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~~Joint exploration of crustal structure in Fuzhou basin and its vicinities by deep seismic reflection and high-resolution refraction as well as wide-angle reflection/refraction1.Ma,X.Y.,The Atlas of Lithospheric Dynamics of China(in Chinese),Beijing:Atlas Publishing Company,1989,1-68. 2.Liao,Q.L.,Wang,Z.M.,Wang,P.L.et al.,Explosion-generated earthquake study on crustal deep structure in Fuzhou-Quanzhou-Shantou region,Acta Geophysica Sinica(in Chinese),1988,31(3):270-280. 3.L…  相似文献   

A 400 km-long wide-angle seismic experiment along Lianxian-Gangkou profile in South China was carried out to study contact relationship between southeast continental margin of Yangtze block and northwest continental margin of Cathaysia block. We reconstructed crustal wide-angle reflection structure by the depth-domain pre-stack migration and the crustal velocity model constructed from the traveltime fitting. The wide-angle reflection section shows different reflection (from crystalline basement and Moho) pa...  相似文献   

A 400 km-long wide-angle seismic experiment along Lianxian-Gangkou profile in South China was carried out to study contact relationship between southeast continental margin of Yangtze block and northwest continental margin of Cathaysia block. We reconstructed crustal wide-angle reflection structure by the depth-domain pre-stack migration and the crustal velocity model constructed from the traveltime fitting. The wide-angle reflection section shows different reflection (from crystalline basement and Moho) pattern beneath the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, and suggests the Wuchuan-Sihui fault is the boundary between them. A cluster of well-developed reflections on Moho and in its underlying topmost mantle probably comes from alternative thin layers, which may be seismic signature of strong interaction between crust and mantle in the tectonic environment of lithosphere extension.  相似文献   

广角反射波场特征研究及正演模拟分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
本文主要讨论了广角反射波场特征及影响广角反射波波形识别的几个主要因素,通过高斯射线正演模拟分析,以及对实际广角反射资料(WAR)进一步处理与研究,得到了一些十分有意又的结论,这些结论可以作为一些特殊地质构造地区进行广角反射地震勘探的理论依据。  相似文献   

IntroductionDuringtheMarchof1997,anactive-sourceseismicexperimentwasundertakenbyajointSino-GermanseismicprojecttoinvestigatethesubsurfacestructurebeneaththeDabieUHPMbeltwithintheframeworkofinternationalContinentalScientificDrillingProgramme(ICDP).ThetargetareaislocatedbetweenYuexiandQianshaninAnhuiProvince,andgeologicallyonthejunctureoftheDabieorogenicbeltandtheTanlufault(Figurel).Thisexperimentisparticularlydesignedsinthefieldcombinedwiththeinterestsofseismictomographyandwide-anglere…  相似文献   

Three types of seismic data recorded near Coalinga, California were analyzed to study the behavior of scattered waves: 1) aftershocks of the May 2, 1983 earthquake, recorded on verticalcomponent seismometers deployed by the USGS; 2) regional refraction profiles using large explosive sources recorded on essentially the same arrays above; 3) three common-midpoint (CMP) reflection surveys recorded with vibrator sources over the same area. Records from each data set were bandpassed filtered into 5 Hz wide passbands (over the range of 1–25 Hz), corrected for geometric spreading, and fit with an exponential model of amplitude decay. Decay rates were expressed in terms of inverse codaQ (Q c –1 ).Q c –1 values for earthquake and refraction data are generally comparable and show a slight decrease with increasing frequency. Decay rates for different source types recorded on proximate receivers show similar results, with one notable exception. One set of aftershocks shows an increase ofQ c –1 with frequency.Where the amplitude decay rates of surface and buried sources are similar, the coda decay results are consistent with other studies suggesting the importance of upper crustal scattering in the formation of coda. Differences in the variation ofQ c –1 with frequency can be correlated with differences in geologic structure near the source region, as revealed by CMP-stacked reflection data. A more detailed assessment of effects such as the depth dependence of scattered contributions to the coda and the role of intrinsic attenuation requires precise control of source-receiver field geometry and the study of synthetic seismic data calculated for velocity models developed from CMP reflection data.  相似文献   

洱源-江川宽角地震剖面的地壳反射特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
通过对洱源-江川宽角反射地震资料的叠前偏移处理成像,得到了一个类似于近垂直入射多道地震数据的记录剖面.反射剖面图像与地壳速度结构共同揭示出地壳厚度由剖面西北端(约45 km)向东南端(约40 km)减薄.在洱源-楚雄西北附近深度约10 km处存在一组向东南倾斜的强反射震相,其东南约50 km处存在向西北倾斜的强射震相.易门断裂两侧地壳反射属性具有明显的差异,易门断裂之西北方向深度25~40 km处,中下地壳内存在两组强振幅,向东南方向上倾的地震反射同相轴,并被楚雄-建水断裂后期所错断,易门断裂之东南方向上,地壳内反射较为均一,未见特别明显的强间断面反射信息,这个反射结构被解释为印度板块东向俯冲与藏东缘地壳物质东向逃逸综合作用导致下地壳增厚和厚地壳变形的结果.  相似文献   

高分辨折射地震资料处理方法及其应用   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
高分辨折射探测剖面近几年在我国的一些重要地学基础研究项目,特别是在中国地震局“十五” 期间开展的城市活断层探测及复杂上部地壳精细结构研究中得到了越来越广泛的应用.本文对在用传统有限差分方法处理高分辨折射地震资料时的缺陷及其改进算法的研究进展进行了较全面的讨论,对一些缺陷我们已给出了解决的方案,并已成功地应用于实际人工地震高分辨折射测量资料的分析处理,取得了较好的效果,还给出了将改进方法应用于深反射剖面初至波处理解释的一个应用实例,对于另一些缺陷我们在对国内外该领域研究现状调研的基础上,给出了目前我们正在进行中的解决方案.  相似文献   

云南西部地壳深部结构特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在云南西部,穿过红河、小江断裂带完成了一条长360 km、呈北东向的深地震宽角反射/折射剖面.通过对该测线的观测资料进行一维、二维模拟解释,得到了沿剖面的二维地壳速度模型.研究结果显示,沿测线Moho界面埋深横线变化大,其西南侧Moho埋深约35 km,东北侧Moho最大埋深可达43 km.沿剖面从西南到北东方向,地壳平均P波速度从5.9 km/s逐渐增加到6.13 km/s,但显著低于全球大陆平均值.结合以往的接收函数和面波联合反演结果,我们推算沿测线从西南到东北,其下方地壳泊松比介于0.23~0.25之间.剖面西南侧上地壳具有异常低的P波速度和泊松比,暗示其下方上地壳以α-相长英质组分为主;而剖面东北上地壳相对较高的P波速度和泊松比则暗示其物质组成以花岗岩-花岗闪长岩为主.研究区下地壳的P波速度和泊松比分别介于6.25~6.75 km/s和0.24~0.26 km/s之间,暗示其上部组成以花岗岩相的片麻岩为主,而下部组成则以角闪石类岩石为主.红河断裂两侧地壳速度显著不同,从浅到深其速度差异逐渐变弱,但红河断裂两侧地壳厚度变化较大.而小江断裂下方两侧地壳速度和地壳厚度变化并没有红河断裂那么明显.  相似文献   

The mechanisms contributing to the attenuation of earthquake ground motion in the distance range of 10 to 200 km are studied with the aid of laboratory data, coda wavesRg attenuation, strong motion attenuation measurements in the northeast United States and Canada, and theoretical models. The frequency range 1–10 Hz has been studied. The relative contributions to attenuation of anelasticity of crustal rocks (constantQ), fluid flow and scattering are evaluated. Scattering is found to be strong with an albedoB 0=0.8–0.9 and a scattering extinction length of 17–32 km. The albedo is defined as the ratio of the total extinction length to the scattering extinction length. TheRg results indicate thatQ increases with depth in the upper kilometer or two of the crust, at least in New England. CodaQ appears to be equivalent to intrinsic (anelastic)Q and indicates that thisQ increases with frequency asQ=Q o f n , wheren is in the range of 0.2–0.9. The intrinsic attenuation in the crust can be explained by a high constantQ (500Q o2000) and a frequency dependent mechanism most likely due to fluid effects in rocks and cracks. A fluid-flow attenuation model gives a frequency dependence (QQ o f 0.5) similar to those determined from the analysis of coda waves of regional seismograms.Q is low near the surface and high in the body of the crust.  相似文献   

广角地震处理方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
广角地震可以在常规地震所无法解决的无记录和差记录区进行,完成地壳深部的调查研究.迄今已完成几万公里的测线任务.为了更好地处理广角地震数据,应采用一些特殊的处理手段,获取高质量的成像剖面,更好地服务于勘探开发.本文在介绍广角地震国内外发展现状的基础上,着重阐述了广角反射、折射中一些关键技术及存在的问题,并做了展望.  相似文献   

本文对大地坐标在主动源人工地震宽角反射/折射探测剖面各个环节中的应用分别给予了阐释.大地坐标贯穿于整个主动源人工地震剖面勘探工作中,从野外地震剖面设计、地震勘探资料成果计算、资料解释都需要大地坐标参入定位、换算、成果输出等.用Visual Basic6.0编写了大地坐标转换与直角坐标相互转换、桩号计算、炮检距计算等多方面功能的应用程序.该程序在地震宽角反射/折射剖面设计及资料解释各个环节中得到了广泛的应用,在人工地震地壳结构探测与研究过程中起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

A new algorithm for tomographic inversion of traveltimes of reflected and refracted seismic waves is developed. The inversion gives interface configurations and velocity distributions in layers. The important features of the algorithm are: (a) the inclusion of shot time delays in the list of unknown parameters; (b) the regularization is applied in such a way that the most probable model is characterized by the similarity of neighbouring interfaces. As the problem under consideration is non-linear, several iterations are necessary in order to obtain the final model. In the case of a very inexact initial model, a 'layer-by-layer' inversion strategy is recommended as a first inversion step. The inversion program is supplied with a user interface, thanks to which one can: (a) pick interactively and identify seismic traveltimes; (b) build and edit depth/velocity models; and (c) display calculated traveltime curves and compare them with picked traveltimes as well as with the original seismic sections. The efficiency of the inversion software developed is illustrated by a numerical example and a field example in which shallow seismic data are considered. Application to wide-aperture reflection/refraction profiling (WARRP) data is also possible.  相似文献   

漳州盆地及其邻区地壳深部结构的探测与研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
漳州盆地及其邻区地处我国大陆东南沿海地震带中段。通过该地区高分辨率折射及宽角反射,折射地震探测剖面,获得了该区地壳几何结构与速度结构、地壳深浅部断裂的几何形态和构造关系等。结果表明,该区地壳分为上地壳和下地壳。上地壳的厚度为16.5~18.8km,下地壳厚度为12.0~13.0km。上地壳分为上下两部分。在上地壳下部有一个低速层,速度约为6.00km/s,低速层顶面深度为12.0km左右,厚度约为5.0km。下地壳也分为上下两部分。Moho界面的深度为29.0~31.8km。该区6条地壳浅部正断层大部分向地下延伸深度不超过4km,最大延伸深度达5km左右。据推测,浅部正断层下方有一条高倾角地壳深断裂带,该断裂带向下断至Moho面,向上断至上地壳下部低速层中。深浅部断裂构造不相连接。漳州盆地深浅部构造组合特征表明,九龙江断裂带是该区内一条特征明显、具有复杂深浅构造背景的深断裂带。这一深地震探测成果的获得,使得该地区深部资料解释的可靠性和探测精度比以往显著提高;对深浅部构造的组合可作统一解释,地壳的分层和结构特征更为确切和精细;首次发现上地壳的拉张性构造及铲式正断层组合特征,不仅有助于对漳州及其邻区地震危险性的综合判定,而且对深化东南沿海地震带深部动力学过程的认识具有重要意义。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe Zhangzhou basinislocated onthe southeast coast of Fujian Province .Interms of geotectonicunits ,it lies in the east Fujian volcanic fault-depression zone between the Wuyi-Daiyun mountainupheaval zone and depression zone of Taiwan Straits of the south China block. In terms ofseismotectonics ,it islocatedinthe middle sectionof the southeasterncoastal seismic zone .In history,the area was influenced by repeated destructive earthquakes , and the seismic activity was closely…  相似文献   

射线追踪方法是研究地震波在横向非均匀地壳介质中传播的重要方法.本文推导了理论走时对网格化节点速度的偏导数公式,提出了针对深地震宽角反射/折射剖面数据反演的联合迭代法,并使用该方法对横跨龙门山断裂带中段的一条深地震宽角反射/折射剖面进行了反演和解释.首先,对每一炮的观测数据进行一维反演,在此基础上插值出一个粗略的二维速度模型;然后,使用射线追踪方法计算理论走时,再根据理论走时与观测走时的拟合程度对二维模型进行调整,以获得更加接近实际的二维速度模型;最后,利用联合迭代法对观测走时进行反演,经反复迭代使所有接收点理论走时与实测走时的残差平方和最小,最终获取该剖面的二维地壳速度结构.反演结果表明:测线东段的沉积盖层明显厚于中段褶皱带和西部高原,中部褶皱带部分地区出现基岩裸露;构造转换带两侧的地层分界面近于水平层状分布,其西侧的中、下地壳内各存在一个层间速度间断面;构造转换带内存在薄厚不等的低速层,自西向东有增厚趋势.此外,龙门山断裂带的3条主断裂向下深切结晶基底,这是由于西部松潘—甘孜地块自西向东运动,受到刚性扬子地块的阻挡,沿铲式断裂向上爬升所致;而在断层上盘距地表约15 km深处出现的最大剪应力极值区,正是发生汶川MS8.0地震的震源位置.   相似文献   

VelocitystructureofthecrustanduppermantleinXingtaiearthquakeregion and itsadjacentareaZhi-PingZHU;(祝治平)Xian-KangZHANG;(张称康)Yu...  相似文献   




The Sanjiang area in southwest China is considered as a tectonic intersection belt between the Tethys-Alps and the western Pacific, and has endured three-phase evolution processes: Proto-Tethys,Paleo-Tethys and Meso-Tethys[1―4]. In this area, its tectonics and struc- ture are extremely complicated, and intensively extru-sive deformation and faults are widely developed[1―3]. For that, the area is considered as the ideal na- ture-laboratory to study the evolution of Paleo-Tethys and also …  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山系的崛起、青藏高原的隆升以及与成山、成岩、成盆、成矿和成灾相关的深层过程是东亚乃至全球地球动力学研究中最为重要的科学事件.1958年始在柴达木盆地的地震反射探测与地壳、上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学研究开启了青藏高原地球内部研究的先河,半个世纪以来它影响并引导着我国这一科学领域的发展和前进.本文为纪念地壳与上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学在中国的诞生而作.柴达木盆地壳、幔精细结构地震反射探测结果表明:柴达木盆地的沉积层巨厚可达15~19 km,且存在着迴折波和不同类型与路径的多次波.地壳厚达50~52 km,且存在着高速梯度夹层和低速层.Moho界带为由高、低速相间的薄层束组构,且上地幔顶部纵波速度为8.1 km/s.从这一基点出发,对包括柴达木盆地在内的青藏高原地球深部与地球动力学研究中的几个科学问题进行了思考!为今后青藏高原地球物理深化研究的内涵和布局提出了初步的见解.  相似文献   

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