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华北平原大气污染与低能见度状况一直是人们关切的问题.本文通过分析2014-2017年PM2.5化学成分的浓度和消光效果,研究了华北平原典型城市保定市的大气污染特征.结果表明,PM2.5组分的年均浓度显示下降趋势,水溶性无机离子,碳质气溶胶和金属元素分别减少了11 μg m-3,23μgm-3和1796 ng m-3.N...  相似文献   

华北平原大气污染与低能见度状况一直是人们关切的问题.本文通过分析2014-2017年PM_(2.5)化学成分的浓度和消光效果,研究了华北平原典型城市保定市的大气污染特征.结果表明,PM_(2.5)分的年均浓度显示下降趋势,水溶性无机离子,碳质气溶胶和金属元素分别减少了11μg m~(-3),23μg m_(-3)和1796 ng m_(-3).NH_4~+,NO_3~-和SO_4~(2-)是PM_(2.5)污染的主要污染物,三者之和占总离子浓度的82.9%.基于IMPROVE方程对细颗粒物进行重构,在观测期间PM_(2.5)质量浓度平均为93±69μg m~(-3),春季,夏季,秋季和冬季的消光系数分别为373.8±233.6 M m~(-1)±,405.3±300.1 M m~(-1),554.3±378.2 M m~(-1)和1005.2±750.3 M m~(-1).硫酸铵,硝酸铵和有机物对消光的贡献最大,不同季节下占比达55%~77%.通过PM_(2.5)组分进行重构,利用IMPROVE算法计算得到Rbsca,用能见度测量值转换得到Vbsca,二者具有较高的相关性(r2=0.84);但存在Vbsca的高值被低估,Vbsca的低值被高估的现象;特别是当Rbsca 1123 M m~(-1)(对应能见度约小于2.0 km)时,Vbsca的值被低估了17.6%.高浓度PM_(2.5)和高湿度对IMPROVE算法结果有显著的影响.  相似文献   

China has implemented a series of emission reduction policies since 2013, and the concentration of air pollutants has consequently decreased significantly. However, PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm) pollution still occurs in China in relation to the interannual variations in meteorological conditions. Considering that El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the strongest signal modulating the interannual variation in the atmosphere–ocean system, in this study the authors investigate the variations in PM2.5 concentrations in four megacity clusters of China during the winter season associated with four individual ENSO events from 2014 to 2021. Results show that the wintertime PM2.5 concentrations in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei and Fenwei Plain regions during El Niño years are higher than those during La Niña years, which can be explained by the anomalous southerly (northerly) winds during El Niño (La Niña) favoring PM2.5 accumulation (diffusion). In the Pearl River Delta region, PM2.5 concentrations decrease in El Niño relative to La Niña years owing to the enhanced water vapor flux and precipitation, removing more PM2.5 from the atmosphere. The comprehensive effects of wind and precipitation anomalies lead to the unpredictability of the impacts of ENSO on PM2.5 over the Yangtze River Delta region, which should be analyzed case by case.摘要2013年以来中国实施了一系列减排政策, 大气污染物浓度明显下降, 但由于气象条件的年际变化, 中国PM2.5 (空气动力学直径小于2.5 µm的颗粒物) 污染仍然存在. 厄尔尼诺–南方涛动 (ENSO) 是调节大气–海洋系统年际变化的最强信号. 本文研究了2014–2021年四次ENSO事件期间, 中国四个特大城市群冬季PM2.5浓度的变化. 结果表明, 在京津冀和汾渭平原地区, 由于厄尔尼诺 (拉尼娜) 期间的偏南风 (偏北风) 异常有利于 PM2.5 的积累 (扩散), 冬季PM2.5浓度在厄尔尼诺年高于拉尼娜年. 在珠三角地区, 由于厄尔尼诺冬季水汽通量和降水的增加有利于大气中PM2.5的湿清除, 冬季PM2.5浓度在厄尔尼诺年低于拉尼娜年. 在环流和降水异常的综合作用下, ENSO对长三角地区PM2.5浓度的影响难以预测, 应逐案分析.  相似文献   

This study investigates the trends in the mean state and the day-to-day variability(DDV) of the surface weather conditions over northern and northeastern China(NNEC) during 1961–2014 using CN05.1 observational data. In this study, we show that the surface temperature(wind speed) has increased(decreased) over NNEC and that the DDV of the surface temperatures and wind speeds has decreased, indicating a trend towards a stable warm and windless state of the surface weather conditions over NNEC. This finding implies a trend towards more persistent hot and windless episodes, which threaten human health and aggravate environmental problems. The trends are also examined in reanalysis data. Both the ERA-40 and the NCEP data show an increasing(decreasing) trend in the mean state of the surface temperatures(wind speeds). However, the reanalysis data show a consistent decreasing trend in the DDV of the surface weather conditions only in the spring. The underlying reason for the decreased DDV of the surface weather conditions is further analyzed, focusing on the spring season. Essentially,the decreased DDV of the surface weather conditions can be attributed to a decrease in synoptic-scale wave activity, which is caused by a decrease in the baroclinic instability. There is a contrasting change in the baroclinic instability over East Asia, showing a decreasing(increasing) trend north(south) of 40°N. This contrasting change in the baroclinic instability is primarily caused by a tropospheric cooling zone over East Asia at approximately 40°N, which influences the meridional temperature gradient over East Asia.  相似文献   

This paper explores changes in climatic variables, including solar radiation, rainfall, fraction of diffuse radiation (FDR) and temperature, during wheat season (October to May) and maize season (June to September) from 1961 to 2003 at four sites in the North China Plain (NCP), and then evaluates the effects of these changes on crop growth processes, productivity and water demand by using the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator. A significant decline in radiation and rainfall was detected during the 43 years, while both temperature and FDR exhibit an increasing trend in both wheat and maize seasons. The average trend of each climatic variable for each crop season from the four sites is that radiation decreased by 13.2 and 6.2 MJ m?2 a?1, precipitation decreased by 0.1 and 1.8 mm a?1, minimum temperature increased by 0.05 and 0.02°C a?1, maximum temperature increased by 0.03 and 0.01°C a?1, FDR increased by 0.21 and 0.38% a?1 during wheat and maize season, respectively. Simulated crop water demand and potential yield was significantly decreased because of the declining trend in solar radiation. On average, crop water demand was decreased by 2.3 mm a?1 for wheat and 1.8 mm a?1 for maize if changes in crop variety were not considered. Simulated potential crop yields under fully irrigated condition declined about 45.3 kg ha?1 a?1 for wheat and 51.4 kg ha?1 a?1 for maize at the northern sites, Beijing and Tianjin. They had no significant changes in the southern sites, Jinan and Zhengzhou. Irrigation, fertilization development and crop variety improvement are main factors to contribute to the increase in actual crop yield for the wheat–maize double cropping system, contrasted to the decline in the potential crop yield. Further research on how the improvement in crop varieties and management practices can counteract the impact of climatic change may provide insight into the future sustainability of wheat–maize double crop rotations in the NCP.  相似文献   

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