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电影不仅是作为一种艺术品,同时也是作为一种商品存在,而电影片名就好比是电影的一件外衣,因此,确切地翻译电影片名非常重要。电影片名的翻译技巧有很多,同时影响电影片名的翻译的因素也有很多。因此.在翻译电影片名时要从各方面因素考虑,从而选择恰当的翻译技巧.使得译名不仅能够从意义上忠实于源名。涵盖电影的内容,同时在形式上做到简练并具有吸引力。  相似文献   

The Green Corridor in the lower reaches of the Tarim River is not only a unique natural landscape in desert but also an important passageway. Nowadays, the ecologic environment of the corridor is getting worse and worse due to man's economic activities and the lack of knowledge of the importance of the environment, which is one of is the three environment problems in Xinjiang. The corridor is in great need of planning and managing.  相似文献   

在群舞创作中,舞蹈构图就是舞蹈演员与整个舞台空间的静止画面,"静止"是舞蹈构图的表现形式,"流动"是舞蹈调度的表现形式,作为舞蹈构图与构图的必要连接,在营造舞蹈情境和增强形式美上起到了补充作用。舞蹈调度是变换舞蹈构图的一种过程,舞蹈构图是调度过程的某一个停顿和结果。二者相辅相成,不断进行连接和变化,为表现舞蹈作品的主题,交代环境情节和塑造舞蹈形象而发挥其特有的作用。  相似文献   

The building of Shuikou Hydropower Station in the Minjiang River is the largest one in the region of east China. Its install capacity is 1.4 million kw., and its generated energy of planning is 4.95 billion kwh each year. In accordance with a comprehensive survey of the valley of the middle-lower reaches of the Minjiang River and the characteristic of hydrography and in association with the specific type of the hydrography station, we can be sure that no harm will be done to the ecological environment when a hydropower station is built at Shuikou. Not only the deposition of silt within the reservoir must not be very serious, it is also more favorable than before for the irrigation of farmland on plains in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River and inland navigation.In addition, after the completion of the power station, the ecological environment will be the same as before both at the Minjiang River estuary and beyond it.  相似文献   

电影不仅是作为一种艺术品,同时也是作为一种商品存在,而电影片名就好比是电影的一件外衣,因此,确切地翻译电影片名非常重要。电影片名的翻译技巧有很多,同时影响电影片名的翻译的因素也有很多。因此,在翻译电影片名时要从各方面因素考虑,从而选择恰当的翻译技巧,使得译名不仅能够从意义上忠实于源名,涵盖电影的内容,同时在形式上做到简练并具有吸引力。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionManymeteorologistsandoceanographerspaidmuchattentiontothestudyofthemechanismofENSOformanyyears,suchasBjerknes(1 966) ,Wyrtki(1 975) ,McCreary(1 983 ) ,Philander(1 984) ,ZhangandChao(1 993 )andMcCPhaden(1 998)havemadegreatdevelopmentinthestudyofENSO .Especiallyinthe 1 990’s,withtheincreasingofthedatainthedeepocean ,thesomeonearguedthattheENSOepisodehadcloserelation shipwiththeeasterntransportationoftheanomalousseasurfacetemperatureinthewestPacific(LiandMu 1 999;Huang 2…  相似文献   

从晚唐时期佛教发展状况以及对晚唐士子影响的视角,分析了《锦瑟》一诗体现诗人不彻底的佛学思想与人生回忆交融的思想主旨,并将同为修佛中人但思想境界却极为不同的王维与李商隐作比较,突出李商隐"情禅"的特点。  相似文献   

A stratification parameter ,defined as theamount of mechanical energy required to bring about vertical mixing, has been calculated for theYellow Sea using available data over the past ten years.T he monthly distributions of Log are obtained to explain the features of the Yellow Sea stratification.Fronts of the shallow shelf sea are often inseparably related with its stratifications. The front of the Yellow Sea in the warm half-year is generated in May and disappears in November. The shelf front moves shoreward and becomes strong in the heating season, but becomes weak in the cooling season upon return.  相似文献   

近期中国电影艺术娱乐化趋势的原因,可以从电影生产链条中的市场、生产者和消费者三个方面进行探究。一是社会转型期电影的产业化发展、市场的激烈竞争和票房的功利追求的必然结果,二是源于电影生产者对电影市场化的探索和艺术创作意识的模糊,三是大众文化氛围下观众娱乐消遣的需求。正确认识电影娱乐化这一现象,理解电影的娱乐性和商业性、艺术性的关系,有助于电影艺术的发展。  相似文献   

Variation in intermediate water salinity in the South China Sea (SCS) between the 1960s and 1980s was studied using historical hydrographic data. The results demonstrate that the water was significantly fresher in the 1980s than in the 1960s, indicating that vertical mixing at intermediate water depth was reduced in the 1980s. This was partially because of the change of the SCS meridional overturning circulation (MOC) connecting local intermediate water with deep water. Data assimilation showed a 0.5Sv (1 Sv=10 6m 3/s) reduction in the strength of the MOC, which is about one third of the mean SCS MOC. Because the SCS MOC is linked to the Pacific Ocean, such an interdecadal variation in the intermediate water SCS may reflect anthropogenic climate change in the world ocean.  相似文献   

Investigations from August, 1985 to July , 1986 showed that the high concentration area of PO4-P , SiO3-Si and NO3-N gradually reduced with the reduction of the area of the Changjiang River diluted water from summer, autumn to winter , and that the seasonal distributions and variations of the nutrients concentrations were mainly controlled by the river flow and were also related to the growth and decline of phytoplankton . The conservation of SiO3-Si and NO3-N in the estuary in the flood season was poorer than that in the dry season .. The behaviour of PO4-P in the estuary shows that aside from -biological removal, buffering of PCU-P is possible in the estuary . The highest monthly average concentrations and annual average concentrations in the river mouth were respectively 0.88 and 0.57 umol/L for PO4-P,191.5 and 96.2 umol/L for SiO3-Si, and 81.6 and 58.6 umol/L for NOs-N . The Changjiang's annual transports of PO4-P , SiO3-Si and NO3-N to the sea were about 1.4×104tons , 204.4×104 tons and 63.6×104  相似文献   

再论贺兰山南部北西向构造成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贺兰山南部分布着多个方向的构造,其中最明显地是一系列的北西向构造,目前这些构造的相互关系以及形成机制还没有得到合理地解释,争论很大;野外构造研究表明,贺兰山南部北西向构造的形成与青铜峡一固原断裂活动有密切的关系,是该断裂由走滑运动向挤压运动转换时的派生构造;从另一角度也说明,在中新生代由青铜峡一固原断裂所限定的地块(卫宁北山)向东运动,而这些北西向构造的形成主要发生在新生代。由于卫宁北山向东运动的动力来源于青藏高原,因此,贺兰山南部北西向构造的形成与青藏高原的演化有密切的联系。所以。作为中国重要地质界限的南北向构造——贺兰山已经被青藏高原的构造活动所叠加。  相似文献   

In this paper, by using ocean surface temperature data (COADS), the study is made of the characteristics of the monthly and annual changes of the SST in the tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans, which have important influences on the climate change of the whole globe and the relation between ENSO(E1 Nino-Southern Oscillation) and the Antarctic ice area is also discussed. The result indicates that in the tropical western Pacific and the Indian Oceans the change of Sea Surface Temperture (SST) is conspicuous both monthly and armaully, and shows different change tendency between them. This result may be due to different relation in the vibration period of SST between the two Oceans. The better corresponding relationship is obvious in the annual change of SST in the tropical Indian Ocean with the occurrence El Nino and LaNlra. The change of the SST in the tropical western Pacific and the tropical Indian Oceans has a close relation to the Antarctic ice area, especially to the ice areas in the eastern-south Pole and Ross Sea, and its notable correlative relationship appears in 16 months when the SST of the tropical western Pacific and the Indian Oceans lag back the Antarctic ice area.  相似文献   

严守三条控制线,是形成科学适度有序国土空间布局体系的必要条件;分析三条控制线内土地利用状况,是确保国土规划能落实、三条控制线不可逾越的重要前提。本文以湖南省一定区域为例,基于第三次国土调查成果,分析三条控制线范围内土地利用现状及相互之间的空间关系。结果表明:该区域生态保护红线范围内土地以自然利用为主,耕地与建设用地占比仅有0.73%;该区域永久基本农田保护形势存在一定压力,耕地占比86.45%;该区域城镇开发边界范围内开发潜力充足,建设用地占比37.26%,可建设部分占比62.74%。总体来看,该区域三条控制线按各自功能分类管控,并行不悖。  相似文献   

The source of elements and the modern sedimentary environment of the ferromanganese nodules enriched area of the North Pacific region were analysed statistically and discussed in detail. Cluster analysis shows the area's surface sediments are mainly brown clay and biogenic calcareous, calcsiliceous and siliceous ooze. Factor (principal component) analysis shows that the area's trace elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Cr, etc.) mainly come through adsorption of clay minerals and secondarily from authigenic sediments related to biochemical processes. Bao Gende, 1990. Characteristics of element geochemistry in sediments in the ferromanganese nodules enriched area of the North Pacific region.Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. (in press, in Chinese)  相似文献   

This research aimed to identify the impact of local climatic and topographic conditions on the formation and development of the ice cover in highmountain lakes and the representativeness assessment of periodic point measurements of the ice cover thickness by taking into consideration the role of the avalanches on the icing of the lakes. Field works included measurement of the ice and snow cover thickness of seven lakes situated in the Tatra Mountains(UNESCO biosphere reserve) at the beginning and the end of the 2017/2018 winter season. In addition, morphometric, topographic and daily meteorological data of lakes from local IMGW(Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) stations and satellite images were used. The obtained results enabled us to quantify the impact of the winter eolian snow accumulation on the variation in ice thickness. This variation was ranging from several centimetres up to about 2 meters and had a tendency to increase during the winter season. The thickest ice covers occurred in the most shaded places in the direct vicinity of rock walls. The obtained results confirm a dominating role of the snow cover in the variation of the ice thickness within individual lakes.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the study on the protozoan community structure of the immersed sediment in the Three-Gorges Area of the Changjiang River. Protozoa observed included 7 phytoflagellates, 12 zooflagellates, 49 amoebae and 16 ciliates. Sarcodina dominated in sediment, ciliates in water. Analysis of species and horizontal density distribution of protozoan in sediment in 28 sampling points reflected the pollution degree of water quality at every site. It was shown that heavy metal contamination in sediment has some effects on the distribution of protozoan species in the Changjiang River. This study was supported by Chinese National Nature Science Fund No. 386-0595  相似文献   

【目的】从亲疏水特征的角度对贝壳各层次结构中的界面进行分析探讨。【方法】采用接触角测量仪对贝壳的中维界面、无机文石及无机方解石进行水接触角测量。【结果】贝壳内表面的水接触角普遍大于90°,其中最大值为113°,最小值为91°;贝壳表壳层内表面边缘位置的水接触角平均值为67°,内部位置的水接触角平均值为112°;无机文石及无机方解石平整表面的水接触角均小于90°,其平均值分别为50°、49°。【结论】贝壳内表面具有疏水性,即有机质层具有疏水性;由于具有亲水特征的文石及方解石为贝壳矿物的主要成分,说明贝壳矿物结构具有亲水性;贝壳表壳层内表面边缘呈现亲水特征,内部呈现疏水特征。  相似文献   


本文首先论述了华南与周边的地质构造分野,着重阐述了大别-舟山造山带的依据。文章分析了基底构造的基本特点及沿海陆域的地壳典型结构;重点阐述了该区中生代以来的印支运动、兰江运动、闽浙运动、丽水运动和狭义的燕山运动等地质事件的主要特点及表现形式;文章依据有利的7个含油(气)层位,以及构造变格所造成的盆地模跨规律等,提出了三个含油(气)远景区。  相似文献   

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