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矿山地质灾害分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
中国是世界上矿山地质灾害多发的国家之一。矿山地质灾害关系到国计民生,关系到社会的可持续发展。常见的矿山地质灾害包括矿井突水、瓦斯爆炸、采空区塌陷、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、水土流失、土地沙化和盐碱化、三废污染、煤层自燃、尾矿库溃坝、地方病、矿震等。灾害发生的原因有客观及主观两类。对矿山地质灾害必须予以高度关注。矿山地质灾害的防治是项综合的系统工程。矿山腐败现象和官商勾结敛财害民是矿山地质灾害发生的深层次原因,应予高度重视。  相似文献   

为了揭示矿山灾害系统的复杂性规律和运动本质,运用系统理论观点,从灾害链的角度对矿山灾害链定义、分类、特点及链式发育机理进行了研究。提出矿山灾害链组合断链减灾模型,即"初次断链+预防断链+灾后重建"组合断链模型,并在华恒公司矿井水害防治中得到运用,可以有效的解决矿井水害特别是矿井西部老空水问题。矿山灾害链式效应在矿山灾害中普遍存在,组合断链减灾模型为最佳减灾方案,而通过对断链程度和各断链过程对总断链的贡献率的计算实现断链最优化将成为今后研究的重点。   相似文献   

福建省安溪县矿山地质灾害防治对策浅谈   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
矿产资源的开发利用为安溪县的经济发展做出了巨大贡献,同时,也使地质环境遭到了较大破坏,甚至诱发了较严重的地质灾害。本文简要介绍福建省安溪县近年来发生过的矿山地质灾害主要类型,主要有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、矿井突水等,通过分析矿山地质灾害形成的主要原因,从管理的角度,提出防范对策,促进矿山开采走可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

通过对广西龙胜县某辉绿岩矿山的研究,查明了矿山地质概况,对其地质环境条件进行了调查,预测了该矿山可能引发或遭受的地质灾害及灾害类型,并有针对地提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

通过对山东栖霞滑石矿矿区水文地质条件的调查以及63线井-200中段工作面发生矿井突水造成的灾害分析,综合研究分析了矿井突水灾害基本特征及成因,在此基础上,探讨了矿井突水地质灾害的防治对策。  相似文献   

煤矿突水水源判别与水量预测方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
突水严重制约着煤矿安全生产。突水灾害的防治是涉及多学科多方法的系统工程。矿井突水水源快速判别和矿井涌水量准确预测是突水灾害防控的重要环节。从矿区地质环境精细探测、地下水循环交替特征和数学模型研究及应用等方面,总结了国内外煤矿突水预测的主要进展。对判别突水水源和预测涌水量的各种方法进行探讨,概述了各种方法的原理、应用现状及其适用条件。   相似文献   

矿井涌水量是矿山开发的重要技术条件之一,对矿井进行经济评估、设计和制定采掘方案,确定防治水措施以保障矿山安全生产具有重大意义。矿井涌水量预测的精度取决于矿井充水条件的正确分析及预测方法、参数的合理应用。以内蒙古乌后东升庙三贵口矿区为例,通过对矿区开展巷道水文地质调查,进行水化学分析,得出井巷充水水源主要来自于矿区东北侧山前冲洪积平原深部砂卵砾石孔隙水含水层。同时,运用水文地质比拟法与解析法对矿井530、480中段进行涌水量预测。  相似文献   

突水是矿山的主要灾害之一,矿井突水一般来势凶猛,常会在短时间内淹没坑道,给矿山生产带来危害,造成人员伤亡。在富水的岩溶水充水的矿区及顶底板有较厚高压含水层分布的矿山区,在构造破碎的地段,常易发生矿井突水。但只要查明水文地质条件,采取措施,矿井突水是可以预防和治理的。山东霄云煤矿1313工作面突水水量大,而工作面无钻孔,两顺槽掘进中发现的9条断层也不导水,判断不是钻孔、断层导水。突水事故发生后,通过水位、水温及水质化验分析,确定为奥灰水,导水通道为隐伏陷落柱。通过对突水点进行盖帽封堵、对突水通道进行注浆封堵,有效地封堵了过水通道,并满足了《煤矿防治水细则》的要求。  相似文献   

矿区岩溶地表塌陷神经网络预测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对近年来某矿岩溶地表塌陷频繁发生的现象,分析确定了影响地表塌陷的主要因素,构建了矿区岩溶地表塌陷预测BP神经网络模型,以训练后的BP网络模型对矿山帷幕注浆三期工程完成后可能形成的地表塌陷区的空间分布进行预测。并针对矿山现实塌陷情况,结合各区预测塌陷危险分级结果,提出了相应的岩溶地表塌陷灾害防治措施。实践表明,所建模型的预测结果与矿区地表塌陷实际情况相符,可为矿山后续帷幕注浆工程的设计与施工提供有益借鉴,为岩溶矿区地表塌陷灾害提供预警支持。  相似文献   

阐述了矿井水灾地质保障技术的现状及发展趋势。监测预警系统以突水机理、构造预测探测及突水量预测理论为基础。为此,划分了三种突水模式:正常岩层底板突水模式、断层裂隙带突水模式、陷落柱突水模式。归纳出完整厚板整体剪切断裂导水、厚板微观压裂导升、薄板宏观整体破断导水三种基本的突水机理。在宏观预测的基础上,形成了构造及其导水性的预测探查规范程序。以微变形和破坏两种情况下流-固耦合实验结果为基础,建立了矿井涌水量预测流程,实现了区域微变形和局部采动破坏共存条件下的突(涌)水量预测。依据灾害发生的监测预警指标体系,建立了矿井水灾预警的硬件系统和识别系统。  相似文献   

Induced sinkholes (catastrophic subsidence) are those caused or accelerated by human activities These sinkholes commonly result from a water level decline due to pumpage Construction activities in a cone of depression greatly increases the likelihood of sinkhole occurrence Almost all occur where cavities develop in unconsolidated deposits overlying solution openings in carbonate rocks. Triggering mechanisms resulting from water level declines are (1) loss of buoyant support of the water, (2) increased gradient and water velocity, (3) water-level fluctuations, and (4) induced recharge Construction activities triggering sinkhole development include ditching, removing overburden, drilling, movement of heavy equipment, blasting and the diversion and impoundment of drainage Triggering mechanisms include piping, saturation, and loading Induced sinkholes resulting from human water development/management activities are most predictable in a youthful karst area impacted by groundwater withdrawals Shape, depth, and timing of catastrophic subsidence can be predicted in general terms Remote sensing techniques are used in prediction of locations of catastrophic subsidence. This provides a basis for design and relocation of structures such as a gas pipeline, dam, or building Utilization of techniques and a case history of the relocation of a pipeline are described  相似文献   

长江中游荆江的水沙通过三口洪道分流入洞庭湖,三口分流是荆江-洞庭湖关系调整的驱动因子,为揭示其变化特征及三峡工程运用的影响,基于大量的原观数据,系统研究了近60年三口分流比的变化过程,提出其显著调整特征及诱发因素,引入径流还原计算方法,量化了三峡水库不同运用方式对三口分流量的影响幅度。结果表明:①特大洪水及重大人类活动等诱发因素作用下,三口分流比出现4~5年持续性减小的趋势调整期,之后进入分流比稳定恢复的平衡调整期;②2003-2014年,三峡水库汛前枯水补偿调度使得三口分流量年均增加8.000亿m3,汛后蓄水使得三口分流量年均减小29.00亿m3,对三口分流综合影响量为年均减少21.00亿m3,占同期三口年均分流量的4.29%。  相似文献   

泥石流的二维数学模型   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
泥石流是在重力作用下,由砂粒石块和水等组成的固液混合物,是一种发生于山区的复杂的地质灾害现象。泥石流主要是由暴雨诱发引起的,它沿着复杂的三维地形高速流动,具有流体流动的特性。为了模拟泥石流的运动规律,预测降雨诱发的泥石流的到达距离和泛滥范围,减少和避免泥石流引起的灾害,把泥石和雨水组成的固液混合物假定为遵循均匀、连续、不可压缩的、非定常的牛顿流体运动规律。基于质量守恒方程和Naiver-stokes方程,采用深度积分方法,推导出了一个模拟泥石流运动的二维数学模型。所有方程式可用有限差分法来求解。结合GIS,该模型可用于预测泥石流的流动距离和泛滥范围,以及泛滥范围内的危险房屋和路段,也可以用于泥石流灾害的风险性分析。  相似文献   

特大洪水日地水文学长期预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王涌泉 《地学前缘》2001,8(1):123-133
对于大江大河重现期为 5 0 10 0a的因暴雨产生的特大洪水 ,要提前 0 5a作出确定性预测和最大洪峰流量预报 ,国内外学者一般认为 ,由于缺乏相应的预测理论和方法 ,实际上不可能。笔者积40a的研究 ,在所创建的日地水文学理论和大洪水长期预测方法多次应用成功的基础上 ,对于 1998年长江特大洪水 ,先提前 10a作出初步预测 ,临期又提前 0 5a作出定性和定量预报。其依据是太阳活动、西太平洋海温下降、印度洋海温异常上升、东南非经南亚至中国西南气流异常降雨降雪、长江下游南侧特别是闽浙赣相邻地区前冬暴雨洪水 ,以及长江中游 133a来枯水季 1月破纪录罕见特高水位等一系列日地水文物理的新发现和先兆分析。经过和 1870年、195 4年、1931年等多次特大洪水的比较研究 ,从初步预测逐步深入 ,结果求得确定性预测。最后再根据上一次 2 2a周期性大洪水 ,按照日地水文相似模型 ,以太阳活动相对增量为参变量 ,建立最大洪峰流量预报公式 ,从而计算求得为80 0 0 0m3 /s。经 1998年 1月下旬提出预报 ,1998年 7月、8月已获得完全证实。在中国和全球大河中 ,80 0 0 0m3 /s特大洪水的成功长期预测 ,这是第一次。在洪水物理和定量预报上获得突破。  相似文献   

煤层底板突水突变模型   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
本文建立了煤层底板突水的一个尖点突变 (cusp)模型 ,并分析了煤层底板失稳破坏发生突水的机制。基于定态曲面方程 ,可求得煤层底板水压应力比 Ip。当 Ip 1时 ,发生突水 ;当 Ip 1时 ,不会发生突水。基于分支曲线方程 ,可求得煤层底板突水临界采动导水裂隙带深度 h1l,当 h1 h1l 时 ,发生突水 ;当 h1 h1l 时 ,不会发生突水。  相似文献   

Dianchi or Lake Dian is the largest shallow water lake on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which is not only crucial to maintain the ecological environments of Kunming, the famous city with four springs, but also contains almost 1.5×109 m3 highly polluted water. The management of the lake pollution and eutrophication will be a long-lasting hard work and the sudden diffusion of such highly polluted water can lead to catastrophic eco-environmental problems. Based on the historical documents, underwater topographic features, regional geological tectonics and the chronology of the sediments, it can be concluded that at one time the water leaked out in Dianchi, which is in consistent with the historical record of 1764 AD. This water leak event resulted in two funnels in the center of Dianchi. The sedimentary feature and the deformation properties indicated that the slope of one funnel collapsed, which means it was blocked, but the other one was under development or in dormancy. When the pressure induced from the water level changed or the earthquakes occurred, the underwater channel could be open or connected, a catastrophic water leakage might be induced. The highly polluted lake water would possibly flow to Lake Fuxian and pollute almost 9% national strategic fresh water resource, resulting in an eco-environmental event and endangering the national water security. Therefore, to monitor the water flowing situation, detect the position and direction of the channel, block the channel and prevent possible lake water leakage are the priority and urgent measurements at present.  相似文献   

Several small reservoirs and a large number of check dams had been constructed in the Wangkuai reservoir watershed after 1970s, and flood time series lacked stationarity, which affected the original design flood hydrographs for the Wangkuai reservoir. Since the location, storage capacity and drainage area of the large number of check dams were unknown, we present a method to estimate their total storage capacities (TSC) and total drainage areas (TDA) by using the recorded rainstorm and flood data. On the basis of TSC and TDA, the flood events which occurred in an undisturbed period were reconstructed under current conditions to obtain a stationary flood series. A frequency analysis was subsequently performed to assess the design flood peak and volume for both small and medium design floods with a 10–200 year return period. For large and catastrophic floods, it was assumed that the upstream check dams and small reservoirs would be destroyed, and water stored in these hydraulic structures were re-routed to the Wangkuai reservoir by unit hydrograph. The modified flood peak and volume decreased for floods with a 10–200 year return period when compared to the current design flood. But for large design floods with a return period exceeding 500 years, peak discharge increased. This study provides a new method for design flood calculation or modification of the original design flood in watersheds with a large number of check dams.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - As a result of the massive deforestation and windfalling in Romania last year, catastrophic floods frequently occur with historic high-water marks only to be registered every 500...  相似文献   

陈绪新 《地质与勘探》2018,54(2):376-380
为分析不同饱水条件下露天矿坑边坡稳定性,基于尖点突变理论,考虑矿坑水位变化对滑坡面岩体的劣化作用,构建饱水条件下边坡稳定性分析尖点突变模型。结果表明:不同饱水条件下对边坡岩石力学性质产生损伤,损伤演化方程符合负指数变化规律,并根据弱化规律建立非线性饱水弱化函数;对饱水滑面介质建立本构方程,引入饱水弱化函数,构建不同饱水条件下边坡稳定性分析尖点突变模型;根据尖点突变模型判别式得到,饱水作用对岩石损伤越大,判别值逐渐趋于0,边坡状态由稳定向失稳方向转变。研究成果可为边坡体内部含有的地质构造,如软弱结构等,以及受水位影响的库岸边坡稳定性分析提供有益思路。  相似文献   

Continuous, long-term studies of coastal grassbed assemblages in the N.E. Gulf of Mexico indicate complex relationships between physical controlling factors and biological response. Such seagrass systems are physically unstable over short periods. Seasonal ranges of temperature, salinity, and natural water quality conditions are considerable with periodic, recurrent “catastrophic” events such as floods and cold winters. These factors control the distribution and productivity of the seagrasses and algae which constitute the habitat and organic substrate for diverse assemblages of organisms. In addition, the benthic plants mediate predator-prey relationships and competitive interactions. Despite the physical instability, timed sequences of distinct ontogenetic feeding populations are generally stable from year to year as are other population and community characteristics. Thus, physical processes determine overall habitat conditions and productivity cycles whereas biological processes such as predation and competition define specific community relationships. However, seemingly minor changes in the physical environment due to anthropogenous activities can lead to major reorganization of the biological system; the observed biological stability of the seagrass beds can be ephemeral if important habitat features are altered in a way that exceeds the adaptive response of the system. Concepts are discussed which relate observed sequences of ontogenetic feeding units to food web patterns and geographic differences of population-niche relationships from one estuary to another.  相似文献   

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