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K-Ar ages (A. Abdel-Monem, P. D. Watkins, and P. W. Gast, 1971, American Journal of Science271, 490–521; this paper) and revised paleontological determinations (J. Meco, 1977, “Los Strombus neogenos y cuatenarios del Atlantico euroafricano”, Las Palmas, Ediciones del Excmo. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria) show that “Quaternary” (R. Crofts, 1967, Quaternaria 9, 247–260; G. Lecointre, K. J. Tinkler, and G. Richards, 1967, Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia Proceedings119, 325–344) littoral deposits on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are early Pliocene and late Pleistocene. Early and middle Pleistocene strand lines are not represented. Early Pliocene littoral and marine deposits contain a characteristic fossil assemblage: Strombus coronatus, Nerità emiliana, Gryphaea virleti, Patella cf. intermedia, and Rothpletzia rudista. Differences in elevation record differential post-Pliocene uplift of the coastal platforms on which they lie. Late Pleistocene beach deposits at low elevations belong to two groups, an older with Strombus bubonius and a younger without. Differences in elevation of early Pliocene littoral deposits are reflected by differences in elevation of late Pleistocene beach deposits nearby.  相似文献   

A vertically integrated ice-flow model suitable for use in climate studies is formulated. Large continental ice sheets may be characterized by two fundamental quantities: the height-to-width ratio, and the steepness of the edge. So it is natural to develop a model containing two parameters that can be chosen to give the right values of those characteristic quantities. The result is a model that is close to M. A. W. Mahaffy's (Journal of Geophysical Research, 81, 1059–1066 (1976)). The model is used to study glaciation in Europe. Dropping the level of zero mass balance creates small stable ice caps in the Alps and the Scandinavian mountains. If the drop exceeds 600 m (with respect to present-day conditions), the feedback between ice-sheet height and mass balance becomes dominating and the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet keeps growing. It does not reach an equilibrium state within 60,000 yr. An experiment simulating rapid onset of a glacial cycle shows that the growth of ice volume in Europe is smaller than that in northern America (J. T. Andrews and M. A. W. Mahaffy, Quaternary Research, 6, 167–183 (1976)). After 10,000 yr, the volume of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (2 × 1015 m3) is about half the volume of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. This leaves the “observed” sea-level lowering in the period 125,000–115,000 yr B.P. (estimates center around 50 m) unexplained.  相似文献   

Previous attention has been called to the morphology of the glaciated Appalachian Plateau, including periglacial phenomena (Coates, 1970; Conners, 1969). This paper deals with an unusually well-developed hierarchy of small landforms in the Great Bend area of the Susquehanna River. Essential properties of these features include: (1) concentration in N-S valleys, (2) till composition, (3) concavo-convex form, sometimes ending in a hill on the valley floor, (4) alternation with steep, truncated bedrock spurs, (5) a col in the interfluve at their head. These characteristics could be explained by the following sequence of events. A prior fluvial landscape was eroded with tributary streams forming lateral valleys that head in cols along the divides. The main stream flowed south between interlocking spurs. Ice then widened the valley, leaving truncated spurs and a straightened stream. Deposition of locally derived till filled tributary valleys, similar to till shadows (Coates, 1966). In periglacial conditions, while nivation was widening the tributary valley heads, solifluction in the unstable till was forming the concavo-convexities that alternate with the truncated bedrock spurs. The hierarchy of forms range from minor convexities to small hills on the main valley floor. Thus, the features are primarily of periglacial origin, but owe their development and position to prior subaerial and glacial events. The cycle may have occurred during more than a single glacial episode. The recession of bedrock spurs and the valley floor convexity of the till features have caused a reversal in stream sinuosity of the main valley.  相似文献   

Re-evaluation of samples from several Texas localities over the Austin Chalk-Taylor Clay boundary for planktic Foraminifera, and comparison with recent work on European and North African successions confirms the general correlation of the Texan formations with the European Stage succession. The sedimentary hiatus indicated by Pessagno (1967) does not appear to be present: the Late Santonian-Early Campanian zonal marker Globigerinita elevata (Brotzen) occurs in the Lower Taylor Clay associated with late representatives of Marginotruncana. The Lower Taylor Clay may belong to the Late Santonian in some localities.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of Ovis nivicola, described for the first time, exhibit 2n = 52, the lowest diploid number to be reported for wild sheep and goats. The new chromosomal data, together with a review of the fossil history of the genus, lead us to conclude that the bighorned wild sheep (subgenus Pachyceros) evolved their distinctive characteristics while isolated in the ice-free Beringian refugium, and then migrated southward into western North America when the glacial barriers melted, as first suggested by Cowan (1940).  相似文献   

Six morphometrical characters are analyzed on each of 64-specimens of Gabonella elongata, de Klasz & Meijer (1960), picked out from the same level in the Upper Campanian part of a borehole core from western Nigeria. Multivariate statistical analyzes by means of standard methods, show the existence of trimorphism with one microspheric and two megalospheric generations, in this paper denoted Me1 and Me2. The generations are well separated by differences in size, morphological variability and ontogeny. There is a tendency for a reduction in size of the last chamber in the megalospheric populations, especially in Me1.  相似文献   

Radiolarian assemblages were examined in two Quaternary cores (V24-58; RC11-209) from the tropical Padific Ocean. Eight radiolarian datum levels were identified in each core, and “absolute” ages were estimated for these levels by interpolation between paleomagnetic reversal boundaries previously established for the cores. The tropical radiolarian zonation for the Quaternary proposed by Nigrini (1971) appears to be most useful in terms of the reliability and ease of identification of the proposed zonal boundaries. Our estimated ages for the base of each of these zones are: Buccinosphaera invaginata Zone (Zone 1): 210,000 yr BP; Collosphaera tuberosa Zone (Zone 2): 370,000 yr BP; Amphirhopalum ypsilon Zone (Zone 3): 940,000 yr BP; Anthocyrtidium angulare Zone (Zone 4): 1,700,000 yr BP.A comparison of our age estimates with those of Quaternary radiolarian datum levels in cores from other regions suggests that significant diachroneity on a scale of up to several hundred thousand years may exist for some (and perhaps all) of these “events.” Diachroneity is most readily studied and documented in late Neogene cores where the absolute ages of the magnetic polarity reversals are known most precisely, but may also exist (though difficult to recolve) in earlier Cenozoic sediments. The existence of such diachroneity, if demonstrated through further studies, would have significant implications for our understanding of evolutionary patterns of planktonic communities in different biogeographic regions.  相似文献   

The development of reliable paleoclimatic maps at a global scale requires data at the following three levels of analysis: (1) well-recorded observations of evenly positioned, well-dated geological evidence (Level I), (2) paleoclimatic estimates derived from this evidence by well-defined quantitative repeatable methods (Level II), and (3) maps synthesizing the estimates from several independent sources of geological evidence (Level III). Our paper describes much of the currently available paleoclimatic data from unglaciated terrestrial areas at ca. 18,000 yr B.P. and illustrates the quantity and quality of the data at both the Level I and the Level II stages of analysis. Although the scarcity of well-dated evidence for this time period precluded any major Level III syntheses of the information, comparisons were drawn where possible between the geological evidence and the climatic conditions simulated by general-circulation model experiments of Gates, 1976a, Gates, 1976b and Manabe and Hahn (1977). Of the more than 320 sites with data from 18,000 yr B.P., only 65 are well-dated with bracketing dates within the interval of 23,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., whereas about 100 are undated or poorly dated. We concentrated our survey on palynological and paleobotanical evidence and also thoroughly reviewed the evidence for water levels in lakes at 18,000 yr B.P. In areas with few of these sources of evidence, data on former snowlines, periglacial features, and eolian deposits were included, but the survey of these data is far from complete. Maps of the assembled data reveal the consistency of the paleoclimatic estimates in “data-rich” areas and also show which areas required additional information. The maps show that conditions were colder than present at 18,000 yr B.P. for all sites with temperature estimates. Estimated temperature depressions varied from ca. 1° to 12°C or more, depending on the location of the sample, the type of geological evidence, and the method of temperature estimation. Interpreted hydrological conditions were more variable spatially than the temperature estimates. The southwestern U.S. was moister than present, whereas the southeast may have been drier. Europe and the northern Mediterranean across to Afghanistan were drier than present, but northwest Africa was wetter. Australia was mainly drier than present, but several sites there as well as in Africa show significant climatic changes between 21,000 and 16,000 yr B.P. This latter evidence suggests that considerable variability may have occurred during the several thousand-year period centered on 18,000 yr B.P. Accurate time control is therefore required for the geological data used to study the climate dynamics of 18,000 yr ago. Large portions of South America and Asia as well as significant portions of the other continents lack the data base, or at least the well-dated base, required to define the 18,000 yr B.P. climate. In the few areas where comparisons were made with the Ice Age climates simulated by general-circulation models, general agreement existed between the geological evidence and the model simulations. Many critical comparisons were thwarted, however, by the lack of model simulations for all seasons at 18,000 yr B.P. Difficulty in validating precipitation anomalies in the tropics also arose because surface-albedo values, which are a vital input to the general circulation models, are estimated from the same evidence that is used to validate the results of the models.  相似文献   

Magnetostratigraphical data on the Late Cretaceous Magnetic Quiet Zone (normal geomagnetic polarity zone Jalal) are reviewed. This zone was first defined by Shmeleva (1963) in deposits of the Fergana Ridge (U.S.S.R.), and was there found to contain a reversed (R) magnetozone, named the Kuldja, which was traced to various regions of the U.S.S.R. The Kuldja zone corresponds to magnetozone Gubbio A — defined at Gubbio (Italy). Palaeontological data suggest that it spans the boundary between the Santonian and Campanian stages.  相似文献   

Reinvestigation of Quaternary sediments in West Feliciana Parish, southeastern Louisiana, and adjacent Wilkinson County, southwestern Mississippi, has resulted in revision of previous terrace stratigraphy of this portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain. Plant-macrofossil and pollen assemblages incorporated in fluviatile terrace deposits in the study area are reexamined in light of the current stratigraphic understanding. Macrofossils identified as white spruce (Picea glauca), tamarack (Larix laricina), and northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis), recovered from these terrace deposits along with fossil remains of distinctly southern plant species, were initially interpreted as the result of dynamic intermixing of aggressive boreal species within a southern forest during the early Wisconsin (Brown, 1938). Failure to distinguish chronologically separate fossiliferous deposits resulted in the conceptual “mixing” of northern and southern plant species which came from two distinct fluviatile terrace sequences. Terrace 2 is now believed to be a fluviatile and coastwise depositional terrace of Sangamon Interglacial age; deposits of terrace 2 contain a distinctly warm-temperate plant assemblage. Fluviatile terrace 1 dates from 12,740 ± 300 to 3457 ± 366 BP and is now considered to be related to late glacial and Holocene aggradation and lateral migration of the Mississippi River (the local base level for streams in the study area); basal portions of terrace 1 contain fossils of white spruce, tamarack, and many plant species today characteristic of the cool-temperate Mixed Mesophytic Forest Association. Terrace 1 fossil deposits occur in fluviatile terraces along tributary streams of the Mississippi River at elevations 15 to 30 m above the maximum recorded historic flood stage of the Mississippi River. The plant macrofossils represent remains of species that grew at or very near the site of deposition; they were not “rafted in” by floodwaters of the Mississippi River. We present quantitative data for plant macrofossils and pollen that support our hypothesis that at least local cooling along the Blufflands of Mississippi and Louisiana promoted southward migrations of mixed mesophytic forest species and certain boreal species along this major pathway during late Wisconsin continental glaciation.  相似文献   

Distinct assemblages of Recent deep-sea benthonic foraminifera from the southeast Indian Ocean have been shown to be associated with Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Indian Bottom Water (IBW). The AABW assemblage is divided into two groups. One is dominated by Epistominella umbonifera and is associated with AABW having temperatures between ?0.2° and 0.4°C. The second group is dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa and is associated with AABW having temperatures between 0.6° and 0.8°C. The IBW assemblage is marked by the strong dominance of Uvigerina spp. and Epistominella exigua. The faunal-water-mass relationships have been used to infer the history of bottom-water circulation over the last 500,000 yr in this region using faunal data from four Eltanin cores. One core was taken from the Southeast Indian Ridge in association with IBW, and three were taken from the flank of the ridge associated with AABW flowing within a western boundary contour current in the South Australian Basin. Little faunal variation exists in the core beneath IBW (E48-22), indicating that IBW was present on the Southeast Indian Ridge during the last 300,000 yr. A record of the intensity of AABW circulation during the last 500,000 yr is inferred from the benthonic foraminiferal data in the three cores located within the western boundary contour current. Marked oscillations in the relative proportions of AABW and IBW faunal assemblages are found in one core, E48-03. The faunal variations are inferred to have resulted from variation in intensity of AABW circulation between 500,000 and 195,000 yr B.P. In E48-03, the AABW assemblage was present most of the time between 500,000 and 195,000 yr B.P., with low intensity of AABW circulation occurring primarily during the equivalent of stages 8 and 7 (t = 305,000 to 195,000 yr B.P.). The intensity of AABW circulation varied, with a maximum occurring during the equivalent of stage 11 (t = 420,000 yr B.P.). Two additional cores, E45-27 and E45–74, show relatively constant intensity of AABW circulation from 195,000 yr B.P. to the present. The intensity of AABW circulation at the present appears to be intermediate between a maximum during the equivalent of stage 11 (t = 420,000 yr B.P.) and the minimum during the equivalent of stage 8 (t = 275,000 yr B.P.). AABW production has occurred during both glacial and interglacial episodes. Bottom-water productivity has been suggested to play an important role in glacial/interglacial oscillations during the late Quaternary (Weyl, 1968; Newell, 1974). In this study, the relationship between bottom-water circulation and climatic fluctuations appears to be more complex than had been previously suggested, since a simple relationship between Quaternary bottom-water circulation and paleoclimatic fluctuations is not shown.  相似文献   

Cores from five high alpine basins in the northern San Juan Mountains show several fluctuations in lithology. Typically, peats are interbedded with coarser clastic sediments or else woody peats alternate with fibrous peat. Twenty 14C dates provide radiometric control. Sediment rates averaged about 2.5 cm/100 yr but varied at the different sites between 1.19 and 50 cm/100 yr. Rates were lower during the middle of the Holocene. Basal radiocarbon dates indicate that these high (ca. 3600 m a.s.l.) northeasterly facing cirques were icefree by 9000 BP. There is some evidence in the cores for a short climatic reversal sometime between 8000 and 7000 BP. A major change occurred in the high basins very close to 5000 BP and thereafter there are several intervals of increased clastic sedimentation which may be related to Neoglacial climatic fluctuations. Analysis of a 2.15 m core near Hurricane Basin indicates significant fluctuation of pollen and macrofossils occurred during the 9000 ± year record. The Picea/Pinus ratios are used to delimit changes in the apparent elevation of the site: the ratios indicate that a short drop of “treeline” occurred about 8000 BP and then remained near present level until about ≥1800 BP when the apparent elevation of the site rose. Macrofossils indicate that spruce was present in the Hurricane Basin (and others) at specific periods and confirms the general results of the Picea/Pinus ratios. The San Juan Mountains do not possess a glacial Neoglacial record but the stratigraphy of these high cirque basins can be used to define glacial stades (cf. Jardine, 1972). The interpreted climatic response record on vegetation and sediment flux has both similarities and differences from other records in the western mountains of North America.  相似文献   

At Green Pond, a small permanent sinkhole pond in Bartow County, northwest Georgia, organic silty clays are buried by up to 2 m of colluvium. Pollen from the clays shows that a Pinus-Quercus-herb (pine-oak-herb) flora was present before 29,630 radiocarbon yr ago. It is interpreted as the product of a xeric woodland with prairie-like openings. Between 29,630 and approximately 25,000 BP, pollen of Pinus and herbs was sparse; Quercus and Carya (hickory) predominated in the pollen rain. There were few other deciduous trees. Oak-hickory forest is thought to have been present. From 25,000 to 23,000 BP, more diverse forest with pines and some Picea (spruce) became established. At the same time Taxodium (swamp cypress) was locally abundant, as were shrubs characteristic of Coastal Plain swamps. Some time after 23,000 BP, the pond basin filled with colluvium and no further sedimentation took place, other than thin muck sedimented on the bottom of the present Green Pond.The sediments were first thought to be of Sangamon age because the pollen sequence has many of the characteristics of an interglacial cycle, but the radiocarbon dates correlate them firmly with the Farmdalian Interstadial. A comparison with known Farmdalian sites is made, but the important sites are in the northern United States and adjacent Canada, too far away to make a useful comparison of the details of pollen diagrams from the two areas. At another Bartow County pond site, Bob Black Pond (Watts, 1970), a flora predominantly of pine with spruce and oak was present immediately before 22,900 BP and a strikingly cold flora with jack-pine, spruce and northern herbs followed immediately after. The radiocarbon dates indicate that the sedimentary sequence at Bob Black Pond immediately follows that at Green Pond.  相似文献   

Today, below 2500 m, benthonic foraminiferal faunas in the North Atlantic are dominated by a few species. Faunal composition changes slowly with increasing depth and decreasing temperature. Surface sediment and down-core counts of benthonic foraminifera reported by Phleger, Parker, and Peirson (1953) in the reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition have been supplemented by additional bottom sediment and piston core samples. Present-day benthonic foraminiferal assemblages from the deeper portions of the North Atlantic appear to be controlled more by the distribution of bottom water types than by bathymetry. In most piston cores, the assemblages vary greatly during the last 150,000 yr, suggesting depression and elevation of faunas at the core site through a depth range of several hundred meters. This would indicate that bottom water characteristics have shifted back and forth in this interval of time and, therefore, that bottom circulation partakes in the well-documented shifts recorded for surface waters of the North Atlantic. It appears that dense water, similar to present-day North Atlantic Deep Water, was produced over a wide area north of 45° N during cooler intervals and that it spread widely at depth.  相似文献   

Albian/Cenomanian benthic foraminiferal faunas recovered by the DSDP in the western South Atlantic Ocean (Leg 36) are described and analyzed from the palaeogeographic and palaeo-environmental points of view. In doing this the author compares Leg 36 assemblages in the western South Atlantic Ocean with coeval benthic foraminiferal faunas recovered in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean (Leg 40) and in the eastern Indian Ocean (Legs 26 and 27). The specific composition of these assemblages, except for Leg 27, is virtually the same. Consequently, they are considered to indicate the same depositional water depth at all relevant sites studied, whether located in the Angola Basin, the northern flank of the Walvis Ridge, the eastern margin of the Falkland Plateau or on the Naturaliste Plateau. All the assemblages indicate shallow environments around 100 m and not exceeding 300–400 m in the deepest parts, corresponding to the inner shelf and the inner part of the outer shelf. By contrast the foraminiferal associations of Leg 27 (especially Site 259) indicate a greater depth, of the order of 200–600 m (but not exceeding 1000 m) corresponding to upper slope of Sliter & Baker (1972) and Sliter (1972). These bathymetrical conclusions are in remarkable accord with those of Sliter (1976), based on planktic Foramini fera of Leg 36.Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) material with benthic Foraminifera was limited to two positive samples; however, these faunas indicate much the same palaeo-environment as do the planktic ones analyzed by Sliter (1976).  相似文献   

Calculations confirm that the uplift of Barbados during the past 130,000 yr has been at nearly constant relative rates in the Clermont and Christ Church standard traverses, and that sea levels responsible for Barbados terraces I (82,000 yr B.P.) and II (105,000 yr B.P.) attained approximately the same level which was 20–25 m below the level represented by Barbados III (125,000 yr B.P.).Preference for the correlation of Barbados III with the prominent first interglacial 18O peak in stage 5 is stated once again. Further, correlation with Eemian and Pangaion of the European pollen record is suggested.  相似文献   

A simplified and more accurate version of the quantitative paleoenvironmental method proposed by Imbrie and Kipp (1971) is described, which is based on untransformed rather than transformed species per cent data. The method yields faunal indices (Ts, Tw, S), useful both as objective measures of paleontological properties and as estimates of Pleistocene sea-surface summer and winter temperatures (Ts, Tw) and salinity (S). Similarly, the oxygen-isotope method yields objective measurements of δ O18, useful stratigraphically and as indications of past changes in isotopic water composition and temperature.Laboratory errors of the two methods have about the same magnitude relative to ranges observed in V12-122. Accuracy of faunal indices as estimates of oceanic conditions is evaluated by study of modern oceanographic data and sea-bed samples. Under favorable conditions, accuracy is apparently limited primarily by the degree of ecological control exercised by the estimated parameter. Accuracy of the isotopic paleotemperature estimates is limited primarily by uncertainty as to the magnitude of the water-correction term in the isotope equation, a value which combines global ice-volume and local evaporation-precipitation effects.Curves of δ O13 and S in V12-122 record all or part of seven major climatic cycles, and display a fundamental periodicity of about 85,000 years. Ts and Tw curves show small but significant differences: two phase shifts in estimated temperature minima, and a long-term increasing trend.Amplitude-frequency histograms of Tw and δ O18 indicate that only two percent of the time during the past 450,000 years have Caribbean temperatures been as warm and isotopic ratios as low as they are today.A comparison of the magnitude of δ O18 change (2.2%.) during the shift from late-glacial to post-glacial times, with that of the faunally estimated change in average temperature (2.2°C), provides a basis for estimating the associated change in isotopic water composition (1.8%.) by back-calculation in the isotope equation. At least 0.4%. of this change in A is attributed to an evaporation-precipitation effect, and the balance (≤1.4%.) to an icevolume effect.Isotopic and faunal methods monitor different responses to global climatic change. Used in conjunction, they provide deeper insights into the past than either could achieve alone.  相似文献   

The statistical theory of modulated renewal processes is used to analyze the polarity reversal scales of Larson & Hilde (1975) and LaBreque, Kent & Cande (1977). The results suggest that the trending effect in these data may be modelled by a rate parameter with an exponential quadratic trend. Short times in one polarity state tend to be followed by short times in the other state. The graphical analysis points to the possibility of an undulating pattern in reversal rates. The empirical distributions of the normal and reversed polarities show slight differences in comparison with each other in most of the statistical tests, but a moving-window analysis indicates possible serial effects for the normal times. As a rough approximation, a statistical two-state model for reversals might be realistic, for example, an alternating renewal process under relaxed assumptions. There has been a gradual stepping-up of the minimum reversal rate from the Oligocene to the present, but little change in the observed range of the reversal rates. With the long quiet (Mercanton) interval removed from the data, the average time spent in the reversed polarity state is slightly greater than for the normal state. A change in statistical properties for the entire set of data considered as a single sample occurs around the Eocene-Oligocene transition (Middle Eocene on earlier time scales). The analyses of the statistical second-order properties of the entire sequence of 271 observations, and the subsets of normal and reversed between-times, reject a renewal hypothesis if theoretical statistical considerations are strictly applied to the results (although this hypothesis is not rejected for the Oligocene to Recent observations); this result is at variance with some geophysical models. A short appendix on the theory of point processes is provided to aid the general reader in following the arguments used in this paper.  相似文献   

Susan E. Hogg 《Earth》1982,18(1):59-76
Following McGee's (1897) use of the term sheetflood, there developed a variety of conflicting opinions and numerous terminologies relating to this process, many of which are ill-considered and poorly defined. A classification system is devised on both a hydrologic and geomorphic basis which dispenses with many superfluous terms that have been used with respect to sheetfloods. Magnitude of a storm is expressed in terms of the amount of surface runoff generated from a given storm due to the surface conditions.A sheetflood is defined as a sheet of unconfined flood water moving down a slope. The frequency of a sheetflood is relatively low while its magnitude is relatively great. Sheetflow is defined as relatively high-frequency, low-magnitude overland flow occurring in a continuous sheet and is restricted to laminar flow conditions. Sheetwash, a term of geomorphic origin, is considered to be redundant and is superseded by the more meaningful term rainwash defined as the washing action of rain on slopes.  相似文献   

The continental shelf of the Gulf of Gabes is outlined, during the MIS 5c and MIS 5a onshore highstands, by the genesis of forced regressive beach ridges situated respectively at –19 m b.s.l/100 ka and –8 m b.s.l/80 ka. This area, considered as a stable domain since at least the last 130 ka (Bouaziz et al.2003), is a particular zone for the reconstruction of the late quaternary sea-level changes in the region. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data and field observations are highlighted to deduce interaction between hydrodynamic factors and antecedent topography. Variations in geomorphology were attributed to geological inheritance. Petrography and sedimentary facies of the submerged coastal ridges reveal that the palaeocoastal morphology was more agitated than today and the fluvial discharges are consistent. Actual morphologic trend deduced from different environment coasts (sandy coasts, sea cliffs and tidal flat) is marked by accumulation of marine sands and progradation.  相似文献   

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