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The nutrient cycle in the unmanaged ecosystem is compared with that in the agroecosystem; and the role and relative importance of soil organic matter, organic and inorganic fertilizers as sources of nutrient inputs into agro-ecosystems are analysed. This is followed by an assessment of the efficiency with which nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, liming bases and micro-nutrients are cycled in agroecosystems. Finally, the characteristics of nutrient budgets and nutrient cycles in extensive, intensive and intermediate agro-ecosystems are summarized and the environmental implications of the very open agro-ecosystem noted.  相似文献   

农村中小学选址的空间运筹   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
彭永明  王铮 《地理学报》2013,68(10):1411-1417
农村中小学的选址问题是当前地理学区位理论应用的一个热点,学校作为一个设施对学生上学安全和便捷程度有很大影响。许多学者研究了学校的区位问题,然而对农村地区来说,采用模型不够适合。本文学校选址研究充分考虑P-重心模型和P-中心模型的优缺点,在P-重心模型的基础上对模型进行改进,增加学生上学最大距离不超过某一阈值的约束,这样改进后的模型同时具有P-中心和P-重心模型的优点,既保证农村偏远地区的学生上学相对方便,又保证加权距离和相对最小。为了方便应用,应用地理信息科学方法,使用改进的节点交换搜索算法求解,然后通过Visual Studio 开发平台和ArcGIS Engine 二次开发组件库开发了农村中小学最优选址的决策支持系统。最后以山东省某镇为例,用该系统解决该镇的小学选址,结果发现改进后同时具有P-重心和P-中心特性的模型比传统的P-重心模型更能适合农村小学选址,能够作为小学学校规划选址的辅助决策依据。  相似文献   

The article reviews some learning objectives in the Norwegian core curriculum for four subjects in compulsory school education, namely science, social science, mathematics, and physical education. The subjects are examined with respect to maps, including map use, digital mapping tools, coordinate systems, and scales. Primary and lower secondary school pupils’ knowledge of maps was investigated before and after a group mapping project. Among three indicators, two showed statistically significant improvements in the pupils’ level of confidence when studying data with the aid of maps. The learning outcome is discussed in an inquiry-based and interdisciplinary pedagogical frame. In addition, the findings reveal that the four subjects have significantly different objectives and rates of progression regarding maps and map use. Based on the results of the group project, the author argues in favour of bringing the four curricula into more parallel learning curves. In order to facilitate interdisciplinary projects, he considers it would be interesting to coordinate the different subject curricula in the future, and recommends that attempts should be made to harmonise competence objectives that are part of several subjects in order to facilitate interdisciplinary projects in the next revision of the core curriculum in Norway.  相似文献   

Monsoon rainforests in the Darwin area occur as isolated patches ranging in size from 2 to 112 ha. Aerial photographic records over a 45 year period indicate a 60 per cent reduction in the cover of pre‐1945 rainforest. Urban development, cyclone damage, weed invasion and wildfire were identified as the major causes of this contraction. Urban development contributed 40 per cent of the total rainforest loss during this period. Rainforests occurring on dry substrates have been most affected by urban development. Cyclonic storm damage and indirect human affects such as weed invasion and anthropogenic fires continue to disturb the remaining rainforest patches. Although the largest expanses of rainforest presently occur within parks and reserves, providing adequate protection from further urban encroachment, smaller remnants occurring on vacant crown land are vulnerable to changes in land use. As well as the introduction of appropriate legislation, the control of fire and weeds should be given the highest priority by land managers to ensure the stability and long‐term maintenance of this remnant vegetation.  相似文献   

Historical information is used in conjunction with a detailed knowledge of the environment and vegetation types of the Illawarra district to reconstruct the original extent of rainforest in the district. While most of the literature and popular opinion suggest that much of the Illawarra was covered in rainforest vegetation, historical accounts and the patterns of existing vegetation clearly indicate that the rainforests were much less extensive than this. Based on historical evidence, the present occurrence of rainforest and other vegetation and a detailed knowledge of the environmental requirements for local rainforest development, three major concentrations of rainforest have been delineated. Termed the ‘Illawarra’, ‘Yarrawa’ and ‘Berkeley’ brushes, these areas covered 12,000, 2,450 and 1,600 hectares, respectively. These brushes represented 70 per cent of the 23,000 ha of rainforest estimated to have occurred in the district before European settlement. Historical information is a valuable tool in ecological research, but a detailed knowledge of the interactions of the vegetation and environment are also required to reconstruct original vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

发展现代农业是应对当今世界农业发展面临的粮食安全与资源安全双重挑战的有效方式,同时农业养分管理与调控是现代农业发展的关键课题。现代农业养分管理与调控是一种系统的综合策略,是和谐农业资源与农业生物关系的综合管理策略过程,其目的是使农业的综合生产能力得到提高、系统的稳定性和持续性进一步增强,实现农业的持续增长。本研究针对中国农业生产面临的人多地少的严峻情况、农业土壤养分过量累积而利用率较低的劣势以及农业生产增肥不增产的复杂难题,阐述了现代农业发展中农业养分管理与调控的方向。  相似文献   

太湖地区农田土壤养分动态及其启示   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
高超  吴蔚东  张桃林 《地理科学》2001,21(5):428-432
太湖地区人地关系紧张,环境问题尤其是地表水体富营养化严重,农田生态系统的养分收支和土壤养分状况不仅关系到农业的高产稳产,对区内的水环境质量也有着重要的影响。典型区的实地调查和采样分析结果表明,自20世纪80年代初以来太湖地区农田生态系统中的氮、磷一直处于盈余状态,且盈余量不断增加,土壤钾素则长期亏缺,但近年来有所缓和。区内土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和有效磷含量近20年来都有较大幅度的提高,速效钾含量在20世纪90年代中期以前呈下降趋势,近年来有所回升。主要类型土壤的pH也呈降低的趋势。  相似文献   

This paper explores the question of how to promote cycling among women who face disproportionate mobility and accessibility barriers in rapidly urbanizing contexts by analyzing empirical findings from a multi‐method research study based in Solo, Indonesia. Building on and applying a combination of critical gender, geography, and development perspectives, it focuses on the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of women residing in low‐income neighbourhoods with little access to public transportation networks in Solo as an ‘indicator species for bike‐friendly cities’. Based on research and analytic findings, the paper further contemplates alternative policy and planning approaches to promoting cycling in more gender‐inclusive and responsive terms.  相似文献   

李茜  杨胜天  白晓辉  吕涛  刘瑞禄  杜迪 《地理研究》2009,28(4):1047-1058
将生态过程模型中营养元素生物循环数值模拟、基于过程的植被生产力模型与遥感驱动的光能利用率模型相耦合,构建森林植被营养元素生物循环空间信息模型。模型弥补了营养元素生物循环过程模型中空间分析和参数获取复杂的不足,并在植被生产力光能利用率模型中引入营养元素胁迫的定量表达。将模型模块化,耦合于自主开发的EcoHAT系统(EcoHydrology Assessment Tools),以贵州典型森林群落为研究对象,对群落生产力和营养元素生物循环的关键过程的时空演变模式进行了模拟和研究。运用实验数据进行验证,取得良好的效果,可见模型计算可以较为真实地反映区域营养元素生物循环关键过程的时空格局。  相似文献   

山区贫困县具有经济落后、交通不便、人口分散且居住空间格局快速变化等特点,使得其中小学空间格局变化及可达性分析在教育公平中具有重要意义。本文以豫西山区贫困县嵩县为例,利用1997、2007、2015年中小学数据,运用趋势面分析和引力模型等方法对其空间格局变化及其空间可达性进行研究。主要结论为:①嵩县中小学空间布局在一些地形条件地区局部集中:小学在浅山丘陵区和低山区分布相对较多,初中则局部集中在浅山丘陵区;②撤点并校使中小学数量减少,各行政村内学校数量的分布差距缩小,趋势线逐渐平缓;③Voronoi模型的Cv值结果显示,中小学空间分布呈集聚分布状态,随着中小学数量的减少其空间集聚程度逐渐下降,在县域北部沿东北—西南走向呈现面状密集分布区,沿境内两条主要干线路(G311和S247)分别形成南北和东西向狭长带状分布区;④2015年中小学空间可达性区域差别明显,小学最远入学距离为最近入学距离的160倍,有26.1%的村庄初中入学距离达10 km以上,且全部位于中山和低山地区;⑤地形、交通、人口、经济、政策因素等对嵩县教育资源的分布具有重要影响。  相似文献   

This article explores the urban governmentalities that are emerging through the discursive constitution of cycling as a form of sustainable transport. It has two main aims. The first is to explore and critique the strategies and discourses used to promote cycling as a sustainable form of transport. We argue that cycling advocacy displays totalising tendencies which obscure social and cultural difference, ignore the embodied and affective dimensions of transport practices and fail in part to apprehend the heterogeneity of environmental responsibility. Our second aim is to tentatively suggest a more productive way of knowing and talking about cycling that might be constitutive of a less exclusionary affective ethical sensibility.  相似文献   

石林3种喀斯特生态系统的石面有机质和养分含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实地取样和检测,研究了云南石林三类喀斯特生态系统中岩石附着物的有机质和养分含量及其环境影响因子。结果表明:1.石漠化生态系统的石面气象因子与次生林生态系统间差异显著,人工林生态系统介于二者之间;2.石漠化生态系统每平方米石表面上的平均有机质、氮、磷、钾含量分别为7.65±0.74 g,0.45±0.04 g,0.029±0.003 g和0.07±0.006 g;人工林生态系统中分别为48.38±9.19 g,2.02±0.32 g,0.12±0.021 g和0.85±0.167 g;次生林生态系统中分别为92.21±19.72 g,4.44±0.94 g,0.4±0.074 g和0.59±0.104 g。每平方米石表面上的平均有机质、氮、磷、钾含量均表现为次生林生态系统人工林生态系统石漠化生态系统;3.附着物碳酸钙含量、附着物含水量、石表面最低空气湿度显著影响附着物有机质含量。因此,南方喀斯特的不同生态系统,即使是已经石漠化的生态系统,其石面上存在着一定数量的有机物和养分蓄积,蓄积量的高低会受到各种气象因子和基质等的影响。  相似文献   

The quality and interpretability of the paleobiological record depends on the preservation of morphological and geochemical fossils. Siliceous microfossils and sedimentary pigments are often cornerstones in paleoecology, although the microbial and geochemical processes conducive to their preservation remain poorly constrained. We examined sediments from an alpine lake in Banff National Park (Alberta, Canada) where diatom frustules are completely dissolved within 50 years of deposition. Diatom dissolution, silica recycling, and diagenetic alteration of algal pigments were investigated, in conjunction with porewater geochemistry and microelectrode profiling of the sediment–water interface. Analysis of sediment trap material showed ~90% of biogenic silica (BSi) production is lost prior to burial. Silica flux calculations, based on dissolved silica (as H4SiO4) in pore-waters, show a further ~6% of total BSi is returned to the water column from the upper 4 cm of sediments, implying that only ~4% of total BSi is permanently archived in sediments. In situ sediment pH and O2 profiles reveal that aerobic respiration by bacteria fully consumes oxygen by a depth of 4 mm into the sediment, with associated strong pH and redox gradients. During sedimentation and early diagenesis, diatoms undergo loss of extracellular polymeric substances that coat their frustules, promoting silica dissolution and leading to the loss of the microfossil record by a depth of 3.25 cm. Sedimentary pigments similarly undergo rapid degradation, but diatom-related carotenoids persist below the depth of silica dissolution. This work provides new insights on diagenetic processes in lakes, with broad implications for the interpretation of sedimentary proxies for algal production.  相似文献   

In arid and semiarid ecosystems, primary productivity and nutrient cycling are directly related to the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation. However, depending on morphological, phenological, physiological, and biochemical traits, plants may influence the quality and quantity of organic matter inputs to the soil and thus the biomass and activity of the soil biota responsible for carbon and nitrogen dynamics. In this paper, we review the available knowledge on plant functional traits and their impacts on ecosystem processes such as N and C cycling throughout the Monte Phytogeographical Province. We address the mechanisms of N conservation, the quantity and quality of leaf litterfall and root traits of the dominant plant life forms and their effects on decomposition processes, soil organic matter accretion, and soil-N immobilization and mineralization. We conclude that plant functional traits affect ecosystem processes in the Monte Phytogeographical Province since the chemistry of senesced leaves and root biomass exerts an important control on organic matter decomposition and N availability in soil.  相似文献   

气候变化对中亚草地生态系统碳循环的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
韩其飞  陆研  李超凡 《干旱区地理》2018,41(6):1351-1357
准确评估草地生产力、碳源/碳汇功能,分析气候变化对草地生态系统碳循环的影响,对于草地资源的合理开发和有效保护至关重要。选取对气候变化以及人类干扰高度敏感的中亚干旱区草地生态系统为研究对象,利用Biome-BGC模型,模拟分析其NPP、NEP的年际变化趋势及其空间分布格局。结果显示:(1)1979-2011年中亚地区草地生态系统NPP年平均值为135.6 gC·m-2·a-1,且随着时间的推移呈现出波动下降的趋势,下降速率为0.34 gC·m-2·a-1。(2)NEP的年平均值为-8.3 gC·m-2·a-1,表现为碳源,且该值随着时间的推移呈现出波动上升的趋势,上升速率为0.58 gC·m-2·a-1。(3)NPP高值区域在降水较为丰富的天山山脉附近以及哈萨克斯坦北部。(4)NPP的年际变化与降水量的年际变化趋势基本一致,相关系数为0.52;NPP与温度的相关系数为-0.28,未达到显著相关水平。本研究实现了Biome-BGC模型在中亚干旱区草地生态系统的应用,对评价干旱区草地生态系统碳源/碳汇功能及其在全球碳循环和全球变化中的作用、实现中亚草地生态系统的可持续利用、完善区域和全球碳循环理论体系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

机械沙障是风沙防治的重要工程措施。以设置在腾格里沙漠东南缘的沙坡头和吊坡梁不同年份的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)沙障和麦草沙障为研究对象,分析沙障对植被生长和土壤养分的影响。结果表明:2012年和2010年布设的HDPE沙障中植被的物种数大于同期草方格沙障中的物种数;两种沙障内植被的物种多样性指数较低,且随沙障布设时间增加而增高,同期布设的HDPE沙障比草方格沙障的多样性指数高。沙障使土壤pH值总体呈降低的趋势,草方格沙障内的土壤pH值低于HDPE沙障内的土壤pH值;沙障内表层土壤(0~5 cm)的全氮、有机碳、速效钾、速效磷含量高于裸沙表层,呈增加的趋势,两种沙障间的表层土壤养分含量差异不显著。  相似文献   

林草复合经营模式养分动态关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林草复合经营模式在目前的退耕还林工程中起着重要的作用,研究林草复合模式的林与草之间的营养元素关系,通过对不同林草养分的研究得出林木、草、土壤之间的养分动态关系,对矿质养分相互关系的研究为合理搭配林草提供重要依据,为退化山地生态系统的恢复和重建提供重要的模式。模式Ⅰ在退耕还林初期,土壤养分供给氮素虽未亏缺,但从三者问的消长关系看出:氮磷素供应并不富足,特别是水解性氮。土壤交换性钙供应不足,引起杉木与黑麦草对钙质竞争。而土壤全钙含量很高,钙质向交换性钙转化的速度缓慢。模式Ⅱ与模式Ⅰ得到相似结果,所以在这两种模式中应加强人为管理,在退耕初期应适当增施氮磷钙肥,辅以土壤结构改良,加速土壤养分向植物可利用态转化。模式Ⅲ牛鞭草的生物量极高,磷、钙索相对缺乏。由于牛鞭草被不断的采割用于牲畜的饲料,对该模式中必须进行一定养分的输入,以保持杂交竹与牛鞭草这一林草生态系统的养分平衡。  相似文献   

梭梭和白梭梭主根周围土壤养分的梯度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李从娟  马健  李彦  李惠 《中国沙漠》2011,31(5):1174-1180
采用野外原位分层取样的方法,研究了古尔班通古特沙漠两个主要建群种——生长于丘间低地的梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)和生长于沙丘顶部流沙地上的白梭梭(Haloxylon persicum)——主根周围土壤的pH值、电导率及养分的梯度变化状况。结果显示,梭梭和白梭梭根际微区(0~1 cm)pH值均较土体(1~10 cm)低,电导率和各养分在根际微区均出现了聚集现象,最大聚集率在0~0.2 cm圈层,梭梭、白梭梭的最大根际效应R/S分别为电导率1.17、1.23,有机质2.00、2.41,全N 2.64、2.86,有效N 2.42、3.26,有效P 2.14、1.71,全P 1.14、1.12(在两种植物根围土壤变化不是很大,但也存在正的根际效应),这说明梭梭和白梭梭根际微区均有显著的养分聚集的现象。结果还显示,梭梭根围土壤各因子均较白梭梭高,这可能是梭梭和白梭梭生活在不同生境所致。R/S分析表明,除有效磷外,白梭梭根际的“肥岛”效应均较梭梭明显,这说明了越是在养分胁迫的土壤环境,荒漠灌木的“肥岛”效应越显著。  相似文献   

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