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We used a multipolar code to create, through the dissipationless collapses of systems of 1,000,000 particles, three self-consistent triaxial stellar systems with axial ratios corresponding to those of E4, E5 and E6 galaxies. The E5 and E6 models have small, but significant, rotational velocities although their total angular momenta are zero, that is, they exhibit figure rotation; the rotational velocity decreases with decreasing flattening of the models and for the E4 model it is essentially zero. Except for minor changes, probably caused by unavoidable relaxation effects, the systems are highly stable. The potential of each system was subsequently approximated with interpolating formulae yielding smooth potentials, stationary for the non-rotating model and stationary in the rotating frame for the rotating ones. The Lyapunov exponents could then be computed for randomly selected samples of the bodies that make up the different systems, allowing the recognition of regular and partially and fully chaotic orbits. Finally, the regular orbits were Fourier analyzed and classified using their locations on the frequency map. As it could be expected, the percentages of chaotic orbits increase with the flattening of the system. As one goes from E6 through E4, the fraction of partially chaotic orbits relative to that of fully chaotic ones increases, with the former surpassing the latter in model E4; the likely cause of this behavior is that triaxiality diminishes from E6 through E4, the latter system being almost axially symmetric. We especulate that some of the partially chaotic orbits may obey a global integral akin to the long axis component of angular momentum. Our results show that is perfectly possible to have highly stable triaxial models with large fractions of chaotic orbits, but such systems cannot have constant axial ratios from center to border: a slightly flattened reservoir of highly chaotic orbits seems to be mandatory for those systems.  相似文献   

In several previous papers we had investigated the orbits of the stars that make up galactic satellites, finding that many of them were chaotic. Most of the models studied in those works were not self-consistent, the single exception being the Heggie and Ramamani (1995) models; nevertheless, these ones are built from a distribution function that depends on the energy (actually, the Jacobi integral) only, what makes them rather special. Here we built up two self-consistent models of galactic satellites, freezed theirs potential in order to have smooth and stationary fields, and investigated the spatial structure of orbits whose initial positions and velocities were those of the bodies in the self-consistent models. We distinguished between partially chaotic (only one non-zero Lyapunov exponent) and fully chaotic (two non-zero Lyapunov exponents) orbits and showed that, as could be expected from the fact that the former obey an additional local isolating integral, besides the global Jacobi integral, they have different spatial distributions. Moreover, since Lyapunov exponents are computed over finite time intervals, their values reflect the properties of the part of the chaotic sea they are navigating during those intervals and, as a result, when the chaotic orbits are separated in groups of low- and high-valued exponents, significant differences can also be recognized between their spatial distributions. The structure of the satellites can, therefore, be understood as a superposition of several separate subsystems, with different degrees of concentration and trixiality, that can be recognized from the analysis of the Lyapunov exponents of their orbits.  相似文献   

We created a triaxial stellar system through the cold dissipationless collapse of 100,000 particles whose evolution was followed with a multipolar code. Once an equilibrium system had been obtained, the multipolar expansion was freezed and smoothed in order to get a stationary smooth potential. The resulting model was self-consistent and the orbits and Lyapunov exponents could then be computed for a randomly selected sample of 3472 of the bodies that make up the system. More than half of the orbits (52.7 % ) turned out to be chaotic. Regular orbits were then classified using the frequency analysis automatic code of Carpintero and Aguilar (1998, MNRAS 298(1), 1–21). We present plots of the distributions of the different kinds of orbits projected on the symmetry planes of the system. We distinguish chaotic orbits with only one non-zero Lyapunov exponent from those with two non-zero exponents and show that their spatial distributions differ, that of the former being more similar to the one of the regular orbits. Most of the regular orbits are boxes and boxlets, but the minor axis tubes play an important role filling in the wasp waists of the boxes and helping to give a lentil shape to the system. We see no problem in building stable triaxial models with substantial amounts of chaotic orbits; the difficulties found by other authors may be due not to a physical cause but to a limitation of Schwarzschild’s method.  相似文献   

We consider the scattering motion of the planar restricted three-body problem with two equal masses on a circular orbit. Using the methods of chaotic scattering we present results on the structure of scattering functions. Their connection with primitive periodic orbits and the underlying chaotic saddle are studied. Numerical evidence is presented which suggests that in some intervals of the Jacobi integral the system is hyperbolic. The Smale horseshoe found there is built from a countable infinite number of primitive periodic orbits, where the parabolic orbits play a fundamental role.  相似文献   

We created a self-consistent triaxial stellar system through the cold disipationless collapse of 100,000 particles whose evolution was followed with a multipolar code. The resulting system rotates slowly even though its total angular momentum is zero, i.e., it offers an example of figure rotation. The potential of the system was subsequently approximated with interpolating formulae yielding a smooth potential stationary in the rotating frame. The Lyapunov exponents could then be computed for a randomly selected sample of 3,472 of the bodies that make up the system, allowing the recognition of regular and partially and fully chaotic orbits. The regular orbits were Fourier analyzed and classified using their locations on the frequency map. A comparison with a similar non-rotating model showed that the fraction of chaotic orbits is slightly but significantly enhanced in the rotating model; alternatively, there are no significant differences between the corresponding fractions neither of partially and fully chaotic orbits nor of long axis tubes, short axis tubes, boxes and boxlets among the regular orbits. This is a reasonable result because the rotation causes a breaking of the symmetry that may increase chaotic effects, but the rotation velocity is probably too small to produce any other significant differences. The increase in the fraction of chaotic orbits in the rotating system seems to be due mainly to the effect of the Coriolis force, rather than the centrifugal force, in good agreement with the results of other investigations.  相似文献   

In this work we consider four families of plane periodic orbits direct around the Sun which approach Jupiter but they are sufficiently far from it so as to be considered as predominantly two body orbits of the Sun-asteroid system. We study their horizontal and vertical stabilities and we give the exact orbits of bifurcations of these families with three-dimensional families of the same multiplicity or twice the multiplicity of the above families of plane symmetric periodic orbits. Moreover, we give the first segments of the three dimensional families of symmetric periodic orbits which emanate from these plane bifurcations and we study their stability relating it with the stability of the plane bifurcations.  相似文献   

We use a composite galaxy model consisting of a disk-halo, bulge, nucleus and dark-halo components in order to investigate the motion of stars in ther-z plane. It is observed that high angular momentum stars move in regular orbits. The majority of orbits are box orbits. There are also banana-like orbits. For a given value of energy, only a fraction of the low angular momentum stars — those going near the nucleus — show chaotic motion while the rest move in regular orbits. Again one observes the above two kinds of orbits. In addition to the above one can also see orbits with the characteristics of the 2/3 and 3/4 resonance. It is also shown that, in the absence of the bulge component, the area of chaotic motion in the surface of section increases, significantly. This suggests that a larger number of low angular momentum stars are in chaotic orbits in galaxies with massive nuclei and no bulge components.  相似文献   

Poincaré maps for Hamiltonian systems with 3 degrees of freedom lead to the study of four dimensional symplectic mappings. As a test for the validity of a synthetic mapping of order 3 using gradient informations, we study the evolution with time of Liapounov Indicators in the case of the four dimensional standard map with chaotic and stable zones. Both Liapounov Indicators show the same behaviour for the real and synthetic mappings. They reveal exploding diffusion phenomena for temporarily confined chaotic orbits. The distribution of the time of explosion fits well with a Poisson law for the real mapping, but not for the synthetic one. However the mean time of explosion is essentially the same in both cases.  相似文献   

We consider the general spatial three body problem and study the dynamics of planetary systems consisting of a star and two planets which evolve into 2/1 mean motion resonance and into inclined orbits. Our study is focused on the periodic orbits of the system given in a suitable rotating frame. The stability of periodic orbits characterize the evolution of any planetary system with initial conditions in their vicinity. Stable periodic orbits are associated with long term regular evolution, while unstable periodic orbits are surrounded by regions of chaotic motion. We compute many families of symmetric periodic orbits by applying two schemes of analytical continuation. In the first scheme, we start from the 2/1 (or 1/2) resonant periodic orbits of the restricted problem and in the second scheme, we start from vertical critical periodic orbits of the general planar problem. Most of the periodic orbits are unstable, but many stable periodic orbits have been, also, found with mutual inclination up to 50?–60?, which may be related with the existence of real planetary systems.  相似文献   

We discuss the issue of ordered and chaotic trajectories in the Bohmian approach of Quantum Mechanics from points of view relevant to the methods of Celestial Mechanics. The Bohmian approach gives the same results as the orthodox (Copenhagen) approach, but it considers also underlying trajectories guided by the wave. The Bohmian trajectories are rather different from the corresponding classical trajectories. We give examples of a classical chaotic system that is ordered quantum-mechanically and of a classically ordered system that is mostly chaotic quantum mechanically. Then we consider quantum periodic orbits and ordered orbits, that can be represented by formal series of the “third integral” type, and we study their asymptotic properties leading to estimates of exponential stability. Such orbits do not approach the “nodal points” where the wavefunction ψ vanishes. On the other hand, when an orbit comes close to a nodal point, chaos is generated in the neighborhood of a hyperbolic point (called X-point). The generation of chaos is maximum when the X-point is close to the nodal point. Finally we remark that high order periodic orbits may behave as “effectively ordered” or “effectively chaotic” for long times before reaching the period.  相似文献   

In this paper the circular planar restricted problem of three axisymmetric ellipsoids S i (i = 1, 2, 3), such that their equatorial planes coincide with the orbital plane of the three centres of masses, be considered. The equations of motion of infinitesimal body S 3 be obtained in the polar coordinates. Using iteration approach we have given an approximation for another integral, which independent of the Jacobian integral, in the case of P-type orbits (near circular orbits surrounding both primaries).  相似文献   

The dynamics of the two Jupiter triangular libration points perturbed by Saturn is studied in this paper. Unlike some previous works that studied the same problem via the pure numerical approach, this study is done in a semianalytic way. Using a literal solution, we are able to explain the asymmetry of two orbits around the two libration points with symmetric initial conditions. The literal solution consists of many frequencies. The amplitudes of each frequency are the same for both libration points, but the initial phase angles are different. This difference causes a temporary spatial asymmetry in the motions around the two points, but this asymmetry gradually disappears when the time goes to infinity. The results show that the two Jupiter triangular libration points should have symmetric spatial stable regions in the present status of Jupiter and Saturn. As a test of the literal solution, we study the resonances that have been extensively studied in Robutel and Gabern (Mon Not R Astron Soc 372:1463–1482, 2006). The resonance structures predicted by our analytic theory agree well with those found in Robutel and Gabern (Mon Not R Astron Soc 372:1463–1482, 2006) via a numerical approach. Two kinds of chaotic orbits are discussed. They have different behaviors in the frequency map. The first kind of chaotic orbits (inner chaotic orbits) is of small to moderate amplitudes, while the second kind of chaotic orbits (outer chaotic orbits) is of relatively larger amplitudes. Using analytical theory, we qualitatively explain the transition process from the inner chaotic orbits to the outer chaotic orbits with increasing amplitudes. A critical value of the diffusion rate is given to separate them in the frequency map. In a forthcoming paper, we will study the same problem but keep the planets in migration. The time asymmetry, which is unimportant in this paper, may cause an observable difference in the two Jupiter Trojan groups during a very fast planet migration process.  相似文献   

Two special cases of the problem of the secular perturbations in the orbital elements of a satellite with a negligible mass produced by the joint influence of the oblateness of the central planet and the attraction by its most massive (or main) satellites and the Sun are considered. These cases are among the integrable ones in the general nonintegrable evolution problem. The first case is realized when the plane of the satellite orbit and the rotation axis of the planet lie in its orbital plane. The second case is realized when the plane of the satellite orbit is orthogonal to the line of intersection between the equatorial and orbital planes of the planet. The corresponding particular solutions correspond to those polar satellite orbits for which the main qualitative features of the evolution of the eccentricity and pericenter argument are described here. Families of integral curves have been constructed in the phase plane of these elements for the satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.  相似文献   

A galaxy model with a satellite companion is used to study the character of motion for stars moving in the xy plane. It is observed that a large part of the phase plane is covered by chaotic orbits. The percentage of chaotic orbits increases when the galaxy has a dense nucleus of massMn. The presence of the dense nucleus also increases the stellar velocities near the center of the galaxy. For small values of the distance R between the two bodies, low energy stars display a chaotic region near the centre of the galaxy, when the dense nucleus is present, while for larger values of R the motion in active galaxies is regular for low energy stars. Our results suggest that in galaxies with a satellite companion, the chaotic character of motion is not only a result of galactic interaction but also a result caused by the dense nucleus. Theoretical arguments are used to support the numerical outcomes. We follow the evolution of the galaxy, as mass is transported adiabatically from the disk to the nucleus. Our numerical results are in satisfactory agreement with observational data from M51‐type binary galaxies (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Due to the existence of invariant tori, chaotic sea and hyperbolic structures in higher dimensional phase space of a volume-preserving map, the diffusion route of chaotic orbits will be complicated. The velocity of diffusion will be very slow if the orbits are near an invariant torus. In order to realize this complicated diffusion phenomenon, in this paper we study the diffusion characters in the different regions, i.e., chaotic, hyperbolic and invariant tori's regions. We find that for the three different regions, the diffusion velocities are different. The diffusion velocity in the vicinity of an invariant torus is the slowest one. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It is already known (Froeschlé et al., 1997a) that the fast Lyapunov indicator (hereafter FLI), i.e. the computation on a relatively short time of a quantity related to the largest Lyapunov indicator, allows us to discriminate between ordered and weak chaotic motion. Using the FLI many results have been obtained on the standard map taken as a model problem. On this model we are not only able to discriminate between a short time weak chaotic motion and an ordered one, but also among regular motion between non resonant and resonant orbits. Moreover, periodic orbits are characterised by constant FLI values which appear to be related to the order of periodic orbits (Lega and Froeschlé, 2001). In the present paper we extend all these results to the case of continuous dynamical systems (the Hénon and Heiles system and the restricted three-body problem). Especially for the periodic orbits we need to introduce a new value: the orthogonal FLI in order to fully recover the results obtained for mappings.  相似文献   

We investigate the regular or chaotic nature of star orbits moving in the meridional plane of an axially symmetric galactic model with a disk and a spherical nucleus. We study the influence of some important parameters of the dynamical system, such as the mass and the scale length of the nucleus, the angular momentum or the energy, by computing in each case the percentage of chaotic orbits, as well as the percentages of orbits of the main regular resonant families. Some heuristic arguments to explain and justify the numerically derived outcomes are also given. Furthermore, we present a new method to find the threshold between chaos and regularity for both Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers and SALI, by using them simultaneously.  相似文献   

We apply the theory of the third integral to a self-consistent galactic model, generated by the collapse of a N-body system. The final configuration after the collapse is a stationary triaxial system, that represents an almost prolate non-rotating elliptical galaxy with its longest axis in the z-direction. This system is represented by an axisymmetric potential V plus a small triaxial perturbation V 1. The orbits in the potential V are of three types: box orbits, tube orbits (corresponding to various resonances), and chaotic orbits.The intersections of the box and tube orbits by a Poincaré surface of section z=0 are closed invariant curves. The main tube orbits are like ellipses and form an island of stability on the (R,R) plane.We calculated the third integral I in the potential V for the general non-resonant case and for various resonant cases. The agreement between the invariant curves of the orbits and the level curves of the third integral is good for the box and tube orbits, if we truncate the third integral at an appropriate level. As expected the third integral fails in the case of chaotic orbits. The most important result is the form of the number density F on the Poincaré surface of section. This function decreases exponentially outwards for the box orbits, like Fexp(–bI), while it is constant, as expected, for the chaotic orbits. In the case of the island of the main tube orbits it has a minimum at the center of the island. This can be explained by the form of the near elliptical orbits that are elongated along R, thus they fail to support a self-consistent galaxy, which is elongated along the z-axis.  相似文献   

In the present article, we use an axially symmetric galactic gravitational model with a disk–halo and a spherical nucleus, in order to investigate the transition from regular to chaotic motion for stars moving in the meridian (r,z) plane. We study in detail the transition from regular to chaotic motion, in two different cases: the time independent model and the time evolving model. In both cases, we explored all the available range regarding the values of the main involved parameters of the dynamical system. In the time dependent model, we follow the evolution of orbits as the galaxy develops a dense and massive nucleus in its core, as mass is transported exponentially from the disk to the galactic center. We apply the classical method of the Poincaré (r,pr) phase plane, in order to distinguish between ordered and chaotic motion. The Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent is used, to make an estimation of the degree of chaos in our galactic model and also to help us to study the time dependent model. In addition, we construct some numerical diagrams in which we present the correlations between the main parameters of our galactic model. Our numerical calculations indicate, that stars with values of angular momentum Lz less than or equal to a critical value Lzc, moving near to the galactic plane, are scattered to the halo upon encountering the nuclear region and subsequently display chaotic motion. A linear relationship exists between the critical value of the angular momentum Lzc and the mass of the nucleus Mn. Furthermore, the extent of the chaotic region increases as the value of the mass of the nucleus increases. Moreover, our simulations indicate that the degree of chaos increases linearly, as the mass of the nucleus increases. A comparison is made between the critical value Lzc and the circular angular momentum Lz0 at different distances from the galactic center. In the time dependent model, there are orbits that change their orbital character from regular to chaotic and vise versa and also orbits that maintain their character during the galactic evolution. These results strongly indicate that the ordered or chaotic nature of orbits, depends on the presence of massive objects in the galactic cores of the galaxies. Our results suggest, that for disk galaxies with massive and prominent nuclei, the low angular momentum stars in the associated central regions of the galaxy, must be in predominantly chaotic orbits. Some theoretical arguments to support the numerically derived outcomes are presented. Comparison with similar previous works is also made.  相似文献   

In several previous papers we had investigated the orbits of the stars that make up galactic satellites and found that many of those orbits were chaotic. In those investigations we made extensive use of the frequency analysis method of Carpintero and Aguilar (1998) to classify the orbits, because that method is much faster than the use of Lyapunov exponents, allows the classification of the regular orbits and our initial comparison of both methods had shown excellent agreement between their results. More recently, we have found some problems with the use of frequency analysis in rotating systems, so that here we present a new investigation of orbits inside galactic satellites using exclusively Lyapunov exponents. Some of our previous conclusions are confirmed, while others are altered. Besides, the Lyapunov times that are now obtained show that the time scales of the chaotic processes are shorter than, or comparable to, other time scales characteristic of galactic satellites.  相似文献   

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