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The topology of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey is analysed using Minkowski functional statistics, taking into account the selection effects of the survey. The results are compared with the predictions of some toy models of structure formation, including the standard cold dark matter model and topological defect-based models. All of the toy models have a scale invariant primordial spectrum of perturbations, but quite different topologies. The Minkowski functionals can discriminate between the predictions of the models with high significance. Amongst the four functionals, the integrated mean curvature statistic appears to be the most powerful discriminant, followed by the genus statistic. These two functionals can be used to differentiate between the signatures of primordial Gaussian and non-Gaussian phases. None of the models considered gives an acceptable fit to the data.  相似文献   

A study of the evolution of 377 rich ACO clusters with redshift z < 0.2 is presented. The data concerning galaxies in the investigated clusters were obtained using FOCAS packages applied to Digital Sky Survey I. The 377 galaxy clusters constitute a statistically uniform sample to which visual galaxy/star reclassifications were applied. Cluster shape within 2.0 h–1 Mpc from the adopted cluster centre (the mean and the median of all galaxy coordinates, the position of the brightest and of the third brightest galaxy in the cluster) was determined through its ellipticity calculated using two methods: the covariance ellipse method (hereafter CEM) and the method based on Minkowski functionals (hereafter MFM). We investigated ellipticity dependence on the radius of circular annuli, in which ellipticity was calculated. This was realized by varying the radius from 0.5 to 2 Mpc in steps of 0.25 Mpc. By performing Monte Carlo simulations, we generated clusters to which the two ellipticity methods were applied. We found that the covariance ellipse method works better than the method based on Minkowski functionals. We also found that ellipticity distributions are different for different methods used. Using the ellipticity‐redshift relation, we investigated the possibility of cluster evolution in the low‐redshift Universe. The correlation of cluster ellipticities with redshifts is undoubtly an indicator of structural evolution. Using the t‐Student statistics, we found a statistically significant correlation between ellipticity and redshift at the significance level of α = 0.95. In one of the two shape determination methods we found that ellipticity grew with redshift, while the other method gave opposite results. Monte Carlo simulations showed that only ellipticities calculated at the distance of 1.5 Mpc from cluster centre in the Minkowski functional method are robust enough to be taken into account, but for that radius we did not find any relation between e and z. Since CEM pointed towards the existence of the e (z) relation, we conclude that such an effect is real though rather weak. A detailed study of the e (z) relation showed that the observed relation is nonlinear, and the number of elongated structures grows rapidly for z > 0.14 (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We analyse the redshift space topology and geometry of the nearby Universe by computing the Minkowski functionals of the Updated Zwicky Catalogue (UZC). The UZC contains the redshifts of almost 20 000 galaxies, is 96 per cent complete to the limiting magnitude m Zw=15.5, and includes the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) Redshift Survey (CfA2). From the UZC we can extract volume-limited samples reaching a depth of 70  h −1 Mpc before sparse sampling dominates. We quantify the shape of the large-scale galaxy distribution by deriving measures of planarity and filamentarity from the Minkowski functionals. The nearby Universe shows a large degree of planarity and a small degree of filamentarity. This quantifies the sheet-like structure of the Great Wall, which dominates the northern region (CfA2N) of the UZC. We compare these results with redshift space mock catalogues constructed from high-resolution N -body simulations of two cold dark matter (CDM) models with either a decaying massive neutrino ( τ CDM) or a non-zero cosmological constant (ΛCDM). We use semi-analytic modelling to form and evolve galaxies in these dark matter‐only simulations. We are thus able, for the first time, to compile redshift space mock catalogues which contain galaxies, along with their observable properties, rather than dark matter particles alone. In both models the large-scale galaxy distribution is less coherent than the observed distribution, especially with regard to the large degree of planarity of the real survey. However, given the small volume of the region studied, this disagreement can still be a result of cosmic variance, as shown by the agreement between the ΛCDM model and the southern region of CfA2.  相似文献   

The identification of non-Gaussian signatures in cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature maps is one of the main cosmological challenges today. We propose and investigate alternative methods to analyse CMB maps. Using the technique of constrained randomization, we construct surrogate maps which mimic both the power spectrum and the amplitude distribution of simulated CMB maps containing non-Gaussian signals. Analysing the maps with weighted scaling indices and Minkowski functionals yields in both cases statistically significant identification of the primordial non-Gaussianities. We demonstrate that the method is very robust with respect to noise. We also show that Minkowski functionals are able to account for non-linearities at higher noise level when applied in combination with surrogates than when only applied to noise added CMB maps and phase randomized versions of them, which only reproduce the power spectrum.  相似文献   

We study the effect of primordial non-Gaussianity on the development of large-scale cosmic structure using high-resolution N -body simulations. In particular, we focus on the topological properties of the 'cosmic web', quantitatively characterized by the Minkowski functionals (MFs), for models with quadratic non-linearities with different values of the usual non-Gaussianity parameter f NL. In the weakly non-linear regime (the amplitude of mass density fluctuations σ0 < 0.1), we find that analytic formulae derived from perturbation theory agree with the numerical results within a few per cent of the amplitude of each MF when | f NL| < 1000. In the non-linear regime, the detailed behaviour of the MFs as functions of threshold density deviates more strongly from the analytical curves, while the overall amplitude of the primordial non-Gaussian effect remains comparable to the perturbative prediction. When smaller-scale information is included, the influence of primordial non-Gaussianity becomes increasingly significant statistically due to decreasing sample variance. We find that the effect of the primordial non-Gaussianity with  | f NL| = 50  is comparable to the sample variance of mass density fields with a volume of 0.125( h −1 Gpc)3 when they are smoothed by Gaussian filter at a scale of 5  h −1 Mpc. The detectability of this effect in actual galaxy surveys will strongly depend on residual uncertainties in cosmological parameters and galaxy biasing.  相似文献   

We investigate the use of wavelet transforms in detecting and characterizing non-Gaussian structure in maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We apply the method to simulated maps of the KaiserStebbins effect resulting from cosmic strings, on to which Gaussian signals of varying amplitudes are superposed. We find that the method significantly outperforms standard techniques based on measuring the moments of the pixel temperature distribution. We also compare the results with those obtained using techniques based on Minkowski functionals, and we again find the wavelet method to be superior. In particular, using the wavelet technique, we find that it is possible to detect non-Gaussianity even in the presence of a superposed Gaussian signal with 3 times the rms amplitude of the original cosmic string map. We also find that the wavelet technique is useful in characterizing the angular scales at which the non-Gaussian signal occurs.  相似文献   

We study the effect of primordial isocurvature perturbations on non-Gaussian properties of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies. We consider generic forms of the non-linearity of isocurvature perturbations which can be applied to a wide range of theoretical models. We derive analytical expressions for the bispectrum and the Minkowski Functionals for CMB temperature fluctuations to describe the non-Gaussianity from isocurvature perturbations. We find that the isocurvature non-Gaussianity in the quadratic isocurvature model, where the isocurvature perturbation S is written as a quadratic function of the Gaussian variable  σ,  S =σ2−〈σ2〉  , can give the same signal-to-noise ratio as   f NL= 30  even if we impose the current observational limit on the fraction of isocurvature perturbations contained in the primordial power spectrum α. We give constraints on isocurvature non-Gaussianity from Minkowski Functionals using the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 5-year data. We do not find a significant signal of isocurvature non-Gaussianity. For the quadratic isocurvature model, we obtain a stringent upper limit on the isocurvature fraction  α < 0.070  (95 per cent CL) for a scale-invariant spectrum which is comparable to the limit obtained from the power spectrum.  相似文献   

A number of experiments for measuring anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) use scanning strategies in which temperature fluctuations are measured along circular scans on the sky. It is possible, from a large number of such intersecting circular scans, to build two-dimensional sky maps for subsequent analysis. However, since instrumental effects — especially the excess low-frequency 1/ f noise — project on to such two-dimensional maps in a non-trivial way, we discuss the analysis approach which focuses on information contained in the individual circular scans. This natural way of looking at CMB data from experiments scanning on the circles combines the advantages of elegant simplicity of Fourier series for the computation of statistics useful for constraining cosmological scenarios, and superior efficiency in analysing and quantifying most of the crucial instrumental effects.  相似文献   

A general inversion technique for the recovery of the underlying distribution function for observed galactic discs is presented and illustrated. Under the assumption that these discs are axisymmetric and thin, the proposed method yields a unique distribution compatible with all the observables available. The derivation may be carried out from the measurement of the azimuthal velocity distribution arising from positioning the slit of a spectrograph along the major axis of the galaxy. More generally, it may account for the simultaneous measurements of velocity distributions corresponding to slits presenting arbitrary orientations with respect to the major axis. The approach is non-parametric, i.e. it does not rely on a particular algebraic model for the distribution function. Special care is taken to account for the fraction of counter-rotating stars, which strongly affects the stability of the disc. An optimization algorithm is devised — generalizing the work of Skilling &38; Bryan — to carry this truly two-dimensional ill-conditioned inversion efficiently. The performance of the overall inversion technique with respect to the noise level and truncation in the data set is investigated with simulated data. Reliable results are obtained up to a mean signal-to-noise ratio of 5, and when measurements are available up to 4  R e. A discussion of the residual biases involved in non-parametric inversions is presented. The prospects of application of the algorithm to observed galaxies and other inversion problems are discussed.  相似文献   

Gravitational amplification of Poisson noise in stellar systems is important on large scales. For example, it increases the dipole noise power by roughly a factor of 6 and the quadrupole noise by 50 per cent for a King model profile. The dipole noise is amplified by a factor of 15 for the core-free Hernquist model. The predictions are computed by summing over the wakes caused by each star in the system — the dressed-particle formalism of Rostoker & Rosenbluth — and are demonstrated by N -body simulation.   This result implies that a collisionless N -body simulation is impossible; the fluctuation noise which causes relaxation is an intrinic part of self-gravity. In other words, eliminating two-body scattering at interparticle scales does not eliminate relaxation altogether.   Applied to dark matter haloes of disc galaxies, particle numbers of at least 106 will be necessary to suppress this noise at a level that does not dominate or significantly affect the disc response. Conversely, haloes are most likely far from phase-mixed equilibrium and the resulting noise spectrum may seed or excite observed structure such as warps, spiral arms and bars. For example, discreteness noise in the halo, similar to that caused by a population of 106-M⊙ black holes, can produce observable warping and possibly excite or seed other disc structure.  相似文献   

The power-law discs are a family of infinitesimally thin, axisymmetric stellar discs of infinite extent. The rotation curve can be rising, falling or flat. The self-consistent power-law discs are scale-free, so that all physical quantities vary as a power of radius. They possess simple equilibrium distribution functions depending on the two classical integrals, energy and angular momentum. While maintaining the scale-free equilibrium force law, the power-law discs can be transformed into cut-out discs by preventing stars close to the origin (and sometimes also at large radii) from participating in any disturbance. This paper derives the homogeneous Fredholm integral equation for the in-plane normal modes in the self-consistent and the cut-out power-law discs. This is done by linearizing the collisionless Boltzmann equation to find the response density corresponding to any imposed density and potential. The normal modes — that is, the self-consistent modes of oscillation — are found by requiring the imposed density to equal the response density. In practice, this scheme is implemented in Fourier space, by decomposing both imposed and response densities in logarithmic spirals. The Fredholm integral equation then relates the transform of the imposed density to the transform of the response density. Numerical strategies to solve the integral equation and to isolate the growth rates and the pattern speeds of the normal modes are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapidly oscillating Ap stars constitute a unique class of pulsators with which to study non-radial oscillations under some — even for stars — unusual physical conditions. These stars are chemically peculiar, they have strong magnetic fields and they often pulsate in several high-order acoustic modes simultaneously. We discuss here an excitation mechanism for short-period oscillation modes based on the classical κ mechanism. We particularly stress the conditions that must be fulfilled for successful driving. Specifically, we discuss the roles of the chemical peculiarity and strong magnetic field on the oscillation modes and what separates these pulsators from δ Scuti and Am-type stars.  相似文献   

The force-free limit of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is often a reasonable approximation to model black hole and neutron star magnetospheres. We describe a general relativistic force-free (GRFFE) formulation that allows general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) codes to directly evolve the GRFFE equations of motion. Established, accurate and well-tested conservative GRMHD codes can simply add a new inversion piece of code to their existing code, while continuing to use all the already-developed facilities present in their GRMHD code. We show how to enforce the   E · B = 0  constraint and energy conservation, and we introduce a simplified general model of the dissipation of the electric field to enforce the   B 2− E 2 > 0  constraint. We also introduce a simplified yet general method to resolve current sheets, without much reconnection, over many dynamical times. This formulation is incorporated into an existing GRMHD code ( harm ), which is demonstrated to give accurate and robust GRFFE results for Minkowski and black hole space–times.  相似文献   

As part of an extensive radio–IR–optical–X-ray study of ROSAT clusters of galaxies in the Hydra region we have observed the bimodal Abell cluster A3528, located in the core of the Shapley Supercluster ( z  ≃ 0.053), with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope at 843 MHz and the Australia Telescope Compact Array at 1.4 and 2.4 GHz. This is part I in a series of papers which looks at the relationship between the radio and X-ray emission in samples of ROSAT selected clusters.   The radio source characteristics — tailed morphologies and steep spectra — are consistent with the effects of a dense intracluster medium and the pre-merging environment of A3528. In particular, we present evidence that the minor member of the radio-loud dumbbell galaxy located at the centre of the northern component of A3528 is on a plunging orbit. We speculate that this orbit may have been induced by the tidal interactions between the merging components of A3528. In addition, the radio source associated with the dominant member of the dumbbell galaxy exhibits many of the characteristics of compact steep spectrum sources. We argue that the radio emission from this source was triggered ∼ 106 yr ago by tidal interactions between the two members of the dumbbell galaxy, strengthening the argument that compact steep spectrum (CSS) sources are young.   Re-analysis of archive pointed Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) data using multiresolution filtering suggests the presence of an AGN and/or a cooling flow in the southern component of A3528.  相似文献   

We present a method for radical linear compression of data sets where the data are dependent on some number M of parameters. We show that, if the noise in the data is independent of the parameters, we can form M linear combinations of the data which contain as much information about all the parameters as the entire data set, in the sense that the Fisher information matrices are identical; i.e. the method is lossless. We explore how these compressed numbers fare when the noise is dependent on the parameters, and show that the method, though not precisely lossless, increases errors by a very modest factor. The method is general, but we illustrate it with a problem for which it is well-suited: galaxy spectra, the data for which typically consist of ∼103 fluxes, and the properties of which are set by a handful of parameters such as age, and a parametrized star formation history. The spectra are reduced to a small number of data, which are connected to the physical processes entering the problem. This data compression offers the possibility of a large increase in the speed of determining physical parameters. This is an important consideration as data sets of galaxy spectra reach 106 in size, and the complexity of model spectra increases. In addition to this practical advantage, the compressed data may offer a classification scheme for galaxy spectra which is based rather directly on physical processes.  相似文献   

In the absence of any compelling physical model, cosmological systematics are often misrepresented as statistical effects and the approach of marginalizing over extra nuisance systematic parameters is used to gauge the effect of the systematic. In this article, we argue that such an approach is risky at best since the key choice of function can have a large effect on the resultant cosmological errors.
As an alternative we present a functional form-filling technique in which an unknown, residual, systematic is treated as such. Since the underlying function is unknown, we evaluate the effect of every functional form allowed by the information available (either a hard boundary or some data). Using a simple toy model, we introduce the formalism of functional form filling. We show that parameter errors can be dramatically affected by the choice of function in the case of marginalizing over a systematic, but that in contrast the functional form-filling approach is independent of the choice of basis set.
We then apply the technique to cosmic shear shape measurement systematics and show that a shear calibration bias of  | m ( z )| ≲ 10−3 (1 + z )0.7  is required for a future all-sky photometric survey to yield unbiased cosmological parameter constraints to per cent accuracy.
A module associated with the work in this paper is available through the open source icosmo code available at http://www.icosmo.org .  相似文献   

In this article we describe a case study of how NOAO is considering improving its management of Target‐of‐Opportunity (ToO) observations by integrating VOEvent into the flow of activities. We believe that using VOEvent to help document and track the use of ToO time will improve the user experience of ToOs at NOAO. It will also greatly aid in the management of the process and of the resulting data, allowing us to better track the ownership and provenance of the data and any resulting data products. Finally, it will provide an important method of archival access to the data and data “collections,” which might include not only processed data from a single VOEvent triggered observation but could also include multiple observations traceable to a single (or set of related) VOEvents. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A time series is a sample of observations of well‐defined data points obtained through repeated measurements over a certain time range. The analysis of such data samples has become increasingly important not only in natural science but also in many other fields of research. Peranso offers a complete set of powerful light curve and period analysis functions to work with large astronomical data sets. Substantial attention has been given to ease‐of‐use and data accuracy, making it one of the most productive time series analysis software available. In this paper, we give an introduction to Peranso and its functionality. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Many objects studied in astronomy follow a power-law distribution function (DF), for example the masses of stars or star clusters. A still used method by which such data is analysed is to generate a histogram and fit a straight line to it. The parameters obtained in this way can be severely biased, and the properties of the underlying DF, such as its shape or a possible upper limit, are difficult to extract. In this work, we review techniques available in the literature and present newly developed (effectively) bias-free estimators for the exponent and the upper limit. Furthermore, we discuss various graphical representations of the data and powerful goodness-of-fit tests to assess the validity of a power law for describing the distribution of data. As an example, we apply the presented methods to the data set of massive stars in R136 and the young star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. For R136 we confirm the result of Koen of a truncated power law with a bias-free estimate for the exponent of  2.20 ± 0.78/2.87 ± 0.98  (where the Salpeter–Massey value is 2.35) and for the upper limit of  143 ± 9/163 ± 9 M  , depending on the stellar models used. The star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (with ages up to  107.5 yr  ) follow a truncated power-law distribution with exponent  1.62 ± 0.06  and upper limit  68 ± 12 × 103 M  . Using the graphical data representation, a significant change in the form of the mass function below  102.5 M  can be detected, which is likely caused by incompleteness in the data.  相似文献   

We estimate the evolution of the contribution of galaxies to the cosmic background flux at 912 Å by means of a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution. Such modelling has been quite successful in reproducing the optical properties of galaxies. We assume that high-redshift damped Lyman α systems are the progenitors of present-day galaxies, and we design a series of models that are consistent with the evolution of cosmic comoving emissivities in the available near-infrared, optical, ultraviolet and far-infrared bands along with the evolution of the neutral hydrogen content and average metallicity of damped Lyman α systems. We use these models to compute the galactic contribution to the Lyman-limit emissivity and background flux for 0 ≃  z  ≤ 4. We take into account the absorption of Lyman-limit photons by H  I and dust in the interstellar medium of the galaxies. We find that the background Lyman-limit flux due to galaxies might dominate (or be comparable to) the contribution from quasars at almost all redshifts if the absorption by H  I in the interstellar medium is neglected. Such H  I absorption would result in a severe diminishing of this flux — by almost three orders of magnitude at high redshifts and by one to two orders at z  ≃ 0. Though the resulting galaxy flux is completely negligible at high redshifts, it is comparable to the quasar flux at z  ≃ 0.  相似文献   

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