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Trace amounts (from nanogram to microgram levels) of bromine and iodine were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in twenty-three geochemical reference materials issued by the GSJ, USGS, IAEA etc. The pyrohydrolysis technique was used to separate bromine and iodine from samples analysed in the form of powder. The accuracy and precision of the experimental values were assessed by the comparative analysis of well established reference materials such as USGS AGV-1, BCR-1 and IGGE GBW07312. The measured values agreed well with reported values within a 10% error range. We also report reliable new data for these elements in these geochemical reference materials.  相似文献   

Analytical results for iodine in twenty six geological reference materials (RM) are presented. Bromine, fluorine and chlorine were also determined in some samples. Pyrohydrolysis in a heated quartz tube under a wet oxygen flow was used for the separation of the halogens from the matrix and the evolved gas was absorbed in a trap solution. The halogens were measured by ICP-MS and ion chromatography (IC). All four halogens can be collected in the trap solution from one combustion procedure. The analysed samples range in type from igneous rocks to terrestrial and marine sediments. Precision, detection limits, and accuracy are also presented.  相似文献   

The selenium content of fifty two geochemical reference samples, issued by several reference material producers (ANRT, GIT-IWG, USGS, NIST and GSJ) has been determined by continuous hydride generation and atomic absorption spectrometry. Selenium(VI) in the digested solutions was pre-reduced to selenium(IV) by heating in 6 mol l−1 HCl solution. The limit of detection was 3 ng g−1 selenium in common geological samples. Some samples which contain a large amount of heavy metals were analysed by the standard addition technique. The agreement between the reported results and published data is satisfactory.  相似文献   

中国地质标准物质文献索引(1980—2010)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
汇集了自中国开展地质标准物质研制与应用工作以来发表的中外文献和专著221条,制成按年代编排的文献索引(1980—2010)、按专题(综合性评述、研制成果发表、制备技术与方法、专题评述和专著)编排的文献索引和作者索引。最后对文献的年度分布、各专题和各类(岩石、沉积物和土壤;矿石矿物;贵金属;能源矿产;化学物相;生物、食品材料;形态、有效态;同位素和年代学;电子探针微区)标准物质的文献分布及文献的期刊分布和作者单位分布等作了简单统计。  相似文献   

Selenium has been determined in sixty five geological reference materials of different origins by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Samples were decomposed with a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. Selenium was reduced to SeIV with hydrochloric acid, and then fixed and separated from the matrix on thiol cotton. After digestion of the thiol cotton in hot nitric acid, the Se concentration was measured using palladium and magnesium nitrates as a matrix modifier. The limit of determination was 0.02 μg g−1, the precision of the results (relative standard deviation of 3 to 8 replicates) varied from 2.6 to 17.7% with an average of 7.9% in the range 0.02-42.7 μg g−1 and was similar to the value obtained for synthetic samples. Our results are in good agreement with available literature values.  相似文献   

The total sulfur contents of thirty one geochemical reference materials were determined using an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer fitted with a semiconductor photodiode detector. Most samples were decomposed using an HF-aqua regia digestion. However, a few were incompletely decomposed by simple acid digestion, and these were decomposed by a fusion method. The agreement between the analytical results from this work and published data is generally good.  相似文献   

We have developed a new database named GeoReM ( http://georem.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de ) for reference materials and isotopic standards of geochemical and mineralogical interest. Reference samples include rock powders originating from the USGS, GSJ, GIT-IWG, synthetic and natural reference glasses originating from NIST, USGS, MPI-DING, as well as mineral (e.g., 91500 zircon), isotopic (e.g., La Jolla, E&A, NIST SRM 981), river water and seawater reference materials. GeoReM is a relational database, which strongly follows the concept of the three EARTHCHEM databases. It contains published analytical and compilation values (major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios), important metadata about the analytical values, such as uncertainty, uncertainty type, method and laboratory. Sample information and references are also included. Three different ways of interrogating the database are possible: (1) sample names or material types, (2) chemical criteria and (3) bibliography. Some typical applications are described. GeoReM currently (October 2005) contains more than 750 geological reference materials, 6000 individual sets of results and references to 650 publications.  相似文献   

In order to meet the needs of geochemical mapping and geochemical exploration, 125 geochemical reference materials have been successively prepared by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (IGGE) since 1978. They include certified reference materials of stream sediments (GSD1-14), soils (GSS1-16; ASA 1–6, for analysis of available elements), various rocks (GSR1-6, GSR13-15), biological material (GSV1-4 and GSB 1–10), synthetic silicates (GSES I 1–11) and limestones (GSES II 1–9 for spectral analysis). They also include geochemical reference materials for ore analysis: Cu-Pb-Zn ores (GSO1-4), Cu-Pb-Zn concentrates (GSO5-7), platinum-group element (PGE) ores (GPt5-6 and GPt9-10), silver ores (GAg1-6) and geochemical reference materials for Au (GAu8-14) and PGE determination (GPt1-4, and GPt7-8). A multi-laboratory collaborative analysis scheme was adopted in the certification procedure of the IGGE. Dozens of competent laboratories with hundreds of senior analysts in China participated in the certification analysis. These samples have been supplied to more than thirty countries and more than 4000 customers from national industrial, agricultural, environmental, scientific and educational fields. Most of the geochemical reference materials are used for the calibration of measuring apparatus, evaluation of analytical methods, certification studies, quality control and laboratory accreditation programmes.  相似文献   

地球化学与环境样品分析标准物质和GeoReM数据库   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
在地球化学和环境样品分析中,标准物质发挥着越来越重要的作用。尽管通常要求分析者必须提供量值溯源的测量过程的信息;但大多数论著都未给出标准物质的数据。文章强调标准物质在地球化学分析工作中的重要性,同时将地球化学与环境样品分析标准物质数据库GeoReM介绍给中国的地质分析工作者。GeoReM数据库收录了1880个地球化学和环境样品分析标准物质的定值数据、汇编数据、分析数据及其他相关信息,其中包括156个由中国制备的标准物质的数据。GeoReM数据库还给出了所收录标准物质推荐使用的首选值及其不确定度。尽管这些首选值大多都不是按照国际标准化组织的有关规定而确定的,但是它们的置信度高,因而被广泛应用于仪器校准和分析数据的质量监控。文章还指出要将中国研制的、发表在中文期刊上的标准物质也收录到GeoReM数据库中,这对于促进中国的相关研究,增加国际认可度具有重要意义。  相似文献   

New Series of Rock and Sediment Geochemical Reference Materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Certified or reference values for sixty six to sixty seven elements and element oxides are given for geochemical reference materials recently prepared by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (IGGE), including limestone (GSR-13), granitic gneiss (GSR-14), amphibolite (GSR-15), lake sediment (GSS-9) and stream sediments (GSD-1a, GSD-13, GSD-14). These samples supplement the GSR 1-6, GSD1-8 and GSD 9-12 certified reference materials already prepared and characterized by the IGGE.  相似文献   

The concentration of boron was determined in twenty one geochemical reference materials (silicate rocks) by isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Boron was extracted from the rocks using HF digestion, suppressing boron volatilisation through boron-mannitol complexation. Sample solutions, in a diluted HCl matrix, were analysed by ICP-MS without any separation of boron from the matrix elements. The results obtained were in agreement with the literature data and indicate that using the described procedure, trace amounts of boron can be very easily determined in complex matrices with rapidity and precision. With the instrumentation and reagents used in this study, this procedure can be used for the determination of 0.5 μg g−1 boron in a 15 0 mg silicate rock sample. Replicate analyses of the twenty one geochemical reference materials (GRM), ranging in boron concentration from 1.35 to 15 7 μg g−1, yielded precisions (relative standard deviation) varying between 0.9 and 9.8%.  相似文献   

国际同位素参考物质的定值和原子量标定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁悌平 《地球学报》2004,25(2):103-108
同位素参考物质是同位素地质测量的"砝码".其同位素组成是同位素测量的基本参数.国际同位素参考物质的建立与定值已有五十多年的历史,其中经历了许多成功与曲折.在20世纪80年代后,国际同位素参考物质的建立与定值进入了健康发展的新时期.在国际原子能机构等国际组织的组织和指导下,许多研究人员积极参与,逐步建立了一批应用广泛的同位素参考物质.采用实验室对比测量和同位素绝对比值测量等方法对这些物质的同位素组成进行了准确定值.这些成果对统一同位素测量的基准和尺度,保证同位素测试数据在国际范围内的可比性起到了巨大的推动作用.同时,对元素原子量标定,乃至阿伏伽德罗常数等基本常数的标定也起了重要作用.  相似文献   

A novel method is described for the rapid dissolution of various geological, geochemical and related reference samples for the determination of Au and the platinum-group elements. The decomposition procedure is based on reaction with the fluoroxidants, liquid bromine trifluoride or molten potassium tetrafluorobromate. Results by this novel procedure are compared with data obtained by traditional methods of sample decomposition, including fire assay, autoclave techniques and an aqua regia leach. The oxidative fluorination procedure with the subsequent conversion of fluorocomplexes into the chloride form was found to be an effective and rapid method for the quantification of all the precious metals in a range of sample types.  相似文献   

Seven soil geochemical certified reference materials (CRMs) GSS 10-16 recently prepared by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (IGGE), are mainly used for sample analysis in geochemical surveys of the overburden region in China. Fifteen Chinese institutes and central laboratories, which operated at a high level of analytical performance analysed these samples. More than ten reliable analytical methods based on different principles of measurement were adopted, of which ICP-MS, ICP-AES and NAA were taken as the primary analytical methods. In total, 23715 determinations were carried out, 5660 average data sets were obtained, seventy two elements and components were determined and certified values of sixty nine elements and components were assigned. Rhenium concentrations were measured by isotope dilution ICP-MS in GSS-10, GSS-13, GSS-15 and GSS-16. Certified values of elements in GSS 10-16 have good precision and for 90% of these values relative uncertainties are less than 10%.  相似文献   

评介了目前中国地质标准物质研制中样品均匀性检验与评价所用方法,包括:检测方法,统计判别模式,结果的定性、定量表达和最小取样量确定等。对照国家相关技术规范、国际标准化组织导则和国际地质分析者协会的地质标准物质定值协议,探讨了我国地质标准物质均匀性检验与评价中的难点及现存问题。  相似文献   

Trace amounts of three halogens (chlorine, bromine and iodine) in seventeen U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) geochemical reference materials were determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA). The materials analysed were AGV‐2 (andesite), BCR‐2, BHVO‐2 and BIR‐1a (basalts), CLB‐1 (coal), COQ‐1 (carbonatite), DGPM‐1 (disseminated gold ore), DNC‐1a (dolerite), DTS‐2b (dunite), GSP‐2 (granodiorite), Nod‐A‐1 and Nod‐P‐1 (manganese nodules), QLO‐1a (quartz latite), SBC‐1 (marine shale), SDC‐1 (mica schist), SGR‐1b (shale rock) and W‐2a (diabase). The chlorine, bromine and iodine contents were determined to be 5.64 mg kg?1 (BIR‐1a) to 4410 mg kg?1 (Nod‐A‐1), 0.039 mg kg?1 (BIR‐1a) to 52.1 mg kg?1 (CLB‐1), and 0.041 mg kg?1 (BIR‐1a) to 599 mg kg?1 (CLB‐1), respectively. The RNAA data of the three halogens were compared with the corresponding data in the literature.  相似文献   

This article presents new boron concentrations for nine geochemical reference materials (GS‐N, FK‐N, GL‐O, BX‐N, DT‐N, AN‐G, GH, Mica‐Fe, Mica‐Mg). After extraction by a modified pyrohydrolysis technique, boron concentrations were measured by ICP‐MS. The blank levels for the whole procedure were 0.091 ± 0.020 ng ml?1 or 14 ± 5 ng of boron in total. The method was first validated by measuring nine reference materials with known boron concentrations. The determined boron concentrations are all within the range of recommended or published values, which means that the yields were 100%, and show precisions below 10% for samples containing over 2 μg g?1 of boron.  相似文献   

We determined chlorine contents in nine GSJ (Geological Survey of Japan) reference materials (JB-1, 1a, 2, 3; JA-1, 2, 3; JR-1, 2) by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis, employing the standard addition method. Pressed powder disks of each reference material were used for neutron irradiation and gammaray measurement, after known quantities (25-200 μl) of sodium chloride solution were added. The influence of the nearby sodium peak overlap was checked, and fluctuations in the chlorine count rate were corrected using silicon as an internal standard. The slopes of calibration lines for seven reference materials (JB-1, 2, 3; JA-1, 2, 3; JR-2) and SiO2 powders fall within 5% error, and their chlorine values were obtained from the intercepts. Chlorine contents in JB-1 a and JR-1 were also determined by using the calibration lines. Our chlorine values ranged from 26.1 to 934 μg g-1, which agrees well with the previously reported values.  相似文献   

国际标准物质数据库COMAR及有证标准物质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王巧云 《岩矿测试》2014,33(2):155-167
有证标准物质(CRMs)是具有准确量值的测量标准,在分析方法研究和评价、定性和定量分析、矿产勘查、仲裁检验、质量监督检验等领域发挥着重要的作用。20世纪80年代成立的国际标准物质数据库(COMAR)是目前国际上最大的CRMs数据库,收录来自25个成员国274个生产机构提供的CRMs数量超过10200种。本文从CRMs的数量、分类、发展变化等角度全面评述了国际数据库COMAR,阐述了欧盟组织、美国、中国、日本、澳大利亚等成员国的标准物质研究情况。英、美、法、德等国家的标准物质研究开展较早,研究水平高,处于世界领先地位;中国、日本等亚洲国家标准物质的发展虽起步晚,但发展迅速,已成为向COMAR提供CRMs最多的两个国家,分别为1194种和1456种(截至2013年8月)。COMAR建立以来,工业、有色金属和物理特性三大传统应用领域的CRMs占COMA数据库总CRMs的份额一直较大,比例始终保持50%以上,其中工业领域的CRMs数量最多,占19%;有机、生物与临床类CRMs所占份额最少,仅为7%和3%。随着社会需求的增加,生物与临床、生活质量领域标准物质成为未来标准物质发展的热点方向。本文指出,未来标准物质的发展将由过去的钢铁、有色金属、物理特性等传统领域逐渐转向食品安全、环境保护、气候变化、临床医学、制药产业、生物能源等新兴领域,标准物质的研究制备、定值及不确定度将面临新的技术挑战。  相似文献   

中国地质标准物质研制和标准方法制定的成果与思考   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
简介了我国地质标准物质研制与标准方法制定的主要成果,重点讨论了其中在管理和技术方面值得思考的问题,并就提高我国地质标准物质水平,加速走向国际,提高国际影响力提出建议。  相似文献   

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