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We present results of the dual-frequency radio sounding of the Venusian ionosphere carried out by the Venera 9 and 10 satellites in 1975. Thirteen height profiles of electron density for different solar zenith angles varying from 10 to 87° have been obtained by analyzing the refraction bending of radiorays in the sounded ionssphere. The main maximum of electron density at a height of 140–150 km depends on the solar zenith angle and is 1.4 to 5 × 105 cm?3. The lower maximum is determined definitely to be at ~130 km high. In the main and lower maxima the electron density variations with solar zenith angle are in good agreement with the Chapman layer theory. For the first time it is found that the height of the upper boundary for the daytime ionosphere (hi) depends regularly on the solar zenith angle. At Z < 60°, hi does not exceed 300 km while at Z > 60°, it increases with Z and comes up to ~ 600 km at Z ~ 80°.  相似文献   

Two density profiles of the thermospheric nitric oxide were obtained by means of the γ(1,0) band airglow measured with rocket-home radiometers flown from Uchinoura, Japan (31°N) at around autumnal equinoxes in 1982 and 1983. The peak densities were found at altitudes of 105–110 km and are 9 × 107 and 7 × 107 cm−3, respectively. They are well reproduced by the variation of solar activity in terms of a one-dimensional photochemical-diffusive model, but the densities above 140 km under moderate solar activity differ considerably from the model prediction. A similar discrepancy has already been found in the NO density profile obtained by our previous experiment at solar maximum. These discrepancies infer a possibility either that our understanding of thermospheric nitrogen chemisty includes a serious error, or that the meridional circulation affects considerably the NO density profile even at altitudes above 140 km and at low latitudes.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is formed in the atmosphere through the ionization and dissociation of molecular nitrogen by galactic cosmic rays. One NO molecule is formed for each ion pair produced by cosmic ray ionization.The height-integrated input (day and night) to the lower stratosphere is of the order of 6 × 107 NO molecules cm?2/sec in the auroral zone (geomagnetic latitude Φ ? 60°) during the minimum of the sunspot cycle and 4 × 107 NO molecules cm?2/sec in the subauroral belt and auroral region (Φ? 45°) at the maximum of solar activity. The tropical production is less than 10?7 NO molecules cm?2/sec above 17 km and at the equator the production is only 3 × 106NO molecules cm?2/sec.  相似文献   

V.A. Krasnopolsky 《Icarus》1979,37(1):182-189
Observations and model calculations of water vapor diffusion suggest that about half the amount of water vapor is distributed with constant mixing ratio in the Martian atmosphere, the other half is the excess water vapor in the lower troposphere. During 24 hr the total content of water vapor may vary by a factor of two. The eddy diffusion coefficient providing agreement between calculations and observations is K = (3–10) × 106 cm2 sec?1 in the troposphere. An analytical expression is derived for condensate density in the stratosphere in terms of the temperature profile, the particle radius r, and K. The calculations agree with the Mars 5 measurements for r = 1.5 μm, condensate density 5 × 10?12 g/cm3 in the layer maximum at 30 to 35 km, condensate column density 7 × 10?6 cm?2, K = (1?3) × 106 cm2 sec?1, and the temperature profile T = 185 ? 0.05z ? 0.01z2 at 20 to 40 km. Condensation conditions yield a temperature of 160°K at 60 km in the evening; the scale height for scattered radiation yields T = 110°k at 80 to 90 km. The Mars model atmosphere has been developed up to 125 km.  相似文献   

Two extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrophotometers flown in December 1978 on Venera 11 and Venera 12 measured the hydrogen Lyman α emission resonantly scattered in the atmosphere of Venus. Measurements were obtained across the dayside of the disk, and in the exosphere up to 50,000 km. They were analyzed with spherically symmetric models for which the radiative transfer equation was solved. The H content of the Venus atmosphere varies from optically thin to moderately thick regions. A shape fit at the bright limb allows one to determine the exospheric temperature Tc and the number density nc independently of the calibration of the instrument or the exact value of the solar flux. The dayside exospheric temperature was measured for the first time in the polar regions, with Tc = 300 ± 25°K for Venera 11 (79°S) and Tc = 275 ± 25°K (59°S) for Venera 12. At the same place, the density is nc = 4?2+3 × 104 atom.cm?3, and the integrated number density Nt from 250 to 110 km (the level of CO2 absorption) is 2.1 × 1012 atom.cm?2, a factor of 3 to 6 lower than that predicted in aeronomical models. This probably indicates that the models should be revised in the content of H-bearing molecules and should include the effect of dynamics. Across the disk the value of Nt decreases smoothly with a total variation of two from the morning side to the afternoon side. Alternately it could be a latitude effect, with less hydrogen in the polar regions. The nonthermal component if clearly seen up to 40,000 km of altitude. It is twice as abundant as at the time of Mariner 10 (solar minimum). Its radial distribution above 4000 km can be simulated by an exospheric distribution with T = 1030K and n = 103 atom.cm?3 at the exobase level. However, there are less hot atoms between 2000 and 4000 km than predicted by an ionospheric source. A by-product of the analysis is a determination of a very high solar Lyman α flux of 7.6 × 1011 photons (cm2 sec Å)?1 at line center (1 AU) in December 1978.  相似文献   

During the 2011 outburst of the Draconid meteor shower, members of the Video Meteor Network of the International Meteor Organization provided, for the first time, fully automated flux density measurements in the optical domain. The data set revealed a primary maximum at 20:09 UT ± 5 min on 8 October 2011 (195.036° solar longitude) with an equivalent meteoroid flux density of (118 ± 10) × 10?3/km2/h at a meteor limiting magnitude of +6.5, which is thought to be caused by the 1900 dust trail. We also find that the outburst had a full width at half maximum of 80 min, a mean radiant position of α = 262.2°, δ = +56.2° (±1.3°) and geocentric velocity of vgeo = 17.4 km/s (±0.5 km/s). Finally, our data set appears to be consistent with a small sub-maximum at 19:34 UT ±7 min (195.036° solar longitude) which has earlier been reported by radio observations and may be attributed to the 1907 dust trail. We plan to implement automated real-time flux density measurements for all known meteor showers on a regular basis soon.  相似文献   

Based on published sources, we have created a kinematic database on 220 massive (> 10 M ) young Galactic star systems located within ≤3 kpc of the Sun. Out of them, ≈100 objects are spectroscopic binary and multiple star systems whose components are massive OB stars; the remaining objects are massive Hipparcos B stars with parallax errors of no more than 10%. Based on the entire sample, we have constructed the Galactic rotation curve, determined the circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center at R 0 = 8kpc, V 0 = 259±16 km s?1, and obtained the following spiral density wave parameters: the amplitudes of the radial and azimuthal velocity perturbations f R = ?10.8 ± 1.2 km s?1 and f θ = 7.9 ± 1.3 km s?1, respectively; the pitch angle for a two-armed spiral pattern i = ?6.0° ± 0.4°, with the wavelength of the spiral density wave near the Sun being λ = 2.6 ± 0.2 kpc; and the radial phase of the Sun in χ = ?120° ± 4°. We show that such peculiarities of the Gould Belt as the local expansion of the system, the velocity ellipsoid vertex deviation, and the significant additional rotation can be explained in terms of the density wave theory. All these effects decrease noticeably once the influence of the spiral density wave on the velocities of nearby stars has been taken into account. The influence of Gould Belt stars on the Galactic parameter estimates has also been revealed. Eliminating them from the kinematic equations has led to the following new values of the spiral density wave parameters: f θ = 2.9 ± 2.1 km s?1 and χ = ?104° ± 6°.  相似文献   

Based on kinematic data on masers with known trigonometric parallaxes and measurements of the velocities of HI clouds at tangential points in the inner Galaxy, we have refined the parameters of the Allen-Santillan model Galactic potential and constructed the Galactic rotation curve in a wide range of Galactocentric distances, from 0 to 20 kpc. The circular rotation velocity of the Sun for the adopted Galactocentric distance R 0 = 8 kpc is V 0 = 239 ± 16 km s?1. We have obtained the series of residual tangential, ΔV θ , and radial, V R , velocities for 73 masers. Based on these series, we have determined the parameters of the Galactic spiral density wave satisfying the linear Lin-Shu model using the method of periodogram analysis that we proposed previously. The tangential and radial perturbation amplitudes are f θ = 7.0±1.2 km s?1 and f R = 7.8±0.7 km s?1, respectively, the perturbation wave length is λ = 2.3±0.4 kpc, and the pitch angle of the spiral pattern in a two-armed model is i = ?5.2° ±0.7°. The phase of the Sun ζ in the spiral density wave is ?50° ± 15° and ?160° ± 15° from the residual tangential and radial velocities, respectively.  相似文献   

The satellite NOAA-B (1980-43A) was launched in May 1980 into an orbit with perigee height near 260 km and apogee height 1440 km, at an inclination of 92.2°.The lifetime was 11 months. The orbit has been determined at 40 epochs between October 1980 and May 1981 from about 3000 radar and optical observations. The average orbital accuracy, radial and cross-track, was about 100 m, with rather better accuracy in the final 14 days.The variation of orbital inclination has been analysed to determine two good values of atmospheric rotation rate, namely 1.10 ± 0.10 rev day?1 at 300 km (average local time) and 1.15 ± 0.06 rev day?1 at 225 km (evening).The effect of atmospheric rotation on the precession of the orbital plane of an actual satellite has never previously been detected; it is clearly apparent for 1980-43A in its last days and conforms to the expected theoretical change.The variation of perigee height has been analysed to determine ten values of atmospheric density scale height, for heights of 280–370 km. These values, accurate to about 3%, exceed by 15% the values indicated by the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere. Solar activity was higher in the years 1980–1981 than at any time since early 1958 and it appears that the CIRA model underestimates the density and density scale height at high levels of solar activity.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of NO and NO2 in the stratosphere leading to an NOx determination have been performed by means of i.r. absorption spectrometry using the Sun as a source in the 5·2 μm band of NO and in the 6·2 μm band of NO2. The observed abundance of NOP peaks at 26 km where it is equal to (4·2 ± 1) × 109 cm?3. The volume mixing ratio of NOp was observed to vary from 1·3 × 10?9 at 20 km to 1·3 × 10?8 at 34 km.  相似文献   

A magnetic type mass spectrometer has been flown on two ESRO sounding rockets from ESRANGE (Kiruna 68°N) on February 25 and 26, 1970. The first launch was at sunset (16:33 UT) and the second the next morning, during sunrise (04:47 UT). For both flights the solar zenith angle was approximately 98°. The instrument was measuring simultaneously the neutral gas and positive ion composition and the total ion density. In this paper the results of the ion composition measurements are presented. For both flights the main ion constituents measured between approximately 110–220 km were O+, NO+ and O2+. Only at sunset were N+ and N2+ detected above 200 km. In spite of the identical solar UV-radiation, pronounced sunset/sunrise variations in the positive ion composition were found. The total ion densities at sunrise were between 5×103 and 5 × 104 ions cm?3 and therefore too high to be explained without a night-time ionization by precipitated particles. At sunrise the NO+ and O2+ profiles show a correlated wavelike structure with three pronounced almost equally spaced layers in the E-region. Only the highest layer is present in the O+ profile. Locally enhanced field aligned ionization originated by particle precipitation and an E × B instability are the most likely source for this structure. In the E- and lower F-regions the NO+O2+ ration increased overnight from values around 7 at sunset to 15 at sunrise, correlated with an increase of the local magnetic activity index K from 0+ to 2°. This could be explained if the NO density and magnetic activity are correlated.  相似文献   

To study the peculiarities of the Galactic spiral density wave, we have analyzed the space velocities of Galactic Cepheids with propermotions from the Hipparcos catalog and line-of-sight velocities from various sources. First, based on the entire sample of 185 stars and taking R 0 = 8 kpc, we have found the components of the peculiar solar velocity (u , v ) = (7.6, 11.6) ± (0.8, 1.1) km s?1, the angular velocity of Galactic rotation Ω0 = 27.5 ± 0.5 km s?1 kpc?1 and its derivatives Ω′0 = ?4.12 ± 0.10 km s?1 kpc?2 and Ω″0 = 0.85 ± 0.07 km s?1 kpc?3, the amplitudes of the velocity perturbations in the spiral density wave f R = ?6.8 ± 0.7 and f θ = 3.3 ± 0.5 km s?1, the pitch angle of a two-armed spiral pattern (m = 2) i = ?4.6° ± 0.1° (which corresponds to a wavelength λ = 2.0 ± 0.1 kpc), and the phase of the Sun in the spiral density wave χ = ?193° ± 5°. The phase χ has been found to change noticeably with the mean age of the sample. Having analyzed these phase shifts, we have determined the mean value of the angular velocity difference Ω p ? Ω, which depends significantly on the calibrations used to estimate the individual ages of Cepheids. When estimating the ages of Cepheids based on Efremov’s calibration, we have found |Ω p ? Ω0| = 10 ± 1stat ± 3syst km s?1 kpc?1. The ratio of the radial component of the gravitational force produced by the spiral arms to the total gravitational force of the Galaxy has been estimated to be f r0 = 0.04 ± 0.01.  相似文献   

A simplified D-region model consisting of O2+, NO+ and their respective cluster ions grouped as Zo2+ and ZNO+ is used to reproduce the available rocket data on positive ion relative composition and effective clustering rates for the height range 70–90 km. The results of this analysis for a winter anomalous day (Sardinia, 40°N) are in good agreement with the presently known ideas on NO densities, O2+ production rates, mesospheric temperature, negative ion to electron density ratio and effective loss coefficient for electrons. Mesospheric nitric oxide density and temperature profiles from this study are in excellent agreement with the findings of Zbinden et al. (1975) and Hidalgo (1977) for the anomalous day at Sardinia.  相似文献   

511 Davida was observed with the technique of speckle interferometry at Steward Observatory's 2.3-m telescope on May 3, 1982. Assuming Davida to be a featureless triaxial ellipsoid, based on five 7-min observations its triaxial ellipsoid dimensions and standard deviations were found to be (465 ± 90) × (358 ± 58) × (258 ± 356) km. This shape is close to an equilibrium figure (a gravitationally shaped “rubble pile?”) suggesting a density of 1.4 ± 0.4 g/cm3. Simultaneously with the triaxial solution for the size and shape of Davida, we found its north rotational pole to lie within 29° of RA = 19h08m, Dec = +15° (λ = 291°, β = +37°). If Davida is assumed to be a prolate biaxial ellipsoid, then its dimensions were found to be (512 ± 100) × (334 ± 39) km, with a north pole within 16° of RA = 10h52m, Dec = +16° (λ = 322°, β = +32°). We derive and apply to Davida a new simultaneous amplitude-magnitude (SAM)-aspect method, finding, from photometric data only, axial ratios of a/b = 1.25 ± .02, b/c = 1.14 ± .03, and a rotational pole within 4° of λ = 307°, β = +32°. We also derive a (weighted) linearized form of the amplitude-aspect relation to obtain axial ratios and a pole. However, amplitudes must be known to better than .01 if the b/c or a/c ratios are desired to better than 10%. Combining the speckle and SAM results, we find for the Gehrels and Tedesco phase function a geometric albedo of .033 ± .009 and for the Lumme and Bowell function .041 ± .011, for a unified model of 437 × 350 × 307 km. Differences between the photometric and speckle axial ratios and poles are probably due to the effects of albedo structure over the asteroid; details on individual lightcurves support this conclusion.  相似文献   

Altitude dependences of [CO2] and [CO2+] are deduced from Mariner 6 and 7 CO2+ airglow measurements. CO2 densities are also obtained from ne radio occultation measurements. Both [CO2] profiles are similar and correspond to the model atmosphere of Barth et al. (1972) at 120 km, but at higher altitudes they diverge and at 200–220 km the obtained [CO2] values are three times less the model. Both the airglow and radio occultation observations show that a correction factor of 2.5 should be included into the values for solar ionization flux given by Hinteregger (1970). The ratio of [CO2+]/ne is 0.15–0.2 and, hence, [O]/[CO2] is ~3% at 135 km. An atmospheric and ionospheric model is developed for 120–220 km. The calculated temperature profile is characterized by a value of T ≈ 370°K at h ? 220 km, a steep gradient (~2°/km) at 200-160 km, a bend in the profile at 160 km, a small gradient (~0.7°/km) below and a value of T ≈ 250°K at 120 km. The upper point agrees well with the results of the Lyman-α measurements; the steep gradient may be explained by molecular viscosity dissipation of gravity and acoustical waves (the corresponding energy flux is 4 × 10?2 erg cm?2sec?1 at 180 km). The bend at 160 km may be caused by a sharp decrease of the eddy diffusion coefficient and defines K ≈ 2 × 108cm2sec?1; and the low gradient gives an estimate of the efficiency of the atmosphere heating by the solar radiation as ? ≈ 0.1.  相似文献   

We have redetermined the kinematic parameters of the Gould Belt using currently available data on the motion of nearby young (log t < 7.91) open clusters, OB associations, and moving stellar groups. Our modeling shows that the residual velocities reach their maximum values of ?4 km s?1 for rotation (in the direction of Galactic rotation) and +4 km s?1 for expansion at a distance from the kinematic center of ≈300 pc. We have taken the following parameters of the Gould Belt center: R 0 = 150 pc and l 0 = 128°. The whole structure is shown to move relative to the local standard of rest at a velocity of 10.7 ± 0.7 km s?1 in the direction l = 274° ± 4° and b = ?1° ± 3°. Using the derived rotation velocity, we have estimated the virial mass of the Gould Belt to be 1.5 × 106 M .  相似文献   

A model for diurnal variations of neutral and ionic nitrogen compounds in the thermosphere is reconstructed on the basis of a new photochemical aspect on N(2D), together with new observations of the NO density. The NO density so far measured must be reduced by a factor 2, due to a revision of the fluorescence coefficient for the NO γ-band airglow. Incorporating the quenching reaction of N(2D) with O in the model calculation results in a reduction of the NO density at heights as low as 100 km. These two effects are combined to lead to an evaluation that the N(2D) quantum yield for various possible reactions is as large as 0.9. A smaller rate coefficient for the quenching reaction than that measured in the laboratory, i.e. 1.0 × 10?12cm3sec?1 is favourable for the recent NO observation in the early morning, as well as the observed emission rates of the 5200 A airglow from N(2D) The present model predicts a significant day-to-night variation of N and NO densities at heights above 100 km. Below 100 km, the NO density is fairly stable because of its long chemical time constant. Since the rate coefficient for the conversion of N(4S) to NO is highly temperature dependent, the relative population of N(4S) and NO is very sensitive to the thermospheric temperature variation. Large variations of both N(4S) and NO densities due to the temperature change could occur especially at night. The model is in good agreement with the NO observations so far available in low and middle latitudes, as well as the N observation by the use of a rocket in the twilight.  相似文献   

The results of the investigation of two regions of Venus by bistatic radiolocation are presented. The experiments were carried out at wavelength λ0 = 32 cm. Maps of the distribution of reflectivity were obtained and characteristics of the relief, dielectric permittivity, soil density, and refraction attenuation in the atmosphere were measured. The value of the dispersion of small-scale slopes in the observed regions, γ, varies between 0.4 and 2.2°. There are some features on the reflectivity maps. Some of these features may correspond to mountain slopes with values in the range 2 to 8°. Corresponding changes of relief heights are contained in the interval 0.8 to 2.6 km. The features are found within the region (in the venerocentric IAU system): ?26.5 to 25.0° latitude and 220.0?239.2° longitude. One area was revealed with large values of permittivity in the range 6.5–7.5, and soil density between 2.7 and 2.9 g/cm3. The center of this area is located at ?23.5° latitude and 230.4° longitude. The extent of this region is 80 km. The results of measurements of the refraction angle and the refraction attenuation of radio waves are in good agreement with the parameters of the atmosphere of Venus received from the Soviet landers.  相似文献   

Polarization observations of the H2O maser emission at 1.35 cm from the active region Orion KL were carried out at epoch 2011.7 on the Svetloe-Zelenchukskaya radio interferometer. The observational data have been processed on the correlator of the QUASAR network. Fragments of the structure have been identified; the line velocities and profile widths and the emission polarization have been determined. The component at the radial velocity V = 7.0 km s?1 has been taken as a reference one. Its effective size in the Gaussian approximation is 1.5 mas, the axial ratio is Major/Minor = 3.3, and the orientation is PA = 11°. The component V = 7.6 km s?1 corresponds to a bipolar outflow with an effective size of 6.2 mas, the axial ratio is Major/Minor = 5.3, and the orientation ?32°. The bipolar outflow is 10 mas away from the reference feature in the direction of 173°. The longitudinal velocity components of the NW and SE parts of the bipolar outflow in the local standard of rest are +0.15 and ?0.15 km s?1, respectively. The degrees of polarization of the emission from the reference feature (7.0 km s?1) and the bipolar outflow are m = 39 and 52%, respectively. The difference in polarization orientations of both components ?? ?? does not exceed 3°.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of non-Hubble bulk motions of galaxies are studied by analyzing a sample of 1271 thin edge-on spirals with distances determined using a multiparametric Tully-Fisher relation that includes the amplitude of the galaxy rotation, the blue and red diameters, surface brightness, and morphological type. In the purely dipole approximation, the bulk motion of galaxies relative to the cosmic microwave background frame can be described by the velocity of 336±96 km s?1 in the direction l=321°, b=?1° within radius R max =10000 km s?1. An analysis of more complex velocity field models shows that the anisotropy of the Hubble expansion described by the quadrupole term is equal to ~5% on scale lengths R max=6000–10000 km s?1. The amplitude within the Local Supercluster (R max=3000 km s?1) is as high as ~20%. The inclusion of the octupole component reduces the dipole amplitude to 134±111 km s?1 on scale lengths of ~8000 km s?1. The most remarkable feature of the galaxy velocity field within R max=8000 km s?1 is the zone of minimum centered on l=80°, b=0° (the constellation of Cygnus) whose amplitude reaches 18% of the mean Hubble velocity.  相似文献   

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