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东业小冰期气候形成中太阳辐射和火山灰作用的敏感性试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用最新的太阳辐射变化资料和山灰记录通过气候模式的模拟试验来探讨小冰期气候的形成因子,并揭示其动力学机制,模拟结果较好地反映了在太阳辐射和火山灰作用下典型小冰不亚地区的温度和降水变化,主要结论是:在小冰期典型强迫条件下,欧亚大陆年平均温度普遍降低,且具有明显的区域差异,高纬度降温幅度大于低纬度,冬季降温幅度大于夏季,我国长江流域以北的广大地区的降温幅度在0.2-0.4℃之间,不同季风区对火山灰和太阳辐射变化具有不同的响应,东南季风控制的地区(如我国的华东、华南地区)降水明显减少,年平均减少幅度在0.5-1.5mm/d之间,西风和西南季风控制的广大地区降水几乎持平或略增,最大年均增幅小于0.5mm/d,这与历史证据和自然记录资料是一致的。 相似文献
东亚小冰期气候形成中太阳辐射和火山灰作用的敏感性试验 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
利用最新的太阳辐射变化资料和火山灰记录通过气候模式的模拟试验来探讨小冰期气候的形成因子 ,并揭示其动力学机制 .模拟结果较好地反映了在太阳辐射和火山灰作用下典型小冰期东亚地区的温度和降水变化 .主要结论是 :在小冰期典型强迫条件下 ,欧亚大陆年平均温度普遍降低 ,且具有明显的区域差异 ,高纬度降温幅度大于低纬度 ,冬季降温幅度大于夏季 .我国长江流域以北的广大地区的降温幅度在 0 .2 - 0 .4℃之间 .不同季风区对火山灰和太阳辐射变化具有不同的响应 .东南季风控制的地区 (如我国的华东、华南地区 )降水明显减少 ,年平均减少幅度在 0 .5 - 1.5mm/d之间 ,西风和西南季风控制的广大地区降水几乎持平或略增 ,最大年均增幅小于0 .5mm/d .这与历史证据和自然记录资料是一致的 相似文献
小冰期弱化学风化的湖泊沉积记录 总被引:38,自引:3,他引:38
封闭湖泊沉积物的低Sr含量、低磁化率和高Rb/Sr比记录了单一湖泊流域在以冷干为特征的小冰期气候环境下经历的弱化学风化过程. 由于Rb, Sr在表生环境下不同的地球化学行为, 内陆湖泊沉积物中Rb/Sr比值是沉积记录中具有明确气候意义的有效指标. 与热带气候和现代温湿环境下化学风化受降水控制不同, 湖泊沉积岩芯的磁化率、Sr含量与冰芯δ18O一致的变化趋势揭示了小冰期最盛期极弱的化学风化过程是受气温控制的. 而随着气温的升高, 化学风化强度逐渐受降水的制约. 相似文献
小冰期气候变化主控因子的模拟试验 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
小冰期是距今最近,特征最明显的寒冷气候事件,对于研究世纪尺度气候变化具有重要意义. 过去的研究结果认为,太阳活动和火山活动的变化是小冰期气候变化的主要原因. 本文应用AGCM SSiB模式分别试验了植被、太阳辐射和火山活动变化对小冰期温度、降水的影响,发现下垫面植被变化对小冰期温度变化影响的量级与太阳辐射和火山活动变化的作用相当,对降水的影响甚至超过太阳活动和火山活动变化的作用,说明对于世纪尺度的气候变化而言,下垫面植被的反馈作用不可忽略. 这对于深入理解小冰期气候变化的机理具有启迪作用,同时也为世纪尺度气候变化研究与气候情景预测提供了新的思路和方法. 相似文献
从长江上游近500年历史气候看1860、1870年大洪水气候变化背景 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1860、1870年洪水是长江上游两次举世瞩目的出现于我国相对冷期的大洪水.它的出现似乎相悖于“以19世纪冷期与20世纪暖期相比,暖期大洪水出现频率高于冷期”的早期认识.通过对云、贵、川近500年历史气候研究,发现19世纪中后期至20世纪初,长江上游确为西南季风强盛的多雨期.1860,1870大洪水,尽管在百年尺度上,出现在我国小冰期第三个冷期,然而由于东西部差异,洪发当地在年代际尺度上,相对偏暖.因而长江上游于19世纪中叶前后,相对偏暖和强盛的西南气流与大洪水的孕育可能存在一定的联系. 相似文献
华北平原末次冰盛期以来典型时段古环境格局 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
重建典型时段区域气候和植被空间格局变化,是评估未来增温背景下生态环境变化和响应过程的重要基础.文章基于AMS 14C定年技术和孢粉分析,获得了华北平原白洋淀等6个剖面末次冰盛期以来的气候-植被变化历史.结合区内已有孢粉记录,重建了华北平原末次冰盛期和全新世暖期的古环境格局.结果显示,华北平原区域植被变化受气候条件、地貌景观和人类活动等因素共同影响:末次冰盛期,华北平原气候寒冷干旱,南部山地发育针阔混交林和落叶-常绿阔叶林,北部山地生长耐寒针叶林-针阔混交林,森林面积相对较小;平原南部生长中生或湿生草甸,北部发育温带草原-荒漠草原;滨海区陆架大面积出露,生长藜科为主的盐生植物.全新世暖期,华北平原气候温暖湿润,南部山地发育落叶阔叶林或落叶-常绿阔叶混交林,伴生有喜暖亚热带属种,北部山地生长落叶阔叶林,部分喜暖湿植物常有出现,森林面积相对增加;平原腹地草本植物仍占优势,森林面积较小且难以形成地带性森林景观;受海平面上升影响,滨海区原有盐生植被向内陆收缩;此外,这一时期华北平原人类活动范围扩大、农业生产频繁,对区内自然植被产生了一定影响.文章为中国北方古气候数值模拟、区域碳循环评估和未来增温背景下区域生态环境变化预测等提供了基础数据和科学依据. 相似文献
末次冰盛期时赤道地区的降温幅度问题 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
综合分析了各种古气温指标所揭示的赤道地区末次冰盛期时的气温变化情况 ,发现随着海拔升高 ,气温降幅增大 ,气温递减率变化是这一现象发生的最直接原因 .估计末次冰盛期时赤道地区的气温递减率比现今的约大 ( 0 .1± 0 .0 5 )℃ /1 0 0m .CLIMAP对于末次冰盛期时赤道洋面温度变化的估计可能偏小 . 相似文献
新疆博斯腾湖记录的亚洲内陆干旱区小冰期湿润气候研究 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
利用中国内陆干旱区最大淡水湖泊博斯腾湖中心的钻孔岩芯, 在137Cs, 210Pb和AMS 14C测年基础上, 对湖泊岩芯孢粉组合、碳酸盐含量和粒度等多指标进行了分析. 结果发现, 近1000年来, 内陆干旱区气候变化经历了3个主要阶段, 1000~1500 AD干旱、1500~1900 AD湿润和1900 AD以来的再次变干, 近千年来在几百年尺度上的气候变化组合以暖干和冷湿为主. 在公元1500~1900年的小冰期期间, 多种代用指标均出现显著变化, 孢粉蒿藜比显著增大, 碳酸盐含量明显降低, 而粒度明显偏粗, 说明博斯腾湖流域降水增加, 气候比今湿润, 这与近百年来全球变暖条件下内陆干旱区出现的暖干气候形成显著对照. 亚洲内陆冰芯、湖泊、河流、树轮、沙漠等记录均记录了西风环流显著影响区较为湿润的小冰期气候, 出现明显的冷湿气候组合, 博斯腾湖岩芯记录的湿润小冰期气候具有代表性. 西风环流影响区湿润小冰期气候可能是全球性普遍降温导致有效湿度增加和因北大西洋涛动负异常而导致的西风影响区降水增加两个因素共同作用的结果. 相似文献
Low magnetic susceptibility, low Sr content and hence high Rb/Sr ratio in the lake sediment sequence indicate a weak chemical
weathering process under arid and cold climate of the Little Ice Age in a single closed lake watershed. According to different
geochemical behavior between rubidium and strontium in earth surface processes, variation of Rb/Sr ratios in the lake sediment
sequence can be used as an effective geochemical proxy with definite climatic significance of chemical weathering in watershed.
Unlike chemical weathering process in tropic zone and modern temperate-humid climate, concordant changes in both Sr content
and magnetic susceptibility with δ18O values of Dunde ice core suggest that the weak chemical weathering was controlled by air temperature during the Little Ice
Age maximum. After the Little Ice Age, chemical weathering intensity was controlled also gradually by precipitation with increasing
in temperature. 相似文献
Humid Little Ice Age in arid central Asia documented by Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
J. A. Holmes 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2006,49(12):1280-1290
Short sediment cores retrieved from Bosten Lake, the largest inland freshwater lake in China, were used to explore humidity and precipitation variations in arid central Asia during the past millennium. The chronology of the cores was established using 137Cs, 210Pb and AMS 14C dating re- sults. Multi-proxy high-resolution analysis, including pollen ratios of Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae (A/C), carbonate content and grain size, indicates that the climate during the past millennium can be divided into three stages: a dry climate between 1000―1500 AD, a humid climate during the Little Ice Age (LIA) (c. 1500―1900 AD), and a warm dry period after 1900 AD. On centennial timescales, the climate change in northwestern China during the past 1000 years is characterized by oscillations between warm-dry and cold-humid climate conditions. All the proxies changed significantly and indi- cate increased precipitation during the LIA, including increased pollen A/C ratios and pollen concen- trations, decreased carbonate content and increased grain size. The humid period during the LIA re- corded by the Bosten Lake sediments is representative of arid central Asia and is supported by nu- merous records from other sites. During the LIA, the water runoff into the Keriya River and Tarim River in the Tarim Basin increased, while the ice accumulation in the Guliya ice core increased. Additionally, the lake levels of the Aral and Caspian Sea also rose, while tree-ring analysis indicates that precipita- tion increased. We hypothesize that both the lower temperature within China and the negative anomalies of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) during this period may have contributed to the humid climate within this area during LIA. 相似文献
P.D. Hughes 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2010,35(2):229-241
Moraine ridges are present in the highest cirques of the Durmitor massif in Montenegro and post‐date the widespread Pleistocene moraines of this area. Lichenometry suggests that at least eight glaciers were present in the 19th century and correlate with the culmination of the Little Ice Age in the European Alps. Cooler temperatures combined with local topoclimatic controls, including windblown and avalanching snow as well as shading, were crucial for the formation and survival of these glaciers below the regional equilibrium–line altitude. The resultant regional equilibrium line altitude (ELA) was positioned close to the highest peaks between 2400 and 2500 m, with local controls such as avalanche, windblown snow and shading depressing the ELA in the northern cirques to 2130–2210 m. This ELA position was very low for this latitude and lower than for most glaciers in the European Alps at any time during the Holocene, and even equivalent to many Alpine glaciers during the Younger Dryas. Today, one glacier still survives in Montenegro, in a deep northeast‐facing cirque characterized by the largest combined areas of potential avalanche and windblown snow. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Lichens of the subspecies Rhizocarpon geographicum s.l were measured on 25 avalanche boulder tongues in the Massif des Ecrins to elucidate the Little Ice Age history of avalanche activity. Results show: (1) an increase of lichen size from the median to the distal zone of deposits, and a decrease from the edges to the centre; (2) three types of lichen settlement. From the uppermost to the median zone, lichens are absent, because avalanche activity is very active. Down‐slope, lichens occur in two different zones: the median zone is colonized by 5–20 mm size lichens on sides of blocks protected from the abrasional action of avalanches, while in the distal zone lichen diameters are largest (>30 mm) and occur on all sides of the blocks. The spatial distribution of the lichens and their size according to elevation make it possible to distinguish different phases during which avalanche activity has increased. At high elevation, the avalanche activity was at a maximum before ad 1650 and between ad 1730 and 1830. During these two periods avalanches had suf?cient magnitude to reach the basal zone of the deposits. At low elevation since ad 1650 the magnitude and frequency of avalanches have declined. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Zhangdong Jin Sumin Wang Ji Shen Enlou Zhang Fuchun Li Junfeng Ji Xinwei Lu 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2001,26(7):775-782
Because of the different geochemical behaviour of rubidium and strontium in earth surface processes, variations of the Rb/Sr ratios in lake sediments were used as a geochemical proxy of chemical weathering and past climate in a single watershed. Low magnetic susceptibility, low CaCO3, low Sr concentration and, hence, high Rb/Sr ratio in the lake sediments indicate weak chemical weathering under a cold but wet climate during the Little Ice Age (LIA) in the closed Daihai Lake watershed. The concordant change in both Sr and CaCO3 concentrations with δ18O values in the Dunde ice core suggests that weak chemical weathering during the wet LIA was controlled by air temperature. After the LIA, however, precipitation played a dominant role in chemical weathering. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The Great Ice Age cycles associated with the variation of the atmospheric heat engine efficiency 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Investigating all the Great Ice Age events throughout the Earth's history, each was found to follow a strong mountain-making process. Therefore, a hypothesis was put forward with its causality chain as: strong mountain-making process→great disparity in topography on the Earth surface→introducing efficient atmospheric circulation system (plateau monsoon)→increase in global atmospheric heat engine efficiency→generating more atmospheric kinetic energy→enhancing the planetary westerly (under the condition that the huge relief is longitudinal on the whole )→widening the temperature difference between the equator and the polar regions (restrained by the thermal wind law)→sharp cooling in high latitudes and the polars (supposing the solar radiation was approximately constant)→forming a Great Ice Age event. 相似文献