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The available experimental data on garnet-bearing-assemblages for synthetic chemical systems (MAS, FMAS, CMAS) have been used to calibrate consistent models for the Al-solubility in orthopyroxene coexisting with garnet, on the basis of equilibrium reaction Py(opx) ? Py(gt). The alternative reaction En(opx)+MgTs(opx) ? Py(gt) is discarded as it yields larger a-posteriori uncertainties. To provide a reliable equation, directly applicable to natural garnet lherzolites, each successive synthetic-system calibration is tested against Mori and Green's (1978) natural-system reequilibration data. For the MAS system, an ideal solution model with constant ΔH°, ΔV° and ΔS° based on 12-oxygen structural formulae for aluminous pyroxenes yields the best fit (GPa, K), $${\text{25,134 + 9,941 }}P - 23.177{\text{ }}T{\text{ + }}RT{\text{ ln (}}X_{{\text{Al}}}^{TB'} {\text{) = 0}}$$ . The MAS synthetic-system calibration can be directly applied to the FMAS system by adding an empirical correction term (20,835 [X Fe gt ]2) independent of either pressure and temperature. However, this correction term is not important because of the limited Fe content of mantle peridotites. When calcium is added to the MAS system, the equilibrium constant is calculated as: $$K_{{\text{CMAS}}} = {{[(1 - X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{M2} )^2 (X_{{\text{Al}}}^{TB'} )]} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{[(1 - X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{M2} )^2 (X_{{\text{Al}}}^{TB'} )]} {[(1 - X_{{\text{Ca}}}^X )^3 (X_{{\text{Al}}}^Y )^2 ]}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {[(1 - X_{{\text{Ca}}}^X )^3 (X_{{\text{Al}}}^Y )^2 ]}}$$ where M2 and TB′ are pyroxene sites and X and Y are garnet sites. Up to 5 GPa, X Ca X ~ and the CMAS experimental data agree well with the MAS model, but for Yamada and Takahashi's (1983) higher pressure experiments (up to 10 GPa), this no longer holds. Indeed, the garnet solid solution does not behave ideally and an asymmetric regular solution model is needed for application to the deepest natural samples available (>7GPa). Calibration based on new high pressure data yields, $$\begin{gathered} \Delta G_{{\text{CMAS}}}^{XS} = (X_{{\text{Ca}}}^X )(1 - X_{{\text{Ca}}}^X )(0.147 - X_{{\text{Ca}}}^X ) \hfill \\ {\text{ }} \cdot {\text{(6,440,535 - 1,490,654 }}P{\text{)}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ . According to tests of the inferred solution model, the CFMAS system is a good analogue of natural systems in the pressure, temperature and composition ranges covered by the natural-system reequilibration data (up to 1,500° C and 4 GPa). Simultaneous application of this thermobarometer and of the two-pyroxene mutual solubility thermometer (Bertrand and Mercier 1985) to the phases of the garnet-peridotite xenoliths from Thaba Putsoa, Lesotho, yields a refined paleogeotherm for southern Africa strongly contrasting with previous results. The “granular” nodules yield a thermal gradient of about 8 K/km characteristic of a lithospheric-type environment, whereas the “sheared” ones show a lower gradient of about 1 K/km. This is a typical geotherm expected for a steady thermal state with an inflexion point at the depth of about 160 km corresponding to the lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary.  相似文献   

Sm---Nd ages for norwegian garnet peridotite   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Euan W. Mearns 《Lithos》1986,19(3-4):269-278
Sm---Nd results for ga-WR-cpx from garnet Iherzolite in Almklovdalen, western Norway, define an isochron with age of 1703 ± 29 Ma and /get = + 4.7 ± 0.7 (2/gs) which falls on a depleted mantle curve. Garnet websterite from the same peridotite body falls close to the Iherzolite isochron. Minerals from the websterite, however, define a younger age of 1040 ± 30 Ma.

The age of 1703 Ma is interpreted to date formation of the peridotite body and crystallisation of the garnet-bearing assemblage. The younger age from the websterite may record an uplift stage in the history, or alternatively may only reflect secondary disturbance of the isotopic systems in this sample.  相似文献   

The consequences of overstepping the garnet isograd reaction have been investigated by comparing the composition of garnet formed at overstepped P–T conditions (the overstep or “OS” model) with the P–T conditions that would be inferred by assuming garnet nucleated in equilibrium with the matrix assemblage at the isograd (the equilibrium or “EQ” model). The garnet nucleus composition formed at overstepped conditions is calculated as the composition that produces the maximum decrease in Gibbs free energy from the equilibrated, garnet-absent, matrix assemblage for the bulk composition under study. Isopleths were then calculated for this garnet nucleus composition assuming equilibrium with the matrix assemblage (the EQ model). Comparison of the actual P–T conditions of nucleation (the OS model) with those inferred from the EQ model reveals considerable discrepancy between the two. In general, the inferred garnet nucleation P–T conditions (the EQ model) are at a lower temperature and higher or lower pressure (depending on the coexisting calcic phase(s)) than the actual (OS model) nucleation conditions. Moreover, the degree of discrepancy increases with the degree of overstepping. Independent estimates of the pressure of nucleation of garnet were made using the Raman shift of quartz inclusions in garnet (quartz-in-garnet or QuiG barometry). To test the validity of this method, an experimental synthesis of garnet containing quartz inclusions was made at 800 °C, 20 kbar, and the measured Raman shift reproduced the synthesis conditions to within 120 bars. Raman band shifts from three natural samples were then used to calculate an isochore along which garnet was presumed to have nucleated. Model calculations were made at several temperatures along this isochore (the OS model), and these P–T conditions were compared to those computed assuming equilibrium nucleation (the EQ model) to estimate the degree of overstepping displayed by these samples. A sample from the garnet isograd in eastern Vermont is consistent with overstepping of around 10 degrees and 0.6 kbar (affinities of around 2 kJ/mole garnet). A sample from the staurolite–kyanite zone in the same terrane requires overstepping of around 50 °C and 2–5 kbar (affinities of around 10–18 kJ/mole garnet). A similar amount of overstepping was inferred for a blueschist sample from Sifnos, Greece. These results indicate that overstepping of garnet nucleation reactions may be common and pronounced in regionally metamorphosed terranes, and that the P–T conditions and paths inferred from garnet zoning studies may be egregiously in error.  相似文献   

An isochemical kelyphite (orthopyroxene+spinel+plagioclase) that has nearly the same bulk chemical composition as the precursor garnet was found within a matrix of ordinary kelyphites (orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+spinel±amphibole) in garnet peridotites from the Czech part of the Moldanubian Zone. It was shown that the kelyphitization of garnet took place in three stages: (1) the garnet-olivine reaction, accompanied by a long-range material transfer across the reaction zone, and (2) the isochemical breakdown of garnet, essentially in a chemically-closed system, and finally, (3) an open-system hydration reaction producing a thin hydrous zone (amphibole+spinel+plagioclase), which is located between the isochemical kelyphite and relict garnet. The presence of relict garnet suggests that this breakdown reaction of the second stage did not proceed to a completion probably being hindered by the formation of the hydrous zone at the reaction front. It was found by electron back-scattered diffraction method that orthopyroxene and spinel do not show any topotaxic relationship in the first type of kelyphite; whereas they show locally topotaxic relationship in the isochemical kelyphite. The transition from the first type to the second type of kelyphite is discussed on the basis of the detailed observations in the transition zone between the two kelyphites. More widespread occurrence of isochemical kelyphite is expected to occur in orogenic peridotites as well as from xenoliths brought by volcanics.  相似文献   

大别山南山岭石榴橄榄岩成因的岩石学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大别山罗田穹隆东南侧的南山岭石榴橄榄岩岩体面积小(173×133m2),由贵橄榄石(75%).透辉石(10%)和镁铝石榴石(15%)组成.本文通过岩石学及地球化学研究,并与大别山的碧溪岭、毛屋、饶拔寨、芝麻坊岩体以及其他地区的基性岩浆杂岩体(如红格岩体、元宝山岩体、柴北缘岩体)、残留地幔块体(五大连池、鹤壁、山旺)等不同成因的超镁铁岩进行对比后认为,该岩体属于火成成因,是镬铁-超锾铁杂岩体的一部分.表现在橄榄岩呈块状构造,矿物分布均匀未见定向排列.镜下呈现典型的火成结构;FeOT.含量高(21.36%),Mg#(0.77)低,Mg Ni/Fe Mn(3.06)<7,V(175.5×10-6)含量高于地幔块体成因的橄榄岩;REE总量偏低,LREE弱富集,(La/Yb)N=3.1,低于饶拔寨、芝麻坊等残留地幔块体成因的橄榄岩.南山岭橄榄岩在微量元素蛛网图中,具有Ba、U、Pb、Zr、Eu的正异常和Nb的负异常,石榴橄榄岩全岩以及透辉石单矿物都具有高87Sr/86Sr(0.7088,0.7086)和低εNd(t)(-6.55~-6.01)的特征,尽管南山岭与碧溪岭岩体距离很近而且都属于火成成因,但岩石的结构构造、变质变形的印记、REE配分形式和同位素特征都有区别,表明二者的源区及演化经历不同,相比之下.南山岭岩浆源区地壳组分的作用更为明显.在εNd(t)-(87Sr/86Sr),图解中南山岭橄榄岩的投点十分靠近大别山北麓120~130Ma侵位的祝家铺辉石岩-辉长岩岩体群的投点分布范围,暗示可能有与罗田穹窿西北侧祝家铺岩体群的岩浆活动相对应.  相似文献   

Corundum-rich garnetite occurs as an isolated lens in a garnet peridotite body in the Donghai area of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane. This rock consists of garnet and corundum, along with minor crack-related zoisite, pargasite, Mg-staurolite, Mg-chloritoid, sapphirine and chlorite. Pyropic garnet (Prp54–63Grs26–36Alm10–12) exhibits a sinusoidal REE pattern, positive Ta, Pb, and negative Nb, Ti anomalies due to metasomatism. Reddish corundum contains 1.1–1.7 wt% Cr2O3, and shows three oriented sets of exsolved rutile needles. Both garnet and corundum contain inclusions of apatite, Mg-allanite (MgO>4 wt%), and Ni-Fe sulfides formed as trapped Ni-Fe-S melt. The protolith of the corundum-rich garnetite could have been spinel websterite formed in the upper mantle. Both the websterite and the host garnet peridotite were subjected to subduction-zone UHP metamorphism at 800 °C and >4 GPa. Crack-related hydrous phases were formed by fluid infiltration during exhumation.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

New evidence for ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism (UHPM) in the Eastern Alps is reported from garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks from the Pohorje Mountains in Slovenia. The garnet peridotites are closely associated with UHP kyanite eclogites. These rocks belong to the Lower Central Austroalpine basement unit of the Eastern Alps, exposed in the proximity of the Periadriatic fault. Ultramafic rocks have experienced a complex metamorphic history. On the basis of petrochemical data, garnet peridotites could have been derived from depleted mantle rocks that were subsequently metasomatized by melts and/or fluids either in the plagioclase‐peridotite or the spinel‐peridotite field. At least four stages of recrystallization have been identified in the garnet peridotites based on an analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I was most probably a spinel peridotite stage, as inferred from the presence of chromian spinel and aluminous pyroxenes. Stage II is a UHPM stage defined by the assemblage garnet + olivine + low‐Al orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + Cr‐spinel. Garnet formed as exsolutions from clinopyroxene, coronas around Cr‐spinel, and porphyroblasts. Stage III is a decompression stage, manifested by the formation of kelyphitic rims of high‐Al orthopyroxene, aluminous spinel, diopside and pargasitic hornblende replacing garnet. Stage IV is represented by the formation of tremolitic amphibole, chlorite, serpentine and talc. Geothermobarometric calculations using (i) garnet‐olivine and garnet‐orthopyroxene Fe‐Mg exchange thermometers and (ii) the Al‐in‐orthopyroxene barometer indicate that the peak of metamorphism (stage II) occurred at conditions of around 900 °C and 4 GPa. These results suggest that garnet peridotites in the Pohorje Mountains experienced UHPM during the Cretaceous orogeny. We propose that UHPM resulted from deep subduction of continental crust, which incorporated mantle peridotites from the upper plate, in an intracontinental subduction zone. Sinking of the overlying mantle and lower crustal wedge into the asthenosphere (slab extraction) caused the main stage of unroofing of the UHP rocks during the Upper Cretaceous. Final exhumation was achieved by Miocene extensional core complex formation.  相似文献   

南阿尔金巴什瓦克石榴橄榄岩的变质演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
南阿尔金巴什瓦克地区石榴橄榄岩在空间上呈透镜体状与高压基性麻粒岩和含石榴子石长英质片麻岩伴生.基于矿物共生组合关系和变质反应结构特征,并结合矿物化学详细分析以及温压条件的估算,我们将该区石榴橄榄岩的变质演化划分为3个阶段:峰期变质阶段(Ml)、峰后早期退变质阶段(M2)和晚期角闪岩相-绿片岩相退变质阶段(M3).M1阶段的矿物组合为石榴子石(Grt)+橄榄石(O1)+斜方辉石(Opx)+单斜辉石(Cpx),所估算的温压条件为:T=891~ 1054℃、P=17.2 ~24.7kbar; M2阶段以石榴子石周围出现斜方辉石(Opx)+单斜辉石(Cpx)+尖晶石(Spl)的次生边为特征,在P=10kbar时,估算的温度条件为:T=711 ~ 796℃;M3阶段以形成角闪石(Amp)+蛇纹石(Srp)+金云母(Phl)+绿泥石(Chl)+磁铁矿(Mag)±滑石(Tlc)为特征.石榴橄榄岩具有与相邻的长英质麻粒岩和基性麻粒岩类似的P-T演化历史.结合成因矿物学和初步的地球化学特征,我们认为石榴橄榄岩的原岩可能为侵位于大陆地壳的镁铁质-超镁铁质杂岩,并在早古生代与长英质地壳物质一起俯冲,经历高压(超高压?)/高温变质作用以及随后的变质和地球动力学演化.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal experiments were carried out at 2 kbar water pressure, 700 °–800 ° C, with the objective of determining the level of dissolved Zr required for precipitation of zircon from melts in the system SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O-K2O. The saturation level depends strongly upon molar (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3 of the melts, with remarkably little sensitivity to temperature, SiO2 concentration, or melt Na2O/ K2O. For peraluminous melts and melts lying in the quartz-orthoclase-albite composition plane, less than 100 ppm Zr is required for zircon saturation. In peralkaline melts, however, zircon solubility shows pronounced, apparently linear, dependence upon (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3, with the amount of dissolvable Zr ranging up to 3.9 wt.% at (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3 = 2.0. Small amounts (1 wt.% each) of dissolved CaO and Fe2O3 cause a 25% relative reduction of zircon solubility in peralkaline melts.The main conclusion regarding zirconium/zircon behavior in nature is that any felsic, non-peralkaline magma is likely to contain zircon crystals, because the saturation level is so low for these compositions. Zircon fractionation, and its consequences to REE, Th, and Ta abundances must, therefore, be considered in modelling the evolution of these magmas. Partial melting in any region of the Earth's crust that contains more than 100 ppm Zr will produce granitic magmas whose Zr contents are buffered at constant low (< 100 ppm) values; unmelted zircon in the residual rock of such a melting event will impart to the residue a characteristic U- or V-shaped REE abundance pattern. In peralkaline, felsic magmas such as those that form pantellerites and comendites, extreme Zr (and REE, Ta) enrichment is possible because the feldspar fractionation that produces these magmas from non-peralkaline predecessors does not drive the melt toward saturation in zircon.Zircon solubility in felsic melts appears to be controlled by the formation of alkali-zirconosilicate complexes of simple (2:1) alkali oxide: ZrO2 stoichiometry.  相似文献   

运用电子探针Map图分析技术在碧溪岭石榴石橄榄岩的橄榄石中发现了磁铁矿针状出溶体成分不均匀的现象,即同一岩石样品的橄榄石中针状出溶体既有前人发现的含钛一铬磁铁矿,也有本文发现的含铬钛磁铁矿和磁铁矿两种针状出溶体。研究认为,针状出溶体成分出现的差异可能是由于Ti和Cr在原始的β-橄榄石相中分布不均匀所致,这种出溶体的出现暗示这些橄榄石可能是由地幔特有的尖晶石结构相转变而成,为确定这些橄榄岩的来源深度和大陆俯冲过程提供了有意义的信息。  相似文献   

The CCSD‐PP1 drillhole penetrated a 110‐m‐thick sequence of the Zhimafang ultramafic body in the Sulu ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, east China. The sequence consists of interlayered garnet‐bearing (Grt) and garnet‐free (GF) peridotite. Eleven layers of Grt‐peridotite, ranging from 1.2 to 9.5 m in thickness, have an aggregate thickness of 54.49 m, whereas eight layers of GF‐peridotite, ranging from 2.2 to 14.2 m in thickness, have a total thickness of 57.53 m. The boundaries between the two rock types are gradational. The Grt‐peridotites have slightly higher contents of Al2O3, CaO and SiO2, and lower Mg#s (0.90–0.92) than the GF‐peridotites (Mg#s 0.91–0.93). Both contain low TiO2 (<0.05 wt%) and have higher modal abundances of enstatite (average 10 vol.%) than diopside (1–5 vol.%), typical of depleted‐type upper mantle. The diopside in these rocks has high and relatively uniform Mg# members (0.93–0.95), but highly variable Al2O3 (0.2–2.3 wt%), Na2O (0.5–2.5 wt%) and Cr2O3 (0.38–2.09 wt%). Enstatite (En92?93) contains very low Al2O3 (0–0.3 wt%). Both porphyroblastic and equigranular garnet are present. The equigranular varieties are zoned, from core to rim in Cr2O3 (3.4–4.2 wt%), MgO (18.4–17.5 wt%) and Al2O3 (21.1–20.1 wt%). Titania is very low in all the garnet, mostly <0.05 wt%. Chromite or chromium (Cr)‐spinel occur both in the Grt‐ and GF‐peridotite, and are characterized by high contents of Cr2O3 (49–58 wt%) and FeO (24–43 wt%), similar to that in iron‐rich Alpine‐type peridotites. Based on the bulk‐rock MgO–FeO compositions, the Zhimafang Grt‐peridotite probably underwent 20–30% partial melting, whereas the GF‐peridotite may have undergone as much as 35–40% partial melting, suggesting that the two rock types owe their differences to different degrees of partial melting rather than to pressure differences during metamorphism.  相似文献   

The pre‐pilot hole (PP1) of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD) recovered drill core samples from a 118 m‐thick section of peridotites located at Zhimafang in the southern Sulu UHP terrane, China. The peridotites consist of phlogopite‐bearing garnet lherzolite, harzburgite, wehrlite and dunite. Some peridotite layers contain magnesite and Ti‐clinohumite, and are characterized by LREE and LILE enrichment and HFSE depletion. Phlogopite (Phl) occurs in the peridotite matrix and is LILE‐enriched with low Zr/Hf ratios (0.19–0.60). Phlogopite shows a mantle signature in H and O isotopes (δ18O: +5.4‰ to +5.9‰, and δD: ?76‰ to ?91‰). Ti‐clinohumite (Ti‐Chu) is Nb and Ta‐enriched and has higher Ti and HREE concentrations than phlogopite. Magnesite (Mgs) occurs as megacrysts, as a matrix phase, and as veins (±Phl ± Ti‐Chu), and contains low REEtotal contents (<0.3 ppm) with a flat REE pattern. The δ18O values (+5.5‰ to +8.0‰) of magnesite are in the range of primary carbonatite, but the δ13C values (?2.4‰ to ?3.4‰) are slightly more positive than those of the mantle and of primary carbonatite. Petrochemical data indicate that the Zhimafang peridotite was subjected to three episodes of metasomatism, listed in succession from oldest to youngest: (1) crystallization of phlogopite in the mantle caused by infiltration of K‐rich hydrous fluid/melt; (2) formation of Mgs and Mgs ± Phl ± Ti‐Chu veins possibly caused by infiltration of mantle‐derived carbonatitic melt with a hydrous silicate component; and (3) replacement of magnesite, garnet and diopside by dolomite and secondary hydrous phases caused by a crust‐related, CO2‐bearing, aqueous fluid. Stable isotopic compositions of phlogopite and magnesite indicate metasomatic agents for events (1) and (2) are from an enriched mantle. Multiple metasomatism imposed on mantle peridotite of variable composition led to significant compositional heterogeneity at all scales within the Zhimafang peridotite.  相似文献   

High-temperature peridotite massifs occur as lensoid bodies with high-pressure granulites in the southern Bohemian massif. In lower Austria the peridotites comprise garnet lherzolites lacking primary spinel, rare garnet and garnet-spinel harzburgites, and harzburgites containing Cr-rich primary spinel instead of garnet. These phase assemblages suggest initial high-pressure equilibration and are consistent with results from garnet-orthopyroxene geobarometry indicating equilibration at around 3–3.5 GPa. Maximum temperature estimates obtained on core compositions of coexisting minerals from the peridotites are not higher than ca. 1100 °C. In contrast, pyroxene megacryst compositions, garnet exsolution textures in the garnet pyroxenites, and results from geothermometry indicate much higher original equilibration temperatures in most of the pyroxenites (up to 1400 °C). High temperatures, modal zoning, the occasional presence of Mg-rich garnetites and chemical evidence suggest that the pyroxenites are cumulates which crystallized from low-degree melts derived from the sub-lithospheric mantle. Isothermal interpolation of the high temperatures to an upper mantle adiabat suggests that the melts were derived from a minimum depth of 180–200 km. The formation of small garnet II grains and garnet exsolution lamellae in the pyroxenites and pyroxene megacrysts may reflect isobaric cooling of the cumulates from temperatures above 1400 °C to ca. 1100–1200 °C (at 3–3.5 GPa) to approach the ambient lithospheric isotherm. This model differs from other models in which the formation of garnet II was explained by an increase in pressure during cooling in a subduction zone. Isobaric cooling was followed by near-isothermal decompression from 3–3.5 GPa to 1.5–2 GPa at 1000–1200 °C, as indicated by the increase of Al in pyroxenes near garnet. Further cooling in the spinel lherzolite stability field is indicated by spinel exsolution lamellae in pyroxenes from lherzolites. The formation of symplectites and kelyphites indicate sub-millimetre scale re-equilibration during exhumation in the course of the Carboniferous collision in the Bohemian massif. The peridotite massifs represent fragments of normal (non-cratonic) lithospheric mantle from a Paleozoic convergent plate margin. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted 28 February 1997  相似文献   

Partition coefficients of Ce, Sm and Tm involving garnet peridotite minerals, amphibole and hydrous silicate melt have been determined experimentally in the temperature and pressure ranges 950–1075°C and 10–25 kbar.Only several parts per million to several tens of parts per million of rare earth element (REE) can dissolve in the minerals before the crystal-liquid partition coefficients begin to vary as a function of REE content. The concentration ranges of constant partition coefficient increase with increasing temperature and are also positively correlated with the magnitude of the crystal-liquid partition coefficients. The upper concentration limits of constant partition coefficient and the value of the crystal-liquid partition coefficient for REE decrease in the order garnet > clinopyroxene > amphibole > orthopyroxene > olivine.Partition coefficients may vary by at least an order of magnitude as a function of bulk composition of the liquid phase (e.g. changing from basaltic to andesitic). The approximate ranges of the values of the partition coefficients as a function of bulk liquid composition are as follows:
where the values increase with increasing acidity of the melt.  相似文献   

We report the field, petrographic and mineral chemical characteristics of relict super‐silicic (=majoritic) garnet microstructures from the Otrøy peridotites in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway. The evidence for the former existence of super‐silicic garnet consists of two‐pyroxene exsolution microstructures from garnet. Estimates of the initial composition of the super‐silicic garnet imply pressures of 6–6.5 GPa, indicating that the Otrøy garnet peridotites were derived from depths >185 km. The garnet peridotites consist of inter‐banded variable compositions with c. 50% garnet peridotite and 50% garnet‐free peridotite. Two distinct garnet types were identified: (a) normal matrix garnet, grain‐size ≤4 mm, and (b) large isolated single garnet crystals and/or (polycrystalline) garnet nodules up to 10 cm in size. Large garnet nodules occur only within limited bands within the garnet peridotites. The relicts of super‐silicic garnet were exclusively found in some (not all) of the larger garnet nodules. Petrographic observations revealed that the microstructure of nodular garnet consists of the following four characteristic elements. (1) Individual garnet nodules are polycrystalline, with grain sizes of 2–8 mm. Garnet grain boundaries are straight with well‐defined triple junctions. (2) Some garnet triple junctions and garnet grain boundaries are decorated by interstitial orthopyroxene. (3) Cores of larger polycrystalline garnet contain two‐pyroxene exsolution microstructures. (4) Precipitation‐free rims (2 mm thick) surround garnet cores containing the exsolved pyroxene microstructure. Pyroxene exsolution from super‐silicic garnet was subsequently followed by brittle–ductile deformation of garnet. Both exsolved pyroxene needles and laths become undulous or truncated by fractures. Simultaneous garnet plasticity is indicated by the occurrence of high densities of naturally decorated dislocations. Transmission electron microscopy observations indicate that decoration is due to Ti‐oxide precipitation. Estimates of the P–T conditions for mineral chemical equilibration were obtained from geothermobarometry. The mineral compositions equilibrated at mantle conditions around 805±40 °C and 3.2±0.2 GPa. These P–T estimates correspond to cold continental lithosphere conditions at depths of around 105 km. From a combination of both depth estimates it can be concluded that the microstructural memory of the rock extends backwards to twice as great a depth range as obtained by thermobarometric methods. Available geochronological and geochemical data of Norwegian garnet peridotites suggest a multi‐stage, multi‐orogenic exhumation history.  相似文献   

樊祺诚  隋建立  赵勇伟  孙谦  李霓  杜星星 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2563-2568
大兴安岭中部的绰尔河-哈拉河地区分布有近30座第四纪火山,初步分为更新世火山和全新世火山两期。火山岩中含有丰富的尖晶石橄榄岩和石榴石橄榄岩捕虏体,石榴石橄榄岩的类型主要是石榴石二辉橄榄岩。根据绰尔河新鲜的石榴石二辉橄榄岩P-T平衡条件估计(1164℃,2.36GPa),其形成深度约76km。这与中国东部其它地方四相共存的石榴石二辉橄榄岩类似,区别于五相共存的尖晶石/石榴石二辉橄榄岩形成条件(〈70km),证实它们是来自尖晶石二辉橄榄岩与石榴石二辉橄榄岩相转变带之下深度超过70km的石榴石橄榄岩稳定区。  相似文献   

张聪  黄杰  陈梅  杨经绥 《岩石学报》2015,31(12):3743-3754
本文提出一种对于造山带石榴橄榄岩的简单概念分类模型。该模型将造山带石榴橄榄岩划分为地幔楔型和俯冲带型两种类型,根据所记录温压条件及P-T轨迹的差异,地幔楔型石榴橄榄岩进而被划分为A-D四个亚类,分别对应不同厚度的克拉通型岩石圈地幔及普通大陆岩石圈地幔环境中冷的/古老的/稳定的地幔环境及与之对应的相对热的/年轻的/活动地幔环境。我们选择研究程度较高的斯堪的纳维亚加里东期造山带及我国柴北缘造山带中出露的石榴橄榄岩来检验该模型的适用性。出露于挪威西片麻岩地区的Mg-Cr型及Fe-Ti型石榴橄榄岩分别属于地幔楔型的A亚类(来自于古老的/冷的/厚的/亏损的克拉通岩石圈地幔)及壳源俯冲带石榴橄榄岩,而来自Seve,Troms和Linds地体的石榴橄榄岩则属于地幔楔型的C亚类(来自于古老的/冷的/薄的/亏损的大陆岩石圈地幔)后经历俯冲过程变为俯冲带石榴橄榄岩。对我国柴北缘超高压带绿梁山石榴橄榄岩的检验结果相对复杂。前人的研究表明绿梁山石榴橄榄岩存在三种不同的成因方式,对应分类模型中的:1)D亚类橄榄岩(阿拉斯加型岩浆岩堆晶体);2)壳源俯冲带型石榴橄榄岩;3)A亚类来自克拉通岩石圈地幔的太古代石榴橄榄岩。检验结果表明,该分类模型能较好的解释斯堪的纳维亚加里东期造山带中的石榴橄榄岩的出露规律,岩石学及矿物学特征及不同期次矿物之间的年代学关系,但对于我国绿梁山石榴橄榄岩的成因分类仍需进一步研究。假设该分类模型能适用于大多研究程度较高的造山带石榴橄榄岩,起到决定性作用的两个分类参数为地幔楔形成初期的平均温度(T)及造山带岩石圈地幔的厚度(P)。熔融作用发生的时间及深度同样是区分不同类型石榴橄榄岩的重要因素。  相似文献   

Field and textural relationships have indicated the tectonic emplacement of the Norwegian garnet peridotites as relatively cold intrusions into their present environment. Mineralogical data demonstrate considerable heterogeneity. Olivines and orthopyroxenes in garnet rich peridotites are significantly more ferriferous than those in garnet free peridotites. Mineralogical features indicate that the mineral assemblages have been equilibrated at subsolidus temperatures. However, the hypothesis that these garnet peridotites have resulted from the eclogite facies metamorphism in deep levels of the crust of other peridotite mineral facies assemblages is considered and rejected.Statistical analysis of the bulk rock composition data has substantiated the existence of a very strong linear composition trend, two end members being sufficient to account for almost the whole range of composition variation.The hypothesis favoured is that these peridotites have been involved in partial melting processes in the upper mantle. The Kalskaret garnet peridotite occurrence is considered to represent a case where the picritic partial melt fraction has not been completely liberated but has remained trapped and mixed with the dunitic residual fraction.  相似文献   

Garnet-facies continental mantle is poorly understood because the vast majority of mantle xenoliths in continental basalts are spinel peridotite. Peridotite xenoliths from Vitim (southern Siberia) and Mongolia provide some of the best samples of garnet and garnet-spinel facies off-craton lithospheric mantle. Garnets in those fertile to moderately depleted lherzolites show a surprisingly broad range of HREE abundances, which poorly correlate with modal and major oxide compositions. Some garnets are zoned and have Lu-rich cores. We argue that these features indicate HREE redistribution after the partial melting, possibly related to spinel-garnet phase transition on isobaric cooling. Most peridotites from Vitim have depleted to ultra-depleted Hf isotope compositions (calculated from mineral analyses: εHf(0) = +17 to +45). HREE-rich garnets have the most radiogenic εHf values and plot above the mantle Hf-Nd isotope array while xenoliths with normal HREE abundances usually fall within or near the depleted end of the MORB field. Model Hf isotope ages for the normal peridotites indicate an origin by ancient partial melt extraction from primitive mantle, most likely in the Proterozoic. By contrast, an HREE-rich peridotite yields a Phanerozoic model age, possibly reflecting overprinting of the ancient partial melting record with that related to a recent enrichment in Lu. Clinopyroxene-garnet Lu-Hf isochron ages (31-84 Ma) are higher than the likely eruption age of the host volcanic rocks (∼16 Ma). Garnet-controlled HREE migration during spinel-garnet and garnet-spinel phase transitions may be one explanation for extremely radiogenic 176Hf/177Hf reported for some mantle peridotites; it may also contribute to Hf isotope variations in sub-lithospheric source regions of mantle-derived magmas.  相似文献   

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