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Upper amphibolite facies felsic gneiss from Broken Hill records the metatexite to schlieren diatexite to massive diatexite transition in a single rock type over a scale of tens to hundreds of metres. The metatexites are characterized by centimetre‐scale segregation of melt into leucosomes to form stromatic migmatite. The schlieren diatexites are characterized by the disaggregation of the rocks and the development of schlieren migmatite. The massive diatexites represent a higher degree of disaggregation, lack schlieren and contain plagioclase and K‐feldspar phenocrysts. The transition from metatexite to schlieren diatexite and massive diatexite was heterogeneous with both disaggregation of the rock on a grain scale and disaggregation of the rock into centimetre‐ to metre‐scale rafts. As melt contents increased, the proportion of material disaggregated on a grain scale increased. The high proportion of melt needed to form diatexites at upper amphibolite facies conditions was the result of an influx of hydrous fluid at temperatures just above the solidus of the diatexites. Nearby metapelitic rocks, with a slightly higher solidus temperature, undergoing subsolidus muscovite breakdown are the likely source of the fluid. Continued heating during and after the influx of fluid led to melt contents of up to c. 60 mol.% in the massive diatexite. The metatexite zone probably involved little added fluid. Continued deformation during cooling and melt crystallization resulted in the extensive development of schlieren and late‐stage melt segregations and melt‐rich shear bands in the schlieren diatexite zone. The rocks of the massive diatexite zone lack these late‐stage segregations, consistent with the cessation of D2 deformation prior to them developing a crystal framework.  相似文献   

The paper reviews recent works on the Broken Hill ore body to see what data is available on the origin and history of the ore. A high grade metamorphism is recognizable (the Willyama Metamorphism) and this was followed by a number of retrograde metamorphic events. The characteristics of these events is described and this is followed by an analysis of the hypothesis that there is a stratigraphic control of Broken Hill type mineralization. It is concluded that any control that does exist is of a regional nature and that the evidence is equally as good for a restriction of mineralization to areas of high grade metamorphism. Many of the isotopic and geochronological results for Broken Hill are not diagnostic as far as ore genesis is concerned. They do present an internally consistent set of data that records three major events, the Willyama Metamorphism and introduction of the Broken Hill type mineralization at 1700 m. y., the intrusion of the Mundi Mundi Granite and cross cutting pegmatites at 1560 m. y., and retrograde metamorphism and introduction of the Thackaringa Mineralization at or prior to 500 m.y. The sulphides have been deformed in the retrograde schist zones and the ore therefore predates this event. But there is no evidence at the moment that unambiguously establishes that the sulphides were present prior to the Willyama Metamorphism. If it was present prior to or during the Willyama Metamorphism and there is no period of deformation prior to the first recognizable folds at Broken Hill, then the sulphide mass was initially grossly discordant with bedding.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit bringt Ergebnisse der neuesten Untersuchungen über die Broken-Hill-Lagerstätte anschließend an einen Überblick früherer Arbeiten. Der intensiven Willyama-Metamorphose folgen verschiedene retrograde Vorgänge, über die Einzelheiten mitgeteilt werden. Ferner wird die Hypothese einer stratigraphischen Kontrolle der Vererzung einer Prüfung unterzogen und festgestellt, daß die maßgeblichen Frakturen regionaler Natur sein müssen und daß die Beobachtungen somit eine Annahme der Vererzung der hochmetamorphen Gebiete ebenso stark stützt. Viele Resultate von Isotopenzusammensetzungen und geochronologischen Untersuchungen sind für Broken Hill nicht diagnostisch, wenigstens was die Erzgenese betrifft. Sie belegen 3 Hauptereignisse: die Willyama-Metamorphose und den Beginn der Vererzung um 1700.106a, die Intrusion des Mundi Mundi Granits und querschlägiger Pegmatite um 1560.106a und eine retrograde Metamorphose und den Eintritt der Thackaringa-Vererzung um oder vor 500.106a. Die Sulfide sind in der Zone der retrograden Schiefer deformiert worden, was beweist, daß die Vererzung älter ist als dieses Ereignis. Es gibt aber z. Z. keinen Beweis, daß die Sulfide vor der Willyama Metamorphose vorhanden gewesen sind. Wenn sie vor oder während dieses Ereignisses vorhanden gewesen sind und wenn vor der Zeit der ersten deutlichen Falten in Broken Hill keine Deformation stattgefunden hat, dann war die Sulfidmasse ursprünglich in der Schichtung stark diskordant.

Frequency distributions of true interfacial angles in high-grade,regional metamorphic rocks from Broken Hill indicate that interfacialtension varies with relative crystallographic orientation incommon minerals. In some single-phase aggregates (e.g. quartz,feldspar, garnet, and calcite) the grains are equant and polygonal,anisotropy of interfacial tension having only a small effecton the appearance of such aggregates. This is also true of two-phaseaggregates of these phases, but their appearance is complicatedby the presence of inclusions, the relative proportions of ihephases, and the characteristic dihedral angle formed by a grainof one phase in contact with two grains of the other. In phases for which interfacial tension is more orientation-dependent,crystal forms exert some control on the appearance of the microstructure.For example, in hornblende and pyroxene aggregates, some interfacesare parallel to planes of the form {110}, although most areirrational. In still more anisotropic phases, low-energy forms(e.g. {001} of biotite and {110} of sillimanite) are very stable,giving rise to a predominance of planar, rational boundariesover curved, adjustment boundaries. Anisotropy of interfacial tension is expressed in the shapesof inclusions. However, even where strongly anisotropic mineralsare involved, inclusions with partly planar boundaries occuralongside inclusions with completely curved boundaries.  相似文献   

Large garnet poikiloblasts hosted by leucosome in metapelitic gneiss from Broken Hill reflect complex mineral–melt relationships. The spatial relationship between the leucosomes and the garnet poikiloblasts implies that the growth of garnet was strongly linked to the production of melt. The apparent difficulty of garnet to nucleate a large number of grains during the prograde breakdown of coexisting biotite and sillimanite led to the spatial focussing of melting reactions around the few garnet nuclei that formed. Continued reaction of biotite and sillimanite required diffusion of elements from where minerals were reacting to sites of garnet growth. This diffusion was driven by chemical potential gradients between garnet‐bearing and garnet‐absent parts of the rock. As a consequence, melt and peritectic K‐feldspar also preferentially formed around the garnet. The diffusion of elements led to the chemical partitioning of the rock within an overall context in which equilibrium may have been approached. Thus, the garnet‐bearing leucosomes record in situ melt formation around garnet porphyroblasts rather than centimetre‐scale physical melt migration and segregation. The near complete preservation of the high‐grade assemblages in the mesosome and leucosome is consistent with substantial melt loss. Interconnected networks between garnet‐rich leucosomes provide the most likely pathway for melt migration. Decimetre‐scale, coarse‐grained, garnet‐poor leucosomes may represent areas of melt flux through a large‐scale melt transfer network.  相似文献   

In the upper greenschist to granulite grade rocks of the Willyama Supergroup at Broken Hill, Australia, earlier recognition of metamorphosed graded bedding in siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks led to interpretations of these rocks as deep-water turbidites. However, graded beds can also be deposited in shelfal environments below storm wave base. This study identified other tempestite features including wave oscillation ripples, hummocky cross-stratification and swaley cross-stratification indicating that deposition took place above the wave base of the larger storms.

Albitised metasedimentary rocks of the upper Thackaringa Group show structures such as swaley cross-stratification typical of shallow-water conditions above fair-weather wave base. Deposition of the Broken Hill Group commenced with muddy Allendale Metasediments conformable on the Thackaringa Group. The Ettlewood Calc-Silicate Member, originally a dolomitic, siliceous sediment, is interpreted as coastal sabkha indicating onset of a marine transgression. The Parnell Gneiss represents a volcanic or volcaniclastic interruption, heralding gradually increasing input of sand in the Freyers Metasediments reaching a maximum in middle Freyers Metasediments, followed by an abrupt reversion to mud, still influenced by wave action. An open marine shelf is interpreted, possibly 30 m deep (no more than 100 m) in the final stage of a developing rift. The Broken Hill Group terminated with the massive Hores Gneiss volcanic unit.

Sedimentation of the siliciclastic Sundown Group took place in similar conditions, commencing with a muddy interval overlying the Hores Gneiss. The shallowing produced by ~90 m thickness of volcanic/volcaniclastic Hores Gneiss was compensated by subsidence.

Paragon Group deposition commenced with substantial black mud, resulting from isolation from the sand supply and probably isolation from the sea. A fresh connection to the sea led first to the deposition of dolomitic carbonate (King Gunnia Calc-Silicate Member), then to deposition of parallel-laminated fine sand below wave base (upper Cartwrights Creek Metasediments), followed by ripple cross-laminated sand above wave base (Bijerkerno Metasediments). The Dalnit Bore Metasediments show abundant very thin graded silt–mud units possibly deposited below storm wave base, and thicker units of stacked wave oscillation ripples deposited above the wave base of larger storms.

The Broken Hill orebody is hosted by altered Broken Hill Group metasedimentary rocks deposited at water depths of ~30 m. Unless the ore fluid temperature was less than 150°C, it is likely that the orebody formed below the seafloor: at such shallow-water depths, the confining pressure would be inadequate to suppress boiling of hotter rising hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

Rubidium-strontium isotopic measurements are reported for total-rockand minerals from igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks fromthe Willyama Complex, Broken Hill, Australia. The results ofmeasurements on total-rocks and some minerals from the high-gradegneisses indicate that nearly complete strontium isotopic redistributionoccurred within individual rock units 164040 m. y. ago. Thisage is interpreted as that of the high-grade regional metamorphismwhich recrystallized the Willyama rocks to gneisses in the BrokenHill area. Analyses of total-rocks and some minerals from intrusivemuscovite granites and pegmatites give consistent ages of 154O5Om. y. indicating that these rocks were emplaced soon after thehigh-grade regional metamorphism. Rubidium-strontium isotopic analyses of all biotites, and ofmuscovites from pegmatites concordant in schists at Thackaringareveal a 500 m. y. metamorphic episode of lesser intensity accompaniedby pegmatite emplacement. This metamorphism was not of sufficientstrength to open the total-rock systems significantly to rubidiumand strontium isotopes. Biotites, however, appear to have losttheir radiogenic strontium almost completely at this time andit is probable that this event accounts for the observed disturbanceof the potash-feldspar rubidium-strontium systems in most gneissand muscovite granite samples investigated. There is a close similarity between the rubidium-strontium ageresults and the Broken Hill model lead ages. This supports thehypothesis of two-stage lead development and, with the strontiumisotope evidence, suggests that the region has evolved largelyas a closed chemical system since at least the high-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

The prograde pressure–temperature (PT) path for the complexly polydeformed Proterozoic Broken Hill Block (Australia) has been reconstructed through detailed structural analysis in conjunction with calculation of compositionally specific PT pseudosections of pelitic rock units within a high‐temperature shear zone that formed early in the tectonic evolution of the terrane. Whilst the overall PT path for the Broken Hill Block has been interpreted to be anticlockwise, the prograde portion of this path has been unresolved. Our results have constrained part of this prograde path, showing an early heating event (M1) at PT conditions of at least c. 600 °C and c. 2.8–4.2 kbar, associated with an elevated geothermal gradient (c. 41–61 °C km?1). This event is interpreted to be the result of rifting at c. 1.69–1.67 Ga, or at c. 1.64–1.61 in the Broken Hill Block. Early rifting was followed by an episode of lithospheric thermal relaxation and burial, during which time sag‐phase sediments of the upper Broken Hill stratigraphy (Paragon Group) were deposited. Following sedimentation, a second tectonothermal event (M2/D2) occurred. This event is associated with peak low‐pressure granulite facies metamorphism (c. 1.6 Ga) and attained conditions of at least 740 °C at c. 5 kbar. A regionally pervasive, high‐temperature fabric (S2) developed during the M2/D2 event, and deformation was accommodated along lithology‐parallel, high‐temperature shear zones. The larger‐scale deformation regime (extensional or shortening) of this event remains unresolved. The M2/D2 event was terminated by intense crustal shortening during the Olarian Orogeny, during which time the first mappable folds within the Broken Hill Block developed.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of a fluid inclusion study of an amphibolite-granulite facies transition in West Uusimaa, S.W. Finland. Early fluid-inclusions in the granulite facies area are characteristically carbonic (CO2), in contrast to predominantly aqueous early inclusions in the amphibolite facies area. These early inclusions can be related to peak metamorphic conditions (750-820°C and 3-5 kbar for peak granulite facies metamorphism). Relatively young CO2 inclusions with low densities (<0.8g/cm3) indicate that the first part of the cooling history of the rocks was characterized by a near isothermal uplift.
N2-CH4 inclusions, with compositions ranging between pure CH4 and pure N2 (Raman spectral analysis), were found in the whole area. They are probably syn- or even pre-early inclusions. Only nearly critical homogenizing inclusions have been found (low density). Pressure estimates, based on densities of early fluid inclusions, show that the rapid transition of amphibolite towards granulite facies metamorphism is virtually isobaric. Granulite facies metamorphism in West Uusimaa is a thermal event, probably induced by the influx of hot, CO2-bearing fluids.  相似文献   

Sulphur isotopic compositions of sulphides within garnet-rich rocks and high-grade ore from the Broken Hill deposit, New South Wales, Australia, have been determined and show a range of values of –3.3 to +6.7 per mil. Thermochemical considerations, including the spread of values of 34S, suggest that the deposit was derived from a mixed source of sulphur in which seawater, reduced by inorganic processes, mixed with magmatic sulphur or that sulphate from contemporaneous seawater was reduced biogenically at low temperatures. Thermochemical considerations also suggest that pyrrhotite formed by desulphidation of pyrite so that the original Fe-S-O assemblage was pyrite ± magnetite.34S measurements show a broad range which is considered to be due to isotopic reequilibration during retrograde metamorphism and analytical and sampling technique. These data should not be used to indicate original temperatures of deposition or metamorphic temperatures associated with the various metamorphic events.  相似文献   

A wide variety of unusual rock types, exhalites, are commonly associated with or host to exhalative mineralisation within the Willyama Supergroup. Chondrite normalised REE patterns of feldspar-, gahnite-, calcite-, magnetite-and garnet-rich lithologies in the vicinity of stratiform Broken Hill-type Pb-Zn-Ag mineralisation are LREE and Eu enriched similar to the REE patterns of pure metalliferous sediments and hydrothermal fluids of the East Pacific Rise and the Red Sea. In contrast, tourmaline-, garnet-, amphibole-, feldspar- and gahnite-rich exhalites in strike extension of Broken Hill-type orebodies possess LREE enrichments and negative Eu anomalies and also HREE enrichments and negative Ce anomalies. These REE patterns are the result of decreasing temperatures of the hydrothermal fluids, changing oxidation-reduction conditions and increasing influence of basic volcanism with increasing distance from the sulphide mineralisation.  相似文献   

Retrograde metamorphism has been a major influence in the development of the presently observed lithologies of the Willyama Complex, Broken Hill. Two broad types of retrogression are distinguished: pseudomorphous and kinematic retrogression. The former type of retrogression involves replacement of prograde phases without complete loss of the high grade fabric; hence the prograde assemblage can frequently be inferred. Kinematic retrogression involves the development of a new schistose fabric and, like pseudomorphous retrogression, is commonly related to F3 deformation. Retrogression was initiated during the waning stage of prograde metamorphism and was accompanied by an influx of aqueous fluid at similar pressure, but lower temperature conditions than prograde metamorphism. The source of the water is believed to be the crystallization of cooling partial melts. The regional nature of this ‘Willyama-style’ of retrogression is attributed to the metasediment-rich nature of the sequence, the high geothermal gradient and the considerable amount of in situ partial melting.  相似文献   

Fluorine-bearing minerals are uncommon in submarine exhalative ores, exhalites and associated alteration zones, probably because of the low solubility of CaF2. The Broken Hill (Australia) deposit contains fluorapatite and fluorite with one lens containing 1.35% F and greater than 3 volume % F-bearing minerals. The calcite-fluorite-fluorapatite assemblage at Broken Hill indicates that ore deposition was probably from hypersaline fluorine-bearing fluids which decreased in pH by base leaching reactions which released Ca2+ and mixing with seawater promoting the rapid and simultaneous precipitation of calcite, fluorite and fluorapatite as a result of temperature and salinity decrease and pH and [Ca2+] increase. The abundance of fluorine minerals in the Broken Hill ore and the association of F and B minerals with stratigraphically equivalent W- and Sn-bearing exhalites suggest that F complexes are important for ore transport in some exhalative systems. The Fe/Mn ratio decreases and the F/Cl ratio increases in fluorapatite in exhalites with increasing proximity to the Broken Hill deposit.  相似文献   

Two main periods of metamorphism have effected the Broken Hill base metal deposit. The first, at granulite grade, occurred at 1,700 m.y., the second, at lower amphibilite grade, occurred at 500 m.y. The earlier metamorphism correlates with two stages of intense regional folding; the latter occurs as narrow shears across the orebody. The prograde metamorphism caused intense brecciation, development of an ore mush with ore movement, formation of ore-bearing parapegmatites and boudins and much recrystallization of ore and gangue minerals. The orebody parallels an axial plane schistosity in the wall rocks with numerous ore piercement structures causing local discordancies. Ore in retrograde zones is again brecciated with galena further recrystallizing after destruction of prograde recrystallization. Gangue minerals remain essentially as brecciated fragments without further recrystallization. Secondary hydrothermal veins with rare silver minerals derived from the orebody transect the retrograde zones. Galena is plastically injected into fractures in the retrograde wall rock schists. Prograde ore shows co-recrystallization of various sulphides and gangue minerals yielding characteristic annealed textures. Quartz, garnet, hedenbergite, roepperite and apatite co-recrystallize with galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite with balanced surface tensions. Retrograde ore shows mainly fragments of gangue and sphalerite set in a matrix of further recrystallized galena or schistose galena with a superimposed sub-grain structure. The significance of the ubiquitous sub-structures within galena is considered in terms of retrograde effects upon high grade metamorphic textures.
Zusammenfassung Das Erzvorkommen in Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australien, unterlag zwei Hauptphasen regionaler Metamorphose. Die erste Phase, die eine Granulitfacies erreichte, fand vor 1700 Millionen Jahren statt; die zweite Phase, vor 500 Millionen Jahren, zeigt einen Amphibolit-Grad. Die frühere Metamorphose korreliert mit zwei Stufen intensiver Faltungen, die spätere trat in Form enger Scherungen quer durch den Erzkörper auf. Die prograde Metamorphose verursachte intensive Breccienbildung, die Entwicklung eines Erzbreies mit begleitender Erzbewegung, die Bildung erzführender Parapegmatite und Boudinagen sowie reichliche Rekristallisation des Erzes und der Gangmineralien. Der Erzkörper liegt parallel eine axial-plane-schistocity im Nebengestein mit zahlreichen Erzdurchdringungen, die zu örtlicher Diskordanz führen. In retrograden Zonen wurde das Erz ein zweites Mal brecciert, was von einer weiteren Rekristallisation des Bleiglanzes unter Zerstörung der prograden Rekristallisation begleitet wurde. Die Gangmineralien bleiben in der Hauptsache im breccierten Zustand ohne weitere Rekristallisation. Sekundäre hydrothermale Erzgängchen mit seltenen Silbermineralien, die vom Erzkörper stammen, durchschneiden die retrograde Zone. Bleiglanz ist in plastischem Zustand in die Spalten des retrograden Nebengesteines (Schist) hineingedrückt worden. Progrades Erz zeigt Co-rekristallisation der verschiedenen Sulphide und Gangmineralien mit charakteristischen Temperungs gefügen. Quarz, Granat, Hedenbergit, Roepperit und Apatit co-rekristallisieren mit Bleiglanz, Zinkblende und Kupferkies mit ausgeglichenen Oberflächenspannungen. Retrogrades Erz zeigt hauptsächlich zerstückelte Gangmineralien und Zinkblende in einer Grundmasse weiter rekristallisierten oder schiefrigen Bleiglanzes mit einer überprägten Sub-grain Textur. Die Bedeutung der allgegenwärtigen Sub-Textur im Bleiglanz wird im Sinne eines retrograden Effektes auf hochgradige metamorphe Strukturen gedeutet.

Summary The Palaeoproterozoic Broken Hill Pb–Zn–Ag stratiform orebody is intimately associated with manganoan garnet-bearing rocks. On stratigraphic and chemical grounds it is argued that garnet-rich metasediments below, equivalent to and above massive sulphide were hydrothermal precipitates. Other manganoan garnet rocks formed during pre-metamorphic hydrothermal alteration, syn-metamorphic dehydration and reaction of manganese with prograde pelitic rocks, reaction between cataclastic manganese-bearing sulphide rocks injected along axial planes, shears and faults and pelitic wall rocks and reaction between dolerite dykes and sulphide rocks.  相似文献   

Thermal events at 1690-1680, 1660-1640 and 1600-1570 Ma have been resolved by SHRIMP U---Pb geochronological study on zircons and monazites from seven localities near to the Broken Hill Pb---Zn---Ag orebody, Australia. The earliest-recognized thermal event included intrusion of now deformed granites such as Rasp Ridge Gneiss and Alma Gneiss and intrusion of gabbro at Round Hill. Previously these have been interpreted as volcanic in origin, and have been assigned to different stratigraphic units of the Palaeoproterozoic Willyama Supergroup. Because these rocks are intrusions, they should be removed from the Supergroup stratigraphic sequence. The 1640–1660 Ma thermal event reached upper amphibolite to granulite conditions and produced melt segregations in parts of the Rasp Ridge Gneiss. Granites of this age are the Purnamoota Road Gneiss, previously correlated with 1690-1680 Ma rocks assigned to the Hores Gneiss stratigraphic unit, and granitic veins within Sundown Group metapelites. The 1600-1570 Ma thermal event also reached upper amphibolite to granulite conditions. The only possible 1600-1570 Ma intrusive rock reported in this study is ‘Lf-leucogneiss’ (granite) at the Purnamoota Road locality. Melt segregations of this age have been found in the Round Hill gabbro and metamorphic segregations have been found in the Purnamoota Road Gneiss. The granite intrusions and segregations are absolute time markers for fabric development and therefore can be used to re-evaluate tectonothermal evolution of rocks close to the Broken Hill Pb---Zn orebody. Within the studied rocks several discrete high grade deformation phases have been observed. The earliest detected deformation is older than 1640–1660 Ma, but syn- or post 1690 Ma. A later deformation phase can be constrained to be pre-or syn 1640–1660 Ma and a yet later deformation phase to be syn- or post- 1600-1570 Ma. The current consensus classifies the Broken Hill Pb---Zn---Ag orebody as the metamorphosed equivalent of classic SEDEX (sedimentary-exhalative) deposits, deposited at ca 1690 Ma. This interpretation heavily relies on the Hores Gneiss being a volcanic marker horizon, because the orebody is situated, apparently conformably, within the Hores Gneiss. However, results of this study show that rocks assigned to the Hores Gneiss are of different age, thus do not form a reliable marker horizon. The present results suggest that in the Thackaringa and Broken Hill Groups in the vicinity of Broken Hill, true supracrustal rocks are ≥ 1690 Ma, rather than ca 1690 Ma as previously suggested. Large parts of rocks surrounding the orebody are intrusions and together with their host supracrustal rocks were metamorphosed and locally remelted at 1660-1640 and 1600-1570 Ma.  相似文献   

Geochemical responses in weathered and oxidized surface metasedimentary rocks associated with stratiform lead-zinc mineralization at Stirling Hill (6 km west of Broken Hill) are compared with the geochemical responses in fresh drill core from an equivalent lithostratigraphic section with stratiform lead-zinc mineralization at the Pinnacles Mine (8 km south of Stirling Hill). Mineralization is interpreted as being volcanic exhalative and it lies within highly metamorphosed (sillimanite grade) rocks of the Willyama Supergroup.Surface rocks were classified into groups by discriminant analysis using drill core data from the Pinnacles Mine as the initial training set. The behaviour of elements in surface rocks varies with the rock group but Zn, Pb, Mn, Fe, and Co are leached from all surface rocks relative to fresh drill core.Nothwithstanding the leaching effects of weathering, common geochemical responses to mineralization have been identified in drill core and surface rocks. Coincident positive anomalies for Zn/Ba and Fe/(Na × Ba) ratios and negative anomalies for Na/(Mn × Ca) ratios uniquely define mineralization in both weathered surface rocks and in fresh drill core.The results demonstrate that the pattern of geochemical responses to Pinnacles-type stratiform volcanic-exhalative mineralization in surface rocks has survived the intensive weathering regime in the Broken Hill region.  相似文献   

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