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Basalts of mid-ocean ridges are depleted in incompatible elements that have passed into the continental crust. Basalts of hot spots (oceanic islands and igneous provinces) have a chemical composition close to the primary uniform mantle and are even somewhat enriched in incompatible elements. At present, for explaining the reason for this difference, there are different qualitative schemes of differentiation and mixing of substance in the mantle. In the present work, the results of numerical modeling of the two-component thermochemical convection in the mantle are given. They quantitatively demonstrate with which parameters in the mantle the layers of different chemical composition can remain unchanged. Models with different density contrasts and with variable viscosity are examined. The times of the partial mixing of layers depending on the values of these parameters are calculated. For retaining the stratified mantle for two Ga, the density contrast must be more than 2%. If the layer D″ contains a substance of the primary composition, then, its upper boundary can be the place of origin of the plumes that feed the hot spots of the Earth. The enrichment in the incompatible elements and the variety of the chemical composition of hot spots can be explained by the mixing of the substance of the slowly eroded D″ layer and the oceanic crust accumulated in it.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Hydrothermal circulation is the key process of hydrothermal activity. Modern seafloor hydrothermal circulation can be divided into three parts: convective cells in the oceanic curst, interface between seafloor and ocean and hydrothermal plume. Hydrothermal convection in the crust is the dominant part of the whole seafloor hydrothermal circulation. The distribu-tion and nature of hydrothermal system in the oceanic crust are controlled by crust thermal structures and permeability …  相似文献   

The average chemical compositions of the continental crust and the oceanic crust (represented by MORB), normalized to primitive mantle values and plotted as functions of the apparent bulk partition coefficient of each element, form surprisingly simple, complementary concentration patterns. In the continental crust, the maximum concentrations are on the order of 50 to 100 times the primitive-mantle values, and these are attained by the most highly incompatible elements Cs, Rb, Ba, and Th. In the average oceanic crust, the maximum concentrations are only about 10 times the primitive mantle values, and they are attained by the moderately incompatible elements Na, Ti, Zr, Hf, Y and the intermediate to heavy REE.This relationship is explained by a simple, two-stage model of extracting first continental and then oceanic crust from the initially primitive mantle. This model reproduces the characteristic concentration maximum in MORB. It yields quantitative constraints about the effective aggregate melt fractions extracted during both stages. These amount to about 1.5% for the continental crust and about 8–10% for the oceanic crust.The comparatively low degrees of melting inferred for average MORB are consistent with the correlation of Na2O concentration with depth of extrusion [1], and with the normalized concentrations of Ca, Sc, and Al ( 3) in MORB, which are much lower than those of Zr, Hf, and the HREE ( 10). Ca, Al and Sc are compatible with clinopyroxene and are preferentially retained in the residual mantle by this mineral. This is possible only if the aggregate melt fraction is low enough for the clinopyroxene not to be consumed.A sequence of increasing compatibility of lithophile elements may be defined in two independent ways: (1) the order of decreasing normalized concentrations in the continental crust; or (2) by concentration correlations in oceanic basalts. The results are surprisingly similar except for Nb, Ta, and Pb, which yield inconsistent bulk partition coefficients as well as anomalous concentrations and standard deviations.The anomalies can be explained if Nb and Ta have relatively large partition coefficients during continental crust production and smaller coefficients during oceanic crust production. In contrast, Pb has a very small coefficient during continental crust production and a larger coefficient during oceanic crust production. This is the reason why these elements are useful in geochemical discrimination diagrams for distinguishing MORB and OIB on the one hand from island arc and most intracontinental volcanics on the other.The results are consistent with the crust-mantle differentiation model proposed previously [2]. Nb and Ta are preferentially retained and enriched in the residual mantle during formation of continental crust. After separation of the bulk of the continental crust, the residual portion of the mantle was rehomogenized, and the present-day internal heterogeneities between MORB and OIB sources were generated subsequently by processes involving only oceanic crust and mantle. During this second stage, Nb and Ta are highly incompatible, and their abundances are anomalously high in both OIB and MORB.The anomalous behavior of Pb causes the so-called “lead paradox”, namely the elevated U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios (inferred from Pb isotopes) in the present-day, depleted mantle, even though U and Th are more incompatible than Pb in oceanic basalts. This is explained if Pb is in fact more incompatible than U and Th during formation of the continental crust, and less incompatible than U and Th during formation of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Light continents and islands characterized by a crustal thickness of more than 30 km float over a convective mantle, while the thin basaltic oceanic crust sinks completely in subduction zones. The normal oceanic crust is 7 km thick. However, anomalously thick basaltic plateaus forming as a result of emplacement of mantle plumes into moving oceanic lithospheric plates are also pulled into the mantle. One of the largest basaltic plateaus is the Ontong Java plateau on the Pacific plate, which arose during the intrusion of a giant superplume into the plate ~100 Myr ago. Notwithstanding its large thickness (averaging ~30 km), the Ontong Java plateau is still experiencing slow subduction. On the basis of numerical modeling, the paper analyzes the oceanic crust subduction process as a function of the mantle convection vigorousness and the density, thickness, viscosity, and shape of the crust. Even a simplified model of thermocompositional convection in the upper mantle is capable of explaining the observed facts indicating that the oceanic crust and sediments are pulled into the mantle and the continental crust is floating on the mantle.  相似文献   

Dispersion of Rayleigh type surface wave propagation has been discussed in four-layered oceanic crust. It includes a sandy layer over a crystalline elastic half-space and over it there are two more layers—on the top inhomogeneous liquid layer and under it a liquid-saturated porous layer. Frequency equation is obtained in the form of determinant. The effects of the width of different layers as well as the inhomogeneity of liquid layer, sandiness of sandy layer on surface waves are depicted and shown graphically by considering all possible case of the particular model. Some special cases have been deduced, few special cases give the dispersion equation of Scholte wave and Stoneley wave, some of which have already been discussed elsewhere.  相似文献   

Mixtures of natural quartz and synthetic muscovite and sanidine, with and without free water, were reacted in piston-cylinder apparatus between 10 and 35 kb. Extrapolation of experimentally determined melting curves defines an invariant point for the assemblage muscovite + sanidine + corundum + liquid + vapor at 9.5 kb and 825°C, and one for the same assemblage with quartz at 5.8 kb and 730°C. These two points define the high pressure limit for the subsolidus dehydration reactions of muscovite and of muscovite + quartz, which facilitates selection among the varied muscovite dehydration curves previously published. Comparison of published estimates of temperature distribution of subducted lithosphere slabs with muscovite stability ranges indicates that muscovite in subducted oceanic sediments would probably be dehydrated or melted before reaching a depth of 30 km, with a maximum possible depth of 100 km. This suggests that although muscovite could possibly be involved in magma generation at volcanic fronts, it neither contributes water for magmatic processes much beyond Dickinson's arc-trench gap, nor influences the chemical variation in calc-alkaline lavas across arc complexes and in plutonic rocks across batholiths.  相似文献   

In situ seismic attenuationQ−1logs are derived from borehole velocity profiles and reveal sharp boundaries between morphologies of the extrusive volcanic layers in intermediate- and slow-spreading oceanic crust.Q−1logs are calculated from the scattering attenuation associated with vertical velocity heterogeneity in Ocean Drilling Program Holes 504B and 896A and in Hole 395A, located in 5.9–7.3 Ma crust on the Pacific and Atlantic plates, respectively. Our results strongly tie crustal properties to seismic measurables and observed geological structures: we find that the scattering attenuation can be used to identify the extrusive volcanic sequence because it is closely related to changes in the degree of vertical heterogeneity. We interpret a distinct decrease in the Q−1log at the transition below the extrusive volcanic layer to correspond with the seismic layer 2A/2B boundary. The boundary is located at 465 m depth below the sea floor in both Hole 395A and 504B, although this is likely to be a coincidence of the sediment thickness at these sites. Layer 2A is estimated to be approximately 150 m thick in Hole 504B and > 300 m thick in Hole 395A. Cyclic sequences of high-porosity pillows and low-porosity massive units in the uppermost 100 m of volcanics in Hole 395A result in large velocity heterogeneities which cause > 5 times more attenuation in this layer than in Hole 504B. In Hole 896A, by contrast, fewer pillows, more massive flows, and a greater volume of carbonate veins decrease the velocity heterogeneity and attenuation significantly over only 1 km distance from Hole 504B. We conclude that the attenuation in the extrusive volcanics of the ocean crust is largely controlled by variation in local heterogeneity and morphology as well as by subsequent hydrothermal alteration. The observed differences inQ−1profiles and layer 2A thickness at these sites may be attributed to variations in the volume and duration of volcanic activity at mid-ocean spreading centers for these Pacific and Atlantic ridge segments.  相似文献   

We have performed laboratory experiments using a Hele-Shaw cell to model a saturated, porous layer with various sinusoidal upper boundaries. Our intent was to determine the range of conditions over which boundary topography can control the pattern of thermal convection within a porous layer, and thereby take the first step toward understanding why heat flow seems correlated with hypsography in many areas of the ocean floor.These experiments indicate that above the critical Rayleigh number, topography does not control the convection pattern, except when the topographic wavelength is comparable to the depth of water penetration. Scaled to the depth of the layer, the convective wavenumbers are restricted to values between 2.5 and 4.8—a range which brackets π, the natural wavenumber for convection in a porous slab with planar, isothermal, impermeable boundaries. Topographies within this range control the circulation pattern perfectly, with downwelling under valleys and upwelling aligned with topographic highs. Other topographies do not force the pattern, although in some cases, the convection wavenumber may be a harmonic of the topographic wavenumber. Unforced circulation cells wander and vary in size, because they are not locked to the topography.For these experiments we employed eight different topographies with non-dimensional wavenumbers between 1.43 and 8.17, and we studied the flow at Rayleigh numbers between zero and five times the critical Rayleigh number. The amplitude of each topography tapered linearly (over a factor of three to six) from one end of the apparatus to the other, and the mean topographic amplitude was 0.05 times the depth of the layer. Under these conditions, amplitude has only a minor effect on the structural form and vigor of supercritical convection.Our results may apply to submarine geothermal systems, sealed by a thin layer of impermeable sediment draped over the basement topography. In this case, the convection wavelength—as measured perhaps by the spatial periodicity of conductive heat flow—may be a good measure of the depth to which water penetrates the crust. Where the circulation correlates with the bottom topography, it may be because the topographic wavelength is comparable to the depth to which water penetrates the porous crust.  相似文献   

Gabbroic cumulates drilled south of the Kane Transform Fault on the slow-spread Mid-Atlantic Ridge preserve up to three discrete magnetization components. Here we use absolute age constraints derived from the paleomagnetic data to develop a model for the magmatic construction of this section of the lower oceanic crust. By comparing the paleomagnetic data with mineral compositions, and based on thermal models of local reheating, we infer that magmas that began crystallizing in the upper mantle intruded into the lower oceanic crust and formed meter-scale sills. Some of these magmas were crystal-laden and the subsequent expulsion of interstitial liquid from them produced ‘cumulus’ sills. These small-scale magmatic injections took place over at least 210?000 years and at distances of ∼3 km from the ridge axis and may have formed much of the lower crust. This model explains many of the complexities described in this area and can be used to help understand the general formation of oceanic crust at slow-spread ridges.  相似文献   

Microbes have been widely reported in the deep subseafloor environment. Still it is difficult to detect a global chemical signature of bacterial activity in the oceanic crust. We carried out experiments up to 355 days exposing very young oceanic basalts to anaerobe sulfate reducing organisms in an in-vitro marine environment. The Natural Remanent Magnetization of samples was monitored during the whole duration of experiments and within this time frame the most magnetized sub-samples lost up to 30% of their original signal. Scanning electron microscope observations show cycling of iron from the titanomagnetites to iron sulfide phases. Our results suggest that microbes can have a major and fast impact on the magnetization of young oceanic basalts and could contribute to a global signal as the central anomaly magnetic high seen along ridges axis.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine the helium and neon isotopic composition of the lower oceanic crust, we report new noble gas measurements on 11 million year old gabbros from Ocean Drilling Program site 735B in the Indian Ocean. The nine whole rock samples analyzed came from 20 to 500 m depth below the seafloor. Helium contents vary from 3.3×10−10 to 2.5×10−7 ccSTP/g by crushing and from 5.4×10−8 to 2.4×10−7 ccSTP/g by melting. 3He/4He ratios vary between 2.2 and 8.6 Ra by crushing and between 2.9 and 8.2 by melting. The highest R/Ra ratios are similar to the mean mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) ratio of 8±1. The lower values are attributed to radiogenic helium from in situ α-particle production during uranium and thorium decay. Neon isotopic ratios are similar to atmospheric ratios, reflecting a significant seawater circulation in the upper 500 m of exposed crust at this site. MORB-like neon, with elevated 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios, was found in some high temperature steps of heating experiments, but with very small anomalies compared to air. These first results from the lower oceanic crust indicate that subducted lower oceanic crust has an atmospheric 20Ne/22Ne ratio. Most of this neon must be removed during the subduction process, if the ocean crust is to be recirculated in the upper mantle, otherwise this atmospheric neon will overwhelm the upper mantle neon budget. Similarly, the high (U+Th)/3He ratio of these crustal gabbros will generate very radiogenic 4He/3He ratios on a 100 Ma time scale, so lower oceanic crust cannot be recycled into either MORB or oceanic island basalt without some form of processing.  相似文献   

Episodic emplacement and cooling of lavas and dikes at mid-ocean ridges leads to large fluctuations in hydrothermal fluxes and biological activity. However, the processes operating beneath the seafloor during these transient events such as permeability creation and dike cooling are poorly understood. We have developed a new approach to determine the cooling rate of the sheeted dike complex based on the extent of diffusion of lithium from plagioclase into clinopyroxene during cooling. We have calibrated this Li-geospeedometer using new high-temperature experiments to determine both the temperature dependence of the partitioning of Li between plagioclase and clinopyroxene and the diffusion coefficient for Li in clinopyroxene. Application of this method to lavas and dikes from ODP Hole 504B shows that cooling rates vary dramatically with depth in the upper oceanic crust. Extremely rapid cooling rates (> 450 °C hr− 1) in the upper part of the sheeted dike complex are sufficient to power hydrothermal megaplume formation within the overlying water column.  相似文献   

The Urals contain a 2000 km belt of mafic-ultramafic bodies. The SmNd and RbSr systematics of two of these bodies, the Kempersai Massif in the South Ural Mountains and the Voykar-Syninsky Ophiolite Complex in the Polar Ural Mountains have been examined. These data confirm the hypothesis that these bodies represent fragments of pre-collision oceanic crust and establish constraints on the nature and timing of events in the Uralian Orogeny. Two Kempersai gabbros define SmNd internal isochrons of397 ± 20My and396 ± 33My withεNd(T) = +8.7 ∓ 0.6 and+8.4 ∓ 1.3, respectively. Whole rock samples of pillow basalt, diabase, gabbros, troctolite, and a metasediment give SmNd values which lie on this isochron indicating that these rocks are genetically related and have an igneous crystallization age of 397 My. Whole rock samples of Voykar-Syninsky diabase, gabbros, and clinopyroxenite give SmNd values which lie on or within∼ 1 ε-unit of this isochron indicating an age andεNd(T) virtually identical to those of Kempersai.εNd(T) for the Kempersai and Voykar-Syninsky mafic samples range from +7.3 to +9.0 with an average value of +8.4. This indicates that the Urals ophiolites are derived from an ancient depleted mantle source and are most plausibly pieces of the oceanic crust and lithosphere. The fact that a metasediment has the sameεNd(397 My) as the other samples indicates derivation from an oceanic source with negligible continental input.εNd(T) for the massifs is∼ 1.5 ε-units lower than the average for modern MORBs. This may be due to the differential evolution of the MORB source over the past 397 My and in conjunction with data for other ophiolites and Mesozoic MORB suggests that over the past 750 My the source for MORB has evolved at a rate less than or equal to its rate of evolution averaged over the age of the earth. Initial87Sr86Sr ratios are highly variable ranging fromεSr(T) = −25.2 for a gabbro to +70.3 for a highly serpentinized harzburgite. This reflects the effects of seawater alteration which is particularly strong on ultrabasic rocks. We conclude that the long belt of mafic-ultramafic rocks in the Urals, which includes the Kempersai and Voykar-Syninsky Massifs, represents segments of Siluro-Devonian oceanic crust. Our igneous age for Kempersai in conjunction with other age constraints suggest that these segments of oceanic crust formed at least 80 My before the collision that produced the Urals.  相似文献   

Millimeter-scale amphibole veins in the lower oceanic crust record fracture-controlled fluid flow at high-temperatures but the importance of this fluid flow for the thermal and chemical evolution of the lower oceanic crust is unclear. In the section of lower oceanic crust recovered at Hess Deep from ODP Hole 894G, which formed at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise, these veins are randomly distributed with an average spacing of  1 m. We unravel the history of fluid flow through one of these veins by combining in situ O-isotope analyses of wall-rock plagioclase with major element analyses, geothermometry and diffusion modeling. Thermometry indicates vein sealing by amphibole at  720 °C over a narrow temperature interval (± 20 °C). In situ O-isotope analyses by ion microprobe, with a precision of < 0.5‰, reveal zoning of O-isotopes in plagioclase adjacent to the vein. The zoning profiles can be reproduced using a diffusion model if the duration of O-isotope exchange was ≤ 100 yr. A similar interval of fluid–rock exchange is suggested by modeling potassium depletion in plagioclase adjacent to the vein. If representative of fracture controlled fluid flow in the lower oceanic crust the limited duration of fluid flow, and its occurrence over a narrow temperature interval, suggest that high-temperature fluid flow in this porosity network does not transport significant heat.  相似文献   

The succession recovered in ODP hole 107–651 in the young oceanic Vavilov basin (Tyrrhenian Sea) comprises, beneath a thick Pleistocene to Upper Pliocene sedimentary cover (chiefly volcanoclastics), four basement units: (1) MORB-type basaltic pillows and breccias; (2) a complex succession made of dolerites, albitites, basaltic breccias, metadolerite pebbles (including an intercalated sandy layer with periodotite clasts); (3) MORB-type basaltic pillows and breccias; (4) highly serpentinized peridotite. Between units 3 and 4, granitoid pebbles occur.This sequence is surprisingly similar to successions known in the Western Alps' Tethyan ophiolites. There, the sediments (Callovian-Oxfordian radiolarian cherts) lie stratigraphically upon breccias mostly derived from underlying serpentinite, and sometimes gabbroic basement. At some places, thin basaltic (tholeiitic) pillows and breccias occur between the radiolarian cherts and the breccias.From the comparison between a present day setting (the central Tyrrhenian Sea) and a formerly emplaced basement succession (the Western Alps), we stress the following (a) both the here-discussed ophiolites and oceanic basement are different from classical ophiolite sequences; (b) both occurrences imply unroofing of mantle rocks that therefore were directly outcropping on the seafloor; (c) such a comparison may indicate a very slow spreading rate for the Alpine Tethyan ocean.  相似文献   

An oceanic crustal model has been produced for the Nazca plate south of the Nazca Ridge prior to subduction into the Peru-Chile Trench at 18°S latitude. Consistent delays of thePn arrivals and a discontinuity in the tau-p curve indicate a low-velocity zone at the base of the crust. Observed upper mantle velocities are low; however, the mantle velocity increases with depth, at least to 20 km, to a value of 8.5 km/s. A possible petrological cause for the low-velocity zone is partially serpentinized peridotite; however, no clear refracted shear waves were observed to constrain this interpretation.  相似文献   

A detailed geochemical-petrological examination of layer 2 basalts recovered during Leg 37 of the DSDP has revealed that the original distribution, form and abundance of igneous sulfide have been profoundly altered during low-grade oxidative diagenesis. The net result appears to have been a rather pervasive remobilization of igneous sulfide to form secondary pyrite accompanied by a bulk loss of sulfur equivalent to about 50–60% of the original igneous value, assuming initial saturation. It is suggested that during infiltration of seawater into the massive crystal-line rock, igneous sulfide has experienced pervasive oxidation, under conditions of limited oxidation potential, to form a series of unstable, soluble sulfur species, primarily in the form of SO32? and S2O32?. Spontaneous decomposition of these intermediate compounds through disproportionation has resulted in partial reconstitution of the sulfur as secondary pyrite and the generation of SO42? ion, which, due to its kinetic stability, has been lost from the basalt system and ultimately transferred to the ocean. This model not only satisfies the geochemical and petrological observations but also provides a suitable explanation for the highly variable δ34S values which characterize secondary sulfides in deep ocean floor basalts.  相似文献   

Abstract We review the carbon‐isotope data for finely disseminated carbonates from bioaltered, glassy pillow rims of basaltic lava flows from in situ slow‐ and intermediate‐spreading oceanic crust of the central Atlantic Ocean (CAO) and the Costa Rica Rift (CRR). The δ13C values of the bioaltered glassy samples from the CAO show a large range, between ?17 and +3‰ (Vienna Peedee belemnite standard), whereas those from the CRR define a much narrower range, between ?17‰ and ?7‰. This variation can be interpreted as the product of different microbial metabolisms during microbial alteration of the glass. In the present study, the generally low δ13C values (less than ?7‰) are attributed to carbonate precipitated from microbially produced CO2 during oxidation of organic matter. Positive δ13C values >0‰ likely result from lithotrophic utilization of CO2 by methanogenic Archaea that produce CH4 from H2 and CO2. High production of H2 at the slow‐spreading CAO crust may be a consequence of fault‐bounded, high‐level serpentinized peridotites near or on the sea floor, in contrast to the CRR crust, which exhibits a layer‐cake pseudostratigraphy with much less faulting and supposedly less H2 production. A comparison of the δ13C data from glassy pillow margins in two ophiolites interpreted to have formed at different spreading rates supports this interpretation. The Jurassic Mirdita ophiolite complex in Albania shows a structural architecture similar to that of the slow‐spreading CAO crust, with a similar range in δ13C values of biogenic carbonates. The Late Ordvician Solund–Stavfjord ophiolite complex in western Norway exhibits structural and geochemical evidence for evolution at an intermediate‐spreading mid‐ocean ridge and displays δ13C signatures in biogenic carbonates similar to those of the CRR. Based on the results of this comparative study, it is tentatively concluded that the spreading rate‐dependent tectonic evolution of oceanic lithosphere has a significant control on the evolution of microbial life and hence on the δ13C biosignatures preserved in disseminated biogenic carbonates in glassy, bioaltered lavas.  相似文献   

DSDP Hole 504B is the deepest basement hole in the oceanic crust, penetrating through a 571.5 m pillow section, a 209 m lithologic transition zone, and 295 m into a sheeted dike complex. An oxygen isotopic profile through the upper crust at Site 504 is similar to that in many ophiolite complexes, where the extrusive section is enriched in18O relative to unaltered basalts, and the dike section is variably depleted and enriched. Basalts in the pillow section at Site 504 haveδ18O values generally ranging from +6.1 to +8.5‰ SMOW(mean= +7.0‰), although minor zeolite-rich samples range up to 12.7‰. Rocks depleted in18O appear abruptly at 624 m sub-basement in the lithologic transition from 100% pillows to 100% dikes, coinciding with the appearance of greenschist facies minerals in the rocks. Whole-rock values range to as low as +3.6‰, but the mean values for the lithologic transition zone and dike section are +5.8 and +5.4‰, respectively.

Oxygen and carbon isotopic data for secondary vein minerals combined with the whole rock data provide evidence for the former presence of two distinct circulation systems separated by a relatively sharp boundary at the top of the lithologic transition zone. The pillow section reacted with seawater at low temperatures (near 0°C up to a maximum of around 150°C) and relatively high water/rock mass ratios (10–100); water/rock ratios were greater and conditions were more oxidizing during submarine weathering of the uppermost 320 m than deeper in the pillow section. The transition zone and dikes were altered at much higher temperatures (up to about 350°C) and generally low water/rock mass ratios ( 1), and hydrothermal fluids probably contained mantle-derived CO2. Mixing of axial hydrothermal fluids upwelling through the dike section with cooler seawater circulating in the overlying pillow section resulted in a steep temperature gradient ( 2.5°C/m) across a 70 m interval at the top of the lithologic transition zone. Progressive reaction during axial hydrothermal metamorphism and later off-axis alteration led to the formation of albite- and Ca-zeolite-rich alteration halos around fractures. This enhanced the effects of cooling and18O enrichment of fluids, resulting in local increases inδ18O of rocks which had been previously depleted in18O during prior axial metamorphism.  相似文献   

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