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在51年(1958-2008)西北太平洋区域海洋再分析CORA1.0产品的基础上,改进了模式配置和同化方法,研制了2009-18年的CORA产品并对其进行以下检验:(1)温盐和海表高度异常均方根误差分布检验;(2)35°N处温度断面分布检验;(3)再分析流场和表漂浮标轨迹对比检验.结果显示,2009-18年的CORA产品可以再现海洋要素长时间序列,时空多尺度的变化特征,为研究特征海洋现象和过程提供背景信息.  相似文献   

近50年(1949~1996)西北太平洋热带气旋气候特征的再分析   总被引:40,自引:14,他引:40  
根据1949—1996年的台风资料对将近50年的西北太平洋台风活动的气候特点进行了统计分析,包括台风发生频数的年际变化、季节分布、强度分布和路径类型。另外还考察了台风源地的季节变化和台风强度与其源地的关系,指出较强的台风大多发源于125oE以东的洋面上,发源于马里亚纳群岛附近的台风最强;给出了登陆台风的季节分布和纬度分布;台风登陆时的中心气压统计结果表明,在浙江、福建登陆的台风数量虽然不如华南多,但强度较强。  相似文献   

The global high-resolution marine reanalysis products that were independently developed by the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center based on the Chinese Global Oceanography Forecasting System (CGOFS), are evaluated by comparing their climatologies with internationally recognized data from WOA (Word Ocean Atlas), SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation), AVISO (Archiving, Validation, and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic Data), and C-GLORS (Global Ocean Reanalysis System). The results show that the SST RMSEs of CGOFS and SODA against WOA are 0.51 °C and 0.43 °C respectively; and in the North Pacific, the SST of CGOGS is closer to that of WOA than SODA. The SSS RMSEs of CGOFS and SODA compared with WOA are 0.48 PSU and 0.40 PSU, respectively. CGOFS can reproduce the main large-scale ocean circulation globally, and obtain a similar vertical structure of the Equatorial Undercurrent as SODA. The RMSE of the CGOFS global sea-level anomaly against AVISO is 0.018 m. The monthly averaged sea-ice extents are between those of SODA and C-GLORS in each month; the growth and ablation characteristics of the ice volume are consistent with SODA and C-GLORS; but the ice volume of CGOFS is greater than that of SODA and C-GLORS. In general, the climatology of the CGOFS global high-resolution reanalysis products are basically consistent with similar international products, and can thus provide reliable data for the improvement of marine science and technology in China.摘要通过同化系统将观测资料与海洋数值模式融合得到的海洋再分析产品为海洋科学研究提供了重要的资料基础.本文采用WOA,SODA,AVISO和GLORS四种数据资料与我国自主研发的中国全球海洋预报系统(CGOFS)的气候态结果进行了对比, 结果表明:CGOFS和SODA的全球海表面温度与WOA的均方根误差分别为0.51 和 0.43°C.CGOFS和SODA的海表面盐度与WOA的均方根误差分别为0.48和0.40 PSU;海流方面, CGOFS能较好的刻画主要大洋环流分布及赤道潜流的垂向结构;CGOFS的全球海表面高度异常与AVISO的均方根误差为0.018m;多年月平均海冰外缘线覆盖面积介于SODA 和 GLORS之间, 海冰体积的生消规律与SODA 和 GLORS一致.总体来看, CGOFS全球高分辨率海洋再分析产品的气候态结果与国际同类产品基本一致, 可为提升我国海洋综合科技实力提供可靠的资料保障.  相似文献   

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