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The Vohibory Block of south‐western Madagascar is part of the East African Orogen, the formation of which is related to the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. It is dominated by metabasic rocks, which have chemical compositions similar to those of recent basalts from a mid‐ocean ridge, back‐arc setting and island‐arc setting. The age of formation of protolith basalts has been dated at 850–700 Ma by U–Pb SHRIMP analysis of magmatic cores in zircon, pointing to an origin related to the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Ocean. The metabasic rocks are interpreted as representing components of an island arc with an associated back‐arc basin. In the early stage of the Pan‐African orogeny, these rocks experienced high‐pressure amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism (9–12 kbar, 750–880 °C), dated at 612 ± 5 Ma from metamorphic rims in zircon. The metamorphism was most likely related to accretion of the arc terrane to the margin of the Azania microcontinent (Proto‐Madagascar) and closure of the back‐arc basin. The main metamorphism is significantly older than high‐temperature metamorphism in other tectonic units of southern Madagascar, indicating a distinct tectono‐metamorphic history.  相似文献   

The northeastern part of Madagascar is characterized by Archaean to early Proterozoic rocks composed principally of Archaean granite and greenstone/amphibolite as well as reworked migmatite with subordinate Proterozoic paragneisses. The southern part is mostly occupied by Proterozoic rocks, composed mostly of Meso to Neo-Proterozoic and less metamorphic metasediments (Itremo Group) in the northwest, para- and ortho-gneisses in most other areas, with minor granitic gneisses with some Archaean components in the southeast. The north-northwest trending Central Granite-Gneiss-Migmatite Belt (CGGMB) is situated at the western margin of the Archaean-early Proterozoic terrain. The CGGMB is composed of granite, gneiss and migmatite with distinct lithologies and structures. They are: i) many types of granites including alkaline to mildly alkaline granites, and calc-alkaline granites; ii) batholitic granites, migmatitic granites and granite dyke swarm, iii) eclogite, and iv) the Ankazobe-Antananarivo-Fianarantsoa Virgation.

The CGGMB was formed by the collision of the palaeo-Dharwar Craton to the east and the East African Orogen to the west at ca. 820-720 Ma and suffered indentation by a part of the western part of the East African Orogen at ca. 530 Ma that produced the Ankazobe-Antananarivo-Fianarantsoa Virgation at the centre of the CGGMB. Thus, the CGGMB is proposed to be the continuation of the eastern suture between the palaeo Dharwar Craton and the East African Orogen, and carries the main feature of the Pan-African collisional event in Madagascar.  相似文献   

The Broken Hill Pb-Zn deposit, New South Wales Australia, is hosted in granulite facies gneisses of the Southern Curnamona Province (SCP) that have long been known to record a polydeformational and polymetamorphic history. The details of this potentially prolonged tectonothermal history have remained poorly understood because of a historical emphasis on conventional (i.e. grain mount) U-Pb zircon geochronology to reveal details of the sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic history of the rock that crops out in the vicinity of the city of Broken Hill. An alternative approach to unravelling the metamorphic history of the granulite facies gneisses in and around Broken Hill is to date accessory minerals, such as monazite, that participate in sub-solidus metamorphic reactions. We have taken advantage of the high spatial resolution and high sensitivity afforded by SHRIMP monazite geochronology to reconstruct the early history of the metamorphic rocks at Broken Hill. In contrast to previous studies, in situ analysis of monazite grains preserved in their original textural context in polished thin sections is used. Guided by electron microprobe X-ray maps, SHRIMP U-Pb dates for three distinct monazite compositional domains record pulses of monazite growth at c. 1657 Ma, c. 1630 Ma and c. 1602 Ma. It is demonstrated that these ages correspond to monazite growth during lower amphibolite facies, upper amphibolite facies and granulite facies metamorphism, respectively. It is speculated that this progressive heating of the SCP crust may have been driven by inversion of the upper crust during the Olarian Orogeny that was pre-heated by magmatic underplating at c. 1657 Ma.  相似文献   

Granulites are developed in various tectonic settings and during different geological periods, and have been used for continental correlation within supercontinent models. In this context the Balaram-Kui-Surpagla-Kengora granulites of the South Delhi Terrane of the Aravalli Mobile Belt of northwestern India are significant. The granulites occur as shear zone bounded lensoidal bodies within low-grade rocks of the South Delhi Terrane and comprise pelitic and calcareous granulites, a gabbro-norite-basic granulite suite and multiple phases of granites of the Ambaji suite. The granulites have undergone three major phases of folding and shearing. The F1 and F2 folds are coaxial along NE-SW axis, and F3 folds are developed across the former along NW-SE axis. Thus, various types of interference patterns are produced. The granulite facies metamorphism is marked by a spinel–cordierite–garnet–sillimanite–quartz assemblage with melt phase and is synkinematic to the F1 phase of folding. The peak thermobarometric condition is set at ≥850 °C and 5.5–6.8 kb. The granulites have been exhumed through thrusting along multiple ductile shear zones during syn- to post-F2 folding. Late-stage shearing has produced cataclasites and pseudotachylites. Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) U–Pb dating of zircon from pelitic granulites and synkinematically emplaced granites indicate that: (1) the sedimentary succession of the South Delhi Terrane was deposited between 1240 and 860 Ma with detritus derived from magmatic sources with ages between 1620 and 1240 Ma; (2) folding and granulite metamorphism have taken place between ca. 860 and 800 Ma, and exhumation at around ca. 800–760 Ma; and (3) the last phase of granitic activity occurred at ca. 759 Ma. This shows, for the first time, that the granulites of the South Delhi Terrane are much younger than those of the Sandmata Granulite Complex of the northern part of the Aravalli Mobile Belt, the Saussar granulites of the Central India Mobile Belt and the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. Instead, they show similarities to the Neoproterozoic granulites of the Circum Indian Orogens that include the East African Orogen (East Africa and Madagascar), the Southern Granulite Terrane of India and much of Sri Lanka. We suggest that the South Delhi Basin probably marks a trace of the proto-Mozambique Ocean in NW India within Gondwana, that closed when the Marwar Craton, arc fragments (Bemarivo Belt in Madagascar and the Seychelles) and components of the Arabian-Nubian Shield collided with the Aravalli-Bundelkhand Protocontinent at ca. 850–750 Ma.  相似文献   

U–Pb (TIMS–ID and SIMS) and Sm–Nd analyses of zircons and garnet-whole rock pairs were applied on high-pressure granulite facies metapelites and metagranodiorite from Tcholliré and Banyo regions, respectively in the Adamawa–Yadé and Western Domains of the Central-African Fold Belt (CAFB) of Cameroon. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircons reveal that they are made up of ubiquitous magmatitic xenocrystic cores, surrounded and/or overprinted by light unzoned recrystallized domains. U–Pb data on cores yield ages ranging from Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic, which we consider as dating inheritances. Data on overgrowths and recrystallized domains give ages ranging between 594 and 604 Ma, interpreted as the time of HP granulite-facies metamorphism in the Tcholliré and Banyo regions. This is also supported by ages derived from Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock pairs. Sediments of the Tcholliré region were deposited after ca. 620 Ma from Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproteroszoic and Neoproterozoic protoliths, while those from the Banyo region were deposited after 617.6 ± 7.1 Ma essentially from Neoproterozoic protoliths.  相似文献   

Two stages of granitic magmatism occurred during the Pan-African evolution of the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) in southern India. Granitic gneisses were derived from porphyritic granites, which intruded prior to the main stage of deformation and peak-metamorphism. Subsequently, leucogranites and leucotonalites formed during fluid-absent melting and intruded the gneiss sequences. Monazites from granitic gneisses, leucogranites and a leucotonalite were investigated by conventional U-Pb and electron microprobe dating in order to distinguish the different stages of magma emplacement. U-Pb monazite dating yielded a wide range of ages between 590–520 Ma which are interpreted to date high-grade metamorphism rather than magma emplacement. The results of this study indicate that the KKB experienced protracted heating (>50 Ma) at temperatures above 750–800 °C during the Pan-African orogeny. The tectonometamorphic evolution of the study area is comparable to southern Madagascar which underwent a similar sequence of events earlier than the KKB. The results of this study further substantiate previous assertions that the timing of high-grade metamorphism in East Gondwana shifted from west to east during the Late Proterozoic.  相似文献   

High‐MgAl rocks occur as xenoliths (up to 2 m in diameter) in mafic granulites at a newly discovered locality near Anakapalle. Following an early phase of deformation, ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) metamorphism and near‐isothermal decompression, the rocks were intruded in a lit‐par‐lit manner by felsic melts (charnockite), which caused local‐scale metasomatism. A subsequent deformation produced isoclinal folds and the distinct gneissic foliation of the charnockite still at granulite facies conditions. The sequence of multiphase reaction textures in the high‐MgAl xenoliths reflects the changes of physico‐chemical conditions during the polyphase evolution of the terrane; UHT metamorphism (stage 1, > 1000°C, c. 10 kbar) is documented by relics of extremely coarse grained domains with the assemblage orthopyroxene (opx)1 + garnet (grt)1 + sapphirine (spr)1 + spinel (spl)1 + rutile (rt). A subsequent phase of near‐isothermal decompression in the order of 1–2 kbar (stage 2) resulted in extensive replacement of grt1 and opx1 megacrysts by lamellar (opx2 + spr2) symplectites. The intrusion of felsic melt (stage 3) led to the development of a narrow metasomatic black wall reaction zone (bt + sil + plg3 + opx2,3 + rt) at the immediate contact of the xenoliths and in melt infiltration zones to the partial replacement of (opx2 + spr2) symplectites by biotite and sillimanite and/or plg3, mainly at the expense of orthopyroxene, with concomitant coarsening of the intergrowth texture. The subsequent deformation (stage 4) further modified the symplectite textures through polygonization, recrystallization and grain‐size coarsening. The deformation was followed by a period of cooling and decompression (stage 5, c. 800°C, 4–7 kbar) as indicated by local growth of late garnet (grt5) at the expense of (opx + spr + plg) domains at static conditions. Recently published isotope data suggest that the multistage evolution of the high‐MgAl granulites at Anakapalle followed a discontinuous P–T trajectory that may be related to heating of the crust through magmatic accretion culminating in deep‐crustal UHT metamorphism at 1.4 Ga (stage 1), fast uplift of the UHT granulites into mid‐crustal levels as a consequence of extensional tectonics (stage 2), emplacement of felsic magmas in the Grenvillian (at c. 1 Ga, stage 3) resulting in reheating of the crust to high–T conditions followed by a phase of compressional tectonics (stage 4) and a period of cooling to the stable geotherm (stage 5) still in the Grenvillian.  相似文献   

苏鲁仰口超高压岩石SHRIMP锆石U/Pb定年与部分熔融时限   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
在大型碰撞造山带中,在陆壳物质深俯冲或快速折返早期,在超高压-高压条件下,易熔组分可能发生水致或脱水部分熔融,形成花岗质熔体。在超高压-高压条件下,苏鲁超高压岩石发生过部分熔融作用,形成长英质多晶体包裹体和不同尺度的花岗质岩石, 导致可观的地球化学效应。为确定苏鲁超高压岩石部分熔融的时限,对山东仰口超高压副片麻岩和其中平行片麻理的同构造钾质花岗岩脉进行了SHRIMP锆石U/Pb地质年代学、全岩地球化学和锆石内矿物包裹体的研究。副片麻岩的锆石具有典型的核-幔-边结构。核部锆石为碎屑锆石,206Pb/238U年龄大于282Ma,可能反映了副片麻岩的原岩包含不同成因的物质;幔部和边部的Th/U比都小于0.1,分别给出233±3Ma和214±4Ma的206Pb/238U 年龄,分别对应于超高压变质和角闪岩相退变质年龄。同构造花岗岩脉是富钾过铝质花岗岩(A/CNK=1.2),锆石也具有核-幔-边结构;核部锆石年龄与副片麻岩的核部锆石年龄相当,反映了该花岗岩脉的源区可能是变沉积岩;除幔部锆石的一个点具有206Pb/238U年龄为234.6±3.9Ma之外,其它幔部锆石位于谐和线附近,给出206Pb/238U年龄为220.8±2.9Ma, 该年龄代表着该花岗岩脉的形成年龄。上述数据表明,在仰口地区,超高压岩石的部分熔融作用早于角闪岩相退变质作用。  相似文献   

王佳营  李志丹  张祺  李超  谢瑜  李光耀  曾威  丁宁 《地质学报》2020,94(10):2946-2964
东秦岭地区碳酸岩型钼- 铀多金属矿床主要包括华阳川铀多金属矿、黄龙铺和黄水庵钼矿等。其中,华阳川矿床为近期取得勘查突破的一例以U、Nb、Pb为主并伴生稀土元素的超大型铀多金属矿床;黄龙铺钼矿为东秦岭钼矿带中成矿类型最为独特的大型钼矿床。为了精确获得东秦岭地区碳酸岩型钼- 铀多金属成矿时代,本研究采用辉钼矿Re- Os法和LA- ICP- MS独居石U- Pb法,分别对黄龙铺大石沟矿床的辉钼矿、秦岭沟矿床和华阳川矿床含矿碳酸岩脉中的独居石进行测定。结果表明,黄龙铺地区大石沟钼矿辉钼矿Re- Os等时线年龄为221. 3±8. 4Ma(MSWD=10. 9);秦岭沟钼矿碳酸岩中独居石LA- ICP- MS Tera- Wasserburg年龄为207±11Ma(MSWD=3. 7, n =38),华阳川铀多金属矿LA- ICP- MS独居石Tera- Wasserburg年龄为222. 5±6. 7Ma(MSWD=1. 8, n =37),表明该地区碳酸岩中的钼矿化和铀多金属矿化均形成于晚三叠世。综合分析认为,东秦岭地区发育于碳酸岩中的黄龙铺钼矿田、华阳川铀多金属矿是同一成矿系列的产物,碳酸岩型钼- 铀多金属的成矿金属可能来源于地幔,这类碳酸岩可能是秦岭地区印支期造山后伸展环境下的产物。  相似文献   

Proterozoic calcsilicate rocks in contact with the different types of granite from the granitic belt of northern Guinea show particular mineral assemblages, recording different steps of the tectono-metamorphic and magmatic evolution of the area. Petrological study provides evidence of a clockwise metamorphic P–T path with a metamorphic peak at temperature around 800 °C and pressure of 4–6 kb, corresponding to the emplacement of both generations of massive granite between 2115 and 2075 Ma. Retrograde metamorphism is characterized by decompression to 2–3 kb, associated with the emplacement of late small granite stocks and followed by cooling until 450–600 °C. Hydrothermal alteration involved by late fluid circulation is only weakly developed and limited to calcsilicate/granite contact (specially small stocks) and shear zones. Early fluids were essentially metamorphic and magmatic fluids, largely buffered by calcsilicate mineral assemblages, whereas surface-derived fluids were introduced at the end of the tectonic evolution via shear-zones.  相似文献   

在东南极大陆内部及边缘发育3条晚新元古代—早古生代造山带,即东非造山带(南延部分)、普里兹造山带和罗斯造山带。东非造山带的南延部分主要出露于吕措—霍尔姆湾—毛德王后地—沙克尔顿岭地区,其内发育蛇绿岩、榴辉岩相超镁铁岩及逆冲—推覆构造,因而被解释为东、西冈瓦纳陆块拼合的缝合线。罗斯造山带主要出露于横贯南极山脉地区,其内保存有大陆裂解、洋壳俯冲和地体增生的地质纪录,代表冈瓦纳超大陆的活动大陆边缘。普里兹造山带主要出露于普里兹湾和登曼冰川,因其位于从前假设的统一东冈瓦纳陆块的内部,加之缺少蛇绿混杂岩、岛弧增生杂岩和高压变质岩(如蓝片岩或榴辉岩)等与大洋板块俯冲作用密切相关的岩石,所以当前存在着碰撞造山成因和板内改造成因两种不同的认识。普里兹造山带构造性质的确定不仅决定了冈瓦纳超大陆的汇聚过程和方式,也制约了罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成和演化过程。因此,开展普里兹造山带的研究对于揭示新元古代—早古生代的全球构造演化具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

刘晓春 《岩石学报》2009,25(8):1808-1818
东南极普里兹带是一条经受格林维尔期和泛非期高级构造热事件影响的多相变质带,其构造演化过程与罗迪尼亚和冈瓦纳超大陆的形成密切相关。新的岩石学和年代学资料表明,普里兹带中的格林维尔期高级变质作用是区域性的,并经历了>970Ma和930~900Ma两个演化阶段(期),变质条件达到相对高温高压的麻粒岩相。格林维尔期造山作用起始于活动大陆边缘或岛弧环境下的岩浆增生,最后发展到陆陆碰撞,从而使印度、东南极西陆块和非洲的卡拉哈里克拉通拼合在一起,构成了罗迪尼亚超大陆的重要组成部分之一。普里兹带中的泛非期高级变质作用并不象前人认为的那样只发生在中低压麻粒岩相条件下,而是达到高压麻粒岩相,并具有近等温减压的顺时针P-T演化轨迹。格林维尔期变质先驱的普遍存在说明泛非期碰撞造山事件主要叠加在印度-南极陆块东缘的基底杂岩之上,所以其主缝合线的位置应该在现今普里兹带的东南方向,并可能向南极内陆延伸到甘布尔采夫冰下山脉。对不同类型岩石的精细定年揭示,普里兹带中泛非期造山作用过程从570Ma一直持续到490Ma,这与东非造山带的晚期碰撞阶段大致相吻合。因此,冈瓦纳超大陆的最后拼合可能是通过西冈瓦纳、印度-南极陆块和澳大利亚-南极陆块等三个陆块的近于同期碰撞来完成的。  相似文献   

高慧  曹玉亭  刘良  王超  康磊  杨文强  陈晓宏 《地质学报》2020,94(8):2262-2278
本文对南阿尔金木纳布拉克地区西侧出露在巴什库尔干岩群的石英闪长岩体进行了详细的岩石学、全岩地球化学、锆石年代学和Lu-Hf同位素分析研究。全岩地球化学显示,石英闪长岩的SiO_2=55.94%~57.38%,具有高的Na_2O/K_2O=1.19~1.60比值、准铝质(A/CNK=0.92~0.95)的特征。稀土元素配分图上,所有样品显示弱或无Eu负异常,轻稀土富集和重稀土相对亏损;在原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图上,大部分样品相对富集Rb、Ba、K等大离子亲石元素,相对亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素,总体显示壳源型高钾钙碱性-钙碱性系列的准铝质I型花岗岩特征。CL阴极发光图像显示,该石英闪长岩中的锆石晶体多为长柱状,自形程度较好,具有清晰的韵律环带结构,利用LA-ICP-MS进行锆石U-Pb定年分析,获得其年龄为455.5±1.3Ma,结合锆石的CL图像内部结构特征,推断该年龄为石英闪长岩的结晶年龄。该年龄与南阿尔金高压-超高压岩石的高压麻粒岩相退变质年龄一致,且与南阿尔金早古生代第三期岩浆活动时间(460~451Ma)一致。锆石Hf同位素研究获得该岩石的两阶段模式年龄(1512~1823Ma)和Hf同位素组成[ε_(Hf)(t)=-6.29~-1.35]与南阿尔金同期的~450Ma的早古生代花岗岩一致[t_(DM2 )=1331~1789 Ma,ε_(Hf)(t)=-8.8~-0.4],表明二者源岩的源区具有相似性,主要来自于中元古-古元古地壳物质的重熔再造。在源岩判别图解上,所有样本均落在玄武岩源区附近,推断该石英闪长岩为下地壳玄武岩部分熔融形成。此外,研究区内出露有与该石英闪长岩同时期的超镁铁质岩石,且样品的某些地球化学特征值介于地幔和地壳平均值之间,显示其形成过程中应有幔源岩浆的混入。综合上述研究,推断南阿尔金木纳布拉克地区的石英闪长岩应为南阿尔金俯冲陆壳在折返过程中,由于压力降低导致下地壳玄武岩发生部分熔融并与地幔物质发生混合,后侵入地壳冷却结晶形成。  相似文献   

Zircon and monazite U–Pb data document the geochronology of the felsic crust in the Mozambique Belt in NE Mozambique. Immediately E of Lake Niassa and NW of the Karoo-aged Maniamba Graben, the Ponta Messuli Complex preserves Paleoproterozoic gneisses with granulite-facies metamorphism dated at 1950 ± 15 Ma, and intruded by granite at 1056 ± 11 Ma. This complex has only weak evidence for a Pan-African metamorphism. Between the Maniamba Graben and the WSW–ENE-trending Lurio (shear) Belt, the Unango and Marrupa Complexes consist mainly of felsic orthogneisses dated between 1062 ± 13 and 946 ± 11 Ma, and interlayered with minor paragneisses. In these complexes, an amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism is dated at 953 ± 8 Ma and a nepheline syenite pluton is dated at 799 ± 8 Ma. Pan-African deformation and high-grade metamorphism are more intense and penetrative southwards, towards the Lurio Belt. Amphibolite-facies metamorphism is dated at 555 ± 11 Ma in the Marrupa Complex and amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism between 569 ± 9 and 527 ± 8 Ma in the Unango Complex. Post-collisional felsic plutonism, dated between 549 ± 13 and 486 ± 27 Ma, is uncommon in the Marrupa Complex but common in the Unango Complex. To the south of the Lurio Belt, the Nampula Complex consists of felsic orthogneisses which gave ages ranging from 1123 ± 9 to 1042 ± 9 Ma, interlayered with paragneisses. The Nampula Complex underwent amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the period between 543 ± 23 to 493 ± 8 Ma, and was intruded by voluminous post-collisional granitoid plutons between 511 ± 12 and 508 ± 3 Ma. In a larger context, the Ponta Messuli Complex is regarded as part of the Palaeoproterozoic, Usagaran, Congo-Tanzania Craton foreland of the Pan-African orogen. The Unango, Marrupa and Nampula Complexes were probably formed in an active margin setting during the Mesoproterozoic. The Unango and Marrupa Complexes were assembled on the margin of the Congo-Tanzania Craton during the Irumidian orogeny (ca. 1020–950 Ma), together with terranes in the Southern Irumide Belt. The distinctly older Nampula Complex was more probably linked to the Maud Belt of Antarctica, and peripheral to the Kalahari Craton during the Neoproterozoic. During the Pan-African orogeny, the Marrupa Complex was overlain by NW-directed nappes of the Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex before peak metamorphism at ca. 555 Ma. The nappes include evidence for early Pan-African orogenic events older than 610 Ma, typical for the Eastern Granulites in Tanzania. Crustal thickening at 555 ± 11 Ma is coeval with high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism along the Lurio Belt at 557 ± 16 Ma. Crustal thickening in NE Mozambique is part of the main Pan-African, Kuunga, orogeny peaking between 570 and 530 Ma, during which the Congo-Tanzania, Kalahari, East Antarctica and India Cratons welded to form Gondwana. Voluminous post-collisional magmatism and metamorphism younger than 530 Ma in the Lurio Belt and the Nampula Complex are taken as evidence of gravitational collapse of the extensive orogenic domain south of the Lurio Belt after ca. 530 Ma. The Lurio Belt may represent a Pan-African suture zone between the Kalahari and Congo-Tanzania Craton.  相似文献   

滕霞  张建新 《岩石学报》2020,36(10):2963-2982
超高温(≥900℃)变质作用发生在自太古代以来的各个地质历史时期,目前极可能也正发生在青藏高原地壳深部。同时,它也是以冈瓦纳为代表的超大陆在最终拼合时的显著标识,这一关联指示了超高温变质作用与碰撞造山带的密切关系。本文总结了东冈瓦纳内与泛非造山作用有关的典型超高温变质岩的分布、岩石学特征、峰期变质条件、P-T轨迹及形成时代,并简要介绍我们在柴达木地块西段新识别出的泛非期超高温变质作用的基本特征。结合东冈瓦纳超高温变质作用特征和造山带热模拟研究的新进展,本文获得以东冈瓦纳超高温变质作用为代表的碰撞造山带超高温变质作用的几点认识:1)东冈瓦纳麻粒岩地块中的超高温变质岩和普通麻粒岩记录了相似的变质年龄、P-T轨迹以及呈过渡变化的峰期温度,两者可能是同一构造事件的产物,共同组成一个高温-超高温变质岩单元;2)超高温变质作用在东冈瓦纳内部持续了至少超过30Myr,但未见呈大规模的同期或近同期基性岩岩浆出露,指示此处需要的长期热源不是地幔来源岩浆;3)虽然数值模拟能成功呈现加厚地壳被放射元素衰变热加热至超高温条件的情况,且加热及持续时间与东冈瓦纳超高温变质约束的结果相当,但是模拟中需要的高生热值暗示,在自然界中,完全只靠放射性元素衰变生热或许不能让碰撞造山带内达到超高温条件;4)碰撞造山带经历了长期的构造演化,这一过程中,造山带内地壳不太可能同时达到超高温变质条件,这一特征可能反映在P-T-t轨迹的差异上,对这些轨迹的系统研究有助于对超高温变质作用的构造-热过程的理解。  相似文献   

Reconstructing late Palaeozoic metamorphism of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) can provide a better understanding of how the CAOB formed. The petrology of sillimanite-bearing metapelitic schists from high-grade portions of the Permian Chinese Altai metamorphic belt (andalusite-type) reflects the effects of poorly understood high-T, low-P metamorphism. Phase equilibria modelling in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–TiO2–O (NCKFMASHTO) system restricts PT conditions of the sillimanite schists to approximately 635–670°C at approximately 5.8–6.8 kbar. SHRIMP U–Pb analyses of zircon from the rocks yield a concordant age of 299.2 ± 3.4 Ma. Combined with the slightly younger (292.8 ± 2.3 Ma) areally restricted pelitic granulite with peak P?T conditions of approximately 780–800°C at approximately 5–6 kbar and high-T granulite with P?T conditions of approximately 860°C at approximately 6 kbar, these metamorphic rocks reflect prograde heating at relatively low pressure in early Permian time. Together with contemporary and widespread magmatic activities, they are best explained in the context of a post-orogenic extensional environment related to a mantle plume.  相似文献   

藏北安多地区花岗片麻岩锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb定年   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安多花岗片麻岩出露于藏北安多县城以南约30km,构成聂荣微陆块上聂荣岩群的主体岩性。聂荣微陆块呈大透镜体夹持在藏北冈底斯-念青唐古拉板片与羌塘-三江复合板片之间的班公湖-怒江板块缝合带内。所采样品黑云母二长片麻岩锆石CL图像具明显的韵律环带,Th/U比值范围为0.63~1.04,平均为0.85,具有典型岩浆锆石的特征。获得片麻岩中锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb原位同位素年龄488.0Ma±4.2Ma。定年结果表明,安多花岗片麻岩原岩侵位于泛非期,证实聂荣微陆块受到晚泛非热运动的影响,为解决聂荣微陆块基底性质和构造演化问题提供了重要的年代学依据。  相似文献   

Several metamorphic complexes in Southeast Asia have been interpreted as Precambrian basement, characterized by amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism. In this paper, we re-evaluate the timing of this thermal event based on the large-scale geochronology and compositional variation of monazites from amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphic terranes in central Vietnam. Most of the samples in this study are from metamorphic rocks (n = 38) and granitoids (n = 11) in the Kontum Massif. Gneisses (n = 6) and granitoids (n = 5) from the Hai Van Migmatite Complex and the Truong Son Belt, located to the north of the massif, were also studied. Two distinct thermal episodes (245–230 Ma and 460–430 Ma) affected Kontum Massif gneisses, while a single dominant event at 240–220 Ma is recorded in the gneisses from the Hai Van Complex and the Truong Son Belt. Monazites from granitoids commonly yield an age of 240–220 Ma. Mesoproterozoic ages (1530–1340 Ma) were obtained only from monazite cores that are surrounded by c. 440 Ma overgrowths. Thermobarometric results, combined with concentrations of Y2O3, Ce2O3, and heavy rare earth elements in monazite, and recently reported pressure–temperature paths suggest that Triassic ages correspond to retrograde metamorphism following decompression from high- to medium-pressure/temperature conditions. Ordovician–Silurian ages reflect low-pressure/temperature metamorphism accompanied by isobaric heating during prograde metamorphism. Some samples were affected by both metamorphic events. We conclude that high-grade metamorphism observed in so-called Precambrian basement terranes in central Vietnam occurred during both the Permian–Triassic and the Ordovician–Silurian, while peraluminous granitoid magmatism is Triassic. Additionally, our preliminary analyses for U–Pb zircon age and whole-rock chemistry of granitic gneisses from the Truong Song Belt suggests the presence of the Ordovician–Silurian volcanic arc magmatism in the region. Based on the pressure–temperature–time–protolith evolutions, metamorphic rocks from central Vietnam provide a continuous record of subduction–accretion–collision tectonics between the South China and Indochina blocks: in the Ordovician–Silurian, the region was characterized by active continental margin tectonics, followed by continental collision during the Late Permian to Early Triassic and subsequent exhumation during the Late Triassic. The results also suggest that the timing of metamorphism and protolith formation as well as the geochemical features in other Southeast Asian terranes should be verified to achieve a better understanding of the Precambrian to Early Mesozoic tectonic history in Asia.  相似文献   

东昆仑造山带近年来被厘定为早古生代高压-超高压变质带。带内广泛出露早古生代的中-高级变质基性岩,这些岩石记录了不同的变质温压和多期的变质年龄,是反演和制约东昆仑早古生代变质演化的重要样品。本文选取东昆仑浪木日地区的石榴斜长角闪岩为研究对象,开展了变质岩石学及锆石年代学研究。石榴斜长角闪岩呈团块状出露在黑云二长片麻岩中,主要组成矿物为石榴子石、角闪石、斜长石、透辉石和石英,含少量黑云母、绿泥石、金红石、钛铁矿和榍石。石榴子石变斑晶的核部含有绿帘石、角闪石、斜长石、金红石和石英包裹体,其成分从核部到边部,锰铝榴石逐渐降低、钙铝榴石和Mg/(Mg+Fe;)比值逐渐升高,为进变质作用形成的环带。岩石中的矿物结构关系和成分特征显示其经历了进变质、峰期变质和退变质三个阶段的变质演化,变质温压分别为:T≈610℃和P≈6.5kbar、T≈700℃和P≈10.5kbar以及T≈650℃和P≈4.5kbar。这三阶段的变质作用构成顺时针的变质P-T轨迹,指示岩石经历进变质升温升压至峰期阶段,随后经历近等温降压的退变质阶段。同时该P-T轨迹特征表明岩石形成于俯冲-碰撞的构造背景。对石榴斜长角闪岩中的锆石进行SIMS U-Pb定年,得到492.8±5.1Ma的谐和年龄。锆石的形态特征与典型的变质锆石一致,其内包裹的石榴子石、角闪石和斜长石组合与岩石的峰期矿物组合一致。因此,锆石在峰期变质阶段结晶,所测年龄~493Ma为角闪岩相峰期变质年龄。本文研究的石榴斜长角闪岩与该区高压-超高压榴辉岩在野外产状、P-T轨迹和变质年龄等方面密切相关,暗示ca.490Ma是该区高压-超高压变质作用的一个重要时间节点。石榴斜长角闪岩和榴辉岩之间的变质差异,表明东昆仑早古生代经历了多阶段的变质作用,不同岩石记录了原特提斯洋俯冲-碰撞过程的不同阶段。本文获得的变质P-T轨迹和变质年龄可为进一步探究东昆仑早古生代高压-超高压变质作用提供限定。  相似文献   

In the southern sector of the Southern Brasília Belt, late Neoproterozoic arc–passive margin collision resulted in juxtaposition of an arc‐derived nappe (the Socorro–Guaxupé Nappe) over a stack of passive margin‐derived nappes (the Andrelândia Nappe Complex) that lies on top of autochthonous basement of the São Francisco Craton. (U–Th)–Pb monazite ages are reported from the high‐grade nappes of the Andrelândia Nappe Complex to better constrain the high‐temperature retrograde evolution. For residual HP granulites from the uppermost Três Pontas–Varginha Nappe, (U–Th)–Pb ages of c. 662 and 655 Ma from low yttrium monazite inclusions in the rims of, or associated with garnet are interpreted to date the late‐stage close‐to‐peak prograde evolution, whereas an age of c. 648 Ma from a similar low yttrium monazite inclusion is interpreted to record post‐peak recrystallization with melt via factures in garnet. For the same nappe, ages of 640–631 Ma retrieved from higher yttrium areas or cores in monazite grains that occur both as inclusions in garnet and in the matrix are interpreted to record growth of monazite either by local breakdown of garnet (±older monazite) and mass exchange with a matrix melt reservoir along cracks or growth from residual melt in the matrix as it crystallized during high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric cooling close to the solidus, the temperature of which, at a given pressure, varies with bulk composition of the residual granulites. (U–Th)–Pb ages in the range 620–588 Ma from lower yttrium areas in these monazite grains and from matrix‐hosted patchy monazite are interpreted to date exhumation, as recorded by close‐to‐isothermal decompression and subsequent close‐to‐isobaric cooling. Older monazite ages in this group are interpreted to record late‐stage interaction with melt close to the solidus whereas younger monazite ages are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to ingress of alkali fluid from the Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe beneath as fluid was released by crystallization of in‐source melt at the solidus. In the underlying Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe, higher yttrium areas in monazite and one single domain monazite yield chemical ages of 619–616 Ma, which are interpreted to date growth as in‐source melt crystallized close to the solidus along the high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric segment of the retrograde P–T evolution. Younger (U–Th)–Pb ages of 600–595 Ma retrieved from lower yttrium areas and one single domain monazite are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to release of fluid at the solidus during exhumation of this nappe. Monazite from the Carvalhos Klippe, interpreted to be correlative with the uppermost nappe, yields a wide range of (U–Th)–Pb ages: for two zoned grains, c. 619 and c. 614 Ma from higher yttrium cores, and c. 583 and c. 595 Ma from lower yttrium rims; and, 592–580 Ma from single domain grains in one sample, and ages of c. 593 and c. 563 Ma from monazite in a second sample. Ages younger than 605 Ma are interpreted to date a fluid‐induced response to the early stages of orogenic loading associated with terrane accretion in the Ribeira Belt to the southeast. The results reported here demonstrate that ages retrieved from monazite that grew close to the solidus in residual granulites from a single tectonic unit will vary from sample to sample according to differences in the solidus temperatures. Further, we show that monazite inclusions may yield ages that are younger than the host mineral and confirm the propensity of monazite to record evidence of tectonic events that are not always registered by other high‐temperature mineral chronometers.  相似文献   

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