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2004年8月3日近地TC-1卫星在磁尾XGSM~-12RE的等离子体片内,观测到了伴随着高速流的低于离子回旋频率的波,即超低频波(ULF,Ultra Low Frequency).该波垂直分量的振幅在高速流及其振荡减速期间大致相当;而平行分量振幅在高速流时明显大于其振荡减速时. 利用一个扰动双流模型对完全磁化离子横场漂移驱动的电磁不稳定性计算后,预测结果表明:(1)对于垂直分量来说,横场漂移速度与Alfvén速度的比值影响不稳定性增长率和激发波频率,随其比值增加,增长率变大,激发波频率从负值增加到正值.(2)对于平行分量来说,温度各向异性时等离子体热速度与Alfvén速度比值只影响不稳定性增长率和激发波频率,未改变不稳定性模类别;而温度各向同性时离子横场漂移速度与Alfvén速度比值既影响不稳定性模的种类及其分支,又影响激发波频率.进一步将卫星观测到的等离子体密度、温度、整体流速和磁场代入模型方程,进行数值计算与上述预测结果对比后发现:卫星观测中垂直分量的功率谱密度(PSD,Power Spectrum Density)增强时间和频段与理论模型中由β//、β⊥和v⊥/VA引起不稳定性激发的波一致;卫星观测中平行分量的功率谱密度增强时间与理论模型基本相符,但是前者的频率明显地低于后者.因此,除了需考虑平行磁场的离子整体流速对不稳定性激发波频率的可能影响,还需要统计上进一步核实伴随有高速流的ULF波与不稳定性的相关性. 相似文献
在磁静和亚暴期间,TC-1卫星在近地磁尾,包括晨昏两侧和夜侧的尾瓣、等离子体片边界层和等离子体片区域都观测到大量来自电离层的尾向流事件.尾向流在赤道面附近最强,在夜侧较晨昏两侧强;尾向流有从晨昏两侧向夜侧运动的趋势;尾向流随距地球距离增加而逐渐增强.与来自中磁尾的地向流相比,近地磁尾近赤道区域来自电离层的尾向流具有低温高密特性.2004年7月1日至2004年10月31日期间TC-1卫星在近地磁尾(7RE~13RE之间,RE为地球半径)观测到持续时间超过3 min的尾向流共516起.对这516起尾向流的统计研究结果显示:(1)尾向流在从等离子体片边界层向等离子体片的运动过程中流速会逐渐减弱、密度逐渐增高,温度有逐渐下降的趋势;(2)对尾向流平行温度和垂直温度的分析显示不同等离子体区域的尾向流都有较明显的各向异性;(3)在从等离子体片边界层向等离子体片的运动过程中,尾向流逐渐趋向各向同性. 相似文献
2004年7月14日TC-1卫星在近地磁尾(-9.3Re,-5.4Re,1.2Re)附近观测到了伴随有持续尾向流的等离体片变薄和偶极化过程.尾向流持续时间为32分钟.偶极化过程中磁场By分量没有明显变化.在偶极化过程发生两分钟之后,地面台站观测到的Pi2脉动.ACE卫星的观测表明行星际磁场有弱的南向行星际磁场(-2nT),持续时间约55分钟.Imagine卫星在电离层区域没有观测到极光出现.和伴随有极光增亮的亚暴过程相比,南向行星际磁场明显较弱,且持续时间短.TC-1卫星和ACE卫星的联合观测表明尾部释能有大有小,并非达到某值才能发生.但能量小时,不能够引起极光亚暴.其次南向行星际磁场有可能与近地磁尾尾向流有密切关系. 相似文献
用单流体和双流体MHD近似,研究了近磁尾位形不稳定性(NETC).分析表明,NETC可能存在两种漂移不稳定情况C1和C2与卫星观测资料对比显示,C2较容易在亚暴膨胀相前夕出现,它可以解释亚暴膨胀相期间磁场和等离子体扰动的特征周期、尾向传播速度、磁场扰动和等离子体压强扰动之间的位相关系,场向电流的周期性结构,西向涌浪头部的电子沉降和极光隆起等观测特性和现象.薄电流片的极端情况(Rc≈ri)不在本文的讨论范围之内. 相似文献
磁尾电流片在磁尾动力学过程中起着重要作用.卫星观测表明磁尾电流片经常处于拍动状态.但磁尾电流片拍动的特性和产生机制至今仍然没有被完全弄清楚.本文主要利用欧洲空间局Cluster卫星数据,研究一个伴随高速离子流的电流片拍动事件.该电流片拍动事件具有很强的周期性.拍动的周期约是2 min,磁场振荡幅度约为20 nT.能量电子和离子的通量具有周期性增强和减弱的特征.电流密度X和Y分量也具有周期性的振荡,并且振荡周期与磁场振荡周期一致.通过对粒子流速矢量与电流矢量的分析,发现粒子运动具有涡旋的特征.因此可以推断,该磁尾电流片的拍动不是由磁尾等离子体片高速流产生的,而是与局地等离子体不稳定性有关. 相似文献
用单流体和双流体MHD近似,研究了近磁尾位形不稳定性(NETC).分析表明,NETC可能存在两种漂移不稳定情况C1和C2与卫星观测资料对比显示,C2较容易在亚暴膨胀相前夕出现,它可以解释亚暴膨胀相期间磁场和等离子体扰动的特征周期、尾向传播速度、磁场扰动和等离子体压强扰动之间的位相关系,场向电流的周期性结构,西向涌浪头部的电子沉降和极光隆起等观测特性和现象.薄电流片的极端情况(Rc≈ri)不在本文的讨论范围之内. 相似文献
高速流是磁尾等离子体片中质量、能量和磁通量最重要的输运形式.高速流在地向运动到近地磁尾后流速会降低,主导方向也经常转为晨昏方向.在等离子体流速及其主导分量、密度和温度等宏观参数变化的过程中,可能伴随有不同类型的能量转换.为此,我们分析近地磁尾方位角流事件期间的能量转换过程.基于整体流速的主导分量为晨昏向,及事件期间的平均温度比其前后增强的选取原则,从2008—2020年期间THEMIS中的三颗卫星(THA,THD,THE)运行在磁尾时的观测数据中,共筛选出821个平均温度比其前/后(事件之前或事件之后10 min)升高的方位角流事件.2011年5月16日的方位角流事例研究发现:能量超过1 keV尤其是超过10 keV的高能离子通量增加,可导致低速低温等离子体的密度、温度和流速增加;磁场减小及磁场功率谱密度的分析表明等离子体和磁能的转换发生在频率为0.01~0.334 Hz的低频波动,仅1%能量耗散.统计给出方位角流事件的平均温度约为3.7 keV,比其前后增加的幅度大部分集中在100~1000 eV.事件期间的平均数密度可能升高或者降低,二者概率大致相当.约96%的平均温度和密度同时大于其前后的方位角流事件,当地等离子体通量管熵也皆大于事件的前后值;电磁能流密度增大,34%的事件期间电磁能流密度主要沿着背景磁力线方向,可影响电离层内方位角方向上的极光膨胀过程.我们的研究结果表明温度和密度同时增加的方位角流事件等离子体宏观参数变化可能暗含磁层-电离层能量耦合过程,有助于理解极光椭圆带赤道向边界的局部增亮现象和磁尾等离子体片中的磁通量.
The deflection, at a step-shelf fronted coast, of a constant potential vorticity current in a reduced-gravity, inviscid model ocean is studied theoretically. The step shelf, with a depth smaller than the reservoir depth, forces the uplifting of the approaching current and causes water column foreshortening, leading to relative vorticity generation that enhances current deflection to the right (facing the coast). As a consequence, in comparison to the case of a vertical wall coast, the proportion of the transport to the right is increased. For normal incidence for a shelf-depth/reservoir-depth ratio of 0.3 and shelf width to deformation radius ratio of 1.5, more than 90% of the approaching current transport goes to the right and less than 10% to the left. In addition, the (barotropic) dynamic pressure at the coast is low to the right and high to the left (with the highest pressure at the stagnation point). In the vertical wall case, the wall pressures on the flank are equal. For oblique incidence from the left, the deflection to the left is drastically reduced. In fact, there is practically no steady-state flow diverted to the left (less than 2%) when the approach angle is greater than 60° to the left of normal. In the vertical wall case, the same angle would have to be 90° for the flow to the left to vanish, namely only when the approach current is parallel to the coast to the right. 相似文献
When a turbulent shear flow above a plane sand surface entrains sand grains,it generates a variety of sand patterns.Fluvial sand forms two major interfacial patterns:meso-scale dunes and antidunes,and large-scale bars.Measurements have evidenced that under erosive conditions,meso-scale patterns either change to or coexist with large-scale patterns.However,it remains elusive what exactly drives the switching of interfacial patterns and how the switching occurs.Here,we showdcombing a flow model with a grain transport model,allowing for both the surface and suspended sand fluxes dthat the switching of patterns emerges from the shear-driven complex feedback between grain transport and topographic perturbations.The switching predominantly depends on the magnitudes of the Rouse number and the grain size to undisturbed flow depth ratio.The model offers quantitative predictions of the maximum amplification of sand patterns and unveils a new attraction erepulsion phenomenon. 相似文献
与亚暴活动密切相关的磁尾等离子体团可以具有不同的拓扑位形,多数磁尾等离子体团具有 强核心场,是一种通量绳型磁结构. MHD模拟表明:地球磁尾不同拓扑位形磁结构的形成, 与越尾分量By的分布形态有关. 但是模拟研究所展示的通量绳结构,核心场强度远低 于尾瓣区磁场强度. 本文考虑磁尾通量绳结构中,螺旋形磁力线向侧翼伸展产生的压强损失 ,在MHD方程中引入修正项ρt|loss,Tt|loss 及Byt|inc. 对于 初始By分量为均匀分布,受晨昏电场产生的边界入流作用,磁尾通量绳结构重复形成 与逐一排放的两个算例,计入修正项后,多重磁结构峰值压强的平均值降低,核心场的平均 值明显增大. 两个算例中,背景By值较低的算例1(By0=1nT)中,核心 场的相对增幅较大. 相似文献
The effects of ice cover on flow characteristics in meandering rivers are still not completely understood. Here, we quantify the effects of ice cover on flow velocity, the vertical and spatial flow distribution, and helical flow structure. Comparison with open‐channel low flow conditions is performed. An acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) is used to measure flow from up to three meander bends, depending on the year, in a small sandy meandering subarctic river (Pulmanki River) during two consecutive ice‐covered winters (2014 and 2015). Under ice, flow velocities and discharges were predominantly slower than during the preceding autumn open‐channel conditions. Velocity distribution was almost opposite to theoretical expectations. Under ice, velocities reduced when entering deeper water downstream of the apex in each meander bend. When entering the next bend, velocities increased again together with the shallower depths. The surface velocities were predominantly greater than bottom/riverbed velocities during open‐channel flow. The situation was the opposite in ice‐covered conditions, and the maximum velocities occurred in the middle layers of the water columns. High‐velocity core (HVC) locations varied under ice between consecutive cross‐sections. Whereas in ice‐free conditions the HVC was located next to the inner bank at the upstream cross‐sections, the HVC moved towards the outer bank around the apex and again followed the thalweg in the downstream cross‐sections. Two stacked counter‐rotating helical flow cells occurred under ice around the apex of symmetric and asymmetric bends: next to the outer bank, top‐ and bottom‐layer flows were towards the opposite direction to the middle layer flow. In the following winter, no clear counter‐rotating helical flow cells occurred due to the shallower depths and frictional disturbance by the ice cover. Most probably the flow depth was a limiting factor for the ice‐covered helical flow circulation, similarly, the shallow depths hinder secondary flow in open‐channel conditions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献