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Block-flexure is the most common type of toppling failure in rock slopes. In this case, some rock blocks fail due to tensile bending stresses and some overturn under their own weights. In this paper, first, a literature review of toppling failures is summarized. Then, a theoretical model is proposed for rock slopes with a potential for block-flexure toppling instability. Next, a new analytical approach is presented for the stability analysis of such slopes. Finally, a special computer code is developed for a quick stability assessment of the failures based on the proposed method. This code receives the rock slope parameters from the user as the input data and predicts its stability, along with the corresponding factor of safety against the failure, as the output. In addition, two case studies are used for practical verification of the proposed approach and the corresponding computer code as well.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Small variation in shear strength parameters results in remarkable changes in the safety factor (SF) of a rock slope. In this regard, rock mass strength of...  相似文献   

Roadway instability has always been a major concern in deep underground coal mines where the surrounding rock strata and coal seams are weak and the in situ stresses are high. Under the high overburden and tectonic stresses, roadways could collapse or experience excessive deformation, which not only endangers mining personnel but could also reduce the functionality of the roadway and halt production. This paper describes a case study on the stability of roadways in an underground coal mine in Shanxi Province, China. The mine was using a longwall method to extract coal at a depth of approximately 350 m. Both the coal seam and surrounding rock strata were extremely weak and vulnerable to weathering. Large roadway deformation and severe roadway instabilities had been experienced in the past, hence, an investigation of the roadway failure mechanism and new support designs were needed. This study started with an in situ stress measurement programme to determine the stress orientation and magnitude in the mine. It was found that the major horizontal stress was more than twice the vertical stress in the East–West direction, perpendicular to the gateroads of the longwall panel. The high horizontal stresses and low strength of coal and surrounding rock strata were the main causes of roadway instabilities. Detailed numerical modeling was conducted to evaluate the roadway stability and deformation under different roof support scenarios. Based on the modeling results, a new roadway support design was proposed, which included an optimal cable/bolt arrangement, full length grouting, and high pre-tensioning of bolts and cables. It was expected the new design could reduce the roadway deformation by 50 %. A field experiment using the new support design was carried out by the mine in a 100 m long roadway section. Detailed extensometry and stress monitorings were conducted in the experimental roadway section as well as sections using the old support design. The experimental section produced a much better roadway profile than the previous roadway sections. The monitoring data indicated that the roadway deformation in the experimental section was at least 40–50 % less than the previous sections. This case study demonstrated that through careful investigation and optimal support design, roadway stability in soft rock conditions can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

赵飞  俞松波  李博  石振明 《地球科学》2022,47(12):4498-4512
大型振动台试验方法可真实有效地模拟地震作用,是近年来研究边坡地震动响应特性的常用方法,被学者们广泛用于模拟研究各类支护结构加固的边坡工程中.通过综述学者们有关边坡大型振动台模型试验的相关文献,对其研究方法、研究对象及主要结论进行了分类评述.最后,通过分析目前岩质边坡大型振动台物理模拟试验研究中存在的问题,指明了今后的研究方向,为深入认识地震作用下岩质边坡的动力响应特性、变形破坏规律及支护结构与岩土体动力耦合作用机理奠定了基础,具有重要的理论意义和工程价值.   相似文献   

Given the lack of suitable systems in the characterization of slope stability of heavily jointed rock masses, a new rock mass classification system called Slope Stability Rating (SSR) is proposed. In addition to the so-called modified Geological Strength Index, the proposed system considers five additional parameters whose relative effects on the stability of fractured rock slopes were precisely examined based on data retrieved from eight different rock slope sites in Iran. An overall rating for the rock mass is obtained from the summation of the individual ratings of each parameter. A number of design charts are provided as illustration. The new system was then validated based on 46 slope case histories from Iran and Australia. For this, by means of the design charts previously mentioned, a recommended stable angle for each slope was given and compared with the current slope conditions. As a result, SSR design charts for maximum excavation angle (FS = 1.0) and also for other more conservative excavation angles (FS = 1.2, 1.3, 1.5) were presented.  相似文献   

Dynamic and Static Stability Assessment of Rock Slopes Against Wedge Failures   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary ?The stability of slopes during and after excavation is always of great concern in the field of rock engineering. One of the structurally controlled modes of failure in jointed rock slopes is wedge failure. The limiting equilibrium methods for slopes under various conditions against wedge failure have been previously proposed by several investigators. However, these methods do not involve dynamic assessments and have not yet been validated by experimental results. In this paper, the tests performed on model wedges under static and dynamic loading conditions are described and the existing limiting equilibrium methods are extended to take into account dynamic effects. The applicability and validity of the presented method are checked through model tests carried out under well controlled conditions and by actual cases studied by the authors, both in Turkey and Japan.  相似文献   

The System Analysis and Reliability Evaluation of Rock Slopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principal of preferred plane analysis is a new research view and model of rock slope engineering geology. It advocates that the rock slope stability, boundary conditions and failure model are controlled by preferred planes. Therefore, the problem of slope stability evaluation can be converted into the search for preferred planes and determination of preferred separating bodies. The organic combination of the deterministic model and the indeterministic model can be realized by applying the systems engineering principle and the research model and method of reliability analysis in the quantitative evaluation and prediction of rock slope stability. Finally, the paper presents the case studies of slopes of the Yangtze Gorge Project and the Ma'anshan openpit mine.  相似文献   

Seismic Stability Analysis of a Himalayan Rock Slope   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The seismic slope stability analysis of the right abutment of a railway bridge proposed at about 350 m above the ground level, crossing a river and connecting two huge hillocks in the Himalayas, India, is presented in this paper. The rock slopes are composed of highly jointed rock mass and the joint spacing and orientation are varying at different locations. Seismic slope stability analysis of the slope under consideration is carried out using both pseudo-static approach and time response approach as the site is located in seismic zone V as per the earth quake zonation maps of India. Stability of the slope is studied numerically using program FLAC. The results obtained from the pseudo-static analysis are presented in the form of Factor of Safety (FOS) and the results obtained from the time response analysis of the slope are presented in terms of horizontal and vertical displacements along the slope. The results obtained from both the analyses confirmed the global stability of the slope as the FOS in case of pseudo-static analysis is above 1.0 and the displacements observed in case of time response analysis are within the permissible limits. This paper also presents the results obtained from the parametric analysis performed in the case of time response analysis in order to understand the effect of individual parameters on the overall stability of the slope.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study regarding slope stability problems and the remedial slope stabilization work executed during the construction of two reinforced concrete water storage tanks on a steep hill in Manisa, Turkey. Water storage tanks of different capacities were planned to be constructed, one under the other, on closely jointed and deformed shale and sandstone units. The tank on the upper elevation was constructed first and an approximately 20-m cut slope with two benches was excavated in front of this upper tank before the construction of the lower tank. The cut slope failed after a week and the failure threatened the stability of the upper water tank. In addition to re-sloping, a 15.6-m deep contiguous retaining pile wall without anchoring was built to support both the cut slope and the upper tank. Despite the construction of a retaining pile wall, a maximum of 10 mm of displacement was observed by inclinometer measurements due to the re-failure of the slope on the existing slip surface. Permanent stability was achieved after the placement of a granular fill buttress on the slope. Back analysis based on the non-linear (Hoek–Brown) failure criterion indicated that the geological strength index (GSI) value of the slope-forming material is around 21 and is compatible with the in situ-determined GSI value (24). The calculated normal–shear stress plots are also consistent with the Hoek–Brown failure envelope of the rock mass, indicating that the location of the sliding surface, GSI value estimated by back analysis, and the rock mass parameters are well defined. The long-term stability analysis illustrates a safe slope design after the placement of a permanent toe buttress.  相似文献   

The creep deformation behavior of the northern slope of an open-pit mine is introduced. Direct shear creep tests are then conducted for the samples taken from the northern slope to study the rheological characteristics of the rock mass. The experimental results are analyzed afterwards using an empirical method to develop a rheological model for the rock mass. The proposed rheological model is finally applied to understand the creep behavior of the northern slope, predict the long-term stability, and guide appropriate measures to be taken at suitable times to increase the factor of safety to ensure stability. Through this study, a failure criterion is proposed to predict the long-term stability of the slope based on the rheological characteristics of the rock mass and a critical deformation rate is adopted to determine when appropriate measures should be taken to ensure slope stability. The method has been successfully applied for stability analysis and engineering management of the toppling and slippage of the northern slope of the open-pit mine. This success in application indicates that it is theoretically accurate, practically feasible, and highly cost-effective.  相似文献   

Abstract The principal of preferred plane analysis is a new research view and model of rock slope engineering geology. It advocates that the rock slope stability, boundary conditions and failure model are controlled by preferred planes. Therefore, the problem of slope stability evaluation can be converted into the search for preferred planes and determination of preferred separating bodies. The organic combination of the deterministic model and the indeterministic model can be realized by applying the systems engineering principle and the research model and method of reliability analysis in the quantitative evaluation and prediction of rock slope stability. Finally, the paper presents the case studies of slopes of the Yangtze Gorge Project and the Ma'anshan openpit mine.  相似文献   

In highway projects, the common destruction effects of earthquake faults include the sand seismic liquefaction, the instability and failure of slopes. Thereinto, the dynamic instability of slopes induced by earthquake faults is most commonly seen. In order to research the influences of the destruction effects of earthquake faults on the dynamic stability of highway slopes, the distribution of previous earthquakes happening in the research area is qualitatively analyzed to establish the earthquake fault model and explore the kinematic characteristics. On this basis, representative slopes–cutting slopes in seismic damage areas are selected to calculate their earthquake response using the ABAQUS finite element program. The displacement field and acceleration output from the program are used to analyze the variation in the displacement of slope top and calculate the distribution coefficient of acceleration. Then, the stress fields output by the dynamic finite element analysis (FEA) are substituted in the genetic algorithm programmed by MATLAB to obtain the time history curves of safety factor of slopes and intelligently search the critical slip surfaces. By doing so, the changing rule of safety factor with seismic acceleration is obtained, together with the range of the safety factor of the envelope diagram of critical slip surfaces.  相似文献   

锚杆能够显著增强顺层岩质边坡的稳定性.基于顺层边坡结构效应,应用锚杆加固顺层边坡的力学模型,根据结构力学理论和变形协调关系,建立拉剪作用下全长粘结型锚杆加固顺层边坡抗剪计算的理论分析方法.与相关试验数据进行了比较验证,结果表明顺层边坡锚固抗力模型计算结果与试验结果比较一致,验证了理论模型的合理性.讨论了锚杆倾角、锚杆直径、灌浆体强度、结构面内摩擦角、剪胀角等对加锚顺层岩体抗剪性能的影响.分析表明:锚杆锚固抗力模型能够较好地反映锚杆轴力及横向剪切力对顺层岩质边坡的抗剪作用.锚杆倾角越大,锚杆总的抗力呈减小趋势,而锚杆抗力随剪胀角增大而增加;当锚杆倾角等于内摩擦角时,锚杆抗力达到最大;锚杆抗力随锚杆直径增加而增大;当锚杆直径不变时,锚杆抗力随灌浆体抗压强度增大而有所减小.   相似文献   

地震作用下边坡稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑了边坡岩土体材料的动力特性以及地震特性,利用动力有限元时程分析方法对边坡在地震荷载作用下的动力特性进行了分析,采用最小平均安全系数对边坡稳定性进行了评价,并与拟静力法的结果进行了对比分析,对某具体工程实例计算结果表明该分析方法的可行性,可为地震作用下边坡工程设计工作提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

土工织物加筋土坡稳定的塑性极限分析法   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
在塑性极限分析理论的基础上,本文给出了土工织物加筋土坡稳定数的上限解。与无筋土坡的已有解比较表明,该解是可靠的,从而为土工织物加筋土坡的稳定分析提供了一个有效的方法。此外,本文的计算结果表明,各种因素对土坡稳定性的影响程度随坡角的增大而减小。  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Support failures in mine drifts represent potential hazards that threaten underground mine safety and productivity. The aim of this study is to determine...  相似文献   

Simple limit equilibrium analyses can be performed to determine the Factor of Safety (FOS) against slope failure of unsaturated soil slopes. However, many of the input parameters needed for these analyses are highly variable, and the FOS value obtained is critically dependent on assumptions made by the designer. This paper describes a suite of reliability analyses on unsaturated soil slopes performed using an invariant reliability model. The results are presented in design charts from which a designer can choose the FOS value required to ensure a given target reliability index for a slope. The approach ensures that despite the variability of input parameters the slope will have a probability of failure of 2.23% or less.  相似文献   

There are many rock mass classification schemes which are frequently used for different purposes such as estimation of strength and deformability of rock masses, stability assessment of rock slopes, tunneling and underground mining operations etc. The rock mass classification includes some inputs obtained from intact rock and discontinuity properties which have major influence on assessment of engineering behaviour of rock mass. In the present study, detail measurements were employed on road cuts slope faces in Garhwal Himalayas to collect required data to be used for rock mass classification of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Geological Strength Index (GSI). The stability assessment of rock slopes were also done by using Slope Mass Rating. In addition the relation between RMR and GSI were also evaluated using 50 data pairs.  相似文献   

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