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This paper is devoted to multi‐scale modeling of elastic–plastic deformation of a class of geomaterials with a polycrystalline microstructure. We have extended and improved the simplified polycrystalline model presented in [Zeng T. et al., 2014. Mech. Mater. 69 (1):132–145]. A rigorous and fully consistent self‐consistent (SC) scheme is proposed to describe the interaction among plastic mineral grains. We have also deeply discussed the numerical issues related to the numerical implementation of the proposed micromechanical model. The efficiency of the proposed model and the related numerical procedure is evaluated in several representative cases. We have compared the numerical results respectively obtained from the fully SC model and two simplified ones. It is found that the SC model produces a softer stress–strain response than that of the simplified models. The comparisons between the estimation of overall behavior of a granite in different loading conditions and experimental data are also conducted. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The macro‐ and micro‐sedimentology of a supraglacial melt‐out till forming at the Matanuska Glacier was examined in relationship to the properties of the stratified basal zone ice and debris from which it is originating. In situ melting of the basal ice has produced a laminated to bedded diamicton consisting mainly of silt. Macroscopic properties include: discontinuous laminae and beds; lenses of sand, silt aggregates and open‐work gravel; deformed and elongate clasts of clay; widely dispersed pebbles and cobbles, those that are prolate usually with their long axes subparallel to parallel to the bedding. Evidence for deformation is absent except for localized bending of beds over or under rock clasts. Microscopic properties are a unique element of this work and include: discontinuous lineations; silt to granule size laminae; prolate coarse sand and rock fragments commonly with their long axis subparallel to bedding; subangular to subrounded irregular shaped clay clasts often appearing as bands; sorted and unsorted silt to granule size horizons, sometimes disrupted by pore‐water pathways. Limited deformation occurs around rock clasts and thicker parts of lamina. This study shows that in situ melting of debris‐rich basal ice can produce a laminated and bedded diamicton that inherits and thereby preserves stratified basal ice properties. Production and preservation of supraglacial melt‐out till require in situ melting of a stagnant, debris‐rich basal ice source with a low relief surface that becomes buried by a thick, stable, insulating cover of ice‐marginal sediment. Also required are a slow melt rate and adequate drainage to minimize pore‐water pressures in the till and overlying sediment cover to maintain stability and uninterrupted deposition. Many modern and ancient hummocky moraines down glacier of subglacial overdeepenings probably meet these process criteria and their common occurrence suggests that both modern and pre‐modern supraglacial melt‐out tills may be more common than previously thought.  相似文献   

Across the extreme south of Patagonia, the Magallanes‐Fagnano Fault (MFF) accommodates the left‐lateral relative motion between South America and Scotia plates. In this paper, we present an updated view of the geometry of the eastern portion of the MFF outcropping in Tierra del Fuego. We subdivide the MFF in eight segments on the basis of their deformation styles, using field mapping and interpretation of high‐resolution imagery. We quantify coseismic ruptures of the strongest recorded 1949, Mw7.5 earthquake, and determine its eastern termination. We recognize several co‐seismic offsets in man‐made features showing a sinistral shift up to 6.5 m, greater than previously estimated. Using 10Be cosmogenic nuclides depth profiles, we date a cumulated offset in post‐glacial morphologies and estimate the long‐term slip rate of the eastern MFF. We quantify a 6.4 ± 0.9 mm/a left‐lateral fault slip rate, which overlaps geodetic velocity and suggests stable fault behaviour since Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A section of the orogenic middle crust (Orlica‐?nie?nik Dome, Polish/Czech Central Sudetes) was examined to constrain the duration and significance of deformation (D) and intertectonic (I) phases. In the studied metasedimentary synform, three deformation events produced an initial subhorizontal foliation S1 (D1), a subsequent subvertical foliation S2 (D2) and a late subhorizontal axial planar cleavage S3 (D3). The synform was intruded by pre‐, syn‐ and post‐D2 granitoid sheets. Crystallization–deformation relationships in mica schist samples document I1–2 garnet–staurolite growth, syn‐D2 staurolite breakdown to garnet–biotite–sillimanite/andalusite, I2–3 cordierite blastesis and late‐D3 chlorite growth. Garnet porphyroblasts show a linear Mn–Ca decrease from the core to the inner rim, a zone of alternating Ca–Y‐ and P‐rich annuli in the inner rim, and a Ca‐poor outer rim. The Ca–Y‐rich annuli probably reflect the occurrence of the allanite‐to‐monazite transition at conditions of the staurolite isograd, whereas the Ca‐poor outer rim is ascribed to staurolite demise. The reconstructed PT path, obtained by modelling the stability of parageneses and garnet zoning, documents near‐isobaric heating from ~4 kbar/485 °C to ~4.75 kbar/575 °C during I1–2. This was followed by a progression to 4–5 kbar/580–625 °C and a subsequent pressure decrease to 3–4 kbar during D2. Pressure decrease below 3 kbar is ascribed to I2–3, whereas cooling below ~500 °C occurred during D3. In the dated mica schist sample, garnet rims show strong Lu enrichment, oscillatory Lu zoning and a slight Ca increase. These features are also related to allanite breakdown coeval with staurolite appearance. As Lu‐rich garnet rims dominate the Lu–Hf budget, the 344 ± 3 Ma isochron age is ascribed to garnet crystallization at staurolite grade, near the end of I1–2. For the dated sample of amphibole–biotite granitoid sheet, a Pb–Pb single zircon evaporation age of 353 ± 1 Ma is related to the onset of plutonic activity. The results suggest a possible Devonian age for D1, and a Carboniferous burial‐exhumation cycle in mid‐crustal rocks that is broadly coeval with the exhumation of neighbouring HP rocks during D2. In the light of published ages, a succession of telescoping stages with time spans decreasing from c. 10 to 2–3 Ma is proposed. The initially long period of tectonic quiescence (I1–2 phase, c. 10 Ma) inferred in the middle crust contrasts with contemporaneous deformation at deeper levels and points to decoupled PTD histories within the orogenic wedge. An elevated gradient of ~30 °C km?1 and assumed high heating rates of c. 20 °C Ma?1 are explained by the protracted intrusion of granitoid sheets, with or without deformation, whereas fast vertical movements (2–3 Ma, D2 phase) in the crust require the activity of deformation phases.  相似文献   

A new analysis of all 346 published 14C dated Holocene alluvial units in Britain offers a unique insight into the regional impacts of global change and shows how surprisingly sensitive British rivers have been to relatively modest but repeated changes in climate. Fourteen major but probably brief periods of flooding are identified bracketed within the periods 400–1070, 1940–3940, 7520–8100 and at ca. 10 420 cal. yr BP. There is a strong correspondence between climatic deteriorations inferred from mire wet shifts and major periods of flooding, especially at ca. 8000 cal. yr BP and since ca. 4000 cal. yr BP. The unusually long and complete British record also demonstrates that alterations in land cover have resulted in a step change in river basin sensitivity to variations in climate. This has very important implications for assessing and mitigating the impact of increasing severe flooding. In small and medium‐sized river basins land use is likely to play a key role in either moderating or amplifying the climatic signal. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The studied area, built up by silty clayey and partly sandy sediments and paleosols, lies on the tectonically active Northern margins of the Pannonian Basin. Wavy, sagging load casts can be observed in the upper part of the Late Miocene alluvial complex and larger scale sagging load casts, flame structures, drops and pillows detected in its Quaternary cover were studied in detail, in order to understand the origins of soft sediment deformation which characterized this young sedimentary suite. Sedimentological, paleopedological and mineralogical observations suggest that:
1. One of the reasons for the soft-sediment deformation might have been the relatively low cohesive strength of the predominantly smectitic sediment covering a gentle slope similar to the actual landscape.

2. On such a surface, the down-slope gravitational component of the mud-blanket might easily have been sufficient to overcome its cohesive strength.

3. Frost action traceable in the studied formations might also have contributed to the observed deformation, particularly along the eroded top of the Late Miocene sediments.

Combined evidence from field observations and laboratory analyses support the idea that liquefaction–fluidization was of prime importance in bringing about the observed structures. In conclusion two alternative Quaternary/Holocene scenarios are proposed, which might have resulted in the unusual behaviour of the sediments/paleosols. One is a seismic event, the other is the combined effect of freeze–thaw cycles and of the sloping foothill position, which might have resulted in episodic downslope transport and the associated deformation of the eroded soil material when its water content surpassed a certain threshold. We accept that the anomalous abundance of soft-sediment deformation in this marginal position may be causally related to paleo-earthquakes, but the obvious complexity of the phenomenon requires caution. In case the proposed scenarios would not have been alternatives but acted simultaneously, the analysed phenomena were to be interpreted as the joint results of tectonics and climate change.  相似文献   

Heavy minerals of twenty sediment samples, belonging to polar ice sheet, lake, mainland area and shelf region of Schirmacher Oasis, east Antarctica, have been studied for their textural characteristics, abundance and provenance determination. The heavy crop is represented by zircon, tourmaline, rutile, garnet, hypersthene, hornblende, chlorite, enstatite, lawsonite, kyanite, sillimanite, zoisite, andalusite, spinel, topaz and opaques. The assemblage, in general, is dominated by hornblende-hypersthene-garnet assemblage, followed by kyanite-sillimanite-andalusite and zircontourmaline-rutile. The high concentration of specific minerals of metamorphic origin reveals high-grade metamorphic terrain as the primary source. The ZTR ratio is low showing low mineralogical maturity. An attempt has also been made to compare the trends of heavy minerals of various sub glacial regions with those of the average values of entire area.  相似文献   

The Fiskarheden quarry, situated in NW Dalarna, central Sweden, reveals thick coarse‐grained sediments of Scott type facies association representing a sandur deposited in an ice‐proximal proglacial environment. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of the sandur sediments suggests a pre‐Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) age. Most acquired ages are pre‐Saalian (>200 ka) and we regard each of these ages to represent non/poorly bleached sediment except for one small‐aliquot OSL age of 98±6 ka. This age comes from the top surface of an arguably well‐bleached sand bed deposited on the lee‐side of a braid‐bar, putting the sandur build‐up into the Early Weichselian. Large‐scale glaciotectonic structures show an imbricate thrust fan involving both ductile and brittle deformation. The deformation was from the WNW, which largely coincides with the formative trend of the predominating streamlined terrain and Rogen moraine tracts surrounding Fiskarheden. It is suggested that the deformation of the sandur sediments took place when the advancing glacier approached and pushed its own proglacial outwash sediment, during an ice‐marginal oscillation either at the inception of one of the Early Weichselian glaciations in the area, or during a general ice retreat amid a deglacial phase. The Fiskarheden sandur deposits are covered by a subglacial traction till deposited from the NE/NNE. This direction corresponds with younger streamlined terrain flowsets cross‐cutting the older NNW–SSE system and probably represents deglaciation in the area following the LGM. This study will add to the understanding of the formation and deformation of Pleistocene sandur successions and their relationship to past ice‐sheet behaviour.  相似文献   

Analysis of earthquake focal mechanisms allows division of the India‐Asia collision into kinematic domains that strongly correlate with topography. These kinematic domains indicate strain partitioning dominated by oblique slip deformation. The Kunlun and south Tibetan fault systems mark discontinuities in the strain field and bound the high, flat topography of the plateau which deforms by transtension. The northern and southern margins of Tibet deform by transpression or contraction and are topographically steep. Correlations between seismicity and topography are due to Mohr–Coulomb wedge mechanics at the northern and southern plateau margins which produce naturally steep surface slopes, whereas the flat interior and eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is underlain by viscous crust which supports subdued topography further muted by Cenozoic basin fill. These data indicate that the long wavelength topography of the India‐Asia collision is controlled by seismically caused surface displacements which are linked to deep crustal deformation mechanics.  相似文献   

This study presents a synthesis of the geomorphology, facies variability and depositional architecture of ice‐marginal deltas affected by rapid lake‐level change. The integration of digital elevation models, outcrop, borehole, ground‐penetrating radar and high‐resolution shear‐wave seismic data allows for a comprehensive analysis of these delta systems and provides information about the distinct types of deltaic facies and geometries generated under different lake‐level trends. The exposed delta sediments record mainly the phase of maximum lake level and subsequent lake drainage. The stair‐stepped profiles of the delta systems reflect the progressive basinward lobe deposition during forced regression when the lakes successively drained. Depending on the rate and magnitude of lake‐level fall, fan‐shaped, lobate or more digitate tongue‐like delta morphologies developed. Deposits of the stair‐stepped transgressive delta bodies are buried, downlapped and onlapped by the younger forced regressive deposits. The delta styles comprise both Gilbert‐type deltas and shoal‐water deltas. The sedimentary facies of the steep Gilbert‐type delta foresets include a wide range of gravity‐flow deposits. Delta deposits of the forced‐regressive phase are commonly dominated by coarse‐grained debrisflow deposits, indicating strong upslope erosion and cannibalization of older delta deposits. Deposits of supercritical turbidity currents are particularly common in sand‐rich Gilbert‐type deltas that formed during slow rises in lake level and during highstands. Foreset beds consist typically of laterally and vertically stacked deposits of antidunes and cyclic steps. The trigger mechanisms for these supercritical turbidity currents were both hyperpycnal meltwater flows and slope‐failure events. Shoal‐water deltas formed at low water depths during both low rates of lake‐level rise and forced regression. Deposition occurred from tractional flows. Transgressive mouthbars form laterally extensive sand‐rich delta bodies with a digitate, multi‐tongue morphology. In contrast, forced regressive gravelly shoal‐water deltas show a high dispersion of flow directions and form laterally overlapping delta lobes. Deformation structures in the forced‐regressive ice‐marginal deltas are mainly extensional features, including normal faults, small graben or half‐graben structures and shear‐deformation bands, which are related to gravitational delta tectonics, postglacial faulting during glacial‐isostatic adjustment, and crestal collapse above salt domes. A neotectonic component cannot be ruled out in some cases.  相似文献   

In sections and cores from an area of the Baltic Ice Lake in Blekinge complete varve series of fine-grained glacial sediments have been found. It is possible to divide the series, from bottom to top, into four varve types. A core from Karlshamn in Blekinge shows most varves of the investigated localities, in all 355 varves. Antevs' (1915) local chronology has been used, as the most recent revision of the Swedish time scale has not yet been completed. The chronology in this investigation ranges from - 325 to + 315, or 640 years. The varve chronology and the velocity of the ice recession, c. 90 m/year in northeastern Skåne, shows good agreement with the work of Antevs, whose unpublished diagrams have been re-worked and used in this investigation.  相似文献   

The sandy deposits produced by tsunamis and liquefaction share many sedimentary features, and distinctions between the two are important in seismically active coastal zones. Both types of deposits are present in the wetlands bordering Puget Sound, where one or more earthquakes about 1100 years ago caused both tsunami flooding and sediment venting. This co‐occurrence allows an examination of the resulting deposits and a comparison with tsunami and liquefaction features of modern events. Vented sediments occur at four of five wetland field localities and tsunami deposits at two. In comparison with tsunami deposits, vented sediments in this study and from other studies tend to be thicker (although they can be thin). Vented sediments also have more variable thickness at both outcrop and map scale, are associated with injected dykes and contain clasts derived from underlying deposits. Further, vented sediments tend to contain a greater variety of sedimentary structures, and these structures vary laterally over metres. Tsunami deposits compared with vented sediments are commonly thinner, fine and thin landward more consistently, have more uniform thickness on outcrop and map scales, and have the potential of containing coarser clasts, up to boulders. For both tsunami deposits and vented sediments, the availability and grain size of source material condition the characteristics of the deposit. In the cases presented in this paper, both foraminifera and diatom assemblages within tsunami deposits and vented sediments consisted of brackish and marine species, and no distinction between processes could be made based on microfossils. In summary, this study indicates a need for more careful analysis and mapping of coastal sediments associated with earthquakes to avoid misidentification of processes and misevaluation of hazards.  相似文献   

A 10.5 m core from Changeable Lake in the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago just north of the Taymyr Peninsula intersects ca. 30 cm of diamicton at its base, interpreted as a basal till. Because the upper 10.13 m of this core consists of non‐glacial sediments, a maximum numeric age for these non‐glacial sediments would provide a clear lower limit to the timing of the last glaciation in the area of Changeable Lake. Radiocarbon (14C) dating of several materials from this core yielded widely scattered results. Consequently we applied photonic dating to sediments above the diamicton. The experimental single‐aliquot‐regenerative (SAR) dose fine‐grain method was applied to two samples, using the ‘double SAR’ approach. With one exception, these fine‐grain SAR results and the results of application of the SAR method to sand‐sized quartz grains from two samples, at ca. 9.95 m and ca. 10.05 m depth, are discrepant with age estimates from the multi‐aliquot infrared‐photon‐stimulated luminescence (IR‐PSL) method applied to fine grains. Multi‐aliquot IR‐PSL dating of 10 samples produces ages increasing monotonically from ca. 4 ka at 2 m to 53 ± 4 ka at 9.97 m. These self‐consistent multi‐aliquot IR‐PSL ages, along with limiting 14C ages of >47 ka at ca. 10 m, provide direct evidence that glacial ice did not advance over this lake basin during the Last Glacial Maximum, and thus delimit the northeastern margin of the Barents–Kara Sea ice‐sheet to somewhere west of this archipelago. The last regional glaciation probably occurred during marine isotope stage (MIS) 4 or earlier. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quiescent‐phase surge‐type glacier, Kongsvegen, flows confluent with the continuously fast‐flowing Kronebreen in northwestern Spitsbergen. The lower regions of Kongsvegen overlie glaciomarine sediments, which have been incorporated into the ice during multiple surge events. The resulting englacial structures are exposed at the surface and on a cliff section. These structures have variously been interpreted as thrusts, formed by compression, or sediment‐filled crevasses, formed by extension. We collected a grid of closely spaced ground‐penetrating radar profiles in the area adjacent to the cliff section. Several structures were imaged in 3‐D, including a strong subhorizontal basal reflector, which was underlain by a second, weaker subhorizontal reflector. The basal reflector was occasionally reverse faulted, suggesting compression. Clear englacial features extended upwards from it, dipping up‐glacier at angles of <40° and steepening towards the glacier surface; they had complex geometries that changed rapidly cross‐glacier. The structures were orientated at ~30° to ice flow, suggesting modification by lateral compression from Kronebreen. Some of these englacial structures clearly crossed the basal reflector. We conclude that the englacial features imaged are not likely to be derived from crevasse filling and were probably formed by thrusting. The results contribute to our understanding of surge initiation and termination processes, and interpretation of features in the palaeorecord. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Isolated carbonate platforms occur throughout geological history, and commonly exhibit considerable spatial variability. To evaluate the controls on the nature of sediment accumulation across the expansive, shallow platform tops, this study systematically compares and contrasts patterns in surface sediments from several shallow (<10 m) Holocene Bahamian examples. Remote‐sensing data, field observations, petrographic characterization and quantitative grain‐size analyses reveal the spatial patterns of sediment accumulation on Crooked–Acklins Platform and the Berry Islands Bank. Integration of these data with synoptic observations of waves, tides and currents, along with regional geochemical data, provides a means to explore the factors that influence platform‐scale sedimentary patterns. These data illustrate that the platform interiors of both Crooked–Acklins Platform and Berry Islands Bank are blanketed with medium to coarse sand size sediment. Peloids are most common in the interior of Crooked–Acklins Platform, whereas the Berry Islands Bank includes more abundant composite grains. In both areas, very little mud is present, with surface sediments averaging <2% mud. Comparison of these results with published data from Little Bahama Bank, Great Bahama Bank and Caicos Platform suggest that, contrary to previous interpretations, the presence of open margins and/or brisk winds are not necessary for the occurrence of a platform top with little mud. Although the muddy sediment fraction of the interior can be suspended by elevated wave energy, wind‐generated current speeds in protected platform interiors are relatively low. Instead, in parts of the platform interiors, transport and winnowing of fines is enhanced greatly by tidal currents, which carry suspended sediments off the shallow platforms, even if shielded by islands. Beyond physical influences, however, regional geochemical compilations suggest that the Bahamian tides supply highly supersaturated waters rich in dissolved oxygen to these platform interiors. This exchange is interpreted to facilitate favourable conditions for calcium carbonate precipitation in the form of ooids, marine cements and hardened peloids across vast expanses of the platform interiors. Such fundamental controls on Holocene platform‐scale sediment dynamics are likely to have influenced carbonate systems through the geological record.  相似文献   

The Mixed Water Region (MWR) between the Oyashio Current and the Kuroshio Extension and surrounding terrestrial region have been affected by the global climatic change. The sedimentary core KR02-15 PC6 collected at 40°23.8871′N, 143°29.8663′E in the MWR provides detailed records of pollen and spores and alkenone sea surface temperature (SST) during the last 15 kyr, showing that both ocean and terrestrial environments have been appreciably linked. Abundance of Picea, a proxy for terrestrial cool climate, fluctuated, coinciding with the alkenone-SST change during the interstadial period (15.0–7.7 cal kyr B.P.). Alkenone-SST increased to the modern level at 8.0 cal kyr B.P. and remained almost constant until 2.0 kyr B.P. while the terrestrial warming still continued until 4.0 cal kyr B.P. The rainfall under terrestrial warm condition increased gradually from 7.9 cal kyr B.P. and rapidly from 2.0 cal kyr B.P. Both terrestrial and marine environments cooled down during the last 2 kyr possibly due to the intensified cold Oyashio Current.  相似文献   

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