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水生态监测与评价是水生态系统管理、保护和可持续利用的基础。20世纪80年代开始,欧美发达国家水环境管理政策开始强调生态保护,重视流域水生态质量,先后开展了以水生生物为核心的河流水生态监测与评价研究计划。然而我国目前流域水环境监测与评价的指标主要以传统的理化监测指标为主,缺乏指示水生态变化的水生生物指标,单一的水质改善无法反映水生态环境好转这一长远目标,不能满足“十四五”水生态环境管理由以水污染防治为主向水环境、水生态、水资源“三水”统筹转变的总体要求。本研究系统分析发达国家和地区(如美国、欧盟、澳大利亚等)水生态监测与评价技术体系与业务化运行方面的先进经验,总结梳理我国水生态监测与评价试点已有的工作基础,分析制约我国当前流域水生态监测与评价的关键问题,从保护目标、管理模式、监测网络、科学研究和公众参与五个方面,提出开展我国流域水生态监测与评价体系构建和业务化运行的有关建议,为准确评估和预测流域水生态质量状况的变化、开展保护修复成效评估提供决策支持和重要参考。  相似文献   

滇池流域水生态功能一二级分区研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高喆  曹晓峰  黄艺  李发荣 《湖泊科学》2015,27(1):175-182
水生态功能分区是流域水资源管理、水环境保护、水生态恢复的基础,尤其是与人类活动紧密相连而又矛盾重重的湖泊流域,其水生态功能分区是实现流域可持续发展的必要条件,而如何科学合理地对湖泊流域进行水生态功能分区,成为流域综合管理过程中亟需解决的问题.以滇池流域为例,立足于滇池流域水生态系统存在的问题,确定了流域一、二级水生态功能区的主导功能;以水文完整性为基础,分别针对一、二级分区划分子流域单元;以生态功能区划的生态系统服务功能、尺度效应、地域分异规律等相关理论为基础,识别影响滇池流域水生态功能的关键因子,构建滇池流域一、二级水生态功能区的指标体系;对多指标进行空间叠加聚类,并根据滇池流域的水量水质特征对分区边界进行微调,将滇池流域划分为5个一级区和10个二级区;同时采用着生藻、水丝蚓的生物密度对分区结果进行合理性评价;在此基础上,对水生态功能分区存在的问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

燕乃玲  虞孝感 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):143-152
生态功能区划是我国正在开展的一项关于资源与环境管理的重大基础性工作.生态功能区划的理论和方法是当前生态学、环境科学、地理学等学科面临的一项新的热点课题.本文首先讨论了生态功能区划的概念,从认识区划看,生态功能区划属于生态系统区域划分的范畴,从实践的角度,则强调人文活动对生态系统可持续能力产生的影响,指出自然生态区不是生态功能区,生态功能区须反映人类的利用和价值判断.生态功能区划,不单是以自然要素或自然系统的"地带性分异"为基础,更是以生态系统的等级结构和尺度原则为基础,用生态系统完整性的评价测量人类活动对生态系统的影响,将生态功能区划的科学基础落在"基于生态系统的管理"平台上.文章提出了基于流域的我国生态功能区划的初步思想,讨论了区划的原则和方法,建立了生态系统完整性评价和功能区划分的指标体系.其基本内容是,认识并按照生态系统的自然边界划分生态系统单元;进行生态系统完整性评价;在此基础上划分不同的生态功能区,确定主导生态功能.  相似文献   

由于湖泊生态问题日益突出,湖泊生态系统安全状态已经成为人们关注的热点问题,了解湖泊水生态系统的状况并根据湖泊生态系统健康状况开展精准治理和生态修复与保护尤为重要。本文基于对鄱阳湖及其流域生态环境的长期监测数据和资料收集,采用综合指标体系法,从物理形态、水文、水环境、水域生态、湿地生态和社会服务6个方面构建了鄱阳湖生态系统健康评估的指标体系,主要涵盖了湖泊口门状况、“五河”入湖径流变异程度、入湖河流水质达标率等26个指标。依据设置的阈值等级得到鄱阳湖生态系统健康评价各层次健康状况等级,通过对各湖泊生态系统各指标得分进行加权计算,得出生态系统健康评估准则层和目标层的得分,最终对鄱阳湖生态系统健康进行了客观的评价。结果表明,构建的湖泊生态系统健康评价体系针对性强、科学全面、具有可操作性,可为鄱阳湖及类似通江湖泊的生态系统健康评价提供案例和方法借鉴。评价结果表明鄱阳湖健康体征状况目标层得分为73.45分,评价结果为亚健康,鄱阳湖水生态系统健康主要受泄流能力、水文节律变化、富营养化程度和物种多样性的影响。最后根据鄱阳湖的水生态系统健康评分等级探讨了鄱阳湖水生态系统中亟需解决的问题,针对性地提出了...  相似文献   

基于水生态改善的太湖分区分时动态水质目标制定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭兆亮  胡维平 《湖泊科学》2019,31(4):988-997
科学、合理地制定水体主要污染物浓度控制目标,即水质目标是实施河、湖"水质目标管理"的基础和前提.本文基于环境条件决定生态系统结构以及自组织适应生态学原理,提出一种可促进水生态改善的太湖分区分时动态水质目标制定方法.该方法在出入湖河道流量情景及分区污染物浓度情景设计的基础上,进行不同情境下水生态系统要素时空演化的数值试验;然后以藻类生物量减小、沉水植物生物量增加为判据,构造水质目标优化模型;最后将湖泊水生态模型与水质目标优化模型耦合,判断各污染物浓度情景下水生态系统健康状况,进而确定不同时间尺度下太湖各分区总氮、总磷、氨氮、高锰酸盐指数等主要污染物指标的动态控制目标.结果表明:本方法制定的太湖各湖区分时水质目标相比传统的"静态"目标更能促进太湖水生态系统健康发展,并为太湖水环境的精细化管理提供了可能.  相似文献   

健康水生态系统的退化及其修复——理论、技术及应用   总被引:79,自引:9,他引:79  
由于人口增加和工农业生产的发展,人类赖以生存的淡水生态系统日益退化,特别是富营养化问题,已严重威胁社会经济的持续发展和人类健康,如何在强污染负荷下修复水生态系统具有重大理论和现实意义,本文总结了自1990年以来在淡水湖泊中进行的物理生态工程(Physico-Ecological Enginnering ,PEEN)实验研究实践,主要结论O 为:(1)地表水环境治理的主要目标是修复为稳定健康的水生态系统;(2)主要方法是与污染源治理相结合实践物理生态工程IPEEN)和生物环保产业(Bio-Environmental Enterprise,BEE);(3)实现目标的主要途径是星火燎原,从局部到大范围乃至全流程;(4)实现目标的主要关键是抓住四个环节(4M);高等水生植物(Macrophyte),宏观颔生学(Macro-bioimitation), 微生物(Microorganism),及管理(Management).(5)山清水秀,人杰地灵,社会经济生态协调发展的美好未来有可能在不远的将来实现。  相似文献   

洪泽湖健康水生态系统构建方案探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
叶春  李春华  王博  张娟  张磊 《湖泊科学》2011,23(5):725-730
洪泽湖生态系统健康状态为中等,并呈逐年退化的趋势,因此开展洪泽湖健康水生态系统构建方案的研究十分必要.本文分析了洪泽湖水生态系统健康状态、水体分区特征以及存在的主要问题,根据水文条件和水生态状况的差异,将洪泽湖划分为3种具有典型特征的湖区:过水通道(从淮河入湖口至入江水道)、湿地保护区和成子湖区.针对不同湖区在水质、水...  相似文献   

太湖河湖水系连通需求评价初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
水系连通需求分析是河湖水系连通战略研究的重要内容.水系连通需求指人类社会经济发展对水资源调配、防洪排涝、改善生态环境等方面的需求及对河湖水系健康的维护,它源于水系能够提供各种水生态系统服务功能的生态学特性.通过分析水系连通需求、水生态系统服务功能和水系连通工程之间的内在关系,认为水系连通需求评价可转化为对水生态系统服务功能的评价.运用水当量评价方法,建立了河湖水系连通需求评价的方法体系,并以河网地区的典型代表——太湖为例,定量评价了太湖在水资源调配、调蓄洪水、水环境净化和维持生境等方面的连通需求.结果表明,太湖水系年均连通需求最大的是净化入湖废污水需水量,其次为水资源调配需水量,而太湖调蓄洪水的需求减少;湖水自身净化需水量较大,且为一次性需水.水环境净化的需求需要通过降低污染物入湖量,进行湖泊生态修复等主要措施以及引清水增加环境容量这一辅助连通措施共同完成.水系连通需求的定量评价可为水系连通战略及工程的规划设计提供理论基础.  相似文献   

刘正文  苏雅玲  杨柳 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1244-1253
湖沼学是研究内陆水体的多学科交叉综合性科学,自从Forel F.A.于1892年首次对湖沼学做出定义以来已有近130年历史.湖沼学的主要分支学科包括地质湖沼学(包括古湖沼学)、物理湖沼学、化学(生物地球化学)湖沼学和生物湖沼学.湖沼学的关键自然属性是通过跨学科的整合,从水生态系统水平综合分析相关过程与机理,并对生态系统变化进行预测.因此,湖泊学也是支撑水资源与生态系统保护、管理与修复的核心科学.然而,目前我国湖沼学发展面临分支学科发展不平衡、研究碎片化等问题,而人类活动加剧和气候变化对内陆水体生态系统的影响及管理对策是湖沼学研究面临的挑战与机遇.我国湖沼学研究亟需围绕人类活动、气候变化的影响,重点开展以下几个方面的工作:1)水动力与水文地貌特征变化及其环境生态效应; 2)营养盐和有机质生物地球化学循环及其环境生态效应; 3)食物网结构与功能; 4)外来入侵物种的影响与控制对策; 5)与水环境有关的传染病防治; 6)地表水生态评价; 7)生态系统演变机理与退化生态系统修复等.  相似文献   

水生植被对于维持水生态系统结构和功能稳定性具有举足轻重的作用,而重建水生植物被认为是污染湖泊生态修复的重要手段.氮素是水生态系统重要的限制性元素之一,根着挺水植物生长发育无疑将深刻地影响着沉积物氮的迁移转化过程,但水生植物不同生长阶段对沉积物氮的需求和植物代谢强度均不同,目前对挺水植物完整生长过程中沉积物氮组分及含量变...  相似文献   

Rivers play an important role in people's living and agricultural production, however, intense human activities have broken the original ecological balance, and affected structures and functions of the river ecosystem. To restore the damaged river ecosystem back to a healthy status, effective ecological restoration measures need to be implemented. The main problems that the damaged rivers face are either the locally altered hydrological processes affected by construction of hydraulic facilities, or the deterioration of water quality resulted from pollution emissions, or both. In this study, ecological restoration techniques of the rivers affected by engineering control or pollution are reviewed respec-tively. In addition, three kinds of methods, i.e. physical, chemical and biological–ecological methods are introduced in details for the rivers affected by water pollution. At present, the development of river restoration techniques shows the following trends: 1) the scale of ecological restoration is becoming larger; 2) ecological restoration measures are required to meet multiple objectives; and 3) the man-agement of water environment is changing from water quality management to aquatic ecosystem management.  相似文献   


In many of the world’s river basins, the water resources are over-allocated and/or highly modified, access to good quality water is limited or competitive and aquatic ecosystems are degraded. The decline in aquatic ecosystems can impact on human well-being by reducing the ecosystem services provided by healthy rivers, wetlands and floodplains. Basin water resources management requires the determination of water allocation among competing stakeholders including the environment, social needs and economic development. Traditionally, this determination occurred on a volumetric basis to meet basin productivity goals. However, it is difficult to address environmental goals in such a framework, because environmental condition is rarely considered in productivity goals, and short-term variations in river flow may be the most important driver of aquatic ecosystem health. Manipulation of flows to achieve desired outcomes for public supply, food and energy has been implemented for many years. More recently, manipulating flows to achieve ecological outcomes has been proposed. However, the complexity of determining the required flow regimes and the interdependencies between stakeholder outcomes has restricted the implementation of environmental flows as a core component of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). We demonstrate through case studies of the Rhône and Thames river basins in Europe, the Colorado River basin in North America and the Murray-Darling basin in Australia the limitations of traditional environmental flow strategies in integrated water resources management. An alternative ecosystem approach can provide a framework for implementation of environmental flows in basin water resources management, as demonstrated by management of the Pangani River basin in Africa. An ecosystem approach in IWRM leads to management for agreed triple-bottom-line outcomes, rather than productivity or ecological outcomes alone. We recommend that environmental flow management should take on the principles of an ecosystem approach and form an integral part of IWRM.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Overton, I.C., Smith, D.M., Dalton J., Barchiesi S., Acreman M.C., Stromberg, J.C., and Kirby, J.M., 2014. Implementing environmental flows in integrated water resources management and the ecosystem approach. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 860–877.  相似文献   

淡水系统是全球温室气体排放清单中最具不确定性的组成部分。淡水生态系统温室气体通量监测的方法多种多样,不同方法之间观测结果存在偏差,在一定程度上限制了全球或区域间的相互比较,是造成目前全球估算不确定性的重要原因。然而,目前关于淡水系统温室气体排放通量监测方法的系统梳理、比较及影响因素分析等鲜见报道。本研究在总结淡水系统温室气体排放特征的基础上,整理当前主要监测方法(箱法、边界层模型法、微气象法、倒置漏斗法)的基本原理、通用模型与算法、适用条件以及优缺点等,评价不同方法在实际应用中的适应性;进一步分析不同方法观测偏差的主要影响因素,提出当前箱法与边界层模型法存在方案众多、缺乏统一规范等问题,为研究方法的优化提供科学支撑;同时,综述了不同方法的对比研究,大部分研究发现箱法估算结果高于边界层模型法,而微气象法与箱法、边界层模型法观测的结果的一致性仍存在争议;最后,本研究提出未来应重点关注淡水系统温室气体通量监测方法的偏差来源及潜在影响,建议开展更多相关的方法学研究,进一步优化相关的估算模型及参数,研发具有普适性的监测规范,为提高监测结果的精度提供支撑。  相似文献   

The history of aquatic environmental pollution goes back to the very beginning of the history of human civilization. However, aquatic pollution did not receive much attention until a threshold level was reached with adverse consequences on the ecosystems and organisms. Aquatic pollution has become a global concern, but even so, most developing nations are still producing huge pollution loads and the trends are expected to increase. Knowledge of the pollution sources and impacts on ecosystems is important not only for a better understanding on the ecosystem responses to pollutants but also to formulate prevention measures. Many of the sources of aquatic pollutions are generally well known and huge effort has been devoted to the issue. However, new concepts and ideas on environmental pollution are emerging (e.g., biological pollution) with a corresponding need for an update of the knowledge. The present paper attempts to provide an easy-to-follow depiction on the various forms of aquatic pollutions and their impacts on the ecosystem and organisms.  相似文献   

快速有效的生物监测指标对于评估、保护、管理和恢复淡水生态系统至关重要.传统评估方法主要利用指示生物或类群的出现率和多度信息,但是忽略了水体环境中“生物”与“生物”,以及“生物”与“环境”间相互作用的复杂关系,而这些相互作用对淡水生态系统的生物多样性、生态系统服务功能以及生态系统对环境变化的响应有着深刻影响.生物共现网络是群落水平物种互作的结构模型,通过物种在群落出现及丰度数据,描述了物种间潜在的相互作用、群落的基本结构,反映群落在生态系统的功能和结构特性.生物共现网络展示了淡水生态系统中所有生物体之间潜在的相互作用关系,其拓扑结构特性可与特定的生态系统状态相关联,能够揭示生态系统的组织规律及其功能,可作为早期的、灵敏的生物指标,是一种很有应用前景的评估淡水生态系统状态和稳定性的工具.  相似文献   

Variability and unpredictability are characteristics of the aquatic ecosystems, hydrological patterns and climate of the largely dryland region that encompasses the Basin and Range, American Southwest and western Mexico. Neither hydrological nor climatological models for the region are sufficiently developed to describe the magnitude or direction of change in response to increased carbon dioxide; thus, an attempt to predict specific responses of aquatic ecosystems is premature. Instead, we focus on the sensitivity of rivers, streams, springs, wetlands, reservoirs, and lakes of the region to potential changes in climate, especially those inducing a change in hydrological patterns such as amount, timing and predictability of stream flow. The major sensitivities of aquatic ecosystems are their permanence and even existence in the face of potential reduced net basin supply of water, stability of geomorphological structure and riparian ecotones with alterations in disturbance regimes, and water quality changes resulting from a modified water balance. In all of these respects, aquatic ecosystems of the region are also sensitive to the extensive modifications imposed by human use of water resources, which underscores the difficulty of separating this type of anthropogenic change from climate change. We advocate a focus in future research on reconstruction and analysis of past climates and associated ecosystem characteristics, long-term studies to discriminate directional change vs. year to year variability (including evidence of aquatic ecosystem responses or sensitivity to extremes), and studies of ecosystems affected by human activity. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Majority of shallow floodplain lake ecosystems of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (China) have gone through serious eutrophication problems over the recent past. The severe environmental deterioration accompanied by cyanobacterial blooms have become major water resource management challenges in the region. An advanced research method is urgently needed to tackle these challenges. The concept of ecological resilience address pressing questions of non-linear dynamics, threshold effects and regime shifts in shallow floodplain lakes, and help manage the ecosystem effectively. Palaeolimnological techniques are important for assessing long term resilience and associated thresholds effects of shallow lake ecosystems. However, the lack of reliable proxy methods available, the assessment of long term ecological resilience of shallow Yangtze River lake systems has become increasingly difficult. Cladocerans (water fleas) play a central role in lacustrine food webs by responding to external drivers and internal ecosystem processes in lakes. Their subfossils are well preserved and becoming one of potential proxy indicators of lake ecosystems change for a longer time scale. This study explores the potential application of subfossil cladocerans and their ephippia in assessing a long term ecological resilience and help better management strategies of lake ecosystems and water resources of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China.  相似文献   

Changes in water temperature can have important consequences for aquatic ecosystems, with some species being sensitive even to small shifts in temperature during some or all of their life cycle. While many studies report increasing regional and global air temperatures, evidence of changes in river water temperature has, thus far, been site specific and often from sites heavily influenced by human activities that themselves could lead to warming. Here we present a tiered assessment of changing river water temperature covering England and Wales with data from 2773 locations. We use novel statistical approaches to detect trends in irregularly sampled spot measurements taken between 1990 and 2006. During this 17‐year period, on average, mean water temperature increased by 0.03 °C per year (±0.002 °C), and positive changes in water temperature were observed at 2385 (86%) sites. Examination of catchments where there has been limited human influence on hydrological response shows that changes in river flow have had little influence on these water temperature trends. In the absence of other systematic influences on water temperature, it is inferred that anthropogenically driven climate change is driving some of this trend in water temperature. © 2014 The Authors. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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