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Strontium and oxygen isotope measurements on the alkali basalt-trachyte-phonolite suite of St. Helena show that some of the late-fractionated rocks are enriched in 87Sr and depleted in 18O relative to the older basalts. The data rule out both the formation of the late-fractionated rocks by the partial melting of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust and the contamination of the volcanic rocks by oceanic sediment. It also appears to be incompatible with models based either on the melting of previously fractionated and crystallized liquids in the volcanic pile, or the long-term fractionation of lavas over several millions of years in a sub-volcanic magma chamber.It is concluded that hydrothermal interaction with meteoric water is the most important cause of the 18O depletion. If the interaction occurred at widely differing temperatures, and involved meteoric and seawaters, it might conceivably have caused both the oxygen and strontium isotope heterogeneities.  相似文献   

207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb whole meteorite isochrons for Richardton (H5) and Farmington (L5) are presented and give Pb-Pb ages of 4.545 ± 0.010 and 4.620 ± 0.010 Ga respectively (errors ± 2σ). The Pb-Pb isochron for Farmington passes below the Can?on Diablo troilite composition, which may therefore not be the initial Pb composition for this meteorite.All samples show an apparent excess radiogenic lead for single-stage (closed-system) evolution when Can?on Diablo troilite is used for the initial lead composition. Evidence is presented to show that the apparent excess Pb cannot be explained by terrestrial contamination. There is no unique isotopic composition for initial lead that yields concordant ages at 4.55 Ga for all samples for either meteorite. The data likewise cannot be reconciled to Can?on Diablo initial lead through any of the conventional two- and three-stage evolution models.The apparent excess Pb, with respect to a Can?on Diablo troilite composition and a single-stage closed-system history, and the apparent inhomogeneous initial Pb isotopic compositions, appear to be real. This may be an indication that the U-Pb systems in these meteorites are disturbed, but this disturbance cannot be described consistently by any of the conventional episodic evolution models.  相似文献   

Historical volcanic rocks of the Aeolian islands range in composition from shoshonitic basalts to rhyolites, which might reflect fractional crystallization of a shoshonitic parent magma. However Sr and Pb isotopic data indicate a more complex history. The shoshonitic basalts at present erupted at Stromboli, although chemically similar to the postulated parent magma, are genetically unrelated to the other studied rocks. Sr isotopes indicate that Vulcano, Vulcanello and Lipari had independent magma sources. It is proposed that crustal contamination raised the Sr isotopic composition of the Lipari rhyolites. The rocks of these island are related by a common very steep trend of207Pb/204Pbvs. 206Pb/204Pb. Such a trend is a common feature of orogenic magmas and shows that Pb was derived by mixing of at least two components. Presently it is impossible to constrain precisely either the timing or the physical meaning of the Pb end members. The Pb isotopic trend in the Eolian island is very distinct from those recorded in volcanic rocks both from behind the arc (Etna, Iblean Mts.) and from Central and Southern Italy.  相似文献   

We present major and trace element data for olivines and rapidly quenched groundmass material separated from eight samples of basaltic rock. From these data apparent olivine/liquid distribution coefficients (D) for the elements Mg, Mn, Ni, Co, Cr, Sc, Na, Sm, and Ca have been calculated. Petrographic and electron microprobe studies indicate that olivines in most of these samples are but slightly zoned and groundmass glasses are essentially uniform in composition; these data suggest that the co-existing olivine-groundmass pairs are in equilibrium. In addition, olivine crystallization temperatures were calculated using experimental calibrations of lnD vs.1/T for the elements Mg, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Co. A high degree of concordancy for the resulting temperatures, based on five different elements for most samples, also suggests that olivine-groundmass equilibrium was obtained. We conclude that the apparent olivine/liquidD's derived from this study are representative of equilibriumD's, but emphasize that variations in temperature, and possibly bulk composition, strongly affect suchD's in natural magmas.  相似文献   

D.F. Scott 《Journal of Hydrology》1993,150(2-4):409-432
Streamflow and its storm-flow elements in four catchments were analyzed by the paired catchment method for a response to fire. Prior to burning two of the catchments were vegetated with over-mature fynbos (the indigenous scrub vegetation of the southwestern Cape, South Africa), one was afforested with Pinus radiata and the fourth with Eucalyptus fastigata. One of the fynbos catchments was burned in a prescribed fire in the late dry season. The other catchments burned in wildfires.

Neither of the fynbos catchments showed a change in storm-flow. Annual total flow increases of around 16% were in agreement with model predictions, being related to the reductions in transpiration and interception. The manner of streamflow generation appeared to have remained unaltered despite the presence of some water repellency in the soils and consequent overland flow on some steep midslope sites.

The two timber plantation catchments experienced large and significant increases in storm-flows and soil losses, while total flow increased by 12% in the pine catchment and decreased marginally in the eucalypt catchment. The pattern of the storm-flow increases was similar in both cases. After fire, storm hydrographs were higher and steeper though their duration was little changed. The respective first year increases in the pine and eucalypt catchments were 290% and 1110% for peak discharge, 201% and 92% for quick-flow volume, and 242% and 319% for storm response ratio. These fire effects are considered to be due to changes in storm-flow generation consistent with an increased delivery of overland flow (surface runoff) to the stream channel. This was caused, in part, by reduced infiltration resulting from water repellency in the soils of the burned catchments. Overall the hydrological effects of fire are related to numerous interactive factors, including the degree of soil heating, the vegetation type and soil properties.  相似文献   

ESR dating of the Eupchon fault, South Korea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We investigated temporal pattern of Quaternary fault activity of the Eupchon fault zone in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula, using ESR dating of fault rocks. The counterfeit E′ signal significantly affected the equivalent dose on some samples. In particular, the counterfeit E′ signal tends to affect samples with E′ intensity close to saturation level. Storage at room temperature for 360 days and heating at 170 °C for 15 min. after γ-ray irradiation did not change significantly the intensities, the dose responses and ESR ages for OHC, Al, and Ti signals. ESR ages from the Eupchon fault zone range from 2000 to 500 ka. The fault rocks were reactivated at least five times 2000, 1300, 900–1100, 700–800, and 500–600 ka ago. These data indicate that long-term cyclic fault activity of this fault zone continued into the Quaternary. The results from this study suggest that the Eupchon fault zone can be classified as a potentially active fault and presents some potential seismic hazards to the nuclear power plant in its vicinity.  相似文献   

Lava flowing into a pit crater will become entrapped to form an inactive lava lake. At Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) pit filling lavas are exposed in the walls of Nindiri, Santiago and San Pedro pits. Mapping of these lavas shows that fill can involve emplacement of both ’a’a and pahoehoe, with single fill units ranging in thickness from 2 to 22 m. Thick units with columnar joints were emplaced as simple inactive lava lakes during high effusion rate episodes. Sequences of thinner units, which can form pit floor shields or compound lakes, were emplaced at lower effusion rates. Lava withdrawal caused unsupported sections of three 20-m-thick units to subside, resulting in unit flexure and faulting, and viscous peeling features reveal that subsidence occurred while at least one unit was still partially molten. Where withdrawal has not occurred, fill sequences are flat lying and symmetrically distributed around the feeder structures (cinder cones and dykes). The filled Nindiri pit holds 5 × 107 m3 of lava in a 215-m-thick sequence. Partial fill of Santiago pit with 1 × 107 m3 of lava has filled the pit with a 110-m-thick lava sequence, of which ∼50% has been consumed by formation of a secondary pit. Altogether, 6.4 × 107 m3 of lava was erupted into Nindiri and Santiago during 1525–1965, with 94% of this volume remaining pit-contained; the remainder forms a north flank lava flow field. Pit development and filling is a dynamic and ephemeral process, having short-lived effects on volcano morphology, where pits develop and fill over hours-to-centuries. However, pits play an important role in shaping an edifice, representing lava sinks and controlling whether lavas are trapped or able to spread onto the flanks.  相似文献   

地质定年方法综述与地球物理定年   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
年代确定在地学中得到广泛应用.而作为地史学中重要的组成部分,年代确定为地质时期中地球岩石圈在时间上发展和演变提供了重要的时间约束.本文综述了四种定年方法:即古生物法;古地磁法;同位素法和地球物理法.随着地球物理的探测技术的发展,地球内部精细结构得到揭示.我们认为,应用地球物理资料确定年龄将可以弥补其它方法的缺陷,可能为地球内部三维岩石定年提供支撑.  相似文献   

Analyses of organochlorine pesticides in South African marine animals living far from any obvious source of contamination reveal surprisingly high values.  相似文献   

The hierarchically organized laminae, bundles, bundlesets and superbundlesets which correspond to a sub-Milankovitch, obliquity or precession, eccentricity and long eccentricity cyclothems, respectively, have been distinguished from the Upper Devonian Fras-nian-Famennian (F-F) transitional carbonate successions deposited in the carbonate-basin and slope facies of Guangxi, South China. The durations of cyclothems are 8000-10000a, 16667a or 33333a, 100000a and 400000a, respectively. The ratio of eccentricity to precession, eccentricity to obliquity, and long eccentricity to eccentricity is 1 : 6, 1 : 3 and 1 : 4 in the Devonian, respectively. Orbital cyclostratigraphical studies show that the durations of the conodont falsio-valis Zone, transitans Zone, punctate Zone, Lower hassi Zone, Upper hassi Zone, jamieae Zone, Lower rhenana Zone, Upper rhenana Zone, linguiformis Zone, Lower triangularis Zone, Middle triangularis Zone and Upper triangularis Zone are 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.8, 0.3, 0  相似文献   

Eighteen basic rocks from Ascension Island (South Atlantic) give a mean87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70311 ± 17 for both volcanics and plutonic inclusions. The late-stage differentiated rocks (rhyolites and granitic inclusions) have much higher87Sr/86Sr ratios, up to 0.712. All these rocks display the same range of Nd isotopic compositions (εNdvalues from6.9to11.1with a mean on12samples of8.4 ± 0.6) implying a cogenetic relation between the two sequences. The D/H systematics lead to the same conclusion.In the NdSr diagram, the data plot close to the mantle array and show a positive correlation. This suggests a mixing between a depleted MORB-type mantle, i.e. the upper mantle, and a hot-spot with less depleted geochemical characteristics, i.e. the OIB mantle source.The total range of δ18O values lies between 4.8‰ for plagioclase cumulates and 6.7‰ for the most evolved rocks (peralkaline granites and comendites). The basic rocks have values around 5.3‰, typical of mantle-derived material. These oxygen data indicate that the high87Sr/86Sr ratios in the most evolved rocks (both volcanic and plutonic terms) result from the combination of two different processes: incorporation of slight amounts (< 1%) of high-temperature altered oceanic crust by the magma in the late stages of the differentiation process and then in-situ Rb decay since the time of formation of these rocks. Both processes were very effective because of the high Rb and low Sr contents of these evolved rocks.Oxygen isotope systematics in the Ascension Island granites and rhyolites indicate that a fractional crystallization process alone does not produce δ18O values higher than 6.7‰, i.e. that the ultimate δ18O enrichment, relative to the initial basic magma, is not greater than 1.5‰.  相似文献   

Mt. Nyiragongo is one of the eight major volcanoes of the large Virunga volcanic field in the Lake Kivu area in the Eastern Congo. The lavas of Nyiragongo are rather unique. Starting from the top of the mountain, the rocks are nephelinites with some leucite and melilite. The molten material of the present-day lava lake belongs to this type of lava. Under the nephelinites, there is a thin series of leucite-rich lava beds. The main part of the volcano consists of bergalitic melitite lavas alternating with pyroclastics of similar composition. The nephelinitic material is considered to constitute the main portion of the pre-volcanic magma under the future volcano. It is pointed out that the Nyiragongo represents just the type of volcano with which the African volcanic carbonatites are associated. It is concluded that the Nyiragongo nephelinite must be interpreted in a way accepted for the Central African volcanic nephelinites in general. The bergalitic melilitite material is interpreted as a product of carbonation of the nephelinitic magma.  相似文献   

Summary In sand-filled river channels in arid parts of South West Africa it is of importance to find methods of locating the rock surface under the sand, for purposes of water supply. This paper describes preliminary investigations in three such river beds, to test the applicability to this problem of the seismic refraction method, using the hammer-electronic seismic instrument previously developed by one of the writers for shallow refraction work. Both the method in general, and the instrument in particular, proved satisfactory. Examples are given of travel-time diagrams, interpretation is discussed, and channel profiles deduced from the work are shown. Depths ranged from a few feet to a few tens of feet. At two of the three sites, variations in velocity in the sand made standard calculations of dip and depth from two-way shooting inapplicable. In such situations depth could still be estimated reasonably reliably near the origin of the traverse. There was evidence of a superficial layer in which the velocity was less than that of sound in air.  相似文献   

New Sr and Pb isotope data are presented for a selection of lavas and associated coarse-grained blocks from Ascension Island. K-Ar dates for the lavas range up to1.5±0.2Ma. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios are consistent with earlier measurements and for most rocks are ca. 0.7029, but range up to 0.7135 in the case of the most evolved lavas and blocks. Pb isotope data are also consistent with earlier measurements, but the Pb in two gabbroic blocks is less radiogenic than Pb in the other rocks. It is suggested that these gabbroic blocks crystallized from a magma of tholeiitic composition whose source was similar to that of mid-oceanic ridge basalt whereas the lavas and other blocks crystallized from mildly alkaline magmas derived from a source further from the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The high87Sr/86Sr ratios result from contamination of the most silicic magma by radiogenic Sr from pelagic sediments. These data and their interpretation are consistent with the petrological and geochemical observations that the granite blocks are the coarse-grained equivalents of the volcanic suite [11] and not fragments of relict continental material [2,3].  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):137-142
Standardized growth curves (SGCs) have recently been developed as a means to reduce measurement times when determining palaeodoses in the standardized luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz, but this approach is not without its critics. We test the performance of SGCs derived from samples from a range of environments in southern Africa and Florida (United States of America). Data presented here suggest that the method performed well when determining low (<50 Gy) equivalent dose (De) values from samples with different geological provenances within South Africa. However, the application of an SGC built from South African data performed poorly when used to estimate the palaeodoses of samples from Florida, with seven out of ten samples failing to replicate the single aliquot regenerative (SAR)-derived De value to within ±10%. We thus advocate the use only of regionally based SGCs for full De determination, although SGCs can also be utilized as a way of quickly generating SAR ‘range finders’ irrespective of sample origin. Furthermore, one sample from the Florida site did not show regenerative growth in accordance with any samples from either the South Africa or Florida data, resulting in significant De underestimation when using the SGC. Although the reasons for such behaviour are not yet understood, this re-iterates the recommendation of Burbidge et al. [2006. De determination for young samples using the standardised OSL response of coarse-grain quartz. Radiation Measurements 41(3), 278], to incorporate a single regenerative step in SGC protocols in order to check consistency.  相似文献   

Three fresh kimberlites are shown to have87/Sr86Sr ratios of 0.704; altered kimberlites yield87/Sr86Sr ratios of 0.707 and 0.708. All kimberlites previously analysed for Sr isotopes may in fact have been altered.  相似文献   

Surface infiltration and internal drainage properties of five soil types from arid drylands of South Africa were studied under double ring infiltrometer, rainfall simulation plots (1 m2) and instantaneous drainage plots (9 m2). Changes in soil water content during 40 minute rainfall simulation for a rainstorm with average intensity of 1.61 mm min?1 and 30 day drainage period were measured at various depths by 1.5 m long capacitance soil water measuring (DFM) probe. Different (P < 0.05) mean surface steady infiltration rate ranged from 0.05 to 4.47 mm min?1 and had a negative power relationship (R 2 = 0.65) with horizon clay plus fine silt content. Power regression (R 2 ≥ 86%) described rainstorm infiltration and obtained steady rates within an average time of 15 minutes. Mean total infiltrated soil water content was lowest (P < 0.05) from surface horizons with either 47.7% clay plus fine silt content or bulk density of 1.91 g cm?3 and exchangeable sodium of not less than 44 mg kg?1. Surface horizons with lower surface bulk density and total sand fraction of more than 72% had infiltrated depth and mean total infiltrated soil water content up to 40 cm deeper and 0.55 mm mm?1 greater, respectively. Drainage rate at drained upper limit calculated from the Wilcox drainage model (R 2 ≤ 0.97%) was 0.2 mm day?1 or less were from underlying horizons with either clay plus fine silt of 45% or soft calcium carbonate. Higher drainage rate with accumulative drainage amount greater than 60 mm were from soil profile horizons with clay plus fine silt content of less than 20% and above unity steady infiltration rates. Rainstorm infiltration and drainage rates was shown to depend on permeability and coarseness of the respective soil surface and subsurface horizons; a phenomenon critical for harnessing rain and flood water to recharge groundwater. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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