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Le  Cong-huan  Li  Yan-e  Huang  Lei  Ren  Jian-yu  Ding  Hong-yan  Zhang  Pu-yang 《中国海洋工程》2021,35(5):779-788
China Ocean Engineering - In the leg-lowering process, the offshore jack-up platform is in a floating state, and the spudcan may collide with the seabed due to the platform motion in waves, thereby...  相似文献   

通过海洋平台桩-土非线性弹簧模型的研究,结合桩基荷载-位移数据计算程序的编制,为工程实际应用提供简便可靠的方法。对某自升式钻井平台在完好状态和受损状态下的极限承载能力作了对比研究,通过逐级增加载荷的方法,基于精确计算模型对平台结构进行非线性分析,具体依据载荷类型、载荷作用力方向等,得到12种计算工况,研究老龄平台在受损状态下对强度储备的影响,并评估其安全状况。考虑外界荷载的随机性和不确定性,基于极限承载能力分析,采用等效荷载法,运用JC法进行平台体系可靠性计算,分析完好平台与老龄平台的结构体系可靠性,并作对比研究。  相似文献   

The mechanisms of soil structure interaction have drawn much attention in the past years in the installation and operation of jack-up platform. A bionic spudcan produced by biomimetic of egg and snail shell is proposed, and the performance of the penetration and extraction are analyzed by numerical method. The geometric contour of egg and snail shell is measured, and its mathematical model is established respectively. According to the structure of existing spudcan of jack-up platform, three kinds of typical biomimetic spudcan are designed. Furthermore, numerical analysis models of biomimetic spudcan are established respectively to study the soil structure interaction mechanism in the process of penetration and extraction, and contrastive analysis of resistance characteristics are carried out. To conclude, the results show that the biomimetic spudcan facilitates the platform installation, and it is also beneficial to the improvement of the bearing capacity of spudcan.  相似文献   

赵东油田一期建设的导管架平台在长达20年服役期内,长期承受恶劣的海洋环境载荷,将会产生裂纹和腐蚀等缺陷。此类缺陷的出现必然对平台结构,特别是管节点结构的极限承载力产生巨大影响。本文针对赵东油田ODA老平台典型T型管节点结构,通过建立考虑裂纹和腐蚀损伤的管节点非线性有限元模型,研究了管节点上出现的腐蚀和裂纹等损伤对其极限...  相似文献   

- Based on the theory of limit analysis, the Finite Difference Method (FDM) is established for evaluating the ultimate bearing capacity of subsoils to bear the unburied pipelines. The analytical results of bearing capacity of the ideal clay is given. The approach to bearing capacity evaluation of cohesionless subsoils without surcharge is suggested. The results from this method are consistent with those obtained from model tests.  相似文献   

结合最新研究成果,编制了筒型基础竖向极限承载力计算程序,可根据土壤参数和承载能力要求确定筒型基础的主要尺寸;同时使用ABAQUS和ANSYS软件建立筒型基础有限元模型,采用非线性接触方法模拟筒-土的边界,计算筒型基础的竖向极限承载力,两种软件的计算结果和编制程序的计算结果基本相同;最后对影响筒型基础竖向极限承载力的土壤...  相似文献   

In this study, the CPSO-SVM models, which combine chaotic system, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and support vector machine (SVM), are presented and applied to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Chaotic mapping enjoys certainty, ergodicity and the stochastic property. Chaotic PSO (CPSO) increases the convergence rate of PSO and precision of the results through introducing chaos mapping into the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Since the selection of parameters for SVM is crucial to its performance of prediction, the CPSO is adopted to search for the optimal parameters. The proposed methods are used to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations based on data of load tests. Results indicate that the proposed methods can appropriately describe the relationship between ultimate bearing capacity and its affective factors, and make good predictions.  相似文献   

深海吸力锚基础的极限承载能力是海洋工程锚固系统的一个关键问题。基于Coulomb摩擦接触对原理,给出一种模拟吸力锚承载能力的有限元模型。在该数值模型基础上,利用通用有限元分析软件ABAQUS,研究系泊点位置、吸力锚长径比对极限承载力的影响,并给出深海吸力锚失稳模式。结果表明,系泊点位置极大地影响着吸力锚的极限承载力与稳定性,系泊点位置的变化会导致吸力锚出现前倾转动、平移滑动和后仰转动失稳模式,同时吸力锚失稳模式受长径比的影响。为工程实际和理论分析提供了技术支持和理论指导。  相似文献   

锚泊基础的承载性能直接影响着海洋浮式结构物的稳定性,因而研究新型有效的锚泊基础已成为海洋工程结构设计中的关键问题之一。文中提出了一种基于海洋软土液化特性的伞状锚,充分利用桩端土体增强抗拔承载能力。应用二维颗粒流分析程序,对该新型伞状锚的安装、抗拔承载能力进行了数值模拟,并与普通锚桩进行比较分析,验证其有效性。针对伞状锚与普通锚桩在拉拔过程中的土体破坏机制,从细观角度分析了其抗拔承载能力的提高机制。研究结果表明,对于相同抗拔锚泊设计竖向承载要求,伞状锚所需材料可大为减少,安装难度明显减低,是值得推广应用的新型锚泊基础形式。  相似文献   

Dai  Guo-liang  Zhu  Wen-bo  Zhai  Qian  Gong  Wei-ming  Zhao  Xue-liang 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(6):685-693
Suction caisson foundation derives most of their uplift resistance from passive suction developed during the pullout movement. It was observed that the passive suction generated in soil at the bottom of the caisson and the failure mode of suction caisson foundation subjecting pullout loading behaves as a reverse compression failure mechanism.The upper bound theorems have been proved to be a powerful method to find the critical failure mechanism and critical load associated with foundations, buried caissons and other geotechnical structures. However, limited attempts have been reported to estimate the uplift bearing capacity of the suction caisson foundation using the upper bound solution. In this paper, both reverse failure mechanisms from Prandtl and Hill were adopted as the failure mechanisms for the computation of the uplift bearing capacity of the suction caisson. New equations were proposed based on both failure mechanisms to estimate the pullout capacity of the suction caisson. The proposed equations were verified by the test results and experimental data from published literature. And the two solutions agree reasonably well with the other test results. It can be proved that both failure mechanisms are reasonably and more consistent with the actual force condition.  相似文献   

在外界荷载作用下,管节点由于截面突变、应力集中等原因,往往在远低于其设计承载能力时发生破坏,本文针对这一现象,借鉴多高层钢结构建筑节点相关成果,对T型管节点端部采用套管进行加强,以达到改善应力集中、提高承载能力的目的。本文采用ansys软件研究了17个模型在轴向力作用下的极限强度变化规律,比较了用钢量与承载能力之间的对应关系,详细分析了加强套筒长度及厚度等参数对T型管节点极限强度的影响,成果表明采用套筒加强的方法,可大幅提高T型管节点的承载能力,且节点对套筒长度的变化更为敏感。  相似文献   

海上自升式钻井平台完成预定工作后,将收起桩靴迁航到下一个目的地,桩靴的拔出是由支撑状态向漂浮状态过渡的重要过程,是自升式钻井平台正常作业不可缺少的重要组成部分。在这个过程中,拔桩阻力的预测对于桩靴上拔安全至关重要。笔者通过对平台拔桩阻力进行分析,并结合中油海平台近几年的拔桩作业经验,提出了施工中的注意事项,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

针时目前带桩靴的自升式桩基平台插桩深度计算中存在的问题,通过考虑插桩过程中桩靴对地层物理力学性质的影响,运用最小二乘法求得桩靴对地层承载力的影响系数,从而时Terzaghi和Peck公式进行修正,提高插桩深度预测的准确性.  相似文献   

使用了ANSYS软件对筒型基础进行地震分析,计算了砂土液化情况以及由此导致的承载力的损失,对比了在筒-土界面采用节点耦合和设置接触单元两种形式对该结果的影响,结果显示节点耦合形式既可以保证计算精度,也能提高计算效率。同时,分析了不同长细比筒型基础的砂土液化深度和承载力损失,结果显示较大的长细比有利于减少承载力损失。  相似文献   

应用ANSYS软件建立了平台和冰相互作用的有限元模型,构建了自升式平台的冰激振动模型,并计算基于2种冰力模型的自升式平台的动力响应。此动力分析方法具有建模方便和计算精度高的特点。以某自升式平台为例,计算了冰和平台结构相互作用的耦合效应,为自升式平台冰激振动安全评估提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

对于自升式钻井平台而言,风载荷在所有环境载荷中比重最大。现行规范在计算平台风载荷时主要采用面积投影法,不考虑各构件之间的空气动力学干扰的影响,导致计算结果偏于保守,不利于结构的优化设计。本文以CIMC自主研发的122m水深自升式钻井平台为例,对其于在位状态和迁航状态的风载荷进行风洞试验研究,并与规范计算结果进行对比验证。结果表明,试验结果要小于规范计算,空气动力学干扰和升力作用的影响不可忽略。  相似文献   

目前海洋石油导管架平台桩基础的轴向极限承载力常用的设计方法为API RP2A(美国石油协会)和静力触探(CPT)的方法.在这两种方法的基础上,提出了用BP神经网络模型对桩的轴向极限承载力进行计算的思路,能够有效地预测桩的轴向极限承载力.根据BP神经网络算法具有较强的非线性映射能力和学习功能的特点,通过对影响单桩极限承载力因素的分析,依据静力触探资料建立了基于BP神经网络的单桩轴向极限承载力预测模型.通过利用API RP2A方法分析成果对该模型进行学习训练和预测检验,证明了预测模型性能良好、具有较高的精度和收敛速度快等特点,验证了神经网络方法的可行性,预测结果能够指导桩基础设计,缩短周期.因而具有较大的工程实用价值.  相似文献   

张剑波 《海洋通报》2006,25(6):63-68
应用ANSYS软件建立了自升式平台和冰相互作用的数学仿真模型,对自升式平台进行了动力分析和桩腿的极限强度和疲劳强度校核。应用本模型对渤海某自升式平台桩腿进行的强度校核和不同海冰参数下平台桩腿的冰激疲劳损伤实例分析表明,本文的研究结果为自升式平台冰激疲劳设计提供了一个有效的方法,并为自升式平台在冰区的使用提供了依据。  相似文献   

- The ultimate strength analysis of offshore jacket platforms is a research project which has been developed in recent years. With the rapid development of marine oil industry, the departments of design and IMR (Inspection, Maintenance and Repair) in the offshore engineering have attached great importance to this project. The research procedure applies to both the stress check of new design platforms and the whole safety assessment of existing platforms. In this paper, we combine the pseudo non-linear technique with the linear analysis program and successfully analyze the ultimate strength of the space frame structure subject to the concentrated load and a real jacket platform subject to the dead load and environmental load.  相似文献   

利用modeling of models的方法研究端承型桩承载力离心模型试验中的粒径效应。在模拟同一原型时,不同桩径的模型桩,桩身压缩性及桩长均不同,导致侧摩阻力发挥机理及程度不同,本文分别探讨了桩端阻力,侧摩阻力及承载力(桩顶荷载)的粒径效应对承载机理和承载特性的影响。结果表明,桩端阻力的粒径效应作用规律与浅基础一致,可以借用浅基础的粒径效应定量评价方法评价端承桩承载力离心模型试验中的粒径效应。侧摩阻力的粒径效应比桩端阻力的粒径效应显著。由于侧摩阻力的影响,相同条件下承载力的粒径效应比桩端阻力有所增强。对于极限桩端阻力和极限承载力,粒径效应均随长径比的增加而减弱。  相似文献   

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