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Astudyonnano-andmicrodiatomsintheintertidalzonesofZhongshanStation,AntarcticaZhuGenhai(朱根海);LuDouding(陆斗定)andWangZipan(王自磐)(S...  相似文献   

EffectoftheenvironmentinAntarcticaonimmunefunctionandelectroencephalogramYuYongzhong(于永中);WangZonghui(王宗惠);ZhangWencheng(张文诚)...  相似文献   

(李兆鼐)(李汉声)(尚如相)Self-organizationphenomenaofthenonequilibriumprocessinmagmatismoftheFildesPeninsula,WestAntarctica¥LiZhaonai;L...  相似文献   

涂霞  郑范 《极地研究》1996,7(2):126-140
涂霞,郑范AStudyofForaminiferainthecoreNP93-2fromtheprydzBay,Antarctica¥TuXiaandZhengFanAlsouthChinaSeaInstituteOfOceanology,Chine...  相似文献   

In order to study the element contents and distribution of various mosses collected in the Antarctica, we analyzed the heavy elements of 3 species of Polytri-chum in the Fildes Peninsula, P. alpinum, P. juniperinum and P. alpestre, by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence ( SR-XRF). The result shows that the elements, such as K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Sr, are nearly the same in Potytrichum. The peak intensity of K is higher than that of Ca, and the peak intensity of Ca is higher than that of Fe in P. alpinum. In P. juniperinum, the peak intensity of K is higher than that of Ca, and the peak intensity of Ca is close to that of Fe. The peak intensity of K is nearly equal to those of Ca and Fe in P. alpestre. Therefore, the habitats of 3 species of Polytrichum are similar in the Fildes Peninsula. By XRF analyzing of different parts of P. alpestre, we found that the peak intensities of relative concentration of elements are obviously different. The peak intensity of K in apical-bud is the highest in orga  相似文献   

J Ross Barnett 《Area》1999,31(3):259-270
Summary This study applies Jessop's idea of the 'hollowed-out' state to an analysis of the restructuring of hospital services in New Zealand. Decentralization of responsibility for the funding and provision of hospital services to regional and local levels has had distinct fiscal and political advantages for the state and is rapidly changing the geography of hospital provision.  相似文献   

ThepreliminarystudyofthephytoplanktonecologyintheGreatWallBay,AntarcticaYuJianluan(俞建銮);LiRuixiang(李瑞香)andHuangFengpeng(黄凤鹏)(...  相似文献   

MagnetotelluricsoundingstudyintheregionofZhongshanStation,EastAntarcticaKongXiangru(孔祥儒)andZhangJianjun(张建军)(InstituteofGeoph...  相似文献   

Ground-basedmeasurementsofcolumnabundanceofozoneandUV-BradiationoverZhongshanStation,Antarcticainthe1993"OzoneHole"ZhouXiuji(...  相似文献   

陈超云 《极地研究》1996,7(2):118-125
陈超云PreliminarystudyonlateQuaternaryforaminiferalassemblageintheBransfieldStrait,WestAntarcticaanditssignificanceofenvironment...  相似文献   

The summer weather characteristics of the Grove Mountain, East Antarctica, are presented based on the data obtained by Chinese National Antarctic Expedition (CHINARE) in January 1999. The result shows that the pattern of daily variation of temperature and the prevailing wind direction in Grove is similar to that of Zhongshan Station. However, the daily range of temperature and strong wind frequency are much higher than those of Zhongshan Station.The change of wind direction is close to the weather system that impacted the Grove Mountain. The warm and wet air from northern parts often causes the precipitation. The clear weather appears when controlled by eastern winds in January.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary Lakes in the McMurdo Sound Region of Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lake levels within the enclosed drainage basins of the Dry Valleys adjacent to McMurdo Sound have fluctuated widely during the Late Quaternary due to (a) local climate change and the consequent variation in the evaporation–precipitation regime, and (b) glacial fluctuations, resulting in changes in the catchment and meltwater drainage areas of the glaciers and, in some cases, in the volumes of the available lake basins. Three types of lakes can be distinguished on the basis of their water source: (1) lakes receiving the bulk of their water from melting of local alpine glaciers; (2) proglacial lakes associated with outlet glaciers from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet; (3) proglacial lakes associated with the marine oxygen-isotope stage 2 Ross Sea ice sheet and its precursors. The Dry Valleys contain an exceptionally long lacustrine record, extending back at least 300,000 years. Lacustrinesedimentation is cyclical, occurring over periods of about 100,000 years. During the last such cycle, relatively small lakes, both adjacent to East Antarctic outlet glaciers and fed by meltwater from alpine glaciers, existed during stage 5. However, these local lakes gave way to large proglacial lakes adjacent to the Ross Sea ice sheet in stage 2. The same relationship apparently occurred during the previous 100,000-year cycle. Dating of lacustrine sediments suggests that lakes proglacial to the Ross Sea ice sheet have existed during episodes of sea-level lowering during global glaciations. Lakes proglacial to outlet glaciers from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet have formed coincident with episodes of high eustatic sea level during interglacial periods.  相似文献   

吴时国,罗又郎,王有强,陆钧,郑范,孙绍先Holoceneglacial-marinesedimentationinthePrydzBay,Antarctica¥WuShiguo;LuoYoulang;WangYouqiang;LuJun;Zheng...  相似文献   

Sand dune movement in the Victoria Valley, Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We use vertical aerial photographs and LiDAR topographic survey data to estimate dune migration rates in the Victoria Valley dunefield, Antarctica, between 1961 and 2001. Results confirm that the dunes migrated an average of 1.5 m/year. These values are consistent with other estimates of dune migration from cold climate deserts and are significantly lower than estimates from warm deserts. Dune migration rates are retarded by the presence of entrained ice, soil moisture and a reversing wind regime. Dune absorption, merging and limb extension are apparent from the time-series images and account for significant changes in dune form and the field-scale dune pattern. Dune-field pattern analysis shows an overall increase in dune-field organization with an increase in mean dune spacing and a reduction in total crest length and defect density. These data suggest that dunes in other cold desert environments on Earth, Mars or Titan, that may also have inter-bedded frozen laminae, still have the potential to migrate and organize, albeit at lower rates than dunes in warm deserts.  相似文献   

During the CHINARE ⅩⅤ cruise in austral summer of 1998/1999, the abundance and feeding activity of Salpa thompsoni were investigated in the Prydz Bay region. Salps samples were collected by vertical tows from the depth of 200 m to the surface with a conical net of 330 μm mesh size. At ⅤⅠ 3 station, the grazing rates were studied by the gut fluorescence method and culture experiments. S. Thompsoni was mainly distributed in the northern part of the survey area, and its maximum densities reached to 2795 ind.·1000 m -3 . A dramatic decrease in salp stock was observed at the Marginal Ice Zone. The results of the feeding experiments at the ⅤⅠ 3 show that the gut pigment contents of S. thompsoni ranged from (0.14 1.27) μg ind. -1 (average 0.98 μg ind. -1 ). The individual ingestion rate is 7.9 μg ind. -1 ·day -1 , and the filtration rate is 28 L ind. -1 ·day -1 . Through the daily grazing rate of S. thompsoni , which takes account of less than 1% of the phytoplankton standing stock, it shows a relatively higher grazing impress on the primary production (72.2%).  相似文献   

Summary. An earthquake of magnitude ( M b) 4.5 has been located by the International Seismological Centre, near 81°S, 37°E in the continental platform of east Antarctica, about 1200 km from the coast of Dronning Maud Land, and 500 km from the Pole of Inaccessibility. The event was found by the Centre's 'search' procedure, which is undertaken with a deliberate delay of about two years. It occurred on 1982 November 4, and its position is well determined from five stations in Antarctica, and four farther afield. This is the first earthquake definitely located in the interior of the Antarctic continent, although there have been some earlier less well established claims, and other earthquakes have occurred near the coast, or associated with areas of volcanism or ice movement.  相似文献   

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