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Magnetar corona     
Persistent high-energy emission of magnetars is produced by a plasma corona around the neutron star, with total energy output of ~1036 erg/s. The corona forms as a result of sporadic starquakes that twist the external magnetic field of the star and induce electric currents in the closed magnetosphere. Once twisted, the magnetosphere cannot untwist immediately because of its self-induction. The self-induction electric field lifts particles from the stellar surface, accelerates them, and initiates avalanches of pair creation in the magnetosphere. The created plasma corona maintains the electric current demanded by curl B and regulates the self-induction e.m.f. by screening. This corona persists in dynamic equilibrium: it is continually lost to the stellar surface on the light-crossing time ~10?4 s and replenished with new particles. In essence, the twisted magnetosphere acts as an accelerator that converts the toroidal field energy to particle kinetic energy. The voltage along the magnetic field lines is maintained near threshold for ignition of pair production, in the regime of self-organized criticality. The voltage is found to be about ~1 GeV which is in agreement with the observed dissipation rate ~1036 erg/s. The coronal particles impact the solid crust, knock out protons, and regulate the column density of the hydrostatic atmosphere of the star. The transition layer between the atmosphere and the corona is the likely source of the observed 100 keV emission. The corona also emits curvature radiation up to 1014 Hz and can supply the observed IR-optical luminosity.  相似文献   

The present work studies the hydrodynamic process of thermonuclear explosion of hydrostatic equilibrium, degenerate carbon-oxygen cores withM C=1.40M with different values of central densityϱ c within the interval 2 × 109 <ϱ c < 3 × 1010 g cm−3. The initial temperature distribution has been determined by the preceding thermal stage of explosion. The calculations successively include the kinetics of thermonuclear burning, the kinetics of β-processes, and neutrino energy losses. By considering the neutrino mechanism of heating and carbon ignition we obtained in our numerical hydrodynamic calculations two characteristic versions of the development of an explosion: (a) at 2 × 109 <ϱ c < 9 × 109 g cm−3 there is disruption of the whole star with either complete or partial burning of the carbon and a 1050–1051 erg kinetic energy; and (b) at 9 × 109 <ϱ c < 3 × 1010 g cm−3 the stellar core collapses into a neutron star with partial outburst of the outer envelope with a smaller kinetic energy of 1049–1050 erg. The paper proposes and details a hypothesis (the scenario of supernovae and the formation of neutron stars) on the first version of explosion, corresponding to SNII, and on the second, supplemented by some mechanism of slow energy release into the envelope expelled from the newly formed neutron star, corresponding to SNI. On the basis of the proposed hypothesis a satisfactory agreement with the observed masses and energies of the supernovae envelope, their light curves and spectra, as well as with the data on their chemical composition has been obtained. For this agreement we must assume that type I pre-supernovae are almost bare compact carbon-oxygen stellar cores, and that type II presupernovae are red supergiants. It is most probable that the evolution of type I pre-supernovae occurs in close binaries while the evolution of type II pre-supernovae seems to be very similar to the evolution of a single star.  相似文献   

A numerical method presented by Imshennik et al. (2002) is used to solve the two-dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamic problem on the formation of a toroidal atmosphere during the collapse of an iron stellar core and outer stellar layers. An evolutionary model from Boyes et al. (1999) with a total mass of 25M is used as the initial data for the distribution of thermodynamic quantities in the outer shells of a high-mass star. Our computational region includes the outer part of the iron core (without its central part with a mass of 1M that forms the embryo of a protoneutron star at the preceding stage of the collapse) and the silicon and carbon-oxygen shells with a total mass of (1.8–2.5)M. We analyze in detail the results of three calculations in which the difference mesh and the location of the inner boundary of the computational region are varied. In the initial data, we roughly specify an angular velocity distribution that is actually justified by the final result—the formation of a hydrostatic equilibrium toroidal atmosphere with reasonable total mass, Mtot=(0.117–0.122)M, and total angular momentum, Jtot=(0.445–0.472)×1050 erg s, for the two main calculations. We compare the numerical solution with our previous analytical solution in the form of toroidal atmospheres (Imshennik and Manukovskii 2000). This comparison indicates that they are identical if we take into account the more general and complex equation of state with a nonzero temperature and self-gravitation effects in the atmosphere. Our numerical calculations, first, prove the stability of toroidal atmospheres on characteristic hydrodynamic time scales and, second, show the possibility of sporadic fragmentation of these atmospheres even after a hydrodynamic equilibrium is established. The calculations were carried out under the assumption of equatorial symmetry of the problem and up to relatively long time scales (~10 s).  相似文献   

We further investigate the two-dimensional hydrodynamic explosion model for rapidly rotating and collapsing supernovae (Aksenov et al. 1997), in which the initial energy release inside a fragmenting low-mass neutron star of critical mass ≈0.1M moving in a circular orbit at a velocity of ≈18000 km s?1 is reduced considerably. This velocity closely corresponds to a pulsar escape velocity of ≈1000 km s?1 (at a total mass of ≈1.9M for the binary of neutron stars). Compared to our previous study (Zabrodina and Imshennik 1999), this energy release was reduced by more than a half. Otherwise, the model in question does not differ from the explosion model with a self-consistent chemical composition of nuclides investigated in the above paper. In particular, the initial energy release was carefully reconciled with a chemical composition. Our numerical solution shows that the reduction in energy release due to the time scales of β processes and neutrino energy losses being finite does not alter the qualitative results of our previous studies (Aksenov et al. 1997; Imshennik and Zabrodina 1999). An intense undamped diverging shock wave (with a total post-shock energy ? 1051 erg at a front radius of ≈10 000 km) is formed; a large asymmetry of explosion with a narrow cone (with a solid angle of ≈π/4) around the leading direction, which coincides with the velocity direction of the low-mass neutron star at the instant of its explosive fragmentation in the two-dimensional model, emerges. A jet of synthesized radioactive nickel, whose mass is estimated by using simple threshold criteria to be M Ni≈(0.02?0.03)M is concentrated inside this cone. This appears to be the integrated parameter that is most sensitive to the specified reduction in initial energy release; it is also reduced by almost a half compared to our previous estimate (Imshennik and Zabrodina 1999). The time of propagation of the shock wave inferred in our model to the presupernova surface was estimated for SN 1987A to be 0.5–1.0 h, in agreement with observations.  相似文献   

An analytic solution has been found in the Roche approximation for the axially symmetric structure of a hydrostatically equilibrium atmosphere of a neutron star produced by collapse. A hydrodynamic (quasione-dimensional) model for the collapse of a rotating iron core in a massive star gives rise to a heterogeneous rotating protoneutron star with an extended atmosphere composed of matter from the outer part of the iron core with differential rotation (Imshennik and Nadyozhin, 1992). The equation of state of a completely degenerate iron gas with an arbitrary degree of relativity is taken for the atmospheric matter. We construct a family of toroidal model atmospheres with total masses M≈ 0.1?2M and total angular momenta J≈(1?5.5)×49 erg s, which are acceptable for the outer part of the collapsed iron core, in accordance with the hydrodynamic model, as a function of constant parameters ω0 and r 0 of the specified differential rotation law Ω=ω0exp[?(rsinθ)2/r 0 2 ] in spherical coordinates. The assumed rotation law is also qualitatively consistent with the hydrodynamic model for the collapse of an iron core.  相似文献   

We describe the cooling theory for isolated neutron stars that are several tens of years old. Their cooling differs greatly from the cooling of older stars that has been well studied in the literature. It is sensitive to the physics of the inner stellar crust and even to the thermal conductivity of the stellar core, which is never important at later cooling stages. The absence of observational evidence for the formation of a neutron star during the explosion of Supernova 1987A is consistent with the fact that the star was actually born there. It may still be hidden in the dense center of the supernova remnant. If, however, the star is not hidden, then it should have a low thermal luminosity (below ~1034 erg s?1) and a short internal thermal relaxation time (shorter than 13 yr). This requires that the star undergo intense neutrino cooling (e.g., via the direct Urca process) and have a thin crust with strong superfluidity of free neutrons and/or an anomalously high thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

The position of the knee in the Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) spectrum is shown to depend on the explosion energy distribution function of supernovae (SN). The position of the knee in the GCR spectrum can be quantitatively explained by the dominating contribution of hypernovae with explosion energies of (~30–50)×1051 erg, the fraction of which must be no less than 1% of all SN. The model reproduces the main features in the spectrum of all particles measured in extensive air shower (EAS) experiments: the knee in the spectrum of all particles at energy of about 3 PeV, the change in slope by δγ ~ 0.3–0.5 after the knee point, and the steepening of the spectrum near 1018 eV. The model predicts a smooth knee if the SN explosion energy distribution is universal and a sharp knee if the hypernovae represent a separate class of events. The suggested model of the GCR spectrum is essentially based on the assumption that a spread in explosion energies exists and that the assumptions of the standard model for the CR acceleration in supernova remnants are valid.  相似文献   

The peculiar combination of a relatively short pulse period and a relatively weak surface dipole magnetic field strength of binary radio pulsars finds a consistent explanation in terms of (i) decay of the surface dipole component of neutron-star magnetic fields on a timescale of (2–5) × 106 yr, in combination with (ii) spin-up of the rotation of the neutron star during a subsequent mass-transfer phase. The four known binary radio pulsars appear to fall into two different categories. Two of them, PSR 0655 + 64 and PSR 1913 + 16, have short orbital periods (<25 h) and high mass functions, indicating companion masses 0.7M⊙ (∼1 (± 0.3) M⊙ and 1.4 M⊙, respectively). The other two, PSR 0820 + 02 and PSR 1953 + 29, have long orbital periods (117d), nearly circular orbits, and low, almost identical mass functions of about 3×10-3 M⊙, suggesting companion masses of about 0.3M⊙. It is pointed out that these two classes of systems are expected to be formed by the later evolution of binaries consisting of a neutron star and a normal companion star, in which the companion was (considerably) more massive than the neutron star, or less massive than the neutron star, respectively. In the first case the companion of the neutron star in the final system will be a massive white dwarf, in a circular orbit, or a neutron star in an eccentric orbit. In the second case the final companion to the neutron star will be a low-mass (∼ 0.3 M⊙) helium white dwarf in a wide and nearly circular orbit. In systems of the second type the neutron star was most probably formed by the accretion-induced collapse of a white dwarf. This explains in a natural way why PSR 1953 + 29 has a millisecond rotation period and PSR 0820 + 02 has not. Among the binary models proposed for the formation of the 1.5-millisecond pulsar, the only ones that appear to be viable are those in which the companion disappeared by coalescence with the neutron star. In such models the companion may have been a red dwarf of mass 0.03M⊙, a neutron star, or a massive (>0.7M⊙) white dwarf. Only in the last-mentioned case is a position of the pulsar close to the galactic plane a natural consequence. In the first-mentioned case the progenitor system most probably was a cataclysmic-variable binary in which the white dwarf collapsed by accretion.  相似文献   

We report the detection of series of close type I X-ray bursts consisting of two or three events with a recurrence time much shorter than the characteristic (at the observed mean accretion rate) time of matter accumulation needed for a thermonuclear explosion to be initiated on the neutron star surface during the JEM-X/INTEGRAL observations of several X-ray bursters. We show that such series of bursts are naturally explained in the model of a spreading layer of accreting matter over the neutron star surface in the case of a sufficiently high (? ? 1 × 10?9 M yr?1) accretion rate (corresponding to a mean luminosity L tot ? 1 × 1037erg s?1). The existence of triple bursts requires some refinement of the model—the importance of a central ring zone is shown. In the standard model of a spreading layer no infall of matter in this zone is believed to occur.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamical problem of nuclear explosion of a dense carbon core of a star with mass 1.40M is solved numerically. In calculation the kinetics of carbon burning at the nuclear reaction C12+C12→M24+γ rate is included. Thus the inverse effect of hydrodynamical motion on the process of thermonuclear burning is taken into account, as compared with Bruenn's (1972) calculations. The calculations show that a pulsation regime of burning is realized (actually three pulses were obtained) which evolves to the detonation regime with full combustion and disruption of the star only at the third pulse. The effects of disintegration of iron group nuclei, neutronization of matter and neutrino losses in URCA processes have not yet been considered in calculations. The influence of initial conditions (mainly the temperature distributions) and the above mentioned effects, which have not been included in calculation, on the results of the hydrodynamical problem solution are discussed. The conclusion is made on new possibilities of formation of a gravitationally bound remnant of the explosion and a neutron star.  相似文献   

The excess of the rate of type I X-ray bursts over that expected when the matter fallen between bursts completely burns out in a thermonuclear explosion which is observed in bursters with a high persistent luminosity (4 × 1036 ? LX ? 2 × 1037 erg s?1) is explained in terms of the model of a spreading layer of matter coming from the accretion disk over the neutron star surface. In this model the accreting matter settles to the stellar surface mainly in two high-latitude ring zones. Despite the subsequent spreading of matter over the entire star, its surface density in these zones turns out to be higher than the average one by 2–3 orders of magnitude, which determines the predominant ignition probability. The multiple events whereby the flame after the thermonuclear explosion in one ring zone (initial burst) propagates through less densematter to another zone and initiates a second explosion in it (recurrent burst) make a certain contribution to the observed excess of the burst rate. However, the localized explosions of matter in these zones, after which the burning in the zone rapidly dies out without affecting other zones, make a noticeably larger contribution to the excess of the burst rate over the expected one.  相似文献   

The formation of chemical elements in the envelopes of neutron stars is considered at the densities ?=107 to 1013 g cm?3. It is shown, that the compression of cold and hot matter leads to different chemical compositions. The compression of cold matter is accompanied by a decrease of atomic weightA, up to ?≈3×1012 g cm?3. One may distinguish the following stages during the compression of hot matter: quasi-equilibrium, when there exists both nuclear equilibrium and kinetic equilibrium in β-processes; and limited equilibrium, when the total number of nuclei is constant. It is shown that a nonequilibrium chemical composition may be formed in the envelopes of neutron stars where there is an excess of neutrons in the presence of superheavy nuclei. The nuclear energy, stored in the neutron star envelope may be sufficient to support neutron star luminosity at a level of ~ 1036 erg s?1 over a period of ~ 105 yr. Possible applications to the problem of X-ray sources and pulsars are discussed. The formation of the heavy nuclei in Supernovae explosions is considered briefly. Rough estimates are made for the differences in chemical composition of ejected matter during the explosions of stars of different masses and Supernovae of different types.  相似文献   

A compact structure of a low-mass Type I presupernovae is assumed to be an essential feature of the hydrodynamical problem dealing with the supernova Type I (SNI) envelope outbursts. This structure is characterized by a degenerate carbon-oxygen core, which suffers a thermonuclear explosion of carbon fuel (M 0≃1.40M ), and by a compact lowmass envelope (M e ≲0.1M ) with external radiusR e≃109 cm. The parameters, of this hydrostatic envelope are specified and then, for a relatively small explosion energy, ofW 0≃(2–10)×1049 erg, hydrodynamic problem of the envelope ejection is solved numerically. This energy comes from neutrino-induced detonative carbon burning. The resulting structure of the SNI atmosphere expanding with the velocity gradient can be employed for an interpretation of the observed SNI spectra. In accordance with our previous papers, the SNI light curves are considered to occur due to an additional slow (with time-scale 106–107 s) release of the bulk of the SNI energy,W≃1051, erg. The slow energy release does not, however, affect the structure of the outermost expanding layers of the envelope which are responsible for the SNI spectra. A short (Δt≃10−2 s) burst of soft (2–10 keV) X-rays with total radiated energy of about 1040 erg is found to appear 10–20 days before the SNI optical maximum.  相似文献   

We analyze the observations of the transient X-ray pulsar 4U 0115+63 with the RXTE and INTEGRAL observatories in a wide X-ray (3–100 keV) energy band during its intense outbursts in 1999 and 2004. The energy of the fundamental harmonic of the cyclotron resonance absorption line near the maximum of the X-ray flux from the source (luminosity range 5 × 1037–2 × 1038 erg s?1) is ~11 keV. When the pulsar luminosity falls below ~5 × 1037 erg s?1, the energy of the fundamental harmonic is displaced sharply toward the high energies, up to ~16 keV. Under the assumption of a dipole magnetic field configuration, this change in cyclotron harmonic energy corresponds to a decrease in the height of the emitting region by ~2 km, while other spectral parameters, in particular, the cutoff energy, remain essentially constant. At a luminosity ~7 × 1037 erg s?1, four almost equidistant cyclotron line harmonics are recorded in the spectrum. This suggests that either the region where the emission originates is compact or the emergent spectrum from different (in height) segments of the accretion column is uniform. We have found significant pulse profile variations with energy, luminosity, and time. In particular, we show that the profile variations from pulse to pulse are not reduced to a simple modulation of the accretion rate specified by external conditions.  相似文献   

We show that the Hα luminosity and the Thomson optical depth of supernova iPTF14hls on day 600 after its discovery make it possible to estimate the envelope age at this stage, which turns out to be ~1000 days. A model that suggests the explosion of a massive star with a radius of ~2 × 1013 cm 450 days before the discovery is proposed. In the optimal model the ejecta mass is 30 M? with a kinetic energy of 8 × 1051 erg. The energy source at the main luminosity stage is presumably associated with the relativistic bipolar outflows produced by disk accretion onto a black hole. The [O I] 6300, 6364 Å doublet in the spectrum on day 600 is shown to be the result of emission from at least 1–3M? of oxygen in the central ejecta zone. The oxygen distribution is aspherical and can be represented both by two blue- and redshifted components (in the optically thin case) and by one blueshifted component in the case of optically thick lines at an oxygen filling factor of ~2 × 10?3.  相似文献   

Energy release in the superconducting core of a neutron star as neutron vortices move toward the boundary of the star’s core and crust is examined. It is shown that the rate of energy release is on the order of 1026-1030 erg/s, or sufficient to provide the radio luminosity of known pulsars. The energy release rates calculated under the assumption of asymmetric energy release are compared with observational data on the radio luminosity of 575 pulsars.  相似文献   

The evolution of the family of binaries with a low-mass star and a compact neutron star companion (low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) with neutron stars) ismodeled by the method of population synthesis. Continuous Roche-lobe filling by the optical star in LMXBs is assumed to be maintained by the removal of orbital angular momentum from the binary by a magnetic stellar wind from the optical star and the radiation of gravitational waves by the binary. The developed model of LMXB evolution has the following significant distinctions: (1) allowance for the effect of the rotational evolution of a magnetized compact remnant on themass transfer scenario in the binary, (2) amore accurate allowance for the response of the donor star to mass loss at the Roche-lobe filling stage. The results of theoretical calculations are shown to be in good agreement with the observed orbital period-X-ray luminosity diagrams for persistent Galactic LMXBs and their X-ray luminosity function. This suggests that the main elements of binary evolution, on the whole, are correctly reflected in the developed code. It is shown that most of the Galactic bulge LMXBs at luminosities L x > 1037 erg s?1 should have a post-main-sequence Roche-lobe-filling secondary component (low-mass giants). Almost all of the models considered predict a deficit of LMXBs at X-ray luminosities near ~1036.5 erg s?1 due to the transition of the binary from the regime of angular momentum removal by a magnetic stellar wind to the regime of gravitational waves (analogous to the widely known period gap in cataclysmic variables, accreting white dwarfs). At low luminosities, the shape of the model luminosity function for LMXBs is affected significantly by their transient behavior-the accretion rate onto the compact companion is not always equal to the mass transfer rate due to instabilities in the accretion disk around the compact object. The best agreement with observed binaries is achieved in the models suggesting that heavy neutron stars with masses 1.4–1.9M can be born.  相似文献   

Based on RATAN-600 21-cm H I line observations with an angular resolution of 2.4', we studied the neutral-hydrogen distribution in the region of the supernova remnant (SNR) S 147 (G180.0-1.7). We detected a rotating shell of neutral gas immediately adjacent to the SNR that is expanding at a velocity of 20 km s?1. The H I shell is less distinct in the southeastern part and at negative radial velocities. The outer shell diameter is 90 pc; the H I mass in the shell is 2.2 × 104M. These data allowed us to estimate the SNR age, 6.5×105 yr, and the initial explosion energy, 2.2×1051 erg.  相似文献   

An overview of the results of observations for the transient X-ray pulsar 4U 0115+63, amember of a binary system with a Be star, since its discovery to the present day (~40 years) based on data from more than dozen observatories and instruments is presented. An overall light curve and the history of change in the spin frequency of the neutron star over the entire history of its observations, which also includes the results of recent measurements made by the INTEGRAL observatory during the 2004, 2008, and 2011 outbursts, are provided. The source’s energy spectra have also been constructed from the INTEGRAL data obtained during the 2011 outburst for a dynamic range of its luminosities 1037?7 × 1037 erg s?1. We show that apart from the fundamental harmonic of the cyclotron absorption line at energy~11 keV, its four higher harmonics at energies ?24, 35.6, 48.8, and 60.7 keV are detected in the spectrum. We have performed a detailed analysis of the source’s spectra in the 4–28 keV energy band based on all of the available RXTE archival data obtained during bright outbursts in 1995–2011. We have confirmed that modifying the source’s continuum model can lead to the disappearance of the observed anticorrelation between the energy of the fundamental harmonic of the cyclotron absorption line and the source’s luminosity. Thus, the question about the evolution of the cyclotron absorption line energy with the luminosity of the X-ray pulsar 4U 0115+63 remains open and a physically justified radiation model for X-ray pulsars is needed to answer it.  相似文献   

The neutral hydrogen emission at 21 cm has been investigated with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in the vicinity of the supernova remnant HB9. A clumpyHI shell with radial motions surrounding the remnant has been detected. Its measured parameters contradict the connection with a shock wave from a supernova explosion. The shell formation under the action of a wind from a star that exploded as a supernova at the end of its evolution seems more realistic. The characteristics of the star obtained from the observed shell parameters are the following: a wind power of 0.5 × 1038 erg s?1, a mass-loss rate of 3.7 × 10?5 M yr?1, and an age of 3 × 106 yr. Given the measurement errors, the mass of the star is estimated to be >8M .  相似文献   

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