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 A variety of cognate basalt to basaltic andesite inclusions and dacite pumices occur in the 7-Ma Rattlesnake Tuff of eastern Oregon. The tuff represents ∼280 km3 of high-silica rhyolite magma zoned from highly differentiated rhyolite near the roof to less evolved rhyolite at deeper levels. The mafic inclusions provide a window into the processes acting beneath a large silicic chamber. Quenched basaltic andesite inclusions are substantially enriched in incompatible trace elements compared to regional primitive high-alumina olivine tholeiite (HAOT) lavas, but continuous chemical and mineralogical trends indicate a genetic relationship between them. Basaltic andesite evolved from primitive basalt mainly through protracted crystal fractionation and multiple cycles (≥10) of mafic recharge, which enriched incompatible elements while maintaining a mafic bulk composition. The crystal fractionation history is partially preserved in the mineralogy of crystal-rich inclusions (olivine, plagioclase ± clinopyroxene) and the recharge history is supported by the presence of mafic inclusions containing olivines of Fo80. Small amounts of assimilation (∼2%) of high-silica rhyolite magma improves the calculated fit between observed and modeled enrichments in basaltic andesite and reduces the number of fractionation and recharge cycles needed. The composition of dacite pumices is consistent with mixing of equal proportions of basaltic andesite and least-evolved, high-silica rhyolite. In support of the mixing model, most dacite pumices have a bimodal mineral assemblage with crystals of rhyolitic and basaltic parentage. Equilibrium dacite phenocrysts are rare. Dacites are mainly the product of mingling of basaltic andesite and rhyolite before or during eruption and to a lesser extent of equilibration between the two. The Rattlesnake magma column illustrates the feedback between mafic and silicic magmas that drives differentiation in both. Low-density rhyolite traps basalts and induces extensive fractionation and recharge that causes incompatible element enrichment relative to the primitive input. The basaltic root zone, in turn, thermally maintains the rhyolitic magma chamber and promotes compositional zonation. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary ?Part of the Mesoproterozoic (1.6 Ga) Gawler Range Volcanics in South Australia is composed of mingled feldspar- quartz- phyric dacite, rhyodacite and rhyolite lavas. Field relationships suggest that dacite erupted first, locally grading into rhyodacite, followed by mingled dacite and rhyolite or rhyodacite and rhyolite, and finally in some areas rhyolite, and imply that the three lithofacies co-existed in a compositionally stratified magma chamber. Data on the bulk rock, groundmass and melt inclusion compositions suggest that post-eruption alteration has had very little effect on the original rock compositions. Melt inclusions in quartz from rhyolite and rhyodacite-dacite, respectively, belong to two compositional populations. Inclusions in the rhyolitic quartz have less evolved compositions with lower SiO2 (72–76.4 wt %) and higher Al2O3 (13.2–15.6 wt%) and Na2O (2.5–4.2 wt%) abundances. In contrast, melt inclusions in quartz from the rhyodacite-dacite are more “evolved” (i.e., 75.5–78.3 wt% SiO2, 11.2–12.7 wt% Al2O3 and 1.7–2.2 wt% Na2O). The two melt populations define a single compositional trend towards groundmass compositions, which are essentially similar in all three lithofaci es (77.8–80.5 wt% SiO2, 9.9–11.1  wt% Al2O3 and 2.2–2.4 wt% Na2O). This trend is consistent with the derivation of the groundmass melt from a single precursor melt of rhyolitic composition by means of crystallisation of dominant plagioclase, K-feldspar and minor quartz. Plagioclase-enriched dacite-rhyodacite magma comprises a mixture of the residual melt and plagioclase phenocryst s that accumulated in the upper part of the magma chamber and erupted first. Similar residual melt containing quartz and K-feldspar phenocrysts was present deeper in the magma chamber and erupted later to form quartz-, K-feldspar-phyric rhyolite.
Zusammenfassung ?Die Bildung von Si-reichem Dacit aus rhyolitischer Schmelze: Evidenz aus Schmelzeinschlüssen in Laven der 1.6 Ga Gawler Range Volcanics, Südaustralien Ein Teil der mesoproterozoischen (1.6 Ga) Gawler Range Volcanics in Südaustralien setzt sich aus “mingled” Feldspat- Quarz-phyrischen dacitischen, rhyodacitischen und rhyolithischen Laven zusammen. Gel?ndebefunde legen nahe, da? die Dacite, die lokal in Rhyodacite übergehen, zuerst eruptierten, gefolgt vom “mingled” Dacit und Rhyolith oder Rhyodacit und Rhyolith. Schlie?lich bildeten sich in einigen Gebieten Rhyolithe. Diese Beobachtungen lassen die Schlu?folgerung zu, da? die drei Lithofazies in einer geschichteten Magmenkammer koexistierten. Die Daten der Gesamtgesteins-, Grundmasse- und Schmelzeinschlu?- Zusammensetzungen zeigen, da? Alterationsvorg?nge nach der Eruption einen sehr minimalen Effekt auf die ursprüngliche Gesteinszusammensetzung hatten. Die Schmelzeinschl üsse in den Rhyolithen und Rhyodaciten geh?ren zwei unterschiedlich en Populationen an. Die Schmelzeinschlüsse in Quarz der Rhyolithe sind weniger deutlich “entwickelt” mit niedrigeren SiO2 (72–76.4 Gew.%) und h?heren Al2O3 (13.2–15.6 Gew.%) und Na2O-(2.5–4. 2 Gew.%) Gehalten. Im Unterschied dazu sind die Einschlüss e in Quarz aus Rhyodacit-Dacit st?rker “entwickelt” (i.e., 75.5–78.3 Gew.% SiO2, 11.2–12.7 G ew.% Al2O3 und 1.7–2.2 Gew.% Na2O). Die beiden Populationen von Schmelzeinschlüssen definieren einen einzigen Entwicklungstrend hin zur Zusammensetzung der Grundmasse, die in allen drei Lithofazies ?hnlich ist (77.8–80.5 Gew.% SiO2, 9.9–11.1 Gew.% Al2O3 und 2.2–2.4 Gew.% Na2O). Dieser Trend ist mit der Herkunft der Grundmasse-bildenden Schmelze aus einer einzigen Ausgangsschmelze rhyolithischer Zusammensetzung infolge der Kristallisation von haupts?chlich Plagioklas, Alkalifeldspat und untergeordnet Quarz konsistent. Dacit-Rhyodacitmagmen, die an Plagioklas angereichert sind, stellen eine Mischung der Residualschmelze mit Plagioklas- Ph?nokristallen, die sich in den oberen Teilen der Magmenkammer akkumuli ert haben, dar; sie eruptierten zuerst. ?hnliche residuale Schmelzen mit Quarz und Akalifeldspat-Ph?nokristallen waren auf die tieferen Teilen der Magmenkammer beschr?nkt; sie eruptierten sp?ter und bildeten die Quarz- und Akalifeldspat-phyrischen Rhyolithe.

Received April 1, 1999;/revised version accepted July 27, 1999  相似文献   

We describe and model a potential re-equilibration process that can affect compositions of melt inclusions in magnesian olivine phenocrysts. This process, referred to as “Fe-loss”, can operate during natural pre-eruptive cooling of host magma and results in lower FeOt and higher MgO contents within the initially trapped volume of inclusion. The extent of Fe-loss is enhanced by large temperature intervals of magma cooling before eruption. The compositions of homogenised melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts from several subduction-related suites demonstrate that (1) Fe-loss is a common process, (2) the maximum observed degree of re-equilibration varies between suites, and (3) within a single sample, variable degrees of re-equilibration can be recorded by melt inclusions trapped in olivine phenocrysts of identical composition. Our modelling also demonstrates that the re-equilibration process is fast going to completion, in the largest inclusions in the most magnesian phenocrysts it is completed within 2 years. The results we obtained indicate that the possibility of Fe-loss must be considered when estimating compositions of parental subduction-related magmas from naturally quenched glassy melt inclusions in magnesian olivine phenocrysts. Compositions calculated from glassy inclusions affected by Fe-loss will inherit not only erroneously low FeOt contents, but also low MgO due to the inherited higher Mg##of the residual melt in re-equilibrated inclusions. We also demonstrate that due to the higher MgO contents of homogenised melt inclusions affected by Fe-loss, homogenisation temperatures achieved in heating experiments will be higher than original trapping temperatures. The extent of overheating will increase depending on the degree of re-equilibration, and can reach up to 50 °C in cases where complete re-equilibration occurs over a cooling interval of 200 °C. Received: 2 November 1998 / Accepted: 27 September 1999  相似文献   

The genesis of basaltic magmas   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
This paper reports the results of a detailed experimental investigation of fractionation of natural basaltic compositions under conditions of high pressure and high temperature. A single stage, piston-cylinder apparatus has been used in the pressure range up to 27 kb and at temperatures up to 1500° C to study the melting behaviour of several basaltic compositions. The compositions chosen are olivine-rich (20% or more normative olivine) and include olivine tholeiite (12% normative hypersthene), olivine basalt (1% normative hypersthene) alkali olivine basalt (2% normative nepheline) and picrite (3% normative hypersthene). The liquidus phases of the olivine tholeiite and olivine basalt are olivine at 1 Atmosphere, 4.5 kb and 9 kb, orthopyroxene at 13.5 and 18 kb, clinopyroxene at 22.5 kb and garnet at 27 kb. In the alkali olivine basalt composition, the liquidus phases are olivine at 1 Atmosphere and 9 kb, orthopyroxene with clinopyroxene at 13.5 kb, clinopyroxene at 18 kb and garnet at 27 kb. The sequence of appearance of phases below the liquidus has also been studied in detail. The electron probe micro-analyser has been used to make partial quantitative analyses of olivines, orthopyroxenes, clinopyroxenes and garnets which have crystallized at high pressure.These experimental and analytical results are used to determine the directions of fractionation of basaltic magmas during crystallization over a wide range of pressures. At pressures corresponding to depths of 35–70 km separation of aluminous enstatite from olivine tholeiite magma produces a direct fractionation trend from olivine tholeiites through olivine basalts to alkali olivine basalts. Co-precipitation of sub-calcic, aluminous clinopyroxene with the orthopyroxene in the more undersaturated compositions of this sequence produces derivative liquids of basanite type. Magmas of alkali olivine basalt and basanite type represent the lower temperature liquids derived by approximately 30% crystallization of olivine-rich tholeiite at 35–70 km depth. At depths of about 30 km, fractionation of olivine-rich tholeiite with separation of both olivine and low-alumina enstatite, joined at lower temperatures by sub-calcic clinopyroxene, leads to derivative liquids with relatively constant SiO2 (48 to 50%) increasingly high Al2O3 (15–17%) contents and retaining olivine + hypersthene normative chemistry (5–15% normative olivine). These have the composition of typical high-alumina olivine tholeiites. The effects of low pressure fractionation may be superimposed on magma compositions derived from various depths within the mantle. These lead to divergence of the alkali olivine basalt and tholeiitic series but convergence of both the low-alumina and high-alumina tholeiites towards quartz tholeiite derivative liquids.The general problem of derivation of basaltic magmas from a mantle of peridotitic composition is discussed in some detail. Magmas are considered to be a consequence of partial melting but the composition of a magma is determined not by the depth of partial melting but by the depth at which magma segregation from residual crystals occurs. Magma generation from parental peridotite (pyrolite) at depths up to 100 km involves liquid-crystal equilibria between basaltic liquids and olivine + aluminous pyroxenes and does not involve garnet. At 35–70 km depth, basaltic liquids segregating from a pyrolite mantle will be of alkali olivine basalt type with about 20% partial melting but with increasing degrees of partial melting, liquids will change to olivine-rich tholeiite type with about 30% melting. If the depth of magma segregation is about 30 km, then magmas produced by 20–25% partial melting will be of high-alumina olivine tholeiite type, similar to the oceanic tholeiites occurring on the sea floor along the mid-oceanic ridges.Hypotheses of magma fractionation and generation by partial melting are considered in relation to the abundances and ratios of trace elements and in relation to isotopic abundance data on natural basalts. It is shown that there is a group of elements (including K, Ti, P, U, Th, Ba, Rb, Sr, Cs, Zr, Hf and the rare-earth elements) which show enrichment factors in alkali olivine basalts and in some tholeiites, which are inconsistent with simple crystal fractionation relationships between the magma types. This group of elements has been called incompatible elements referring to their inability to substitute to any appreciable extent in the major minerals of the upper mantle (olivine, aluminous pyroxenes). Because of the lack of temperature contrast between magma and wall-rock for a body of magma near to its depth of segregation in the mantle, cooling of the magma involves complementary processes of reaction with the wall-rook, including selective melting and extraction of the lowest melting fraction. The incompatible elements are probably highly concentrated in the lowest melting fraction of the pyrolite. The production of large overall enrichments in incompatible elements in a magma by reaction with and highly selective sampling of large volumes of mantle wall-rock during slow ascent of a magma is considered to be a normal, complementary process to crystal fractionation in the mantle. This process has been called wall-rock reaction. Magma generation in the mantle is rarely a simple, closed-system partial melting process and the isotopic abundances and incompatible element abundances of a basalt as observed at the earth's surface may be largely determined by the degree of reaction with the mantle or lower crustal wall-rocks and bear little relation to the abundances and ratios of the original parental mantle material (pyrolite).Occurrences of cognate xenoliths and xenocrysts in basalts are considered in relation to the experimental data on liquid-crystal equilibria at high pressure. It is inferred that the lherzolite nodules largely represent residual material after extraction of alkali olivine basalt from mantle pyrolite or pyrolite which has been selectively depleted in incompatible elements by wall-rock reaction processes. Lherzolite nodules included in tholeiitic magmas would melt to a relatively large extent and disintegrate, but would have a largely refractory character if included in alkali olivine basalt magma. Other examples of xenocrystal material in basalts are shown to be probable liquidus crystals or accumulates at high pressure from basaltic magma and provide a useful link between the experimental study and natural processes.  相似文献   

浙江新昌早白垩世复合岩流中的岩浆混合作用   总被引:35,自引:7,他引:35  
周金城  俞云文 《岩石学报》1994,10(3):236-247
浙江新昌拔茅地区早白垩世复合岩流中各种火山岩(Rb-Sr等时线年龄为96.3Ma)属高钾钙碱性岩系,在其中发现了中生代火山活动中岩浆混合作用的确凿证据,岩相学及地球化学研究表明,这种复合岩流中的安山质岩浆是由同时代橄榄拉斑玄武岩浆和流纹岩浆相互混合而形成的。  相似文献   

To interpret the degassing of F-bearing felsic magmas, the solubilities of H2O, NaCl, and KCl in topaz rhyolite liquids have been investigated experimentally at 2000, 500, and ≈1 bar and 700° to 975 °C. Chloride solubility in these liquids increases with decreasing H2O activity, increasing pressure, increasing F content of the liquid from 0.2 to 1.2 wt% F, and increasing the molar ratio of ((Al + Na + Ca + Mg)/Si). Small quantities of Cl exert a strong influence on the exsolution of magmatic volatile phases (MVPs) from F-bearing topaz rhyolite melts at shallow crustal pressures. Water- and chloride-bearing volatile phases, such as vapor, brine, or fluid, exsolve from F-enriched silicate liquids containing as little as 1 wt% H2O and 0.2 to 0.6 wt% Cl at 2000 bar compared with 5 to 6 wt% H2O required for volatile phase exsolution in chloride-free liquids. The maximum solubility of Cl in H2O-poor silicate liquids at 500 and 2000 bar is not related to the maximum solubility of H2O in chloride-poor liquids by simple linear and negative relationships; there are strong positive deviations from ideality in the activities of each volatile in both the silicate liquid and the MVP(s). Plots of H2O versus Cl in rhyolite liquids, for experiments conducted at 500 bar and 910°–930 °C, show a distinct 90° break-in-slope pattern that is indicative of coexisting vapor and brine under closed-system conditions. The presence of two MVPs buffers the H2O and Cl concentrations of the silicate liquids. Comparison of these experimentally-determined volatile solubilities with the pre-eruptive H2O and Cl concentrations of five North American topaz and tin rhyolite melts, determined from melt inclusion compositions, provides evidence for the exsolution of MVPs from felsic magmas. One of these, the Cerro el Lobo magma, appears to have exsolved alkali chloride-bearing vapor plus brine or a single supercritical fluid phase prior to entrapment of the melt inclusions and prior to eruption. Received: 6 November 1995 / Accepted: 29 January 1998  相似文献   

Glass Mountain consists of a 1 km3, compositionally zoned rhyolite to dacite glass flow containing magmatic inclusions and xenoliths of underlying shallow crust. Mixing of magmas produced by fractional crystallization of andesite and crustal melting generated the rhyolite of Glass Mountain. Melting experiments were carried out on basaltic andesite and andesite magmatic inclusions at 100, 150 and 200 MPa, H2O-saturated with oxygen fugacity controlled at the nickel-nickel oxide buffer to provide evidence of the role of fractional crystallization in the origin of the rhyolite of Glass Mountain. Isotopic evidence indicates that the crustal component assimilated at Glass Mountain constitutes at least 55 to 60% of the mass of erupted rhyolite. A large volume of mafic andesite (2 to 2.5 km3) periodically replenished the magma reservoir(s) beneath Glass Mountain, underwent extensive fractional crystallization and provided the heat necessary to melt the crust. The crystalline residues of fractionation as well as residual liquids expelled from the cumulate residues are preserved as magmatic inclusions and indicate that this fractionation process occurred at two distinct depths. The presence and composition of amphibole in magmatic inclusions preserve evidence for crystallization of the andesite at pressures of at least 200 MPa (6 km depth) under near H2O-saturated conditions. Mineralogical evidence preserved in olivine-plagioclase and olivine-plagioclase-high-Ca clinopyroxene-bearing magmatic inclusions indicates that crystallization under near H2O-saturated conditions also occurred at pressures of 100 MPa (3 km depth) or less. Petrologic, isotopic and geochemical evidence indicate that the andesite underwent fractional crystallization to form the differentiated melts but had no chemical interaction with the melted crustal component. Heat released by the fractionation process was responsible for heating and melting the crust. Received: 26 March 1996 / Accepted: 14 November 1996  相似文献   

Rocks of two distinctly different magma series are found in a ∼4000-m-thick sequence of lavas and tuffs in the Maymecha River basin which is part of the Siberian flood-volcanic province. The tholeiites are typical low-Ti continental flood basalts with remarkably restricted, petrologically evolved compositions. They have basaltic MgO contents, moderate concentrations of incompatible trace elements, moderate fractionation of incompatible from compatible elements, distinct negative Ta(Nb) anomalies, and Nd values of 0 to +2. The primary magmas were derived from a relatively shallow mantle source, and evolved in large crustal magma chambers where they acquired their relatively uniform compositions and became contaminated with continental crust. An alkaline series, in contrast, contains a wide range of rock types, from meymechite and picrite to trachytes, with a wide range of compositions (MgO from 0.7 to 38 wt%, SiO2 from 40 to 69 wt%, Ce from 14 to 320 ppm), high concentrations of incompatible elements and extreme fractionation of incompatible from compatible elements (Al2O3/TiO2∼1; Sm/Yb up to 11). These rocks lack Ta(Nb) anomalies and have a broad range of Nd values, from −2 to +5. The parental magmas are believed to have formed by low-degree melting at extreme mantle depths (>200 km). They bypassed the large crustal magma chambers and ascended rapidly to the surface, a consequence, perhaps, of high volatile contents in the primary magmas. The tholeiitic series dominates the lower part of the sequence and the alkaline series the upper part; at the interface, the two types are interlayered. The succession thus provides evidence of a radical change in the site of mantle melting, and the simultaneous operation of two very different crustal plumbing systems, during the evolution of this flood-volcanic province. Received: 6 January 1998 / Accepted: 29 June 1998  相似文献   

Camiguin is a small volcanic island located 12 km north of Mindanao Island in southern Philippines. The island consists of four volcanic centers which have erupted basaltic to rhyolitic calcalkaline lavas during the last ∼400 ka. Major element, trace element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic data indicate that the volcanic centers have produced a single lava series from a common mantle source. Modeling results indicate that Camiguin lavas were produced by periodic injection of a parental magma into shallow magma chambers allowing assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes to take place. The chemical and isotopic composition of Camiguin lavas bears strong resemblance to the majority of lavas from the central Mindanao volcanic field confirming that Camiguin is an extension of the tectonically complex Central Mindanao Arc (CMA). The most likely source of Camiguin and most CMA magmas is the mantle wedge metasomatized by fluids dehydrated from a subducted slab. Some Camiguin high-silica lavas are similar to high-silica lavas from Mindanao, which have been identified as “adakites” derived from direct melting of a subducted basaltic crust. More detailed comparison of Camiguin and Mindanao adakites with silicic slab-derived melts and magnesian andesites from the western Aleutians, southernmost Chile and Batan Island in northern Philippines indicates that the Mindanao adakites are not pure slab melts. Rather, the CMA adakites are similar to Camiguin high-silica lavas which are products of an AFC process and have negligible connection to melting of subducted basaltic crust. Received: 27 February 1998 / Accepted: 27 August 1998  相似文献   

The origin of monzonitic intrusions that are associated with Proterozoic massif-type anorthosite complexes is controversial. A detailed oxygen isotope study of the Sybille intrusion, a monzonitic intrusion of the Laramie Anorthosite Complex (Wyoming), indicates that either derivation from a basaltic magma of mantle origin with a metasedimentary component (∼20%) incorporated early in its magmatic history, or a partial melt of lower crustal rocks is consistent with the data. The oxygen isotope compositions of plagioclase, pyroxene and zircon from the Sybille monzosyenite, the dominant rock type in the Sybille intrusion, were analyzed in order to establish the isotopic composition of the source of the magma. Plagioclase δ18O values range from 6.77 to 9.17‰. We interpret the higher plagioclase δ18O values (average 8.69 ± 0.30‰, n = 19) to be magmatic in origin, lower plagioclase δ18O values (average 7.51 ± 0.44‰, n = 22) to be the result of variable subsolidus alteration, and pyroxene δ18O values (average 6.34 ± 0.38‰, n = 19) to be the result of closed-system diffusional exchange during cooling. Low magnetic zircons, which have been shown to retain magmatic oxygen isotope values despite high grade metamorphism and extensive subsolidus hydrothermal alteration, have δ18O values (7.40 ± 0.24‰, n = 11) which are consistent with our interpretation of the plagioclase and pyroxene results. Oxygen isotope data from all three minerals indicate that the magmatic oxygen isotope composition of the Sybille intrusion is enriched in 18O relative to the composition of average or “normal” mantle-derived magmas. This enrichment is approximately twice the oxygen isotope enrichment that could result from closed-system fractionation, rendering a closed-system, comag- matic petrogenetic model between the Sybille intrusion and the mantle-derived anorthositic lithologies of the Laramie Anorthosite Complex improbable. Received: 7 April 1998 / Accepted: 19 January 1999  相似文献   

Glass-bearing inclusions hosted by Cr-spinel in harzburgite xenoliths from Avacha are grouped based on homogenization temperatures and daughter minerals into high-T (1,200°C; opx + cpx), intermediate (900–1,100°C; cpx ± amph), and low-T (900°C; amph) and are commonly accompanied by larger “melt pockets”. Unlike previous work on unheated inclusions and interstitial glass in xenoliths from Kamchatka, the homogenized glass compositions in this study are not affected by low-pressure melt fractionation during transport and cooling or by interaction with host magma. Primary melt compositions constrained for each inclusion type differ in major and trace element abundances and were formed by different events, but all are silica saturated, Ca-rich, and K-poor, with enrichments in LREE, Sr, Rb, and Ba and negative Nb anomalies. These melts are inferred to have been formed with participation of fluids produced by dehydration of slab materials. The high-T inclusions trapped liquids produced by ancient high-degree, fluid-induced melting in the mantle wedge. The low-T inclusions are related to percolation of low-T melts or hydrous fluids in arc mantle lithosphere. Melt pockets arise from localized heating and fluid-assisted melting induced by rising magmas shortly before the entrapment of the xenoliths. The “high-T” melt inclusions in Avacha xenoliths are unique in preserving evidence of ancient, high-T melting events in arc mantle, whereas the published data appear to characterize pre-eruption enrichment events.  相似文献   

The Dokhan volcanics are represented by a thick stratified lava flows succession of basalt, andesite, imperial porphyry, dacite, rhyodacite, rhyolite, ignimbrites, and tuffs. These lavas are interbanded with their pyroclastics in some places including banded ash flow tuffs, lithic tuffs, crystal lapilli tuffs, and agglomerates. They are typical calc–alkaline and developed within volcanic arc environment. All rocks show moderate enrichment of most large ion lithophile elements relative to high field strength elements (HFSE). The incompatible trace elements increase from basalt through andesite to rhyolite. The felsic volcanics are characterized by moderate total rare earth elements (REE) contents (162 to 392 ppm), less fractionated patterns {(Ce/Yb)N = (1.24 to 10.93)}, and large negative Eu anomaly {(Eu/Eu*) = (0.15 to 0.92)}. The mafic volcanics have the lowest REE contents (61 to 192 ppm) and are relatively steep {(Ce/Yb)N = (3.2 to 8.5)}, with no negative Eu anomalies {(Eu/Eu*) = (0.88 to 1)}. The rhyolite displays larger negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.28) than those of other varieties, indicating that the plagioclase was an early major fractionating phase. The mineralogical and chemical variations within volcanics are consistent with their evolution by fractional crystallization of plagioclase and clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

Subhorizontally layered pegmatite-aplite bodies are characterized by fine-grained, sodic to granitic aplite that is usually juxtaposed abruptly above by much coarser-grained, commonly graphic potassic pegmatite. Although well studied, there currently is little concensus as to how such dikes form. The Little Three dike near Ramona, California, is representative of such zoned bodies in this and other regions, and contains discontinuous miarolitic pockets near the base of the graphic pegmatite zone. Tourmaline, garnet, biotite, and muscovite show no changes in major- or minor-element compositions indicative of progressive magmatic fractionation until the immediate vicinity of the main miarolitic zone, where they record abrupt and extreme enrichments in Li, F, and Mn. There is no correlation of chemical changes in the dike with the appearance of small miarolitic vugs well below the main miarolitic zone, nor is there any indication that the aplite, graphic pegmatite, or miarolitic pockets represent separate magma injections. The chemistries of tourmaline, garnet, and micas, however, preclude conventional models of Rayleigh fractionation or traditional zone refining. Textural features and modeled cooling histories indicate that the dike cooled quickly and might have solidified partially or totally to glass before crystallization commenced. Geothermometry based on the compositions of coexisting plagioclase and homogeneous, nonperthitic K-feldspar indicates inward crystallization of the dike, from ∼400–435 °C at the margins to ∼350–390 °C within 20–30 cm of the pocket horizon, then a sharp decrease to 240–275 °C in the pockets where K-feldspar is perthitic. We interpret the feldspar geothermometry (except perhaps in the miarolitic cavities) to reflect the temperatures at crystallization fronts that advanced into the pegmatite, first from the foot wall and eventually joined by a similar front downward from the hanging wall. Crystallization down from the hanging wall may have commenced after ∼70–80% of the foot wall aplite had crystallized. The very abrupt increases of Li, Mn, and F in tourmaline and garnet near the miarolitic zone appear to be explained best by the process of constitutional zone refining, in which a fluxed crystallization front sweeps an incompatible element-enriched boundary layer through a solid or semi-solid. After these two highly fluxed boundary layers merged near the main miarolitic zone, compositional evolution could have proceeded by crystal-melt fractionation. Received: 24 March 1998 / Accepted: 10 March 1999  相似文献   

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The Rattlesnake Tuff of eastern Oregon comprises >99% ofhigh-silica rhyolite glass shards and pumices representing 280km3 of magma. Glassy, crystal-poor, high-silica rhyolite pumicesand glass shards cluster in five chemical groups that rangein color from white to dark gray with increasing Fe concentration.Compositional clusters are defined by Fe, Ti, LREE, Ba, Eu,Rb, Zr, Hf, Ta, and Th. Progressive changes with increasingdegree of evolution of the magma occur in modal mineralogy,mineral composition, and partition coefficients. Partition coefficientsare reported for alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, and titanomagnetite.Models of modal crystal fractionation, assimilation, successivepartial melting, and mixing of end members cannot account forthe chemical variations among rhyolite compositions. On theother hand, 50% fractionation of observed phenocryst compositionsin non-modal proportions agrees with chemical variations amongrhyolite compositions. Such non-modal fractionation might occuralong the roof and margins of a magma chamber and would yieldcompositions of removed solids ranging from syenitic to granitic.A differentiation sequence is proposed by which each more evolvedcomposition is derived from the previous, less evolved liquidby fractionation and accumulation, occurring mainly along theroof of a slab-like magma chamber. As a layer of derivativemagma reaches a critical thickness, a new layer is formed, generatinga compositionally and density stratified magma chamber. KEY WORDS: high-silica rhyolite; partition coefficients; differentiation; zoned ash-flow tuff; layered convection  相似文献   

The caldera-forming 26·5 ka Oruanui eruption (Taupo,New Zealand) erupted 530 km3 of magma, >99% rhyolitic, <1%mafic. The rhyolite varies from 71·8 to 76·7 wt% SiO2 and 76 to 112 ppm Rb but is dominantly 74–76 wt% SiO2. Average rhyolite compositions at each stratigraphiclevel do not change significantly through the eruption sequence.Oxide geothermometry, phase equilibria and volatile contentsimply magma storage at 830–760°C, and 100–200MPa. Most rhyolite compositional variations are explicable by28% crystal fractionation involving the phenocryst and accessoryphases (plagioclase, orthopyroxene, hornblende, quartz, magnetite,ilmenite, apatite and zircon). However, scatter in some elementconcentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and the presence of non-equilibriumcrystal compositions imply that mixing of liquids, phenocrystsand inherited crystals was also important in assembling thecompositional spectrum of rhyolite. Mafic compositions comprisea tholeiitic group (52·3–63·3 wt % SiO2)formed by fractionation and crustal contamination of a contaminatedtholeiitic basalt, and a calc-alkaline group (56·7–60·5wt % SiO2) formed by mixing of a primitive olivine–plagioclasebasalt with rhyolitic and tholeiitic mafic magmas. Both maficgroups are distinct from other Taupo Volcanic Zone eruptivesof comparable SiO2 content. Development and destruction by eruptionof the Oruanui magma body occurred within 40 kyr and Oruanuicompositions have not been replicated in vigorous younger activity.The Oruanui rhyolite did not form in a single stage of evolutionfrom a more primitive forerunner but by rapid rejuvenation ofa longer-lived polygenetic, multi-age ‘stockpile’of silicic plutonic components in the Taupo magmatic system. KEY WORDS: Taupo Volcanic Zone; Taupo volcano; Oruanui eruption; rhyolite, zoned magma chamber; juvenile mafic compositions; eruption withdrawal systematics  相似文献   

World-class Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: key factors in their genesis   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits form as the result of segregation and concentration of droplets of liquid sulfide from mafic or ultramafic magma, and the partitioning of chalcophile elements into these from the silicate melt. Sulfide saturation of a magma is not enough in itself to produce an ore deposit. The appropriate physical environment is required so that the sulfide liquid mixes with enough magma to become adequately enriched in chalcophile metals, and then is concentrated in a restricted locality so that the resulting concentration is of ore grade. The deposits of the Noril'sk region have developed within flat, elongate bodies (15 × 2 × 0.2 km) that intrude argillites, evaporites and coal measures, adjacent to a major, trans-crustal fault and immediately below the centre of a 3.5 km-thick volcanic basin. Studies of the overlying basalts have shown that lavas forming a 500 m-thick sequence within these have lost 75% of their Cu and Ni and more than 90% of their PGE. Overlying basalts show a gradual recovery in their chalcophile element concentrations to reach “normal” values 500 m above the top of the highly depleted zone. The ore-bearing Noril'sk-type intrusions correlate with those basalts above the depleted zone that contain “normal” levels of chalcophile elements. The high proportion of sulfide (2–10 wt.%) associated with the Noril'sk-type intrusions, the high PGE content of the ores, the extensive metamorphic aureole (100–400 m around the bodies), and the heavy sulfur isotopic composition of the ores (+8–+12 ∂34S) are explicable if the ore-bearing bodies are exit conduits from high level intrusions, along which magma has flowed en route to extrude at surface. The first magma to enter these intrusions reacted with much evaporitic sulfur, at a low “R” value and thus gave rise to sulfides with low metal tenors. Successive flow of magma through the system progressively enriched the sulfides in the conduits, losing progressively less of their chalcophile metals, and thus accounting for the upward increase in metals in successive lava flows above the highly depleted flows. The Voisey's Bay deposit lies partly within a 30–100 m-thick sheet of troctolite, interpreted as a feeder for the 1.334 Ga Voisey's Bay intrusion, and partly at the base of this intrusion, where the feeder adjoins it. Studies of olivine compositions indicate that an early pulse of magma through the feeder and into the intrusion was Ni depleted but that subsequent pulses were much less depleted. Trace element, Re-Os and S and O isotope data, and mineralogical studies indicate that the magma pulses interacted with country gneiss, probably principally in a deeper level intrusion, extracting SiO2, Na2O, K2O and possibly sulfur form the gneiss, which accounts for the magma becoming sulfide saturated. The Jinchuan deposit of north central China occurs within a 6 km-long dyke-like body of peridotite. The compositions of olivine within the dyke, the igneous rocks themselves, and the ore are all inconsistent with derivation of the body from ultramafic magma, as originally supposed, and indicate that the structure forms the keel of a much larger intrusion of magnesian basalt magma. Flow of magma into the intrusion has resulted in olivine and sulfide being retained where the keel was widening out into the intrusion. The West Australian komatiite-related deposits occur in thermal erosional troughs which have developed due to the channelisation of magma flow and the resulting thermal erosion of underlying sediments and basalt by the hot komatiite magma. The sediments are sulfide-rich, and may have contributed substantially to the sulfide of the ores. The mineralisation in the Duluth complex occurs in troctolitic intrusions along the western margin of the complex as a result of magma interacting with and extracting sulfur from the underlying graphite- and sulfide-bearing sediments. No magma flow channels have been identified so far, and the lack of magma flow subsequent to the development of sulfide immiscibility is regarded as the reason why these deposits are not of economic grade. When most major Ni-Cu sulfide deposits are compared, they prove to have a number of features in common; olivine-rich magma, proximity to a major crustal fault, sulfide-bearing country rocks, chalcophile element depletion in related intrusive or extrusive rocks, field and/or geochemical evidence of interaction between the magma and the country rocks, and the presence of or proximity to a magma conduit. The features are thought to explain the three key requirements (sulfide immiscibilty, adequate mixing between sulfides and magma, and localisation of the sulfides) discussed and have important implications with respect to exploration. Received: 9 January 1998 / Accepted: 21 September 1998  相似文献   

WOOD  D. A. 《Journal of Petrology》1978,19(3):393-436
Major and trace element analyses of 130 lavas, including rareearth elements (REE) for 90 of them, are used to investigategeochemical variation in this lava series. The lavas are dividedinto six compositional groups, ranging from high magnesia basaltto rhyolite, on the basis of Fe/Mg ratio and the phenocrystphase assemblage. The high magnesia basalts range from tholeiiticto transitional and show a correlation between silica saturationand light REE enrichment. This chemical variation cannot beexplained in terms of open or closed system crystal fractionationinvolving the observed phenocryst phases, but is probably theresult of a two (or more) stage mantle process. When the observedvertical chemical zonation and subsequent erosion of the lavapile are taken into account, it is apparent that a range ofbasaltic compositions has been available for eruption throughoutthe history of the lava pile. The evolved (low Mg) lavas belong to a spectrum of closed systemcrystal fractionation trends derived from each of the high magnesiabasalts. However, silicic and intermediate lavas are all derivedfrom the more light REE enriched basalts. The crystal fractionationmodel is quantified using a least squares mixing computer programfor the major elements and the Rayleigh equation for the REE.The importance of minor phases (i.e. iron-titanium oxides andapatite) in controlling both major and trace element behaviourin the residual liquid during crystal fractionation is established.The large calculated bulk solid/liquid distribution coefficientsfor most of the analysed trace elements, at certain compositionalintervals in the series, suggest that few, if any, of the elementscan be considered as totally incompatible. In detail the chemicalvariation in the silicic and intermediate lavas cannot be producedby the partial melting of a basaltic source. Hybrid intermediatelavas can be distinguished chemically from differentiates becausethey lie on linear trends between basalt and rhyolite for mostelements. Intermediate differentiates are only formed in a narrowcrystallization interval which, together with their need tobe superheated in order to reach the surface, probably explainsthe paucity of these compositions in the lava pile.  相似文献   

Postcollapse lavas of the Infiernito caldera grade stratigraphically upward from nearly aphyric, high-silica rhyolite (76% SiO2) to highly prophyritic trachyte (62% SiO2). Plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, magnetite, ilmenite, and apatite occur as phenocrysts throughout the sequence. Sanidine, biotite, and zircon are present in rocks with more than about 67% SiO2. Major and trace elements show continuous variations from 62 to 76% SiO2. Modeling supports fractional crystallization of the observed phenocrysts as the dominant process in generating the chemical variation.Temperatures calculated from coexisting feldspars, pyroxenes, and Fe-Ti oxides agree and indicate crystallization from slightly more than 1100° C in the most mafic trachyte to 800° C in high-silica rhyolite. The compositional zonation probably arose through crystallization against the chilled margin of the magma chamber and consequent rise of more evolved and therefore less dense liquid.Mineral compositions vary regularly with rock composition, but also suggest minor mixing and assimilation of wall rock or fluids derived from wall rock. Mixing between liquids of slightly different compositions is indicated by different compositions of individual pyroxene phenocrysts in single samples. Liquid-solid mixing is indicated by mineral compositions of glomerocrysts and some phenocrysts that apparently crystallized in generally more evolved liquids at lower temperature and higher oxygen fugacity than represented by the rocks in which they now reside. Glomerocrysts probably crystallized against the chilled margin of the magma chamber and were torn from the wall as the liquid rose during progressive stages of eruption. Assimilation is indicated by rise of oxygen fugacity relative to a buffer from more mafic to more silicic rocks.Calculation of density and viscosity from the compositional and mineralogical data indicates that the magma chamber was stably stratified; lower temperature but more evolved, thus less dense, rhyolite overlay higher temperature, less evolved, and therefore more dense, progressively more mafic liquids. The continuity in rock and mineral compositions and calculated temperature, viscosity, and density indicate that compositional gradation in the magma chamber was smoothly continuous; any compositional gaps must have been no greater than about 2% SiO2.  相似文献   

Perovskite and melilite crystals from melilitolites of the ultramafic alkaline Gardiner complex (East Greenland) contain crystallised melt inclusions derived from: (1) melilitite; (2) low-alkali carbonatite; (3) natrocarbonatite. The melilitite inclusion (1) homogenisation temperature of 1060 °C is similar to liquidus temperatures of experimentally investigated natural melilitites. The compositions are peralkaline, low in MgO (ca.␣5 wt%), Ni and Cr, and they are low-pressure fractionates of more magnesian larnite-normative ultramafic lamprophyre-type melts of primary mantle origin. Low-alkali carbonatite compositions (2) homogenise at 1060–1030 °C and are compositionally similar to immiscible calcite carbonatite dykes derived from the melilitolite magma. Natrocarbonatite inclusions (3) homogenise between 1030 and 900 °C and are compositionally similar to natrocarbonatite lava from Oldoinyo Lengai. Nephelinitic to phonolitic dykes which are related to the calcite carbonatite dykes, are very Zr-rich and agpaitic (molecular Na2O + K2O/Al2O3 > 1.2) and resemble nephelinites of Oldoinyo Lengai. The petrographic, geochemical and temporal relationships indicate unmixing of carbonatite compositions (ca. 10% alkalies) from evolving melilitite melt and continued fractionation of melilitite to nephelinite. It is suggested that the natrocarbonatite compositions represent degassed supercritical high temperature fluid formed in a cooling body of strongly larnite-normative nephelinite or evolved melilitite. The Gardiner complex and similar melilitolite and carbonatite-bearing ultramafic alkaline complexes are believed to represent subvolcanic complexes formed beneath volcanoes comparable to Oldoinyo Lengai and that the suggested origin of natrocarbonatite may be applied to natrocarbonatites of Oldoinyo Lengai. Received: 18 January 1996 / Accepted: 2 September 1996  相似文献   

The article describes heat exchange between basaltic and rhyolite melts accompanied by fractional crystallization of phases in a basaltic melt. A numerical model has been developed for the homogenization mechanism of magma composition during intrusion of basaltic magma batches into felsic magma chambers. The results of numerical modeling demonstrate that the time needed for cooling the basalts and their fractionation to rhyolite melts is much shorter than the time required for chemical interaction based on diffusive mechanisms.  相似文献   

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