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小秦岭地区是中国重要的金钼矿产基地。以构造-岩浆-成矿系统为指导,综合研究认为区内金钼多金属矿床可分为印支期—燕山期与重熔型花岗岩浆侵入活动有关的金(钼)矿床成矿系列和与深源浅成型花岗岩、碱性岩有关的钼(金钨)矿床成矿系列。金(钼)矿床类型主要包括石英脉型、构造蚀变岩型、糜棱岩型、爆破角砾岩型和复合型等,以前两者为主;钼(金钨)矿床类型主要包括斑岩型、斑岩-矽卡岩型、斑岩-爆破角砾岩型、石英-碳酸岩脉型和构造蚀变岩型等,也以前两者为主。该区三叠世以来共发生过3次岩浆侵入活动,每次都伴有不同程度的钼金矿化作用,并分别对应于不同的钼金矿化高峰期。钼的成矿作用分为印支期(210~220 Ma)和燕山期早白垩世早期(140~145Ma)、早白垩世中晚期(110~138Ma);金的成矿作用分为印支期(约220Ma)和燕山期早白垩世中晚期(约130Ma);钼、金成矿在印支期和燕山期早白垩世中晚期叠合,而在燕山期早白垩世早期分离。整体上,区内岩体与断裂构造控矿特征明显,燕山期金钼成矿作用强烈发育。该区娃娃沟—峪耳沟、峪耳沟—曹家沟、太子坪—葫芦沟—荒地沟与文公岭北坡等地区为金钼多金属矿的有利找矿靶区,并应特别重视中酸性小岩体的含矿性评价。  相似文献   

根据大量野外地质调查和室内分析研究,小秦岭东部控矿韧性剪切带的构造特征可概括为以下几点:①依据应力矿物塑性变形的差异,区内出露早期、晚期脆韧性控矿剪切带及韧脆性控矿剪切带;②早期脆韧性控矿剪切带形成温度高于500℃,古应力值大于100MΡa,剪切方向以右行逆冲为主,变质作用达高绿片岩相;③晚期脆韧性控矿剪切带生成温度低于500℃,古应力值在70~50MΡa之间,既有右行剪切,又有左行剪切,变质作用为绿片岩相;④韧脆性控矿剪切带形成温度更低,古应力值小于50MΡa,剪切方位多次变化,变质作用为低绿片岩相;⑤在空间上,控矿韧性剪切带呈波浪状,它们在活动—平静—再活动—再平静波浪演化中形成,因而是金矿形成、富集的有利因素之一  相似文献   

根据小秦岭地区含金石英脉与糜棱岩的空间分布关系可将石英脉分为交代脉、拉张脉、剪切脉、角砾岩脉和裂隙脉等五种类型,它们是不同构造阶段的产物。脉体宏观构造、微观构造、包体测压数据及石英X射线研究表明,脉体的充填、定位与容矿空间扩张同时形成,容矿空间的形成是含金热液液压致裂作用的直接结果。本文详细研究了构造岩的岩石学、岩相学特征,并对构造岩的形成条件及与金矿化关系等做了初步探讨  相似文献   

浑南位于华北地台,辽东台背斜铁岭-靖宇古隆起西部。区内浑河断裂及次级苏子河断裂的多期次活动控制了岩浆活动、火山喷发,以及矿产的分布。浑南地区金成矿分布主要集中在南口前及三块石花岗岩体周围,形成了南口前地区以金矿化为主,三块石(下营子—马尔墩)一带以金、银多金属矿化为主的成矿演化序列。  相似文献   

本文在对小秦岭金矿脉、围岩、石英中气液包裹体等采取27个氢氧同位素样品并进行测试分析的基础上,论述了该金矿的氢、氧同位素组成特征及其成因意义,认为该金矿的成矿溶液可能是以大气降水为主,同时有岩浆水和变质水参加的混合水。这为该金矿床应属与燕山期构造及岩活动有关的层控矿床这一成矿理论提供了同位素方面的依据。  相似文献   

根据构造控矿的观点,通过对成矿期内容矿断裂活动分析,阐述了构造活动与矿体定位的关系。  相似文献   

河南金矿主要分布在小秦岭地区,其次是桐柏山、崤山─熊耳山地区。含矿地层为前寒武纪的片麻岩-混合岩、片岩-变粒岩和轻微变质的绿片岩,原岩皆属中基性火山岩夹火山沉积岩;控矿构造以近东西向和北东向为主,与成矿关系密切的岩浆岩主要是燕山期花岗岩及有关脉岩。本文拟从地层、构造、岩浆岩控矿特点入手,通过金矿的成矿机制试图揭示小秦岭─桐柏山地区金矿成矿模式。  相似文献   

金翅岭金矿是胶东招远北部的一个典型石英脉型金矿,构造是金矿最为重要的控矿因素。在前人资料的基础上,综合分析了矿区构造控矿特征,总结了构造控矿规律:矿脉分支复合,表现为NE向矿脉产生SN,NNE向次级矿脉,NNE向矿脉产生NE向次级矿脉;矿体厚度与金品位呈负相关,深部次级矿脉群在P4脉下盘出现;矿脉侧伏角和倾伏向变化处矿体富集,表现为SW向侧伏的P4矿脉,矿体富集于-240 m,侧伏角变大,同时倾伏向由SW向转变为NW向的部位。最后建立了平面和剖面P4矿脉的波形函数,并对深部进行了预测。  相似文献   

近日,记者从河南省地矿局第一地质调查队获悉,这个队以韧性剪切带构造控矿理论为指导,实施的小秦岭5个全国危机矿山接替资源勘查项目均取得了阶段性成果,共发现黄金资源量42.6吨。  相似文献   

本文论证了小秦岭金矿受华北地台南缘活动剪切带长期演化、有序叠加构造的控制,并提出了新的成矿模式.  相似文献   

There are four mineralization types of gold in Central Inner Mongolia: mylonite type, quartz vein type, quartzpotash- feldspar vein type and alteration type.Ore bodies of mylonite type were controlled by ductile shear zone. Both of ore and gangue minerals were undergone ductile deformation. Mineralization age is about 2040Ma and represents the metallogenetic process in deep tectonic level.There are three types of quartz veins differed from genesis mechanism. Small scaled, lens- shaped quartz veins formed during ductile shearing are found in mylonite ore bodies. Decation quartz veins are in the ore bodies of alteration type. Infiltration quartz veins are main gold- bearing bodies for some gold deposits such as Bainaimiao and Saiwusu gold mines. It also occurred in many other deposits from the middle Proterozoic to the Mesozoic.Quartz potash- feldspar veins are observed in the Palaeozoic and occurred in middle tectonic level.Gold deposits of alteration type such as Donghuofang and Saihudong occurred in shallow tectonic level of the Mesozoic.In short, from the Proterozoic to the Mesozoic, mineralization types varied from mylonite type to quartz potash- feldspar vein type and to alteration type. Gold - bearing quartz veins changed from syn - ductile - shearing quartz vein to infiltration vein and to decation quartz vein. Mineralization developed from deep to middle and to shallow level.  相似文献   

IntroductionSo - called Central inner Mongolia in the papermeans the area including Daqing Mountains, WulaMountains, Serteng Mountains and the grasslandsnorth of the mountains. Tectonically it's located inthe western part at the northern margin of the Nor…  相似文献   

文峪金矿床位于小秦岭成矿带的中矿带西段,是小秦岭成矿带中14处大—中型金矿床之一。矿床深部共圈定出6个矿体,矿体形态较简单,主要呈薄脉状产出在绿岩地层太华群和侵入其内的变TTG岩系中,受地层、构造和岩浆活动控制明显,厚度稳定,有用组分分布较均匀。根据野外找矿经验,总结分析了矿床成矿规律,为该矿床后续勘查和研究提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

Shibaqinghao gold deposit is situated in the western part of the northern margin of the North China Craton. It is controlled by an E - W trending tectonic zone that is located in the middle unit of Dongwufenzi group which consists of a sequence of greenschist - facies metamorphic rocks in an Archean greenstone belt.In Shibaqinghao gold deposit there are two types of gold ore, a mylonite ore and a quartz vein ore. Mylonite ore bodies were formed during ductile shearing stage in the Early Proterozoic, whereas quartz vein ore bodies might have been formed in the Mesozoic time.Pyrite accompanied with native gold in the mylonite ore has sulpfur of which δ34S values range from - 5.8 to + 0.8 per mil, similar to the values of mantle- derived sulphur. These data suggest that gold in the mylonite ore be derived from the country rocks which originated directly in the upper mantle.Pyrite in quartz vein ore has the δ34 S values between + 3.0 and + 11.0 per mil, similar to the values of some granitic rocks. These facts indicate that the gold in the quartz vein ore is related to some granitic magma generated in the crust.This study revealed that two different mineralization occurred at different geological times and in different environments but in the same place, resuling in the Shibaqinghao gold deposit.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSince the 1980, s, as a response to the upsurgein gold exploration in China, many go1d dep0sitshave been found in central Inner Mongolia. On< ofthem is Shibaqinghao gold deposit that is situate6 inBaliang Township, Guyang County, in the West…  相似文献   

水晶屯金矿位于我国重要的金矿集中区——河北省张宣(张家口—宣化)幔枝构造区南部,是张宣地区比较有代表性的中型金矿,张宣幔枝构造演化过程中形成的一系列多期次、多阶段的褶皱和断裂构造体系对该矿的形成和演化起着重要的控制作用。该文以幔枝构造理论为指导,在总结前人资料基础上,通过野外调查,室内综合分析,认为其外围及深部仍具有较大找矿潜力。  相似文献   

野外观察发现,焦家金矿床中有成矿前和成矿后2期基性脉岩,该文对取自基性岩脉的样品进行了岩相学、主元素、微量元素及S同位素的研究,探讨了脉岩的岩石成因及其与金矿化的关系。研究区基性脉岩包括辉绿玢岩和煌斑岩,其中辉绿玢岩SiO_2为47.96%,Na_2O+K_2O为4.075%,煌斑岩SiO_2为44.20%~45.34%,Na_2O+K_2O为6.407%~6.45%,属玄武岩、粗玄岩和碱玄岩类;TiO_2为1.31%~2.40%,Ti/Y为331~913。岩石以富集轻稀土元素(LILE)和大离子亲石元素(LREE)为特征,黄铁矿δ~(34)S范围在(1.0~2.8)×10~(-3)之间。研究表明,成矿前煌斑岩和辉绿玢岩具有高Ti煌斑岩的特征,而成矿后的煌斑岩则类似于低Ti煌斑岩。脉岩的岩浆来源于尖晶石—石榴石转换带软流圈地幔的部分熔融,焦家金矿床形成于高Ti与低Ti煌斑岩不同性质岩浆源区的转化过程。  相似文献   

The palaeoproterozoic extensional structure in the east of Liaoning Province underwent sub - bedding ductile shear flowing deformation with metamorphism and magmatic emplacement. The reversal structure following the processes constructed the present framework of palaeoproterozoic orogenic belt. As a result of the ductile shearing along the layers, the gold in the Liaohe group was activated, migrated upward to the interface between the Dashiqiao rock formation, which was lower green schist facies and the Gaixian rock formation, so the gold deposit was formed in the space of brittle - ductile shear zone as ductile - shear - zone - typed stratabound gold deposit.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe area of eastern Liaoning is an importantmetal and nonmetal metallogenetic district in China,and the Liaohe group is one of the most importantstrata that hosts Pb, Zn, Au, B and Mg etcstratabound deposits. Up to now many geo1ogistssuch as Z…  相似文献   

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