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Absorption spectra in the visible to the near ultraviolet were measured on the Belgica chondrite B-7904 in a form of thin solid film made by the vacuum evaporation. The spectra obtained exhibit a sharp peak at 226 nm and a broad bump around 280nm. These features were found arising from the meteorite component FeS (troilite). The peak at 226 nm shows a doublet structure with the band-width considerably narrower than the 217.5 nm feature in the interstellar extinction. The absorption spectra obtained previously with the pulverized chondrites suspended in a liquid were also found reproducible by the pulverized FeS.Sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.  相似文献   

B.D. Teolis 《Icarus》2007,190(1):274-279
Laboratory simulations of processes on astronomical surfaces that use infrared reflectance spectroscopy of thin films to analyze their composition and structure often ignore important optical interference effects which often lead to erroneous measurements of absorption band strengths and give an apparent dependence of this quantity on film thickness, index of refraction and wavelength. We demonstrate these interference effects experimentally and show that the optical depths of several absorption bands of thin water ice films on a gold mirror are not proportional to film thickness. We describe the method to calculate accurately band strengths from measured absorbance spectra using the Fresnel equations for two different experimental cases, and propose a way to remove interference effects by performing measurements with P-polarized light incident at Brewster's angle.  相似文献   

Calculations are presented of energy spectra and angular and spatial distributions of electron fluxes in the ionosphere resulting from precipitation ofmonoenergetic (E = 25, 50 and 100 eV) electrons. The incident electrons are assumed to be isotropic over the downward direction. It is found that the resulting steady-state electron fluxes above ca. 300 km are highly anisotropic, and that the pitch angle distribution is energy dependent. About 15 per cent of the incident electrons are backscattered elastically to the protonosphere. A much larger number of electrons escape after they have deposited a part of their energy in the atmosphere. The mean energy of the escaping electrons is about half that of the incident electrons. About 50% of the incident energy is absorbed in the atmosphere, the remainder being returned to the protonosphere. The rate of absorption of energy is a maximum at heights between 300 and 400 km. Most of the energy is absorbed in ionization and excitation of atomic oxygen. An appreciable amount of energy is, however, absorbed as heat by the ambient electron gas. Altitude profiles are presented of the rates of ionization, excitation, and electron heating caused by soft electron precipitation.  相似文献   

The existence of a maximum isothermal core mass fraction (q max), the Schoenberg-Chandrasekhar limit, is one of the classic results from the theory of stellar structure. This limit can be demonstrated through a simplified composite polytrope model in which an isothermal core is surrounded by ann=1 polytrope envelope. While this model underestimatesq mas by 25% in the homogeneous case, it is accurate to within 5% in the more realistic inhomogeneous situation.  相似文献   

Starting from the concept of vibrational stability, the Roche limit for a uniform incompressible liquid sphere is derived. It is shown how this method can be generalized to the case where there is a non-uniform matter distribution in the radial direction.  相似文献   

The ratio angular momentum/mass squared of a wide variety of astronomical objects lies about 103 times above the valueG/c=2.2×10?18 cm2 g?1 s?1 for extremely fast rotating black holes.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional structure of a thin accretion disk in the vicinity of a Schwarzschild black hole after passing a marginally stable orbit (r< 3r g is discussed in terms of the Grad-Shafranov hydrodynamic equation. The accretion disk is shown to be sharply compressed as the sonic surface is approached, so the mass flow here is no longer radial. As a result, the dynamic forces ρ[(v ?)v] θ , which are equal in magnitude to the pressure gradient ? θ P on the sonic surface, become significant in vertical balance. Therefore, the disk thickness in the supersonic region (and, in particular, near the black-hole horizon) may be assumed to be determined not by the pressure gradient but by the shape of ballistic trajectories.  相似文献   

The new observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Spectrometers on EUVE and the future high resolution observation by Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) and SUMER on SOHO have suggested the revision of the Xray-EUV spectral code of the authors (1990) for optically thin plasmas. More accurate atomic data computations are now available and several lines have been added. Work is in progress to update the Xray-EUV code following the suggestions of the reviewers of the workshop on Atomic data assessment for SOHO held in Abingdon (March 1992). Special care is given to the highly ionized iron lines in the EUV spectral region.  相似文献   

A research that we conducted in 1963 on the evolution of the binaries based on the available orbital data to obtain a philosophical degree, led to the establishment of an interesting and new diagram between the logarithm of the total mass and a particular parameterX, bound to the areal constant. This appeared to have a real physical significance but the basic observational material was insufficiently extended to assure its undeniable existence. In 1981, a new research based on a more extended orbital material, has confirmed this diagram. Presently, another important increase in the orbital material and the availability of highly accurate trigonometric parallaxes produced by the Hipparcos satellite, gave us the opportunity to confirm once more the stability of this diagram. This last research is here described.  相似文献   

Starting from the equations of motion of a thin magnetic tube, the characteristic curves and velocities and compatibility relations are derived as basis for investigating its motion and for correctly formulating the problem of stationary solution. It is shown that the characteristic velocity of transverse waves is related to the Alfvén Mach number of the flow in the tube. When the flow velocity exceeds the critical value for the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, transverse waves cease to exist.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to give quantitative as well as qualitative answers to the question of the analogy between smooth potentials and N-body systems. A number of simulations were performed in both integrable and nonintegrable smooth environments and their frozen N-body analogues, and comparisons were made using a number of different tools. The comparisons took place on both statistical and pointwise levels. The results of this study suggest that microscopic chaos associated with discreteness effects is always present in N-body configurations. This chaos is different from the macroscopic chaos which is associated with the bulk potential and persists even for very large N. Although the Lyapunov exponents of orbits evolving in N-body environments do not decrease as N increases, comparisons associated with the statistical properties, as well as with the power spectra of the orbits, affirm the existence of the continuum limit.  相似文献   

We address the problem of plasma penetration of astrophysical magnetospheres, an important issue in a wide variety of contexts, ranging from accretion in cataclysmic variables to flows in protostellar systems. We point out that under well-defined conditions, penetration can occur without any turbulent mixing (driven, for example, by Rayleigh–Taylor or Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities) caused by charge polarization effects, if the inflowing plasma is bounded in the direction transverse to both the flow velocity and the magnetic field. Depolarization effects limit the penetration depth, which nevertheless can, under specific circumstances, be comparable to the size of the magnetosphere. We discuss the effect of ambient medium on plasma propagation across the stellar magnetic field and determine the criteria for deep magnetosphere penetration. We show that, under conditions appropriate to magnetized white dwarfs in AM Her type cataclysmic variables, charge polarization effects can lead to deep penetration of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The knowledge of mass loss rates due to thermal winds in cool dwarfs is of crucial importance for modeling the evolution of physical parameters of main sequence single and binary stars. Very few, sometimes contradictory, measurements of such mass loss rates exist up to now. We present a new, independent method of measuring an amount of mass lost by a star during its past life. It is based on the comparison of the present mass distribution of solar type stars in an open cluster with the calculated distribution under an assumption that stars with masses lower than Mlim have lost an amount of mass equal to ΔM. The actual value of ΔM or its upper limit is found from the best fit. Analysis of four clusters: Pleiades, NGC 6996, Hyades and Praesepe gave upper limits for ΔM in three of them and the inconclusive result for Pleiades. The most restrictive limit was obtained for Praesepe indicating that the average mass loss rate of cool dwarfs in this cluster was lower than 6 × 10–11 M/yr. With more accurate mass determinations of the solar type members of selected open clusters, including those of spectral type K, the method will provide more stringent limits for mass loss of cool dwarfs. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

It is shown that in strongly magnetized neutron stars, there exist upper limits of magnetic field strength, beyond which the self energies for both neutron and proton components of neutron star matter become complex in nature. As a consequence they decay within the strong interaction time scale. However, in the ultra-strong magnetic field case, when the zeroth Landau level is only occupied by protons, the system again becomes stable against strong decay.   相似文献   

We selected 457 blazars(193 flat spectrum radio quasars, 61 lowsynchrotron peaked blazars, 69 intermediate-synchrotron peaked blazars and 134high-synchrotron peaked blazars) from the second Fermi-LAT catalog(2FGL) of γ-ray sources, which have X-ray observations. We calculated the lower limits for their Doppler factors, δγ, and compared the lower limits with the available Doppler factors and the apparent superluminal velocities in the literature.  相似文献   

The entry and subsequent breakup of the ~17–20 m diameter Chelyabinsk meteoroid deposited approximately 500 kT of TNT equivalent energy to the atmosphere, causing extensive damage that underscored the hazard from small asteroid impacts. The breakup of the meteoroid was characterized by intense fragmentation that dispersed most of the original mass. In models of the entry process, the apparent mechanical strength of the meteoroid during fragmentation, ~1–5 MPa, is two orders of magnitude lower than the mechanical strength of the surviving meteorites, ~330 MPa. We implement a two-material computer code that allows us to fully simulate the exchange of energy and momentum between the entering meteoroid and the interacting atmospheric air. Our simulations reveal a previously unrecognized process in which the penetration of high-pressure air into the body of the meteoroid greatly enhances the deformation and facilitates the breakup of meteoroids similar to the size of Chelyabinsk. We discuss the mechanism of air penetration that accounts for the bulk fragmentation of an entering meteoroid under conditions similar to those at Chelyabinsk, to explain the surprisingly low values of the apparent strength of the meteoroid during breakup.  相似文献   

On the basis of the current knowledge about the size of the neutron, the nucleon-nucleon interaction, and the limit on the ratioGm/c 2 R<4/9 imposed by General Relativity, we find an upper limit of about 2M , for stars of uniform density in the neutron phase. The importance of an accurate determination of the neutron radius for neutron stars studies is pointed out.  相似文献   

We study the continuous limit of the multiple gravitational lensing theory based on the thin lens approximation. We define a new, light-path dependent angular diameter distance     and show that it satisfies the optical scalar equation. The distance provides relations between quantities used in gravitational lensing theory (the convergence, the shear and the twist terms) and those used in scalar optics theory (the rates of expansion, shear and rotation).  相似文献   

The proposed past eruption of liquid water on Europa and ongoing eruption of water vapor and ice on Enceladus have led to discussion about the feasibility of cracking a planetary ice shell. We use a boundary element method to model crack penetration in an ice shell subjected to tension and hydrostatic compression. We consider the presence of a region at the base of the ice shell in which the far-field extensional stresses vanish due to viscoelastic relaxation, impeding the penetration of fractures towards a subsurface ocean. The maximum extent of fracture penetration can be limited by hydrostatic pressure or by the presence of the unstressed basal layer, depending on its thickness. Our results indicate that Europa's ice shell is likely to be cracked under 1-3 MPa tension only if it is ?2.5 km thick. Enceladus' ice shell may be completely cracked if it is capable of supporting ∼1-3 MPa tension and is less than 25 km thick.  相似文献   

Earlier, under certain simplifying assumptions, on the basis of the General Theory of Relativity, it has been concluded by many authors that when the radius of a gravitationally collapsing spherical object of massM reaches the critical value of the Scharzschild radiusR s=2GM/c 2, then, in a co-moving frame, the object collapses catastrophically to a point. However, in drawing this conclusion due consideration has not been given to the nuclear forces between the nucleons. In particular, the very strong ‘hard-core’ repulsive interaction between the nucleons which has the range ~0.4×10?13 cm has been totally ignored. On taking into account this ‘hard-core’ repulsive interaction, it is found that no spherical object of massM g can collapse to a volume of radius smaller thanR min=(1.68×10?6)M 1/3 cm or to a density larger than ρmax=5.0 × 1016 g cm?3. It has also been pointed out that objects of mass smaller thanM c~1.21×1033 g can not cross the Schwarzschild barrier and gravitationally collapse. The only course left to the objects of mass less thanM cis to reach the equilibrium as either a white dwarf or a neutron star.  相似文献   

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