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The method of study of magnetically oriented ionosphere inhomogeneities based on the analysis of radar decametric emission backscattering on inhomogeneities is proposed. It is shown that certain conditions, including the orientation of the propagation route relative to the Earth’s magnetic field lines and the polarization and frequency of the emitted wave, make possible resonant backscattering of radiolocation system emission on magnetically oriented ionosphere inhomogeneities. The paper presents the results of experimental observation of scattering in Kamchatka Peninsula. They demonstrated the opportunity to evaluate the extension of the scattering region, the vertical and horizontal components of the velocities of magnetically oriented inhomogeneities, and the frequency dependence of these parameters.  相似文献   

The absorption of telemetry radiosignals at frequencies of 250 and 75 MHz, transmitted from rockets, was observed in the ARAKS and Zarnitza 2 rocket experiments, respectively, with electron pulses in the ionosphere. The signals were registered with ground receivers. Four cases of complete signal absorption on the propagation path were observed in the ARAKS experiment. The radio absorption at frequencies substantially higher than the plasma and upper hybrid frequencies can be related to wave scattering by plasma inhomogeneities. It has been indicated that plasma inhomogeneities were generated when electrostatic oscillations damped in the region with decreased plasma density at a decrease in the natural oscillation phase volume in the frequency-wave vector space with decreasing plasma density. The observed radio absorption could be related to reflectionless wave scattering in an inhomogeneous plasma structure.  相似文献   

An overview of studies of the ionospheric E-region using artificial periodic inhomogeneities (API) is presented. Generation of the electron density API is considered theoretically. Methods of measurements of the electron density profile and neutral atmosphere temperature, density and vertical velocity are outlined and illustrated by experimental results. Some suggestions concerning investigations of the atmospheric turbulence using API are presented.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the marked influence of the air-flow on the value of the diffusion coefficient as determined by the dynamic method can be fully explained when heterogeneity of the condensation nuclei in the aerosol is assumed. A theory of the dynamic method for heterogeneous aerosols is given on the assumption that the diffusion loss of a mixture of condensation nuclei of different diffusion coefficients is the sum of the diffusion losse of its components. Procedures for resolving heterogeneous aerosols into their components using the dynamic method are developed. The accuracy attainable by one of the methods which requires no assumptions on the number of components in the aerosol under investigation is illustrated by a numerical example.
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass der bemerkenswerte Einfluss der Luftstromgeschwindigkeit auf die Grösse des mit der dynamischen Methode bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten völlig erklärt werden kann, wenn Heterogenität der Kondensationskerne im Aerosol angenommen wird. Eine Theorie der dynamischen Methode für heterogene Aerosole wird unter der Annahme, dass der Diffusionsverlust eines Gemisches von Kondensationskernen mit verschiedenen Diffusionskoeffizienten gleich der Summe der Diffusionsverluste ihrer Komponenten ist, gegeben. Verfahren der Zerlegung heterogener Aerosole in ihre Komponenten mittels der dynamischen Methode werden entwickelt. Die mit einem der Verfahren, welches keine Annahme über die Zahl der in dem zu untersuchenden Aerosol vorhandenen Komponenten benötigt, erreichbare Genauigkeit wird an einem numerischen Beispiel illustriert.

The measurements of the broadband wave radiation in the topside ionosphere in the region of the geomagnetic equator (the APEX satellite experiment) are presented. The region of unstable plasma with increased density was observed in the nightside topside ionosphere. This region could be formed by heating of the ionosphere from below. An asymmetric distribution of the frequency band width and electrostatic radiation intensity relative to the geomagnetic equator was registered. It has been indicated that a substantial effect of the geomagnetic equator on plasma diffusion from the heating region could be related to the generation, propagation, and damping of electrostatic oscillations and large-scale (as compared to the Larmor ion radius) plasma vortices. The anisotropy in the temperature of the plasma electron component can increase in the regions where the transverse electric field of disturbances damps. The intensity of the electromagnetic radiation, caused by the external sources, apparently, of an artificial origin at frequencies higher than the local plasma frequency, decreases to the radiation detection threshold level in the region of increased plasma density.  相似文献   

Summary It was intended to carry out a detailed comparison between the values of the diffusion coefficient of condensation nuclei obtained by the static method and the corresponding values deduced from measurements by the dynamic method.In order to increase the accuracy of the diffusion coefficient as determined by the static method, using as decay vessel the fog tube of a photo-electric counter, it was necessary to develop a new version with an air column diameter smaller than that previously employed. Calibration curves for counters with fog tubes of 1.1, 1.9 and 2.5 cm diameter together with that for the standard of 3.85 cm are given.Fürth's theory of the static method was experimentally verified and shown to be consistent in itself.With regard to the dynamic method, the effect of varying the air-flow on the results obtained with the diffusion box was investigated and a marked influence on the value of the diffusion coefficient usingGormley's formula found. A regular and systematic increase of the diffusion coefficient with increase of air-flow, apparently overlooked up to now, was discovered. Within the range of 1 to 4 litres/min air-flow a change by 1 litre/min alters the diffusion coefficient by about 12%. Since for technical reasons during one experiment, adjustment of the air-flow by two litres/min were not uncommon hitherto, the diffusion coefficient determined in this way may be wrong by 25 % of its value for this reason alone. The influence of humidity on the diffusion coefficient determined with the diffusion box was also studied. It was found that the reduction of the diffusion coefficient due to increase in relative humidity from 53 % to 84 % amounts in the average and over a very wide range of diffusion coefficients to about 10 %.The comparison of the diffusion coefficients determined by the static and dynamic methods gave the following results: The diffusion coefficient of large hot nichrome wire nuclei (D 10 · 10–6 cm2/sec) determined by the static method is approximately one third of that obtained when the dynamic method with an air-flow of 1 litre/min is used. With decreasing size of nuclei the diffusion coefficients measured by the two methods approach each other.It is suggested that the observed discrepancies are due to a thin boundary layer which at the start of the diffusion process is almost free of nuclei. The theory of the static method is accordingly modified and a new formula for the calculation ofD is derived which leads to agreement between the static and the dynamic determinations ofD when it is assumed that the boundary layer has a thickness of about 1.5 mm.
Zusammenfassung Es war beabsichtigt, eine detailierte Vergleichung der mittels der statischen und dynamischen Methode gemessenen Diffusionskoeffizienten von Kondensationskernen durchzuführen.Um die Genauigkeit der mit der statischen Methode ermittelten Diffusionskoeffizienten, wenn das Nebelrohr des photoelektrischen Kernzählers als Kernspeicher benützt wird, zu erhöhen, war es notwendig ein neues Modell mit einer zylindrischen Nebelkammer von kleinerem Durchmesser, als bisher verwendet, zu entwickeln. Es werden Eichkurven für Zähler mit Nebelrohren von 1.1, 1.9 und 2.5 cm Durchmesser zusammen mit der Eichkurve für den Standard-Kernzähler von 3.85 cm Durchmesser gegeben.Fürth's Theorie der statischen Methode wurde experimentell verifiziert und als in sich selbst verträglich bewiesen.Es wurde ferner der Effekt der änderung des Luftstromes durch den Diffusions-apparat auf die mit der dynamischen Methode bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten untersucht, und ein bemerkenswerter Einfluss der Luftstromgeschwindigkeit auf die Grösse des Diffusionskoeffizienten entdeckt, wennGormley's Formel der Auswertung zu Grunde gelegt wird. Ein regelmässiges und systematisches Anwachsen des Diffusionskoeffizienten mit Zunahme der Luftströmung — offenbar bis jetzt übersehen — wurde festgestellt. Für Luftströmungen zwischen 1 und 4 Liter/Min bewirkt eine änderung der Luftströmung um 1 Liter/Min eine änderung des Diffusionskoeffizienten um etwa 12%. Da bisher aus technischen Gründen eine Regulierung des Luftstromes um 2 Liter/Min während eines und desselben Experiments nichts Ungewöhnliches war, so kann deshalb allein der so bestimmte Diffusionskoeffizient um 25 % seines Wertes unrichtig sein. — Auch der Einfluss der Feuchtigkeit auf den mit dem Diffusionsapparat ermittelten Diffusionskoeffizienten wurde geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Reduktion des Diffusionskoeffizienten als Folge einer Erhöhung der relativen Feuchtigkeit von 53 auf 84 % im Durchschnitt und für Diffusionskoeffizienten bis zu 500. 10–6 cm2/sec etwa 10 % beträgt.Die Vergleichung der mittels der statischen und dynamischen Methode gemessenen Diffusionskoeffizienten ergab das folgende Resultat: Der Diffusionskoeffizient grosser,. durch elektrisches Glühen eines Drahtes erzeugten Kondensationskerne (D 10. 10–6 cm2/sec), wenn mit der statischen Methode bestimmt, ist ungefähr ein Drittel jenes mittels der dynamischen Methode gemessenen Wertes bei einem Luftstrom von 1 Liter/Min durch den Diffusionsapparat. Mit abnehmender Grösse der Kondensationskerne nähern sich die Werte der nach den beiden Methoden bestimmten Diffusionskoeffizienten.Es wird versucht, die beobachteten Unstimmigkeiten durch die Annahme einer dünnen Wandschicht zu erklären, die zu Beginn des Diffusionsprozesses beinahe frei. von Kernen ist. Die Theorie der statischen Methode wurde dementsprechend abgeändert und eine neue Formel für die Berechnung vonD abgeleitet, die zu einer Uebereinstimmung zwischen den statischen und dynamischen Bestimmungen vonD führt, wenn angenommen wird, dass die Wandschicht eine Dicke von ungefähr 1.5 mm hat.

The presence and persistence of an 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionospheric electron density variations were studied. The data of lower ionosphere (radio-wave absorption at equivalent frequency near 1 MHz), middle and upper ionosphere (critical frequencies f0E and f0F2) for the period 1970–1990 have been used in the analysis. Also, solar and geomagnetic activity data (the sunspot numbers Rz and solar radio flux F10.7 cm, and aN index respectively) were used to compare the time variations of the ionospheric with the solar and geomagnetic activity data. Periodogram, complex demodulation, auto- and cross-correlation analysis have been used. It was found that 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation exists and persists in the temporal variations of the ionospheric parameters under study with high level of correlation and mean period of 18–19 days. The time variation of the amplitude of the 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionosphere seems to be modulated by the long-term solar cycle variations. Such oscillations exist in some solar and geomagnetic parameters and in the planetary wave activity of the middle atmosphere. The high similarities in the amplitude modulation, long-term amplitude variation, period range between the oscillation of investigated parameters and the global activity of oscillation suggests a possible solar influence on the 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

The influence of stochastic irregularities of the ionosphere on its effective conductivity has been estimated. The study was carried out for large scale inhomogeneities and quasistationary electromagnetic fields. It is found, that Pedersen conductivity sharply increases in a strong geomagnetic field even for small stochastic ionospheric irregularities of the electron density. This peculiarity has to be taken into account during analysis of ionospheric and magnetospheric measurements.  相似文献   

Summary The vertical distribution of the contribution of the energy flux density due to the Alfvén(ordinary) wave, guided by the geomagnetic field(and propagating through the ionosphere to the Earth's surface) in the horizontal direction is demonstrated in the mechanism of the horizontal propagation of the Pc1 signal. The distribution with height is shown of the variations of the polarization characteristics of the propagating wave(e.g. the rotation of the polarization plane, changes in ellipticity, attenuation, etc.), which are the result of coupling in the denser layers of the low ionosphere in which also suitable isotropic(extraordinary) modes are generated. The results obtained using the method described in[4, 13] are demonstrated on a model of the daytime ionosphere under incidence of ordinaryL-modes, frequency f=0.3 Hz, and various meridional angles at the ionosphere.
auauma anmau uaa Pc1 naa m an¶rt;u ¶rt;u nmmu ma uu uma anauu maum n n¶rt; , anma u nmu. naa m an¶rt;u uu aamumu nuauu anma (nauau nmu nuauu, uu unmumu, amau u m.¶rt;.), m m ¶rt;mu au¶rt;mu na uu u . ¶rt; mum n¶rt;¶rt;u umn() ¶rt;. mam num m¶rt; [4, 13] ¶rt;mua ¶rt;u ¶rt; u nu na¶rt;uu a u L-¶rt; amm f=0,3 n¶rt; au u¶rt;uau au.

The vertical eddy diffusion coefficient in Lake Zürich is a strong function of both depth and season. In the deep lake, the annual oxygen consumptions by the oxidation of organic carbon is balanced out by the equal amount of oxygen supply from above by diffusion.  相似文献   

In the present paper the differential equation of the temporal development of a landform (mountain) with a time dependent diffusion coefficient is solved. It is shown that the shape and dimensions of the landform at time t are independent of the specific variation of the diffusion coefficient with time; they only depend on the mean value of the diffusion coefficient in the time interval where the erosion process takes place. Studying the behaviour of the solution of the differential equation in the wave number domain, it is concluded that Fourier analysis may help in estimating, in quantitative terms, the initial dimensions, the age or, alternatively, the value of the diffusion coefficient of the landform. The theoretical predictions are tested on a hill of the southern part of the Ural mountainous region, in order to show how the results of the mathematical analysis can be used in describing, in quantitative terms, the morphological development of landforms due to erosion processes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the Earths magnetosphere must be coupled with a dynamical ionospheric module in order to give realistic results. The usual approach is to compute the Reld-aligned current (FAC) from the magnetospheric MHD variables at the ionospheric boundary. The ionospheric potential is solved from an elliptic equation using the FAC as a source term. The plasma velocity at the boundary is the E × B velocity associated with the ionospheric potential. Contemporary global MHD simulations which include a serious ionospheric model use this method, which we call the electrostatic approach in this paper. We study the possibility of reversing the flow of information through the ionosphere: the magnetosphere gives the electric Reld to the ionosphere. The Reld is not necessarily electrostatic, thus we will call this scheme electromagnetic. The electric Reld determines the horizontal ionospheric current. The divergence of the horizontal current gives the FAC, which is used as a boundary condition for MHD equations. We derive the necessary formulas and discuss the validity of the approximations necessarily involved. It is concluded that the electromagnetic ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling scheme is a serious candidate for future global MHD simulators, although a few problem areas still remain. At minimum, it should be investigated further to discover whether there are any differences in the simulation using the electrostatic or the electromagnetic ionospheric coupling.  相似文献   

We explain a hypothesis on the origin and propose a model of the specific formation of the electron density in the polar ionosphere in the form of relatively thin vertical and inclined layers and sheets. Modeling has confirmed that the main features noted in the experiment are successfully depicted in the proposed model, namely, the significant group lag at the low-frequency end of the track, splitting into common and uncommon rays, and the presence of a sharp boundary at the limiting frequency of the track. An analogy with the sporadic Es layer of the “c” type is noted.  相似文献   

Summary The modification of the dynamic method suggested permits determining the diffusion coefficient of an aerosol from two concentration measurements (Z v ) at the exit of a diffusion battery with different air-flows instead of measuring the concentration (Z) at the entrance and that (Z v ) at the exit as originally employed.
Zusammenfassung Die vorgeschlagene Modifikation der dynamischen Methode gestattet die Bestimmung des Diffusionskoeffizienten eines Aerosols aus zwei Konzentrationsmessungen (Z v ) am Ausgange der Diffusionbatterie mit verschiedenen Luftstromgeschwindigkeiten anstatt der Messung der Konzentrationen am Eingang (Z) und Ausgang (Z v ), wie in der ursprünglichen, Methode benützt.

auuau uu muna a f>1,5 , aumua ¶rt; a nmua uu m u a ¶rt; a mau. mu a aum nm uu, umu a mauu aa (L=2,1) n¶rt; nm uu (L=5). m mmmum mu umua uu, umu a mu mau. au uu a nm m, m a um nmam a 2000–3000 u anu u a L=2,2–5,9. au mmmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu a¶rt;am u amu aua uu a L 3,5. aa, m a mauu aa u ¶rt;a a¶rt; nuu uu a , umum uuu n¶rt; a¶rt;a a nmu. au a n¶rt;num, m am a L 3,5,¶rt; aam au uu u au mmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu, aa ¶rt;amua anau a nana. m u m amu mm au anum u ¶rt; ¶rt;a ua n¶rt;u anmau u ¶rt; — ua.  相似文献   

Summary The elements of the VLF chorus, observed simultaneously at a ground station and satellite in polar orbit, can be used to determine the differences in the arrival times of waves and their dependence on latitude. Mostly does not change practically over a wide range of latitudes, however, in some cases it may increase appreciably at low value of L. Model computations of the propagation time, based on the assumption that the source of the chorus is located close to the equatorial plane, have indicated the possibility of explaining the increase in at low latitudes by the presence of a step in the electron density profile close to this plane.
a¶rt;u m a u a um nmu nun um nm n¶rt;um amu u nu¶rt;a ma a u u um auum (L). um a a m ¶rt;uana um, m a a¶rt;am aum uu a a L-a. am anmau n¶rt;nuu amua umua naam m um uu a uu uma auu mnu an¶rt;uu m mauu amua nmu.

Hourly foF2 data from over 100 ionosonde stations during 1967–89 are examined to quantify F-region ionospheric variability, and to assess to what degree the observed variability may be attributed to various sources, i.e., solar ionizing flux, meteorological influences, and changing solar wind conditions. Our findings are as follows. Under quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp<1), the 1-σ (σ is the standard deviation) variability of Nmax about the mean is approx. ±25–35% at ‘high frequencies’ (periods of a few hours to 1–2 days) and approx. ±15–20% at ‘low frequencies’ (periods approx. 2–30 days), at all latitudes. These values provide a reasonable average estimate of ionospheric variability mainly due to “meteorological influences” at these frequencies. Changes in Nmax due to variations in solar photon flux, are, on the average, small in comparison at these frequencies. Under quiet conditions for high-frequency oscillations, Nmax is most variable at anomaly peak latitudes. This may reflect the sensitivity of anomaly peak densities to day-to-day variations in F-region winds and electric fields driven by the E-region wind dynamo. Ionospheric variability increases with magnetic activity at all latitudes and for both low and high frequency ranges, and the slopes of all curves increase with latitude. Thus, the responsiveness of the ionosphere to increased magnetic activity increases as one progresses from lower to higher latitudes. For the 25% most disturbed conditions (Kp>4), the average 1-σ variability of Nmax about the mean ranges from approx. ±35% (equator) to approx. ±45% (anomaly peak) to approx. ±55% (high-latitudes) for high frequencies, and from approx. ±25% (equator) to approx. ±45% (high-latitudes) at low frequencies. Some estimates are also provided on Nmax variability connected with annual, semiannual and 11-year solar cycle variations.  相似文献   

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