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梯级水电站多目标发电优化调度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以发电量和保证出力为目标建立梯级水电站的多目标发电优化调度模型,对三峡梯级中长期发电优化调度进行研究。针对传统方法求解多目标优化问题的局限,提出一种强度Pareto差分进化算法(Strength Pareto Differential Evolution,SPDE)用于求解梯级水电站的多目标发电优化调度问题。SPDE以差分进化算法(Differential Evolution,DE)为基础,采用SPEA2的适应度评价方法,并根据多目标优化的特点对DE的进化算子进行修正。同时,提出一种自适应柯西变异策略(Adaptive Cauchy Mutation,ACM)用于克服算法的早熟收敛问题。三峡梯级水电站实例研究结果表明,SPDE可同时考虑两个目标并有效处理复杂约束条件,一次运行即可得到一组在各目标分布均匀、分布范围广的非劣调度方案供决策者评价优选。  相似文献   

通过对滞洪区安全滞洪的系统分析,提出了应用GIS进行滞洪区安全管理的总体思路,对安全滞洪涉及到的关键性技术进行了探讨,给出了包括数据库建设、安全撤离及财产损失分析等问题的具体解决方案,为滞洪区的安全管理和指挥决策提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the groundwater environment in the Yangzhuang flood detention basin in Henan Province, China. A numerical model of groundwater flow is established based on the hydrogeological conditions in the basin and changes of groundwater level in the flood detention basin under flood detention and recession conditions. The results show that during flood diversion and storage, the groundwater level in the basin rises, mainly in four flood detention zones, with a maximum rise of 1.0 m. After the floodwater recedes, the groundwater level slowly drops in the detention basin along with flood discharge, finally returning to its original level fifty days later. This study indicates that groundwater recession in the flood detention basin is a slow process, where the rise of groundwater level may cause environmental problems such as soil swamping.  相似文献   

生物滞留带结构层参数对道路径流滞蓄效应影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于非饱和土壤水分运动理论,采用数值模拟方法研究了4种降雨作用下生物滞留带结构层参数对设施积水、产流及径流调控效应的影响特性。结果表明:生物滞留带表层积水受蓄水层深度影响显著,随蓄水层深度由20 cm增加到30 cm,设施的溢流控制水量平均提高0.196 m3左右,但积水时长增加可达85 min;生物滞留带各结构层参数对穿孔管产流均有一定影响,随种植土层与砂滤层厚度比或内部储水区高度增加,穿孔管产流时刻推迟,产流峰值减小,而蓄水层深度的增加则可导致穿孔管产流时刻提前、产流峰值增大;在4种降雨作用下,5类滞留带径流量平均消减率为16.71%~37.31%,径流峰值平均消减率为41.53%~63.90%,产流平均延迟时间为97.75~166.50 min;当滞留带发生溢流时,设施的径流调控能力显著降低,且结构层参数对设施径流调控效果的影响减弱。  相似文献   

水文模型的参数优化率定一直以来是水文预报领域的重要研究内容,当水文模型的结构确定后,水文模型参数的选择对水文模型整体性能和水文预报结果的好坏有着至关重要的影响.针对传统水文模型参数优选采用单一目标不能充分全面挖掘水文观测资料中蕴含的水文特征信息的缺陷,本文以新安江三水源模型为例,尝试采用多目标优化算法优化率定水文模型,算例应用分析表明,通过合理的选择目标函数的种类和数目,采用多目标进化算法优化率定模型参数,可以获得相对于单目标率定模型参数更优的结果.进一步,研究工作针对模型参数优化的结果进行分析,可以明显看出模型参数优化中存在“异参同效”现象,为后续模型参数不确定性分析等相关研究工作的开展做好了铺垫.  相似文献   

韩治虹  黄帅  花卫华 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):470-475
以往水系的勾绘、采样点位的布设工作均由人工在地形底图上手工完成,工作量大,且影响化探工作进度。通过规则网格的数字高程模型生成水系网,实现了精确度较高的水系网提取算法。该算法先按照水系级别和水系长度进行样点初布,然后检测样点的数量及密度是否达到要求,再根据布样要求进行样点的补充与修改,据此研究水系沉积物采样自动化布置方法,实现基于等高线的水系沉积物采样点的自动布设,提高了化探采样工作效率。  相似文献   

Thermophilic aerobic digestion (TAD) is a possible alternative for rapid sludge degradation and producing Class A biosolids. Aeration rate and detention time are two of the important parameters in TAD processes due to rapidly growing thermophilic bacteria population, limited solubility of oxygen at high temperatures and the need to prevent cooling of TAD process. Also the current knowledge and understanding of dewatering TAD biosolids are limited and incompelet. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of various aeration rates and detention time on some characteristics of mixed sewage sludge. Four glass-cylindrical digesters with 7 liters of sludge in each, placed in a water bath and were operated at 55 °C with the aeration rates of 2.14, 3.00,3.86 and 4.71 volume of air per volume of sludge per hours. It was found the increase in aeration rate decreased the required detention time in order to meet the Class A sludge regulations to reduce vector attraction. The values of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) were changed from negative values to positiv ones and the values of pH were increased from around neutral to slightly basic, but this increases were occured at different detention times. TAD affected dewaterability of mixed sewage sludge and produced biosolids with higher specific resistance to filtration (lower dewaterability) than undigested sludge. Thermophically digested sludge has a good setteling behavior and air drying on sand bed.  相似文献   

多目标进化算法在新安江模型参数率定中的应用比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了克服传统优化技术在新安江模型参数率定中收敛慢、不稳定等缺点,近年来利用进化算法在水文模型的率定中得到越来越多的重视和发展.但对它们优选效果的比较讨论却非常少见.本文根据三水源新安江模型特点,以洪峰流量.峰现时间和洪水总量为优化目标,采用NSGA-Ⅱ、SPEA、PESA三种经典算法,通过对三种算法产生的非支配集进行算法评价,并比较了三种算法产生非支配集的收敛性与分布性,结果表明NSGA-Ⅱ在总体上最优.  相似文献   

In an exploration project, the placement of additional boreholes is based on the available information and engineering judgment, which may result in a lack of information or redundant information in decision making. This paper presents the use of dynamic multistage sampling to design directional and vertical boreholes to scan the subsurface. For this purpose, the potential collars of boreholes are determined within the survey area, while the imaginary boreholes in the form of cone sides cover the area's lateral surface area, and the concentric cones around the collars change with azimuth and dip angles. The objective function is a criterion used to determine the optimal borehole(s) and update the input borehole database in each stage; this iterative process continues until a stopping condition is satisfied. The presented algorithm was executed and validated on both synthetic and field data from the Eastern Kahang region in Iran. In the synthetic case, five additional boreholes were designated based on high grade and estimation error objectives that intersect two parts of the ore body. Ten proposed additional boreholes in the northeast region of Kahang coincided with the high grade copper mineralization zone.  相似文献   

城市排水管网是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,在市政建设中占有十分重要的地位,由于排水管网是一个系统工程,每个环节相互关联,建设周期跨度长,无法将一个城市所有的排水管网一次建成。而在整个排水管网逐渐完善的过程中,无论从规划设计到建设管理的各个环节都存在一定的误区,笔者多年从事排水管网的设计,结合工作中的体会,提出一些个人观点和看法,供大家参考.  相似文献   

基于非饱和土流-固耦合理论和贝叶斯理论,建立了边坡的非饱和土流-固耦合随机反演模型,提出了基于马尔科夫链的多目标随机反分析方法,利用位移和孔隙水压力时变监测数据进行多目标和单目标随机反演,并对反演结果进行比较分析。结果表明,多目标随机反分析参数后验分布标准差较单目标随机反分析明显减小。单目标随机反分析只对本目标进行优化,对其他目标的预测误差较大。多目标随机反分析能同时对所有目标进行优化,反演结果对所有目标误差均较小,95%置信区间较单目标明显收窄,采用不同类型监测数据的多目标随机反分析所得结果更为可靠,预测更为准确。  相似文献   

陆惠明 《探矿工程》2012,39(3):23-26
介绍了利用MATLAB计算软件对液压钻机减速器优化设计的方法,即在保证其总传动比和承载能力下,以其齿轮中心距最小、齿宽最小为多目标,得到合理的液压钻机减速器参数。经优化后的齿轮比原设计目标值减少4.56%,中心距减少5.94%。  相似文献   

This study applies the fuzzy multi-objective approach to forecast short-term (around 24 h) typhoon rainfall, which can be implemented without much background meteorological knowledge. The physical characteristics of 40 typhoons, including route, central pressure, central velocity and cyclonic radius, were used as the data set. The fuzzy multi-objective method mined information from the database to forecast both the depth and pattern of rainfall, which were then combined to estimate a cumulative rainfall curve. The results of calibration with reference to 40 historical typhoon events and the results of validation using another five typhoon events indicate that the proposed model has the potential to forecast short-term cumulative rainfall curves if more variables can be included and more historical typhoon events can be collected to enlarge the database.  相似文献   

江冶  侯鹏飞  黄健 《江苏地质》2002,26(3):157-160
X射线荧光光谱分析从20世纪80年代起就成为我国化探扫面分析最有效的手段之一[1]。进入21世纪后,新一轮目标地球化学调查工作全面展开,对分析准确度和检出限提出了更高的要求[2],使用PHILIPS公司生产的新型MagiX PRO X射线荧光光谱仪进行多目标地球化学调查样品的多元素分析。经对5000多试样分析结果表明,该仪器可分析39个元素,其中内检合格率在96%以上的有23个元素,并首次给出Cl、Br、TI等元素的结果。  相似文献   

为了提高顶板高位定向钻孔在采空区及上隅角瓦斯治理的效果,提出了高位定向钻孔分层布孔方案,在曙光煤矿开展现场试验,对不同层位高位定向钻孔瓦斯抽采数据和高位定向钻孔整个瓦斯抽采周期内瓦斯抽采效果分析研究,结果表明高位定向钻孔在整个抽采周期内瓦斯抽采效果总体呈波动状态,中间孔段由于处于顶板裂隙带内,瓦斯抽采效果较稳定,两端孔段由于处于钻孔造斜孔段未进入顶板裂隙带内及受前后钻场钻孔搭接影响,瓦斯抽采效果波动较大。为提高高位定向钻孔瓦斯抽采效果,可采用大角度开孔或大角度螺杆马达造斜以降低造斜孔段长度,并增加相邻两钻场钻孔搭接长度,从而降低两端孔段比例,提高中间孔段比例。  相似文献   

一种时变分布式单位线计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孔凡哲  郭良 《水科学进展》2019,30(4):477-484
为了解决由降雨强度引起的径流汇流的非线性问题,提出一种基于SCS(United States Department of Agriculture-Soil Conservation Service)流速公式的时变分布式单位线计算方法。引入参考雨强表征SCS公式中流速系数对应的水力条件。由降雨过程的时段雨强与参考雨强的比值构成一个量纲一因子,将该因子加入SCS公式后使其能够考虑降雨对流速的影响。改进后的流速公式用于计算一次降雨过程中不同降雨时段对应的时变分布式单位线,时变分布式单位线与新安江模型的产流模块构成降雨径流模型,将模型用于裴河流域率定参考雨强。率定后的模型用于谭家河流域进行应用检验,结果显示,确定性系数大于等于0.9的洪水场次,由时不变单位线的42%增大为83%。提出的方法能够显著提高流域水文模型的降雨径流模拟能力。  相似文献   

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