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An infrared routine has been developed to estimate the aliphatic portion of kerogen carbon in sedimentary rocks. The procedure does not require isolation of the organic matter and is based on a computer-assisted determination of global band areas in the region of the aliphatic carbon-hydrogen stretching vibrations around 2900cm−1. From these integrated absorptions the amount of aliphatic carbon Cal (mg of aliphatic carbon per gram of solvent-extracted rock) is calculated by means of a calibration with model rocks. Carbonate overtones which interfere in the case of limestones are eliminated by comparison to a CaCO3 standard.The method has been applied to rocks containing kerogens of different types and maturities at TOC levels of 0.5 to 12%. The aliphatic carbon concentrations range from 0.5 to 60mg·g−1 and correlate reasonably well with the residual genetic potentials of the rocks as measured by S2 values from Rock-Eval pyrolysis. The ratio S2/Cal is found to decrease with burial depth reflecting a maturity enhanced conversion of aliphatic carbon to fixed aromatic carbon under Rock-Eval conditions.  相似文献   

Stepwise pyrolysis-gas chromatography is used to examine and characterize the carbonaceous matter in sedimentary rocks. Low-temperature steps remove material normally volatile or extracted by benzene-methanol. Successively-higher temperature steps degrade the insoluble carbonaceous matter (kerogen) into smaller molecular pieces. The sequential pyrolysis steps have the advantage of breaking the kerogen at several temperatures which may be related to bond type or strength. The pyrolysis product chromatograms from each step can be compared. The molecular sizes (chain length) of kerogens fragments can be determined. The results presented here show the molecules in the range C11 to C23 because: (1) they can be compared to normal petroleum source rock extractables; and (2) these large molecules give a feeling for the molecular construction of the kerogen.Green River and Antrim shales show low-temperature material which is indigenous and not modified compared to the pyrolyzed kerogen fragments in the range C11C23. Kupferletten shows low-temperature material of a narrow molecular weight range of C15C19 which is probably derived from the kerogen. Monterey shale low-temperature material appears to be unrelated to the kerogen as represented by its pyrolysis products. The Pierre shale kerogen shows molecules over the range C11C23. Kerogen from the Romney shale has no molecules large than C8 in its pyrolysis products and no petroleum potential due to thermal and tectonic diagenesis.  相似文献   

The Mid-Russian Dislocation Zone is a large within-plate structural element of the East European Platform, which extends for more than 1100 km from the Timan Foredeep to the Orsha Basin. This deep, long-lived zone was formed against a background of changeable geodynamic settings, including (1) Late Paleoproterozoic collision events, (2) Late Riphean-Early Vendian epicontinental rifting, (3) Late Vendian-Early Triassic intraplatform tectogenesis with formation of horst-like uplifts within the zone against the background of general subsidence, and (4) Mesozoic-Cenozoic within-plate reactivation. At the final Kimmerian-Alpine stage of its evolution, the Mid-Russian Zone developed as a left-lateral transpressional structure with penetrative dissipative shear deformation resulting in the general horizontal transfer of Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks. The dislocations were manifested as two dynamically conjugate structural forms: a zone of scattered shearing and a bedding-plane tectonic flow. The dynamic manifestation of the Mid-Russian and the conjugate Belomorian-Dvina zones, which make up a common arcuate structure (in plan view), allowed us to outline the Dvina-Sukhona plate-flow with horizontal mass transfer in the southeastern direction. The tectonics of the Mid-Russian Dislocation Zone is considered in this paper with particular emphasis on the structural and kinematic assemblies in sedimentary rocks of the Phanerozoic cover.  相似文献   

陈月  林琪  刘恩峰  张恩楼  王萧  沈吉 《第四纪研究》2021,41(4):1206-1215



Pre-Cretaceous metasedimentary rocks occurring in the Inner Zone of the Southwest Japan Arc can be divided into three major groups, namely, high P/T metamorphic (Renge and Suo belts), low P/T metamorphic (Hida-Oki, Ryoke and Higo belts), and accretionary terranes (Akiyoshi, Maizuru, Mino-Tamba, and Ashio belts). Major and trace element compositions of most of the sedimentary rocks are typical of relatively mature sedimentary rocks, although abundances of ferromagnesian elements also suggest the presence of a significant mafic to intermediate igneous component. The sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages (> 2.0 Ga) have high εSr values and major and trace element geochemical signatures typical of mature sediments, whereas those with younger model ages (< 1.45 Ga) have low εSr values and immature geochemical characteristics. With the exception of Hida samples, the sedimentary rocks from other districts have geochemical and isotopic features intermediate between the rocks with old and young Nd model ages. Some of the Hida samples have old Nd model ages, but others are influenced by younger rock fragments and have immature geochemical features. Based on combined isotopic and geochemical evidence, Inner Zone sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages are interpreted to have been derived from felsic upper continental crustal materials such as Sino-Korean or northwest Yangtze craton granitoids. Compositions of rocks with younger Nd model ages reflect addition of mafic to intermediate detritus, such as island arc basalts and andesites. The rocks with intermediate Nd model ages may have formed in and around the Asian continental margin. The Hida metasedimentary rocks may have been derived from several terranes of varying age and geochemical composition.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物有机质碳氮稳定同位素(δ13C、δ15N)广泛用于有机质来源示踪、古生产力和古海洋环境重建。日本海沉积物δ13C和δ15N值一个显著特征是在末次冰盛期(LGM)同步负偏,但是对这一现象产生的原因以及他们的演化过程的认识仍然存在明显不足。在本研究中,我们详细调查了37 ka以来日本海中部LV53-23-1岩心沉积物δ13C和δ15N演化历史。结果显示,沉积物δ13C和δ15N分别介于-26.3‰至-22.5‰和1.6‰至6.1‰,低值出现在LGM(26.5~17 ka)暗色层状泥发育时期,指示较强的陆源输入贡献。在Heinrich冰阶1时期(17~14.5 ka),δ13C和δ15N快速正偏,表明日本海海洋环境发生了明显的转换,对应于对马海峡淹没及对马暖流入侵。14.5 ka之后,沉积物δ15N值恢复到5‰,与开阔大洋海水硝酸盐的δ15N值近似。我们采用二端员混合模型粗略地估算了有机质来源的相对贡献。LGM时期陆源有机质贡献介于65%至80%,14.5 ka以后海源有机质贡献介于60%至80%。除了增加的陆源有机质贡献以外,LGM时期沉积物δ15N亏损还涉及如下过程:(1)较高的含Fe沙尘供给提高日本海表层海洋生物固氮效率;(2)缺氧环境盛行减弱成岩作用对沉积物δ15N影响。37 ka以来,日本海沉积物δ13C和δ15N变化与有机质来源、营养盐的供给、表层生产力和沉积物氧化还原条件相关,实际受海平面和全球气候制约。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(5):861-873
Natural tracers (major ions, δ18O, and O2) were monitored to evaluate groundwater flow and transport to a depth of 20 m below the surface in fractured sedimentary (primarily shale and limestone) rocks. Large temporal variations in these tracers were noted in the soil zone and the saprolite, and are driven primarily by individual storm events. During nonstorm periods, an upward flow brings water with high TDS, constant δ18O, and low dissolved O2 to the water table. During storm events, low TDS, variable δ18O, and high dissolved O2 water recharges through the unsaturated zone. These oscillating signals are rapidly transmitted along fracture pathways in the saprolite, with changes occurring on spatial scales of several meters and on a time scale of hours. The variations decreased markedly below the boundary between the saprolite and less weathered bedrock. Variations in the bedrock units occurred on time scales of days and spatial scales of at least 20 m. The oscillations of chemical conditions in the shallow groundwater are hypothesized to have significant implications for solute transport. Solutes and colloids that adsorb onto aquifer solids can be released into solution by decreases in ionic strength and pH. The decreases in ionic strength also cause thermodynamic undersaturation of the groundwater with respect to some mineral species and may result in mineral dissolution. Redox conditions are also changing and may result in mineral dissolution/precipitation. The net result of these chemical variations is episodic transport of a wide range of dissolved solutes or suspended particles, a phenomenon rarely considered in contaminant transport studies.  相似文献   

Comprehensive nitrogen biogeochemical cycle has been reconstructed for representative lacustrine organic-rich sedimentary rock in China, namely the Triassic Yanchang Formation (YF, 199–230 Ma) in Ordos and the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (QF, 86–92 Ma) in Songliao basins, by evaluating the organic and inorganic nitrogen isotopic compositions rather than only organic or bulk nitrogen isotopic compositions. The results indicate that the nitrogen isotope values of bulk rock (δ15Nbulk) in the non-metamorphic stage are significantly different from that of kerogen, which challenge the conceptual framework of sedimentary nitrogen isotope interpretation. The δ15Nbulk from the YF and QF were lower than their respective the nitrogen isotope values of kerogen (δ15Nker), with offsets up to ~5.1‰, which have the inverse relationship for the metamorphosed rock. Thermal evolution did not significantly modify the δ15N of bulk rock and kerogen. The δ15N of sediments from the YF (δ15Nbulk, 1.6‰–5.6‰) were lower than that of rock from the QF (δ15Nbulk, 10.2‰–15.3‰). The nitrogen isotope values of silicate incorporated nitrogen (δ15Nsil) were slightly lower than those of the δ15Nker in the YF and obviously lower for the QF. The fact that different nitrogen cycles occur in the YF and QF due to the different depositional redox conditions leads to different isotopic results. The YF water environment dominated by oxic conditions is not conducive to the occurrence of denitrification and anammox, and no abundant N2 loss leads to the relatively light δ15Nbulk. In the stratified water for the QF, redox transition zone promotes denitrification and anammox, resulting in the heavy δ15Nbulk of rock and promotes the DNRA, resulting in heavy δ15Nker and low δ15Nsil.  相似文献   

In recent decades, humans have become a very important force in the Earth system, demonstrating that emissions (gaseous, liquid, and solid) are the cause of many of our environmental issues. These emissions are responsible for major global reorganizations of the biogeochemical cycles. The oceans are now a net sink of atmospheric CO2, whereas in their preindustrial state they were a source; the trophic state of the coastal oceans is progressively moving toward increased heterotrophy; and the terrestrial realm is now vacillating between trophic states, whereas in preindustrial times it was autotrophic. In this paper, we present model calculations that underscore the role of human-induced perturbations in changing Earth's climate, specifically the role of anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus in controlling processes in the global carbon cycle since the year 1850 with projections to the year 2035. Our studies show that since the late 1940's emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus have been sequestered in the terrestrial living phytomass and groundwater. This nutrient-enhanced fertilization of terrestrial biota, coupled with rising atmospheric CO2 and global temperature, has induced a sink of anthropogenic CO2 that roughly balances the emission of CO2 owing to land use change. In the year 2000, for example, the model-calculated terrestrial biotic sink was 1730 Mtons C/year, while the emission of CO2 from changes in land use was 1820 Mtons C/year, a net flux of 90 Mtons C/year emitted to the atmosphere. In the global aquatic environment, enhanced terrestrial inputs of biotically reactive phosphorus (about 8.5 Mtons P/year) and inorganic nitrogen (about 54 Mtons N/year), have induced increased new production and burial of organic carbon in marine sediments, which is a small sink of anthropogenic CO2. It is predicted that the response of the global land reservoirs of C, N, and P to sustained anthropogenic perturbations will be maintained in the same direction of change over the range of projected scenarios of global population increase and temperature change for the next 35 years. The magnitude of change is significantly larger when the global temperature increase is maximum, especially with respect to the processes of remobilization of the biotically important nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus.  相似文献   

The carbonaceous chondrites contain significant amounts of carbon- and nitrogen-bearing components, the most abundant of which is organic matter. Stepped combustion data of whole rock and HF/HCl residues of carbonaceous chondrites reveal that the organic material can be subdivided operationally into three components: (1) free organic matter (FOM), which is readily extractable from whole-rock meteorites and is enriched in 13C and 15N; (2) labile organic matter (LOM), which has a macromolecular structure but is liberated by hydrous pyrolysis; LOM is the parent structure for some FOM and is also enriched in 13C and 15N; and (3) refractory organic matter (ROM), which is also macromolecular but is virtually unaffected by hydrous pyrolysis and is relatively depleted in 13C and 15N. The macromolecular entities (LOM and ROM) are by far the most abundant organic components present, and as such, the relative abundances of the 13C- and 15N-enriched LOM and the 13C- and 15N-depleted ROM will have a major influence on the overall isotopic composition of the whole-rock meteorite. Laboratory experiments designed to simulate the effects of parent body aqueous alteration indicate that this form of processing removes LOM from the macromolecular material, allowing ROM to exert a stronger influence on the overall isotopic compositions. Hence, aqueous alteration of macromolecular materials on the meteorite parent body may have a significant control on the stable isotopic compositions of whole-rock carbonaceous chondrites. The enstatite chondrites are also carbon rich but have been subjected to high levels of thermal metamorphism on their parent body. Stepped combustion data of HF/HCl residues of enstatite chondrites indicate, that if they and carbonaceous chondrites inherited a common organic progenitor, metamorphism under reducing conditions appears to incorporate and preserve some of the 13C enrichments in LOM during graphitisation. However, when metamorphism is at its most extreme, the 15N enrichments in LOM are lost.  相似文献   

季婧  曾令晗  卞昊昆  陈旭 《第四纪研究》2018,38(4):1017-1023



We used enclosures to quantify wetland-water column nutrient exchanges in a dwarf red mangrove, (Rhizophora mangle L.) system near Taylor River, an important hydraulic linkage between the southern Everglades and eastern Florida Bay, Florida, USA. Circular enclosures were constructed around small (2.5–4 m diam) mangrove islands (n=3) and sampled quarterly from August 1996 to May 1998 to quantify net exchanges of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The dwarf mangrove wetland was a net nitrifying environment with consistent uptake of ammonium (6.6–31.4 μmol m−2 h−1) and release of nitrite +nitrate (7.1–139.5 μmol m−2 h−1) to the water column. Significant flux of soluble reactive phosphorus was rarely detected in this nutrient-poor, P-limited environment. We did observe recurrent uptake of total phosphorus and nitrogen (2.1–8.3 and 98–502 μmol m−2 h−1, respectively), as well as dissolved organic carbon (1.8–6.9 μmol m−2 h−1) from the water column. Total organic carbon flux shifted unexplainably from uptake, during Year 1, to export, during Year 2. The use of unvegetated (control) enclosures during the second year allowed us to distinguish the influence of mangrove vegetation from soil-water column processes on these fluxes. Nutrient fluxes in control chambers typically paralleled the direction (uptake or release) of mangrove enclosure fluxes, but not the magnitude. In several instances, nutrient fluxes were more than twofold greater in the absence of mangroves, suggesting an influence of the vegetation on wetland-water column processes. Our findings characterize wetland nutrient exchanges, in a mangrove forest type that has received such little attention in the past, and serve as baseline data for a system undergoing hydrologic restoration.  相似文献   

This study characterizes organic carbon (Corganic) and phosphorus (P) geochemistry in surface sediments of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. Sediment cores were collected from five sites on a sample transect from the edge of the San Francisco Bay eastward to the freshwater Consumnes River. The top 8 cm of each core were analyzed (in 1-cm intervals) for Corganic, four P fractions, and redox-sensitive trace metals (uranium and manganese). Sedimentary Corganic concentrations and Corganic: P ratios, decreased, while reactive P concentrations increased moving inland in the Delta. The fraction of total P represented by organic P increased inland, while that of authigenic P was higher bayward than inland reflecting increased diagenetic alteration of organic matter toward the bayward end of the transect. The redox indicator metals are consistent with decreasing sedimentary suboxia inland. The distribution of P fractions and C:P ratios, reflect the presence of relatively labile organic matter in upstream surface sediments. Sediment C and P geochemistry is influenced by site-specific particulate organic matter sources, the sorptive power of the sedimentary material present, physical forcing, and early diagenetic transformations presumably driven by Corganic oxidation.  相似文献   

Concentrations and vertical distributions of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and their different forms in sediments obtained from nine locations of Lake Dalinouer in September 2008 were analyzed. The results demonstrated that TP in surface sediments ranged from 0.493 to 0.904 g/kg, and inorganic phosphorus was the main fraction of total phosphorus, ranging from 335 to 738 mg/kg. Simultaneously, the autogenetic calcium phosphorus (ACa-P) was the main fraction of inorganic phosphorus, ranging from 145.4 to 543.2 mg/kg. Vertical distribution of different phosphorus forms in different sediment cores was distinguishing, and most of them tended to increase toward the surface sediment, indicated that the phosphorus concentration was related to the humanity with a certain extent. The relationships between TP and occluded phosphorus and ACa-P were significant. Nitrogen in the sediment was composed mainly of organic nitrogen, accounting for grater than 80 % of TN. NO3 ?-N was the dominate fraction of inorganic nitrogen in the surface sediment, ranging between 51 and 346 mg/kg (151.1 ± 104.4 mg/kg), and accounting for between 2.2 and 17.7 % of total sediment nitrogen (6.2 ± 5.6 %). The ratio of organic carbon and TN in sediment was in range of 6.0–25.8 and presented a tendency of lake centre >lake sides, indicating that nitrogen accumulated in the sediments from lake sides came mainly from terrestrial source and nitrogen was mainly autogenetic in lake centre. Ratio of N:P in all sampling sites was below 14, indicated that N was the limiting nutrient for algal growth in this lake.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the spatial and vertical distribution of organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and biogenic silica (BSi) in the sedimentary environments of Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon. Surface and core sediments were collected from various locations of the Chilika lagoon and were analysed for grain-size distribution and major elements in order to understand their distribution and sources. Sand is the dominant fraction followed by silt + clay. Primary production within the lagoon, terrestrial input from river discharge and anthropogenic activities in the vicinity of the lagoon control the distribution of OC, TN, TP and BSi in the surface as well as in the core sediments. Low C/N ratios in the surface sediments (3.49–3.41) and cores (4–11.86) suggest that phytoplankton and macroalgae may be major contributors of organic matter (OM) in the lagoon. BSi is mainly associated with the mud fraction. Core C5 from Balugaon region shows the highest concentration of OC ranging from 0.58–2.34%, especially in the upper 30 cm, due to direct discharge of large amounts of untreated sewage into the lagoon. The study highlights that Chilika is a dynamic ecosystem with a large contribution of OM by autochthonous sources with some input from anthropogenic sources as well.  相似文献   

The transition zone comprises Campbellrand microbialaminated (replacing "cryptalgalaminate") limestone and shale, with minor dolomite, conformably overlain by the Kuruman Iron Formation of which the basal part is characterized by siderite-rich microbanded iron-formation with minor magnetite and some hematite-containing units. The iron-formation contains subordinate intraclastic and microbialaminated siderite mesobands and was deposited in deeper water than the limestones. The sequence is virtually unaltered with diagenetic mineral assemblages reflecting a temperature interval of about 110 degrees to 170 degrees C and pressures of 2 kbars. Carbonate minerals in the different rock types are represented by primary micritic precipitates (now recrystallized to microsparite), early precompactional sparry cements and concretions, deep burial limpid euhedral sparites, and spar cements precipitated from metamorphic fluids in close contact with diabase sills. Paragenetic pathways of the carbonate minerals are broadly similar in all lithofacies with kerogen intimately associated with them. Kerogen occurs as pigmentation in carbonate crystals, as reworked organic detritus in clastic-textured carbonate units, and as segregations of kerogen pigment around late diagenetic carbonate crystals. Locally kerogen may also be replaced by carbonate spar. Carbon isotope compositions of the carbonate minerals and kerogen are dependent on their mode of occurrence and on the composition of the dominant carbonate species in a specific lithofacies. Integration of sedimentary, petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic results makes it possible to distinguish between depositional, early diagenetic, deep burial, and metamorphic effects on the isotopic compositions of the carbonate minerals and the kerogen in the sequence. Major conclusions are that deep burial thermal decarboxylation led to 13C depletion in euhedral ferroan sparites and 13C enrichment in kerogen (organic carbon). Metamorphic sparites are most depleted in 13C. Carbonates in oxide-rich iron-formations are more depleted in 13C than those in siderite-rich iron-formation whereas the kerogens in oxide banded iron-formations (BIF) are more enriched. This implies that the siderite-rich iron-formations were not derived from oxide-rich iron-formation through reduction of ferric iron by organic matter. Organic matter oxidation by ferric iron did, however, decrease the abundance of kerogen in oxide-rich iron-formation and led to the formation of isotopically very light sparry carbonates. Siderite and calcmicrosparite both represent recrystallized primary micritic precipitates but differ in their 13C composition, with the siderites depleted in 13C by 4.6 per mil on average relative to calcmicrosparite. This means that the siderites were precipitated from water with dissolved inorganic carbon depleted in 13C by about 9 per mil relative to that from which the limestones precipitated. This implies an ocean system stratified with regard to total carbonate, with the deeper water, from which siderite-rich iron-formation formed, depleted in 13C. Iron-formations were deposited in areas of very low organic matter supply. Depletion of 13C may, therefore, derive not from degradation of organic matter but from hydrothermal activity, a conclusion which is supported by 18O composition of the carbonate minerals and trace element and rare earth element (REE) compositions of the iron-formations.  相似文献   

Comparison of biological marker alkanes in the kerogen pyrolyzate and bitumen from a sediment is a useful test for the indigenous nature of sediment extracts. For the pyrolysis conditions used, the bulk of the hydrocarbons is released from the kerogen matrix between 375° and 550°C; and its steriochemistry is almost the same as that observed in the extractable bitumen in a genuine source rock. Examples are given to demonstrate that, during pyrolysis, the sterane/terpane ratio decreases and secondary terpanes are generated at the expense of primary ones.The mechanism of artificial petroleum generation by pyrolysis differs from ‘natural’ diagenesis during geological time and is reflected in the composition of certain C27-C29 steranes, as demonstrated by simulation experiments and C29-C30 moretanes and hopanes. The -sterane ratios, jointly with 17α(H)-hopane17β(H)-moretane ratios, tricyclic terpane concentrations and 17α(H)17β(H)-trisnorhopane ratios, allow the differentiation of kerogens from adjacent stratigraphies.  相似文献   

The total nitrogen contents of a number of lunar samples from Apollo 16 and 17 missions are reported. Solar wind is the main source for the observed excess nitrogen in most fines. Total nitrogen in the soils is found to be proportional to the solar wind rare gases Ar36 and Xe132. Linear correlations are also noted between the agglutinate contents of the soils and their carbon and nitrogen contents. Seventeen soils (Apollo 15, 16 and 17) have been sieved and nitrogen has been measured in various grain size fractions. An inverse correlation between the mean grain diameter and the nitrogen contents is seen, showing that a large fraction of the solar wind nitrogen is surface correlated. An apparent volume component, due to the presence of agglutinates, is found in most soils.  相似文献   

通过对九寨沟水体中两种优势植物落叶的碳氮磷淋溶动态分析发现:初期总溶解碳氮磷释放在48 h内逐渐稳定,表明短期的淋溶过程就可以导致较大比例的元素释放;磷的短期平均可溶出比例为29.61%,表明淋溶是植物磷元素释放的重要途径;估算得出九寨沟植物叶片碳氮磷贡献总量分别可达20 577 t.a-1,2 101 t.a-1,1 402 t.a-1。研究表明九寨沟植物凋落物淋溶是水体碳氮磷的重要来源,也是影响钙华沉积的重要因素。分析凋落物养分溶出特征,可为九寨沟生态系统的健康发展提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

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