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库车坳陷盐下构造对盐上盖层变形的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
库车坳陷是在地壳或者岩石圈尺度整体挤压作用下, 收缩构造变形形成的一个构造单元, 膏盐岩层等软弱岩层可能导致滑脱断层发育, 并引起盐上和盐下不协调收缩变形, 区域挤压作用下一些先存基底断裂带的逆冲位移是控制盐上层冲断褶皱变形的主要因素.运用地震资料、地表露头、钻测井资料以及非地震资料等, 对库车坳陷区域大剖面的盐上层、盐下层的构造变形样式进行分析, 认为南天山在挤压收缩变形中隆升, 诱导盆山过渡带发育基底卷入的高角度逆冲断层, 先前基底断层的复活影响了盆地沉积盖层的构造变形, 基底断裂与盖层断层组合样式在走向上基本一致, 盖层强变形带与基底断裂带上下呼应.  相似文献   

The Petermann Orogeny is a late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian ( c . 560–520  Ma) intracratonic event that affected the Musgrave Block and south-western Amadeus Basin in central Australia. In the Mann Ranges, within the central Musgrave Block, Mesoproterozoic granulite facies gneisses, granites and mafic dykes have been substantially reworked by deep crustal non-coaxial strain of late Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian age. Dolerite dykes have recrystallized to garnet granulite facies assemblages, associated with the development of a mylonitic fabric at P =12–13  kbar and T  =700–750 °C. Migmatization is restricted to discrete shear zones, which represent conduits for hydrous fluids during metamorphism. Peak metamorphism was followed by decompression to c . 7  kbar, reflecting exhumation of the terrane along the south-dipping Woodroffe Thrust. In scattered outcrops north of the Mann Ranges, peak metamorphism occurred at P =9–10  kbar and T  = c . 700 °C. The Woodroffe Thrust separates these deep crustal mylonites from granites that were metamorphosed during the Petermann Orogeny at P = c . 6–7  kbar and T  = c . 650 °C. The similarity in peak temperatures at different crustal levels implies an unusual thermal regime during this event. The existence of a relatively elevated geotherm corresponding with Th- and K-enriched granites that were in the mid-crust during the Petermann Orogeny suggests that radiogenic heat production may have substantially contributed to the thermal regime during metamorphism. This potentially has implications for the mechanisms by which intra-plate strain was localized during this event.  相似文献   

Examinations of Grenville massifs in the Blue Ridge Geologic Province of Virginia and North Carolina indicate that the country rocks (∼ 1100–1450 Ma) are layered gneisses that were metamorphosed during Grenville orogenesis (∼ 1000–1100 Ma) to amphibolite to granulite facies and intruded by plutonic suites. Subsequently, the Grenville terrane was intruded by a suite of peralkaline granitic plutons (∼ 700 Ma) and progressively overlapped westward by Upper Precambrian to Cambrian sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Following deposition of Upper Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks, the Blue Ridge Geologic Province was subjected to Taconic metamorphism (∼ 450–480 Ma) which generally increased in intensity southeastward from greenschist (chlorite grade) to upper amphibolite (sillimanite grade) facies. Large-scale late Devonian thrusting (∼ 350 Ma) along the Fries fault system and the Brevard zone-Yadkin fault system produced the present day distribution of juxtaposed Grenville massifs and Palaeozoic metamorphic zones in the Blue Ridge Geologic Province. Palinspastic restoration of the Taconic metamorphic zones to their pre-late Devonian relative positions yields an ∼ 50 km displacement on the Fries fault system near the Grandfather Mountain window and and an ∼ 80 km displacement on the Smith River allochthon farther east. Restoration of the Grenville massifs to this same palinspastic base shows that Grenville metamorphic grade decreased southeastward from the deeper granulite facies (opx + gar) to the shallower granulite facies (opx ± amp) to amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

Contact metamorphism associated with mafic intrusives is one of several mechanisms that has been invoked to produce extensive high‐temperature (HT) metamorphism and associated partial melting of the crust. Indisputable evidence for polymetamorphism in these settings can be difficult to decipher because both melt loss and retrogression (i.e. rehydration) can erase or obscure the records of earlier HT metamorphism by modifying HT mineral parageneses and compositions. Here, a combination of detailed field and petrographical observations, inverse mineral thermometry, and thermodynamic forward modelling is used to delineate the polymetamorphic history of migmatites from the Smith River Allochthon (SRA) in the central Appalachians. Bulk rock geochemical data suggest that some metapelitic samples lost a significant amount of melt during interpreted contact metamorphism with the Rich Acres gabbro, resulting in a residual bulk composition (<50 wt% SiO2, ~30 wt% Al2O3). Garnet cores (Grt1) in SiO2‐depleted samples are interpreted to grow during this HT contact metamorphism, with Fe‐Ti oxide thermometry on spinel inclusions in Grt1, cordierite–garnet thermometry, and thermodynamic forward modelling constraining peak P–T conditions during contact heating of the migmatites to ~800ºC and ~0.5 GPa. This is associated with an inferred peak assemblage prior to melt loss of crd+kfs+pl+grt+bt+spl (mag+usp+hc)+ilm+sil+qtz+melt. Garnet in SiO2‐depleted samples has a distinct high‐Ca rim (Grt2), which appears to record a younger metamorphic event. A combination of substantial melt loss and later rehydration appears to be a major control on the ability of SiO2‐depleted samples to faithfully record evidence for this polymetamorphism. The tectonic implications of this younger metamorphic event are not entirely clear, but it appears to record renewed burial and heating of the SRA sometime after the Taconic orogeny, which may be related to either the neo‐Acadian or Alleghanian orogenies.  相似文献   

基底断裂对盐构造的形成演化过程有重要控制作用。针对库车坳陷盐构造最为发育的克拉苏构造带和秋里塔格构造带,运用最新的二维和三维地震资料解释方案,分析了基底断裂的几何学特征、形成过程,及其对后期盐构造变形的影响。结果表明:库车坳陷不同地区基底断裂和盐构造变形样式有较大不同;基底断裂几何样式的差异,是导致盐构造复杂多变的重要原因。基底断裂的活动一定程度上影响了原始盐层的沉积厚度,还控制了盐构造的发育位置和变形样式。物理模拟实验表明:基底断裂在后期变形中相对于无断裂区可优先活动,使盐下层构造变形的传播距离变大,而盐上层变形传播距离减小。此外基底断裂的活动还可促使断裂顶部盐上层的褶皱作用增强,并发育新的断层。有限元数值模拟实验表明:在构造挤压初期,即使是远离山前的秋里塔格构造带,基底断裂顶部也可出现明显的剪应力和应变增大区域,这是该地区盐构造规模宏大的重要原因。  相似文献   

The role of the fluid phase during regional metamorphism and deformation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Evidence from rock microstructures, mass transfer and isotopic exchange indicates that substantial quantities of aqueous fluids are involved in low- and medium-grade regional metamorphism. Similar conclusions are drawn from many retrograde environments, whereas high-grade metamorphic fluids may be melt dominated. The mobile fluids play essential roles in metamorphic reactions, mass transport and deformation processes. These processes are linked by the mechanical consequences of metamorphic fluid pressures (Pf) generally being greater than or equal to the minimum principal compressive stress. Under such conditions metamorphic porosity comprises grain boundary tubules and bubbles together with continuously generated (and healed) microfractures. Deformation results in significant interconnected porosity and hence enhanced permeability. Lithologically and structurally controlled permeability variations may cause effective fluid channelling.
Simple Rayleigh-Darcy modelling of a uniformly permeable, crustal slab shows that convective instability of metamorphic fluid is expected at the permeabilities suggested for the high Pf metamorphic conditions. Complex, large-scale convective cells operating in overpressured, but capped systems may provide a satisfactory explanation for the large fluid/rock ratios and extensive mass transport demonstrated for many low- and medium-grade metamorphic environments. Such large-scale fluid circulation may have important consequences for heat transfer in and the thermal evolution of metamorphic belts.  相似文献   

The external massifs along the Appalachian orogen include Precambrian basement rocks with attached cover. To the northwest (cratonward), in the Appalachian foreland fold and thrust belt, Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, but no basement rocks, are exposed; that belt was the subject of the classic debate about thin-skinned (deformed cover rocks detached from undeformed basement) and thick-skinned (basement deformed with attached cover) structural styles. Presently available data indicate detached cover rocks and thin-skinned style in the fold and thrust belt: large-scale thrusting occurred late in the orogenic history. In the external basement massifs, late Precambrian graben-fill sedimentary and volcanic rocks indicate early basement faults; and within the craton, steep basement faults bound graben blocks of Cambrian age. Distribution of known basement faults suggests that basement rocks beneath the fold and thrust belt may also be faulted. Local episodic synsedimentary structural movement through much of the Palaeozoic is documented by stratigraphy in the fold and thrust belt. Axes of early synsedimentary structures are approximately coincident with axes of late folds and thrust fault ramps, but stratigraphic data show that magnitude of the early structures was much less than that of the late structures. These relations suggest the interpretation that early low-magnitude structures formed in cover rocks over basement faults and that the early structures, or the basement faults, significantly influenced the geometry of later detachment structures during large-scale horizontal translation.  相似文献   

The Cobequid Highlands in the Canadian Appalachian orogen lie within Avalonia adjacent to the Meguma Terrane. U-Pb (zircon) data show that the age range of voluminous bimodal plutonism in the highlands is from 358 to 363 Ma (late Devonian). This age range is much narrower than that previously suggested by Rb/Sr geochronology and confirms that the Cobequid Highlands preserve the youngest large-scale plutonic event in the Canadian Appalachians. Late Palaeozoic tectonic history of the Appalachian orogen is profoundly influenced by predominantly dextral motion on the Avalon-Meguma terrane boundary. This age of plutonism is coeval with previously published 40Ar/39Ar (muscovite) plateau ages derived from shear zones in the Meguma terrane adjacent to the terrane boundary, which is defined by the Minas fault zone. The NNE trending structural grain of the Appalachian orogen is disturbed in this area by the E-W Minas fault zone and pluton emplacement may have been associated with motion along this terrane boundary.  相似文献   

Prolonged deformation for ca 150 Ma along the Eastern Fold Belt, Mount Isa Inlier, differentially partitioned into three distinct Mesoproterozoic tectonic domains. NW–SE-trending structures dominate the northern domain, whereas E–W- and N–S-trending structures dominate the central and southern domains, respectively.

Changing the direction of bulk horizontal shortening from NE–SW to N–S to E–W shifted the locus of maximum tectono-metamorphic effect. This accounts for the different generations of structures preserved in these three domains. Overprinting relationships and geochronological data reveal a component of deformation partitioning in time as well as space.

Rheological contrasts in the Soldiers Cap Group between a thick interlayered pelitic, psammitic and volcanic units on the one hand, and ca 1686 Ma, competent mafic intrusives and genetically related metasomatic albitite bodies present in its lower part, on the other, enhanced strain localisation during the long-lived Isan Orogeny (ca 1670–1500 Ma).  相似文献   

The Precambrian sequences of the Avalon Zone in Canada (southeastern margin of the Appalachian Orogen) are interpreted as a Pan-African orogenic belt incorporated into the Appalachian Orogen during Palaeozoic times as its southeastern margin. The Precambrian evolution of the Avalon Zone was genetically unrelated to subsequent Palaeozoic evolution. The Avalon Zone shows marked similarities in age, tectonic history, and facies development to the Pan-African belts adjacent to the West African Craton. Precambrian evolution of the zone began with circa 800 Ma rifting of a sialic gneissic basement and deposition of a Middle Proterozoic(?) carbonate-clastic cover sequence. Early crustal rifting was associated with localized partial melting and metamorphism. Limited crustal separation led to the restricted development of circa 760 Ma oceanic volcanics. Continued rifting and subsequent closure of these narrow ocean basins led to the eruption of widespread subaerial volcanic suites, block faulting, granite plutonism, and local, late Proterozoic sedimentary basin formation. Precambrian evolution of the zone terminated with the Avalonian Orogeny (circa 650-600 Ma), a deformational event, the affects of which are most evident locally along the northwestern margin of the zone. The controlling features of the Proterozoic evolution of the Avalon Zone are a series of linear intracratonic troughs and small ocean basins that formed during thinning and separation of the crust by ductile spreading, rupture, and delamination (cf. Martin and Porada 1977). The variation in degree of crustal separation led to subsequent variation in orogenesis during late Proterozoic compression. The zone marks the original westward limit of Pan-African activity and displays no apparent genetic link with the Appalachian Orogen in Canada until Devonian times.  相似文献   

Together, recent gravity and high-resolution aeromagnetic datasets are used to qualitatively investigate the upper- and middle-crustal geometry of the Middle Paleozoic Gaspé belt in the northern Appalachians. Long-wavelength potential field anomalies define two sub-basins that are divided by northeast trending gravity highs. For each sub-basins, gravity lows correlate with the youngest rock units.Maps that highlight anomalies associated with near surface features, at the expense of those related to deeper sources, provide an important supplement to the spatially discrete observations derived from bedrock mapping. Analysis of such maps indicates that the sub-basins are characterized by different structural patterns and that faults trending obliquely compared to the main structural grain have been previously underestimated.The geometry of the Gaspé belt as revealed by this integrated geophysical and geological study bears similarities with orogens exhibiting lateral extrusion. This geometry is interpreted as the result of a heterogeneous strain regime in front of an indenter corresponding to the Early Paleozoic Gander/Dunnage crustal block. The indentation tectonic model is supported by: 1) the various strike and kinematic of faults that suggest a strongly heterogeneous strain regime; 2) the greater geological complexity and the occurrence of faults with a significant thrust component in front of the indenter; 3) the predominance of dextral strike-slip faults in the eastern Gaspé Peninsula that result in lateral material transport away from the indenter; 4) the location of abundant Devonian magmatic dykes, sills and stocks in a fault-bounded zone that experienced local extension; 5) the occurrence of block rotation.  相似文献   

The migmatites of the Palmer area, in the core of the Mt Lofty Ranges metamorphic belt, are considered to have formed by partial melting of quartzo‐feldspathic schists and gneisses, rather than by metamorphic segregation as formerly suggested. Large‐ and small‐scale tectonic structures indicate that the Cambrian Kanmantoo Group rocks in the Palmer area have undergone three deformations during the Delamerian Orogeny and that these are similar to those described elsewhere in the Mt Lofty Ranges. The relationships of the migmatitic veins to these structures indicate that some partial melt was present during a large part of the structural history: some veins formed before and after the first folding event, and some formed during or after the third folding event even though the metamorphic grade appears to have been waning in areas more distant from the highest grade ore. The early onset of partial melting is consistent with previously reported evidence that thermal activity in the belt began before penetrative deformation.  相似文献   

Abstract There are discrete masses of un-deformed metabasite within the blueschist series of the island of Syros. Greece. Around the margins of these masses are zonal sequences through rocks showing intracrystalline deformation but without a geometric fabric, to rocks with discrete and anastomosing shear zones, and finally to penetratively foliated rocks with isolated relics of the original undeformed texture. Textural relics suggest that this spatial sequence is at least qualitatively also a temporal sequence.
This progressive shear zone deformation took place concurrently with a glaucophane-epidote to eclogite reaction. The reaction pathways in the rocks that underwent the shear zone deformation can be compared with those in rocks of a similar composition that suffered a longer deformation history and show no relics of an undeformed parent. Although the final assemblages are in both cases the same, the pathways are different. These differences are in part related to reactions promoted by the change from local to bulk equilibrium on the onset of deformation in the rocks. They are also related to the crystallization and later breakdown during the sequence of progressive equilibration of a metastable phase, in this case an impure glaucophane.  相似文献   

The Appalachian fold–thrust belt is characterized by a sinuous trace in map-view, creating a series of salients and recesses. The kinematic evolution of these arcuate features remains a controversial topic in orogenesis. Primary magnetizations from clastic red beds in the Pennsylvania salient show Pennsylvanian rotations that account for about half of the curvature, while Kiaman-aged (Permian) remagnetizations display no relative rotation between the limbs. The more southern Tennessee salient shows a maximum change in regional strike from ~ 65° in Virginia to ~ 10° in northern Georgia. Paleomagnetic results from thirty-two sites in the Middle to Upper Ordovician Chickamauga Group limestones and twenty sites from the Middle Cambrian Rome Formation red beds were analyzed to constrain the relative age of magnetization as well as the nature of curvature in the Tennessee salient. Results from three sites of the Silurian Red Mountain Formation were added to an existing dataset in order to determine whether the southern limb had rotated.After thermal demagnetization, all three sample suites display a down and southeasterly direction, albeit carried by different magnetic minerals. The syn-tilting direction of the Chickamauga limestones lies on the Pennsylvanian segment of the North American apparent polar wander path (APWP), indicating that deformation was about half completed by the Late Pennsylvanian. The Rome and Red Mountain Formations were also remagnetized during the Pennsylvanian. Both the Chickamauga limestones and Rome red beds fail to show a correlation between strike and declination along the salient, suggesting either that the salient was a primary, non-rotational feature or that secondary curvature occurred prior to remagnetization, as it did in Pennsylvania. Moreover, remagnetized directions from the Red Mountain sites show no statistical difference between the southern limb of the salient and the more northeasterly trending portion of the fold–thrust belt in Alabama. Thus, all of the studied units in the Tennessee salient are remagnetized and show no evidence for rotation. This confirms that remagnetization was widespread in the southern Appalachians and that any potential orogenic rotation must have occurred prior to the Late Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the Woodroffe Thrust mylonite zone, central Australia, recrystallization in plagioclase and K-feldspar involved subgrain rotation, assisted by grain-boundary or kink band boundary bulging, without contribution from a change in the chemical composition from host grains to new grains. The size of subgrains and new grains changes across the mylonite zone, apparently as a function of the strain rate and the H2O content of the rock. The partitioning of deformation into zones of progressive shearing and progressive shortening controls the sites of recovery and recrystallization in feldspar during mylonitization. The size of feldspar porphyroclasts in well developed mylonites is governed by the scale of deformation partitioning reached in the earlier stages of mylonitization, before the formation of a large proportion of fine-grained matrix that can accommodate the progressive shearing component of the deformation. Recrystallization occurs in microcline, apparently without involving a translation to a monoclinic structure, as microcline-twinned new grains are common adjacent to microcline-twinned host grains. K-feldspar triclinicity values calculated from XRD traces increase from the margins to the interior of the mylonite zone, in conjunction with deformation intensity. K-feldspar host grains locally have cores of orthoclase or untwinned microcline, surrounded by mantles of twinned microcline, suggesting a relationship between the presence of microcline twinning and the degree of K-feldspar triclinicity.  相似文献   

吉隆—萨嘎地区侏罗系陆热组和唯美组普遍经历了两期变形:早期主要表现为中—深层次的顺层剪切作用和同斜褶皱,晚期主要表现为中层次的褶皱-逆冲作用。两期变形分别代表了特提斯洋由南向北的俯冲作用以及印度-欧亚板块碰撞造山作用,其变形样式和组合方式记录了板块俯冲-碰撞造山的历史和过程。其中,早期变形使得地层发生重复,是导致该区侏罗系地层厚度大且难以与江孜、羊卓雍错地区对比的主要原因。  相似文献   

A large storm in 1995 that impacted the central Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia triggered over a thousand debris flows, which deeply incised stream channels in zero-, first-, and second-order basins underlain primarily by granite, metabasalt, and quartzite. This event provided an opportunity to gain insight into geologic controls on debris-flow initiation and rates of basin denudation. Intensive investigations in quartzite terrain indicated that well-developed joints provide for rapid infiltration of rainwater and thus affected debris-flow initiation. Possible mechanisms of slope failure include (1) elevated rates of fracture recharge in steep valleys and/or (2) bedrock bedding planes. Fracture recharge may serve to substantially increase rock pore pressure during high intensity rainfall, especially when coupled with antecedent moisture. The quartzite bedrock tends to break into orthogonal blocks due to jointing. Statistical analysis shows the presence of a minimum of two joint populations that serve as bedrock controls on lateral erosion. Resistant bedding planes, parallel to slope, control vertical erosion below a finer-grained layer of saprolite. The combination of increased recharge and joint orientations in quartzite basins are likely the main factors resulting in the highest measured values of basin denudation from debris flows, relative to other lithologies, in the central Appalachians. Additionally, these joint and bedding planes produce a topographic signature at all scales and, therefore, are an important factor controlling long-term landscape evolution.  相似文献   

西昆仑—塔里木盆地盆-山结合带可划分为西昆仑北带和塔里木地块南缘拗陷带(塔南拗陷带)两个构造单元,后者由塔西南拗陷带和塔东南断陷带两部分组成。西昆北带分别以库地—喀什塔什断裂和西昆北冲断裂与西昆中带和塔里木地块南缘拗陷带相隔。盆-山构造经历了长期、叠次的形成、演化过程,但不同时期、不同层次的变形构造具有极大的统一性,总体表现为以西昆中断裂(其主体为库地—喀什塔什断裂)为根带,以北向逆冲扩展作用为主导,向北至塔南拗陷带腹部,逐渐转化为以垂直向上的构造伸展作用为主导。塔南拗陷带的逆冲断裂与具强烈深层流变组构的西昆北逆冲断裂属统一地球动力学系统中不同构造层次的成分,前者是后者向浅层脆性应变域扩展的产物。导致盆-山构造形成的驱动力来自昆仑构造带以南的持续、强烈的北向逆冲扩展作用,至少在塔南拗陷带的前早更新统地层分布区不存在塔里木地块自北向南俯冲的直接证据。西昆仑—塔里木盆地南缘的造盆、造山作用过程可简单地归纳为三个形成演化阶段:晚侏罗世—早白垩世的快速隆升和快速拗陷(沉降)期、晚白垩世—古近纪的深层拆离-缓慢隆升和均匀拗陷(沉降)期和新近纪至今的挤压-急剧隆升和强烈拗陷(沉降)期。造盆、造山作用的动力学过程表明,中—上新世是造盆造山作用机制发生重大转折时期,早更新世末的构造运动基本上奠定了西昆仑—塔里木盆地南缘的盆-山构造格架。  相似文献   

深厚覆盖层上混凝土防渗墙的应力变形特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建造在深厚覆盖层上的心墙坝,通常由土质心墙和其下部的防渗墙构成完整的防渗体系,防渗墙将受到水荷载和上覆坝体荷载的双重作用.本文采用三维非线性有限元分析了某心墙坝工程软弱覆盖层上两道混凝土防渗墙(第一道为嵌岩式,第二道为悬挂式)的应力变形特性并对其安全度评价方法进行了介绍.计算结果表明:①嵌岩式防渗墙和悬挂式防渗墙表现了不同的应力应变特性;②两道防渗墙的拉压应力均已超出混凝土的允许范围,建议采用高强低弹的混凝土配方.  相似文献   

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