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通用地球系统模式对亚洲夏季风降水的模拟能力评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
韩春凤  刘健  王志远 《气象科学》2017,37(2):151-160
通过与观测/再分析资料和参加第五次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的模式模拟结果进行对比,评估了通用地球系统模式(CESM,1.0.3版本)对亚洲夏季风降水的模拟能力。结果表明:CESM能够合理地模拟出亚洲夏季风降水的气候平均态,但与其他CMIP5模式模拟结果类似,对中国东南地区降水模拟偏少,而对中国西部高原地区降水模拟偏多;CESM可以再现亚洲季风区降水冬弱夏强、雨带北进南退的季节变化特征,其模拟偏差具有区域性和季节性差异;从EOF分析结果来看,CESM能够模拟出亚洲夏季风降水的时空变化特征,且能较好地抓住亚洲夏季风降水与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation,简称ENSO)的相关关系。总的说来,CESM对亚洲夏季风降水的模拟是合理的,模拟水平与4个最好的CMIP5模式相当。  相似文献   

中国夏季降水的可预报性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用500hPa高度场资料和中国160个站的月降水资料,根据夏季各种降水型的特征,寻找环流型与降水型的同期及前期关系,确定降水分型的物理意义和前期环流型对降水预报的指示意义,对中国夏季降水的可预报性进行了研究.研究发现,王绍武等[2]的降水分型在环流上有较明显的天气学意义,对应的前期环流型在统计上有显著的差异,可以用来作汛期降水预报.高度场与降水场的关系随考察地区和时间的不同有较明显的变化,这表明控制降水的因子各地并不完全相同,同一地区也随时间而变化.研究表明,对于中国东部地区而言,夏季降水的可预报性在不同区域有一定差异,比较而言,长江中下游地区的可预报性较其它地区要大一些  相似文献   

利用信噪方差比探讨了山东省月尺度降水可预报性,发现2~3月、9~10月不可预报,其它月份可预报性强。一般大气环流系统冬夏转换季节可预报性差。与13个代表站预报评分进行了比较,发现可预报性指数越高,则实际预报评分也相对较高,两者有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

杨成彬 《高原气象》1989,8(4):365-369
本文首先提出了设计数值天气预报模式的基本原则——模式大气的可预报性和实际大气的可预报性相一致。然后依据此原则讨论了目前在设计各种数值预报模式时存在的问题。  相似文献   

利用大气环流模式NCARCAM3,进行22a(1979—2000年)、每年8个初值的集合试验,并采用方差分析方法,研究了观测海温强迫下东亚夏季大气环流的潜在可预报性。结果表明,夏季东亚地区海平面气压场的潜在可预报性总体偏低,在中国区域呈东南高、西北低的分布特征;850hPa纬向风场、对流层500~200hPa平均温度场和500hPa位势高度场在低纬度地区的潜在可预报性明显高于中高纬度地区。500hPa位势高度场的潜在可预报性较高,东亚大部分地区大于0.5,尤其华南地区大于0.7。夏季东亚500hPa位势高度场的潜在可预报性具有明显的年际变化特征,并与夏季南海海温异常关系密切。与正常年份相比,在夏季南海海温偏暖或者偏冷年,东亚500hPa位势高度场的潜在可预报性较高  相似文献   

本文探讨了年降水量气候噪声估计的方法,并利用我国分布较均匀的162个测站1960-1991年降水资料,讨论了年降水量的潜在可预报性,以便进一步研究月,季降水量的可预报性。结果得出;黄河以南和长江流域的广大地区,特别是四川东部和江淮地区,是我国降水量气候噪声最大的地区;华北,西北以及华南地区降水量的潜在可预报性较大黄河以南和长江流域中下游地区降水量的潜在可预报性较小。  相似文献   

热带太平洋印度洋海温异常对亚洲夏季风影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用L9R15气候谱模式,就热带太平洋-印度洋夏季海温异常对亚洲夏季风的影响进行了数值研究。结果表明,夏季热带太平洋和印度洋海温正异常时,不仅能造成热带地区大气环流和降水的同时性响应,还能导致东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风的一致减弱,两者的影响是同号的,但并不是两者单独影响的线性叠加,由此给出了亚洲夏季风与热带太平洋-印度洋海气系统的同期关系。  相似文献   

太平洋海温变化对我国降水可预报性影响的分析   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
通过讨论我国160个测站的月降水与太平洋海温的关系,研究了太平洋海温对我国月降水可预报性影响的时空分布特征,探讨了利用太平洋海表面温度作我国月降水中长期预报的可行性和局限性。结果表明,海温对月降水的影响存在明显的时空分布特征:从时间上看,利用海温作降水预报在4月和11月全国平均效果较好;从空间上看,海温对降水的影响存在遥相关关系,其贡献在西北地区大于东部地区。  相似文献   

青藏高原对亚洲季风平均环流影响的数值试验   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7  
利用垂直方向具有9层σ面、水平方向菱形截断波数为15的全球大气环流谱模式和有、无青藏高原大地形两种情况下10年积分的模拟结果,研究了青藏高原大地形对亚洲季风平均环流的影响。结果表明:有、无青藏高原大地形,亚洲冬、夏季季风平均环流均存在很大的差异。去除地形,使夏季高层的南亚高压、低层的大陆热低压、副热带高压及冬季的大陆冷高压在位置或强度上发生了改变;地形的有、无决定着冬季东亚大槽的强度;索马里越赤道气流有地形时明显较无地形时强;地形的有无还影响着降水强度和雨带的分布。另外,副热带高压中心及雨带的季节性移动与高原大地形的存在与否亦有很大的关系  相似文献   

采用2017—2019年NCEP/NCAR逐日2.5°×2.5°再分析数据和伊犁州昭苏气象站彩虹观测记录,对昭苏出现彩虹的环流特征进行了分型,并通过对数值模式预报产品的检验分析了昭苏彩虹的可预报性。结果表明:昭苏4—9月都可观测到彩虹,绝大多数出现在17—22时;500 hPa的环流可归纳为西南气流型、偏西气流型、脊区型和西北气流型4种环流型,700 hPa存在风的辐合或切变,叠加地形的抬升作用,使对流不稳定强烈发展,对流系统生成,利于对流性降水的出现;ECMWF模式对环流形势的预报时效可达7 d;提出了经过实践检验的昭苏彩虹预报思路,概率约为65%。  相似文献   

大气环流模式SAMIL模拟的夏季全球加热场和东亚夏季风   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
王军  包庆  刘屹岷 《大气科学》2012,36(1):63-76
各国科学家一直致力于从理论和数值模拟上对季风系统进行全面地研究。本文根据“热力适应”理论, 从分析中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室的最新版本大气环流谱模式(SAMIL2.4.7) 对全球非绝热加热场的模拟性能出发, 分析并解释了SAMIL对东亚夏季风 (EASM) 子系统的模拟情况。通过与再分析资料Reanalysis-2 ( NCEP/DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis ) 对比分析发现, SAMIL能很好地模拟出夏半球副热带地区加热场的四叶型分布 (LOSECOD), 但模拟的各加热场在强度上存在一定的偏差, 主要表现在感热加热在大陆上普遍偏高, 而潜热加热在印度半岛两侧、西太平洋地区(尤其在南北纬10°) 偏高, 赤道带、中南半岛、中国南海等地区偏弱。而对EASM子系统的分析发现, SAMIL能很好地模拟南亚高压; 较好地模拟西太平洋副热带高压的主体, 但西太平洋 (30°N附近) 潜热偏强使得模拟的副高强度偏强、 西伸脊点过于偏西; 模式也能较好地抓住夏季西风急流的两个中心, 但中纬度潜热、 感热的模拟偏弱造成急流两中心风速均小于Reanalysis-2资料 10 m/s左右。进一步的讨论可知, 造成感热和潜热偏差的主要原因是模式中云参数化方案和积云对流参数化方案的不足, 改进模式中相关的物理参数化方案将是SAMIL后续发展的首要工作。  相似文献   

The potential predictability of climatological mean circulation and the interannual variation of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) were investigated using hindcast results from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Dynamical Seasonal Prediction System (IAP DCP),along with the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data from the period of 1980-2000.The large-scale characteristics of the SCSSM monthly and seasonal mean low-level circulation have been well reproduced by IAP DCP,especially for the zonal wind at 850 hPa;furthermore,the hindcast variability also agrees quite well with observations.By introducing the South China Sea summer monsoon index,the potential predictability of IAP DCP for the intensity of the SCSSM has been evaluated.IAP DCP showed skill in predicting the interannual variation of SCSSM intensity.The result is highly encouraging;the correlation between the hindcasted and observed SCSSM Index was 0.58,which passes the 95% significance test.The result for the seasonal mean June-July-August SCSSM Index was better than that for the monthly mean,suggesting that seasonal forecasts are more reliable than monthly forecasts.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风时期冷空气活动的位涡分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
赵亮  丁一汇 《大气科学》2009,33(2):359-374
通过多时间尺度分析方法, 比较了夏季风时期表征冷空气活动的多种指标, 得到表征夏季风时期冷空气活动的最优指标——位涡。分析表明, 位涡 (potential vorticity, 简称PV) 的低频振荡 (20~80天和40~80天振荡) 在表征冷空气活动中效果最好。利用该指标对东亚夏季风中冷空气的来源和作用进行了研究, 重点分析了梅雨时期中高纬和中高层系统与夏季风系统相互作用的过程和机制。得出几点重要的结论: 中高纬平流层下部和对流层顶的高位涡库以及60°N附近的亚洲大陆东部低层的高位涡库是东亚夏季风系统中冷空气的主要来源。冷空气的侵入路径对不同的雨季表现出不同的特征: 华南前汛期, 有两次冷空气的侵入, 第一次来自东北方向低层, 第二次来自对流层高层的高位涡库; 梅雨期, 爆发时主要来自高层的高位涡库, 中后期鄂霍次克海附近850 hPa的高位涡库是冷空气加强和维持的主要来源; 华北雨季, 冷空气主要来自对流层高层。倾斜等熵面是垂直涡度最易发展的区域, 它也是高层冷空气侵入的路径。特定的位涡分布对应特定的降水类型, 位涡和降水的季节内振荡 (尤其是低频部分) 蕴含了中高纬系统与夏季风系统相互作用的关键信息。  相似文献   

南半球环流变化对东亚夏季风的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
南半球环流是影响东亚夏季风季节内、季节到年际变化的重要因子之一.作者系统综述了南半球环流各系统包括连接两半球的越赤道气流、马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压、南极涛动和南极海冰等对东亚夏季风环流和中国夏季降水的影响.特别是,近年来的研究揭示了南极涛动是影响东亚夏季风年际变化的强信号.当南极涛动偏强时,马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压和相关的越赤道气流也趋于偏强.同时,西太平洋副热带高压偏西偏南,强度增强,长江流域降水偏多,其两侧降水偏少.这对中国夏季降水的预测有重要的应用价值.最后提出了一些相关的科学问题以供进一步研究.    相似文献   

东亚夏季风对山西省夏季降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP1948~2007年逐日再分析资料、中国600站1960~2007年逐月降水资料和山西省1960~2007年65个测站的逐月、逐日降水资料,确立了850hPa112.5°E上候平均的假相当位温(θse)为340K和候平均的经向风为南风且南风风速≥2.5m·s-1等值线同时通过35°N的日期,将其作为山西省夏季风建立的时间,以θse≥340K的持续候数与平均持续候数相比的标准化值构造为东亚夏季风对山西省影响的强度指数I,可以较好地表征东亚季风区夏季风的强度和降水的空间分布,也可以较好地反映山西省夏季降水的强度和空间分布。该季风指数的年代际变化特征和线性趋势表明,自20世纪70年代以来东亚夏季风对山西省的影响有明显减弱的趋势,并且在1967年季风指数突变性地由强变弱。对山西省夏季风的建立和撤退时间的分析表明,近60年来东亚夏季风对山西省的影响时间越来越短。最后,分析了强弱夏季风指数年大气环流场的异常特征。  相似文献   

Predicting monsoon onset is crucial for agriculture and socioeconomic planning in countries where millions rely on the timely arrival of monsoon rains for their livelihoods. In this study we demonstrate useful skill in predicting year-to-year variations in South China Sea summer monsoon onset at up to a three-month lead time using the GloSea5 seasonal forecasting system. The main source of predictability comes from skillful prediction of Pacific sea surface temperatures associated with El NiÑo and La NiÑa. The South China Sea summer monsoon onset is a known indicator of the broadscale seasonal transition that represents the first stage of the onset of the Asian summer monsoon as a whole. Subsequent development of rainfall across East Asia is influenced by subseasonal variability and synoptic events that reduce predictability, but interannual variability in the broadscale monsoon onset for East Asian summer monsoon still provides potentially useful information for users about possible delays or early occurrence of the onset of rainfall over East Asia.  相似文献   

Based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data from 1950-1999, interdecadal variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and its associated atmospheric circulations are investigated. The EASM exhibits a distinct interdecadal variation, with stronger (weaker) summer monsoon maintained from 1950-1964 (1976-1997). In the former case, there is an enhanced Walker cell in the eastern Pacific and an anti-Walker cell in the western Pacific. The associated ascending motion resides in the central Pacific, which flows eastward and westward in the upper troposphere, descending in the eastern and western ends of the Pacific basin. At the same time, an anomalous East Asian Hadley Cell (EAHC) is found to connect the low-latitude and mid-latitude systems in East Asia, which strengthens the EASM. The descending branch of the EAHC lies in the west part of the anti-Walker cell, flowing northward in the lower troposphere and then ascending at the south of Lake Baikal (40°-50°N, 95°- 115°E) before returning to low latitudes in the upper troposphere, thus strengthening the EASM. The relationship between the EASM and SST in the eastern tropical Pacific is also discussed. A possible mechanism is proposed to link interdecadal variation of the EASM with the eastern tropical Pacific SST. A warmer sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) therein induces anomalous ascending motion in the eastern Pacific, resulting in a weaker Walker cell, and at the same time inducing an anomalous Walker cell in the western Pacific and an enhanced EAHC, leading to a weaker EASM. Furthermore, the interdecadal variation of summer precipitation over North China is found to be the south of Lake Baikal through enhancing and reducing strongly regulated by the velocity potential over the regional vertical motions.  相似文献   

Analysis of Basic Features of the Onset of the Asian Summer Monsoon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In this paper,a relatively systematic climatological research on the onset of the Asian tropical summer monsoon(ATSM)was carried out.Based on a unified index of the ATSM onset,the advance of the whole ATSM was newly made and then the view that the ATSM firstly breaks out over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean and the middle and southern Indo-China Peninsula was further documented,which was in the 26th pentad(about May 10),then over the South China Sea(SCS)in the 28th pentad.It seems that the ATSM onset over the two regions belongs to the different stages of the same monsoon system.Then,the onset mechanism of ATSM was further investigated by the comprehensive analysis on the land-sea thermodynamic contrast,intraseasonal oscillation,and so on,and the several key factors which influence the ATSM onset were put forward.Based on these results,a possible climatological schematic map that the ATSM firstly breaks out over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean,the Indo-China Peninsula,and the SCS was also presented, namely seasonal evolution of the atmospheric circulation was the background of the monsoon onset;the enhancement and northward advance of the convections,the sensible heating and latent heating over the Indo-China Peninsula and its neighboring areas,the dramatic deepening of the India-Burma trough,and the westerly warm advection over the eastern Tibetan Plateau were the major driving forces of the summer monsoon onset,which made the meridional gradient of the temperature firstly reverse over this region and ascending motion develop.Then the tropical monsoon and precipitation rapidly developed and enhanced. The phase-lock of the 30-60-day and 10-20-day low frequency oscillations originated from different sources was another triggering factor for the summer monsoon onset.It was just the common effect of these factors that induced the ATSM earliest onset over this region.  相似文献   

Based on consideration of both thermodynamic and kinetic features of the subtropical summer monsoon in East Asia,a new index is defined by the moist potential vorticity (MPV) for this monsoon.Variation features of the subtropical summer monsoon over 60 years are analyzed using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (USA) data from 1948 to 2007.Results show that the new index can well reflect the seasonal,interannual,and interdecadal variations of the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon.Correlation analysis of the new index and precipitation data from 160 stations in China shows that in high-index years,the summer monsoon is strong,and more rain falls in eastern North China,southwestern China,and along the coast of South China and less rain falls in the Yangtze-Huaihe R.basin.In low-index years,the opposite occurs.Lastly,the new index is compared with four established monsoon indices.The new index is found to have an advantage in representing summer rainfall in the Yangtze-Huaihe R.basin.  相似文献   

陈际龙  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2006,30(6):1091-1102
利用1979~2003年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料探讨了亚澳季风各夏季风子系统 (南亚夏季风、东亚夏季风、北澳夏季风) 流场结构及其季节演变的气候学特征.结果表明: 南亚夏季风和北澳夏季风纯属热带季风, 盛行纬向气流和纬向风垂直正切变, 即低层西风、高层东风, 但北澳夏季风的强度明显弱于南亚夏季风, 而东亚夏季风由热带季风和副热带季风组成, 盛行经向气流和经向风垂直正切变, 即低层南风、高层北风, 且纬向气流高低层配置相对复杂, 相对北澳夏季风而言, 南亚夏季风的低层西风强而深厚, 而东亚夏季风的低层南风强而深厚.从热带季风区流场结构的季节演变过程看, 这三个夏季风子系统均为垂直斜压结构.三者的共性还表现在热带季风区纬向气流高低层配置的季节性转向, 即夏季风爆发时从低层东风、高层西风转换为低层西风、高层东风, 夏季风撤退时从低层西风、高层东风转换为低层东风、高层西风.此外, 南亚夏季风的季内变化平稳, 而东亚夏季风和北澳夏季风的季内变化剧烈; 东亚夏季风的经向跨度大、维持时间最长, 而北澳夏季风的经向跨度小、维持时间最短.  相似文献   

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