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Waveforms of seismic events, extracted from January 2019 to December 2021 were used to construct a test dataset to investigate the generalizability of PhaseNet in the Shandong region. The results show that errors in the picking of seismic phases(P-and S-waves) had a broadly normal distribution, mainly concentrated in the ranges of-0.4–0.3 s and-0.4–0.8 s, respectively. These results were compared with those published in the original PhaseNet article and were found to be approximately 0.2–0.4 s l...  相似文献   

2021年5月21日云南漾濞县发生M_S6.4地震、5月22日青海玛多县发生M_S7.4地震,分别分析漾濞震中500 km内12个地电场台数据、玛多震中500 km内8个地电场台数据,获知:(1)漾濞地震周围罗茨等8台优势方位角在震前出现了异常变化,弥渡等4台看不出明显异常变化;盐源等7台相关系数在震前2~6个月出现了大幅度下降,元谋、苴林等5台相关系数看不出明显异常变化。(2)玛多地震周围门源等4台方位角在震前出现了异常变化,都兰等4台方位角看不出明显异常变化;门源等5台在玛多地震前2~6个月相关系数出现了大幅下降、变化范围明显变窄等现象,都兰、白水河、金银滩等3台优势方位角和相关系数都看不出明显异常变化。(3)两次地震分析中地电场优势方位角和相关系数异常变化在时间上皆具有同步或准同步性。  相似文献   

2021年5月21日及5月22日,云南漾濞县与青海玛多县分别发生破坏性地震,主震震级分别为Ms6.4级与Ms7.4级。本文基于机器学习中的支持向量机方法,以多类型特征参数为输入建立地震预警震级估算模型SVM-M,离线模拟云南漾濞Ms5.6级前震、Ms6.4级主震以及青海玛多Ms7.4级主震的连续震级估算。结果表明:对于云南漾濞Ms5.6级前震,支持向量机方法在首台触发后1s可估算震级为5.6级,且随着首台触发时间的增加,估算震级一直在实际震级附近波动;对于云南漾濞Ms6.4级主震和青海玛多Ms7.4级主震,随着首台触发时间的增加,支持向量机方法对于大震低估问题得到了有效的改善,且震级估算结果逐渐接近实际震级。同时,这3次地震的震级估算离线模拟表明:引入震源距的支持向量机方法(SVM-M1模型)对于震级估算有更好的稳定性,且在地震预警系统的震级估算中有着潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

An MS7.4 earthquake struck west China in Maduo county, Guoluo prefecture, Qinghai province on May 22, 2021, at 2:04 Beijing time (18:04 UTC on May 21, 2021), which broke the quiet period of Chinese mainland for 1382 days without earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher. The analysis of the seismic data sequence would play an important role in the in-depth study of the Maduo earthquake and the Bayan Har block. The Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (CEA), compiled observation data recorded through 57 broadband seismometers within 500 km of the earthquake epicenter and intended to share for further researches in earthquake science community. The shared dataset included waveforms of the event and its sequence with magnitudes of 3.0 or higher that occurred between May 22–31, 2021 with a sampling rate of 100 sps along with the continuous waveforms of 20 Hz and 100 Hz. Additionally, the seismic instrument response files also were shared. The event and continuous waveform records could be downloaded by submitting a request through the web platform of the Earthquake Science Data Center of the Institute of Geophysics, CEA (www.esdc.ac.cn).  相似文献   

We present a high-resolution seismic catalog for the 2021 MS6.4/MW6.1 Yangbi sequence. The catalog has a time range of 2021-05-01 to 2021-05-28, and contains ~8,000 well located events. It captures the features of the whole foreshock sequence and the early aftershocks. We designed a detection strategy incorporating both an artificial intelligent (AI) picker and a matched filter algorithm. Here, we adopt a hybrid AI method incorporating convolutional and recurrent neural network (CNN & RNN) for event detection and phase picking respectively (i.e. CERP), a light-weight AI picker that can be trained with small volume of data. CERP is first trained with detections from a STA/LTA and Kurtosis-based method called PAL, and then construct a rather complete template set of ~4,000 events. Finally, the matched filter algorithm MESS augments the initial detections and measures differential travel times with cross-correlation, which finally results in precise relocation. This process gives 9,026 detections, among which 7,943 events can be well relocated. The catalog shows as expected power-law distribution of frequency magnitude and reveals detailed pattern of seismicity evolution. The main features are: (1) the foreshock sequence images simple fault geometry with consistent strike, but also show a variable event depth along strike; (2) the mainshock ruptures the same fault of the foreshock sequence and activate conjugate faults further to the southeast; (3) complex seismicity are developed in the post-seismic period, indicating complex triggering mechanisms. Thus, our catalog provides a reliable basis for further investigations, such as b-value studies, rupture process, and triggering relations.  相似文献   

A MS6.4 earthquake occurred on 21 May 2021 in Yangbi county, Dali prefecture, Yunnan, China, at 21: 48 Beijing Time (13: 48 UTC). Earthquakes with an M3.0 or higher occurred before and after the main shock. Seismic data analysis is essential for the in-depth investigation of the 2021 Yangbi MS6.4 earthquake sequence and the seismotectonics of northwestern Yunnan. Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (CEA), has compiled a dataset of seismological observations from 157 broadband stations located within 500 km of the epicenter, and has made this dataset available to the earthquake science research community. The dataset (total file size: 329 GB) consists of event waveforms with a sampling frequency of 100 sps collected from 18 to 28 May 2021, 20-Hz and 100-Hz continuous waveforms collected from 12 to 31 May 2021, and seismic instrument response files. To promote data sharing, the dataset also includes the seismic event waveforms from 20 to 22 May 2021 recorded at 50 stations of the ongoing Binchuan Active Source Geophysical Observation Project, for which the data protection period has not expired. Sample waveforms of the main shock are included in the appendix of this article and can be downloaded from the Earthquake Science website. The event and continuous waveforms are available from the Earthquake Science Data Center website (www.esdc.ac.cn) on application.  相似文献   

2021年5月22日青海省玛多县发生了M7.4地震,造成玛多县境内的野马滩1、2号桥破坏,其主要表现为桥梁纵向位移过大导致多跨主梁落梁,桥墩也有不同程度的破损.经现场专家鉴定,地震影响烈度均突破桥梁抗震设计值,并且初步判断这种整齐划一的落梁震害的机理系近断层地震动方向性效应的强速度脉冲作用所致.野马滩大桥位置的地震影响烈度调查结果为Ⅸ,但是野马滩大桥附近无强震动观测台站,大桥附近没有获得地震动记录,这不利于野马滩大桥地震作用下地震响应和破坏机理的研究.另外,野马滩大桥的设计参数和折损情况也很难掌握,桥梁模型难以准确估计.为此,本文拟采用另一座同等抗震设防烈度的桥梁,通过有限元程序,使用反应谱法作为参考,同时使用拟合的地震动和脉冲记录进行桥梁结构反应时程分析,以便间接地揭示玛多地震桥梁地震反应特征和破坏机理.计算结果分析表明,所分析的桥梁结构地震响应位移和内力均超过罕遇地震设计值,其中一条地震动记录最大反应接近极罕遇设计值,导致桥梁结构出现破坏甚至损毁震害现象的出现.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日漾濞发生MS 6.4地震,震前地震活动异常明显,中长期阶段云南地区3级地震活动水平较低,滇西北地区出现长达456天的4级地震平静;短临阶段震中区附近出现3—4级地震条带;临震阶段中小地震活动由外围地区开始向震中区迁移,震中区出现直接前震。  相似文献   

震后开展灾情快速评估工作可为政府部门确定重点救援区域、部署救援队伍、调配救援物资等应急处置提供重要的信息决策支撑.基于云南新研制的地震灾害快速评估系统,完成了2021年5月21日云南大理漾濞县6.4级地震灾情快速评估及科技保障任务.实际应用结果表明:经过升级优化的地震快速评估软件,在系统稳定性、运算效率、应急产品丰富度...  相似文献   

2021年5月21日漾濞MS 6.4地震发生前3天,云南省地震局向震区派出联合工作组强化震情跟踪工作,笔者分别以震前研判和到地震现场的震后序列跟踪视角进行分析,结果表明:①此次漾濞MS 6.4地震序列为前震—主震—余震型序列,震源浅,为城市直下型地震,余震丰富,震感强烈;②漾濞MS 6.4地震发生在NW向维西—乔后断裂,该断裂2013年以来曾出现3组4、5级震群活动;③无震前宏观异常,在震中100 km范围内,出现3项地球物理异常,其中洱源水温异常较突出;④前震序列b、h值出现异常,b值偏小,h值归一化频度呈非线性增长。
为缓解震中附近地区群众的高度紧张情绪,针对公众关注热点问题,利用荗木清夫公式定量估算余震结束时间,并结合地震现场实际工作,针对地震谣言、地震云、超级月亮等现象,给出相应合理解释。  相似文献   

An MS 6.4 earthquake occurred near Yangbi County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, at 21:48 on May 21, 2021. The earthquake location is characterized by complex geological structures, with multiple active faults distributed around the epicenter that is located at the west edge of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block (25.67°N, 99.87°E). A total of 42 ground cracks are found by earthquake field investigations. The cracks are mainly concentrated in the Ⅷ degree area on the west side of the Yangbi River. Among these, 9 coseismic tectonic ground cracks generated by shear fractures are found in three villages (i.e., Akechang, Meijia-Lijia, and Huajiazhuang), which are distributed along the strike of the northwest-trending linear folds, showing the tectonic characteristics of right-lateral tension or left-stepping cracks. The structural attribute of ground cracks sustains the kinematic properties of the Weixi-Qiaohou fault, namely right-lateral strike-slip.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日云南漾濞发生MS6.4地震.为深入了解该地震的发震断层及发震构造特征,探讨其与2013年洱源与2017年漾濞地震发震构造及背景的异同,本文基于中国地震台网中心的观测报告,使用双差方法对漾濞地震序列进行重定位,并从全球矩心矩张量(GCMT)和美国地质调查局(USGS)搜集了9个震源机制解计算了震源区构造应力场,初步得到如下结论:(1)2021年漾濞地震序列呈NW-SE向展布且SE端余震数量多于NW端,余震区地壳应力不均匀释放,致使5.0级及以上地震周边余震稀少;4个5.0级及以上地震初始破裂深度大于矩心深度,推测发震断层是从断裂底部向浅部破裂.(2)发震断裂是维西—乔后—巍山断裂西南侧的未知断裂F2、F3,其走向NW-SE、倾向SW、倾角近垂直,具有右旋走滑特征.其中F2贯穿整个地震序列,长约30 km,F3主要发育在中南段,长约11 km,两条发震断层相交于地震丛集中间位置.(3)震源区构造应力场是走滑的应力机制,呈SSE向(174.57°)低倾伏角(18.79°)挤压,及SWW向(-93.65°)近水平(5.21°)拉张状态.震源区的发震构造受川滇块体与滇南块体形成的右旋走滑边界控制.(4)这3个地震均发生在川滇块体右旋走滑西南边界形成的走滑应力机制作用背景下.2013年洱源地震可能更多的受控于局部构造的垂向差异运动;2017年漾濞地震仅受到川滇块体西南边界的右旋走滑作用;2021年漾濞地震则主要受控于川滇块体西南边界的右旋走滑运动,还存在少量局部构造垂向差异运动作用.  相似文献   

The MW7.4 Maduo earthquake occurred on 22 May 2021 at 02:04 CST with a large-expansion surface rupture. This earthquake was located in the Bayan Har block at the eastern Tibetan Plateau, where eight earthquakes of MS >7.0 have occurred in the past 25 years. Here, we combined interferometric synthetic aperture radar, GPS, and teleseismic data to study the coseismic slip distribution, fault geometry, and dynamic source rupture process of the Maduo earthquake. We found that the overall coseismic deformation field of the Maduo earthquake is distributed in the NWW-SEE direction along 285°. There was slight bending at the western end and two branches at the eastern end. The maximum slip is located near the eastern bending area on the northern branch of the fault system. The rupture nucleated on the Jiangcuo fault and propagated approximately 160 km along-strike in both the NWW and SEE directions. The characteristic source rupture process of the Maduo earthquake is similar to that of the 2010 MW6.8 Yushu earthquake, indicating that similar earthquakes with large-expansion surface ruptures and small shallow slip deficits can occur on both the internal fault and boundary fault of the Bayan Har block.  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘岩石圈变形强烈、地震活动频繁,对其深部结构进行研究有助于提高对其演化及强震发震机理等问题的认识.本研究利用青藏东南缘固定和流动观测台站记录的地震P波走时数据,采用体波走时层析成像方法得到研究区地壳、上地幔顶部三维P波速度结构.结果显示,峨眉山大火成岩省内带范围呈明显的高速异常,推测为二叠纪时期地幔柱活动残留在地壳内的基性和超基性幔源物质.川西北次级块体和大火成岩省内带东西两侧存在低速带,可能是壳内部分熔融存在和中下地壳流动的证据:高原物质向南运移时受大火成岩省壳内高速体阻挡后分为两支,东支沿安宁河断裂—则木河断裂—小江断裂延伸,西支沿红河断裂向上地壳运移并逐渐穿过红河断裂.云南漾濞MS6.4地震序列全部位于西支低速通道之上,推测构造块体SE向运动和地壳流作用使得应力在上地壳震源区进一步集中,共同驱动断裂活动导致漾濞地震发生.  相似文献   


以探索深度卷积神经网络震级估算模型对2021年5月21日云南漾濞和5月22日青海玛多地震预警震级估算的可行性为目标,本文使用P波到达后不同时间窗下的特征参数作为深度卷积神经网络输入进行训练和验证,构建了1~40 s内不同时间窗下的深度卷积神经网络单台震级估算模型,并采用多台加权平均方法对玛多地震主震以及漾濞地震主震、前震和余震共11次地震事件进行实时震级估算.结果表明:在P波到达后1~40 s的不同时间窗下,随着时间窗的增加,深度卷积神经网络单台震级估算模型对训练集和验证集的震级估算误差和标准差逐渐减小,且逐渐趋于稳定;对于云南漾濞MS6.4主震与青海玛多MS7.4主震,大部分单台震级估算误差主要分布在±0.5震级单位内;通过多台加权平均方法计算预测震级,漾濞主震与玛多主震在首台触发后2 s时,震级估算结果分别是M6.0和M7.0;同时,随着首台触发后时间的增加,漾濞与玛多主震的震级估算逐渐接近实际震级,且在首台触发后9 s时,漾濞主震和玛多主震的震级估算分别是M6.2和M7.3;在首台触发后1 s时,对于玛多与漾濞地震的前震和余震,多台加权平均震级估算结果也主要分布在±0.5震级单位误差范围内.该方法为中国地震预警系统的震级估算方案提供了潜在可能.


以2021年5月21日云南漾濞6.4级地震所获取的漾濞台强震动记录作为输入,对不同高度(低层、多层和高层)钢筋混凝土框架结构以及一低层砖混结构进行动力时程分析,探讨不同高度钢筋混凝土框架结构动力响应特点,对比砖混结构与低层框架结构地震响应的不同,并对结构进行性能评定.主要分析结果表明,所有结构的楼层加速度响应中,竖向加速度放大效应显著,尤其是低层框架;框架结构Y方向楼层傅里叶幅值谱峰值主要在1~2.5 Hz频率范围;多层框架的层间位移角响应更大;所有框架结构以及设防的砖混结构层间位移角均未超过中等破坏限值;与低层框架结构相比,基本周期更短的砖混结构水平向楼层加速度放大效应更为显著;设防的砖混结构具有良好的抗震性能.分析结果可为灾区震害评估和震后修复提供指导,同时为建筑结构抗震设计提供一定参考.  相似文献   

利用双差定位法对2021年5月22日玛多MS7.4地震序列中1 434个地震进行重新定位,使用TDMT矩张量反演方法求解玛多地震序列M≥4.5地震的震源机制解,综合分析得到如下结论:(1)玛多地震序列震中整体走向为NWW-SEE向,与昆仑山口—江错断裂展布方向相吻合,序列总长度170 km,呈NWW向和SEE向双侧破裂,主震西北侧存在NW向条带,可能是此次地震的分支断裂活动,在南东侧存在余震稀疏段以及横穿玛多—甘德断裂的余震分布带,推测可能是地下速度结构差异所致;(2)主震附近地震序列以左旋走滑型地震为主,优势走向为NWW向,倾向NE,倾角较高,与昆仑山口—江错断裂性质基本一致,结合余震定位结果推断昆仑山口—江错断裂为本次地震的发震断层;(3)主震附近地震序列P轴平均方位角为237°,P轴,T轴平均倾角分别为15°、16°,N轴平均倾角为65°,结合研究区构造特征推断,本次地震是由NEE-SWW向水平挤压应力推动NWW-SEE向断裂发生左旋走滑错动所致。  相似文献   

本文基于有限断层模型反演方法,利用区域宽频带数据反演了2021年5月云南漾濞MS6.4地震的震源破裂过程,结果显示:此次地震的发震断层走向为SE向,主要以右旋走滑为主.破裂主要发生在震源东南侧,最大错动量约为0.55 m,位于深度约9 km处,发生明显破裂的深度约达13 km.此次地震释放的标量地震矩为1.48×1018N·m,相当于矩震级MW6.05.地震能量主要在前11 s释放.在深度为6~8 km处破裂速度有明显的变快,可能加剧了地表的震动.  相似文献   

根据我国川滇地区的地质地貌特征、前人地质资料和2021年漾濞MS6.4地震的震源参数初步反演结果,建立三维速度结构模型,采用三维有限差分法对漾濞地震的长周期地震动进行研究.对实际地震烈度和模拟烈度进行对比,同时在区域附近布置了36个观测点,给出其中6个观测点的三分量速度时程,并给出所有观测点阻尼比为5%的速度反应谱,结果表明:(1)模拟的速度峰值已超过25 cm/s,与实际漾濞地区附近的烈度为8度吻合;(2)受断层滑动分布影响,速度水平分量在西北方向分布范围更广,衰减速度明显慢于东南方向,并且在极震区,东北—西南方向的地震动衰减也较慢.方向性效应对峰值大小及其分布范围的影响显著;(3)观测点速度反应谱的特征周期分布在1~3 s范围内,可能会因为共振效应对区域附近的大型建筑物产生较为严重的破坏.需要对漾濞地震进行进一步研究,以期对漾濞地震的长周期地震动有更为细致的认识.  相似文献   

郭丽娜      刘金龙  温卫平  杜轲  丁勇    林均歧  孙刚 《世界地震工程》2021,(4):064-72
本文整理了云南大理州"5.21"6.4级地震震害调研与科考过程的部分成果。穿斗木架构结构和框架结构是云南大理州在低矮建筑和多高层建筑中广泛应用的两种结构形式。该研究基于震害调查结果,描述了地震过程中穿斗木架构结构和框架结构破坏的宏观现象,总结了两种典型结构的破坏形式,对震害成因进行了探讨。在此次震害调查过程中,科考人员还通过智能手机对结构基频进行了快速评估。在震后,研究人员对智能手机智能测振应用软件进行了更新,结合应用需求加入了测振地点和路线的地图信息,为震害调查与记录提供了便利。基于漾濞县震害科考与调研结果,为云南省穿斗木架构建筑及框架建筑的抗震方法与策略提出了建议,为震后建筑结构快速评价提供了新手段。  相似文献   

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