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Diurnal and seasonal variations in atmospheric hydrogen peroxideconcentrations wereinvestigated during a summer and winter cruise aboard the R.V. `Endeavor' atthe BermudaAtlantic Time Series Station. Rainwater peroxide concentrations in Augustdisplayed dielvariability while no temporal H2O2 pattern was evidentin March rain. Averageconcentrations in March were also significantly lower than August whichindicates photochemicalprocesses are involved in controlling hydrogen peroxide concentrations inmarine rainwaterfalling over the open ocean. The range of gas phase hydrogen peroxideconcentrations wasbetween 1 and 6 ppbv and also exhibited a strong diurnal pattern during bothAugust and Marchwith concentration maxima in the early evening. The influence of atmosphericdeposition onsurface seawater hydrogen peroxide levels was also evaluated. Hydrogenperoxide depth profileswere measured on four separate occasions before and after rain events duringthe Augustsampling period. The input of rainfall hydrogen peroxide was observedthroughout the 25 metermixed layer with surface concentrations two fold larger in the morning aftera rain event. Theintegrated increase in hydrogen peroxide after the rain from 0 to 90 meterswas 1,720 molalmost all of which could be accounted for by the peroxide added from rain.The data presentedin this study represent the first detailed, simultaneous measurements ofhydrogen peroxide inmarine air, rain and surface seawater.  相似文献   

Iron occurs in rain as particulateand dissolved Fe and includes both Fe(II) and Fe(III)species. Model calculations and correlation analysisindicate Fe(II)(aq) occurs almost exclusively as thefree ion whereas Fe(III)(aq) occurs as both ironoxalate and Fe(OH)2 +(aq) with largevariations over the pH range from 4.0 to 5.0. Complexation with humic-like compounds may also beimportant for Fe(III)(aq); however, the concentrationand structural characteristics of these compounds haveyet to be determined. 112 rain samples were collectedfor iron analysis in Wilmington, North Carolina,between 1 July 1997, and 30 June 1999. Total iron,particulate iron and Fe(III)(aq) were higher inconcentration in summer and spring rain relative towinter and autumn rain. Fe(II)(aq) concentrations, incontrast, did not vary seasonally. Particulate iron,which was approximately half the total rainwater iron,was highest between noon and 6 p.m. (EST), probably dueto more intense regional convection including land-seabreezes during that time. The ratio ofFe(II)(aq)/Fe(III)(aq) was also highest in rainreceived between noon and 6 p.m., which most likelyreflects photochemical reduction of Fe(III)(aq)complexes to form Fe(II)(aq). A conceptual modeldepicting the interplay between iron species, lightintensity and organic ligands in rainwater ispresented.  相似文献   

During a 3-year study, gaseous hydrogenperoxide (H2O2) concentrations were measuredas part of the SANA project at the Melpitz FieldResearch Station and in the city of Leipzig. Typicaldaily mean H2O2 mixing ratios on sunny dayswere 0.15 to 0.25 ppbv with maximum values of 0.3 to0.5 ppbv at Melpitz, and 0.3 to 0.6 ppbv with maximumvalues of 0.4 to 1.0 ppbv in Leipzig. Over the entireperiod of the project the maximum hourly mean valueswere 2.1 ppbv and 5.3 ppbv in Melpitz and Leipzig,respectively. The data were not complete enough to show a trend.Linear regression analysis shows, that ozone(O3), temperature and solar radiation arepositively correlated with H2O2, whereasnitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) andrelative humidity are negatively correlated. Negativecorrelation between H2O2 and CO is caused byjoint occurrence of CO with NOx in exhaust gases.Negative correlation between H2O2 andrelative humidity is not necessarily in contradictionto the accelerating effect of water vapour onH2O2 formation. The strong positivecorrelation of H2O2 with the dew pointdifference however seems to better reflect theinfluence of water vapour. Multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) of thecomponents measured, indicates the great influence of CO on the formation of H2O2 in the gasphase.  相似文献   

Precipitation samples collected at Erdemli, Turkey, during February 1996–June 1997 were analysed to determine iron content and speciation. The purpose of the measurements was to examine the atmospheric abundance of iron and to quantify its solubility in the region. Spectrophotometric analyses of Fe(II) and reducible Fe(III) in precipitation samples, along with measurements of pH, conductivity, filterable iron (Fefilt), particulate aluminium (Alpar) and particulateiron (Fepar) were performed to determine iron solubility, which principally affects its bioavailability. Backward trajectories corresponding to the sampling dates were analysed to determine the sources of atmospheric constituents arriving at the site. Among these, the mineral dust transported from the Great Sahara to the region is considered to be a rich source of iron. The concentration of Fe(II) varied from below detection limit (0.02 M) up to 0.42 M,while the maximum concentration of total reactive Fe (referred as Fe(II) + reducible Fe(III) = Fereac) was found to be 1.0 M in precipitation. A strong correlation was found between particulate Fe and Al fractions, both of crustal origin. No correlation was observed between the soluble and insoluble fractions of iron. The soluble iron fraction, Fe(II) concentration varied independently from the concentrations of reducible Fe(III), Fefilt, Fepar, and from the pH of the precipitation. The Fefilt fraction (size < 0.45 m), measuredby Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, and frequently interpreted to be the soluble iron fraction in the literature, was found to be significantly higher than the corresponding Fereac fraction inprecipitation samples, most likely due to the colloidal iron content of the Fefilt fraction passing through the 0.45 m pore size filter. The volume weighted mean Fefilt concentration of the precipitation samples collected during the episodic `red rain' events was found to be relatively higher. The geometric mean ratios of soluble Fe(II) and of Fereac to Total Fe (Fefilt + Fepar), werefound to be 1.6% and 2.1%, respectively, while the mean ratioof Fefilt to Total Fe was 9.6%. The flux of bioavailable iron (Fereac)fraction in most atmospheric wet deposition events was found to be sufficient for supporting the maximum primary production rates that are typical for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

大气过氧化氢(H2O2)是一种重要的光化学产物,也是硫酸盐气溶胶生成及降水酸化过程的关键氧化剂。然而,我国对H2O2的观测研究较少,尤其对雾霾期间H2O2浓度变化特征认识不足。该文介绍了冬春时段(2016年12月-2017年4月)在北京城区中国气象局的H2O2观测结果,并结合同期O3,PAN,NOX,PM2.5等污染物和气象要素观测数据,分析H2O2浓度变化特征与影响因素。观测结果表明:观测期间H2O2体积混合比(简称为浓度)为(0.65±0.59)×10-9,其中,春季浓度(0.83±0.67)×10-9高于冬季浓度(0.51±0.47)×10-9;H2O2平均日变化基本呈现单峰特征,峰值出现在18:00-21:00,比其他地区峰值出现稍晚,并滞后于O3峰值时间4~7 h;相对湿度对H2O2日峰值时间和浓度水平有影响,小于55%时日峰值出现于18:00-24:00,平均峰值浓度1.52×10-9;大于65%时日峰值出现于11:00-16:00,日峰值浓度均小于1×10-9。H2O2,O3和PAN虽然同属光化学产物,但在不同污染状况下浓度水平和变化趋势差异明显;H2O2清洁日峰值浓度高于污染日,但11:00-15:00污染日浓度略高于清洁日。  相似文献   

Coastal rainwater hydrogen peroxide: Concentration and deposition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Correlation analysis between rainwater component concentrations (hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen ion, nitrate, nonseasalt sulfate and chloride ion) was used to investigate patterns of variation in hydrogen peroxide concentrations in rain collected in Wilmington, North Carolina, a coastal southeastern United States location, between October 1992, and October 1994. Rainwater hydrogen peroxide concentrations in general correlated positively with the pollutant components (hydrogen ion, nitrate and non-seasalt sulfate). This pattern suggests that destruction of hydrogen peroxide by sulfur dioxide is not the dominant factor controlling the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in this rainwater, with the possible exception of winter rain from coastal storms where an inverse correlation between hydrogen peroxide and nonseasalt sulfate was observed. Sequential sampling indicates rapid production of hydrogen peroxide and incorporation into rain within time periods of hours during summer daytime rains.Rain is an important transport mechanism for removal of atmospheric hydrogen peroxide, which may affect the oxidizing capacity of surface waters that receive the rain. During this study time, the annual deposition of hydrogen peroxide by rain was 12 mmole m-2 yr-1. An average rain event added approximately half of the resident amount of hydrogen peroxide to the shallow lakes typical of eastern North Carolina; extreme rain events can triple the amount normally present. The episodic nature of rain contributes to the variability in hydrogen peroxide concentration in surface waters. Higher hydrogen peroxide concentrations and greater rainfall amounts cause wet deposition of hydrogen peroxide to be approximately seven times greater during the warm season than the cold season.  相似文献   

利用1960~2006年我国地温、气温逐日4个时次[02:00(北京时间,下同)、08:00、14:00和20:00]的台站观测资料,计算并分析了我国东南、西北地区各季地气温差的年代际变化特征。分析结果表明:我国东南部地区各季地气温差在20世纪70年代末以前,大部分年份偏高,高于平均值,而在20世纪70年代末以后,我国东南部地区各季地气温差偏低,在夏季和冬季表现尤为明显。我国西北地区春季和夏季地气温差在20世纪70年代末以前大部分年份偏低,低于平均值;而在20世纪70年代末以后,地气温差则大部分年份明显偏高。我国西北地区秋季地气温差的年代际变化特征不明显,而冬季地气温差的年代际变化趋势与春夏季相反,在20世纪70年代末以前大部分年份偏高,高于平均值,而在20世纪70年代末以后偏低。另外,发现地温和气温对我国东南、西北地区各季地气温差的年代际变化在各季所起的贡献作用不同。  相似文献   

一次特大暴雨天气的Q*矢量分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨晓霞  谭志华  华岩 《气象》2001,27(2):44-47
应用修正的Q  相似文献   

Rain and air of Florence have been collected in a continuous way andanalysed by flow analysis spectrofluorimetric methods for formaldehydeand hydrogen peroxide. Diurnal and seasonal variations were observed;the mean/maximum concentrations of all data (as gm–3) are 3.3/23.4 for HCHO and 0.4/4.93 forH2O2. The effect of external sources and ofphotochemical reactions produces periods of positive and negativecorrelations for these compounds. The mean/maximum rain concentration ofall data are 98/443 g l–1 for HCHO and 84/685 g l–1 for H2O2. Concentrationratios rain/air and discrepancies to Henry's Law equilibrium arediscussed.  相似文献   

利用2017年广州S波段双偏振雷达和地面自动站小时雨量资料,对比分析了广州极端降水(雨强≥50 mm·h^(-1))与强降水(雨强为20~50 mm·h^(-1))的微物理特征。结果表明:极端降水的20 dBZ和30 dBZ回波发展高度与强降水都差异较小,说明广州地区的降水强度与对流发展高度关系不大。在低层,极端降水平均回波更强,雨滴粒径更大,结合Z H-Z DR的分布表明广州地区降水具有海洋性对流特征。与强降水对比,0℃层以下极端降水的Z H、Z DR、K DP值都明显更大,尤其在4~5 km都快速增长,说明广州地区极端降水的发展关键在4~5 km高度,并在下落过程中继续增长,因此造成极端降水的发生。  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nucleation of supersaturated n-nonane vapour on seed particles of different size and composition has been investigated using a fast expansion chamber. Monodisperse seed particle sizes were ranging from about 4 nm up to about 24 nm in diameter. By using different types of particle generators WOx, Ag and (NH4)2SO4 particles were generated. For direct comparison between different particle compositions overlapping sizes have been generated for WOx and Ag at about 7 nm particle diameter as well as for Ag and (NH4)2SO4 at about 15 nm. Nucleation temperature was kept constant at about 278 K. Experimental data were compared to Kelvin equation and Fletcher theory including the effect of line tension. It was found that heterogeneous nucleation of n-nonane seems to be independent of seed particle composition and starts well below the Kelvin curve. Good agreement was achieved with Fletcher theory including the effect of line tension.  相似文献   

The growth of monodisperse particles (0.07 to 0.5 µm) exposed to SO2 (0–860 ppb), H2O2 (0–150 ppb) and sometimes NH3 (0–550 ppb) in purified air at 22 °C at relative humidities ranging from 25 to 75% were measured using the Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer technique. The experiments were performed in a flow reactor with aqueous (NH4)2SO4 and Na2SO4 droplets. For (NH4)2SO4 droplets the fractional diameter growth was independent of size above 0.3 µm but decreased with decreasing size below that. When NH3 was added the fractional growth increased with decreasing size. Measurements were compared with predictions of a model that accounts for solubility of the reactive gases, the liquid phase oxidation of SO2 by H2O2, and ionic equilibria. Agreement between measured and predicted droplet growth is reasonable when the ionic strength effects are included. Theory and experiments suggest that NH3 evaporation is responsible for the decrease in relative growth rates for small aqueous ammonium sulfate particles. The observed droplet growth rates are too slow to explain observed growth rates of secondary atmospheric sulfate particles.  相似文献   

利用浙江省2019年2月地面气象观测资料、FY 2G红外云图资料、NCEP和ERA Interim再分析资料,对浙江省2019年冬末春初典型的连阴雨天气过程的成因进行了分析,得出以下结论:①连阴雨期间500 hPa极涡呈偶极型,主体持续收缩在北极附近,浙江位于700 hPa和850 hPa切变南侧稳定的西南气流及温度正距平中,对流层高层西风急流持续偏强、位置偏北,强度和位置变化超前于降雨;②源自孟加拉湾北部至青藏高原、中南半岛到南海的两条水汽通道持续输送水汽至我国华东地区,浙江同时受两条水汽带叠加影响时雨强达到最大,红外卫星云图分析可对水汽输送通道和天气形势作大致判断,提供降雨预报辅助性参考;③700 hPa湿Q矢量显著辐合区和850 hPa经向风0 m〖DK〗·s-1等风速线重叠的区域易出现明显降雨,集中降雨时段浙江上空存在很大的低层假相当位温和水汽通量的水平梯度,水汽输送带位于梯度区之上。  相似文献   

The response of the upper-ocean temperatures and currents in the tropical Pacific to the spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a and its seasonal cycle is investigated using a coupled atmosphere-ocean model and a stand-alone oceanic general circulation model.The spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a significantly influences the mean state of models in the tropical Pacific.The annual mean SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific decreases accompanied by a shallow thermocline and stronger currents because of shallow penetration depth of solar radiation.Equatorial upwelling dominates the heat budget in that region.Atmosphere-ocean interaction processes can further amplify such changes. The seasonal cycle of chlorophyll-a can dramatically change ENSO period in the coupled model.After introducing the seasonal cycle of chlorophyll-a concentration,the peak of the power spectrum becomes broad,and longer periods(>3 years) are found.These changes led to ENSO irregularities in the model. The increasing period is mainly due to the slow speed of Rossby waves,which are caused by the shallow mean thermocline in the northeastern Pacific.  相似文献   

2019年8月16日诸城超级单体风暴双偏振参量结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
刁秀广  郭飞燕 《气象学报》2021,79(2):181-195
利用青岛S波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达探测资料和常规气象观测资料以及区域自动气象站观测资料,对2019年8月16日发生在山东省诸城市的一次长寿命超级单体风暴双偏振结构特征进行了分析。结果表明:超级单体风暴发生在东北冷涡和地面中尺度辐合线共同作用背景之下,对流有效位能偏低,但风垂直切变非常强,这种配置有利于超级单体风暴的形成与维持。诸城超级单体风暴持续3 h左右并伴有深厚持久的中气旋,旺盛阶段最强反射率因子、基于单体的垂直累积液态含水量、强中心高度和单体顶部高度平均分别为74.1 dBz、67.9 kg/m2、6.3 km和11.3 km。对偏振特征分析表明,风暴低层60 dBz以上回波区对应偏小的差分反射率(Zdr)、小的相关系数(CC)和大的差分相移率(Kdp),湿(或干)冰雹和液态雨滴共存。此外,低层入流缺口附近有明显Zdr弧存在。风暴中层强上升气流区内有明显的有界弱回波区,其顶部达到7 km左右。有界弱回波区内相关系数较小,其周围有明显的Zdr环和CC环,Zdr环顶部达到?10℃层高度。0℃层高度之上存在深厚的Zdr柱和Kdp柱,顶部都达到?20℃层高度,Zdr柱位于有界弱回波区东侧,Kdp柱位于西侧。?10—?20℃层,Zdr柱对应强的水平极化反射率因子(35—60 dBz)和小的差分相移率,表明含有少数偏大的液态或湿冰粒子,而Kdp柱对应更强的水平极化反射率因子(55—72 dBz)和小的差分反射率,表明含有一定数量的小的液态或(和)湿冰粒子及大的冰雹粒子。风暴低层强反射率核后侧径向上如果出现显著差分反射率负值区,可作为特大冰雹(直径≥50 mm)的识别依据;如果对应异常大的差分相移率,表明含有浓度较高的雨滴和包有水膜的冰雹粒子。   相似文献   

本文基于2007年和2008年生长季内蒙古羊草和大针茅草原湍流观测资料,分析了两种典型草原下垫面生长季的不同土壤水分条件下水汽和二氧化碳通量交换特征及其控制因子。主要结果如下:(1)在植被生长峰值期,日尺度上,干旱条件下土壤湿度是潜热通量的主要控制因子,而土壤水分条件较好时潜热通量主要受净辐射控制。(2)与大针茅草原相比,羊草草原叶面积指数较大,水分条件较好时,其潜热通量平均值更大,CO2吸收能力更强,吸收CO2更多;但在土壤水分胁迫出现时,羊草草原叶面的气孔闭合度急剧增加,大针茅草原的潜热通量、和CO2吸收反而更大,表现出更为耐旱的植被特性。(3)地表导度可以用来解释土壤水分条件对羊草和大针茅草原碳水通量的影响。  相似文献   

To assess the impact of UV-B radiation combined with NaHSO3 in solution under laboratory conditions, we compared the amounts of stress-ethylene produced by two lichen species of the same genus. Ramalina lacera, an epiphytic Mediterranean lichen, was found to be rather sensitive to UV-B combined with NaHSO3, relative to the epilithic desert lichen R. maciformis. The impact of high temperatures with FeCl2 in solution, measured by amounts of stress ethylene accentuated the adaptability of R. maciformis to desert conditions, whereas R. lacera appeared to be rather sensitive to extreme temperatures especially in the case of chemical contamination. The adaptability of R. maciformis to UV-B appears to be related to the photoprotective capabilities of lichen substances.  相似文献   

黄秀韶  李芳  刁秀广 《气象科技》2022,50(6):830-841
利用青岛双偏振多普勒天气雷达资料和探空及自动气象站观测资料,对2020年8月3日发生在山东高密的一次强降水超级单体风暴双偏振特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)强的对流有效位能(CAPE)、低层强垂直风切变、高空强辐散及高湿是强降水风暴发展维持的关键环境因素。(2)风暴低层存在差分反射率因子ZDR弧和差分相移率KDP高值区,ZDR弧与入流缺口一侧反射率因子梯度高值区相匹配,对应偏小的KDP和相关系数,以少量大粒子为主;KDP高值区为强降雨区,对应小于3 dB的ZDR和大的相关系数,以高浓度、大小适中的液态粒子为主。(3)有界弱回波区BWER外围存在ZDR环,对应偏小的KDP,而BWER上方存在深厚宽阔的ZDR柱和KDP柱,KDP柱高于ZDR柱的高度,气旋性旋转上升气流区内中层以下分布有少量大的粒子,而中层之上分布有较高浓度的大粒子...  相似文献   

Test shallot plants Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum were exposed to field conditions at six research plots in the most polluted areas in Slovenia in the vegetation seasons in 1999 and 2000. The intention of this research was to evaluate the influence of air pollution on mitotic activity and frequency of chromosomal aberrations in meristematic tissues of root tips of bioindication plants. Significant differences in the mitotic index and in frequency of chromosomal aberrations at different sampling plots in pot experiments were found and the correlation between the ozone concentration and the mitotic index was determined. The results showed the presence of cytotoxic substances at chosen sampling sites, which caused the decrease of mitotic cell division and the presence of genotoxic substances, which resulted in the increase of frequency of chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

郭凤霞  陈聪 《大气科学》2012,36(4):713-721
为了解闪电对对流层上部NOx的贡献,本文利用美国全球水资源和气候中心(GHRC)提供的1995年4月~2005年12月的闪电卫星格点资料及高层大气研究卫星 (UARS) 上的卤素掩星试验装置 (HALOE) 1991年10 月~2005 年11月的观测资料,分析了中国地区闪电与对流层上部NOx体积混合比的时空分布特征及两者的相关性.结果表明:中国地区闪电和对流层上部的NOx在季节分布、年际分布和空间分布上保持很好的一致性,闪电是对流层上部NOx的重要来源;NO极值高度在350 hPa左右,云闪直接产生的NO是极值产生的主要原因,NO2的极值高度在250 hPa左右,因为闪电产生的NO在传输过程中会被氧化成NO2并通过雷暴的垂直输送作用抬升到更高高度;强对流活动有利于NOx的传输,而人类活动产生的NOx一般较难输送到对流层上部,因此闪电多发区的NOx极值较大,所在的高度也较高.  相似文献   

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