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A statistical downscaling model is built for the late-winter rainfall over Southwest China(SWC).A partial-correlation method is used for selecting factors.The results show that the selected factors for late-winter rainfall in SWC are sea level pressure in Western Europe(SNAO)and sea surface temperature in Western Pacific(WPT).SNAO is related to the southern pole of North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO)and excites Southern Eurasian teleconnection,which influences the development of the southern branch trough and the water vapor transport to SWC.WPT indicates the variability of ENSO in the tropical Western Pacific.WPT excites Pacific-East Asia teleconnection and an anticyclone(cyclone)is formed in the southern part of China and suppresses(enhances)rainfall over SWC.A regression statistical downscaling model using SNAO and WPT shows good performance in fitting the variability of late-winter rainfall in the whole SWC region and every observation station,and the model also shows strong robustness in the independent validation.The statistical model can be used for downscaling output from seasonal forecast numerical models and improve the SWC late winter rainfall prediction in the future.  相似文献   

Building statistical downscaling models often faces a large number of potential predictors from atmospheric circulation fields. The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) has been used to downscale monthly rainfall in summer over the Yangtze River Valley. Based on the shrinkage of coefficients of the model, LASSO can provide sparse models with many coefficients being zero. Geopotential height at 500-hPa was used as the predictor set. The results show that LASSO can reproduce the spatial pattern of anomalies of rainfall in most years. Furthermore, LASSO can reproduce the shift of the rainfall over the Yangtze River Valley in the late 1970s. The performance of the elastic net was also tested, and its grouping effect should be noted. It was also found that LASSO performs better than principal component regression.  相似文献   

Precipitation temporal and spatial variability often controls terrestrial hydrological processes and states. Common remote-sensing and modeling precipitation products have a spatial resolution that is often too coarse to reveal hydrologically important spatial variability. A statistical algorithm was developed for downscaling low-resolution spatial precipitation fields. This algorithm auto-searches precipitation spatial structures (rain-pixel clusters), and orographic effects on precipitation distribution without prior knowledge of atmospheric setting. It is composed of three components: rain-pixel clustering, multivariate regression, and random cascade. The only required input data for the downscaling algorithm are coarse-pixel precipitation map and a topographic map. The algorithm was demonstrated with 4 km × 4 km Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) precipitation fields, and tested by downscaling NEXRAD-aggregated 16 km × 16 km precipitation fields to 4 km × 4 km pixel precipitation, which was then compared to the original NEXRAD data. The demonstration and testing were performed at both daily and hourly temporal resolutions for the northern New Mexico mountainous terrain and the central Texas Hill Country. The algorithm downscaled daily precipitation fields are in good agreement with the original 4 km × 4 km NEXRAD precipitation, as measured by precipitation spatial structures and the statistics between the downscaling and the original NEXRAD precipitation maps. For three daily precipitation events, downscaled precipitation map reproduces precipitation variance of the disaggregation field, and with Pearson correlation coefficients between the downscaled map and the NEXRAD map of 0.65, 0.71, and 0.80. The algorithm does not perform as well on downscaling hourly precipitation fields at the examined scale range (from 16 km to 4 km), which underestimates precipitation variance of the disaggregation field. For a scale range from 4 km to 1 km, the algorithm has potential to perform well at both daily and hourly precipitation fields, indicated from good regression performance.  相似文献   


Currently there is much discussion regarding the impact of climate change and the vagaries of the weather, in particular extreme weather events. The Himalayas form the main natural water resource of the major river systems of the Indian region. We present a brief review of the available information and data for extreme rainfall events that were experienced in different sectors of the Himalayas during the last 137 years (1871–2007). Across the entire Himalayas, from east to west, there are now 822 rainfall stations. There was an increase in the rainfall station network from 1947 onwards, especially in the Nepal and Bhutan Himalayas. Extreme one-day rainfall has been picked out for each station irrespective of the period for which data are available. The decadal distribution of these extreme one-day rainfalls shows that there is a considerable increase in the frequencies during the decades 1951–1960 to 1991–2000, whereas there is a sudden decrease in the frequencies in the present decade during 2001–2007, indicating the need to understand the response of the systems to global change and the associated physical and climatological changes. This is essential in terms of preserving this natural resource and to encourage environmental management and sustainable development of mountain regions.

Citation Nandargi, S. & Dhar, O. N. (2011) Extreme rainfall events over the Himalayas between 1871 and 2007. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 930–945.  相似文献   

This paper assesses linear regression‐based methods in downscaling daily precipitation from the general circulation model (GCM) scale to a regional climate model (RCM) scale (45‐ and 15‐km grids) and down to a station scale across North America. Traditional downscaling experiments (linking reanalysis/dynamical model predictors to station precipitation) as well as nontraditional experiments such as predicting dynamic model precipitation from larger‐scale dynamic model predictors or downscaling dynamic model precipitation from predictors at the same scale are conducted. The latter experiments were performed to address predictability limit and scale issues. The results showed that the downscaling of daily precipitation occurrence was rarely successful at all scales, although results did constantly improve with the increased resolution of climate models. The explained variances for downscaled precipitation amounts at the station scales were low, and they became progressively better when using predictors from a higher‐resolution climate model, thus showing a clear advantage in using predictors from RCMs driven by reanalysis at its boundaries, instead of directly using reanalysis data. The low percentage of explained variances resulted in considerable underestimation of daily precipitation mean and standard deviation. Although downscaling GCM precipitation from GCM predictors (or RCM precipitation from RCM predictors) cannot really be considered downscaling, as there is no change in scale, the exercise yields interesting information as to the limit in predictive ability at the station scale. This was especially clear at the GCM scale, where the inability of downscaling GCM precipitation from GCM predictors demonstrates that GCM precipitation‐generating processes are largely at the subgrid scale (especially so for convective events), thus indicating that downscaling precipitation at the station scale from GCM scale is unlikely to be successful. Although results became better at the RCM scale, the results indicate that, overall, regression‐based approaches did not perform well in downscaling precipitation over North America. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface and upper air circulation features associated with extreme precipitation years are demonstrated during winter season viz., December, January, February and March (DJFM) to examine winter weather affecting the western Himalayas. These circulations are studied over the domain 15°S–45°N and 30°E–120°E. This domain is considered particularly to illustrate the distribution of precipitation due to a wintertime eastward moving synoptic weather system called western disturbances. Surplus and deficient years of seasonal (DJFM) precipitation are identified using ± 20% departure from mean from uninitialized daily reanalysis data of forty (1958–1997) years of the National Center For Environmental Prediction (NCEP), US. The years 1965–1969, 1973 and 1991 are found to be surplus years and the years 1962, 1963, 1971, 1977, and 1985 are found to be deficient years. Comparative study between composites of these two categories is made using students t-test of significance. Significant differences in sea-level pressure, zonal and meridional component of wind at surface and upper levels, total precipitable water content, geopotential height and temperature are observed in the two contrasting seasons.  相似文献   

This study compares three linear models and one non-linear model, specifically multiple linear regression (MLR) with ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates, robust regression, ridge regression, and artificial neural networks (ANNs), to identify an appropriate transfer function in statistical downscaling (SD) models for the daily maximum and minimum temperatures (Tmax and Tmin) and daily precipitation occurrence and amounts (Pocc and Pamount). This comparison was made over twenty-five observation sites located in five different Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Québec). Reanalysis data were employed as atmospheric predictor variables of SD models. Predictors of linear transfer functions and ANN were selected by linear correlations coefficient and mutual information, respectively. For each downscaled case, annual and monthly models were developed and analysed. The monthly MLR, annual ANN, annual ANN, and annual MLR yielded the best performance for Tmax, Tmin, Pocc and Pamont according to the modified Akaike information criterion (AICu). A monthly MLR is recommended for the transfer functions of the four predictands because it can provide a better performance for the Tmax and as good performance as the annual MLR for the Tmin, Pocc, and Pamount. Furthermore, a monthly MLR can provide a slightly better performance than an annual MLR for extreme events. An annual MLR approach is also equivalently recommended for the transfer functions of the four predictands because it showed as good a performance as monthly MLR in spite of its mathematical simplicity. Robust and ridge regressions are not recommended because the data used in this study are not greatly affected by outlier data and multicollinearity problems. An annual ANN is recommended only for the Tmin, based on the best performance among the models in terms of both the RMSE and AICu.  相似文献   

Future climate projections of Global Climate Models (GCMs) under different emission scenarios are usually used for developing climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. However, the existing GCMs have only limited ability to simulate the complex and local climate features, such as precipitation. Furthermore, the outputs provided by GCMs are too coarse to be useful in hydrologic impact assessment models, as these models require information at much finer scales. Therefore, downscaling of GCM outputs is usually employed to provide fine-resolution information required for impact models. Among the downscaling techniques based on statistical principles, multiple regression and weather generator are considered to be more popular, as they are computationally less demanding than the other downscaling techniques. In the present study, the performances of a multiple regression model (called SDSM) and a weather generator (called LARS-WG) are evaluated in terms of their ability to simulate the frequency of extreme precipitation events of current climate and downscaling of future extreme events. Areal average daily precipitation data of the Clutha watershed located in South Island, New Zealand, are used as baseline data in the analysis. Precipitation frequency analysis is performed by fitting the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution to the observed, the SDSM simulated/downscaled, and the LARS-WG simulated/downscaled annual maximum (AM) series. The computations are performed for five return periods: 10-, 20-, 40-, 50- and 100-year. The present results illustrate that both models have similar and good ability to simulate the extreme precipitation events and, thus, can be adopted with confidence for climate change impact studies of this nature.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - In numerical ocean modeling, dynamical downscaling is the approach consisting in generating high-resolution regional simulations exploiting the information from coarser resolution...  相似文献   


Downscaling of climate projections is the most adapted method to assess the impacts of climate change at regional and local scales. This study utilized both spatial and temporal downscaling approaches to develop intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) relations for sub-daily rainfall extremes in the Perth airport area. A multiple regression-based statistical downscaling model tool was used for spatial downscaling of daily rainfall using general circulation models (GCMs) (Hadley Centre’s GCM and Canadian Global Climate Model) climate variables. A simple scaling regime was identified for 30 minutes to 24 hours duration of observed annual maximum (AM) rainfall. Then, statistical properties of sub-daily AM rainfall were estimated by scaling an invariant model based on the generalized extreme value distribution. RMSE, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient and percentage bias values were estimated to check the accuracy of downscaled sub-daily rainfall. This proved the capability of the proposed approach in developing a linkage between large-scale GCM daily variables and extreme sub-daily rainfall events at a given location. Finally IDF curves were developed for future periods, which show similar extreme rainfall decreasing trends for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s for both GCMs.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor S. Kanae  相似文献   

In this paper, downscaling models are developed using various linear regression approaches, namely direct, forward, backward and stepwise regression, for obtaining projections of mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures (Tmax and Tmin) to lake‐basin scale in an arid region in India. The effectiveness of these regression approaches is evaluated through application to downscale the predictands for the Pichola lake region in the state of Rajasthan in India, which is considered to be a climatically sensitive region. The predictor variables are extracted from (i) the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis dataset for the period 1948–2000 and (ii) the simulations from the third‐generation Canadian Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM3) for emission scenarios A1B, A2, B1 and COMMIT for the period 2001–2100. The selection of important predictor variables becomes a crucial issue for developing downscaling models as reanalysis data are based on a wide range of meteorological measurements and observations. A simple multiplicative shift was used for correcting predictand values. Direct regression was found to yield better performance among all other regression techniques for the training data set, while the forward regression technique performed better in the validation data set, explored in the present study. For trend analysis, the Mann–Kendall non‐parametric test was performed. The results of downscaling models show that an increasing trend is observed for Tmax and Tmin for A1B, A2 and B1 scenarios, whereas no trend is discerned with the COMMIT scenario by using predictors. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrologic models are simplified representations of natural hydrologic systems. Since these models rely on assumptions and simplifications to capture some aspects of hydrological processes, calibration of parameters is unavoidable. However, utilizing the philosophy of a recent modelling framework proposed by Bahremand (2016), we show how calibration of most model parameters can be avoided by allocating or presetting these parameters utilizing knowledge gained from sensitivity analyses, field observations and a priori specifications as a part of a parameter allocation procedure. This paper details the simulation of daily river flow of the Shemshak-Roudak watershed performed using the Python version of the WetSpa model. The WetSpa-Python model is a distributed model of hydrological processes applied at the watershed scale. The model was applied to the Shemshak-Roudak watershed of Iran with parameter allocation. Model calibration involved only two parameters. Straightforward methods were proposed for allocating model parameters, including three baseflow-related parameters and the determination of maximum active groundwater storage using a mass curve technique. Also, the Budyko curve was used to constrain a correction factor for potential evapotranspiration. The WetSpa-Python model was extended to include the influence of snowmelt. A failure to include snow in the hydrological processes of the WetSpa-Python model creates a significant discrepancy between the observed and simulated hydrographs during the spring. The results of daily simulations for 12 years (2002–2014) are in good agreement with observations of discharge (Kling-Gupta Efficiency = 0.84). These results demonstrate that it is feasible to simulate hydrographs with limited calibration given a knowledge of hydrological processes and an understanding of relationships between catchment characteristics and model parameters.  相似文献   

The circulation and zonal wind anomalies in the lower troposphere over the equatorial western Pacific and their roles in the developing and decaying processes of the 1982–1983, 1986 –1987, 1991–1992 and 1997–1998 El Ni?o events and the occurrence of La Ni?a events are analyzed by using the observed data in this paper. The results show that before the developing stage of these El Ni?o events, there were cyclonic circulation anomalies in the lower troposphere over the tropical western Pacific, and the anomalies brought the westerly anomalies over the Indonesia and the tropical western Pacific. However, when the El Ni?o events developed to their mature phase, there were anticyclonic circulation anomalies in the lower troposphere over the tropical western Pacific, and the anomalies made the easterly anomalies appear over the tropical western Pacific. A simple, dynamical model of tropical ocean is used to calculate the response of the equatorial oceanic waves to the observed anomalies of wind stress near the sea surface of the equatorial Pacific during the 1997/98 ENSO cycle, which was the strongest one in the 20th century. It is shown that the zonal wind stress anomalies have an important dynamical effect on the devel-opment and decay of this El Ni?o event and the occurrence of the following La Ni?a event.  相似文献   

Zheng C  Wang PP 《Ground water》2002,40(3):258-266
While significant progress has been made in the theoretical development of the simulation/optimization (S/O) approach for ground water remediation design, its application to large, field-scale problems has remained limited. To demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the S/O approach under real field conditions, an optimization demonstration project was conducted at the Massachusetts Military Reservation in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, involving the design of a pump-and-treat system for the containment and cleanup of a large trichloroethylene (TCE) plume. The optimization techniques used in this study are based on evolutionary algorithms coupled with a response function approach for greater computational efficiency. The S/O analysis was performed parallel to a conventional trial-and-error analysis based on simulation alone. The results of this study demonstrate that not only would it be possible to remove more TCE mass under the same amount of pumping assumed in the trial-and-error design, but also substantial cost savings could be achieved by reducing the number of wells needed and adapting dynamic pumping. In spite of the large model size of more than 500,000 nodes and a long planning horizon of 30 years, the optimization modeling was carried out successfully on desktop PCs. This field demonstration project clearly illustrates the potential benefits of applying optimization techniques in remediation system design.  相似文献   

Jia Liu  Michaela Bray  Dawei Han 《水文研究》2012,26(20):3012-3031
Accurate information of rainfall is needed for sustainable water management and more reliable flood forecasting. The advances in mesoscale numerical weather modelling and modern computing technologies make it possible to provide rainfall simulations and forecasts at increasingly higher resolutions in space and time. However, being one of the most difficult variables to be modelled, the quality of the rainfall products from the numerical weather model remains unsatisfactory for hydrological applications. In this study, the sensitivity of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is investigated using different domain settings and various storm types to improve the model performance of rainfall simulation. Eight 24‐h storm events are selected from the Brue catchment, southwest England, with different spatial and temporal distributions of the rainfall intensity. Five domain configuration scenarios designed with gradually changing downscaling ratios are used to run the WRF model with the ECMWF 40‐year reanalysis data for the periods of the eight events. A two‐dimensional verification scheme is proposed to evaluate the amounts and distributions of simulated rainfall in both spatial and temporal dimensions. The verification scheme consists of both categorical and continuous indices for a first‐level assessment and a more quantitative evaluation of the simulated rainfall. The results reveal a general improvement of the model performance as we downscale from the outermost to the innermost domain. Moderate downscaling ratios of 1:7, 1:5 and 1:3 are found to perform better with the WRF model in giving more reasonable results than smaller ratios. For the sensitivity study on different storm types, the model shows the best performance in reproducing the storm events with spatial and temporal evenness of the observed rainfall, whereas the type of events with highly concentrated rainfall in space and time are found to be the trickiest case for WRF to handle. Finally, the efficiencies of several variability indices are verified in categorising the storm events on the basis of the two‐dimensional rainfall evenness, which could provide a more quantitative way for the event classification that facilitates further studies. It is important that similar studies with various storm events are carried out in other catchments with different geographic and climatic conditions, so that more general error patterns can be found and further improvements can be made to the rainfall products from mesoscale numerical weather models. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many downscaling techniques have been developed in the past few years for projection of station‐scale hydrological variables from large‐scale atmospheric variables simulated by general circulation models (GCMs) to assess the hydrological impacts of climate change. This article compares the performances of three downscaling methods, viz. conditional random field (CRF), K‐nearest neighbour (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) methods in downscaling precipitation in the Punjab region of India, belonging to the monsoon regime. The CRF model is a recently developed method for downscaling hydrological variables in a probabilistic framework, while the SVM model is a popular machine learning tool useful in terms of its ability to generalize and capture nonlinear relationships between predictors and predictand. The KNN model is an analogue‐type method that queries days similar to a given feature vector from the training data and classifies future days by random sampling from a weighted set of K closest training examples. The models are applied for downscaling monsoon (June to September) daily precipitation at six locations in Punjab. Model performances with respect to reproduction of various statistics such as dry and wet spell length distributions, daily rainfall distribution, and intersite correlations are examined. It is found that the CRF and KNN models perform slightly better than the SVM model in reproducing most daily rainfall statistics. These models are then used to project future precipitation at the six locations. Output from the Canadian global climate model (CGCM3) GCM for three scenarios, viz. A1B, A2, and B1 is used for projection of future precipitation. The projections show a change in probability density functions of daily rainfall amount and changes in the wet and dry spell distributions of daily precipitation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to assess the future trend of spatio-temporal variation of precipitation over a medium-sized river basin. The Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM, version 4.2) is used to downscale the outputs from two general circulation models (GCMs) for three future epochs: epoch-1 (2011–2040), epoch-2 (2041–2070) and epoch-3 (2071–2100). Considering the Upper Mahanadi Basin as a test bed, the study results indicate a “wetter” monsoon (June–September) and the annual increase in precipitation is 12% during epoch-3, which is consistent for both GCMs. Monthly analyses indicate that the precipitation totals are likely to increase and the magnitude of increase is greater during monsoon months than non-monsoon months. The number of month-wise daily extremes increases in most months in the year. However, the maximum percentage increase (with respect to baseline period, 1971–2000) in the number of extreme events is found in the non-monsoon months (specifically before and after the monsoon).  相似文献   

Results of field observations of current dynamics in the frontal zone of the western Middle Caspian are given. The cyclonic circulation over the western slope in winter is shown to be a unidirectional intense current with velocities up to 100 cm/s. In summer, the current slows down and separates into branches—it turns southwestward and westward at the slope depth down to 150 m, southward and southeastward at the depth of ~100–350 m, and eastward at larger depths. In summer, shelf currents interact with the flow of Middle Caspian cyclonic circulation, resulting in that anticyclonic vortices reach the shelf.  相似文献   

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