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Eco-geographic system is a hierarchic regional system that is divided or combined according to comparison and integrated analysis on geographic regions related to biological and non-biological factors, and differentiation of the earth surface. Eco-geographic system serves as a scientific basis that is significant for regional corresponding to global change, establishment of environmental monitoring network, setting up ecological observation stations, rational natural resources use, land managem…  相似文献   

The influence of monsoon climatic characteristics makes the tropics of China different from those of other parts of the world. Therefore, the location of the northern boundary of China’s tropical zone has been one of the most controversial issues in the study of comprehensive physical regionalisation in China. This paper introduces developments in the study of the northern boundary of China’s tropical zone, in which different scholars delimit the boundary with great differences based on different regionalisation objectives, indexes, and methods. The main divergence of opinion is found in different understandings of zonal vegetation, agricultural vegetation type, cropping systems, tropical soil type and tropical characteristics. In this study, we applied the GeoDetector model, which measures the spatial stratified heterogeneity, to validate the northern boundaries of the tropical zone delimited by six principal scholars. The results show that the mean q-statistic value of the higher latitude boundary delimited by Ren Mei’e is the largest (q=0.37), suggesting that, of the rival views, it best reflects the regional differences between China’s tropical and subtropical zones, but it is not necessarily suitable for guiding the development of tropical agriculture. The mean values of the q-statistics of Zheng Du’s line and Yu Xianfang’s line around the Leizhou Peninsula at a lower latitude were smaller, at 0.10 and 0.08 respectively, indicating that the regional differences were smaller than those of Ren Mei’e’s boundary. Against the background of global climate change, the climate itself is changing in fluctuation. It is, thus, worth our further research whether the northern boundary of the tropical zone should not be a fixed line but rather should fluctuate within a certain scope to reflect these changes.  相似文献   

The influence of monsoon climatic characteristics makes the tropics of China different from those of other parts of the world. Therefore, the location of the northern boundary of China's tropical zone has been one of the most controversial issues in the study of comprehensive physical regionalisation in China. This paper introduces developments in the study of the northern boundary of China's tropical zone, in which different scholars delimit the boundary with great differences based on different regionalisation objectives, indexes, and methods. The main divergence of opinion is found in different understandings of zonal vegetation, agricultural vegetation type, cropping systems, tropical soil type and tropical characteristics. In this study, we applied the Geo Detector model, which measures the spatial stratified heterogeneity, to validate the northern boundaries of the tropical zone delimited by six principal scholars. The results show that the mean q-statistic value of the higher latitude boundary delimited by Ren Mei'e is the largest(q=0.37), suggesting that, of the rival views, it best reflects the regional differences between China's tropical and subtropical zones, but it is not necessarily suitable for guiding the development of tropical agriculture. The mean values of the q-statistics of Zheng Du's line and Yu Xianfang's line around the Leizhou Peninsula at a lower latitude were smaller, at 0.10 and 0.08 respectively, indicating that the regional differences were smaller than those of Ren Mei'e's boundary. Against the background of global climate change, the climate itself is changing in fluctuation. It is, thus, worth our further research whether the northern boundary of the tropical zone should not be a fixed line but rather should fluctuate within a certain scope to reflect these changes.  相似文献   

气候区域分异规律及其时空演变研究是气候变化研究的核心内容之一。以1951-2014年中国气象数据和基于HadCM3模式的1950-2059年气象模拟数据为数据源来分析中国主要气候区划界线的时空变化趋势。结果表明:我国寒温带界线北移,且速度呈加快趋势;中温带和暖温带的北部界线向北移动,且东段界线的移动趋势较明显;亚热带北部界线已越过秦岭-淮河一线,且其东段北移趋势较明显;热带范围逐渐向北扩张。东北地区由湿润转干燥,达到干湿并存的状态;河西走廊、青藏高原和新疆地区总体上呈转湿趋势,虽北方半干旱区有部分区域转换为干旱区,但未出现明显的移动;华北平原等地区的湿润-半湿润界线和干湿区分界线均向西北方向移动;南方湿润区的干湿状况未发生显著变化。  相似文献   

基于地理探测器的中国亚热带北界探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寇志翔  姚永慧  胡宇凡 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2821-2832
暖温带与亚热带的分界线,是自然区划中一条重要的自然界线,它的划分问题曾引起诸多学科学者的争论。由于早期综合自然区划研究多以定性、专家集成方法为主,同时区划目的、使用指标等多有不同,导致不同学者所划分的自然区多存在一定的差异。本文基于空间分异性思想,使用地理探测器定量探测气候指标对中国亚热带北界的影响,选择其中q值较大的指标如日均温≥0℃天数、最冷月1月均温、年降水和湿润指数等作为主导因子并参考植被、土壤数据探讨亚热带北界界线的位置。结果表明:① 地理探测器法可以快速、准确地筛选自然区划的主要气候指标,并确定分界线的准确位置,提高了自然区划研究的技术水平和区划界线的客观性。② 使用地理探测器划分的新界线在研究区西部位于秦岭南坡1000~1600 m的位置,与以往界线相比略偏南;在研究区东部河南东部、安徽北部比以往界线略偏北。在保持自然要素完整性的同时,新界线具有更大的q值,表明新界线可以很好的反映暖温带与北亚热带2个区划带之间的差异,划分结果具有合理性。  相似文献   

姚永慧  寇志翔  胡宇凡  张百平 《地理学报》2020,75(11):2298-2306
秦岭不仅是中国南北的地理分界线,也是中国亚热带和暖温带的气候分界线,在中国地理生态格局中占有重要的地位和作用。由于过渡带的复杂性、过渡性和异质性以及划分指标、研究目的的不同,学术界关于这一南北地理—生态分界线的具体位置一直有争论。为了进一步揭示秦巴山区过渡带的特征,明确中国南北地理—生态分界线的位置,本文选择马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林这两类分别代表中国南方亚热带针叶林和北方温带针叶林的植被,结合研究区SRTM地形数据、气温和降水数据等,以年降水、最冷月(1月)气温、最热月(7月)气温和年均温为气候指标,详细分析了这两类植被在秦巴山区的空间分布及二者分界线处的气候条件。结果表明:① 马尾松林和油松林的分界线及相应位置的气候指标可以作为亚热带与暖温带界线划分的植被—气候指标之一。秦巴山区亚热带针叶林(马尾松林)与温带针叶林(油松林)的分界线位于伏牛山南坡至汉中盆地北缘一线(秦岭南坡)海拔1000~1200 m处;分界线处气候指标稳定:年降水750~1000 mm,年均温12~14 ℃,最冷月气温0~4 ℃,最热月气温22~26 ℃。② 通过综合的植被—气候指标来划分秦巴山区亚热带和暖温带的界线,能更科学地确定气候带分界线的位置及过渡带的特征,更全面地反映地表植被—气候格局的变化。此外,秦巴山区亚热带与暖温带的界线应该是由亚热带与暖温带针叶林分界线、阔叶林分界线、灌丛分界线等组成的一个过渡带。本文的研究结果为亚热带与暖温带划分指标的选取提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

基于地理探测器的中国陆地热带北界探讨   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
热带北界一直是中国综合自然区划研究中争议较大的问题之一,不同学者基于不同区划指标和方法等划定的中国热带北界界线差异较大。基于空间分异性的综合自然区划思想,依托最新的基于统计学原理的地理探测器模型,以气候要素为主导指标,辅以土壤类型与作物熟制等,探讨中国陆地热带北界的界线。结果表明:① 依据地理探测器模型所确定的中国陆地热带北界,自西向东依次经过滇、桂、粤和闽的临沧、思茅、玉溪、个旧、百色、马山、贵港、梧州、肇庆、广州、惠州、河源、梅州、漳州、泉州和莆田等地附近,其与最冷月均温12 ℃等温线、赤红壤与红壤界线及双季稻或双季稻连作喜温旱作与单(双)季稻连作喜凉旱作的分界线等基本吻合;② 利用地理探测器确定的中国陆地热带北界新界线的各项指标决定力q值的均值为0.40,分异明显,满足层内同质性和层间异质性最大的区划原则,完全达到了热带与亚热带的区域空间异质性要求,其划分结果合理可信,表明地理探测器模型可为综合自然区划提供良好的技术支撑。  相似文献   

根据土壤化学特征划分伏牛山亚热带北界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The boundary between subtropical zone and temperate zone is not only important in physical geography, but also attractive in agricultural production. Seven soil profiles studied in this paper are placed along the southern slope of Funiu Mountain at different heights above sea level.Many compositions and properties of these soils have been determined in laboratory. In this paper,the laws of migration and accumulation of soil materials on the southern slope of Funiu Mountain are discussed first, then the division of the boundary between subtropical zone and temperate zone in this area according to soil geochemistry is discussed with qualitative methods and mathematical classification method in which twelve selected indexes such as Km, Saf, Ba, β, Feo/Fet, Mno/Mnt and so on are used. The result indicates that the boundary between subtropical zone and temperate zone on the southern slope of Funiu Mountain is about 950 m above sea level.  相似文献   

全新世中国东部亚热带地区气候变迁的古生物学证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国东部亚热带地区全新世期间的气候波动频繁,引起哺乳动物群的多次迁徙。该时期哺乳动物群的常见种属多见于亚热带地区,仅少数种属如貘、犀、长臂猿和亚洲象等在自然状态下主要分布于热带―中亚热带南部地区,指示了具热带气候性质的中亚热带南部的森林环境。文章在确定中国东部全新世不同阶段此类动物群的种属构成与分布特征的基础上,主要根据热带种的迁徙和分布特征,初步推断各阶段亚热带地区的气候变迁状况如下:盛冰期之后的冰消期,温度逐渐回升,14 000―12 000 a BP时,热带种分布北界大致南移2°,指示1月平均气温较今低3~5℃;12 000―8 500 a BP为升温期,气候转暖,热带种分布北界达中亚热带南部,逐渐类似于现今气候;8 500―5 000 a BP为大暖期,热带种分布北界抵秦岭―淮河一线,北移约6°,指示1月气温较今高约7~9℃;5 000―3 000 a BP为降温期,热带种分布北界位于秦岭―淮河以南的长江流域,北移约4°,指示1月气温较今高约5~6℃;3 000 a BP以来,气候逐渐变冷。这些变化体现了中国东部亚热带地区在全新世时期发生了多次较大的气候和生物气候带变迁事件。  相似文献   

中国茶树生态区划的新方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文在分析和研究我国各地茶叶生产情况、不同茶树种类对生态环境适宜的差异以及中国茶区自然环境特征的基础上,提出了新的茶树生态区划。此区划分为两级系统,第一级分出四个区即暖温带茶区(小叶种茶可种植区),北亚热带茶区(高品质小叶种茶适宜区),中亚热带茶区(中小叶种茶最适宜区),南亚热带、热带茶区(大叶种茶适宜区)。在一级区的基础上,又分出九个二级小区。指出了中国各个茶区的发展方向,对我国今后的茶叶生产乃至茶叶的出口创汇意义重大。  相似文献   

秦巴山区是中国南北过渡带的主体,过渡带分界划分在学界一直存在争议,确定和改进划分指标对构建中国生态地理格局有重要作用。土壤作为过渡带的核心部分,其关键指标的空间分布及变异机制对识别过渡效应和区域特征有指示作用。本文基于土壤二普资料,采用空间模拟和地统计方法分析土壤有机碳/全氮空间特征及与主要自然地理要素的关系。结果显示,秦巴山区有机碳/全氮含量空间分布趋势一致,存在3个高值区、1个次高值区和1个低值区。高值区分布在秦岭、大巴山高海拔区域和嘉陵江以西山地,含量分别为15.03~71.04 g/kg、1782.61~7710.00 mg/kg;低值区沿秦岭北坡的渭河谷地、南五台山和伏牛山分布,含量分别为0.64~6.50 g/kg、110.00~885.96 mg/kg;次高值区主要在汉江两侧、秦巴山地之间海拔< 1000 m及嘉陵江两侧略高于1000 m的山体,含量介于以上二者之间,自西向东呈南北向宽幅逐渐增大的“喇叭状”趋势。综合考虑地形—植被—气候作用,发现秦岭南坡—大巴山北坡有机碳/全氮次高值区分布范围与1000 m等高线、暖温带落叶阔叶林带(含常绿成分)和亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林带上限、1月0 ℃等温线、7月24 ℃等温线较一致,区内1月、7月、季节和全年气温变化较小,各季降雨变幅大,该区是亚热带向暖温带过渡的主体,北界大致沿都江堰—茂县—平武—文县和秦岭南坡1000 m等高线分布,南以都江堰—北川—青川和大巴山北坡1000 m等高线为界。有机碳/全氮空间变化为亚热带—暖温带的划界提供一定依据,进一步识别典型区土壤过程及生态效应,将全面揭示土壤多维过渡特征及其变异机理。  相似文献   

气候是影响植被类型和分布的关键因素,植被类型和分布格局也能反映气候的地域差异。随着气候变暖,全球气温和降水格局都将发生变化,植被类型和分布格局也将随之改变。而植物对气候变化的响应存在一定的滞后性,因此仅用气候指标研究亚热带北界及其移动具有一定的局限性。以青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunberg) Oersted)为研究对象,应用最大熵模型(Maxent),研究了其对气候变化的响应并探讨了气候变化情景下青冈分布格局变化对中国亚热带北界移动的指示意义。结果表明:影响青冈分布的主导环境因子为年降水量、最冷季降水量、气温年变化范围和最冷月最低气温;随着气候变暖,青冈分布北界将向北移动,其分布质心亦向西北移动,预示着在气候变暖的背景下,到21世纪中叶中国亚热带北界将向北移动约1个纬度。  相似文献   

1951-2010 年中国主要气候区划界线的移动   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
根据采用同一区划方法、指标体系划分的1951-1980 年及1981-2010 年中国气候区划结果,对比分析了过去60 年中国气候区划的主要界线变化特征。结果表明:1951-1980 年至1981-2010 年,我国寒温带界线西缩、北移;暖温带北界东段北移,其中最大北移幅度超过1个纬度;北亚热带北界东段平均北移1 个纬度以上,并越过淮河一线;中亚热带北界中段从江汉平原南沿移至了江汉平原北部,最大移动幅度达2 个纬度;南亚热带北界西段北移0.5~2 个纬度;青藏高原亚寒带范围缩小,高原温带范围增加。东北湿润、半湿润区虽转干与趋湿并存,但其中温带地区的湿润-半湿润东界东移,大兴安岭中部与南部的半湿润-半干旱界线北扩;其他地区的干湿分界线虽未出现明显移动,但北方半干旱及华北半湿润区总体转干,河西走廊、新疆及青藏高原的干旱、半干旱区总体转湿;而南方湿润区则趋干与转湿并存。  相似文献   

基于同一区划方法、指标体系,使用1961—2014年辽宁省52站气象观测资料,分析辽宁省气温、气候区划指标、范围及界线的变动特征。结果表明:辽宁省年均气温在1988年发生一次突变,突变后气温开始显著上升;≥10 ℃积温日数比较显著地响应气温突变,而干燥指数、7月平均气温变化不显著。在空间分布上区划指标值均存在不同程度的变化。① 全省≥10 ℃积温日数均出现增加,但在中西部地区显著增加;② 在盘锦-抚顺一线以北(南),气候总体呈不显著变湿(干)趋势;③ 7月平均气温呈缓慢上升趋势。区划范围及界线位置出现更加显著地变化:① 暖温带范围主要向北向东扩展,中温带向东收缩;② 半湿润区范围主要向北向西扩展,半干旱区向西北方向收缩,湿润区范围基本不变;③ Tb范围显著向北向东扩展,Ta范围向北向东收缩。在此基础上分析了气候格局变化的可能气候成因,发现突变后≥10 ℃积温日数期间500 hPa高度场增加与4月和10月东亚冬季风减弱,4—10月东北冷涡持续天数增加和7月500 hPa高度场增加,可能分别是温度带,Tb区、Ta区和半湿润区、半干旱区变化的原因。  相似文献   

竺可桢同志逝世,忽忽已十更寒暑。他生前在中国科学院任副院长二十多年,对我国热带的研究抱着很大热忱。我国自然条件复杂,但热带面积不大。利用如此有限的热带,对全国经济可以挹注有无,截长补短,起到很重要的作用。从五十年代中期开始,他曾积极组织琼雷和滇南的综合考察,他自己亦数度跋涉于湿热的环境中。  相似文献   

伏牛山和鸡公山自然保护区植物区系比较   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
比较研究了河南省内伏牛山和鸡公山两个自然保护区的植物区系,并计算了两地植物相似性系数。研究发现两地植物区系具有一定的相似性,但也存在一定的差异。伏牛山的植物区系整体上的过渡性更强,与华中区和华北区的联系比较紧密,既有热带、亚热带分布种,北温带分布种也占有一定的地位。鸡公山更趋近于北亚热带植物区系。  相似文献   

赤道中东太平洋关键区海温对宁夏春季降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于宁夏全区范围内24个常规气象站近53 a春季降水量资料和美国气候预测中心1961-2013年Niño1+2和Niño3.4月平均海平面温度指数资料及NCEP/NCAR北半球月平均500hPa高度距平场再分析资料,采用经验正交函数分解(EOF)及滑动相关分析方法,对宁夏逐年春季降水量的空间分布进行分型,并分析了各空间分布型的时间演变特征,进一步研究了赤道中东太平洋关键区(Niño1+2、Niño3.4)海温是如何通过对西太平洋副高及500 hPa中高纬大气环流的影响来影响宁夏的春季降水。结果表明:近53 a来,宁夏春季降水全区一致偏多或偏少分布型的占比超过70%,21世纪后全区降水一致偏少型明显减少;前一年夏秋季节赤道中东太平洋关键区海温与次年宁夏春季降水存在持续5~8个月的显著高相关,其中7~9月相关最显著,且相关程度逐步提高;研究发现,前一年夏秋季节,赤道中东太平洋关键区海温异常,通过海气相互作用,对次年春季北半球500 hPa高度距平场上中高纬度大气环流的配置以及西太平洋副热带高压的位置产生明显的影响,近而影响形成次年春季宁夏降水的水汽来源以及空间分布。因此,这些前期的稳定强信号对宁夏春季降水预测具有明确的指示意义。  相似文献   

基于热带气旋时间、路径、强度数据和中国728个气象站点1951~2014年日降水数据,分析了年和季节极端降水广义极值(GEV)分布函数特征及受热带气旋的影响。通过检查年和各季节极端降水的非一致性,发现具有变异点或显著时间趋势的站点占总站点数的比例较低。仅考虑满足一致性的站点,年和各季节极端降水GEV分布上尾部在全国大部分区域表现出厚尾特征,且不具有上边界。总体来看北方厚尾特征重于南方,秋季和冬季明显高于年和夏季。年极端降水厚尾特征受到不同季节极端降水机制的混合影响。而且,热带气旋对中国沿海区域极端降水有重要影响,往往引发大量级极端降水。东南沿海地区最大10场极端降水由热带气旋引发的比例达到60%以上。因此热带气旋趋向于增加沿海区域年极端降水GEV分布形状参数的大小,并控制着曲线上尾部的形状。  相似文献   

This historical review of 20 studies since the 1960s examines the influence of urban development on the thermal environment in Singapore, a fast growing tropical island city‐state. Past observations are critically assessed with regard to experimental controls and station metadata. Given the availability of historical climate and developmental data spanning almost 50 years, changes in urban heat island (UHI) intensity and spatial coverage can be traced temporally. Rapid urban expansion in Singapore is clearly reflected in spatially and temporally changing air and surface temperature patterns. The nocturnal canopy‐layer UHI intensity – measured as the difference between the commercial urban core and undeveloped areas close to primary or secondary rainforests for example – doubled in magnitude between 1965 and 2004. At the same time, the spatial extent of the nocturnal UHI has also expanded with the development of new housing and industrial districts. The influence of the growing city is also reflected in surface temperature. Two satellite images dated 13 years apart demonstrate the encroachment of areas with high surface temperatures into previously cooler areas during daytime corresponding with new public housing estates and low‐rise residential areas or facilities being built. The results from our study contribute to the growing body of tropical heat island research. They provide baseline data for future research and urban development in the Singapore context and, more generally, offer important cues for urban planners to make tropical cities more sustainable.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regional system is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality. In previous studies, soil types were often taken as a basis for soil regionalization. However, the quantitative characteristics of soil indicators are fitter than the qualitative ones of soil types for modern regionalization researches. Based on the second China’s national soil survey data and the provincial soil resource information, by principal analysis and discriminant analysis, this paper discusses the appropriate soil indicators as the complement of eco-geographic region indicator systems and the relationships between these soil indicators and soil types in regionalization. The results show that five indicators are used in eco-geographic zonality in mid-temperate zone of eastern China which are organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, pH, clay content and bulk density in topsoils. With a regression-kriging approach, the maps of soil indicators in mid-temperate zone of eastern China are compiled with a resolution of 1 km in every grid and the indicative meanings of these soil indicators are discussed. By cluster analysis it is proved that these soil indicators are better than the soil types and soil regionalization in delineating eco-geographic regions.  相似文献   

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