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The results of seismic measurements along the deep seismic sounding profile VII and terrestrial heat flow measurements used for construction of heat generation models for the crust in the Paleozoic Platform region, the Sudetic Mountains (Variscan Internides) and the European Precambrian Platform show considerable differences in mantle heat flow and temperatures. At the base of the crust variations from 440–510°C in the models of Precambrian Platform to 700–820°C for the Paleozoic Platform and the Variscan Internides (Sudets) are found. These differences are associated with considerable mantle heat flow variations.The calculated models show mantle heat flow of about 8.4–12.6 mW m–2 for the Precambrian Platform and 31 mW m–2 to 40.2 mW m–2 for Paleozoic orogenic areas. The heat flow contribution originating from crustal radioactivity is almost the same for the different tectonic units (from 33.5 mW m–2 to 37.6 mW m–2). Considerable physical differences in the lower crust and upper mantle between the Precambrian Platform and the adjacent areas, produced by lateral temperature variations, could be expected. On the basis of carbon ratio data it can be concluded that the Carboniferous paleogeothermal gradient was much lower in the Precambrian Platform area than in the Paleozoic Platform region.  相似文献   

Summary Latest measurements of terrestrial heat flow in the Hungarian and Russian parts of the Carpathian basin confirm previously measured high flow values between 2.0–3.3 cal/cm2 sec. Recent measurement in the Permian anticline structure of the Mecseck. Mts. in Hungary gave 2.4 cal/cm2sec, whereas in the Russian part of the basin, near to the Hungarian border 2.6 cal/cm2 sec was measured in Miocene sediments. For more than 100000 km2 surface of the Carpathian basin covered by Hungary and parts of Slovakia and Russian the high heat flow is an established fact.  相似文献   

In southern British Columbia the terrestrial heat flow is low (44 mW m–2) to the west of the Coast Plutonic Complex (CPC), average in CPC (50–60 mW m–2),and high to the east(80–90 mW m–2). The average heat flow in CPC and the low heat generation (less than 1 W m–3) indicate that a relatively large amount of heat flows upwards into the crust which is generally quite cool. Until two million years ago the Explorer plate underthrust this part of the American plate, carrying crustal material into the mantle. Melted crustal rocks have produced the inland Pemberton and Garibaldi volcanic belts in the CPC.Meager Mountain, a volcanic complex in the CPC 150 km north of Vancouver, is a possible geothermal energy resource. It is the product of intermittent activity over a period of 4 My, the most recent eruption being the Bridge River Ash 2440 y B.P. The original explosive eruption produced extensive fracturing in the granitic basement, and a basal explosion breccia from the surface of a cold brittle crust. This breccia may be a geothermal reservoir. Other volcanic complexes in the CPC have a similar potential for geothermal energy.Earth Physics Contribution No. 704.  相似文献   

Summary The surface thermal flux of the continental margins of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is interpreted on the basis of a 1-D instantaneous pure shear stretching model of the lithosphere in terms of three components: the background heat flowing out from the asthenosphere (38 mW m–2), the transient contribution depending on the rift age and extension amount (35 mW m–2 at the most), and the contribution due to the radiogenic elements of the lithosphere. The radiogenic component is estimated at the continental margins of the Ligurian-Provençal basin and Valencia trough, and in the surrounding mainland areas by means of available data of surface heat generation from Variscan Corsica, Maures-Estérel and the Central Massif along with a geophysical-petrological relationship between heat production and seismic velocity. The lithosphere radiogenic heat contribution ql decreases with the thinning factor according to the exponential law: ql() = a exp(-b), in which factor b is greater for that part of the lithosphere below the uppermost 10 km. Considering also the heat generated by radioactive isotopes in sediments, the stable Variscan lithosphere produces an average thermal flux of 30 mW m–2 which decreases by about one half where the lithosphere is thinned by one third. Although the surface heat generation is 2·1 – 3·3 µW m–3 in the Maures-Estérel massif — excepting small outcrops of dioritic rocks with lower heat production — and 1·8 µW m–3 for most of Corsica, the radiogenic heating within the lithosphere for such areas is nearly the same and does not explain the higher heat flux of the Corsica margin. This asymmetric thermal pattern with surface heat flux which is 10 – 15 mW m–2 higher than predictions is probably of upper mantle origin, or can be ascribed to penetrative magmatism.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature and conductivity measurements show, that in the Southern part of Transdanubia (the part of Hungary which lies Westwards from Danube) the heat flow is about 2–2.4·10–6 cal/cm2 sec. Eastward from the Danube, in the Hungarian Plain estimates are even higher, and vary between 2.3·10–6 and 2.8·10–6 cgs. The gradient of temperature is everywhere quite high, 5.0 resp. 5.8·10–4 deg. C/cm on the average. Thus, at a depth of 1000 m, the virgin rock temperature is about 60–70 deg. C, at 2000 m about 110–130 deg. C.  相似文献   

We propose a thermal model of the subducting Ionian microplate. The slab sinks in an isothermal mantle, and for the boundary conditions we take into account the relation between the maximum depth of seismicity and the thermal parameter Lth of the slab, which is a product of the age of the subducted lithosphere and the vertical component of the convergence rate. The surface heat-flux dataset of the Ionian Sea is reviewed, and a convective geotherm is calculated in its undeformed part for a surface heat flux of 42 mW m–2, an adiabatic gradient of 0.6 mK m–1, a mantle kinematic viscosity of 1017 m2 s–1 and an asthenosphere potential temperature of 1300°C. The calculated temperature-depth distribution compared to the mantle melting temperature indicates the decoupling limit between lithosphere and asthenosphere occurs at a depth of 105 km and a temperature of 1260°C. A 70–km thick mechanical boundary layer is found. By considering that the maximum depth of the seismic events within the slab is 600 km, a Lth of 4725 km is inferred. For a subduction rate equal to the spreading rate, the corresponding assimilation and cooling times of the microplate are about 7 and 90 Myr, respectively. The thermal model assumes that the mantle flow above the slab is parallel and equal to the subducting plate velocity of 6 cm yr–1, and ignores the heat conduction down the slab dip. The critical temperature, above which the subduced lithosphere cannot sustain the stress necessary to produce seismicity, is determined from the thermal conditions governing the rheology of the plate. The minimum potential temperature at the depth of the deepest earthquake in the slab is 730°C.  相似文献   

Temperature data from deep petroleum exploration wells and thermal conductivity estimates based on net rock analysis data have been used to make terrestrial heat flow estimates along two profiles across the sedimentary strata of the Mackenzie Delta, northern Yukon, and offshore Beaufort Sea regions.Both profiles exhibit low heat flow values that range from 34 mWm–2 to 58 mWm–2, and little change occurs over large distances in the continental part of the area. Low heat flow values (<40 mWm–2) occur in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin and Rapid Depression, both of which are areas of thick successions of Cretacecus and Tertiary clastic sedimentary strata. High heat flow values of almost 80 mWm–2 occur to the south in the Taiga Nahoni Foldbelt and values as high as 60 mWm–2 are indicated along the Aklavik Arch Complex, northeast of Aklavik.The regional variations of effective thermal conductivity are insufficient to account for the heat flow variations along the profiles, and so these may indicate deep radiogenic or other heat sources.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic flow emplacement is strongly influenced by eruption column height. A surface along which kinetic energy is zero theoretically connects the loci of eruption column collapse with all coeval ignimbrite termini. This surface is reconstructed as a two-dimensional energy line for the 1912 Katmai pyroclastic flow in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes from mapped flow termini and the runup of the ignimbrite onto obstructions and through passes. Extrapolation of the energy line to the vicinity of the source vent at Novarupta suggests the eruption column which generated the ignimbrite eruption was approximately 425 m high. The 1912 pyroclastic flow travelled about 25 km downvalley. Empirical velocity data calculated from runup elevations and surveyed centrifugal superelevations indicate initial velocities near Novarupta were greater than 79–88 m s–1. The flow progressively decelerated and was travelling only 2–8 m s–1 when it crossed a moraine 16 km downvalley. The constant slope of the energy line away from Novarupta suggests the flow was systematically slowed by internal and basal friction. Using a simple physical model to calculate flow velocities and a constant kinetic friction coefficient (Heim coefficient) of 0.04 derived from the reconstructed energy line, the flow is estimated to have decelerated at an average rate of –0.16 m s–2 and to have taken approximately 9.5 minutes to travel 25 km down the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. The shear strength of the flowing ignimbrite at the moraine was approximately 0.5 kPa, and its Bingham viscosity when it crossed the moraine was 3.5 × 103 P. If the flow was Newtonian, its viscosity was 4.2 × 103 P. Reynolds and Froude numbers at the moraine were only 41–62 and 0.84–1.04, respectively, indicating laminar, subcritical flow.  相似文献   

Using the FLOWGO thermo-rheological model we have determined cooling-limited lengths of channel-fed (i.e. a) lava flows from Mauna Loa. We set up the program to run autonomously, starting lava flows from every 4th line and sample in a 30-m spatial-resolution SRTM DEM within regions corresponding to the NE and SW rift zones and the N flank of the volcano. We consider that each model run represents an effective effusion rate, which for an actual flow coincides with it reaching 90% of its total length. We ran the model at effective effusion rates ranging from 1 to 1,000 m3 s–1, and determined the cooling-limited channel length for each. Keeping in mind that most flows extend 1–2 km beyond the end of their well-developed channels and that our results are non-probabilistic in that they give all potential vent sites an equal likelihood to erupt, lava coverage results include the following: SW rift zone flows threaten almost all of Mauna Loas SW flanks, even at effective effusion rates as low as 50 m3 s–1 (the average effective effusion rate for SW rift zone eruptions since 1843 is close to 400 m3 s–1). N flank eruptions, although rare in the recent geologic record, have the potential to threaten much of the coastline S of Keauhou with effective effusion rates of 50–100 m3 s–1, and the coast near Anaehoomalu if effective effusion rates are 400–500 m3 s–1 (the 1859 a flow reached this coast with an effective effusion rate of 400 m3 s–1). If the NE rift zone continues to be active only at elevations >2,500 m, in order for a channel-fed flow to reach Hilo the effective effusion rate needs to be 400 m3 s–1 (the 1984 flow by comparison, had an effective effusion rate of 200 m3 s–1). Hilo could be threatened by NE rift zone channel-fed flows with lower effective effusion rates but only if they issue from vents at 2,000 m or lower. Populated areas on Mauna Loas SE flanks (e.g. Phala), could be threatened by SW rift zone eruptions with effective effusion rates of 100 m3 s–1.Editorial responsibility: J Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements of crystal size distributions (CSDs) have been used to obtain kinetic information on crystallization of industrial compounds (Randolph and Larson 1971) and more recently on Hawaiian basalts (Cashman and Marsh 1988). The technique is based on a population balance resulting in a differential equation relating the population densityn of crystals to crystal sizeL, i.e., at steady staten =n o exp(–L/itG), wheren o is nucleation density,G is the average crystal growth rate, is the average growth time, and the nucleation rateJ =n o G. CSD (Inn vsL) plots of plagioclase phenocrysts in 12 samples of Mount St. Helens blast dacite and 14 samples of dacite from the 1980–1986 Mount St. Helens dome are similar and averageG = 9.6 (± 1.1) × 10–3 cm andn o = 1–2 × 106 cm–4. Reproducibility of the measurements was tested by measuring CSDs of 12 sections cut from a single sample in three mutually perpendicular directions; precision of the size distributions is good in terms of relative, but not necessarily absolute values (± 10%). Growth and nucleation rates for plagioclase have been calculated from these measurements using time brackets of = 30–150 years; growth ratesG are 3–10 × 10–12cm/s, and nucleation ratesJ are 5–21 × 10–6/cm3 s.G andJ for Fe-Ti oxides calculated from CSD data areG = 2–13 ± 10–13 cm/sec andJ = 7–33 × 10–5/cm3 s, respectively. The higher nucleation rate and lower growth rate of oxides resulted in a smaller average crystal size than for plagioclase. Sizes of plagioclase microlites (<0.01 mm) in the blast dacite groundmass have been measured from backscatter SEM photographs. Nucleation of these microlites was probably triggered by intrusion of material into the cone of Mount St. Helens in spring 1980. This residence time of 52 days gives minimum crystallization estimates ofG = 1–3 × 10–11 cm/s andJ = 9–16 × 1O3/cm3 s. The skeletal form of the microlites provides evidence for nucleation and growth at high values of undercooling (T) relative to the phenocrysts. A comparison of nucleation and growth rates for the two crystal populations (phenocrysts vs microlites) suggests that while growth rate seems to be only slightly affected by changes inT, nucleation rate is a very strong function of undercooling. A comparison of plagioclase nucleation and growth rates measured in the Mount St. Helens dacite and in basalt from Makaopuhi lava lake in Hawaii suggests that plagioclase nucleation rates are not as dependent on composition. Groundmass textures suggest that plagioclase microphenocrysts crystallized at depth rather than in the conduit, in the dome, or after extrusion onto the surface. Most of this crystallization appears to be in the form of crystal growth (coarsening) of groundmass microphenocrysts at small degrees of undercooling rather than extensive nucleation of new crystals. This continuous crystallization in a shallow magmatic reservoir may provide the overpressurization needed to drive the continuing periodic domebuilding extrusions, which have been the pattern of activity at Mount St. Helens since December 1980.  相似文献   

Summary The number and size of salt particles produced by the bursting of air bubbles in sea water has been measured. Bubbles of diameters varying between 1/2 and 2 mm each produced about 300 nuclei the sizes of which, under the electron microscope, were mainly between 0.1 and 0.5 diameter. They appeared to consist mainly of sodium chloride, the smallest ones containing only 10–15 g of salt.These results, together with measurements of the size distribution of salt nuclei collected over the oceans in areas of spray formation, indicate that the total concentrations of salt nuclei over the oceans in winds of up to 15 m sec–1 probably do not exceed 100 cm–3. The corresponding rate of production of salt nuclei at the sea surface is estimated to be 1000 cm–2 sec–1. It is therefore inferred that sea spray contributes perhaps only one-fifth of the nuclei involved in cloud formation, the majority being the products of combustion, either natural or man-made.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of mantle materials are being investigated up to pressures of 16 GPa and temperatures of 1600°C for times up to 24 h, using a new sample assembly for the 6–8 multi-anvil apparatus. Al2O3 pistons, together with a liquid confining medium, are used to generate deviatoric stress in the specimen. Strain rates are estimated by monitoring the relative displacement of the guide blocks of the multi-anvil apparatus, scaled to the total axial strain of the sample. The applied stress on the sample is estimated using grain size piezometry. Strain rates and flow stresses of approximately 10–4 to 10–6 s–1 and 50 to 250 MPa respectively, are presently attainable.Preliminary results on San Carlos olivine single crystals, partially dynamically recrystallized to a grain size of 10 to 300 m, indicate that the effective viscosity of polycrystalline olivine is consistent with values obtained from olivine single crystal creep laws. Assuming a dislocation creep mechanism (n3.5) with (010)[001] as the dominant slip system, the data are best fit using a creep activation volume of 5 to 10×10–6 m3 mol–1.  相似文献   

Summary The results of geothermal research carried out in South Siberia (West-Siberian and Siberian Platforms, Altai-Sayan folded area and the Baikalian arched uplift zone) were employed to calculate the Earth's crustal temperatures. It is shown that temperature is a function of the heat flow value. The maps of the surface heat flow and the temperatures at the Moho discontinuity are presented and characteristic temperature-depth profiles were compiled for specific tectonic areas. The West-Siberian and Siberian Platforms, as well as the Altai-Sayan folded region are characterized by rather low heat flow, 42–50mW m –2 (1.0–1.2 µcal/cm 2 s), and low temperatures at the Moho boundary.400–500 °C. The thermal conditions in the area of Lake Baikal are extreme, the heat flow reaches here100–142 mW m –2 (2.4–3.4 µcal/cm 2 s), and the temperature at the crust's bottom may exceed1000 °C. The Moho-surface according to our calculations is nonisothermal.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a Rn222 survey in wells of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) and observed considerable variations in concentrations. Simple models show that flow-rate plays an important part in the Rn222 content of each well, as it directly affects the fluid transit time in the reservoirs. Rn222 has been sampled from two wells of the Serrazzano area during flow-rate drawdown tests. The apparent volume of the steam reservoir of each of these two wells has been estimated from the Rn222 concentration versus flow-rate curves.List of symbols Q Flow-rate (kg h–1) - Decay constant of Rn222 (=7.553×10–3 h–1) - Porosity of the reservoir (volume of fluid/volume of rock) - 1 Density of the fluid in the reservoir (kg m–3) - 2 Density of the rock in the reservoir (kg m–3) - M Stationary mass of fluid filling the reservoir (kg). - E Emanating power of the rock in the reservoir (nCi kg rock –1 h–1). - P Production rate of Rn222 in the reservoir: number of atoms of Rn222 (divided by 1.764×107) transferred by the rock to the mass unit of fluid per unit time (nCi kg fluid –1 h–1). - N Specific concentration of Rn222 in the fluid (nCi kg–1) - Characteristic time of the steam reservoir at maximum flow-rate (=M/Q)  相似文献   

More than fifty heat flow measurements in Italy are examined. The values, corrected only for local influences (when present), are related to the main geological features with the following results: foreland areas, 55±19 mW m–2, foredeep areas, 45±21 mW m–2; folded regions and intermountain depressions, 76±29 mW m–2. In volcanic areas the heat flow rises to in excess of 600 mW m–2. From a tectonic point of view, these values are consistent with the hypothesis that the Apennine chain is intersected by two arcuate structures: the first from Liguria to Latium is very probably a continental arc, that is an are which occurs within a continent, and the second from Campania to Calabria is very similar from geophysical evidence to the classic island arcs.  相似文献   

In the subglacial eruption at Gjálp in October 1996 a 6 km long and 500 m high subglacial hyaloclastite ridge was formed while large volumes of ice were melted by extremely fast heat transfer from magma to ice. Repeated surveying of ice surface geometry, measurement of inflow of ice, and a full Stokes 2-D ice flow model have been combined to estimate the heat output from Gjálp for the period 1996–2005. The very high heat output of order 106 MW during the eruption was followed by rapid decline, dropping to  2500 MW by mid 1997. It remained similar until mid 1999 but declined to 700 MW in 1999–2001. Since 2001 heat output has been insignificant, probably of order 10 MW. The total heat carried with the 1.2 × 1012 kg of basaltic andesite erupted (0.45 km3 DRE) is estimated to have been 1.5 × 1018 J. About two thirds of the thermal energy released from the 0.7 km3 edifice in Gjálp occurred during the 13-day long eruption, 20% was released from end of eruption until mid 1997, a further 10% in 1997–2001, and from mid 2001 to present, only a small fraction remained. The post-eruption heat output history can be reconciled with the gradual release of 5 × 1017 J thermal energy remaining in the Gjálp ridge after the eruption, assuming single phase liquid convection in the cooling edifice. The average temperature of the edifice is found to have been approximately 240 °C at the end of the eruption, dropping to  110 °C after 9 months and reaching  40 °C in 2001. Although an initial period of several months of very high permeability is possible, the most probable value of the permeability from 1997 onwards is of order 10− 12 m2. This is consistent with consolidated/palagonitized hyaloclastite but incompatible with unconsolidated tephra. This may indicate that palagonitization had advanced sufficiently in the first 1–2 years to form a consolidated hyaloclastite ridge, resistant to erosion. No ice flow traversing the Gjálp ridge has been observed, suggesting that it has effectively been shielded from glacial erosion in its first 10 years of existence.  相似文献   

We have analysed a database of 300 h of tristatic ionospheric velocity measurements obtained overhead at Tromsø (66.3° magnetic latitude) by the EISCAT UHF radar system, for the presence of flow effects associated with the y-component of the IMF. Since it is already known that the flow depends upon IMF Bz, a least-squares multivariate analysis has been used to determine the flow dependence on both IMF By and Bz simultaneously. It is found that significant flow variations with IMF By occur, predominantly in the midnight sector (2100/0300 MLT), but also pre-dusk (1600/1700 MLT), which are directed eastward for IMF By positive and westward for IMF By negative. The flows are of magnitude 20/30 m s–1 nT–1 in the midnight sector, and smaller, 10/20 m s–1 nT–1, pre-dusk, and are thus associated with significant changes of flow of order a few hundred m s–1 over the usual range of IMF By of about ±5 nT. At other local times the IMF By-related perturbation flows are much smaller, less than 5 m s–1 nT–1, and consistent with zero within the uncertainty estimates. We have investigated whether these IMF By-dependent flows can be accounted for quantitatively by a theoretical model in which the equatorial flow in the inner magnetosphere is independent of IMF By, but where distortions of the magnetospheric magnetic field associated with a penetrating component of the IMF By field changes the mapping of the field to the ionosphere, and hence the ionospheric flow. We find that the principal flow perturbation produced by this effect is an east-west flow whose sense is determined by the north-south component of the unperturbed flow. Perturbations in the north-south flow are typically smaller by more than an order of magnitude, and generally negligible in terms of observations. Using equatorial flows which are determined from EISCAT data for zero IMF By, to which the corotation flow has been added, the theory predicts the presence of zonal perturbation flows which are generally directed eastward in the Northern Hemisphere for IMF By positive and westward for IMF By negative at all local times. However, although the day and night effects are therefore similar in principle, the model perturbation flows are much larger on the nightside than on the dayside, as observed, due to the day-night asymmetry in the unperturbed magnetospheric magnetic field. Overall, the model results are found to account well for the observed IMF By-related flow perturbations in the midnight sector, in terms of the sense and direction of the flow, the local time of their occurrence, as well as the magnitude of the flows (provided the magnetic model employed is not too distorted from dipolar form). At other local times the model predicts much smaller IMF By-related flow perturbations, and thus does not account for the effects observed in the pre-dusk sector.  相似文献   

A heat flow isoline map is presented. Low and relatively constant heat flow has been observed in the old shield areas of the East European Platform (25–40 mW/m2). Increased heat flow (>50 mW/m2) has been found in the Dniepr-Donetz depression. The area south of the East European Platform is characterized by highly variable heat flow (55–100 mW/m2). Some geophysical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Ground tilt measurements demonstrate that Askja is in a state of unrest, and that in the period 1988–1991 a maximum 48±3 rad tilt occurred down towards the centre of the caldera. This is consistent with 126 mm of deflation at the centre of the caldera with a 2.5–3.0 km depth to the source of deformation. The volume of the subsidence bowl is 6.2x106 m3. When combined with high precision microgravity measurements, the overall change in sub-surface mass may be quantified. After correction for the observed elevation change using the free air gradient of gravity measured for each station, the total decrease in mass is estimated to be less than 109 kg. A small residual ground inflation and net gravity increase in the southeastern part of the caldera may be caused by dyke intrusion in this region. The minimum dimensions of such an intrusion or complex of intrusions are 1 m width, up to 100 m deep and up to several hundred metres thick.  相似文献   

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