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Etching conditions and thermal annealing effects have been studied for fission tracks in four kinds of zircons. The observation of fission tracks under an optical microscope was made with respect to the mean pit length as well as the mean pit density. Apparent rate constants were obtained by substituting the isochronal (60 minutes) annealing data into the ordinary equation of the rate constant. The order of reaction (almost 3rd or 4th) and the activation energy (1.7–2.9 eV) of annealing were determined from the Arrhenius plot of the apparent rate constants.  相似文献   

The different ways in which minerals and external detectors respond to chemical etching are outlined. While it is prossible that the distribution of angles of inclination of fission tracks in some materials can be determined from the measurement of the aspect ratios of the etch pits this cannot be done using mica detectors. A method of measuring the distribution of angles of inclination in mica detectors based on the frequency distribution of areas of fission track entry holes is proposed. The results of two experiments are presented, and a means of correcting the number of tracks lost during etching is described.  相似文献   

The decay constantf238) for the spontaneous fission of238U was re-determined by means of a man-made uranium glass of known age (126 yr). The spontaneous U fission tracks that had accumulated since the date of manufacture were counted on internal faces of the glass with an error of less than 1.7%. No thermal annealing of the spontaneous tracks was observed. The U content was determined by induced fission tracks. The value obtained forλf238 is(8.57 ± 0.42) × 10?17yr?1. Main sources of error are the date of glass melting and the determination of the thermal neutron dose.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method for nearly isotropic revelation of fission tracks in zircon. The etchant is an equivolume mixture of 48% HF and 98% H2SO4; etching is carried out under pressure at 150° – 180°C. For fossil track densities above ~ 5 × 106, the etching time is strongly anticorrelated with track density. The total etchable fission fragment track length (2 fragments) is 11 ± 0.5 μm. The length distribution is sharply peaked; the standard deviation in different samples is ± (0.7 – 0.8) μm. Thermal annealing studies indicate a lower activation energy for track fading than was previously repoted using a phosphoric acid etchant. A practical chemical dissolution method is described for quantitatively recovering zircon crystals from rock samples; this method should find application in fission track dating of even zircon poor rocks.  相似文献   

The applicability of the method of uranium fission tracks was studied in a number of sheets from a muscovite of about 600 m.y. Diagrams for fission track density (ρ) versus the chemical etching time (tA), as well as the larger diameter of the transversal section (D) versus tA curves were constructed, and the uranium concentration and uniformity of distribution were calculated. Some samples were heated at different constant temperatures for various time intervals, and the features presented by the heated and unheated tracks were analysed. The conclusions can be applied to corrections in age determination of muscovites that suffered natural annealing effects.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique for revealing nuclear tracks in the mineral hibonite (CaAl12O19), found in the refractory inclusions from carbonaceous chondrites. The tracks in hibonitesfrom Murchison carbonaous chondrite are dominated by fission tracks from244Pu (constituting more than 90% of the total). The measured uranium contents in these crystals range from 1.2 to 62 ppb. We deduce that the average value for the244Pu/238U ratio in most of the Murchison hibonites at the time of track retention is0.022 ± 0.011.  相似文献   


青藏高原东北缘隆升机制和过程一直以来备受争议,本文为了进一步限定北祁连山及其北缘地区山体的隆升历史,在旱峡、白杨河和红山以及酒泉盆地以北的黑山和金塔南山进行了磷灰石和锆石裂变径迹分析.测试结果表明,研究区基岩样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分布在晚白垩世—上新世(82~4.2 Ma),径迹长度介于9.6~13.6 μm;锆石裂变径迹年龄分布范围为106.3~480.5 Ma,多数介于106~195 Ma.结合镜质体反射率,热史模拟曲线揭示了中新生代三期主要的冷却降温事件:早白垩世期间(140~100 Ma)、始新世期间(55~30 Ma)、中新世(10~8 Ma)以来.早白垩世期间的隆升剥露冷却过程可能由于拉萨地块的北向拼贴碰撞引起;始新世期间的隆升剥露冷却事件可能是印度与欧亚板块碰撞远程快速响应的结果;中新世以来的隆升剥露冷却过程与北祁连山逆冲断层的构造活动有关.


Solid source mass spectrometry has been used to determine the relative cumulative fission yields of five elements in three samples of uranium ore from reactor zones in the Oklo mine site. Eighteen fission chains covering the mass range from105 ≤ A ≤ 130 have been measured for Pd, Ag, Cd, Sn and Te. These measurements have enabled a number of nuclear parameters to be calculated including the relative proportions of235U,238U and239Pu involved in the fission process.The concentration of the five elements in the Oklo samples have also been measured using the stable isotope dilution technique. These values have then been compared to the estimates of the amount of these elements produced by fission under the conditions that are appropriate to the three samples. This procedure enables the retentivity of the elements in the reactor zones to be evaluated. Our work confirms the fact that Pd and Te are retained almost in their entirety in the samples, whereas the other three elements have been partially lost from the reactor site. Almost all the Cd fission products have been lost, and more than 50% of the Ag and Sn fission-produced material has been removed.  相似文献   

Observations of solar-type spectroscopic binary stars show that most of these objects were formed by rotational fission. By analogy, this empirical confirmation of the fission process is used to support the fission origin of the moon.The depletion of the volatile elements in the moon is explained as being due to their preferential evaporation from the initially hot (2000–4000°C) moon into an early primitive atmosphere. This atmosphere was simultaneously lost from the moon via transfer through theL1 point and captured by the earth.  相似文献   

Uranium transport in Archaean sediments was investigated by means of two carefully selected suites of variably weathered sediment samples from different localities of the Pongola Supergroup, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. U remobilization on a micron- to meter-scale was analyzed using U fission-track micromapping and α-spectrometry bulk measurements. These studies were supported by ore microscopy, neutron activation analysis and γ-spectrometry. By combining particle track technique and α-spectrometry detailed information is obtained on the U transport history of weathered surface samples. A simple model of U redistribution processes in geologic systems based on238U-series disequilibria is developed and applied to the samples investigated. Some implications for γ-radiometric field methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Fission track ages have been determined on sphene, apatite, and zircon separated from fresh and highly weathered rock samples. Sphene and zircon ages are unaffected by even extreme weathering. Apatite from partially weathered granite gives a similarly unaffected age. Badly corroded apatites from a residual clay, however, do show a 17% reduction in apparent age, involving loss of both spontaneous fission tracks and uranium from the crystals.  相似文献   

Track densities of heavy cosmic rays have been studied in hypersthene crystals taken from seven known depths below a fusion crust in the Shalka meteorite. By comparing these with a theoretical model, a preatmospheric radius of 20 ± 2cm has been estimated for the meteorite, assuming it to have been originally spherical. The fossil track-length distributions show a prominent peak in the region of 12–15 μm; and this has been attributed, on the basis of accelerated-ion calibration experiments, to cosmic ray Fe ions. The value (≥0.38 ± 0.04) of relative abundance of Fe ions to the total Fe-group ions (20 ≤ Z. ≤ 28) found in the cosmic ray flux averaged over the last ~19 m.y. is shown to be broadly similar to those given by present-day measurements.  相似文献   

南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海,地处欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度洋板块的交汇处.过去通过磁异常条带对比分析南海扩张年龄的研究很多,但是所依赖的资料有限.本文对南海海盆高密度大批量磁异常测量数据进行了系统分析,实现了平面2D磁异常数据的带通滤波处理,消除了短波长噪音和由深部下地壳和上地幔顶部磁源体引起的长波长背景信息,因此突出了海底扩张所引起的磁异常条带.利用CK95地磁倒转模型和Talwani磁异常正演方法,对南海东部和西南次海盆内的重点磁异常测线进行了正演分析.通过对不同测线之间、不同海盆之间以及同一条测线中的正演磁异常与实测磁异常之间进行对比分析,进一步验证了南海东部次海盆的扩张年龄为32~16.5 Ma;西南次海盆可能的扩张年龄仍具有较大不确定性,可能为42~33 Ma或者24~16 Ma.不同的时间模型所依赖的扩张速率的变化情况不同,全扩张速率随时间变化明显,但主要在40~80 km/Ma之间.单纯根据目前的磁异常资料很难确定西南次海盆与东部次海盆之间的扩张次序.单期次扩张模式很难解释中南断裂两侧的构造物理差异,这种差异可能主要受控于其基底岩石成分、岩石磁化率、岩浆活动、扩张速率以及深部物质冷却磁化的影响,基底深度的变化也对观测磁异常的强度有所影响.相对地,大部分扩张后玄武岩海山的存在对观测的磁异常的影响不明显,针对目前磁异常解释中不可避免的多解性问题,需要运用其他不同的手段和方法,譬如大洋钻探和深拖高分辨率磁异常测量等,来实现对南海不同次海盆扩张年龄的精确估计.我们目前的工作是通向对深拖高分辨率磁异常、船测和航测磁异常、以及卫星磁异常综合解释的第一步.  相似文献   

核旋仪作为地磁场绝对观测仪器在国内地磁台站已普遍使用,核旋仪测量的是质子旋进的频率信号,因此需要对该频率信号进行选频。以往国内地磁台站普遍使用的是手动观测的核旋仪器,其选频采用手动模拟方式,调节档位来进行选频,难免有些粗糙;由于地磁场是一个不断变化的物理量,特别是遇到磁暴现象时,这种变化更大,如果1min采样测量一次地磁场,实现精确选频未免有些困难。江苏省地震局研制的“FHD分量核旋仪”已经在全国许多地磁台站得到应用,这种仪器可以进行1min测量一次地磁场,不需要用手动换档方式对信号进行选频,其选频采用数字化方式,能实现选频随磁场的变化进行自动跟踪,不仅如此,还可以适配不同参数的探头和不同长度的信号传输线,这就是FHD分量核旋仪采用的数字化选频与自动跟踪技术(国家地震局科技监测司,1995)。  相似文献   

A semi-empirical approach has been used to obtain an analytical expression for the annealing of charged particle tracks in minerals as a function of time and temperature. The new formalism allows quantitative evaluation of the extent of annealing in samples for any specified temperature and track production history. The validity of the present approach depends upon the applicability of the Arrhenius equation to the process of annealing of nuclear tracks in solids. Laboratory track annealing studies confirm the predictive aspects of the present approach and also the applicability of Arrhenius' equation to track annealing over a wide time-temperature range (5 seconds/1200 K to 5 × 106 seconds/500 K). The present quantitative treatment of track annealing in rock minerals should permit an in-depth study of a variety of problems in meteoritics and earth sciences.  相似文献   

Variation of fission track density with etching time has been analysed to standardize the etching conditions. The relations between the etching parameters (i.e., temperature, concentration and time) have been established. The differences in unheated samples and samples heated for different times at a constant temperature have been studied Graphs of thermal annealing vs. optimum etching time and of density reduction vs. length shrinkage have been constructed for applications in fission track geochronology.  相似文献   

Most land‐based forestry systems use extensive networks of unsealed tracks to access the timber resource. These tracks are normally drained by constructing cross‐banks, or water bars, across the tracks immediately following logging. Cross‐banks serve three functions in controlling sediment movement within forestry compartments:
  • 1. they define the specific catchment area of the snig track (also known as skid trails) so that the overland flow does not develop sufficient energy to cause gullies, and sheet and rill erosion is reduced;
  • 2. they induce some sediment deposition as flow velocity reduces at the cross‐bank;
  • 3. they redirect overland flow into the adjacent general harvesting area (GHA) so that further sediment deposition may take place.
This paper describes a simple model that predicts the third of these functions in which the rate of runoff from the track is combined with spatial attributes of the track and stream network. Predictions of the extent of the overland flow plumes and the volume of water delivered to streams is probabilistically presented for a range of rainfall‐event scenarios with rainfall intensity, time since logging and compartment layout as model inputs. Generic equations guiding the trade‐off between intercross‐bank length and flow path distance from cross‐bank outlet to the stream network needed for infiltration of track runoff are derived. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of sea-ice on various aspects of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) extratropical climate is examined. Two simulations using the LMD GCM are performed: a control run with the observed sea-ice distribution and an anomaly run in which all SH sea-ice is replaced by open ocean. When sea-ice is removed, the mean sea level pressure displays anomalies predominantly negatives near the Antarctic coast. In general, the meridional temperature gradient is reduced over most of the Southern Ocean, the polar jet is weaker and the sea level pressure rises equatorward of the control ice edge. The high frequency filtered standard deviation of both the sea level pressure and the 300-hPa geopotential height decreases over the southern Pacific and southwestern Atlantic oceans, especially to the north of the ice edge (as prescribed in the control). In contrast, over the Indian Ocean the perturbed simulation exhibits less variability equatorward of about 50°S and increased variability to the south. The zonal averages of the zonal and eddy potential and kinetic energies were evaluated. The effect of removing sea-ice is to diminish the available potential energy of the mean zonal flow, the available potential energy of the perturbations, the kinetic energy of the growing disturbances and the kinetic energy of the mean zonal flow over most of the Southern Ocean. The zonally averaged intensity of the subpolar trough and the rate of the baroclinic energy conversions are also weaker.  相似文献   

The use of ballastless slab track is significantly increasing in HST line technology. This development is due to some structural and operational advantages over ballasted track. In addition, floating slab tracks can be used to control ground-borne vibrations generated by surface and underground rail transportation systems. In this paper, a general and fully three dimensional multi-body-finite element-boundary element model is used to study vibrations due to train passage on ballast and non-ballast tracks. The vehicle is modelled as a multi-body system, the track, in both cases, using finite elements and the soil is represented using boundary elements. The three components of the load are considered; the quasi-static excitation (force generated by moving axle loads), the parametric excitation due to discrete supports of the rails and the excitation due to wheel and rail roughness and track unevenness. Track receptances are computed for both track systems and vibrations induced by high-speed train passage at the track and the free-field are evaluated for different train speeds. Soil behaviour changes significantly with the track system. Finally, a floating slab track is studied to show how this type of solution leads to a significant vibration reduction for surface tracks.  相似文献   

Epidote and/or chlorite are common minerals in the roots of the fossil geothermal system of Saint Martin (Lesser Antilles). They appear in four distinct assemblages: (1) epidote+actinolite+quartz±magnetite near the contact between the tuffaceous host rocks (andesitic modal composition) and the quartz-diorite intrusion of Philipsburg; (2) epidote+chlorite+quartz in host rocks as far as a lateral distance of about 3 km from the intrusion; (3) epidote+chlorite+haematite+quartz locally in iron and manganese rich host rocks; (4) chlorite±phengite±magnetite appearing as late sealing of porosity in fracture-controlled quartz veins with strongly phengitized wall rocks. All these assemblages constitute a large alteration grading from propylitic alteration to thermal metamorphism (actinolite-bearing assemblage).Detailed microprobe studies of epidotes replacing plagioclases and of chlorites replacing glass and mafic minerals reveal notable compositional variations which have been studied with respect to temperature paleogradients (estimated from fluid inclusions study), distance from the thermal source and fo2 conditions. The mean Ps+Pm [100 × (Fe3+ + Mn3+)/(Al3+ + Fe3+ + Mn3+)] of epidotes vary from 21 in the presence of magnetite near the intrusion to 32 in haematite-bearing iron and/or manganese volcanic and sedimentary formations. The intra-grain chemical scattering of epidotes increases with increasing distance of the pluton and decreasing temperature of crystallization. All the chlorites coexisting with epidote are Mg-rich (XFe<0.50). Their main compositional variation consists in a significant enrichment in magnesium (toward the chlinochlore end member) in presence of haematite. The intra-grain chemical scattering of chlorite (expressed by the aluminium content in the structural formula) increases with increasing distance of the pluton and decreasing temperature of crystallization. Chlorites associated with phengite and magnetite in vein alteration are Fe- and Al-rich. The Mössbauer spectra indicate that the Fe3+ content of chlorite varies between 25 and 32% of total Fe in the presence of epidote; the higher content being attained in the presence of haematite. The Fe3+ content of chlorite associated with magnetite and phengite is 16% of total Fe. The compositional variations of epidote and/or chlorite of the four distinct assemblages observed at Saint Martin result from the combined effects of fO2, temperature, and time of heating. The effect of fO2 is particularly perceptible in the control of the epidote Ps content, of the chlorite XFe ratio of Fe3+ distribution between coexisting epidotes and chlorites. Despite the fact that it may be partially canceled out by the effect of fO2, the variation of compositional ranges of both epidotes and chlorites, which increases toward the outer part of the geothermal system in response to the combination of decreasing temperatures and decreasing time of heating of the rocks, suggests that chemical equilibrium has not been attained in the assemblages bearing epidotes and chlorites.  相似文献   

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