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本文运用伊利石结晶度、绿泥石结晶度、云母b0值和绿泥石地质温度计研究了梵净山前寒武系甚低级变质作用。结果表明经Kisch伊利石结晶度标样校正的伊利石结晶度Kübler指数为0.20~0.99°Δ2θ,绿泥石结晶度árkai指数为0.22~0.63°Δ2θ。由此阐明梵净山前寒武系经历了成岩作用到浅变质作用的影响,迄今依然保留了成岩带、近变质带和浅变质带的岩石记录。成岩岩石具有伊蒙混层特征成岩指示矿物,浅变质带具有钠云母特征变质指示矿物。钾云母(伊利石)b0值范围为:0.9000~0.9045nm;平均0.9018nm,b0值累积频率曲线分布介于典型中压—中低压系列之间,估算的压力为366MPa。峰期变质温度为293~364℃,平均342℃,古变质温压梯度为27℃/km。近变质带界线穿越地层和梵净山背斜轴线,表明甚低级变质作用为成岩-构造运动同期或后期构造增厚引起下部和底部岩石随温压的升高而产生的。  相似文献   

周健  王河锦 《地质论评》2002,48(4):361-364
运用X射线衍射分析技术,计算了成岩带、近变质带粘土矿物C^*方向的粒度。根据阿尔卑斯造山带前陆碎屑岩粘土矿物粒度与伊利石结晶指数的关系,推导出了伊利石、绿泥石、蒙脱石、伊蒙混层、高岭石和叶蜡石的c^*方向粒度变化趋势曲线。结果表明,大多数产于成岩带和近变质带的粘矿物其c6*方向粒工为几至几十纳米。成岩带和近为质带是一维天然纳为级土帮物的产地。  相似文献   

多种地球动力学背景条件下甚低级变质作用的一些问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甚低级变质作用(Very Low Grade Metamorphism)往往与石油、天然气和煤等能源矿产和金、银、铜、铅、锌等金属矿产有密切关系。因此,此领域的研究不仅具有学术价值而且具有较大的经济意义。近二、三十年来,甚低级变质作用的研究已取得了令人瞩目的进展。最近,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)和国际地质科学联合会(IUGS)将甚低级变质作用研究列为国际地质对比计划(IGCP)294项。而在我国,此方面的研究才刚起步,还未得到足够的重视。因此,我们撰写此文,综述甚低级变质作用的类型、研究现状及存在的问题,着重讨论成岩/变质界线、5种变质类型(即埋藏变质、洋底变质、水热变质、热变质和俯冲带低温高压变质)并强调伊利石“结晶度”与变质矿物组合相互配置的重要意义。  相似文献   

长沙—澧陵—浏阳—带冷家溪群及板溪群的甚低级变质作用   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
朱明新  王河锦 《岩石学报》2001,17(2):291-300
湘东长沙-澧陵-浏阳一带中晚元古宇的冷家溪群及板溪群遭受了区域甚低级变质作用.在本地区所采的<2μm的样品中,冷家溪群伊利石结晶度的Kübler指数为0.18~0.26°△2θ,板溪群为0.21~0.28°△2θ(Kisch国际标样校正).从而可把本地区冷家溪群的区域变质划归浅变质带和近变质带上部,温度大约为280~400℃.板溪群划归近变质带上部,温度大约为250~300℃.并未普遍达到目前人们认为的绿片岩相或者是低绿片岩相.样品中冷家溪群伊利石(白云母)b0值的范围在0.8999~0.9042 nm,板溪群为0.9018~0.9042nm.由冷家溪群b0频率累积曲线图,得出本区冷家溪群处于较典型的中压区.  相似文献   

黔东南凯里-榕江-从江前寒武系甚低级变质作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安佳丽  王河锦  苑蕾 《岩石学报》2018,34(3):669-684
根据碎屑岩甚低级变质作用原理,运用伊利石结晶度、绿泥石结晶度、伊利石-白云母多型、伊利石(白云母)b_0值、绿泥石温度计等碎屑岩低温变质研究的方法,分析研究了黔东南前寒武系67个2μm的粘土样品,得到黔东南凯里-榕江-从江一带下江群伊利石结晶度为0.221~0.607°Δ2θCu Kα、绿泥石结晶度为0.239~1.393°Δ2θCu Kα,变质带伊利石-白云母多型均为2M_1型,伊利石(白云母)b_0值为0.9001~0.9048nm,平均0.9021nm。根据伊利石(白云母)b_0值的累积频率曲线得出研究区下江群遭受的变质作用为典型的中压变质类型。由Cathelineau(1988)绿泥石温度计估算出下江群浅变质带峰期变质温度为362~382℃。以上结果表明凯里-榕江-从江一带下江群经历了成岩-高近变质-浅变质作用,基于Warr和Rice标样的成岩/变质界限,剖面可划分为一个成岩带、两个近变质带、一个转变带和一个浅变质带。结合华南地区新元古代构造运动,推断新元古界下江群经历的成岩-变质作用与晋宁运动引起的扬子地块与华夏地块碰撞拼贴有关。  相似文献   

成岩-极低级变质-低级变质作用及有关矿产   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
毕先梅  莫宣学 《地学前缘》2004,11(1):287-294
介于成岩作用与低级变质作用之间的极低级变质作用是一个重要过程 ,对于全面认识地球浅层动力学与成矿作用有重要意义。文中简要地回顾了国内外极低级变质研究的历史与现状 ,在大量资料的基础上提出了关于成岩—极低级变质—低级变质带划分的改进方案 ,应用许多研究实例讨论了成岩—极低级变质—低级变质作用研究在化石能源及固体矿产勘查、评价与成矿研究方面的意义 ,指出煤、石油、天然气形成于高级成岩—极低级变质条件 ,很多非金属矿产的成因及质量直接受到变质程度的控制 ,大量低温—低中温铜、铅、锌、金、银、锑、汞等金属矿床分布在高级成岩—极低级变质—低级变质区中。为了获得准确的伊利石K Ar同位素测年数据 ,文中建议应保证所测粘土样品中自生K型伊利石的含量 >90 % ,并且不含钾长石 ,还要根据变质程度的高低来确定分析样品的合适粒度。  相似文献   

李娟  郑常青  金巍  崔芳华  施璐  王虎 《地学前缘》2011,18(2):223-230
内蒙古中部晚古生代地层由于中生代岩浆的侵入,部分发生接触变质,变质程度多处于沸石相或葡萄石绿纤石相。通过对典型剖面的泥质岩石中的粘土矿物、伊利石结晶度以及镜质体反射率的分析,得出以下结论:(1)粘土矿物以伊利石和绿泥石为主,只在极少数样品中有伊蒙混层和蒙脱石,多数缺乏伊绿混层;(2)伊利石结晶度为022~040;(3)镜质体反射率Ro值为15~40。其结果表明:在岩浆侵入地区有小规模的接触变质,为极低级变质带,并未发生大规模的低绿片岩相的区域变质,而且这种变质只影响到晚二叠世以前沉积的地层和油气,分布范围有限。  相似文献   

新疆西天山高压变质带的变质矿物与变质作用演化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
新疆西天山高压变质带主要由石榴石,角闪石,绿辉石,多硅白云母,钠云母,绿帘石,绿泥石,钠长石,石英,榍石和金红石等组成,石榴石主要含铁铝榴石组份,角闪石有蓝闪石,亚铁蓝闪石,青铝闪石,冻蓝闪石等类型,变质矿物组合显示高压变质带经历了由硬柱石蓝片岩相,榴辉岩相,绿帘蓝片岩相至绿片岩相的变质作用演化进程。  相似文献   


针对青藏高原可可西里的三叠系巴彦喀拉山群低级-极低级变质岩,利用X射线粉晶衍射分析确定了其矿物的共生组合、伊利石的结晶度Kubler指数(K)和b0值,并根据伊利石结晶度K和b0值对其区域变质作用的温压条件、分带、变质相进行了详细研究,得出了工作区5个不同岩性组合带的变质作用特征:昆仑山脉带属中压浅变质-近变质带,具葡萄石-绿纤石相和绿片岩相;不冻泉-库赛湖带属中压浅变质带,具绿片岩相;楚玛尔河带属中压近变质带,具葡萄石-绿纤石相;直达日旧带属中压浅变质带,具绿片岩相;五道梁带属中压近变质带,具葡萄石-绿纤石相.  相似文献   

极低级变质作用及其研究方法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
近年来国际上极低级变质作用的研究进展包括综合运用了伊利石结晶度等各项指标 ,将极低级变质带划分为成岩带、近变质带和浅变质带 ,成岩带和近变质带又可进一步划分为低级成岩带、高级成岩带、低级近变质带和高级近变质带 ;研究了伸展背景、阿尔卑斯碰撞背景和增生背景下的极低级变质作用 ;进一步理解了矿物的转变过程 ,建立了变质泥质岩石的矿物反应系列。即变质泥质岩石的二八面体矿物反应系列 ,为蒙皂石—伊 /蒙混层 (I/S)—伊利石—白云母 ;对应变质镁铁质岩石的三八面体矿物反应系列 ,为蒙皂石—绿泥石 /蒙皂石混层 (C/S)—绿泥石。岩石微构造也发生同步变化 ;明确了广泛应用的伊利石结晶度的本质是雏晶大小的一种量度 ,也与晶格应变有关 ,主要受反应动力的控制 ;建立了系统的研究技术方法 ,包括野外采样方法、室内X光衍射法 (XRD)、透射电镜法 (TEM )、地质温度计、地质压力计、岩石学方法、同位素地质学方法等  相似文献   

White mica from the Liassic black shales and slates in Central Switzerland was analysed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron microprobe to determine its textural and compositional evolution during very low-grade prograde metamorphism. Samples were studied from the diagenetic zone, anchizone and epizone (T ≈100°–450 °C). Phyllosilicate minerals analysed include illite/smectite (I/S), phengite, muscovite, brammallite, paragonite, margarite and glauconite. Textural evolution primarily is towards larger, more defect-free grains with compositions that approach those of their respective end-members. The smectite-to-illite transformation reduced the amounts of the exchange components SiK?1Al?1, MgSiAl?2, and Fe3+Al?1. These trends continue to a lesser degree in the anchizone and epizone. Correlations between the proportion of smectite in I/S and the composition of I/S indicate that smectite layers may contain a high layer charge. Illite in I/S bears a compositional resemblance to macrocrystalline phengite in some samples, but is different in others. Paragonite first appears in the upper diagenetic zone or lower anchizone as an interlayer-deficient brammallite, and it may be mixed with muscovite on the nanometre scale. Owing to the small calculated structure factor for paragonite-muscovite superstructures, conventional X-ray powder diffraction cannot distinguish between mixed-layer structures and a homogeneous compositionally intermediate solid solutions. However, indirect TEM evidence shows that irregularly shaped domains of Na- and K-rich mica exist below 10 nm. Subsequent coarsening of domains at higher grades produced discrete paragonite grains at the margins of muscovite crystals or in laths parallel to the basal plane of the host muscovite. Margarite appears in the epizone and follows a textural evolution similar to paragonite in that mixtures of margarite, paragonite, and muscovite may initially occur on the nanometre scale. However, no evidence of interlayer-poor margarite has been found.  相似文献   

伊利石结晶度及其在低温变质研究中若干问题的讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王河锦  陶晓风  M.Rahn 《地学前缘》2007,14(1):151-156
文中介绍与伊利石结晶度相关的伊利石矿物新的定名方案;讨论了伊利石结晶度的结晶学基础与Scherrer方程式的关系;讨论了三个重要的伊利石结晶度指数Weaver、K櫣bler和Weber指数的关系,并介绍推导的Weaver、K櫣bler和Weber指数的理论关系式;评价了衍射仪测量条件对结晶度数值的影响和三套伊利石结晶度标样的作用以及成岩带、变质带与葡萄石-绿纤石相、沸石相、绿纤石-阳起石亚相对比的依据。建议(1)停用绢云母一词;(2)建立可供各实验室使用的具有晶体结构和晶体化学参数和多型参数的伊利石结晶度标样;(3)建议多开展规范的可进行国际对比的低温变质研究,划分出与国际上一致的成岩带和近变质带,不仅利于低温变质作用理论的研究,而且由于成岩带到近变质转变带是重要的煤气油的生成带,也利于中国煤气油资源的勘探与开发,利于国民经济的长远持续发展。  相似文献   

川西北壤塘地区三叠纪西康群极低级变质作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过区域地质调查和伊利石的结晶度指数、晶格参数(bo)的测定,揭示川西北壤塘地区三叠纪西康群遭受了区域极低级变质作用,进一步讨论区域极低级变质作用与构造变形的关系,并指出区域极低级变质作用是成岩-埋藏变质作用(造山前)和同造山变质作用的综合结果。  相似文献   

Abstract Regional metamorphism in the external Variscides of southwest England varied from diagenetic level to greenschist facies. There is a fundamental difference in the metamorphic character between the northern and southern regions of the area. In the north, M1 metamorphism is of a sedimentary burial character associated with high heat flow, whilst to the south it is related to tectonic burial during thrust thickening processes, with lower geothermal gradients. This pattern appears to be related to the character of basin development and its subsequent tectonic evolution. The northern region has features that accord with a diastathermal (extensional) origin for the very low-grade metamorphism whilst in the southern region the very low-grade metamorphism is linked to thrusting as a consequence of Variscan compression. The Tintagel High-Strain Zone presents an anomaly in this regional pattern where an M2 metamorphic phase is attributed to localized D2 thrust stacking along the southern margin of the Culm Basin.
There is no extensive overprint of the regional metamorphic pattern by the contact aureoles surrounding the granite plutons of the region. However, there is a noticeable coincidence between the areas of regional epizone grade and the extent of the geophysically defined subsurface limit of the granite batholith (excluding the North Devon area). This link is attributed largely to the late-stage structural up-doming of the higher grade areas over the roof of the batholith.  相似文献   

极低级变质作用对年轻造山带构造演化和油气勘探有重要意义,近年来成为地质学家探讨的热点领域。文章以中国东北地区南缘石炭—二叠系为研究对象,探讨了其极低级变质作用的特征。通过对兴蒙造山带东段林西—乌兰浩特地区二叠纪地层的伊利石结晶度、b0值和多型等参数进行测试分析发现,伊利石结晶度Kübler指数在0.175~0.47之间,大多数集中于0.25~0.35,平均值为0.30;样品b0值主要在9.0155~9.0316 ?之间,平均值为9.0249 ?;伊利石多型主要为2M1。以上结果表明研究区二叠系林西组和哲斯组主要经历了葡萄石-绿纤石相的极低级变质作用,变质温度200~370 ℃,压力为中压,同时表明其具有较高的生烃潜力。结合二叠系生烃期研究和区内广泛发育的白垩纪侵入体推测,二叠系极低级变质作用可能发生在早白垩世,且与岩体侵入导致的地温梯度升高有关。   相似文献   

The metamorphic conditions of the Upper Permian Yangjiagou Formation in eastern Changchun, China, were evaluated based on the mineral assemblage, illite crystallinity, illite polytypism,the b dimension of illite, and the chemical composition of chlorite. The pelitic rocks in the Yangjiagou Formation are characterized by illite + kaolinite + chlorite ± mixed-layer chlorite/smectite and detrital quartz + plagioclase. Illite in the formation has a crystallinity of 0.38-0.55 and comprises mixed 2 M_1 and1 M_d polytypes, indicating a metamorphic temperature of 200℃. Based on the chemical composition of chlorite and the chlorite geothermometer, we estimated diagenetic to very low-grade metamorphic conditions with temperatures of 185℃~204℃. The b dimension of illite varies from 8.992 A to 9.005 A.We used a mathematical algorithm to extend Guidotti and Sassi's(1986) diagram relating illite b dimension with temperature and pressure, and used this diagram, together with illite crystallinity and chlorite chemical composition, to semi-quantitatively estimate the formation pressure at1.2 kbar. These reveal that the Yangjiagou Formation has experienced very low-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

This study uses illite crystallinity,chlorite crystallinity,illite polytypes,the b_0 cell-dimension of K-white mica,clay mineral assemblages and mineral geothermo-geobarometers to investigate the overprint of diagenesis and metamorphism on the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang in northeastern Hunan Province,China.Illite crystallinity Kbler index(KI) of the 2μm fractions ranges from 0.225 to 0.485°Δ2θ while chlorite crystallinity Arkai index(AI) ranges from 0.244 to 1.500°Δ2θ.This indicates that the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang were overprinted with diagenesis and anchi- to epimetamorphism.Peak metamorphic temperature is estimated with the IV site chlorite geothermometer roughly at 360℃.The b_0 cell dimension values of illites(K-mica) range from 0.9002 to 0.9054 nm and,on average,at 0.9030 nm for the Meso-Neoproterozoic.Based on cumulative frequency curves of illite(K-mica) b_0 cell dimension,the peak metamorphic pressure of the MesoNeoproterozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang is derived of an intermediate pressure type.Most illites occur in the 2M_1 polytype and some of them in a mixture of 2M1+1M types especially those in the Paleozoic.This result partly agrees with the conclusion of the lower greenschist and greenschist facies of the Lengjiaxi and Banxi Groups.However,it is not agreed with the sedimentary cover from the Sinian to the Lower Paleozoic or from the Banxi Group to the Lower Paleozoic.Crustal thickening due to "collision" between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks led to an increase in the thickness of the Meso-Neoproterozoic to ca.14 km and resulted in a temperature increase in those rocks due to burial.The very low grade to low grade metamorphism overprinting the Meso-Neoproterozoic implies that the so called "Chiangnania or Jiangnan orogen" was no relative with the "Grenvillian orogeney;instead,it might be a continuous amalgamation product between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks.  相似文献   

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