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Recent geological mapping on the Isle of Wight by the British Geological Survey has shown the ‘Plateau Gravel’ to be a mixture of fluvial, solifluction, pedogenic and marine deposits ranging from pre-Anglian to Holocene age. As part of the resurvey of the island, several new exposures of the ‘Plateau Gravel’ between Newport and Downend were examined. A working gravel pit on St George's Down, near Newport, revealed a succession of flint gravels with an inter-bedded sequence of laminated silts. An upper in situ succession of pre-Anglian fluvial gravels caps the plateau, but a second, probably younger suite of gravel-rich sediments is exposed in a quarry on a topographically lower spur. These overlie in situ Clay-with-flints resting on Upper Cretaceous Chalk. These lower sediments are well exposed and display a complex stratigraphy. They consist predominantly of flint gravel, but include a dipping succession of laminated silts and palaeosols preserved in a hollow or small channel feature, intercalated between two distinct soliflucted cold-stage gravel sheets. Palynological and pedological evidence analysis suggests that these laminated silts and sands were deposited under a temperate climate but with frequent episodes of disruption caused by mass-movement and possibly freeze-thaw. The age of these laminated sediments are not known with any certainty but are likely to date to a temperate interval within the Late Pleistocene. The top of the laminated unit is cut by a heavily cryoturbated horizon presumed to be of Devensian age.  相似文献   

Drift deposits exposed in a large open cut are described. The basal member of the sequence consists of bedded sandy gravels, and these are overlain by a grey silty sand containing abundant striated pebbles and boulders. The uppermost deposit consists of a brown poorly sorted drift containing silty and sandy lenses. Analysis of the texture, index properties and densities of the sediments, together with the shape, lithology and fabric of the contained pebbles suggests that the basal gravels were deposited by subglacial meltwater, the grey drift is a lodgement till, and the uppermost brown rubbly drift was formed by solifluction of the till, with the addition of frost shattered sandstone from the hilltop above. It is suggested that the glacigenic sediments are of Devensian age, and the solifluction layer Late Devensian.  相似文献   

The following events have been identified from a complex sequence of Midlandian (Devensian) sediments recently exposed at Aghnadarragh, County Antrim: (1) A lower till interpreted as Early Midlandian was deposited by a major lowland ice sheet which moved south-eastwards from central Ulster across the Lough Neagh depression. (2) Deglacial conditions were followed by a periglacial phase characterised by ice-wedge growth and sedimentation by gravelly debris flows. The latter contain the oldest known remains of Mammuthus primigenius in Ireland. (3) An Early Midlandian interstadial is represented by a woody detritus peat, with evidence of Betula, Pinuos and Picea woodlands and a rich beetle fauna. Wood from this horizon has been shown to be beyond the range of radiocarbon dating (>48 180 BP). (4) Interstadial conditions were succeeded by a cold, non-glacial phase dominated by in-channel gravelly flows and deposition of organic muds which contain plant and insect fossils. These horizons are older than 46 850 BP. (5) An upper, non-drumlinised till was deposited during the Late-Midlandian by a major lowland ice sheet which moved generally eastwards across the Lough Neagh Lowlands from central Ulster. This glaciation probably reached its maximum at ca 20–24 ka. (6) Drumlin formation occurred in the Lough Neagh Lowlands towards the end of the Late-Midlandian. The limiting moraines are dated to 17 ka. The lower till at Aghnadarragh is the first positive record of a major lowland ice sheet in Ireland during the early part of the last cold stage. The Early Midlandian interstadial peats have not been documented elsewhere in Ireland and correlate broadly with the Chelford Interstadial complex of the English Midlands. Related exposures elsewhere in Ulster confirm that the middle part of the last cold stage was free of major lowland ice masses but deposits of this period are absent from Aghnadarragh.  相似文献   

Traditional views of glacigenic processes focus on erosion of hard bedrock and deposition of unconsolidated till. In the 1960s and 1970s attention was directed towards the glacier debris cascade, which linked these two end members. A limited understanding of the relationship between bedrock character, the supposed processes of erosion, debris comminution and texture emerged. In the 1980s researchers began to appreciate the important role which glaciotectonism plays in the spectrum of glacigenic processes, although little attention has been paid to the interface between glacial erosion, glaciotectonism and the early stages of the debris cascade system. A coastal section at Fanore, County Clare, Ireland affords a unique opportunity to examine a range of glacial deposits which represent a series in the erosion, tectonism and comminution stages of till genesis. Major elements of the site are bedrock rafts, glaciotectonic breecias, immature till and mature till. In all cases > 98% of the elements comprise Carboniferous limestone. Research at Fanore has focused on textural properties. Analysis of bulk samples of the sediments demonstrates a continuum of textural development from the glaciotectonism of the bedrock (breecia production and bedrock raft comminution) to a homogenized but immature till and to a more mature matrix-dominated deposit.  相似文献   

Compared to the other islands in the Svalbard archipelago, Nordaustlandet offers only limited stratigraphical or sedimentological information on its Quaternary deposits. This article aims to fill the gap by presenting new results from glacial geological, sedimentological and chronological studies in the southern Murchisonfjorden area. Field data include reconnaissance mapping and detailed logging of vertical sections along cliff-face outcrops a few metres high adjacent to the present-day shoreline. Combined with OSL and AMS age determinations, these data provide evidence of three successive Weichselian sequences, each represented by the deposition of till followed by the accumulation of shallow marine deposits. Contrary to earlier conclusions, this study demonstrates that the area was occupied by a Late Weichselian glacier (LWG), although the LWG till is thin and discontinuous. Interstadial sublittoral sand related to the Mid-Weichselian interstadial was dated to 38–40 kyr, and an Early Weichselian interstadial to 76–80 kyr. The preservation of older sediments, multiple striae generations and abundant observations of weathered local bedrock material indicate weak glacial erosion within the study area. We suggest that the Late Weichselian glacier was relatively inactive and remained mainly cold-based until the deglaciation. The Isvika sections can be considered a new key site that offers further potential to improve our understanding of the Weichselian stage within the northwestern sector of the Barents–Kara Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Marked fluctuations in Late-glacial climate are correlated with significant changes in river behaviour and floodplain environment across much of northwest Europe. Evidence from a new site in the Kennet Valley provides a rare comprehensive picture of varying fluvial regime and local vegetation during this interval. Chronological control for the site is provided by biostratigraphical and morphostratigraphical correlations with other sites in the region, and by radiocarbon dating of carefully selected material. Preservation of the sedimentary sequence was facilitated by its occurrence within a large depression in the underlying bedrock. The origin of this depression is uncertain, perhaps reflecting subsidence or scour. Following the Last Glacial Maximum, a nival regime braided river dominated by floods deposited sandy gravels under stadial conditions. A large channel infilled by fine sediments during the latter part of the Windermere Interstadial indicates a fall in flow competence at a time of increased floodplain vegetation, most notably the appearance of tree birch. Variations in sediments and vegetation suggest fluctuations in the floodplain environment, reflecting complex vegetation dynamics and possibly climate forcing. During the Loch Lomond/Younger Dryas Stadial, a nival, braided regime was re-established, accompanied by the disappearance of tree birch.  相似文献   

The nature and origin of glacial sediments at Wylfa Head are described, and their significance with regard to sedimentary environments during Late Devensian deglaciation of the Irish Sea Basin is discussed. Recent models of deglaciation under glaciomarine conditions are challenged. The Quaternary sequence at Wylfa consists of eroded and glaciotectonically deformed bedrock, locally derived lodgement till, calcareous silt-rich lodgement till containing northern erratics, discontinuous units of orange-brown silty sand of possible aeolian origin, and grey laminated freshwater silts filling a small kettle hole. The till units thicken to the south where the surface is drumlinised. It is concluded that the landforms and deposits result from a warm-based Irish Sea glacier, which moved towards the southwest. Spatial variation in basal water pressure resulted from localised drainage through zones of more heavily jointed bedrock. Rapid glacial erosion occurred in areas where subglacial water pressure was relatively high, while deposition of the resulting basal sediment took place where water pressures were reduced. The glacier also carried basal calcareous silty till onshore, which was deposited by lodgement processes. None of the deposits at Wylfa are interpreted as glaciomarine in origin, and there is no evidence at this site for an isostatically induced marine transgression prior to deglaciation.  相似文献   

Sparker and shallow drilling data indicate that the Quaternary deposits in the Central Deep of the Barents Sea are mainly composed of glacigenic sediments. They comprise basal till and proximal and distal glaciomarine sediments deposited during the last glacial cycle. Apparent glaciotectonic features imply strong glacial erosion of Mesozoic bedrock. The general ice movement is assumed to have been from off Novaya Zemlya and it is concluded that the whole eastern Barents Sea was covered by the Late Weichselian ice-sheet.  相似文献   

In glacial sedimentology there has been a recent improvement in the understanding of both progressive and polyphase deformation of glacigenic sequences, and the role played by water during these complex deformation histories. However, the processes occurring during the detachment and transport of sediment blocks during ice-marginal glaciotectonic thrusting remain poorly understood. This lack of understanding is addressed in detail through a macro- and microscale study of the deformation structures in the glacigenic sequence exposed at Hayberries, Teesdale, County Durham (UK), where esker sands and gravels and associated tills truncate and overlie a sequence of rhythmically bedded glacilacustrine sands, silts and clays. Thrusts within the glacilacustrine and glacifluvial sediments appear to be relatively sharp, planar structures. However, orientated thin sections reveal that these bedding-parallel detachments are marked by a thin layer of massive to foliated sand. The geometry of both meso and small-scale folds and sense of displacement on the thrusts is consistent with both brittle and ductile structures having formed in response to ice-push from the N/NW. Detailed analysis of the thin sections reveals that initial folding and thrusting was followed by the liquefaction and injection of a massive, matrix poor sand along the propagating thrust. Evidence for liquefaction and injection (sand-filled veins) increases towards the NW consistent with fluid flow and sediment injection accompanying SE-directed ice-push. These results suggest that the introduction of pressurised meltwater and sediment along the thrusts during deformation may facilitate decoupling and displacement along these detachments by thrust gliding.  相似文献   

Lian, O. B. & Hicock, S. R. 2009: Insight into the character of palaeo‐ice‐flow in upland regions of mountain valleys during the last major advance (Vashon Stade) of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, southwest British Columbia, Canada. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00123.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A detailed glacial geological study was done on Vashon till, formed during the last (Fraser) glaciation, in upland areas of two relatively short and narrow mountain valleys which open onto the Fraser Lowland in southwest British Columbia. The orientation and association of glaciotectonic structures in till and bedrock, a‐axis fabrics of stones in till and abrasion features, indicate that Vashon till formed initially by lodgement and that brittle deformation processes dominated at least during the latter stages of glaciation. The presence of local glacigenic bedrock quarrying suggests that ice flow experienced localized enhanced compressive flow along valley sides. These observations indicate that ice flow was relatively slow and they contrast with a previous study of bedrock geomorphology undertaken in some larger south Coast Mountains valleys and a model of ice‐flow velocity in the Puget Lowland that suggest rapid ice flow. This indicates that either ice‐flow conditions in the larger valleys were different from those in the valleys studied here, or that the observations from our study reflect subglacial conditions following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), but immediately prior to deglaciation when ice had thinned and slowed. If the latter scenario is correct, and if processes inferred from this study were also common along the upland parts of other southwest Coast Mountains valleys after the LGM, then the rate at which ice was supplied to lowland piedmont glaciers would have been reduced, and this may have accelerated decay of the southwest margin of the last Cordilleran Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

The largely concealed sub-Flandrian bedrock surface in the Severn Estuary, chiefly known from borings and chart soundings, has the form of a valley within a valley. In the aftermath of an unusual storm in March 1986, which removed from many places the obscuring modern sediments normally present, periglacial structures were recognized on the floor and upper margins of the upper valley at ten widely scattered localities. The structures occur only where the valley is formed on relatively soft Triassic and Jurassic mudrocks; they involve gravels and/or red-brown sands belonging to the Main Terrace sequence, but in some places incorporate local gravels. There are no completely convincing indications of cold conditions where the relatively strong Silurian and Old Red Sandstone rocks and the Carboniferous Limestone form the valley floor. The altitudinal relationships of the involutions and wedges, together with the scale of the outer valley, suggest that this sub-Flandrian rock bench was merely re-excavated during the Late Devensian. Then permafrost developed while the river lay confined within the much narrower inner gorge.  相似文献   

Herein we report on the results of an anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabric case‐study of two Late Weichselian tills exposed in a bedrock quarry in Dalby, Skåne, southern Sweden. The region possesses a complex glacial history, reflecting alternating and interacting advances of the main body of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) and its ice lobes from the Baltic basin, perhaps driven by streaming ice. AMS till fabrics are robust indicators of ice‐flow history and till kinematics, and provide a unique tool to investigate till kinematics within and amongst till units. The till section investigated here contains ~8 m of the Dalby Till – a dark grey silt‐clay rich till deposited during one or more Baltic advance – overlain by ~1.5 m of the regional surface diamicton. AMS fabrics within the lower part of the Dalby Till conform to the regional surface fluting, and reflect sustained flow from the ENE with progressive increases in basal strain. A boulder‐rich horizon approximately 3 m from the base of the till marks a restricted excursion in till fabric direction, fabric strength and style of strain. Ice flow is from the SW and W in the upper section. We interpret these fabrics to record shifting ice flow and bed conditions at the margins of the Young Baltic Advance ice lobe in southern Sweden, prior to a short‐lived re‐advance of the main body of the SIS over mainland Sweden recorded by the surface diamicton.  相似文献   

The abrupt transition from coastal and shallow shelf sediments to bathyal sediments provides a record of rapid subsidence and deepening of the early Miocene Waitemata basin. Basal shallow marine strata (Kawau Subgroup) accumulated upon a highly dissected surface that overlies deformed Mesozoic metagreywacke. The early Miocene coast was characterized by an embayed and cliffed shoreline with numerous sea stacks and islands. Kawau Subgroup lithofacies, which include pocket beach, shallow shelf and base-of-cliff talus deposits, reflect rapidly changing coastline configuration and water depths as the rugged bedrock surface was buried. The response to continued rapid subsidence and transgression in Waitemata basin was a decrease in the supply of coarse clastic sediment. Beach gravels were locally displaced to greater water depths by avalanching down steep bedrock slopes. The first bathyal turbidite facies, which abruptly overlie the shallow-water Kawau Subgroup, include locally derived sediment gravity flows commonly ponded by remnant bedrock submarine highs. When this local supply of sediment had been exhausted, coarse sediment starvation ensued and bathyal muds accumulated. With the resumption of sediment supply and gradual burial of submarine bedrock relief, submarine fans coalesced and increased in lateral extent. Subsidence of the Waitemata basin to bathyal depths is thought to have occurred in less than a million years. From the above hypothesis, a general model of sedimentation is proposed.  相似文献   

Unexpectedly high pollen concentrations characterize the basal, silty part of the postglacial sediments accumulated in two lakes from the Cratère du Nouveau-Quebéc area, Ungava. These lacustrine silts and their pollen content result from early postglacial washing of a pollen bearing till. The till must therefore ahve incorporated pollen that relates to events prior to the last glacial event. The matrix of the till deposits surrounding the lakes shows outstandingly high pollen concentrations. It is hypothesized that because of the proximity of the ice divide during the last (and earlier) ice advance(s) in Ungava, the previously depoisited till and the pollen that haad accumulated in its matrix during the interglacial interval(s) were preserved in relict till plains or recycled into the till of teh last glaciation. The crater's age has been established at 1.4 Ma and holds a minimum thickness of 95 m of sediments. It is very likely filled with successive tills or related glacigenic deposits perhaps representing the whole length of time since the crater was formed. Alike the most recent till, these deposits should pollen. there is thus the prospect ofr a 1.4 Ma old pollen record for Ungava.  相似文献   

Mapping, analysis and interpretation of glacigenic sediments in the King Valley, Tasmania has led to a revision of the Pleistocene stratigraphy of Tasmania. The sediments provide evidence of a glaciation that occurred between the Middle Pleistocene Henty Glaciation and the Early Pleistocene Linda Glaciation. The Moore Glaciation is estimated, on the basis of weathering rinds, amino-acid dating and palaeomagnetism to have occurred between 400000 and 550000 yrs BP. At Baxter Rivulet, sediments of the Moore Glaciation rest unconformably on highly weathered till and weathered Ordovician limestone and are overlain by outwash gravel of the Henty Glaciation. The Moore Glaciation sediments can be divided into four formations on the basis of lithology, organic content and degree of chemical weathering. The Huxley Formation (oldest) was deposited by an ice advance of the Mt. Jukes Glacier and is overlain by the Baxter Formation. The Baxter Formation consists of a bed of organic silty sand which records a cool non-forested flora of an interstadial period. The overlying Pyramid and Moore formations are outwash gravels from the Mt. Jukes and King Valley glaciers respectively. Though deposited during the same general ice advance, these two gravels were deposited at different times and show that the glaciers of the West Coast Range had spatially differentiated responses to climatic change.  相似文献   

In this paper we present Quaternary stratigraphy of the area around Chennai based on archaeological findings on the ferricrete surface, geomorphological observations supplemented by radiocarbon dating. The coastal landscape around Chennai, Tamil Nadu, has preserved ferruginised boulder gravel deposits, ferricretes and fluvial deposits of varying thickness. The area studied is approximately 150 km east to west and 180 km north to south with a broad continental shelf towards the seaward. Several rivers enter the Bay of Bengal along its shores like the Koratallaiyar, Cooum and the Adyar. Precambrian charnockite and Upper Gondwana sandstone and shale bedrock rim the shelf margin. For the most part, the Upper Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial sediments overlie an erosion surface that has cut into older Pleistocene sediments and ferricrete surface. Incised valleys that cut into this erosion surface are up to 5–6 km wide and have a relief of at least 30 m. The largest valley is that cut by the Koratallaiyar River. Holocene sediments deposited in the incised valleys include fluvial gravels, early transgressive channel sands and floodplain silts. Older Pleistocene sediments are deposited before and during the 120-ka high stand (Marine isotope stage 5). They consist of ferricretes and ferricrete gravel formed in nearshore humid environments. Muddy and sandy clastic sediments dated to the ca. 5 ka highstand suggest that the climate was semi arid at this time with less fluvial transport. The coarsening up sequence indicates deposition by high intensity channel processes. Pedogenic mottled, clayey silt unit represents an important tectonic event when the channel was temporarily drained and sediment were sub aerially exposed. Uplift of the region has caused the local rivers to incise into the landscape, forming degradation terraces.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):322-335
An exposure within the central portion of a large drumlin at Port Byron, New York State, USA, part of the large New York drumlin field, reveals a sequence of steeply dipping cemented sands and gravels of proglacial, ice-contact deltaic origin overlain by a thin till veneer. The sands and gravels appear to have been deposited within the proximal proglacial environment during a late retreat phase of the Laurentide Ice Sheet sometime prior to being overridden by subsequent ice and drumlinized. During deposition of the ice-contact delta, escaping subglacial regelation-meltwater permeated the proximal deltaic sediment pile and calcium carbonate was released, in a series of pulses, to form pore-occluding calcite cement within the sand and gravel porespaces. The calcium carbonate precipitated into the sands and gravels due to a reduction in hydrostatic pressure and CO2 outgassing of the meltwater as it exited from beneath the ice sheet. Once cemented, these deltaic sediments were considerably stronger and acted afterward as an obstacle around which the future ice advance streamed and, in turn, produced the characteristic drumlin shape. In overriding the ice-contact deltaic sediments, the ice sheet emplaced a thin layer of till which exhibits syndepositional deformation features indicative of being emplaced as a deforming bed layer beneath the advancing ice sheet. Micromorphological analysis of the overlying till shows that no interstitial or intraclastic calcite occurs within the till.  相似文献   

The Sandhills Moraine is a Late Wisconsinan lateral moraine complex on southwest Banks Island. The occurrence of ice-ablation landforms, ground ice slumps, kettle lakes and catastrophic lake drainage in winter suggests the presence of substantial bodies of massive ground ice. The distinctive hummocky topography of the Sandhills Moraine is thought to reflect partial melt-out of this ice. Stratigraphic observations indicate that the ice is overlain irregularly and unconformably by glacigenic sediments, notably pebbly clay (till) and/or sandy gravels (outwash), while the ice itself possesses numerous and variable mineral inclusions, faults and foliations. Petrofabric analyses indicate a strongly preferred orientation to the ice crystals. It is suggested that these characteristics are best explained if the ground ice is interpreted as relict glacier ice.  相似文献   

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