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Using HXIS data, we have studied the further development of the coronal arch extending towards the SE above active region No. 17255 in November 1980. The arch, studied originally by vestka (1984) disappeared on 10 November (after pronounced revival), but since 9 November HXIS revealed another arch-like structure towards the SW. We have studied the development of this new structure which appeared to be most likely an arch interconnecting AR 17255 with AR 17251, located nearly 30° to the west. This interconnection revived many times during the following days with intensity varying with the activity in both active regions. We have estimated the physical characteristics in this coronal structure and compared them with observations of interconnecting loops made at lower energies by Skylab in 1973. The temperature (maximum values 7.5–14 × 106 K) and the density (1.1–5.0 × 109 cm–3) are found to be higher than in the Skylab loops (a result that could be expected because the HXIS energy range was harder than that of Skylab) and similar to the values deduced for the earlier arch system extending to the SE. However, much shorter decay times of the brightness variations indicate the presence of conduction in contrast to the SE arch in which conduction was clearly inhibited. This supports the assumption that the SE and SW coronal structures were two different phenomena.Presently at Delft Institute of Technology, Landbergstraat 3, 2628 CE Delft, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

A classification scheme is proposed for the central regions of Sérsic-Pastoriza galaxies based on high resolution photographs of 50 objects in the integrated light (4000 Å-8700 Å). Structures of two different linear scales are recognized: (1) nucleus(?1 kpc) and (2) perinuclear formation (~l.5 kpc). The perinuclear formation is weak in classκ while the nucleus is too faint to detect in class ι. In the intermediate classesε andσ both the components are bright. Classε has an elliptical perinuclear formation with little gas while the classσ consists of bright H II complexes and dust. Observations of a few galaxies in the infrared and the blue ends of the image tube response show that the nucleus is generally redder than its surroundings. Equal intensity contours and the luminosity profiles are presented for the central regions of 27 galaxies. A comparison of their axial ratios with those of the parent galaxies indicates that the perinuclear formations are prolate or barlike. The dependence of the peak surface brightness of the central formation on the size of the bar is investigated as also the dependence of the central surface brightness of the bar on the size of the bar. The following major conclusions are drawn:
  1. The peak central surface brightness of the perinuclear formation varies as the square of the bar length. This relation implies that the bar induces the infall of gas from the bar-disk region.
  2. The formations of classσ move towards classε as star formation ceases and the massive stars die.
  3. The classι differs from classσ in the intensity of the burst of star formation. Low luminosity of the parent galaxies in classι implies less infall of gas and higher domination of the bar potential on the perinuclear formation. Thus the classι structures are more prolate than those of classσ.
  4. The central brightness of the bars varies directly as the length of the bar.

In this paper, we conduct a new statistical study on the temporal distribution of the Global Positioning System Total Electron Content (GPS TEC) anomalies prior to the earthquakes with magnitude M≥7.0 in the global area during 2003–2012 by the method of statistical analysis. The temporal distribution of the ionospheric TEC anomalies prior to the earthquakes with magnitude M≥7.0 is for the first time studied. It has been observed that the ionospheric negative anomalies mainly occur in one week prior to the earthquakes, and only when the magnitude is greater than or equal to 7.6, the ionospheric anomalies will have the greatest probability of occurrence in the afternoon to sunset (i.e. between 12:00 and 18:00 local time). They last for approximate 2 hr, but the chance of detecting the significant enhancement in the ionospheric TEC seems not to be a function of time and there is no clear tendency for positive anomalies. In addition, the relationship of the occurrence rate of pre-earthquake ionospheric anomalies and the magnitude of the earthquake is discussed, and it is found that the observed ionospheric TEC anomalies within several days before the earthquakes are highly likely to be related with the earthquakes because the occurrence rate of pre-earthquake ionospheric anomalies seems to increase slightly with the earthquake magnitude increasing.  相似文献   

We investigate the statistical distribution of X-class flares and their relationship with super active regions (SARs) during solar cycles 21–23. Analysis results show that X1.0–X1.9 flares accounted for 52.71 % of all X-class flares, with X2.0–X2.9 flares at 20.59 %, X3.0–X4.9 at 13.57 %, X5–X9.9 at 8.37 % and ≥X10 at 4.75 %. All X-class flares occurred around the solar maximum during solar cycle 22, while in solar cycle 23, X-class flares were scattered in distribution. In solar cycle 21, X-class flares were distributed neither in a concentrated manner like cycle 22 nor in a scattered manner as cycle 23. During solar cycles 21–23, 32.2 % of the X1.0–X1.9 flares, 31.9 % of the X2.0–X2.9 flares, 43.3 % of the X3.0–X4.9 flares, 81.08 % of the X5.0–X9.9 flares, and 95.2 % of the ≥X10 flares were produced by SARs.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a five-year campaign of coordinated multifrequency observations of the 3 Tauri star RU Lupi, we present results obtained in X-ray, UV, optical, and IR spectral regions. In five cases, simultaneous data from UV to IR were collected. Data analysis shows a large variability at different wavelengths both in the continuum and lines, stronger in the UV and weaker in the IR. Correlations among variations in the UV and optical continua have been found. Moreover flare-like events (FLEs), probably due to strong activity in the surface layers of the star and burst phenomena on large scale, were detected. No forbidden coronal lines were detected in UV and optical regions with IUE and ESO 1.4m CAT telescope, respectively. This means either the used instruments have not enough sensitivity to detect the predicted forbidden lines, or the low X-ray detected intensity — with ASTRON satellite (2–25 keV) — is due to the absorption of the X-rays in the circumstellar envelope. In this paper we will discuss these results within the framework of the current models.Based on observations with IUE satellite (VILSPA) and ESO telescopes.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

Estimates of magnetic fields for a number of active galactic nuclei are presented. These estimates are based on the observed polarization degrees and position angles of broad Hα lines and in the nearby continuum and on asymptotic analytical formulas for the Stokes parameters of the radiation emerging from a magnetized accretion disk (the Milne problem in a magnetized atmosphere). The characteristic observed feature of the wavelength dependence of the polarization degree inside the line—a minimum at the center and a fast increase of the position angle from one wing to another—can be explained by the superposition of resonance emission from two or more clouds located in the right (Keplerian velocity directed away from the observer) and left (Keplerian velocity directed toward the observer) parts of the orbit in the rotating magnetized accretion disk. The main component in our mechanism is the azimuthal magnetic field in the disk. The presence of a magnetic field perpendicular to the disk plane (which is usually weaker than the azimuthal field) results in the asymmetry of the distribution of the polarization degree and position angle inside the line. The inferred magnetic field strengths at the galactocentric distances where broad lines are emitted can be used to estimate the magnetic fields in the region of the centermost stable orbit and at the horizon of the central black hole, using the power-law dependence of the magnetic field strength corresponding to the standard model of the accretion disk.  相似文献   

The surface photometry of S254–S257 has been carried out by means of a wide range image processing technique in the reduction system. The photographic plates in the H+[NII] andV-bands are taken with the Schmidt telescope. Especially, we have obtained the calibrated map of theHii region, superposing two or more plates with different exposure times, and removing the star images. Three kinds of calibrated maps of theHii regions are drawn: (1)E-map in the (H+[NII]+continuum) (2)V-map in the continuum atV-band, (3)(E-V)-map in the (H+[NII]) line emission. The intensity profiles across the nebular centers were also obtained. Based on calibrated maps, the morphological structure and mass distribution of S255 and S257 are discussed. The location of observed nebulae on the (m Hm v) diagram, wherem H andm v denote the surface brightness, expressed in the magnitude per square arcmin, is shown together with that of some other nebulae. Some arguements on the age sequence of observedHii regions are presented.  相似文献   

The methods of panoramic (3D) spectroscopy are used by us in a detailed study of galaxies with ongoing star formation chosen from among objects in seven selected fields of the Second Byurakan Survey (SBS). This article deals with the irregular galaxy SBS 1202 + 583, which our classification scheme identifies as being in a continuous phase of star formation. Observations were made with the panoramic spectrographs MPFS at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and VAGR at the 2.6-m telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) in Armenia. The data are used to construct maps of the radiative fluxes in the continuum and various emission lines. Special attention is devoted to analyzing the emission in the Hα hydrogen recombination line and in the forbidden low-ionization doublets of nitrogen [NII] λλ6548, 6583 and sulfur [SII] λλ6716, 6731, and the ratios of the intensities of the forbidden lines to Hα. The observable characteristics (size, Hα fluxes, etc.) of nine HII regions are studied. The estimated current rates of star formation in the individual HII regions based on the Hα fluxes lie within the range of 0.3-1.2 M /year. The dependence of the ratio of the intensities of the emission in these above mentioned forbidden doublets on the rate of star formation in the HII regions is found.  相似文献   

Variations of the ground-level nucleonic intensity and of indices of solar photospheric, chromospheric, and coronal activity at time scales of less than forty days show strong 27-day recurrent structure. Correlation functions for these time series suggest an origin for short-term modulation in impulsive solar activity. Flare-associated shocks originating in long-lived active zones fixed in solar longitude produce recurrent cosmic ray variations during 1964–1967, and corotating solar wind disturbances are of secondary importance to short-term modulation.  相似文献   

Zhang  M.  Zhang  H.Q.  Ai  G.X.  Wang  H.N. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):79-90
By comparing TRACE 171 Å observations with photospheric magnetograms, we find that the root of TRACE 171 Å emission is centered in magnetic elements in simultaneous Huairou photospheric magnetogram and the luminosity of TRACE 171 Å emission is not always in proportion to the strength of the corresponding photospheric magnetic field. While TRACE emission from an active region shows an obvious upward extension as a whole, fibril-like emissions from network elements show little extension along the structure from the root of each emission to 40′′ higher up in the solar atmosphere. Together with previous studies by Zhang and Zhang (1999, 2000), it is suggested that the magnetic fields in active regions and quiet-Sun regions present different spatial structures from the solar photosphere to the chromosphere and maybe even in the corona.  相似文献   

A series of H chromospheric magnetograms was obtained at various wavelengths near the line center with the vector video magnetograph at Huairou Solar Observing Station as a diagnostic of chromospheric magnetic structures. The two-dimensional distribution of the circular polarization light of the H line with its blended lines at various wavelength in active regions was obtained, which consists of the analyses of Stokes' profileV of this line. Due to the disturbance of the photospheric blended line Fei 4860.98 for the measurement of the chromospheric magnetic field, a reversal in the chromospheric magnetograms relative to the photospheric ones occurs in the sunspot umbrae. But in the quiet, plage regions, even penumbrae, the influence of the photospheric blended Fei 4860.98 line is not obvious. As regards the observation of the H chromospheric magnetograms, we can select the working wavelength between -0.20 and -0.24 from the line core of H to avoid the wavelengths of the photospheric blended lines in the wing of H.After the spectral analysis of chromospheric magnetograms, we conclude that the distribution of the chromospheric magnetic field is similar to the photospheric field, especially in the umbrae of the sunspots. The chromospheric magnetic field is the result of the extension of the photospheric field.  相似文献   

We have obtained CCD spectra for 30 chromospherically active binaries using the 2.16 m telescope at Beijing Observatory in 1995. Our purpose was to search for the presence ofH emission which is characteristic of stars with extreme levels of chromospheric activity. Spectra of V711 Tau, V471 Tau, HD 12545 and V833 Tau presentedH emission above the continuum in the different degree. TheH behavior of the other observed 26 active binaries, which were unknown in CABS (1993), has been discovered in this paper. TheH profiles of the most among 26 systems are partially filled-in by chromospheric emission. TheH profiles of a few systems show a pure absorption line. The results are given in Table I.supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

We present a study of a fossil cluster,SDSS J0150–1005(z 0.364),with high spatial resolution based on the imaging spectroscopic analysis of Chandra observations.The Chandra X-ray image shows a relaxed and symmetric morphology,which indicates that SDSS J0150–1005 is a well-developed galaxy cluster with no sign of a recent merger.According to the isothermal model,its global gas temperature is 5.73±0.80 keV,and the virial mass is 6.23±1.34×1014M⊙.Compared with the polytropic temperature model,the mass calculated based on the isothermal model is overestimated by 49%±11.The central gas entropy,S0.1 r200=143.9±18.3 keV cm2,is significantly lower than the average value of normal galaxy clusters with similar temperatures.Our results indicate that SDSS J0150–1005 formed during an early epoch.  相似文献   

This work investigates the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics in modified f(R) Horava–Lifshitz gravity proposed by Chaichian et al. (Class. Quantum Grav. 27: 185021, 2010), which is invariant under foliation-preserving diffeomorphisms. It has been observed that the equation of state parameter behaves like quintessence (w>−1). We study the thermodynamics of the apparent, event and particle horizons in this modified gravity. We observe that under this gravity, the time derivative of total entropy stays at positive level and hence the generalized second law is validated.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure of magnetic field and vertical electric currents in two active regions through a comparison of the observed transverse field with the potential field, which was computed according to Neumann boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation using the observed H z -value. Electric currents were calculated from the observations of the transverse magnetic field.There exist two systems of vertical electric currents in active regions: a system of local currents and a global one. The global current is about 2 × 1012 A. In the leading part of the active regions it is directed upward, and in the tail downward.Flare activity is closely connected with the value and direction of both local and global currents: the flares tend to apear in places with upward currents. The luminosity of H flocculi is also connected with vertical electric currents; the brighter the flocculi, the more frequently they appear in places of upward electric currents.The sensitivity of H emission to the sign of the current suggests that charged particles accelerated in the upper parts of magnetic loops may be responsible for these formations. Joule heating might be important for flocculi, if plasma conductivity is about 5 × 108 c.g.s.e.A model of a flare is suggested based on current redistribution in a system of emerging loops due to changes of loop inductance.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2004,48(10):843-859
If a point mass moves through a uniform gas cloud, at what rate does it accrete material? This is the question studied by Bondi, Hoyle and Lyttleton. This paper draws together the work performed in this area since the problem was first studied. Time has shown that, despite the simplifications made, Bondi, Hoyle and Lyttleton made quite accurate predictions for the accretion rate. Bondi–Hoyle–Lyttleton accretion has found application in many fields of astronomy, and these are also discussed.  相似文献   

The theory of Yang, Chang, and Harvey (1983) is used to perform this analysis of the big active region AR 4711 of February, 1986, which produced many big and strong flares with proton events, SIDs and other significant geophysical effects. The various physical quantities are calculated, yielding for M a value up to 5.36 × 1032 erg, sufficient to supply the energies of the observed flare activities in this active region. Observations of the twisting of the entire quadrupolar sunspot group and the variations of the magnetic energies with dates all agree with our theoretical expectations.It is found that the maximum of the f number of flare activity occurred about one day later than the maximum of M, i.e., the release of free magnetic energy to produce flare activity requires a time interval of about one day. This, together with the formula of M can be useful in solar prediction work.Similar to the famous active region of August 1972 (McMath 11976), the separation of both footpoints of the new emerging magnetic flux along the neutral line of the old bipolar group led to the formation of a compact quadrupolar sunspot group, with strong twisting of penumbral filaments.Visiting Professor from the Astrophysics Division, Geophysics Department, Peking University, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

We numerically integrate the Sun’s orbital movement around the barycenter of the solar system under the persistent perturbation of the planets from the epoch J2000.0, backward for about one millennium, and forward for another millennium to 3000 AD. Under the Sun–Planets Interaction (SPI) framework and interpretation of Wolff and Patrone (2010), we calculated the corresponding variations of the most important storage of the specific potential energy (PE) within the Sun that could be released by the exchanges between two rotating, fluid-mass elements that conserve its angular momentum. This energy comes about as a result of the roto-translational dynamics of the cell around the solar system barycenter. We find that the maximum variations of this PE storage correspond remarkably well with the occurrences of well-documented Grand Minima (GM) solar events throughout the available proxy solar magnetic activity records for the past 1000 yr. It is also clear that the maximum changes in PE precede the GM events in that we can identify precursor warnings to the imminent weakening of solar activity for an extended period. The dynamical explanation of these PE minima is connected to the minima of the Sun’s position relative to the barycenter as well as the significant amount of time the Sun’s inertial motion revolving near and close to the barycenter. We presented our calculation of PE forward by another 1000 yr until 3000 AD. If the assumption of the solar activity minima corresponding to PE minima is correct, then we can identify quite a few significant future solar activity GM events with a clustering of PE minima pulses starting at around 2150 AD, 2310 AD, 2500 AD, 2700 AD and 2850 AD.  相似文献   

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