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山水林田湖草生态保护修复技术框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对当前严峻的资源环境与生态压力,习近平总书记提出了山水林田湖草生命共同体的理念,截至2019年底全国共开展了25个山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程试点。虽然已有工作取得了一定成效,但也存在保护修复目标不明确、整体性与系统性不足、人工干预的工程措施过度、缺乏动态监测评价、难以实现人与自然和谐共生等诸多问题。鉴此,本研究在梳理景观生态学、恢复生态学相关理论,基于自然的解决方案、适应性管理、社会-经济-自然复合生态系统以及生态系统服务等相关理念的基础上,构建了包含有区域(省)、景观、生态系统以及子项目4个层次的山水林田湖草生态保护修复技术框架,并提出了项目实施全程监测管理的技术要求,以期为推进山水林田湖草生命共同体的整体保护、系统修复、综合治理提供理论与技术支撑。  相似文献   

纵向岭谷区生态系统变化及西南跨境生态安全研究   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
位于我国西南、以纵向山系和大河为主体特征的纵向岭谷区,其地表主要自然物质、能量输送和人类活动等,表现出明显的“通道—阻隔”作用,产生了复杂多样的关联效应:使其成为亚洲大陆主要的纵向生物走廊、避难所和我国与东南亚重要的生态廊道,拥有北半球除沙漠和海洋外的各类生态系统,是全球生物物种的高富集区和世界级基因库,但其生态脆弱、灾害频发;主导了区内多民族沿河谷分布、在山间盆地聚居的“大分散、小聚居”格局,其社会经济发展地域分异大。因此,该区一直是地学和生物学等研究地表复杂环境系统与生命系统演变规律的关键地区,在全球具有不可替代性;同时,该区资源富集,短期开发行为多、环境退化加剧、贫困普遍,保护与发展矛盾极为突出,在西部具有典型性和代表性。  相似文献   

根据陆海相互作用的观点,黄河流域、黄河干流、河口三角洲及其邻近海区的生态环境相互联系,组成了一个有机的生态系统链,可称为黄河-渤海生态系统。黄河流域的降水量、土壤植被条件使黄河干流具有水少沙多、水沙异源和水资源缺乏的特征。干流入海水、沙通量变化影响了黄河三角洲地区的侵蚀、堆积和发育过程。黄河物质入海后在河口及邻近海域形成了具有高生产力的生态环境和著名的渔场。据此绘出了黄河-渤海生态环境内各环节相互联系的概念模式图,并提出了黄河流域大面积水土保持和南水北调工程逐步展开等新环境下,本区陆海相互作用的研究方向。  相似文献   

Within the last century, water pollution has become a major problem throughout the world. Aquatic systems are endangered by many different types of pollution but one of the most threatening is contamination by heavy metals, for example, Cd, etc. The presence of these metals is mainly due to industrial wastes or mining wastes being improperly treated and dumped into the water supply. The contamination may damage marine organisms or create changes in the aquatic environment. For these reasons, monitoring the concentrations of trace elements in rivers, coastal waters and open seawater is very important for environmental conservation. Like many countries in the world, China is facing the serious problem of water pollution in its aquatic system. Areas like the Yangtze River have been industrialized very quickly, and without proper waste control practices the pollution levels have increased with the economic growth. The Yangtze River covers thousands of square kilometers and crosses more than half of China before reaching the East China Sea.  相似文献   

生态模型在河口管理中的应用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口作为河流和海洋的交汇地,具有生态交错带特性,其在自然和人类活动双重压力下发生着演变.生态模型是研究生态系统结构、功能及其时空演变规律以及生物过程对于生态系统的影响及其反馈机制的重要手段.采用不同方法对生态模型进行分类,综述各类生态模型的特性、优缺点及应用领域.讨论建模过程中模型变量与函数、模型整合及时空尺度、模型参数取值及不确定等关键技术问题.分析各类生态模型在河口生态工程设计、生态系统修复、生态系统评价、系统决策支持等管理领域的应用.尽管中国河口生态模型构建及应用已有一些成果,但与国外相比,在理论生态学及数据积累方面仍有一定差距.  相似文献   

我国海洋生态系统服务功能及其价值评估研究计划   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
国家海洋局于2005年启动了为期5年“海洋生态系统服务功能及其价值评估”研究计划。该计划的目标是建立具有我国海洋生态特征,适应我国社会经济发展水平的海洋生态系统服务功能定量模型和服务价值计算方法,并基于GIS技术开发生态系统服务价值评估系统,应用于评估渤海、黄海、东海和南海四大生态系统的服务价值和11个沿海省市区的近海服务价值,同时评估赤潮、病原生物和外来种导致的海洋生态系统服务价值损失,为实现人海和谐的海洋开发产业布局和用海活动提供定量评估技术支持,为基于生态系统的海洋管理提供理论支撑。目前,该计划已经建立了我国海洋生态系统服务功能分类体系、服务功能量化指标和服务价值计算指标体系,完成评估软件系统的设计。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲经济区生态地球化学评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤重金属污染是珠江三角洲地区主要的生态环境问题之一,直接影响到区域生态系统的稳定和食品安全。通过开展多目标区域地球化学调查、区域生态地球化学评价、局部生态地球化学评价和总体综合评价,系统完成了珠江三角洲经济区47954 km2(包括10 m水深以浅的近岸海域)的生态地球化学调查与评价。按照双层网格化方法系统采集了陆域土壤、近岸海域和珠江水系的主要河流沉积物表层和深层样品,测试了71项元素和指标,建立了珠江三角洲经济区土壤、沉积物地球化学背景值和基准值,首次对珠江三角洲地区区域地球化学特征进行了系统全面的调查,全面查明了珠江三角洲经济区土壤环境质量状况,区内一级和二级土壤分别占总面积的19.9%和57.3%,三级和三级以上土壤占22.8%。定量计算了镉、铅、汞等主要异常元素经河流、成土过程等自然来源和大气干湿沉降、施肥、灌溉、使用农药等人为来源贡献量,阐明了其迁移转化途径及生态安全性。结合研究区特点,系统开展了三角洲形成演化过程的地球化学研究,并在国内首次制定了符合地区特点的珠江三角洲经济区土壤环境质量地方标准。  相似文献   

2005年中国地质调查局与广东省人民政府联合开展珠江三角洲经济区农业地质与生态地球化学调查项目。通过开展多目标区域地球化学调查、区域生态地球化学评价、局部生态地球化学评价和总体综合评价,系统完成了珠江三角洲经济区47 954 km2(包括10 m水深以浅的近岸海域)的生态地球化学调查与评价。按照双层网格化方法系统采集了陆域土壤、近岸海域和珠江水系主要河流沉积物表层和深层样品,测试了71项元素和指标,建立了珠江三角洲经济区土壤、沉积物地球化学背景值和基准值,全面查明了珠江三角洲经济区土壤环境质量状况。定量计算了镉、铅、汞等主要异常元素经河流、成土过程等自然来源和大气干湿沉降、施肥、灌溉、使用农药等人为来源贡献量,阐明了其迁移转化途径及生态安全性。项目紧密结合本地区特点,在国内首次开展了三角洲形成演化过程地球化学研究、区域辐射环境质量评价、酸雨对土壤质量影响的模拟实验、土壤环境质量地方标准研究与制订等工作。  相似文献   

Land use change is one of the uppermost driving forces of regional ecosystem change, and has a huge impact on the environmental balance. Mining areas with intensive resources exploitation and utilization have undergone different kinds of environmental influences, such as water pollution and land use cover change. The extensive coal mining in China has led to significant regional land use change resulting in major ecological damage. The objective of this study was to form a clearer picture of the regional ecological environmental situation for promoting ecological protection and improvement by ecosystem service valuing. The case study area was selected at Jiawang town, which has undergone extensive coal mine exploitation for many decades. The study investigated the relationship between land use change and ecological environment, and described the ecosystem service value variations in Jiawang, based on remote sensing and GIS technology. After modification of regional ecosystem service value coefficients, the method was used to evaluate the conditions in the study area from 1990 to 2005 based on the land use/cover information interpreted from TM/ETM+ images. The characters and changes of ecosystem service values were then analyzed both quantitatively and spatially.  相似文献   

Populations and metropolitan centers are accumulated in coastal areas around the world. In view of the fact that they are geographically adjacent to coasts and intense anthropogenic activities, increasing global offshore pollution has been an important worldwide concern over the past several decades and has become a very serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently. Due to offshore pollution, various geological disasters occur in high frequency, including intensified erosion and salinization of coastal soils, frequent geological collapses and landslides and increasing seismic activities. Moreover, offshore pollution shows increasingly serious impacts on the topography and geomorphology of offshore and coastal areas, including coastal degradation, retreating coastlines and estuary delta erosion. Offshore sedimentation processes are strongly influenced by the pH changes of terrestrial discharges, and sedimentary dynamics have become extremely acute and complex due to offshore pollution. The seabed topography and hydrodynamic environment determine the fate and transport of pollutants entering offshore regions. Coastal estuaries, port basins and lagoons that have relatively moderate ocean currents and winds are more likely to accumulate pollutants. Offshore regions and undersea canyons can be used as conduits for transporting pollutants from the continent to the seabed. It is particularly noteworthy that the spatial/temporal distribution of species, community structures, and ecological functions in offshore areas have undergone unprecedented changes in recent decades. Due to increasing offshore pollution, the stable succession and development trend of marine ecosystems has been broken. It is thus important to identify and regulate the quantity, composition and transportation of pollutants in offshore regions and their behavior in marine ecosystems. In particular, crucial actions for stabilizing marine ecosystems, including increasing species and biodiversity, should be implemented to enhance their anti-interference capabilities. This review provides an overview of the current situation of offshore pollution, as well as major trends of pollutant fate and transportation from continent to marine ecosystems, transformation of pollutants in sediments, and their bioaccumulation and diffusion. This study retrospectively reviews the long-term geological evolution of offshore pollution from the perspective of marine geology, and analyses their long-term potential impacts on marine ecosystems. Due to ecological risks associated with pollutants released from offshore sediments, more research on the influence of global offshore pollution based on marine geology is undoubtedly needed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, and Fe in sediments of the Ichkeul Lake and rivers ecosystem in northern Tunisia; their comparison with international sediment quality criteria was also proposed to assess the extent of metal pollution and their origin using various pollution indicators. For this purpose, sediment samples were collected in thirteen locations and characterized for metal content (Pb, Cr, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Fe) using the total digestion technique. Pollution level was assessed via the geoaccumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (C ), potential ecological risk (PER), and pollution load index (PLI). Our results showed that all metals were lower than the threshold effect levels (TEL), the effect range low (ERL), the probable effect level (PEL), the effect range median (ERM), and the probable effect concentration (PEC) value, except Pb and Cr (higher than TEL), the threshold effect concentration (TEC), and the toxicity reference value (TRV). The geoaccumulation index (Igeo) indicated no pollution for Cr, Cu, Zn, and Fe, but moderate pollution for Pb. The enrichment factor showed no enrichment for most of the studied metals. This was further confirmed by the contamination factor that indicated low contamination levels, with the exception of Pb. The pollution load index (PLI) showed moderate pollution status in all the studied stations in the Ichkeul Lake and rivers ecosystem. The statistical results presented similar trends of Zn and Pb probably due to their similar pollution sources. It was found that the Ichkeul Lake and river ecosystems are characterized by moderate pollution status in all the studied sites except for that of a feeder river drained from an old lead mine which had relatively high metallic concentrations of Pb and Cd. It can be argued that effective remediation strategies and environmental management plans are required to control and reduce the input of environmentally hazardous toxic pollutants (Cd and Pb). This study may serve as a useful reference tool pertinent to approaches to the remediation of the old lead mine area surrounding the Ichkeul Lake as well as other areas under similar ecological conditions..  相似文献   

全球岩溶生态系统对比:科学目标和执行计划   总被引:88,自引:4,他引:88  
由我国提出的新的国际地质对比计划“全球岩溶生态系统对比”(IGCP 448)已于2000年初由IGCP科学委员会批准,在2000-2004的5年中执行。该项目的科学目标是:对比全球不同气候条件下的宏观岩溶生态系统,揭示其形成机理;对比不同地质条件下微观岩溶生态系统,揭示其对物种选择的影响,为岩溶地区石漠化治理,重建良性生态系统探索新思路,从地理,地质角度对比地下岩溶生态系统;研究岩溶生态系统与人类活动的相互作用。5年中除40余个参与国将作好本国岩溶生态系统研究作为全球对比的基础外,还将重点联合考察罗马尼亚,巴西,中国,西班牙,法国,美国,俄罗斯,澳大利亚等国的典型岩溶区,并作深入对比研究,IGCP448的核心科学问题是岩溶生态系统的运行规律,对如何利用我国地域优势和组织该多边国际合作计划的有利条件,进一步做好我国岩溶生态系统研究提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

国土整治生态修复中的农业景观生物多样性保护策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生态文明建设成为国家发展战略,国土整治修复需要更多生态科学和技术的支撑。农业景观生物多样性是重要的自然资源,为人类可持续发展提供了重要的生态系统服务,并提供了应对气候变化等风险的途径。本文分析了我国农业景观生物多样性保护及其对国土整治生态修复的重要性,国土整治生态修复中农业景观生物多样性保护面临的挑战,并总结了欧盟在农业景观生物多样性保护方面的经验和方法。最后,文章提出了将农业景观生物多样性保护整合到国土整治生态修复的四项策略,包括生态空间的“生态修复和管护-生态补偿-民生改善”策略、农业空间的“生态基础设施-生态系统服务提升-绿色发展”策略、城乡生活空间的“多功能景观-绿色宜居空间营造”策略、国土全域“生物多样性保护网络”策略,为生态文明背景下的国土整治生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   

The regional hydrology and ecosystems of the Hexi Corridor region of northwestern China have changed over the last half century under the driving force of intense human activity and regional climate changes. Streamflow issuing from mountains in the eastern section of the Corridor by way of the Shiyang River has decreased significantly. Annual mountain outflow from the Heihe and Shule Rivers in the central and western portions of the Corridor, respectively, have tended to increase; however, their downstream discharge has decreased sharply. These lower reaches clearly display anthropogenic hydrological features. Water salinization and pollution have worsened. Presently, up to 208 km of river courses exhibit the poorest water pollution grades of IV and V. Overall, the forested area in the south Qilian Mountain region has decreased by 16.5% in the last 50 years, but has recently begun to show a gradual increase. However, natural desert forests in the northern portion of the Hexi Corridor have continued in a trend of degradation and rapid disappearance, with 3431 km2 lost in Minqin and Ejin counties alone. Grasslands have been progressively degraded and their area decreased such that grasslands in the Hexi Corridor region only cover 46.86% of their former area. Desertification has been exacerbated and the grasslands' stock capacity reduced. In the Hexi Corridor region desertification has proceeded swiftly over the last 50 years, reaching, in the early 1980s, a maximum annual rate of 2.15% of total initial grassland area. However, from the late 1980s through the 1990s their desertification rate has dropped significantly. A unified watershed-scale plan for water use and management in different regions of the Hexi Corridor, considering water demands for economic development as well as ecosystem maintenance and remediation, must be implemented. The improved and ultimate sustainability of regional development for the Hexi Corridor is linked to following ecological criteria in exploiting land resources, and to systematically protect ecosystem function, allowing for sound ecosystem development.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化研究存在的问题与发展趋势   总被引:52,自引:1,他引:52  
喀斯特石漠化代表了世界上一个比较独特的荒漠类型,即湿润区石质荒漠化。目前石漠化面积快速扩展的总体趋势并没有得到有效遏止,因对石漠化发生机制与喀斯特生态系统稳定性机制还不清楚,同时缺乏比较完善的石漠化防治理论和技术体系也是重要的原因之一。较为详细地介绍了目前西南喀斯特山区石漠化过程和适应性生态修复研究方面存在的基础理论问题,包括喀斯特石漠化的时空格局变化与驱动力、喀斯特山地的侵蚀过程、驱动力与危险性、以水为纽带的喀斯特生态系统退化和石漠化过程中的生物地球化学过程、喀斯特受损生态系统的适应性修复、喀斯特生态系统的服务功能优化和综合调控等方面,阐述了上述几个研究领域的研究现状与可能的发展方向;强调喀斯特石漠化是一个非地带性问题,不是纯自然过程,而是与自然、社会与经济紧密相关,需要以喀斯特科学为主的多学科交叉与综合集成研究。  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of the protection and restoration of water ecosystem is intended to facilitate the healthiness of ecosystems in rivers and lakes, and the basic premise of river healthiness is to ensure the ecological water demand of rivers. Shenyang City is the economic and cultural center of Northeastern China, and most rivers in the territory of Shenyang City are plagued with the ecology and environment problems such as dry-up of river way, wetland shrinkage and groundwater overdraft. In protection and restoration of water ecosystem, Shenyang City should first study the ecological water demand of rivers. In this paper, we first defined the connotation, composition and calculation method of ecological water demand of rivers and selected eight major rivers in Shenyang City for ecological water demand study and calculation according to the characteristics of the rivers and water resources conditions in Shenyang City. We calculated the basic eco-environmental water demand and consumptive water demand for evaporation and seepage of river ways respectively and thus obtained the total eco-environmental water demand for eight rivers. In total eco-environmental water demand of rivers, consumptive water demand for evaporation and seepage of river ways accounts for 51% and the eco-environmental water demand of rivers accounts for 49%  相似文献   

外来种入侵现象、问题及研究重点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
外来入侵种已在全世界范围内广泛传播,引起极大的社会、经济和生态问题。这些物种严重威胁着生态系统的结构与功能,破坏了生态系统的完整性,加速物种灭绝,造成生物多样性的丧失。中国也同样面临着外来种入侵的严峻问题,目前共查明有283种外来入侵种。这些外来入侵种已给中国经济带来了巨大损失,据初略估算,其经济损失每年约为144.8亿美元。结合外来种入侵所造成的问题及该领域的研究进展,提出了进一步加强入侵机理、扩散过程和入侵生态效应的理论研究,建议尽早建立外来种数据库与早期预警系统,呼吁外来物种对生态系统的食物网结构、物种多样性和生态系统功能的影响等问题是我国应当优先开展的研究工作。  相似文献   

论两类环境和两类悬河问题的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
分析认为环境问题有两类 :污染与生态破坏和环境岩土工程问题。悬河问题也有两类 :永久性悬河和暂时性洪水悬河。它们属于 2 1世纪我国将面临的主要环境岩土工程课题。本文就这些问题的基本概念和研究途径作一讨论.  相似文献   

Framed into a robust stratigraphic context, multivariate analyses on the Holocene palaeobiological record (pollen, benthic foraminifers, ostracods) of the Po coastal plain (NE Italy) allowed the investigation of microtidal ecosystems variability and driving parameters along a 35-km-long land–sea transect. Millennial-scale ecosystem shifts are documented by coeval changes in the meiofauna, reflecting variations in organic matter–water depth (shallow-marine environments) and degree of confinement-salinity (back-barrier settings). In-phase shifts of vegetation communities track unsteady water-table levels and river dynamics in freshwater palustrine areas. Five environmental–ecological stages followed one another crossing four tipping points that mark changes in relative sea level (RSL), climate and/or fluvial regime. At the culmination of Mediterranean RSL rise, after the 8200 event, remarkable growth of peatlands took place in the Po estuary, while low accumulation rates typified the shelf. At the transgressive–regressive turnaround (~7000 cal a bp ), the estuary turned into a delta plain with tidally influenced interdistributary embayments. River flow regime oscillations after the Climate Optimum (post-5000 cal a bp ) favoured isolation of the bays and the development of brackish wetlands surrounded by wooded peatlands. The youngest threshold (~800 cal a bp ), which led to the establishment of the modern delta, reflects a major avulsion of the Po River.  相似文献   

生态交错带理论及其在海洋生态学中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在介绍生态交错带理论的基础上,提出开展海洋生态交错带研究。海洋生态交错带定义为相邻海洋生态系统之间的过渡区。海洋生态交错带主要研究内容包括:①建立海洋生态交错带的划分标准;②生态交错带的三维结构;③生态交错带的生态功能;④海洋生态交错带对全球变化的敏感成分和响应机制;⑤海洋生态交错带的生物多样性维持机制;⑥海洋生态交错带与渔场形成的关系。讨论了海洋生态交错带与陆地生态交错带和海洋锋面的不同之处,指出海洋生态交错带研究极有希望成为海洋生态学新的生长点。  相似文献   

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