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Accretion rates were measured in fringe and basin mangrove forests in river and tidally dominated sites in Terminos Lagoon, Mexico, and a basin mangrove forest in Rookery Bay, Florida, USA. Accretion rates were determined using the radionuclides210Pb and137Cs. Consolidation-corrected accretion rates for the Rookery Bay cores, ranged from 1.4 to 1.7 mm yr?1, with an average rate of 1.6 mm yr?1. Rates at the Mexico sites ranged from 1.0 to 4.4 mm yr?1, with an average of 2.4 mm yr?1. Determination of rates in these mangrove forests was greatly affected by the consolidation corrections which decreased the apparent accretion rate by over 50% in one case. Accretion rates at basin sites compare favorably with a reported 1.4 to 1.6 mm yr?1 rate of sea-level rise, indicating little or no subsidence at inland locations. Accretion rates in fringe sites are generally greater than basin sites, indicating greater subsidence rates in these sediments over longer time intervals.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》1992,94(3):173-181
Measurements of cosmogenic 32Si and the U-decay series' nuclides 210Pb and 226Ra in waters and sediments of lake Pavin are reported. Both 210Pb and 226Ra are enriched in the anoxic deep waters compared to the oxic surface waters, respectively by a factor of 4 and 10, whereas 32Si is depleted by a factor of2. Redox conditions in the lake appear to have no marked effect on the 32Si. Using a steady-state box model it is shown that the deep-water 32Si concentration is controlled by the underground lacustrine springs. The residence times of 210Pb, 32Si and 226Ra are1,10 and80 a, respectively. In the case of 32Si, where more data are available, the assessed inventory data from the overhead atmospheric fallout and that measured in the sediments agree very well as expected. The 210Pb- and 32Si-based deposition rates during the past100 a ranged from 0.8 to 1.9 mm a−1, earlier these were a factor of3–5 faster. The geochemistry of 32Si and 210Pb in lake Pavin in many ways resembles that in the ocean, only the time scales of the processes involved are faster.  相似文献   

The rate of sedimentation and the source of sediments in the lake basins of Nainital region, Kumaun Himalaya, have been estimated employing210Pb and210Ra methods. This has yielded a rate of sedimentation of 11.5, 4.70, 3.72, and 3.00 mm/yr in Nainital, Bhimtal, Naukuchiyatal, and Sattal lakes, respectively. The higher rate of sedimentation in Nainital lake, compared to other lakes, is related to faster erosion in the catchment aided by greater anthropogenic activity, while the slowest rate in Sattal lake is due to less erosion and more input of soil-derived material involving a slow rate of accumulation.  相似文献   

吉林小龙湾沉积速率的210Pb和137Cs年代学方法测定   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
夏威岚  薛滨 《第四纪研究》2004,24(1):124-125
吉林省辉南县、靖宇县境内有很多小型湖泊(人称龙湾),属火山成因,也可称作玛珥湖[1]。其中小龙湾(42°18′N,126°22′E),位于辉南县境内,湖面海拔655m,近椭圆形,湖泊长、宽分别约400m和250m,是该区最小的一个积水玛珥湖,湖泊周围无地表径流输入,湖泊面积基本等同流域面积。周围山体海拔约700m,植被茂盛,主要由多旋回、互层的玄武质火山碎屑岩组成,包括火山角砾岩和凝灰岩。2001年6月在湖泊中心部位水深14.41m处,用重力取样器钻取湖泊沉积岩心,岩心长49cm。该孔沉积岩性均一,  相似文献   

唐伟  蓝高勇  殷建军  杨会  吴夏 《中国岩溶》2021,40(5):860-867
利用单一210Pb技术来估算岩溶区土壤侵蚀、水土流失和泥沙来源等还存在一定问题。岩溶区土层厚度不一,难以准确地确定支持性210Pb放射比活度是制约该方法应用的一大关键问题。文章选取桂林西北郊光明山岩溶峰丛坡地的4个土壤剖面,测试了土壤剖面210Pb与226Ra放射性比活度,探讨其分布规律及影响因素,初步确定土壤中支持性210Pb放射性比活度。测试结果表明4个土壤剖面中210Pb垂向分布服从指数衰变规律, 226Ra放射性比活度随土壤深度增加基本不变。光明山峰丛山坡土壤中约95%的210Pbex主要聚集在0~10 cm深度处,地表20~30 cm以下基本为支持性210Pb。土壤中支持性210Pb放射性比活度约为56.60±11.97 Bq?kg-1,与226Ra放射性比活度值64.93±8.83 Bq?kg-1在误差范围内一致。进一步研究发现,土壤剖面中210Pb受研究区大气干湿沉降、植被覆盖类型、地形条件、土壤特性(特别是有机质)的影响。此外,研究区土壤剖面226Ra的差异主要与土壤特性和植被类型有关。   相似文献   

Sediment profiles of210Pb and137Cs in cores collected at increasing distances from the heads of Smeaton Bay and Boca de Quadra fjords indicate that watersheds influence the inventories of radioisotopes present and that the steep topographies of the fjords enhance sediment redistribution. Episodic deposition of terrestrially derived sediment was responsible for roughly 50% of the137Cs and 45% of the210Pb inventories in shallower (less than 180 m) locations in Wilson and Bakewell arms of Smeaton Bay.210Pb sedimentation rates at shallower sites when corrected for episodic deposition were less than sedimentation rates obtained in the deep basins of the fjords where sediment focusing and increased primary productivity in the overlying water column occur. Higher fluxes of dissolved Mn from surficial sediments and subsequent reoxidation in the overlying water may have enhanced scavenging of210Pb in basin locations, resulting in higher inventories. Episodic events have occurred frequently in Smeaton Bay and Boca de Quadra suggesting that steady-state conditions with respect to sedimenting particles can be achieved only when averaged over long time periods approaching the time over which137Cs and210Pb are useful.  相似文献   

渤海地区^210Pb、^137Cs同位素测年的研究现状   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近百年来环渤海地区的沉积作用是影响该区近现代地质环境变化的重要因素。本文收集了该区迄今公开发表的用于确定现代沉积速率的84组^210Pb、^137Cs柱状剖面(包括210Pb样柱52组,^210Pb、^137Cs样柱32组),其中海区39组,潮间带及沿海低地地区45组。环渤海地区的^210Pb放射性活度的深度分布曲线主要表现为3种形式:理想指数衰变型、近等幅摆动型和海洋特殊动力事件影响型。根据由陆向海方向沉积速率的变化,可初步划分为沿岸低沉积速率带、开放潮坪高沉积速率带及海区低沉积速率区;区域性差异则表现为渤海湾开放潮坪区上部由北(蓟运河口)向南(老狼坨子)沉积速率表现为高-低-高,辽东湾从其西侧的锦州湾向东至辽河河口的开放潮坪地区,沉积速率递减,黄河三角洲地区及其附近海域属于间歇式快速沉积区,莱州湾西部为高速沉积区。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(10):1965-1973
The shells of marine and fresh water mollusks can serve as effective archives in retrieving information on natural and anthropogenic environmental changes. The advantage of using bivalves is that they integrate water chemistry changes into their shells during their life span. Retrospective study of environmental changes and pollutants using bivalve shells requires precise determination of the time of incorporation into the abiotic environmental matrix (here after age) of the specimen. For the first time, a set of archived bivalve samples (for which date of the death/collection is known) has been analyzed to establish the ages of mollusk shells using the 210Pb–226Ra disequilibrium method. In addition, Sr and 90Sr were analysed. The ages obtained using the 210Pb/226Ra disequilibrium dating method agrees well with the calendar years calculated from the date of death/collection. The ages obtained can be utilized to reconstruct the 90Sr levels in the water column at sites where the mollusk shells were collected.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rate of suspensions (0.3–18.2 mm/yr) was determined on the basis of layer-by-layer distribution of 137Cs (global and Chernobyl) in the cores of bottom sediments (BS) from 16 lakes located in the high and moderate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Profiles of 137Cs concentration in the BS cores were analyzed. Sedimentation rates in the limnic zones of deep-water lakes were calculated using 137Cs accumulated in the finely-dispersed component of mineral suspension.  相似文献   

Depth distribution profiles of environmental radionuclides (137Cs and 210Pb) have been investigated in soil to elucidate the underlying environment of semi-natural temperate deciduous and/or coniferous forest soils in Slovenia (?irovski vrh, Idrija, Ko?evski Rog, Pohorie, Gori?nica and Rakitna). Surface enrichment of both nuclides was observed at all the sites investigated in this study, suggesting that the soils had undergone little natural or anthropogenic disturbance for at least the last several decades. Apparent annual burial rates of 137Cs (0.1–0.2 cm y??1) were estimated to be about 1.3 times higher than those of 210Pb at individual sites of different lithology, which suggests strong affinity of 210Pb to soil organic matter. Variability of the vertical distribution profiles of these nuclides depends not only on “in situ” pedology but also on geographical and meteorological conditions, especially precipitation and wind direction.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌梁素海~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs测年与现代沉积速率   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对乌梁素海沉积物柱心样品进行210Pb、137Cs测年分析表明,柱心剖面上有明显的1963年蓄积峰,这个蓄积峰对乌梁素海的现代沉积有明显的时标意义。根据210Pb的CRS模式,可以计算出每个样品深度所对应的年代,在该沉积柱心中与137Cs时标吻合较好。乌梁素海的沉积速率并不稳定,变化比较大,表明乌梁素海近113 a来沉积环境不稳定。210Pb、137Cs两种计年方法的结合有助于认识沉积速率变化较大的沼泽的沉积状况,也有助于对核素计年方法的理解。  相似文献   

The representative 210Pb and 137Cs age-depth profiles were selected from more than 100 sites in the Circum Bohai Sea (CBS) coastal region to examine the sedimentation rates and associated environmental changes. There are three unique 210Pbexc distribution patterns: 1) ideal-decaying type, representing relatively constant sediment supply and quieter environmental setting; 2) wiggling type, but with approximately equivalent amplitude, representing coarser sediments and associated stronger flow current environment; and 3) episodic-eventinfluencing type, each representing typhoon storm-influenced depositional environment. Our results also show that there is a lower sedimentation rate (ca. 0.1 cm/a) in the coastal lowlands, a higher sedimentation rate (ca. 0.5–3 cm/a) in the intertidal flat and an intermediate rate of ca. 0.58 cm/a in the subtidal zone near the Huanghua Harbor. The interbedded silt layer occurring in the core sediment reveals lower 210Pb activities, indicating a discontinuous sedimentation mostly due to typhoon events which dwarfs against 210Pb and 137Cs applicability. Overall, the 210Pb and 137Cs measurements of the present study provide physical insight into the evaluation of the coastal-marine ecological environment and associated management.  相似文献   

The influence of canals on vertical marsh accretion, including mineral sediment and organic matter accumulation, was evaluated at three locations along the Louisiana coast representing different geographic regions. The isotopes210Pb and157Cs were used to determine vertical accretion along transects representing a canal and a control site. Rapid rates of vertical accretion were measured at all sites and ranged from 0.47 cm yr?1 to 0.90 cm yr?1. Results indicated that there was no measurable effect of canals on marsh accretionary processes. In general, greater variation in vertical accretion, including mineral sediment deposition and organic matter accumulation, was observed between geographical regions than between canal and control sites within a region. Statistical analysis of data suggest that any difference between canal and control site would be less than 0.20 cm yr?1. Such a change in marsh surface-water level relationships as a result of any canal influence on marsh accretionary processes would be less than reported eustatic sea-level rise for the Gulf of Mexico. Results suggest that any change in the marsh surface-water level relationship could be the influence of canals on local hydrology, resulting in increased water level rather than any appreciable reduction in accretionary processes. Such changes in hydrology under certain conditions could stress vegetation, resulting in marsh deterioration.  相似文献   

位于永定新河、潮白新河与蓟运河汇流处的三河岛是天津市列入国家海岛名录的唯一岛屿,其独特的地理位置记录了现代海、陆交互作用的变化过程。取自该岛南、北两侧泥质潮间带的2组现代沉积物样柱,揭示137Cs和210Pbexc的最大检出深度分别达到90~123cm和140~210cm,属于渤海湾西岸泥质海岸带现代沉积最为活跃的“面向开放海湾亚带”。  相似文献   

Surficial and core samples collected from the eastern Thessaloniki Gulf, located in the NW Aegean Sea, were analyzed for their sedimentation rate and inventories of 137Cs and 210Pb. The study of the spatial radionuclide dispersion in the specific region is essential for the assessment of marine pollution levels. The sedimentation rates were calculated from the vertical distribution of 137Cs and excess 210Pb in the sediment cores. The spatial distribution of 137Cs was studied with respect to sediment characteristics such as the grain size of the sample and the organic carbon content. The activity concentrations were measured by means of gamma ray spectrometry using HPGe detector for 137Cs and gross alpha counting using alpha counter for 210Pb. The average sedimentation rate along the sediment cores is characterized by a consistent pattern and varies from 0.18?±?0.02 to 0.22?±?0.03?cm?year?1. The 137Cs inventories varied from 205?±?15 to 602?±?39?Bq?m?2, while the 210Pb inventories of the studied cores exhibited average value of 140?±?9?Bq?m?2. Elevated 137Cs activities were observed compared to certain Mediterranean marine areas; however, they were lower than the reported values in the Black Sea.  相似文献   

通过对乌伦古湖2个沉积柱样的210Pb和137Cs剖面的观测,运用210Pb过剩法和137Cs时标法估算了近几十年来的平均沉积速率。研究结果表明:210Pb过剩法的CRS模式测定的沉积速率的变化范围为0.018~0.071 g/(cm2·a),137Cs时标法测定沉积速率的变化范围为0.034~0060 g/(cm2·a),两者具有较高的一致性。20世纪60年代以前,人类活动对本区影响相对较小,湖泊的沉积速率主要受自然因素的影响;20世纪60年代以后,随着乌伦古河中、下游农业的发展和调水工程的实现,人类活动逐渐成为主导湖泊演化的因素,从而影响乌伦古湖沉积速率。  相似文献   

松花湖沉积物~(137)Cs和~(210)Pb分布及沉积速率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
松花湖沉积物柱心中存在3个明显的137Cs蓄积峰,分别是37 cm处的1964年蓄积峰、27 cm处的1971年蓄积峰和23 cm处的1975年蓄积峰.利用137Cs核素1964年和1975年对应蓄积峰计算的沉积速率分别为0.86 cm/a和0.71 cm/a.采用210Pb计年的常量初始浓度模式(CIC)计算的平均沉积速率为0.71 cm/a,两者估算的沉积速率吻合.松花湖1964-1975年间的沉积速率明显高于1975-2006年间的沉积速率.137Cs和210Pb计年方法的结合有助于提高沉积速率估算的准确性.  相似文献   

通过对东北二龙湾玛珥湖顶部无扰动岩心显微研究,证明此岩心发育有良好的年纹层。据精确统计,0~5.5 cm间为36个年纹层,纹层计年的误差为4%~7%,年纹层厚度为1.1~2 mm不等,平均沉积速率为1.53 mm/a,5.5 cm处对应于1965年。而二龙湾沉积物(从6.5 cm到5.5 cm)岩心的137Cs比活度值急剧增加,从(4.67±0.29) dpm/g增加到(12.06±0.47) dpm/g,在5.5 cm处有一个较为明显的蓄积峰值,这一峰值被确认对应为1963年全球137Cs散落的高峰期。另外据210Pbex比活度CIC模式,5.5 cm处约为1962年,这和137Cs比活度曲线的1963年时标相一致。印证了纹层计年的精确性,完全可以建立高分辨率时间序列。  相似文献   

海岸带地处陆地和海洋交界地区,是物质和能量交换的中心地带,沉积环境复杂。而对其沉积记录古环境信息的正确理解和解释在很大程度上依赖于年代框架的建立。210Pb和137Cs年代学的问世,解决了高速沉积环境中时间量程为百年或更短的沉积物的定年,近年来得到广泛的应用。在实际应用中,我们应该根据研究目的、范围等因素,选择合适的测年手段测年。此外,由于每种方法还存在不足,且可能同时会有几种方法适用,所以为了增加测年数据的准确性和可靠性,我们应尽量选择多种适当方法进行对比测年。  相似文献   

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