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Holocene climate change is characterized as generally cooling in high latitudes and drying in tropical and Asian summer monsoonal regions, following the gradual decrease in northern hemisphere summer insolation over the last 12,000 years. However, some recent high-resolution, well-dated monsoon reconstructions seem to suggest an abnormal increase in Asian summer monsoon strength during the late Holocene, against the generally weakening Holocene trend. Here, we synthesize marine and terrestrial moisture records from Asian monsoonal regions that span most of the Holocene period. Late Holocene strengthening of Asian summer monsoon identified from a wealth of the synthesized monsoon records appears to be a robust feature, which warrants further consideration of its possible causes. The possible reverse trend in Asian summer monsoon strength preceding insolation minima seems to have also occurred during previous interglacial periods, based on speleothem records. We further show a similar late Holocene reverse trend in tropical hydrological changes, suggesting that the Asian summer monsoon behavior might be internally linked to the movement of the average position of the ITCZ and ENSO variability during the late Holocene. On the other hand, we suggest that even though several Holocene temperature records indeed show a reverse trend in the late Holocene, the overall evidence for a link between the late Holocene reverse trend in Asian summer monsoon and global temperature changes is insufficient. The reverse trend in Asian summer monsoon during the late Holocene is difficult to be explained with the traditional boreal insolation-driven view. We suggest that this phenomenon might be linked to austral summer insolation changes and/or greenhouse gas increase. However, we caution that additional paleoclimate reconstructions and model simulations are needed to systematically study the spatial pattern and understand underlying mechanism of the late Holocene reverse trend in Asian summer monsoon strength.  相似文献   

张肖剑  靳立亚 《第四纪研究》2018,38(5):1244-1254

南亚高压是亚洲夏季风系统的重要组成部分,它的强度及位置变化对亚洲夏季风降水有非常重要的影响,对其变化特征和物理机制的研究可以加深对亚洲夏季风演化的认识。论文利用一个海-气耦合模式(KCM),在轨道参数的强迫下模拟了全新世以来(9.5~0 ka B.P.)的气候变化,分析了全新世南亚高压的南北移动特征,并探讨其与亚洲夏季风降水的关系。研究发现,全新世以来南亚高压持续向南移动,同时也反映了对流层上层西风逐渐向南扩张,响应逐渐减少的夏季太阳辐射。早全新世南亚高压偏北主要是由于夏季太阳辐射增加导致伊朗高原感热加热加强。南亚高压的南北移动与亚洲夏季风降水有显著的关系,它与东亚季风区北部和印度季风区降水呈正相关关系,而与东亚季风区南部和西南季风区降水呈负相关关系。偏北的南亚高压在东亚北部上空产生异常反气旋,有利于对流层低层空气辐合上升,降水增加,此外异常反气旋还可以加强西太副高,使得输送到东亚北部的水汽增加。南亚高压偏北时还会在中低纬地区产生异常东风带,减弱了来自孟加拉湾的水汽输入,从而使得东亚南部和西南季风区降水减少。偏北的南亚高压还在阿拉伯海上空产生异常气旋,有利于印度夏季风降水的增加。南亚高压的南北振荡可以部分解释相同轨道强迫下亚洲夏季风降水出现显著空间差异的原因。


A few studies from the western Arabian Sea indicate that the Indian summer (or southwest) monsoon (ISM), after attaining its maximum intensity at ca. 9 ka, declined during the Holocene, as did insolation. In contrast, earlier and later observations from both the eastern and the western Arabian Sea do not support this inference. Analysis of multiple proxies of productivity in a new sediment core from the western Arabian Sea fails to confirm the earlier, single‐proxy (e.g. abundance of Globigerina bulloides) based, inference of the Holocene weakening of ISM, following insolation. The reason for the observed decreasing trend in foraminiferal abundance – the basis for the earlier inference – could be the favouring of silicate rather than carbonate productivity by the increased ISM wind strength. Although ISM exhibits several multi‐millennial scale fluctuations, there is no evidence from several multi‐proxy data to conclude that it declined during the Holocene; this is consistent with the phase lag analysis of longer time series of monsoon proxies. Thus, on sub‐Milankovitch timescales, ISM did not follow insolation, highlighting the importance of internal feedbacks. A comparison with East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) records suggests that both ISM and EASM varied in unison, implying common forcing factors on such longer timescales. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孙炜毅  刘健  严蜜  宁亮 《地学前缘》2022,29(5):342-354
气候重建工作的深入开展极大地促进了全新世亚洲季风变化的研究,然而当前重建结果对亚洲季风的演变特征和机理存在很大争议,开展古气候模拟对理解全新世亚洲季风演变的时空特征和成因机制具有重要意义。为此,本文主要从气候模式模拟的角度回顾全新世亚洲季风百年-千年尺度变化的模拟研究工作,并将从外强迫和气候系统内部变率这两个角度对机制进行探讨。主要有以下进展:全新世瞬变模拟试验结果反映早全新世以来亚洲季风降水呈下降趋势,这主要受到地球轨道参数的影响,并通过改变海陆热力差异和半球间温度梯度来影响亚洲季风降水。在百年尺度弱季风事件上,模拟的8.2 ka BP时期的亚洲季风弱事件主要是由冰川融水触发,引起大西洋经向翻转环流AMOC减弱并通过大气遥相关导致季风降水减少;而4.2 ka BP时期模式模拟的亚洲弱季风事件主要是受内部变率所主导而并非外强迫因子影响。亚洲季风百年尺度变化的模拟研究主要集中在过去2 000年时段,中世纪气候异常期季风明显增强,而在小冰期逐渐减弱,太阳辐射和火山活动是影响其变化的主导因子,它们通过影响海陆热力差异、印—太海温变化来影响季风变化。  相似文献   


亚洲夏季风是全球季风系统的重要组成部分,亚洲夏季风的变化对其控制区域自然生态系统的多样性和生态平衡,以及社会经济发展有重要的影响。本文选择位于现代亚洲夏季风边缘区对季风变化响应敏感的湖泊达连海为研究对象,基于陆生植物残体和全有机质的AMS 14C定年建立了钻孔顶部24.6 m沉积物的年代框架,利用粒度指标重建了全新世研究区水文变化过程以及亚洲夏季风衰退事件序列。结果显示,沉积物中存在数层砂层,代表了湖泊低水位时期,进而指示了亚洲夏季风衰退事件。这些事件处在11.6~11.3 cal.ka B.P.、10.4~9.5 cal.ka B.P.、6.4~6.0 cal.ka B.P.、4.6~4.4 cal.ka B.P.、3.7~3.4 cal.ka B.P.、3.1~2.9 cal.ka B.P.以及2.0~0.9 cal.ka B.P.,可以发现中晚全新世以来亚洲夏季风衰退事件发生的频率显著增加。进一步与北半球高纬地区与低纬地区的气候突变事件记录对比显示,全新世百年-千年时间尺度上亚洲夏季风强度的变化与低纬ENSO活动存在密切的联系。



太阳活动对东亚夏季风(EASM)变化有着重要的影响。本研究利用通用地球系统模式(CESM)开展了全新世气候瞬变模拟试验, 探究了全新世EASM降水百年尺度的变化特征及其对太阳活动外强迫的响应机理。结果表明: 在变化趋势上, 模拟的全新世以来EASM降水呈减弱趋势, 主要受地球轨道参数外强迫的影响。在百年尺度上, 中全新世以来太阳活动外强迫引起EASM降水出现约430年的周期变化特征, 这与高分辨率重建资料记录的周期相似。这一百年尺度变化的空间主模态呈南北偶极型分布, 北方降水与太阳活动存在显著的同期正相关, 当太阳活动增强时东亚海陆热力差异加强, 陆地海平面气压降低, 引起异常的气旋性环流, 有利于北方降水增多。南方降水与太阳活动呈负相关并滞后于太阳活动, 太阳活动通过调制赤道太平洋类拉尼娜态的海温梯度, 引起西北太平洋风-蒸发-海温的正反馈机制, 触发异常的西北太平洋气旋性环流, 从而导致南方降水减少。


Changes in paleoenvironments over the last 17,500 yr have been documented by a high-resolution clay mineralogy and grain–size records of Core KNG5 from the northern slope of the South China Sea. Our results indicate that clay minerals are mainly from the Pearl River from 17,500 to12,500 cal yr BP, and the South China Sea modern current system began to form since 12,500 cal yr BP, as a result, Taiwan turns to be the major contributor of clay minerals after 12,500 cal yr BP. Two grain-size populations with high variability through time were identified in the 13–28 μm and 1–2.2 μm grain-size intervals. The 1–2.2 μm grain-size population are mainly controlled by provenance supply and current transport. The 13–28 μm grain-size fraction could be controlled mainly by the sea-level change. The 1–2.2 μm grain-size population record demonstrates that East Asian Summer Monsoon intensity generally follows changes in insolation and that the response is similar for a large area of China and other northern low-latitude records, implying the globality of the monsoon evolution since Holocene. The anomalous environmental conditions in the northern South China Sea may imply intensified ENSO activity during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

程曦  施健 《第四纪研究》2024,44(2):593-604
全新世期间东亚夏季风经历了较为复杂的演变过程,针对其降水的时空变化规律还存在争议。本研究利用TraCE-21 ka气候瞬变模拟的全强迫试验和敏感性试验数据,分析了全新世东亚不同区域降水极大值出现的时间,即东亚季风降水的"穿时性"问题,并就降水量的演变趋势和主要影响因子进行了分析。结果表明,全强迫试验中,全新世期间东亚夏季风总降水和净降水极大值最早在北方出现,然后逐渐南移,直到近代出现在南方及沿海地区,这与全新世期间东亚夏季风强度逐渐减弱相符;利用水汽收支方程对全新世东亚夏季风总降水变化进行分解,北方地区降水变化主要受动力因子的控制,热力因子的贡献占比较小,随着地区的南移,热力因子也起到了一定的贡献,不过动力因子仍是主导因素;敏感性试验进一步揭示,全强迫试验中东亚季风降水的这种"穿时性"主要受到地球轨道变化导致的海陆热力差异变化调控。  相似文献   

近千年东亚夏季风演变*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在分析东亚地区夏季海平面气压场与中国东部6区域干湿指数关系的基础上,重建了公元960—2000年近千年东亚地区夏季海平面气压场的格点资料,并对重建效果进行了检验。同时,依据重建的海平面气压场资料定义了近千年东亚夏季风强度指数,探讨了近千年东亚夏季风的变化特征。结果表明:(1)重建的近千年东亚地区的海平面气压场具有一定的可信度,它为研究更长时间尺度的东亚夏季风变化特征提供了基础;(2)东亚夏季风指数存在60~70 a、30~40 a、10~20 a的显著周期变化;(3)近千年东亚夏季风的强度指数主要经历过9次明显的趋势突变。其中,13世纪30年代东亚夏季风的强度指数经历了最显著的振动。  相似文献   

The regional climate correlation within the Northern Hemisphere in the cold/dry mid-Younger Dryas event (YD) remains elusive. A key to unraveling this issue is sufficient knowledge of the detailed climate variability at the low latitudes. Here we present a high-resolution (3-yr) δ18O record of an annually laminated stalagmite from central China that reveals a detailed Asian monsoon (AM) history from 13.36 to 10.99 ka. The YD in this record is expressed as three phases, characterized by gradual onsets but rapid ends. During the mid-YD, the AM variability exhibited an increasing trend superimposed by three centennial oscillations, well-correlated to changes in Greenland temperatures. These warming/wetting fluctuations show a periodicity of ~ 200 yr, generally in agreement with centennial changes in cosmogenic nuclides indicated by the 10Be flux from the Greenland ice. This relationship implies that centennial-scale climate changes during the mid-YD are probably caused by solar output and rapidly transported over broad regions through atmosphere reorganization.  相似文献   

In this study, the possible linkage between summer monsoon rainfall over India and surface meteorological fields (basic fields and heat budget components) over monsoon region (30‡E-120‡E, 30‡S30‡N) during the pre-monsoon month of May and summer monsoon season (June to September) are examined. For this purpose, monthly surface meteorological fields anomaly are analyzed for 42 years (1958-1999) using reanalysis data of NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research). The statistical significance of the anomaly (difference) between the surplus and deficient monsoon years in the surface meteorological fields are also examined by Student’s t-test at 95% confidence level. Significant negative anomalies of mean sea level pressure are observed over India, Arabian Sea and Arabian Peninsular in the pre-monsoon month of May and monsoon season. Significant positive anomalies in the zonal and meridional wind (at 2 m) in the month of May are observed in the west Arabian Sea off Somali coast and for monsoon season it is in the central Arabian Sea that extends up to Somalia. Significant positive anomalies of the surface temperature and air temperature (at 2 m) in the month of May are observed over north India and adjoining Pakistan and Afghanistan region. During monsoon season this region is replaced by significant negative anomalies. In the month of May, significant positive anomalies of cloud amount are observed over Somali coast, north Bay of Bengal and adjoining West Bengal and Bangladesh. During monsoon season, cloud amount shows positive anomalies over NW India and north Arabian Sea. There is overall reduction in the incoming shortwave radiation flux during surplus monsoon years. A higher magnitude of latent heat flux is also found in surplus monsoon years for the month of May as well as the monsoon season. The significant positive anomaly of latent heat flux in May, observed over southwest Arabian Sea, may be considered as an advance indicator of the possible behavior of the subsequent monsoon season. The distribution of net heat flux is predominantly negative over eastern Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. Anomaly between the two extreme monsoon years in post 1980 (i.e., 1988 and 1987) shows that shortwave flux, latent heat flux and net heat flux indicate reversal in sign, particularly in south Indian Ocean. Variations of the heat budget components over four smaller sectors of Indian seas, namely Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and west Indian Ocean and east Indian Ocean show that a small sector of Arabian Sea is most dominant during May and other sectors showing reversal in sign of latent heat flux during monsoon season.  相似文献   

Diatom analysis was applied to a 5.56‐m‐long sediment core, spanning the last 7.8 ka, from Lake Chenghai on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Diatom assemblages are dominated by Cyclotella rhomboideo‐elliptica, Cyclostephanos dubius and small fragilarioid and periphytic taxa. These diatom taxa are interpreted to be sensitive to changes in trophic status and/or turbulence of the water column that are probably related to variations in precipitation and temperature induced through the Asian monsoon. High abundances of C. dubius, Staurosirella pinnata and periphytic taxa suggest higher trophic status (mesotrophic) and stronger turbulence in the water column in the middle Holocene (7.8–4.5 ka BP). During the period of 4.5–2.3 ka BP, a decline in C. dubius, S. pinnata and periphytic taxa, and an increase in C. rhomboideo‐elliptica with the appearance of Cyclotella ocellata suggests a response to decreasing trophic level (more oligotrophic). After 2.3 ka BP, the persistent increases in C. rhomboideo‐elliptica and the loss of Cyclotella ocellata mirrored a further decrease in trophic level (oligotrophic). The main changes in the diatom assemblages in the Lake Chenghai sediment core reflect direct and indirect climate forcing and in particular, the strength of monsoonal precipitation, which in turn corresponds to orbitally induced variability in Northern Hemisphere summer solar insolation since 7.8 ka BP.  相似文献   

A 4.96-m-long sediment core from the Hanon paleo-maar in Jeju Island, Korea was studied to investigate the paleoclimatic change and East Asian monsoon variations during the latest Pleistocene to early Holocene (23,000-9000 cal yr BP). High-resolution TOC content, magnetic susceptibility, and major element composition data indicate that Jeju Island experienced the coldest climate around 18,000 cal yr BP, which corresponds to the last glacial maximum (LGM). Further, these multi-proxy data show an abrupt shift in climatic regime from cold and arid to warm and humid conditions at around 14,000 cal yr BP, which represents the commencement of the last major deglaciation. After the last major deglaciation, the TOC content decreased from 13,300 to 12,000 cal yr BP and from 11,500 to 9800 cal yr BP, thereby reflecting the weakening of the summer monsoon. The LGM in Jeju Island occurred later in comparison with the Chinese Loess Plateau. Such a disparity in climatic change events between central China and Jeju Island appears to be caused by the asynchrony between the coldest temperature event and the minimum precipitation event in central China and by the buffering effect of the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

In arid regions, because of spatial variability, using single climate records is difficult to reconstruct the past climate change for the drainage basins. Holocene environmental records were collected from the upper, middle and lower regions of the Shiyang River drainage basin in the marginal area of the Asian monsoon (northwest China). The main objective of this paper was to compare the records from the terminal lake and the middle and upper reaches of the basin to study the basin-wide environmental changes. During the early Holocene the vegetation was sparse, and the effective moisture was relatively low in the basin. The Holocene Climatic Optimum started between 7.0 and 8.0 cal ka BP, during which the lake level reached the highest level in the terminal lake; the vegetation density and the effective moisture reached the highest level during the Holocene in the drainage basin. From 4.7 cal ka BP the terminal lake began to shrink, while the vegetation density decreased dramatically. In the middle and upper regions of the drainage, the effective moisture began to decrease since 3.5 cal ka BP, and the arid tendency was earlier in the terminal lake than it was in the middle and upper regions of the drainage basin. During the early Holocene the relatively arid environment was affected by the gradually intensifying East Asian monsoon and the dry westerly winds. The mid-Holocene Optimum benefited from the intensive East Asian monsoon and the humid westerly winds. Then, the East Asian monsoon retreated since the late-Holocene. In the basin the arid tendency may be related to the retracting of the East Asian monsoon. However, the intensifying acidification after 1.5 cal ka BP may be correlated to the increasing dryness of the westerly winds.  相似文献   


基于云南西南部司岗里洞一支长约168 mm石笋(编号SGL1)的7个230Th年龄和325个δ18O数据,建立了1322~1605 A.D.和1700~1927 A.D.时段平均分辨率达2 a的夏季风降水演化序列。该序列显示存在百年尺度的δ18O偏正阶段,即1322~1605 A.D.和1700~1927 A.D.时段,指示当时夏季风降水持续减少,这与印度季风区石笋所记录的结果一致,但区别于东亚季风区石笋记录的小冰期后期(1700~1900 A.D.)季风逐渐增强的特征,表明小冰期后半段亚洲季风区石笋记录的区域干湿变化空间差异显著。显著的多年代际振荡是SGL1石笋序列最为突出的特征,在石笋生长稳定的1322~1540 A.D.时段,高分辨率氧同位素序列记录到9个持续时间约10~20 a、平均振幅达1.4 ‰的干旱事件,这些年代际尺度干旱事件在东南半岛及南亚地区的高分辨率记录中均有不同程度的体现。SGL1石笋氧同位素序列与太阳总辐照度记录呈显著的正相关关系,说明太阳活动可能是小冰期季风气候百年尺度变化的主要驱动因子,但二者呈负耦合关系,即太阳辐射增强(减弱),对应区域季风降水减少(增多)。小冰期早期(1322~1540 A.D.),SGL1石笋记录的年代际干旱事件与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)暖相位和大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)冷相位相对应,其显著的15 a、24 a和56 a周期也类似于PDO的主导周期,说明该区多年代际气候变化主要受PDO调控;功率谱分析结果还显示SGL1序列具有显著的2.6~3.2 a和6 a周期,暗示该时期区域年际尺度气候变化可能受ENSO和(或)印度洋偶极子(IOD)的影响。


Northern peatlands represent one of the largest biospheric carbon reservoirs in the world. Their southern margins act as new carbon reservoirs, which can greatly influence the global carbon dynamics. However, the Holocene initiation, expansion and climate sensitivity of these peatlands remain intensely debated. Here we used a compilation of basal peat ages across six isolated peatlands at the southern margins of northern peatlands to address these issues. We found that the earliest initiation event of these peatlands occurred after the Younger Dryas (YD, 12,800–11,700 years ago) period. The second initiation event and rapid expansion occurred since 5 ka cal. BP. The recession of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during the YD period and at around 5 ka cal. BP likely played a major role in controlling the initiation and expansion of these peatlands. The rapid expansion of these peatlands possibly contributed to the significant increases in atmospheric methane concentrations during the late Holocene because of the minerotrophic fens status and rapid expansion of them. These ecological processes are different from northern peatlands, indicating the special carbon sink and source implications of these peatlands in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

13 ka以来东亚夏季风演变过程和全新世适宜期问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于湖北神农架三宝洞石笋SB43的21个230Th年龄和486个氧同位素数据,建立了13.0-0.2ka时段东亚夏季风强度演化序列,其长期演化趋势与33°N太阳辐射变化基本一致。通过对比三宝洞、董歌洞、阿曼Qunf洞及和尚洞石笋δ18O记录,发现东亚和印度季风强度在轨道尺度上呈同相位变化。石笋SB43、D4 δ18O值与Cariaco盆地Ti含量曲线整体变化一致,相关系数高达0.8,表明热带辐合带(ITCZ)的南北移动可能对亚洲中低纬季风强度起放大作用;全新世适宜期在亚洲季风区不存在显著穿时性,起止时间大体一致,约为10.2~5.7ka。早、中全新世季风强度与极地温度变化趋势一致,相关系数高达0.9,表明当时高纬冰量边界条件可能对亚洲季风强度变化(包括ITCZ的平均位置)具有贡献作用。  相似文献   


研究小冰期的结构特征及动力机理有助于理解全球增暖和极端气候事件的原因。基于湖北永兴洞总长为120 mm的YX275石笋7个高精度230Th年龄和120个氧同位素数据,重建了1361~1955 A.D.时段分辨率达5 a的东亚夏季风降水变化序列。该石笋δ18O值在-7.8 ‰~-9.3 ‰范围内波动,长期趋势呈现出先缓慢增大后减小的变化特征,整体呈下凹形态。该记录与中国季风区北部和南部石笋记录变化大体一致,指示小冰期发生时东亚夏季风水循环发生减弱变化。在百年-数十年尺度上,YX275石笋记录的小冰期内5次显著季风降水减弱事件与南部贵州董哥洞、织金洞石笋记录变化一致,但不同于北方大鱼洞、九仙洞、黄爷洞和万象洞石笋记录的5次小幅度季风旋回特征,表明小冰期时中国南北部夏季风降水在短时间尺度上可能存在着区域差异。该记录与太阳总辐照度记录和北半球温度记录变化一致,表明太阳总辐照度和北半球温度变化对东亚夏季风水文变化有重要驱动作用。


Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 2, with its profound environmental and climatic changes from before the last glacial maximum (LGM) to the last deglaciation, is an ideal period for understanding the evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and Indian summer monsoon (ISM), two Asian monsoon sub-systems. With 875 stable oxygen isotope ratios and 43 230Th dates from stalagmites in Sanxing Cave, southwestern China, we construct and interpret a new, replicated, Asian summer monsoon (ASM) record covering 30.9–9.7 ka with decadal resolution. δ18O records from this site and other reported Chinese caves display similar long-term orbitally dominated trends and synchronous millennial-scale strong and weak monsoonal events associated with climate changes in high northern latitudes. Interestingly, Sanxing δ18O and Arabian Sea records show a weakening ISM from 22 to 17 ka, while the Hulu and Qingtian records from East and Central China express a 3-ka intensifying EASM from 20 to 17 ka. This decoupling between EASM and ISM may be due to different sensitivities of the two ASM sub-systems in response to internal feedback mechanisms associated with the complex geographical or land-ocean configurations.  相似文献   

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