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Concentrations of lead were measured in a surface transect and at two vertical profile stations (15°N and 20°S) in the Central Pacific. These measurements complement similar measurements made earlier in the North Pacific at 33°N and in the Northwest Atlantic at 34°N [1,2], as well as recent measurements of eolian lead input fluxes near each of these locations [3]. The new transect of surface water concentrations of lead corroborates previous measurements, which decrease from 13 ng/kg at 30°N to 4 ng/kg at 17°S in the Central Pacific [4]. This transect gradient is shown to overlie a similar geographic gradient of subsurface maximum concentrations of lead in the three Pacific vertical profile stations, decreasing from 14 ng/kg at 33°N to 11 ng/kg at 14°N to 2.5 ng/kg at 20°S. Lead concentrations at each of those locations exhibit maxima at 400 m, decreasing concentrations to 2500 m and approximately concentrations of 0.8–1.1 ng/kg below that depth. The subsurface maximum at the northwest Atlantic profile station (36 ng/kg at 34°N) is also congruent with surface water lead concentrations which decrease from 806 ng/kg to 32 ng/kg in an offshore transect from Rhode Island to 34°N, 66°W [5], and the shape of the Atlantic profile is congruent with those in the Pacific. There is a positive correlation between the magnitudes of eolian lead input fluxes and the magnitudes of the upper water maxima in lead concentration profiles at corresponding locations as follows: South Pacific easterlies 3 ng/cm2 yr vs. 2.5 ng/kg; North Pacific easterlies 6 ng/cm2 yr vs. 11 ng/kg; North Pacific westerlies 50 ng/cm2 yr vs. 14 ng/kg; and North Atlantic westerlies 170 ng/cm2 yr vs. 36 ng/kg.This relationship enables one to view the anthropogenic perturbations of the marine lead cycle on a global scale, since the industrial origin of eolian and seawater lead has been established by correlations between geographic patterns of industrial lead emissions to the atmosphere and isotopic ratios of industrial leads [3] and by geographic patterns of Pb/silicate-dust ratios and lead isotopic ratios in ocean surface waters [3–5]. These new data coupled with earlier biogeochemical data indicate that surface water concentrations of lead in the North Pacific and North Atlantic are now conservatively estimated to be 8 to 20-fold greater and those in the South Pacific are 2-fold greater than natural concentrations because of industrial emissions of lead to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

We have determined the dry weight of suspended particulate matter in seawater in a section through the western Atlantic Ocean from 75°N to 52°S. The concentrations, operationally defined as that weight retained on 0.6-μm and 0.4-μm pore size Nuclepore filters, contained in 1 kg of seawater, range from 5 to 300 μg/kg and show readily explainable regional features. High concentrations are found in surface waters and in association with radpidly moving bottom waters in the Denmark Straits overflow and in Antarctic bottom waters to 15°S. Low concentrations, <12 μg/kg, characterize the mid-water regions of the sub-tropical gyres. High concentrations are seen in sinking Labrador Sea water and in a plume extending at least a kilometer off the bottom at 35°N–40°N where the cruise track intersects the North Atlantic gyre. It is doubtful whether this important phenomenon could be observed by any means other than through particulate observations, either optical or gravimetric, and this provides a unique insight into the scale of vertical turbulent processes.  相似文献   

The distribution of “ash” (the non-combustible fraction of marine suspended matter) and concentrations of particulate Al, Ca, Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu, Sr and234Th in surface waters and of210Pb,230Th and234Th in two vertical profiles (385–4400 m) of the Indian Ocean are reported.The ash concentrations in surface waters follow the primary productivity pattern, with higher abundances in samples south of 40°S and lower concentrations in the equatorial and subtropical regions. Opaline silica and CaCO3 are the dominant components of the ash in samples from >40°S and from 7°N to 39°S, respectively. Aluminosilicates are only a minor constituent of the surface particulate matter. The metal/Al ratios in the surface particles are significantly higher compared to their corresponding crustal ratios for all the metals analyzed in this work. Comparison of enrichment factors between marine aerosols, plankton and surface oceanic particles, seem to indicate that this high metal/Al ratio in surface particles most likely arises from their involvement in marine biogeochemical cycles. Particulate234Th activity in surface waters parallels the ash abundance implying that its scavenging efficiency from surface waters depends on the particulate concentration.The particulate230Th and210Pb concentration profiles increase monotonously with depth. It is difficult to ascribe this increase to a process other than the in-situ vertical scavenging of230Th and210Pb from the water column by settling particles. The mean settling velocities of particles calculated from the particulate230Th data using a one-dimensional settling model is about 2 × 10?3 cm/s. The settling velocity computed from the particulate230Th profiles does not appear to be compatible with the particulate210Pb depth profiles; one possible explanation to account for the disparity would be that230Th and210Pb are scavenged by different size populations of particles.On the whole, the geographic distribution of particulate matter, their composition and settling velocities in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans are similar indicating that they are controlled by quite similar processes in the marine hydrosphere.  相似文献   

Barite particles are a universal component of suspended matter in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This is demonstrated by scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe analyses of samples collected during the GEOSECS program. These discrete particles, about 1 μm in diameter, account for by far the greatest part of the total particulate barium of most of the filters collected at different depths. Total particulate barium (mean value: 20 ng/kg seawater) was measured on the same filters by instrumental neutron activation analysis.Several observations indicate that biochemical, rather than purely chemical, processes are involved in the formation of the BaSO4 mineral in the water column. Sr/Ba molar ratios among the individual barite grains, particularly from surface waters are extremely variable, which would not be anticipated for purely chemical interactions. Barite crystals occurring within fecal debris have been observed throughout the water column. Within such debris decomposition of the abundant organic matter may provide the micro-environment predicted as necessary for the precipitation of BaSO4. Finally, a strong correlation between nutrient content and particulate barium is found in the upper 1000 m of the water column, which also suggests a control of barite formation by biota.Some of the barite dissolves at depth in the water column. Dissolution rates were calculable for two GEOSECS stations, from which a dissolved barium flux of 0.4 μg/cm2 yr was deduced. This figure is of the same order as the dissolved barium flux calculable from the barium content and known dissolution rates of calcareous and siliceous tests: approximately 0.5 μg/cm2 yr. These fluxes represent the largest source of dissolved barium in the water column, the other being river input (0.6 μg/cm2 yr). This supports the contention that the barium in the water column is mostly recycled. The residual flux of barite-Ba reaching the sea floor is of about equal importance as the flux of barium associated with fast-settling fecal material. These two sources together are almost sufficient to account for the total sedimentation rate of barium.  相似文献   

We report here on particulate and dissolved210Pb profiles at 16 stations, and on total210Pb profiles at 3 stations, all occupied during the Pacific GEOSECS expedition. Comparison with measurements at Yale on GEOSECS library samples indicates that during separation of particulate lead from dissolved lead, our filtered water samples suffered some loss of210Pb in the filtration system; this effect appears to have reduced the dissolved210Pb activities by ~ 20% in stations where the water was filtered. However, for these first Pacific data on the210Pb distribution between the two phases, this effect does not significantly interfere with our recognition of the major features of both particulate and dissolved210Pb distributions.The dissolved210Pb profiles in general vary geographically, following the226Ra profiles. In deep water,226Ra increases northward and eastward from the southwest Pacific, from ~ 22dpm/100kg, to over 40 dpm/100 kg in the northeast Pacific. Our dissolved210Pb profiles show a similar increase in deep water, varying from about 10 to 20 dpm/100 kg along this line, and are commonly characterized by a mid-depth maximum. This210Pb maximum reflects the mid-depth226Ra maximum of the Pacific Deep Water observed along the western boundary current.In surface water at low latitudes there is a significant210Pb flux from the atmosphere, which produces a210Pb/226Ra activity ratio generally greater than unity. This flux penetrates as deep as 600 m, as indicated by an “induced”210Pb minimum caused by the surface maximum. The surface water210Pb excess decreases toward high southern latitudes and vanishes in the Circumpolar region.The particulate210Pb profiles show a general increase with depth, from ~ 0.3dpm/100kg in subsurface water to ~ 1.5dpm/100kg in bottom water, with or without a mid-depth maximum that reflects the226Ra or dissolved210Pb maximum. The particulate210Pb normally comprises about 2% of the total210Pb in subsurface water, and this fraction increases to about 10% near the bottom. As the filtration loss is not taken into account, the fraction of particulate210Pb quoted here is an upper limit. Since the particulate matter concentrations are quite uniform in the water column below a few hundred meters, the210Pb activity of the particulate matter also increases with depth. The particulate matter has a210Pb concentration of ~ 100dpm/g in subsurface water, but the concentration increases to ~ 500dpm/g or more toward the bottom. This indicates that there is a cumulative adsorption of Pb onto the suspended particles as they are sinking through the water column.  相似文献   

Particulates amounting to 0.1–2.0 g efficiently collected from large volumes of Atlantic and Pacific surface waters have been analyzed for carbonate, opal, quartz and several natural and man-made radioisotopes.The concentrations of particles range between 10 and 600 μg/kg. In the equatorial regions particle concentrations are low and similar in both the oceans. At higher latitudes (>30°N or S), the Atlantic waters, however, have higher concentrations of particles compared to those in the Pacific. The latitudinal distribution exhibits a north-south symmetry with higher concentrations in the 30°–60° belt. Based on the particulate abundance for CaCO3 and opal and their sedimentation, we have estimated their production and in-situ integrated dissolution rates for a few regions.Radioisotopes having different source functions, namely14C and239Pu injected due to nuclear weapon tests,234Th,230Th and228Th produced in-situ in seawater,232Th which derives primarily from land,210Pb introduced via wet precipitations and226Ra introduced through diffusion from deep-sea sediments have been measured in the particulates. The relative enrichment factors for these nuclides in particles vary as Th ? Pu > Pb > Ra. The atmospheric bomb fallout pattern is discernible in the surface particulates; the239Pu concentration increases with latitude in both the hemispheres; however, the values are about a factor of two lower in the southern hemisphere.The distribution pattern of radioisotopes is found to be complex, even for234Th whose source function in the oceans is uniform. In view of the differences in the source functions it becomes possible to delineate the principal geochemical/geophysical processes which determine the concentrations of these nuclides in surface waters.  相似文献   

Water from the Susquehanna River was collected and analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners to estimate seasonal and annual riverine loads to the Chesapeake Bay. Temporal variations in the chemical loads resulted from the large changes in the water flow rates and in the particle-associated contaminant concentrations. Concentrations of PCBs and PAHs in river particles (ng/g) were twice as great as those in the northern Chesapeake Bay, indicating that the Susquehanna River is an important source of these contaminants to the bay. The river carries a majority of its hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in the particulate phase. During periods of high flow, large amounts of suspended particles in the river result in elevated HOC levels and increased loadings of these contaminants to the bay. From 1997 to 1998, 60% of the total annual HOC loading occurred in the early spring coincident with high river flows. The total PCB and PAH annual loadings from the Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay were 76 and 3160 kg/year, respectively and 75% of the loaded organic contaminants were in the particulate phase. Principal component analysis of PAH and PCB congener patterns in the particles reveals that the river suspended particles were dominated by autochthonous production in the summer and by resuspended sediment and watershed erosion during the winter and early spring.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of coastal canyons in the transfer of organic matter from the shelf to the slope and basin, we deployed sediment trap/current meter pairs at the head of five canyons in the Gulf of Lions (GoL) between November 2003 and May 2004. Analysis of organic carbon, biogenic silica, Corg isotopic composition, Corg/total nitrogen, chloropigments, and amino acids clearly shows the seasonal influence and effect of extreme meteorological events on the composition of collected particles. The sampling period was divided into three “scenarios”. The first corresponded to a large easterly storm and flood of the Rhone river during stratified water column conditions; the composition of material collected during this event was influenced by increased transfer of riverine and coastal particulate matter, with a lower Corg content. During the second “fall-winter” scenario, northern and northwestern winds blowing over the shelf caused cooling and homogenization of the shelf water column; particles collected at this time reflected the homogeneous source of particulate matter transported through canyons; particles sitting in the vicinity of canyon heads are most likely swept downslope by the general south-westward circulation. Organic tracers indicate a degraded origin for organic matter transported during this period. A third “spring” scenario corresponded to northern winds alternating with eastward windstorms that triggered and/or enhanced the cascading of dense waters accumulated on the bottom of the shelf due to previous cooling. These conditions occurred in conjunction with increased phytoplankton productivity in shelf surface waters. Organic matter advected mainly by dense shelf water cascading was fresher due to the transport of newly produced particles and a variable terrestrial fraction; this fraction depended on the proportion of resuspended material accumulated during previous high discharge periods that was involved in each transport pulse. The tight link shown between meteorological conditions and organic matter transport is important for continental margin geochemical studies as future changes in climatic conditions may lead to dramatic changes in carbon sequestration capability and in the ecosystems of deep margin environments.  相似文献   

210Pb in the surface water of the North Pacific was extensively determined. The results showed that the highest concentrations of210Pb of 19 ± 3dpm/100kg were found in the northern mid-latitudes around 30°N, but longitudinal variation across the North Pacific was not observed. The mean residence time of210Pb in the surface water up to 100 m in depth is calculated to be 230 days. In the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere,210Pb may be transported by the prevailing westerly wind of a higher speed than 15 m/sec, likely the jet stream.  相似文献   

PAH were determined in surface waters from the Rhone delta in winter and summer 1987. Both particulate and dissolved phases were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Concentrations of major unsubstituted compounds associated with particles varied from a few to 20 ng l−1, or from 0.42 to 6.0 μg g−1. The seasonal variations reflected higher inputs in winter resulting from the presence of highly PAH-enriched particles. Tetra- and penta-cyclic PAH with MW 202 and 252 predominated, which reflected a significant origin from pyrolytic processes. A rapid decrease of the level of higher MW PAH was observed seawards in both seasons. Study of the tricyclic compounds and their alkylated homologues demonstrated a mainly fossil origin in winter, whereas in summer a high heterogeneity of particles was observed. PAH in the dissolved phase were found at concentrations up to 31 and 50 ng l−1 in summer and winter, respectively. These levels were much higher than those encountered in the corresponding particulate phases. PAH with MW 178 and 202 predominated, and the alkylated homologues of the tricyclic compounds showed a major fossil orgin in winter and a mixed origin in summer. In winter dissolved PAH were transported through the delta into the marine environment without significant losses.  相似文献   

The dispersion and deposition of particulate organic matter from a fish cage located in an idealized curved channel with a 90° bend are studied for different horizontal grid resolutions. The model system consists of a three-dimensional, random-walk particle tracking model coupled to a terrain-following ocean model. The particle tracking model is a Lagrangian particle tracking simulator which uses the local flow field, simulated by the ocean model, for advection of the particles and random walk to simulate the turbulent diffusion. The sinking of particles is modeled by imposing an individual particle settling velocity. As the homogeneous water flows through the bend in the channel, the results show that a cross-channel secondary circulation is developed. The motion of this flow is similar to a helical motion where the water in the upper layers moves towards the outer bank and towards the inner bank in the lower layers. The intensity of the secondary circulation will depend on the viscosity scheme and increases as the horizontal grid resolution decreases which significantly affects the distribution of the particles on the seabed. The presence of the secondary circulation leads to that most of the particles that settle, settle close to the inner bank of the channel.  相似文献   

Many environmental pollution issues from highway runoff increasingly become a serious concern, which has been revealed by many previous studies. However, very less information is available on the distribution characteristics of pollutants and their mutual influence in highway runoff. In this paper, the partitioning of pollutant and particle size distribution were investigated based on the initial road runoff of 47 rainfall events from July 2007 to May 2009 on the Lukou section of the Nanjing Airport Expressway, China. This study is emphasizing on the analysis of the mutual impact of pollutant distribution and the relationship between particle size and pollutant distribution. The impact of rainfall characteristics, water temperature, and pH values in runoff samples on the pollutant distribution was also studied. Result shows that partitioning of different pollutants was varying significantly. Volume of particles in different sizes was different, with the highest volume of particles of 21–75 µm size. The distribution of COD highly affected the distribution of TN, and somewhat promoted the distribution of Pb in particles. TP, Pb, and Cd promoted distribution of each other's in particles. There was better competition among Zn, Cu, and Cd, when heavy metals combined with particles. The particles ranged between 21 and 75 µm size had an obvious impact on the distribution of COD, Pb, and TN in the particulate matter. TP in the particulate matter mainly distributed in particles ranged in 151–300 µm size. Rainfall duration significantly affected the Pb in particulate matter. The distribution of Zn in the particulate matter mostly was affected by pH values.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy and instrumental neutron activation analyses of filtered suspended matter from the Atlantic Ocean show that particulate aluminium (Alp) is a sensitive measure of bottom derived or resuspended material. The proportion of Alp in suspended particulate matter (SPM) increases slightly between surface and intermediate depths but shows large and steady increases in deep waters with approach to the bottom.

Fep/Alp andMnp/Alp ratios are always higher than the crustal ratios throughout the water column. We show that the processes which can explain such enrichments are different for particulate matter in surface waters (scavenging, incorporation in biogenic particles) than for resuspended material (precipitation from interstitial waters on surficial sediments).

Close to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the bottom suspended matter exhibits higher Fep/Alp andMnp/Alp ratios than in abyssal plains. A ridge crest source must be invoked to explain the striking enrichment of Mnp. This source could also explain the enrichment of Fep, although primarily because the resuspended flux is small in that region, one cannot exclude the contribution of particles from the mid-water column.  相似文献   

运用金汞齐-冷原子荧光光谱法(CVAFS)和气相色谱技术(GC),对贵州省草海不同水文季节(枯水期和丰水期)表层水中汞的各种赋存形态,包括总汞(HgT)、溶解态汞(HgD)、活性汞(HgR)、颗粒态汞(HgP)、总甲基汞(MeHgT)、溶解态甲基汞(MeHgD)和颗粒态甲基汞(MeHgP)以及沉积物间隙水剖面中的溶解态总汞和甲基汞含量进行了测定.结果显示:草海表层水体总汞浓度为1.7-9.0ng/L,活性汞浓度为0.06-1.4ng/L,总甲基汞浓度为0.11-0.67ng/L.沉积物间隙水中溶解态汞浓度为8.6-39.6ng/L,溶解态甲基汞浓度为0.11-4.9ng/L.实验数据表明,草海湖水以溶解态汞为主,其占总汞的比例为枯水期87%,丰水期51%,溶解态汞与总汞呈显著相关(丰水期P<0.01;枯水期P<0.05),颗粒态汞与总汞也呈显著相关(丰水期P<0.01;枯水期P<0.05).溶解态甲基汞与总甲基汞呈显著相关(丰水期P<0.01;枯水期P<0.05),表明溶解态甲基汞控制总甲基汞的分布.沉积物间隙水溶解态汞与溶解态甲基汞浓度明显高于上覆水体,表明沉积物为草海湖水中汞的一个重要来源.  相似文献   

Research on arable sandy loam and silty clay loam soils on 4° slopes in England has shown that tramlines (i.e. the unseeded wheeling areas used to facilitate spraying operations in cereal crops) can represent the most important pathway for phosphorus and sediment loss from moderately sloping fields. Detailed monitoring over the October–March period in winters 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 included event‐based sampling of surface runoff, suspended and particulate sediment, and dissolved and particulate phosphorus from hillslope segments (each ~300–800 m2) established in a randomized block design with four replicates of each treatment at each of two sites on lighter and heavier soils. Experimental treatments assessed losses from the cropped area without tramlines, and from the uncropped tramline area, and were compared to losses from tramlines which had been disrupted once in the autumn with a shallow tine. On the lighter soil, the effects of removal or shallow incorporation of straw residues was also determined. Research on both sandy and silty clay loam soils across two winters showed that tramline wheelings represented the dominant pathway for surface runoff and transport of sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen from cereal crops on moderate slopes. Results indicated 5·5–15·8% of rainfall lost as runoff, and losses of 0·8–2·9 kg TP ha?1 and 0·3–4·8 t ha?1 sediment in tramline treatments, compared to only 0·2–1·7% rainfall lost as runoff, and losses of 0·0–0·2 kg TP ha?1 and 0·003–0·3 t ha?1 sediment from treatments without tramlines or those where tramlines had been disrupted. The novel shallow disruption of tramline wheelings using a tine once following the autumn spray operation consistently and dramatically reduced (p < 0·001) surface runoff and loads of sediment, total nitrogen and total phosphorus to levels similar to those measured in cropped areas between tramlines. Results suggest that options for managing tramline wheelings warrant further refinement and evaluation with a view to incorporating them into spatially‐targeted farm‐level management planning using national or catchment‐based agri‐environment policy instruments aimed at reducing diffuse pollution from land to surface water systems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laurie Boithias  Yves Auda  Stéphane Audry  Jean-Pierre Bricquet  Alounsavath Chanhphengxay  Vincent Chaplot  Anneke de Rouw  Thierry Henry des Tureaux  Sylvain Huon  Jean-Louis Janeau  Keooudone Latsachack  Yann Le Troquer  Guillaume Lestrelin  Jean-Luc Maeght  Pierre Marchand  Pierre Moreau  Andrew Noble  Anne Pando-Bahuon  Kongkeo Phachomphon  Khambai Phanthavong  Alain Pierret  Olivier Ribolzi  Jean Riotte  Henri Robain  Emma Rochelle-Newall  Saysongkham Sayavong  Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung  Norbert Silvera  Nivong Sipaseuth  Bounsamay Soulileuth  Xaysatith Souliyavongsa  Phapvilay Sounyaphong  Sengkeo Tasaketh  Chanthamousone Thammahacksa  Jean-Pierre Thiebaux  Christian Valentin  Olga Vigiak  Marion Viguier  Khampaseuth Xayyathip 《水文研究》2021,35(5):e14126
Mountain regions of the humid tropics are characterized by steep slopes and heavy rains. These regions are thus prone to both high surface runoff and soil erosion. In Southeast Asia, uplands are also subject to rapid land-use change, predominantly as a result of increased population pressure and market forces. Since 1998, the Houay Pano site, located in northern Lao PDR (19.85°N 102.17°E) within the Mekong basin, aims at assessing the long-term impact of the conversion of traditional slash-and-burn cultivation systems to commercial perennial monocultures such as teak tree plantations, on the catchment hydrological response and sediment yield. The instrumented site monitors hydro-meteorological and soil loss parameters at both microplot (1 m2) and small catchment (0.6 km2) scales. The monitored catchment is part of the network of critical zone observatories named Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS). The data shared by M-TROPICS in Houay Pano are (1) rainfall, (2) air temperature, air relative humidity, wind speed, and global radiation, (3) catchment land use, (4) stream water level, suspended particulate matter, bed particulate matter and stones, (5) soil surface features, and (6) soil surface runoff and soil detachment. The dataset has already been used to interpret suspended particulate matter and bed particulate matter sources and dynamics, to assess the impact of land-use change on catchment hydrology, soil erosion, and sediment yields, to understand bacteria fate and weed seed transport across the catchment, and to build catchment-scale models focused on hydrology and water quality issues. The dataset may be further used to, for example, assess the role of headwater catchments in large tropical river basin hydrology, support the interpretation of new variables measured in the catchment (e.g., contaminants other than faecal bacteria), and assess the relative impacts of both climate and land-use change on the catchment.  相似文献   

The first in-situ measurements of flow rates in submarine hot springs (temperatures between 275° and 350°C) were made in the hot springs of the East Pacific Rise at 21°N during November, 1981. The flow rates ranged between 0.7 and 2.4 m/s. We estimate that the total rates at which heat and mass are transported from the three hot spring areas—OBS, National Geographic, and Southwest Vents—are ca. 2.2×108 W and 150 kg of fluid/s respectively. The very high rate of heat loss precludes the existence of hot springs as steady state features of the East Pacific Rise at 21°N. We estimate that hot springs are active for a maximum of ca. 40,000 years. Chemical and/or mechanical clogging of the vents can drastically reduce the lifetime of the hot springs.Using a simple model of plume development [1], we calculated that less than 3% of the sulfide particles that are entrained in the hydrothermal plumes at 21°N settle from the plumes before dispersal by a lateral submarine current at a height of ca. 250 m above the seafloor [2]. The time that is required to form the sulfide mounds that surround the hot springs by the accumulation of sulfide particles that settle from the plumes is ca. 70–85 years. The current rate at which sulfide particles settle from the hydrothermal plumes and accumulate near the hot springs appears to be too small to lead to the formation of large massive sulfide deposits such as the Mavrouni deposit on Cyprus [3], within the time limits that are suggested by our thermal energy balance calculations.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of210Pb and226Ra in the Santa Barbara Basin have been measured. The210Pb/226Ra activity ratio is close to unity in surface water, but ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 in deep water with a mean value of 0.3 (d > 250m), suggesting rapid removal of210Pb from the water column. The210Pb concentrations in the particulate phase at different water depths indicate that the removal of210Pb is due to adsorption on settling particles.It is estimated that the particulate210Pb contributes about 50–70% of the total210Pb measured on unfiltered water samples of the Santa Barbara Basin. The fate of210Pb (and Pb) in the water column is thus strongly controlled by the settling particles, which have a mean residence time of one year or less in the basin. Material balance calculation for210Pb in the basin suggests that there is an external source supplying about 70–80% of the210Pb observed in particulate material or sediments. This excess210Pb is most likely provided by particles entering the basin loaded already with210Pb.  相似文献   

The concentrations of7Be have been measured in Pacific and Atlantic ocean water for the past several years to determine the deposition velocity of aerosol particles on the ocean surface.7Be is produced at a relatively constant rate in the atmosphere by spallation reactions of cosmic rays with atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen. Immediately after its formation7Be becomes attached to aerosol particles, and therefore can serve as tracers of the subsequent behavior of these particles. Isopleths of7Be surface water concentrations,7Be inventory in the ocean, and deposition velocity have been prepared for the Pacific Ocean from 30°S to 60°N and for the Atlantic Ocean from 10°N to 55°N. The concentrations, inventories and deposition velocities tended to be higher in regions where precipitation was high, and generally increased with latitude. The average flux of7Be across the ocean surface was calculated to be 0.027 atoms cm?2 s?1 which is probably not significantly greater than the worldwide average7Be flux across land and ocean surfaces of 0.022 atoms cm?2 s?1 calculated by Lal and Peters. The average deposition velocity was calculated to be 0.80 cm s?1. This value may be 10–50% too low, since it was calculated using atmospheric7Be concentrations which were measured at continental stations. Measurements of atmospheric7Be concentrations at ocean stations suggest that the concentrations at the continental stations averaged 10–50% higher than the concentrations over the ocean.  相似文献   

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