. We suggest that immigration and dispersion of P. phocoena into the Baltic Sea was connected with the Littorina transgression beginning around 9000 cal. yr BP. The continuous influx of seawater and the associated ecological changes led to a new, very species‐rich, fish community and adequate living conditions for the harbour porpoise.  相似文献   

In this paper, the currently accepted correlation of the Early Pleistocene Ludhamian stage of England with the Tiglian‐A sub‐stage of the Netherlands is challenged. Recent investigations of Early Pleistocene marine North Sea deposits from a borehole near Noordwijk (the Netherlands) yielded evidence from molluscs, dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs for an alternation of warm‐temperate and arctic intervals within the Praetiglian and Tiglian stages. Marine equivalents of the terrestrial‐based pollen sub‐stages Tiglian A and B have been recognised in the upper part of the sequence. A Praetiglian age can be assigned to the lower part of the sequence on the basis of mollusc analysis. Within the Praetiglian, an alternation of warm and cold phases has been recognised from both the dinoflagellate cyst and molluscan records. Three cold phases within the Praetiglian are tentatively correlated with marine isotope stages (MIS) 96–100. The molluscan assemblages provide evidence for climate forcing of the sea level: highest sea levels are reached in the warm‐temperate intervals. Within the Praetiglian, an interval with an acme zone of the dinoflagellate cyst Impagidinium multiplexum, is correlated with the Ludhamian and tentatively linked to MIS 97 and/or MIS 96. The cold molluscan assemblages from the Noordwijk borehole include an acme zone of Megayoldia thraciaeformis, the first and only occurrence of this North Pacific bivalve in the North Sea Basin. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study identified and quantified dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from three Mediterranean lagoons. Sediment samples were recovered from 11 stations in May 2009 at Cabras Lagoon, eight stations in May 2010 at Corru S'Ittiri Lagoon, and five stations in May 2011 at Santa Giusta Lagoon. Fifty-three dinoflagellate cyst morphotypes were identified. Sixteen species are first reports for the lagoons, and two for the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, a new Scrippsiella species was discovered in Cabras. Seven harmful algal species were identified, primarily belonging to the potentially toxic genus Alexandrium. Total cyst abundance, number of morphotypes, and assemblages varied among lagoons, and each lagoon showed a distinct morphotype composition. A degree of heterogeneity was also detected within lagoon. Cabras and Santa Giusta cyst assemblages were characterised by morphotypes belonging to the autotrophic genus Scrippsiella, whereas Corru S'Ittiri assemblages showed dominance of heterotrophic morphotypes, including Protoperidinium cf tricingulatum. Differentiation among lagoons was also evident according to environmental conditions. Salinity proved to be a fundamental variable in determining total cyst abundance, morphotype number, and composition. This study was among the first to examine dinoflagellate cyst composition in coastal lagoons, especially from the Mediterranean region, and contributed data that increased our knowledge of cyst-producing dinoflagellates in these environments.  相似文献   

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