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以北斗卫星1支路频点为例,从消除或减弱电离层影响、对流层影响和观测噪声与多路径误差3个方面分析COMPASS三频数据线性组合的优化选取问题,并通过MATLAB模拟,给出一些典型的组合,分析它们可能的应用,为COMPASS三频数据线性组合的优化选取提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

Precise GPS positioning relies on tracking the carrier-phase. The fractional part of carrier-phase can be measured directly using a standard phase-locked loop, but the integer part is ambiguous and the ambiguity must be resolved based on sequential carrier-phase measurements to ensure the required positioning precision. In the presence of large phase-measurement noise, as can be expected in a jamming environment for example, the amount of data required to resolve the integer ambiguity can be large, which requires a long time for any generic integer parameter estimation algorithm to converge. A key question of interest in significant applications of GPS where fast and accurate positioning is desired is then how the convergence time depends on the noise amplitude. Here we address this question by investigating integer least-sqaures estimation algorithms. Our theoretical derivation and numerical experiments indicate that the convergence time increases linearly with the noise variance, suggesting a less stringent requirement for the convergence time than intuitively expected, even in a jamming environment where the phase noise amplitude is large. This finding can be useful for practical design of GPS-based systems in a jamming environment, for which the ambiguity resolution time for precise positioning may be critical.  相似文献   

随着GPS现代化的实施和欧洲Galileo计划的实行,多频数据组合逐渐成为卫星导航定位的发展方向。针对关于北斗导航定位系统多频数据组合的研究较少这一现状,该文首先简要介绍了北斗导航定位系统,并在分析BDS三频数据线性组合的数学模型和确保模糊度参数整数特性的基础之上,给出了BDS三频数据线性组合的优化选取标准;然后从消除或减弱电离层延迟、对流层延迟和观测噪声三个方面系统地分析了BDS三频数据线性组合系数的优化选取问题;最后通过MATLAB模拟,给出了一些典型的组合,分析了它们可能的应用。  相似文献   

Integer carrier-phase ambiguity resolution is one of the critical issues for precise GPS applications in geodesy and geodynamics. To resolve as many integer ambiguities as possible, the ‘most-easy-to-fix’ double-difference ambiguities have to be defined. For this purpose, several strategies are implemented in existing GPS software packages, such as choosing the ambiguities according to the baseline length or the variances of the estimated real-valued ambiguities. Although their efficiencies are demonstrated in practice, it is proven in this paper that they do not reflect all effects of varying data quality, because they are based on theoretical considerations of GPS data processing. Therefore, a new approach is presented, which selects the double-difference ambiguities according to their probability of being fixed to the nearest integer. The probability is computed from estimates and variances of wide-lane and narrow-lane ambiguities. Together with an optimized ambiguity fixing procedure, the new approach is implemented in the routine data processing for the International GPS Service (IGS) at GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam. Within a sub-network of about 90 IGS stations, it is demonstrated that more than 97% of the independent ambiguities are fixed correctly compared to 75% by a commonly used method, and that the additionally fixed ambiguities improve the repeatability of the station coordinates by 10–26% in regions with sparse site distribution.  相似文献   

GPS模糊度降相关LLL算法的一种改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对LLL(Lenstra,Lenstra,Lovasz algorithm)算法的不足,提出了具有自适应性的整数正交变换算法,并采用此算法和升序排序调整矩阵对LLL算法进行了改进。通过LLL算法和改进的LLL算法对随机模拟的600个对称正定矩阵的模糊度方差-协方差阵和30组实测数据进行处理分析,发现改进的LLL算法能够更有效地降低协方差阵的条件数,减小备选模糊度组合数,更有利于整周模糊度的搜索和解算。  相似文献   

吴继忠  管栋良 《测绘科学》2012,37(3):33-34,10
本文分析了GPS现代化信号L5载波的结构及相对于非现代化信号的改进,比较了GPS L5载波和WAAS L5载波的区别;比较了2颗现代化卫星SVN49和SVN62播发的L5载波的信号结构及信噪比,结果表明:SVN49播发的L5载波演示信号的抗干扰能力较差,而SVN62播发的L5载波具有更强的抗干扰能力,满足设计规范要求。  相似文献   

A constrained LAMBDA method for GPS attitude determination   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An improved method to obtain fixed integer ambiguity in GPS attitude determination is presented. Known conditions are utilized as constraints to acquire attitude information when the float solution and its variance–covariance matrix are not accurate enough. The searching ellipsoidal region is first expanded to compensate for errors caused by the inaccurate float solution. Then the constraints are used to shrink the region to a proper size, which maintains the true integer ambiguity. Experimental results demonstrate that this scheme gives a fast search time and a higher success rate in determining the fixed integer ambiguity than the unconstrained method. The accuracy of attitude angles is also improved.
Bo WangEmail:

Success probability of integer GPS ambiguity rounding and bootstrapping   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:19  
Global Positioning System ambiguity resolution is usually based on the integer least-squares principle (Teunissen 1993). Solution of the integer least-squares problem requires both the execution of a search process and an ambiguity decorrelation step to enhance the efficiency of this search. Instead of opting for the integer least-squares principle, one might also want to consider less optimal integer solutions, such as those obtained through rounding or sequential rounding. Although these solutions are less optimal, they do have one advantage over the integer least-squares solution: they do not require a search and can therefore be computed directly. However, in order to be confident that these less optimal solutions are still good enough for the application at hand, one requires diagnostic measures to predict their rate of success. These measures of confidence are presented and it is shown how they can be computed and evaluated. Received: 24 March 1998 / Accepted: 8 June 1998  相似文献   

基于模糊度中误差的GPS信号第三民用频率L5的选取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从模糊度参数标准中误差角度出发讨论信号L5频率的选取问题,在双频观测资料模糊度参数估计基础上,研究三频观测资料模糊度参数估计,并进行模糊度参数标准中误差确定、讨论信号频率与模糊度标准中误差之间的关系,最后提出新的民用频率取值范围的建议。为今后的GALILEO系统、其他导航系统等信号频率选取提供一种思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool in geodetic and geodynamic applications. Although its accuracy is almost comparable with network solutions, the east component of the PPP results is still to be improved by integer ambiguity fixing, which is, up to now, prevented by the presence of the uncalibrated phase delays (UPD) originating in the receivers and satellites. In this paper, it is shown that UPDs are rather stable in time and space, and can be estimated with high accuracy and reliability through a statistical analysis of the ambiguities estimated from a reference network. An approach is implemented to estimate the fractional parts of the single-difference (SD) UPDs between satellites in wide- and narrow-lane from a global reference network. By applying the obtained SD-UPDs as corrections to the SD-ambiguities at a single station, the corrected SD-ambiguities have a naturally integer feature and can therefore be fixed to integer values as usually done for the double-difference ones in the network mode. With data collected at 450 stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS) through days 106 to 119 in 2006, the efficiency of the presented ambiguity-fixing strategy is validated using IGS Final products. On average, more than 80% of the independent ambiguities could be fixed reliably, which leads to an improvement of about 27% in the repeatability and 30% in the agreement with the IGS weekly solutions for the east component of station coordinates, compared with the real-valued solutions. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

利用GPS组合观测值探测修复周跳的方法比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在目前常用的周跳探测与修复方法基础上,分析利用GPS组合观测值来探测修复周跳的3种方法,通过模拟的实验结果证明其有效性,比较各个方案的特性,并引入LC-PC衡量标准比较各方案探测修复周跳的能力。  相似文献   

Combinations of station coordinates and velocities from independent space-geodetic techniques have long been the standard method to realize robust global terrestrial reference frames (TRFs). In principle, the particular strengths of one observing method can compensate for weaknesses in others if the combination is properly constructed, suitable weights are found, and accurate co-location ties are available. More recently, the methodology has been extended to combine time-series of results at the normal equation level. This allows Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) to be included and aligned in a fully consistent way with the TRF. While the utility of such multi-technique combinations is generally recognized for the reference frame, the benefits for the EOPs are yet to be quantitatively assessed. In this contribution, which is a sequel to a recent paper on co-location ties (Ray and Altamimi in J Geod 79(4–5): 189–195, 2005), we have studied test combinations of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) and Global Positioning System (GPS) time-series solutions to evaluate the effects on combined EOP measurements compared with geophysical excitations. One expects any effect to be small, considering that GPS dominates the polar motion estimates due to its relatively dense and uniform global network coverage, high precision, continuous daily sampling, and homogeneity, while VLBI alone observes UT1-UTC. Presently, although clearly desirable, we see no practical method to rigorously include the GPS estimates of length-of-day variations due to significant time-varying biases. Nevertheless, our results, which are the first of this type, indicate that more accurate polar motion from GPS contributes to improved UT1-UTC results from VLBI. The situation with combined polar motion is more complex. The VLBI data contribute directly only very slightly, if at all, with an impact that is probably affected by the weakness of the current VLBI networks (small size and sparseness) and the quality of local ties relating the VLBI and GPS frames. Instead, the VLBI polar motion information is used primarily in rotationally aligning the VLBI and GPS frames, thereby reducing the dependence on co-location tie information. Further research is needed to determine an optimal VLBI-GPS combination strategy that yields the highest quality EOP estimates. Improved local ties (including internal systematic effects within the techniques) will be critically important in such an effort.  相似文献   

针对不存在先验信息时常规GPS单历元数据处理中存在的问题,提出了一种新的GPS整周模糊度单历元算法。该算法先采用一个历元的码观测值进行最小二乘定位,求取初始模糊度,并根据解的中误差来构造模糊度原始搜索空间,再采用两种不同线性组合的扩波方法进行模糊度变换,使原模糊度的搜索空间变小。在模糊度的新搜索空间确定后,通过线性组合的逆变换求取模糊度N1及N2,并以模糊度函数法进行真值的搜索,实现单历元解算。采用基线长度不同的两组数据测试,结果表明了本文方法的可行性和可靠性。  相似文献   

GPS载波相位测量相对定位可以达到毫米级精度,利用GPS载波相位测量方向可以达到2密位的精度。研究了载波相位双差测量方向的原理和应用最小二乘法解算基线矢量的算法,详细讨论快速解算整周模糊度的优化算法。实验结果表明,应用双GPS测量方向的原理和搜索模糊度优化算法正确,其定向精度达2密位,解算时间小于0.3秒,并运用于产品中。  相似文献   

一种适合于单频接收机快速模糊数求解的新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种适合于单频接收机的快速模糊数求解方法。结果表明,在用单频接收机的相对定位中,该方法快速、稳定。  相似文献   

GPS的现代化计划与第三信号L5   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张玉册  梁开龙 《测绘工程》2002,11(1):22-25,31
综合介绍了全球定位系统(GPS)迈向21世纪的最新发展情况,重点阐述了第三频率L5的特点,具体实施,发展前景以及给用户带来的影响,最后对GPS现代化计划作了评价。  相似文献   

一种附约束的单频单历元GPS双差相位解算方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
韩保民  欧吉坤 《测绘学报》2002,31(4):300-304
在各类变形观测中,存在着2次观测的变形值不大及各种变形方向和大小可以比较精确预测等特点,可以把这些特征作为约束条件,对GPS单历元相位观测方程进行求解。基于以上几点,提出了一种含约束条件的单频单历元GPS相位求解算法和简单实用的模糊度搜索方法,本方法据观测值直接估计模糊度参数,并根据求出的模糊度估值进行搜索,还分析了最优解的获得和检验方法,最后用2个实例说明了该法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

GPS观测量先验方差-协方差矩阵实时估计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
GPS观测量的先验方差-协方差矩阵的可靠性直接关系到GPS定位结果和可靠性,关系到模糊度初始化时间、模糊度搜索的可靠性及成功率。本文提出了一种GPS观测量的先验方差-协方差矩阵的实时估计方法。其特点是直接利用伪距和载波相位观测值,来实时估计先验方差-协方差矩阵,而且可广泛应用于各种测量型接收机的各种测量模式。该方法应用于模糊度解算中,并与其他方法进行比较,以检验其效果。  相似文献   

隋心  邹鑫慈  徐爱功  陈玮娴 《测绘科学》2016,41(12):106-109,115
针对GPS-BDS系统偏差会导致GPS和BDS系统间的混合双差模糊度不具有整数特性,且其不完全稳定的问题,该文提出一种GPS/BDS系统偏差实时在线估计方法。通过将双差模糊度以单差模糊度之差的形式进行求解,然后再将以周为单位的单差模糊度投影为双差模糊度,以此消除GPS和BDS不同波长的影响;在此基础上,采用Kalman滤波对系统偏差进行实时动态估计。实验结果表明,该方法采用较少历元的观测数据便可使系统偏差收敛,并且收敛后十分稳定,可以将其作为校正参数;加入系统偏差改正的GPS/BDS紧组合定位在恶劣环境下表现良好,可将模糊度固定平均所需时间缩短29%,模糊度固定成功率提高45%。  相似文献   

介绍了GPS载波相位双差观测方程以及误差影响因素,给出GPS三频组合观测量的一般表达式并分析影响组合观测量的主要误差因素,研究了电离层无关线性组合的构建方法及其性能,详细分析几种特殊的线性组合形式及特点,总结了GPS三频组合观测值在电离层误差改正、周跳探测与修复、整周模糊度解算以及精密定位等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

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